#dr Junichi
askthewohsiblings · 5 days
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More Towa City future division members picrew! In order: Masato Towa Chiyo Shingetsu Junichi Utsugi Sachie Kemuri & Ayana Daimon
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What are the things that I am excited to see in the upcoming RKDD anime
Warning: Long-ish. This is NOT spoiler-free, but you are all right if you are reading the manga
The onsen scene where Toto and Ron, whose body should indicate that he’s working out four hours every day, are naked, bathing, two feet probably apart, then Amamiya shows up, Venus-like
Ron doing his archery (Kyūdō), meticulous and very majestic
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Ron singing/humming his “Kamo, Kamo” ditty.
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The sound when Ron does his deduction ecstasy, his eyes sparkle.
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Ron breaking down due to depression and frustration (he told Toto once that it is better to take sleeping pills and get to sleep for three straight days; this sounds like a normal thing)
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Ron doing his hula hoop challenge during the Island Observatory Murder case.
Toto affirming he’ll support Ron no matter what
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Toto wouldn’t get sidelined. How will anime writer Wataru Watari interpret Toto? He’s so pure, but he’s not stupid. Making good at his work, helping those who are in need, solving crimes are not for kicks, but they are Toto’s principles to make sure that him working in the police force is something he can be proud of, especially if he would have gotten it through connections
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Toto doing his sutras for the dead (makura-kyo, literally death guidance/pillow sutra)
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Dr. Mofu wearing Ron’s platypus costume going for a swim
Depictions of Ron’s intake of brown sugar syrup
Winter Moriarty showing up serving with the androgynous looks. I clock Winter as a trans man and that the writer will designate, once and for all, which pronouns the character must use
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Honestly, I am curious of the soundtrack they are going to use. Samples of Yo Tsuji’s composition can be found here.
Lastly, that the anime will be made well, decent enough for the fans to be proud of. The ending scenes will make sense, the duo’s last shots will be iconic. And that second season won’t be far off.
My choices for the voice actors:
Ron Kamonohashi - Yuma Uchida (Jujutsu Kaisen, Given, Fruits Basket, Banana Fish, etc.) ; second choice - Kōki Uchiyama (his filmography is so longggg)
Totomaru Isshiki - Chiaki Kobayashi (Great Pretender, SK8 Infinity, Disney: Twisted-Wonderland, Moriarty the Patriot, etc.)
Amamiya - Marina Inoue (Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, etc.)
Milo Moriarty - Junichi Suwabe, hands down!
Winter Moriarty - Maaya Sakamoto, Romi Park, or Megumi Ogata
Spitz Feier - Nobunaga Shimazaki (Free!, Jujutsu Kaisen, Parasyte, Fruits Basket, etc.)
Dr. Hirsch - Tsuda Kenjiro (take him, take him!)
How about you? What are your expectations for the upcoming anime version? Your wishes for the RKDD anime? After all, it is Christmastime.
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themattress · 1 year
Unpopular Opinion Re:Pokemon
So, after a long time and a lot of hard work, we finally have the scripts to the legendary lost Best Wishes anime two-parter, “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!”  We’ve got the whole story.
I wish the 3/11 disaster had never happened...mostly because so many people would still be alive today and so much damage to Japan would not exist, but also because these episodes could have aired. And I wish the staff’s original plan for the overarching story for Best Wishes based on the Black/White games could have come to pass, as it would have been amazing.
However, in the end these wishes are hollow Ideals, and we have to face the harsh Truth. And part of this Truth is that Game Freak passed on doing a Gray version in favor of doing Black 2/White 2, which means the staff’s plan was going to be scuttled regardless of whether the 3/11 disaster transpired or not. They would’ve done Episode N and just placed Reshiram putting a halt to N’s coronation in the present day rather than two years prior. So that’s why....
....I’m kind of, sort of glad that “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!” never aired.
Don’t get me wrong! The executives in Japan not allowing the full episodes to be released in any capacity in favor of remaining Lost Media just because their events no longer line up with subsequent canon is stupid. They have lots of grown-up viewers who understand the facts and still won’t mind...heck, probably lots of kids as well! However, the episodes not being broadcast and being relegated to a nebulous space in Japanese canon ended up working to the series’ advantage when Tomioka and the other writers were freed up to recycle elements from them. Most specifically, in the Operation Tempest two-parter, which is honestly an even better pair of episodes than “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!” and I just have a hard time imagining them in any form other than the one they’re in now. If not for what transpired with “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!”, we might have never been blessed with this scene:
Pikachu using a giant Electro Ball on a nuclear space rock just doesn’t hit the same way that him using it on Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket whom Ash had never faced up until now and whom had always doubted Pikachu’s abilities when Jessie, James and Meowth talked them up. Pikachu doing it to save not only the entire Unova region but also Meloetta, a character that we’ve come to love and care about, is also far more dramatically satisfying.
Really, I’m more sore about how the show’s third year turned out due to Junichi Masuda’s Gen VI-related meddling (since it really should have been something more like this) than I am about “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!” and the intended arc it was setting up. As great as it would have been to see, it just wasn’t in the cards and, unlike said Gen VI-related meddling with the third year, I don’t believe that Best Wishes suffered all that much from its removal.
Tl;dr - I’m honestly kind of cool with this as all we have now.
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hi good morning it's OC time now :^)
the ultimate butler, junichi (he/him)
I was inspired to make him because of how disappointing i, personally, found kirumi's motive to be, so i wanted a butler/maid character who went a bit unhinged for a different reason. Also i just really think butlers r cool (<- guy who wants to be a butler).
Yes, he's a killer in my lil fan dr game plot. He kills 2 people to escape the threat of his talent being taken away. His talent as ultimate butler means a lot to him and he can't stand the thought of losing it.
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lirillith · 8 months
I've been in a funk lately and it makes me feel better to remember that the fall anime season is coming up, SO:
Delicious in Dungeon is based on quite possibly the best manga I've ever read, an absolutely delightful fantasy dungeon-crawler that applies genuine worldbuilding logic to everything - magic systems, the existence of dungeons in general, how adventurers are revived, where they poop, and how they bathe - and also features a ton of amazing food porn only all the food is made from monsters. Studio Trigger is making the adaptation. Yasunori Mitsuda is doing the music. My only concern is that it's on Netflix, but Netflix has been releasing anime weekly of late, so prayer circle they keep that up...
Tearmoon Empire is based on one of my all-time favorite LNs. The protagonist is a spoiled, self-absorbed princess who goes to the guillotine after a revolution in her country... only to wake up at the age of 12 from a nightmare, in possession of a blood-stained diary detailing the famine and plague that led up to the revolution, and her own awful behavior that led to her unpopularity. She sets out to try to do everything different this time, but while she's had some character growth thanks to losing everything, suffering, and dying - "imparting a kindness as deep as the deepest of cake trays and as broad as the broadest of teacups," to quote the novel's English translation - she's still a twelve-year-old girl and a spoiled, self-centered princess. So she proceeds to Irresponsible Captain Tylor her way through trying to avert disaster, and it's a delight from start to finish. The novels got an excellent, witty localization, and I do worry a little that the narrator could be cut, or won't be as funny in a different medium, or that the adaptation will fall flat - but I'm still excited to see how they adapt it.
I know it's weird that Spy x Family is only my third most-anticipated show for this season, but that's how I feel! Like, it's going to be great, but these two anime are adaptations I've been WAITING for, there's anticipation, doubt and excitement. We know Spy x Family is solid.
Frieren - By all accounts this is an excellent manga with a ton of talent lined up for its adaptation. I haven't read much of the manga, just a chapter or two, but I'm looking forward to the anime.
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned as an S-Rank Adventurer - A retired adventurer finds an abandoned baby, raises her as his daughter, and she follows in his footsteps as an adventurer. Everyone who hears this description immediately gets nervous, but source readers have confirmed: The usagi does not drop. The dad does not marry the daughter. They have a normal family relationship. The dad later finds an age-appropriate love interest who's not family. Also, the dad is a big muscular bearded man in his 40s who's voiced by Junichi Suwabe.
The Faraway Paladin - The first isekai on the list, this is the second season of a series that handled the "loser from our world reborn as a baby in a new world" premise with genuine creativity and heart, and managed to go an entire cour without any harem elements at ALL. The only traveling companion our title character picked up was a guy.
There's also the next season of Dr. Stone, the second season of "The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent" (isekai about an adult woman!) the Precure sequel following the cast of Yes! Precure 5 (and apparently Splash Star?) as adults, a couple of workplace comedies, a yuri otome game isekai, and I feel like I'm still overlooking one or two things.
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shirogane-oushirou · 6 months
not gonna rb it bc i think op might be a minor, but someone made a post asking "what would you do if your f/o's VA found out about your selfship?" and uh... oushirou's VA, suwabe junichi, technically did at one point??? kinda sorta???
tl;dr he came to my local con one year. i asked a question at his q&a, and in part of his answer he mentioned he's played a couple of the otome games he's voiced in, so he knows EXACTLY what an otome game is all about.
so when i went to his autograph session the next day and he recognized me as i walked up, saw that i'd brought my oushirou kareshi/danna cd for him to sign, and went 「お、キタァァァーー!」 (along the lines of "oh, THERE it is....!")... i think he knew the score to at least SOME degree JKHSNDFKJN.
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sulan1809 · 1 year
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Antes de Pokémon veio: PULSEMAN?!
Em 1994, Pulseman(パルスマン Parusuman) foi lançado ao SEGA Mega Drive exclusivamente no Japão pelas mãos da Game Freak, antes mesmo do fenômeno mundial Pokémon, e mais tarde recebeu tradução não-oficial para o inglês feita por fãs. Este game foi idealizado por Ken Sugimori, que mais tarde viria a trabalhar na franquia Pokémon junto de Satoshi Tajiri e Junichi Masuda. No ano de 1999, o Dr. Yoshiyama criou uma inteligência artificial através do supercomputador Amabilis, que era conhecida como “C-Life”. O Dr. Yoshiyama se apaixonou pela garota cibernética que ele mesmo criou, digitalizando a si mesmo com o pretexto de se aproximar dela. Mais tarde, o Dr. Yoshiyama combinou o DNA dele com o núcleo de programa da garota C-Life, e da união entre eles, nasceu um garoto metade humano, metade C-Life, denominado Pulseman. A natureza dupla de Pulseman permite a ele transitar livremente pelo mundo real e pelo ciberespaço, e ele possui o dom de manipular eletricidade. Mais tarde, no ano de 2015, a misteriosa organização denominada Galaxy Gang, liderada pelo terrível Dr. Waruyama, inicia uma série de crimes por todo o mundo e Pulseman vai ao encalço de Waruyama para deter as ambições dele. Pressionar o direcional para a direita ou para a esquerda duas vezes faz Pulseman deslizar, envolvendo-o em uma aura elétrica para ativar dois movimentos; Pressionar o comando  “A” ativa o volteccer, que é utilizado para progredir em certos locais, o comando “B” serve para ataques, como o famoso “Slash Arrow”, e o comando “C” é usado para pular.     
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twiainsurancegroup · 25 days
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thyele · 1 year
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ラフティング - Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A9%E3%83%95%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0
JUNICHI ずんいちさん「【Release】 この曲「Just Only You」を演るために @BurgundyRain を結成し遂にリリースできました。 是非ダウンロードしてください! ⭕Just Only You https://t.co/Gjydv5tWla 🆕I Believe https://t.co/LscueDTOxu 【MV Just Only You】 https://t.co/q4L9UAjxO3 https://t.co/pMzQcm0kbq」https://twitter.com/JunPlasmajet/status/1599749767047041029
THE BARRELS(ザ・バレルズ)1stフルアルバム発売中!12/11(日)立川BABELさん「◼️THE BARRELS『TRUTH』 THE BARRELSからNew MV投下! 闘将NOBUの怒りと哀しみの咆哮を聴け! 爆炎のギターヒーローTAMOTSUが放つ閃光のギターソロを聴け! 大魔神KOUKIが繰り出す大地を粉々に砕く重低音を聴け! 「哀しみ、その中に真実を知る・・」 ▼MVはこちらから! https://t.co/E7F6QZk4As https://t.co/gL9P9R0MMd」https://twitter.com/THEBARRELS69/status/1550726858962272257
THE BARRELS(ザ・バレルズ)1stフルアルバム発売中!12/11(日)立川BABELさん「12/11の立川BABEL年末メタルフェスの予習にTHE BARRELSの激アツライブをとくと見よ!🔥🔥🔥 TEAM A'THRASHさん! 有難うございました! そしてメタラーの皆!来週の日曜は立川BABELに集まるべし! 配信もあります! 来場チケットはDMで予約! 配信チケットはこちらから! https://t.co/cZhHs1wA5u」https://twitter.com/THEBARRELS69/status/1599685344609599489
THE BARRELS(ザ・バレルズ)1stフルアルバム発売中!12/11(日)立川BABELさん「激アツに燃えた柏ThumbUpからSTRONGER THAN ALLをお届けするぜ!🔥🔥🔥 次回は12/11(日)に立川BABELの年末メタルフェス!THE BARRELSは18:30から出演!3ヶ月連続での兀突骨との対バン最終日! 来場チケットはDMでお取り置きいたします!配信チケットは下記から! https://t.co/cZhHs1wA5u https://t.co/TuDqLfxHxk」https://twitter.com/THEBARRELS69/status/1594181621053554689
杉本善徳さん「今夜は早めの時間に運ぶぞ… https://t.co/QTDs2GxWPR」https://twitter.com/ys1126/status/1601190171650953217
舜(NEiN,覇叉羅,MIRAGE🎸✨)さん「ガンズアンドローゼスのドキュメント観たりなお休み(*´﹃ `*) スウィートチャイルドオブマイン弾きたくなるな🎸✨ 昨日は今年最後の満月見てたらでっかい流れ星が見えて驚きました。 https://t.co/ZdNoDTGDzT」https://twitter.com/shun_thefuzzbox/status/1601093820854464512
横山企画室さん「「Karyu-18」(個人的創作M55)はKaryu君から一先ずOK出た♪ やったね^^v 「Karyu-19」(個人的創作M56)はもう少しお待ちください♪」https://twitter.com/yokodile01/status/1601096456248573953
HMV&BOOKS SHIBUYAさん「【#中島卓偉】 大好評により品切れしておりました、『BIG SUNSHINE』HMV限定特典のDVDと一緒に再入荷いたしました~📢✨ 現在レジ前にてドドンと展開中です💁🏻 ご来店お待ちしております🚎💨 #卓偉 #BIGSUNSHINE https://t.co/x7oiPsCzW8」https://twitter.com/HmvBooksShibuya/status/1601085225341419520
舜(NEiN,覇叉羅,MIRAGE🎸✨)さん「YouTubeに笑っていいとも!の櫻井敦司さん→hideさんの回があってテレビにかじりついてる。 hideさんは最初のソロツアーの頃だったんだなぁ…(*´﹃ `*)」https://twitter.com/shun_thefuzzbox/status/1601107032022867969
nao 首振りDollsさん「バーカンないから酒がない上に喉乾いちゃうね。 ワンドリンクもないものね。心配。 みなさん上手い具合にお願いします。 喉の潤いは大切に。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1601108771576893441
nao 首振りDollsさん「事前物販ですっからかんにしたってくれい。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1601109085730254848
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「#Nowplaying ミスターK - CHIROLYN (HIROSHI) このボーナストラックに入ってるムード歌謡みたいな曲、普通にフルで聴きたいんだけどどこかにあったりしないのかしら。 https://t.co/0LWlZ9svDM」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1601113452206227457
seekさん「Psycho le Cemu御一行。 一路大阪へ。 東京出発して4時間。 まだ神奈川。。」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1601118366407995392
gibkiy gibkiy gibkiyさん「【本日の公演】 12月9日(金)新宿LOFT "to death & too death" 【出演】 gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy COPY BAND M: 眞呼(Vo./ deadman) aie(Gt.) ミヤ(Gt./ MUCC) kazu(Ba.) 晁直(Drs./ lynch.) COPY BAND D: kazuma(Vo.) 結生(Gt. / メリー) 人時(Ba.) sakura(Drs.) ※当日券販売あり 7,500円(D別) https://t.co/6GYIbEcLe8」https://twitter.com/gibkiy_official/status/1601119785101643776
姫草雛奈子(主役)12/18さん「【XTEEN 姫草雛奈子 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION】 ❤︎ #SnowBlack ❤︎ 12/18/Sunday/Shinjuku club SCIENCE 【SHOW】 XTEEN with the EXORCISTS Heroine is Me xxx 【GUEST OF HONOR】 Isiliel めろん畑a go go ANTI FEMINISM *SPECIAL GUEST BAND ACT ノーマルチケットも受付開始よ💋 https://t.co/y5Mme5RpDL」https://twitter.com/heroineismexxx/status/1598690978654990336
nao 首振りDollsさん「ツアーファイナル前、最後のリハスタ。 明日は池袋。 絶対にいい音楽届ける。 心意気が大事。 音楽は愛情で味が決まる。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1601133843960188931
高橋 浩一郎(Kaiki)さん「ずーとゆきとステージにたてれたらうれいしな、はじめてかもね ビビアンリーがなかったらシルバーローズは、ないもんな、頑張ろう。」https://twitter.com/STakahashi0823/status/1601138944233836544
LUNA SEAさん「【SLAVE MEETING 2022 ストリーミング生配信決定!】 12/23(金)開催「SLAVE MEETING 2022」の会員限定生配信が決定!! 本日より視聴配信チケット受付開始! SLAVE発足30周年記念のプレミアムトークイベント。是非お見逃しなく!! 詳しくはこちら https://t.co/VhS0Eoswdk https://t.co/q5cqLKDJNl https://t.co/3jn0Mgucgl」https://twitter.com/LUNASEAOFFICIAL/status/1601139599769837569
楽天チケットさん「◤ 楽天チケット先行受付開始 ◢ @YoshikiOfficial @HydeOfficial_ @SUGIZOofficial @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL 話題のスーパーバンド #TheLastRockStars ( @LAST_ROCKSTARS )の日本公演! 先行抽選受付中⚠️お申込みは 12月15日(木)23:59まで⚠️ 🔻詳しくはこちら https://t.co/o1Lge7hbyx https://t.co/e278X1DGEd」https://twitter.com/RakutenTicket/status/1601139609211179012
SOPHIA_OFFICIALさん「🌻お知らせ🌻 SOPHIA LIVE 2022“#SOPHIA” ~Special Edition~ 日本武道館公演&LIVE終演直後のインタビュー映像を盛り込んだ“スペシャルエディション" 12月21日(水)20時〜WOWOWで独占放送・配信‼️ 抽選でサイン入Tシャツを10名様にプレゼント🌻 https://t.co/g6dHQvXtDv #SOPHIA日本武道館」https://twitter.com/SOPHIA_OFFICIAL/status/1601140934170664961
キリ(luin) 2023/1/20池袋手刀単独公演さん「本日【IOLITE-アイオライト-】池袋手刀◎物販コーナーにて〜 大容量チョコケースと、CDが縦に詰められるキャンバストートバッグがたいへんお買い得になっている御様子です∑(゚Д゚) 着心地やわらかTシャツも引き続きおすすめです◎ CDは勿論ゲット推奨でございます💿 https://t.co/F0WnI53SYh」https://twitter.com/kiri_drums/status/1601141502948040704
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「【アオイトリ/MIMIZUQ】 半年ぶりとなる新譜は跳ねるようなキャッチーさが心地よい、小洒落た雰囲気のポップナンバー。Vo.森翼氏の軽やかな歌い方が曲調と相まってファンタジーとロックを見事に融合させている。メンバー編成からPsycho le Cémuと比較したくなるが、別のバンドである理由は顕著。 https://t.co/gjJAI39uUu」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1601142040695549954
KING OFFICIALさん「プレミア配信 配信開始 https://t.co/5FJzQnnCr1」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1601144056209616896
JOYSOUND公式🎁30周年記念キャンペーン実施中!さん「/ 📣続報 12/16(金)詳細情報解禁! \ SOPHIA SPECIAL TALK LIVE in みるハコ 〜LIVE 2023 "return to OSAKA" 直前生配信〜 📅12/20(火) 19:30〜 ※無料でご覧いただけます 視聴方法や視聴店舗の情報は12/16に公開‼ みるハコとは? https://t.co/ikzcVWYIUu #JOYSOUND #みるハコ」https://twitter.com/JOYSOUND_PR/status/1601139589758029825
森翼/MIMIZUQさん「大阪でLive決まりました。 1/8心斎橋・夜を灯して 昼 サナダヒデト×森翼 op13:00 / st13:30 前売り4000円(D別) 夜 op18:00 / st18:30 前売り4000円(D別) 夜は対面式の2マン。 一曲ずつ交互に歌うスタイル 予約は[email protected] 12/20の22:00〜 お目当てのアーティストお忘れなく🙏✨」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1601147178465914881
中島卓偉さん「今月最後の配信ライヴ、YouTubeメンバーシップは20時からではなく19時30分からの配信にさせてください!よろしくお願い致します! #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1601147210854371329
首振りDollsさん「【明日の公演のご案内⚡︎】 ▶︎12/10(土) 池袋Club Mixa ※SOLD OUTにつき当日券はございません。 [先行物販] 16時〜B2F入口前 ※混雑を避ける為整列入場にご協力ください。 [入場順] 1~15番 17:25集合 16~30番 17:30集合 31~45番 17:35集合 46番以降 17:40集合 ※各プレイガイド並列入場 https://t.co/kqU0drUoCW」https://twitter.com/KubihuriDolls/status/1601148751917088768
横山企画室さん「ちょいゆるめ https://t.co/kqjpF0D8vk #HUG」https://twitter.com/yokodile01/status/1601151139113684994
タワーレコード渋谷店さん「【#中島卓偉】 7年ぶりのオリジナルアルバム 『BIG SUNSHINE』大好評発売中です! 3Fにてパネル展も開催中🔥 商品ご購入の方にはパネルが当たる 抽選券もお渡ししております✨ ☞https://t.co/09ETMAdViE 是非お立ち寄りください😆(mh) https://t.co/I08Mlw8aAv」https://twitter.com/TOWER_Shibuya/status/1601065082779496448
中島卓偉さん「明後日11日大阪でインストアライヴやります!13時と16時の2ステージ。 曲も被らず歌います!サイン書きます! ニューアルバムの曲も歌いますが、#悔しいわ ! Calling You!My Days For You!STAY TOGETHER! 無駄に歌います!見るのただ! https://t.co/TXDJua0QIg #中島卓偉 #卓偉 @warnermusic_jp」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1601154692456726531
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「https://t.co/mdposUV1lX」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1601155681221955584
石井麻木さん「追加開催決定!💫 石井麻木写真展"20年の眼" at 福岡 博多阪急7階イベントホール『ミューズ』 2023.1/18(水)〜23(月) 入場無料 ニコンプラザが企画してくださった写真家として20年の写真展。 追加開催の仙台に続き福岡にも持っていかせていただきます! ぜひお越しください😊 #石井麻木20年の眼 https://t.co/UmG68C1n1w」https://twitter.com/ishii_maki/status/1601155064860581888
石井麻木さん「■展示アーティストさん 片平里菜 清春 Kj(Dragon Ash) チバユウスケ 怒髪天 永山瑛太 BRAHMAN 細美武士 ホリエアツシ 堀江博久 松田龍平 リリー・フランキー ROTTENGRAFFTY and more(五十音順・敬称略) ほか、俳優さんやジャケ写、ライブ写真等のスライド投影もあります。 #石井麻木20年の眼」https://twitter.com/ishii_maki/status/1601155505678069761
石井麻木さん「20年の作品たちのなかから、たくさんの心象風景と共に一部アーティストさん達の、厳選に厳選を重ねた写真作品も展示販売させていただきます。 福岡会場より作品数も増えます! 作品のご購入は会期中に会場にてオーダーいただき約1ヶ月後のお届けになります📨 ぜひお迎えください😊 #石井麻木20年の眼 https://t.co/JvoLxP0O9A」https://twitter.com/ishii_maki/status/1601155712297467905
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「お疲れ様でした🌙 ブログ更新しました! https://t.co/trqIcZ7Zwz」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1601156921859354624
邪悪四弦LINAさん「ROSENFELD 2022.12/10 心斎橋SHOVEL [BRAINCRUSH OF THE EMPIRE] 紅番区-RedbronX  2022.12/11 滋賀BARI-HARI [LIVE ATTACK!! VOL.8] 個人的(あ、VENもやな)2DAYSです。 両日おもっくそやるぞオラ!(°_°) https://t.co/J5pBy7geTz」https://twitter.com/L_ch_vazm/status/1601157903968514048
YOSHIKI SUPERSTAR PROJECT X【公式】さん「#YOSHIKI SUPERSTAR PROJECT X 募集締切まで 2週間をきりました たくさんの素晴らしいパフォーマンス動画が 集まっています! 引き続き、皆さんのエントリー お待ちしています 応募する▶︎https://t.co/DhwYVNs2uR #yoshikisuperstar #yoshikiオーディション @YoshikiOfficial @RealGold_XY https://t.co/d3p3Bb5R24」https://twitter.com/yoshiki_s_star/status/1600324511383289857
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askthewohsiblings · 3 days
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Have another Towa city future foundation division gang Neka composer! Ft Masato Towa Chiyo Shingetsu Junichi Utsugi Sachie Kemuri Ayana Daimon
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newsintheshell · 2 years
CRUNCHYROLL: altre novità confermate per questo autunno
La nuova stagione è già iniziata, ma gli annunci non sono ancora finiti!
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Nel post con il reveal ufficiale del palinsesto autunnale 2022 ve lo avevo anticipato, ma ormai si sa come funziona con Crunchyroll, no? Un po’ di annunci arrivano mesi prima, il grosso viene confermato a qualche giorno dall’inizio della nuova stagione e poi in corsa si aggiunge qualche altro titolo, tanto perché avere più di 30 serie in simulcast non è abbastanza, a quanto pare! xD
Più precisamente, ci eravamo lasciati con alcune incognite: la quarta stagione di GOLDEN KAMUY e la terza stagione di THE DAILY LIFE OF THE IMMORTAL KING sono state confermate in stealth e sono già partite, ieri poi è stata aggiunta, a sorpresa, la serie completa di THE MILLIONAIRE DETECTIVE - BALANCE: UNLIMITED.
Per i prossimi giorni, però, sono state annunciate altre novità, ecco quali.
Nuova serie animata originale, nata dalla nuova collaborazione fra Cygames e P.A.WORKS (Umamusume: Pretty Derby, Ya Boy Kongming!), diretta da Soichi Masui (Sakura Quest, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai).
Prequel che copre una parte del 16° volume del celebre shojo manga di Natsuki Takaya, non riportata nella serie televisiva. Il lungometraggio contiene anche una breve compilation delle tre stagioni dell’anime (per le quali speriamo quindi arrivino i sottotitoli in italiano prima o poi) e alcune nuove scene scritte dall'autrice, ambientate dopo il finale della storia originale.
Quinta stagione della serie animata di casa TMS ENTERTAINMENT (Lupin The 3rd, Dr. Stone) , basata sul popolare manga sportivo sul ciclismo giovanile di Wataru Watanabe.
Commedia sentimentale tratta dal manga di Yuki Kanamaru, prodotta presso STUDIO MOTHER (Arifureta: From a Detour to the World’s Strongest - Stagione 2) e diretta da Junichi Yamamoto (Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen).
Commedia scolastica ispirata al manga di Madoka Kashihara, con protagoniste quattro studentesse, ognuna con un insospettabile segreto. 
L’adattamento è diretto da Makoto Hoshino (KIing’s Raid: Successors of the Will, Banished From The Hero’s Party I Decided To Live A Quiet Life In The Countryside) e sta venendo realizzato presso STUDIO FLAD (Banished From The Hero’s Party I Decided To Live A Quiet Life In The Countryside).
La lungamente attesa seconda stagione di “Kantai Collection” (abbreviato comunemente in KanColle), la serie animata del popolare franchise nato con l’omonimo videogioco di C2 Kikan. 
La nova stagione sarà diretta da Kazuya Miura (Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs,Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!) presso lo studio ENGI (Kemono Michi: Rise Up, Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!) e, ahimè, sarà composta solo da 8 episodi (*sob* T_T).
Ormai di donghua (gli anime cinesi, per intenderci) ce ne sono diversi sulla piattaforma e, pur essendo spesso molto piacevoli e abbastanza originali di per sé, lo scoglio maggiore per molti rimane quello della lingua: siamo così abituati alla cadenza suadente del giapponese, che il mandarino ci risulta totalmente straniante. 
Se questo è il vostro caso, per fortuna, questa stagione ci viene in aiuto un progetto di ridoppiaggio. Questa serie di corti, tratta dalla commedia slice of life firmata da Lingzi, approderà in streaming nella lingua del Paese del Sol Levante.
Per concludere, è stata fissata la data di debutto per il terzo ed ultimo episodio dell’OAV, che farà da ponte per la seconda stagione della serie animata, in arrivo da aprile 2023, tratta dal popolare manga fantasy di Kore Yamazaki, edito in Italia da Star Comics.  
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Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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ao3feed-narlie · 7 months
Danganronpa: Magic Lies
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/25SFqdQ by koreKIYOtaka19 15 adolescentes y un adulto fueron encerrados en una misteriosa escuela donde son obligados a matarse entre ellos Words: 7381, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español Series: Part 3 of Fanganronpa Series Fandoms: Haikyuu!!, 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Dr. STONE (Anime), 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., SK8 the Infinity (Anime), Blue Lock (Manga), バクテン!! | Bakuten!! | Backflip!! (Anime), 東京卍リベンジャーズ | Tokyo Revengers (Anime), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, 古見さんはコミュ症です。 | Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu | Miss Komi Can't Communicate (Anime), Heartstopper (Webcomic), Jackson's Diary (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Kita Shinsuke, Kochou Shinobu, Higashikata Josuke (JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable), Kinrou (Dr. STONE), Hairo Kineshi, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Wanima Junichi, Shichigahama Masamune, Shiba Hakkai, Kugisaki Nobara, Marco Bott, Tadano Hitohito, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Jackson Smith, Exer Campbell Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/25SFqdQ
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themattress · 1 year
Another post on how the original plan that Atsuhiro Tomioka and the writers had for Best Wishes’ Myth Arc can be gleamed by what ended up happening in XY, both when and how.
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Ghetsis, the intended co-Big Bad alongside Giovanni in Best Wishes, was slated to debut in BW024, which was the direct follow-up to the events of BW022 and BW023. And when did Lysandre, the Big Bad in XY, debut? The first The Strongest Mega Evolution special, which aired before XY022. The second of these specials aired between XY049 and XY050, the third between XY064 and XY065, and the fourth at the end of XY’s second year when the episode count had entered the 90s. So what’s the correlation to those points of time in Best Wishes?
BW049 and BW050 was Team Rocket’s mission to hijack the Nimbasa City Subway to pull off a massive Pokemon theft operation, which included Dr. Zager returning to Unova after having left in BW024. If the original plan was in effect, there almost certainly would have been mention of Team Plasma here, since Team Rocket was to be primarily motivated in increasing their offensive power to stand against them. BW064 was the start of a storyline continued in BW065 and BW066, which introduced Cedric Juniper and the Golden Dark Stone in the Black Hero’s Ruins (so if the original plan was in effect Team Plasma would show up here and attempt to claim the Golden Dark Stone for N, failing and needing to settle for the Light Stone later on), and also brought back the Sunglasses Krokorok after his previous showing back in BW023. Incidentally, this was also preceded by Team Rocket’s attempt to claim the Forces of Nature, and the end of the show’s second year when the episode count entered the 90s was all about their second attempt at it, which included Giovanni returning to Unova after having left in BW024. Again, defeating Team Plasma would have been cited as a factor behind these attempts if the original plan was in effect, rather than simply conquering Unova.
However, as it stands, Team Plasma lost out with the change of plans. They couldn’t even end up dominating the third and final year of Best Wishes (aka Episode N) the way Team Flare did the third and final year of XY (aka XY&Z), since Junichi Masuda’s swell-headed ambitions for Gen VI meant that Episode N wound up just being 14 episodes sandwiched between the last of 11 of vanilla Season 2 and the 20 (+2 specials) of Decolore Adventures.
I love you, Lysandre, but I’ll always be kind of bitter your gain was through Ghetsis’ loss.
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semitransparent-glob · 7 months
not sure how to word this but im just curious about kazuyas design and character? :0 i was wondering why and in what ways her character was inspired by nagito, and other characters' inspiration from other canon characters, not in a bad way at all its just interesting to me in how canon dr does this as well and the function and purpose it serves in implications and expectations it creates for the characters. its really fun to me :3
also i really like your ocs, their designs, talents, personalities, etc is all really cool !!
thank u!!! kazuya is prob the most obviously based off of a canon dr character but he's not the only one, and in fact i made a lil chart a while ago for who is based off of what canon dr character, whether it be for personality or design
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Kazuya was the first dr oc i made and i had a clear idea in my head of what i wanted them to be. Me and some friends were talking about how it would be awesome if komaeda was a lesbian instead and i said hey, what if i just make an oc exactly like that. But as much as he is a direct inspiration from nagito i try to keep him a bit different (or at least i hope i do).
But kazuya also has an in-universe reason for his connection to nagito :^3c. This cast is kinda like the v3 cast in that they are fictional characters with implanted memories, but unlike v3 they got to design and create the characters they play themselves, even if they didn't know that's what was going to happen at the time. So for kazuya, before he got his memories wiped he was a huge komaeda fan and wanted to be just like him lol, so that's why he made his own character like that
i could go into a lot more detail for the other charas on the chart but i'm gonna try and keep it relatively brief and put it under a readmore
starting from the left column and going down, Emiko was kinda passively inspired by komaru, but they ended up very similar in some ways. Their designs are similar and they have similar types of confidence issues that lead to inaction. Also they are both in love with girls who are terrible (said lovingly).
Haruka's design was based somewhat on byakuya's, and i sometimes even joke and call him 'femme byakuya'. But also his snobbishness is a trait i stole from him as well. But, like celeste, his air of sophistication is all a lie to make it seem like he's not just some guy.
skipping kazuya
For ayumi i kinda just stole leon's motive and his thing where he wants to be something other than what he's actually talented at. For ayumi its that she wants to be a philosopher. Also she is the first killer.
Chou's is pretty simple i just took the mask design element more than anything else
and for the right column, Hideaki shares in toko and byakuya's idea that no one can be trusted and that cooperation will not work in monokuma's killing game. Hideaki is also an author like toko and his demeanor is similar to her's as well, but perhaps not as extreme
Rokurou is like gonta in that they are the muscle charas but they have ultimates in STEM rather than a sport like you'd expect. And rokurou is like mikan in that he is a nervous wreck
Junichi was very directly inspired by kirumi, because i love the concept of an ultimate maid, and i think butlers are cool. I wanted to make a character that was what i thought kirumi was going to be when i first played the game. Basically, i wanted a chara who was depended upon too much, and snapped as a result, but in a much more selfish way than kirumi. His motive for murder is very much inspired by celeste (he also wants to be rich and live in a mansion) and he is the ch 3 killer who kills two people.
Once again i borrowed byakuya's snobbishness for kimiko's character. I put the imposter on there as well because kimiko kinda becomes a bit of a leader in ch 1, keeping everyone together and working towards a goal (in her own bossy way) until she becomes the first victim, much like the imposter.
Lastly, ryuuji is a lot like mondo in his mannerisms, but like kazuichi he cracks easily and is a huge wuss.
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didyouknowgaming · 4 years
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Did you know Pokemon encounter rates are higher or lower in Diamond & Pearl depending what day you're playing? It's easier to find wild Pokemon on Junichi Masuda's birthday, but harder on September 11.
Source: bit.ly/3cTPqEo More Gen 4 Facts: youtube.com/watch?v=XlYtVwMeGP4
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erin-the-artsome · 5 years
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A draw of my True Crime Novelist boi Junichi as a 13 year old kid
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