#downright feral
spaceagerabbit · 1 year
my inability to like things a normal amount and needing to know everything there is to know about the stuff i like being the reason i find out that norman reedus is in lady gaga’s ‘judas’ music video. AS JUDAS.
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"I don't know how someone who dislikes insects as much as you gets stung so often- have you seen Poppy for this?"
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halavibe · 3 months
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ateez in salary lupin ep. 7
these parts were so difficult to choose ㅠㅠ
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elvenbeard · 11 months
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Road Trip 2/4 🏜️
Absolutely no smoking allowed in the car (cause it's Vince's baby... coffee and fastfood to go are already pushing the limit), but it's important to take breaks anyway when you're on the road for a while, crammed into a tiny, hot space together!
... to enjoy the new sceneries, stretch your legs, and give big hugs to make up for being stupid a little while earlier about something that doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things.
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ultranos · 2 years
Sometimes I think about how 11 year old Azula watched her father burn half her brother's face off, and how we're apparently supposed to think that had no impact on her.
Sometimes I wonder if the people who think that have ever met, much less interacted with, an actual living human child.
And not just weird cardboard cutouts from a Puritan puppet theater morality play.
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i've never found a sex worker online whose content i could really justify spending my money on (not bc i didn't think they made good content, but bc i thought of it as a financial burden and an indulgence i couldn't reasonably justify to myself), but damn mistress noir is really making me Reconsider(TM) akdsjfhg i really wanna give her some of my hard earned cash lol
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tewwor · 8 months
* & don't think i forgot about this one too :o) — @hnjwn
It’s only when the look of ravenous scrutiny mirrors onto Joo-won’s face, does his own start to slip. An imaginary breath is nearly robbed clean from his lungs. To see such severe features shift into a cutting smile, have the full attention of that intense stare. 
How utterly breathtaking it is.
He’s known to dive headfirst into anything tempting ( always edged with danger, of course ), but this — he is on a whole new level. There’s simply no other option than to be captivated, enraptured for as long as Joo-won desires.
Not that he’d make the taking easy, though. 
“Whoa, whoa— first you ask the most vague question in existence, and then you barrage me with a million?” If this was anyone else, he would’ve slipped in a laugh to draw things out even longer. Really take his time to shuffle the ball back in his own court. But this was Han Joo-Won and time was never of the essence whenever it came to inquiring on a personal level. So he saves his breath. Sorts out what he wants his counterpart to pick apart first.
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“I persist because you also hold your cards so tightly to your chest that it needs to be pried free even for the smallest detail. You're peculiar in a way that most people don't bother to understand. But I want to. I'll put in the effort and jump through any hoops just to know more about you. Why?" He scoffs lightly, smiles that much more tender relaxed. "Same reason as why you take the time to figure me out even though you say I'm annoying and foolish and a fucking know-it-all. You don't even like to converse with people that aren't concise or align yourself with society as a whole."
"Yet here we are. Here you are, asking me the same things you've probably asked yourself like the answer could be something different.”
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rjalker · 1 year
"you can cull invasive species but you shouldn't enjoy it" no actually I think people should in fact be allowed to enjoy helping their fucking environment.
People in Australia hunting and shooting cats and being proud of it and making hats out of their fur? Good for fucking them. You don't get to tell people they are not allowed to have fun with killing invasive species that are destroying their native ecosystems. People are in fact allowed to enjoy hunting and it does not in fact make them a bad or cruel person. No, not even if the animal they're hunting is feral cats.
You do not get to demand people feel bad about killing invasive species just because you'd feel bad about doing the same. Especially when the invasive species was something specifically brought over by white colonizers.
Stop fucking shaming people for killing invasive species. Stop demanding people feel bad about killing invasive species. Stop demanding that people who kill invasive species live up to your "tragic but necessary" idea of how this is supposed to work. People do not have to feel sad for the invasive species they kill to be doing good fucking work.
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switchblade-serenade · 5 months
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nik-the-bik · 1 year
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me looking for more henriel content without having to make said content got me treating fic/art i've looked at 100 times already like
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quotidian-oblivion · 6 months
I don't know what's going on but I'm crushing on a character's smile, not the character nor the actor himself
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unhinged-nymph · 9 months
Slutty blue bellbottoms? Did I miss something?
As seen here, here, and especially here.
Also featured in this fic lol.
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katamarigender · 5 months
"it was weird when that guy started behaving like an animal they should have done it less" okay well i dont think so. I think he should do it more.
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ow-anteater · 1 year
*through clenched teeth during the entire runtime of Glass Onion*: I want to chew on Daniel Craig’s tits a normal amount
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rubbcrhosemoved · 1 year
unhinge feral king unhinge feral king unhinged feral king--
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inkykeiji · 10 months
I don't want think about Jouno, being that. Nor do I want to think about Chuuya being undead. Which means dead too, right? My heart is in pieces.
Little guy just demanded that I stopped watching latest episode, because he wanted to watch too. I teased him that would still watch the last few without him. You should have seen his face. It was so adorable.
Oh, he and I talked about Chuuya being cured of his vampirism (don't know of that's possible, now that I think of it), how pissed he's going to be. And how devastating duo Dazai and Chuuya would be then. What do you think? -🦒
bsd spoilers!!
i'm not sure undead = fully dead!!! chuuya's case is different from aku's and jouno's because he wasn't killed before he was bitten; he was fully alive. but i totally feel u!!! all my faves are dying :// jouno makes me fuCKING FERAL THOUGH oh my good god i swear to the lord i become so fucking primitive every time i see him i can't even explain it!!! i love him!!!!!!!!
AWWWWW HEHE that's sooooo cute omg <3 i think it's really sweet that you guys watch anime together and have something you can share and enjoy together like that!!
oooh okay! so take this with a grain of salt but in bram stoker's novel dracula, there technically is a character that gets cured of her vampirism, so i wouldn't be surprised if there is somehow a way in bsd to cure those bitten before they died as well. i think all hope is lost for aku and jouno tho, which really kills me to say because they're two of my absolute favourites :(((
chuuya is definitely going to be beyond livid if he does come back from being a vampire HAHAHA aaah i have no idea how he'd feel to learn of what he was forced to do to dazai, but i'd put money on him being upset that it happened. truthfully, i don't think chuuya actually wants to kill dazai despite how much i do think he genuinely dislikes him (hates him but respects him, essentially), but i could see him framing it as being ‘upset’ that he didn't get to kill dazai of his own accord, in his own way and by his own choice.
if dazai isn't actually dead, i could see him holding this above chuuya's head in his trademark silly sarcastic condescending way without actually harbouring any hard feelings toward chuuya for what happened, since it was technically fyodor who did this.
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