#professor kontos
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Sent by anonymous
‘Very sad to acknowledge that Professor Kontos had to leave Penderghast and move to Realm of Shadow. At least he seemed happy, poor thing…’
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starfurification · 5 months
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agattthaa · 5 months
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choicesbookclub · 3 months
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[The Elementalist Book Club]
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authoralexharvey · 8 months
hi Alex!!! i am back from camping so have a very late but very happy wbw <3
is there nature magic in the world of ASMLP+co?? does the miasma mess with plants and animals (is that where inhuman monsters come from?)?? does it affect water/water environments??
i hope you have a lovely day!!
- @magic-is-something-we-create
PAX MY FRIEND HELLO! I got this question during my last day of work and was so excited to answer it's been all I can think about. I know it's not Wednesday, but fuck it.
Firstly, in terms of nature magic... kind of? I think there's a lot of folk magic and folk tradition and things we would consider to be more traditional "witchcraft". It was also a lot more prominent pre-Ascension, as non-Luricae had to forge contracts with the Gods directly or with Luricae in order to access magic, and thus would have to have more "noble" reasons for such. I almost want to say everyone has very, very mild ability to influence the world around them, which leads to folk magic practices and ritual.
But like. All-out druid stuff?... Also kind of. There are shifters, for example, like my crow person Ronne, and mermaids like Jayashekar. Luricae can also use their powers to influence nature, and this resurfaces with Casters (especially of the Evocation persuasion) but it's oft not regarded that way?
"Does the Miasma mess with plants and animals?" it absolutely fuckin does and that's why this ask made me so excited. But don't take my word for it. Here's Doctor Chloe Duval from the prologue of ASMLP:
I submitted Dominique’s sample to Professor Kontos and found the… whatever it was had been covered in miasma, not blood. This struck me as odd, though, given every miasma sample I’ve recovered from Idune looks the same. It’s viscous and black and inky. These new samples seemed more like a halfway stage, something between miasma and blood. Does this mean blood can turn miasmic? Can blood be so easily corrupted?
And then, later on,
In a sick twist of fate, Laurent’s injuries have allowed me another look at the fluid we recovered from the deer corpse last week. It appears this same fluid surging through Laurent’s system now is what we sampled and recovered before. It’s behaving in similar fashion, animated and reaching. I have no doubts now as to what caused it. There are monsters stalking these woods. Are they related to the miasma we’ve studied in Idune?
And, lastly,
It’s difficult to quantify their makeup, but it’s reminiscent of slime mold. Only… more sentient. I set traps and fed a couple of the sites what small vermin I managed to catch. They consumed the offerings. Or perhaps, like the stick I lost, the animals drowned in their depths and are fermenting somewhere below.
All this to say, the miasma is sentient enough to wreck havoc on the world around it. And, depending on who you ask, it's a living force. It consumes things--potentially, given how scant the research on it is. I don't have anything wrote for this, but Idune in TWEfA is even worse-off, having been entirely engulfed in Miasma and of creatures warped by it.
"Does it effect water/water bodies" the answer here in my heart is also yes... but less so. Especially with Idune's placement to nearby water sources, including one which leads directly to the ocean... how could it not cause harm to the water as well? But there's less life in the water for it to cling to and be able to cause substantial damage with, know what I mean?
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bahainorge · 2 years
Klart FN-krav til Iran: Stopp forfølgelsene!
«Det internasjonale samfunn kan ikke forbli taust», fastslår Nazila Ghanea (bildet) og 7 andre FN-eksperter om forfølgelsene av bahá’íer og andre religiøse minoriteter.
Nazila Ghanea har nylig overtatt som FNs spesialrapportør for trosfrihet.
Det er Stefanus-alliansen som skriver dette på sin nettside. De viser til trosfrihetsorganisasjonen Article !8 som de samarbeider med.  
De siste ukene har bahá’íene igjen vært utsatt for massive forfølgelser med fengslinger og fjerning av rettigheter. Det har også vakt stor internasjonal oppmerksomhet at flere hjem i en landsby i nord-Iran, Roshankouh, er jevnet med jorda i regi av offentlige myndigheter. En video fra ødeleggelsene er sett over 3,4 millioner ganger på én Instagram-konto.    
Forfølgelsene har ført til sterke fordømmelser fra FN, nasjonale myndigheter, organisasjoner og til en massiv mediadekning.  
Falske beskyldninger mot bahá’íene
New York Times skrev at forfølgelsene utgjorde et «feiende angrep» («sweeping crackdown»). Associated Press publiserte en artikkel som blant annet er offentliggjort i Washington Post. Den forteller at til tross for beskyldninger mot bahá'íene fra Irans etterretningsdepartement, har ikke Iran dokumentert noe bevis til støtte for beskyldningene om at bahá’íene skal ha gjort noe ulovlig.  
Agence-France Presse har kalt situasjonen en "ny topp" og rapporterer at bahá'íene "sier at troens prinsipper oppmuntrer til en ikke-konfronterende tilnærming kjent som "konstruktiv motstand" og  veileder bahá’íene til å arbeide for det beste for landet og ikke rette seg mot myndighetene».
Associated Press og Reuters har også publisert nyhetsartikler om situasjonen.
“Den drepte jenta kunne vært meg”
Nazila Ghanea som er blant ekspertene som står bak FN-kravet om at Iran må stoppe forfølgelsene av religiøse minoriteter, er selv bahá’í. Siden tenårene har hun bodd i Storbritannia hvor hun er professor med trosfrihet som spesialfelt.   
I et intervju med Magasinet Stefanus sier hun at en ung bahá’i-jente som ble drept i Iran kunne vært henne.
Stefanus slår også fast at dersom Nazila Ghanea hadde bodd i Iran ville hun ikke kunne gå på universitetet. Det er forbudt for bahá’íer å ta høyere utdanning i Iran.
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storyofmychoices · 2 years
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SpreadJoy #428: spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters. Quote in edit by Nikki Banas
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 3, Scene 4 - The Approaching Storm
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: The heads of the Stoicheal Orders meet to discuss recent events.
Previous Scene: "That Distance Between Us"
Masterlist: Link
That night, several Penderghast professors sit around a large central table. They are surrounded by walls of brick, on which are flickering torches alternating with six elaborate stained-glass windows, each depicting a different Attunement’s motif. The only visible entrance to the room lies above them, where a round, recessed opening sits covered only by a shimmering stoicheal barrier. The seat in front of the Fire-themed window is empty, while the other five are all occupied.
DR. ENGLUND: Well then. Shall we begin?
A chorus of assents follows his statement. The others in the room turn their attention to the empty chair at the table. Dr. Religast shakes her head as she looks around at the others.
DR. RELIGAST: I see Evelyn is still absent. Has anyone heard from her recently?
Dr. Kontos sighs and shakes his head.
DR. KONTOS: Nothing. I... I fear the worst.
DR. RALLAH: I have tried tuning my most powerful pangasols to her signature, but they have all shown no response.
DR. ENGLUND: So she is either in the Archikeal Realm, or--
DR. RALLAH (irritated): Taerl, do you really think I haven’t tried that? I’ve traveled into the Archikeal Realm with the pangasols. Still nothing. Meaning--
DR. RELIGAST: She could be in the Between. That’s the only possibility left, other than...
Dr. Religast sighs, leaving the obvious alternative hanging unspoken. From his seat in front of the Water window, Dr. Vartokis clears his throat.
DR. VARTOKIS: Speaking of the Between, I believe we have a certain recent phenomenon to discuss, no? As of Induction Day, that makes two of these unusual “breaches” within the past year. Has anyone made any headway?
DR. ENGLUND: They appear to be isolated incidents. Some sort of unusual stoicheal pulse echoing throughout the Between, causing a temporary thinning of the barrier. From what I’ve managed to gather... these “pulses” both originated in the Archikeal Realm. And from the same location, besides.
DR. RALLAH: The same location? That cannot be a coincidence.
DR. RELIGAST: I agree. Do we know where?
Dr. Englund shakes his head.
DR. ENGLUND: Not yet.
DR. KONTOS: Which brings us to the matter of who might have interest in thinning the barrier. A certain someone who has been trapped inside. Has there been any activity from Highmore's cultists lately? Anything that might suggest he has escaped?
DR. RELIGAST: That’s the strangest part, Linden. As far as I can tell... there’s been absolutely nothing. So either he missed the opportunity to escape--
DR. ENGLUND: Doubtful.
DR. RELIGAST: --or he’s planning something big. Something that would need him to lie low until it’s ready.
DR. KONTOS: Do we know for certain that these “breaches” would allow an Attuned to escape? It may be that the barrier wasn’t weakened enough for--
Dr. Vartokis shakes his head.
DR. VARTOKIS: Someone escaped the Between during the second breach. I wasn’t certain before, but... from what I can tell, there is an incredibly powerful Water-Att on Penderghast’s campus at this very moment.
The others all turn to stare at him.
DR. RALLAH: You’re certain of this.
DR. VARTOKIS: Positive. Every once in a while, I get a feel for it. It’s a powerful Water-Att signature, no doubt about it.
DR. RELIGAST: If they’re a Water-Att, then it can’t be Highmore. And you’re sure whoever-it-is came from the Between?
DR. VARTOKIS: No other explanation. All transit in and out of Pennelia’s stoicheal bubble has been closely monitored. If a Water-Att this powerful had been spotted entering, I would’ve been told right away, no?
DR. RALLAH: You have a point. But still...
DR. VARTOKIS: I'll continue my investigation. It’s possible whoever-this-is was one of Highmore's followers. I know there were a few trapped inside along with him. I’ll get to the bottom of this.
DR. RALLAH: Good. Let us know as soon as you find anything. As for Dr. Swan’s continued absence... Maya?
DR. RALLAH: Yes, you. I want you to scour Pennelia’s bubble top to bottom. If Dr. Swan has been trapped in the Between, she likely found a way to leave us some sign to follow. Knowing her, it may even be something one can only identify from the air. Thus making you the perfect person for the job.
DR. RELIGAST (nods): I’ll do my best. Hopefully you’re right!
DR. ENGLUND: I will bring our concerns to Elise. It’s possible that, as dean, she has access to additional resources that may help us in these matters.
DR. RALLAH: Excellent suggestion. Which leaves you, Linden. You likely already know your assignment.
DR. KONTOS: Naturally. I will contact the other chapters of Gaia’s Sentinels. Together, we will intensify our search for any unusually powerful bursts of Wood or Life Stoichi throughout the Stoicheal Realms. If Highmore has indeed escaped, it is my duty to stop him. And that I shall do.
DR. RALLAH: Very good. And I will monitor all sources of reflection in the Pennelia bubble; if another breach occurs, I will be ready to take advantage of it to find Evelyn and retrieve her from the Between.
DR. ENGLUND: Then it seems our meeting has adjourned.
DR. RELIGAST: Let’s hope next time, Evelyn will be here with us.
As the professors get up from their chairs, they stop to glance forlornly at the empty Fire chair. One by one, each uses their particular brand of stoicheal technique to pass through the exit in the ceiling. Finally, Dr. Kontos is the last one to leave. He hesitates.
DR. KONTOS (muttering): Something isn’t right. But what...
He sighs and shakes his head. Then, with a flick of a wrist, he summons vines that grow down from the ceiling and wrap around his waist, lifting him gently up toward the exit after the others.
Notes: Now for something completely different... an entire scene without Fiora?! Weird. I'd wanted to have a few more of these "meanwhile with the professors" scenes for a while, but decided to wait until Dr. Vartokis got introduced formally. And it also made for a nice excuse to reveal some of the professors' first names!
Worldbuilding: Dr. Rallah mentioned a "pangasol." This is a device that, when activated by a powerful Metal-Att, performs a super-advanced version of the Locator spell from canon. Like the canon spell, the device requires an object belonging to the person/thing being searched for in order to work properly.
Next: To Ask a Question
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady @choicesbabie
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jlpplays1 · 4 years
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*Click on it for best quality* ☺️
❣️Learning how to brew the Daydream potion with Zeph in Professor Kontos' class!!!
..❣" Telling The Elementalists story with my edits, find them all on my page, here at: @jlpplays1editstheelementalists
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griffinshoodie · 4 years
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How many times do you think a student accidentally set his hair on fire before Kontos decided to hide behind a chalkboard when testing fire atts???
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griffinsabina · 4 years
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helentwombly · 5 years
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Thank you so much @abookishcreative for the transparents dear!
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pixelburied · 5 years
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This sign can't stop me because I can't read.
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choicesbookclub · 3 months
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Welcome to the Choices Book Club! We are currently reading The Elementalists (book one). We are reading 2 chapters a week and new polls and questions will be posted every Saturday.
This Week’s Chapter: Chapter 3: Spellbound & Chapter 4: Judgement Day
Question(s) of the Week: 
Did you complete the premium scene with Professor Kontos to learn more about your attunement? [Vote Here]
Was your MC ready for class or a break after placements? [Vote Here]
Which bubble did you try at the Mysterium? [Vote Here]
After the Mysterium did you complete a social quest? [Vote Here]
How would you rate Chapter 3 of The Elementalists? [Vote Here]
Which Familiar did you choose? [Vote Here]
Tell us more about your Familiar [Info Post]
Did you follow Beckett in the Library to track down the book? [Vote Here]
Did you acquire the book Magical Crimes of the 21st Century with Beckett's help? [Vote Here]
How would you rate Chapter 4 of The Elementalists? [Vote Here]
If playing for the first time, do you have any predictions? What do you think about the photo at the end of chapter 4?
*If you have a question or poll you'd like to see me add, just let me know
Catch up on previous MC related prompts:
What is your MC's name? [MC Name] If you have or create a profile for your MC let me know and I can add it to our MC directory.
What does your MC's dorm room look like? [Share Dorm Room]
How else to Participate:
Please note that the mod is working full time and has real life responsibilities, so reblogs may be delayed
Post reactions, screenshots, videos, ramblings, theories,… whatever comes to you while playing
Create drawings, edits, moodboards, fics, headcanons, songs, poems, etc based on the chapters and/or characters
Create a profile page for your MC and submit it to our MC directory
Catch up on any of the previous week's questions/prompts
Posts that tag @choicesbookclub and use “#choices book club” will be reblogged here. Please note that tags “#choices book club” seem to be more reliable than mentioning the blog.
If your post is not reblogged within 48 hours, please dm me a link @lovealexhunt. Thank you!
[Please read the full guide to the event and how to participate here]
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kinda-iconic · 5 years
Me when Kontos tested our attunements:
I have to take ANOTHER QUIZ?!? 👀
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marlcasters · 5 years
Kontos: Can anyone tell me the answer?
Zeph: *hand goes up*
Kontos: Zeph?
Zeph: No.
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