#double stripes is the new double denim
linilunilumi · 2 months
Schloss Einstein Staffel 26 Rewatch pt. VI
Folge 1037 & 1038
Kino-date aftermath: Wie lange hat Noah wohl in dem dunklen Keller gehockt und auf Colin gewartet? Saß er da stundenlang? Oder wusste er, dass Colin gleich seine Wäsche machen möchte? Teilen die beiden schon ihre Haushaltspläne miteinander? they're married actually Der ganze Aufwand, nur um dann direkt wieder zu flüchten...
"Wir dürfen nur Filme von Leuten benutzen, die seit 70 Jahren tot sind." Ja und Schloss Einstein darf auch nur noch dieselben drei "Songs" als Hintergrundmusik benutzen und deshalb muss ich schon wieder diese blöde Barockmusik von Gustav in der Szene hören!!? Den Film will ich gerne mal sehen, von dem das der Soundtrack sein soll... aber egal, supportive boyfriend noah schleicht sich aus dem zimmer um einen besseren film zu drehen Und was macht eigentlich dieser verdächtig aussehende Post-it auf dem Schreibtisch von Noah, Colin und Joel?
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Wie erschrecken sich Leute durch [X] I love ??? Ergibt nicht viel Sinn, aber ich kenne da durchaus jemanden, der vor einem „I love you“ panische Angst hätte. Und ganz zufällig wohnt er in diesem Zimmer. Zufall oder Absicht?
"Wovor läuft die Hauptfigur wirklich weg?" - "Vor ihren Gefühlen." that's it, that's the tweet
Colins wahre Liebe ist btw nicht Noah, sondern gestreifte Hosen! (oder Streifen generell)
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haltet mich bitte davon ab, jemals Colin nochmal in solch einer hose zu zeichnen. es war ein albtraum lmao
Anyways, der walk aus dem Bild links ist allein wegen deren Grimassen schon ziemlich funny, aber es wird noch besser: die Vier spurten förmlich zum ShareSpace, währenddessen läuft Noah ihnen ganz entspannt hinterher und als er dann auch verzögert mal dort ankommt, dreht er sich zur Seite und spricht - an Joel vorbei - direkt zu Colin: "Hey, ich hab' meinen Schlüssel vergessen. Kann ich deinen haben?" Nicht etwa "Kann ich einen von euren Schlüsseln haben?", nein. Es muss Colins sein lsfjslejls
Dieser Karatekampf bringt aber noch immer Aggressionen in mir auf, obwohl der an sich wirklich komplett unwichtig ist im weiteren Verlauf der Staffel. Wieso tut Io so, als würde Joyce in Lebensgefahr schweben? Wieso verliert Noah gegen eine Augen-verbundene-Joyce? Und als ob sich Joel den Kampf, von dem in seinen Augen sein gesamter Erfolg abhängen müsste, entgehen lässt? Um mit Annika einen Film zu gucken??? Jedenfalls bin ich sehr froh, dass uns eine Annika x Joel lovestory hoffentlich erspart bleibt. Mich würde nur interessieren, ob die Szene als eine Art Köder eingesetzt wurde, um zu sehen, ob die Zuschauer*innen auf das shipping anspringen oder nicht? die antwort war obviously nein zumindest haben wir dadurch die wohl witzigste szene aller zeiten bekommen, in der casper den nesrika kuchen symbolisch teilt pahah
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amelia-friend · 10 months
Katherine and Hannah costumes
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Plus a little bit of Brooklyn - but only the actresses who have also played Katherine/Hannah.
Under the cut as it’s long.
Bronté Barbé
The main actress for Katherine, I’ve seen her twice. As she’s the main actress, she doesn’t play any other characters.
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I love the black stripes on her lapel and around the hem of her skirt.
It’s three different shades of blue - skirt and waistcoat front very similar (and seems to be denim? Or at least a chambray sort of thing), and the much darker blue waistcoat back.
She has four “tabs” topstitched onto her skirt - two thin ones at the front which hide a large pocket on each side (for her notebook/pencil etc), plus two much larger ones on the back.
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Unlike the Broadway version, Katherine only has one costume which stays identical except during King of New York where she removes the waistcoat - showing the details of her shirt and her belt (which is completely hidden in her full outfit)
Hair wise, Bronté has soft blonde curls with the very edges barely rolled back. Some photos turn her more strawberry blonde / light ginger but I’m pretty sure she’s “supposed” to be blonde.
Going from hair “down” to hair “up” is one of the most obvious markers of adulthood at this age, and historically happened around age 16 for Katherine’s social standing but that would make Katherine 15 so we’re ignoring that slightly. I’d still say Bronté’s Katherine is at most 16 - she’s the most naive of the three Katherine’s.
Bobbie Chambers
Bobbie’s usual role is Hannah (Pulitzer’s assistant) and she’s alternate/1st understudy for Katherine as well. I’ve seen her play Katherine four times, and Hannah twice, and she is my personal favourite Katherine.
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As you can see, her Katherine outfit shares a lot of commonalities with Bronté’s (skirt, waistcoat, shirt and tie combo - with blue bring her primary colour).
But there are also the obvious differences - her skirt is a subtly patterned - a thin windowpane-type check, with larger vertical stripes running through the centre of the boxes - and she has a large kangaroo style pocket on the centre front of her skirt.
Her hair is definitely ginger, slightly curled and pulled back at the edges - slightly more than Bronté but not even close to centre back. She’s more of trouble maker than Bronté I feel, and is probably 16-17.
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Hannah's costume shares a lot with Katherine - it's the same cut (in a more serious colour), but her hair is "up" now - Hannah is definitely an adult while Katherine still occupies the in between spaces.
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Splint is one of the Brooklyn Newsies, a very different social standing (and judging by the hair - age) to Katherine and Hannah, but there's still the elements of Bobbie's Hannah and Katherine (mostly in the hair colour)
Lindsay Atherton
Lindsay is a swing - she covers both Hannah and Katherine. I've seen her play Hannah three times, but I've only listened to an audio of her Katherine, not actually seen her.
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The first thing about Lindsay's Katherine is that her costume isn't blue like Bronte and Bobbie's, but is more sombre coloured - also her hair is far more pulled back than the other two. I'd put her as older than the other two Katherine's - but still only in the 17-18 age range. She's also got the really tight blonde curls (Merida curls as I usually refer to them).
Which when you look at her Hannah:
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It's the same dress (skirt/waistcoat - same difference). Trust me I spent way too long looking at seam placement and stripes to double check what anyone with eyes can see.
However - it's not the same outfit - Hannah's shirt has the lace/frills at the cuffs and the collar, while Katherine's is much more functional. Hannah's hair is also pulled "up" to make her a proper grownup - but it's still very clearly the same blonde Merida curls, only tamed by age.
And then there's Mack:
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(Lindsay's Brooklyn Newsie character) We've got the hair continuing - Mack's hair looks like you cut Katherine's hair short then didn't take proper care of it (which for a Brooklyn newsie - tracks), plus there's the continuation of the pinstripes in Mack's shirt.
Imogen Bailey
Finally Imogen Bailey - another swing, who covers Hannah but not Katherine (at least as far as I can tell). I've seen her Hannah once.
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Which has the Hannah elements from the other two actresses, but also is the only brunette, which carries into her Brooklyn Newsie - Stray.
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I just enjoy how the different actresses have the opportunity to make the character their own through costume differences, not just through their acting choices.
It was also a fun experience in person getting to see all the different costumes.
This kinda got away from me.
Anyway - tl:dr - the similarities and differences between the same characters are fun, and nearly as fun as the similarities and differences between the same actress.
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beheworthy · 9 months
What is your opinion on Jane's clothes?
I liked them the best in Thor1. Her look had so much personality:
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I don't like the main looks in Thor2, they are very dull and dire and I hate the red boots. I understand the date look is her doing something unlike her but still:
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But the Aesir looks were so good, though they were technically not her looks. They were given to her by Thor's people:
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gif credit - @usershays
And this one in the end is also great:
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So Thor2 is 3/5.
I like all her looks in Thor4: the suited-up look, all the looks in the flashback sequence (the black dress, the striped tank top, the checked shirt, the hot pants/denim shorts, the coats, the 'New York' tee - all great). This is my absolute favorite, of course:
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I don't particularly like the top in the hospital scene with Darcy but I'll give it a pass. And then there is this abomination:
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I just???? What is this man's obsession with double jackets and depressed purple tees???? Is this a motif? Are you trying to tell us something, Waititi? Jesus! Thor and Jane in those looks look like they're trying to emulate Leonard from The Big Bang Theory.
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riptide-if · 2 months
What are the fashion senses of the ROs? What do they wear on a day to day basis?
ANON. im seriously so glad u asked u dont understand.im actually going to attatch the long descs i wrote of their everyday outfit (like in a vn..) also theres more fashion/makeup inspo on their boards on my pinterest! there's also boards for bg charas on there:33 so if u r interested in lee's band or aria there u go;p
HILO: an orange tank top with a ruffle trim paired with an off white maxi skirt. A pair of dark brown double strap sandals are on their feet. A gold ring with an infinity symbol is on the pointer finger on their right hand, accompanied by two thick threaded bracelets; the first one being yellow and orange, and the other [MC fave color] and orange. They have long almond shaped acrylic nails; colors varying. They tend to get a new set every three weeks. They wear a pair of orange bead earrings with a gold moon charm on the left ear and a gold star charm on the right ear. A pair of gold hoop earrings goes through their upper lobes in both ears.
LEE: a black shirt that’s cropped just above their stomach, with a graphic of a black skull outlined with white. A black zip-up hoodie is either halfway zipped up, tied around their waist, or discarded. A black and grey striped fingerless glove is covering one hand the other is covered in an assortments of rings including a silver skull ring and a silver ring with a red garnet stone, gifted to them by MC on their one year anniversary. Elijah wears short black cargo shorts while Elaine wears a black cargo miniskirt. They both have (optional) distressed tights underneath them. They wear two black earrings on each upper ear, a pair of silver skull earrings, two black rings on their lips, silver eyebrow stud piercing, silver septum piercing, and a silver star shaped tongue ring.
NOEMIA/NIKITA: a white long sleeved compression shirt is worn underneath a yellow, purple, and white color block windbreaker; either unzipped or balled up and put in their bag. A pair of black athletic shorts with a white adidas logos in the corner is covering their legs. They normally carry a yellow crossbody bag with an assortment of different pins on it (bisexual flag, mang, surfboard, bmo, spiderman, no pain no gain, shark, pufferfish, wave). They wear a pair of green pair of star skate shoes over a pair of colored socks; always mismatched. An anklet with white beads is around their right leg, a similar one with teal beads underneath it. A gold ring with a white teardrop shaped opal ring given to them by their grandma sits on a leather chain around their neck. Two to three hair ties are always around their wrists.
ARLO: an untucked white short sleeved t-shirt is usually worn under his rotation of lightly colored button ups, sweater vests and cardigans. A pair of light denim overalls is over it; with some barely visible paint stains here and there. He wears a pair of black oxford shoes with this. On his wrists are a few braided leather bracelets. He wears a gold vintage coin necklace around his neck along with matching small gold hoop earrings. A thing elastic headband is sometimes holding back his bangs while he works.
as for key words in my notes i have; hilo is whimsical, lee is emo (lol), n is sporty, and arlo is cozy!
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aayatunnisa · 1 year
I would like to propose a new clothing style/aesthetic: introducing ‘Sundaycore’
Mostly based on my own style, but here are some of examples of what I envision sundaycore looks like (for people with varying moods, many aesthetics, who contain multitudes like me): 
My preference is mostly androgynous and modest, and mostly encompass 3 aesthetics: classic academia, 90s artsy/plant mom, and cool grandmacore. 
- long plain shirts in solid colours or classic neutral tones
- also long checkered/plaid/stripes shirts
- long coats (I’m talking trench, pea, double-breasted, all of them)
- blazers (and and all, bonus if vintage/thrifted)
- pullovers and turtlenecks
- sweaters and vests 
- creams, khakis, browns
- muted colours
- overalls (denim, corduroy, etc)
- loose blouses
- button up shirts
- boatline tops 
- thin stripes on shirts 
- long skirts
- high-waisted jeans
- colourful shirts (geometric shapes)
- mom jeans!!
Have suggestions? Drop ‘em in the comments!
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styleatacertainage · 4 months
Talbots New Arrivals – Blue Blazer
Guess who’s singing the blues today thanks to this gorgeous double-breasted blue blazer and striped blouse. Y’all know I love to don a pair of white denim 365 days a year, and this straight-leg pair goes perfectly with the button-up and blazer combo. Everyone needs a style uniform that can be assembled in minutes and have you leave the house in confidence. Whenever I’m short on time, I always…
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skippyv20 · 1 year
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Every Time Meghan Markle copied Princess Diana in her time as working Royal 
Weird reminder ( some edits by me before posting)Skippy..
 Celebrity Style 2023
Every Time Meghan Markle Dressed Like Princess Diana
 APR 3, 2019
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Meghan Markle has worn (edit eerily copied)  Princess Diana’s jewels to pay> tribute to her late mother-in-law sartorially, but the Duchess of Sussex has also oddly channeled some of Diana’s iconic looks in the outfits she’s chosen for events. Take a look at every time Meghan has paid homage to the Princess of Wales' 
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  TIM GRAHAMGETTY IMAGES 1 OF 11 Green Coats With Dark Detailing
Diana in a Bellville Sassoon coat and a hat designed by John Boyd during her visit to Bristol on March 29, 1982; Meghan in an Erdem coat and dress during her visit to Canada House on March 11, 2019.
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GETTY IMAGES 2 OF 11 Light High Neck Gowns
Princess Diana in a white and light blue gown, attending a reception at Spencer House in London on May 6, 1992; Meghan Markle leaving for her second wedding reception in a Stella McCartney gown on May 19, 2018. Meghan wore Diana’s aquamarine ring with it.
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GETTY IMAGES 3 OF 11 Pink Buttoned Tops
Princess Diana in a pink skirt suit in Argentina during an official visit on November 24, 1995; Meghan Markle in a Carolina Herrera dress during Trooping the Colour on June 9, 2018.
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GETTY IMAGES 4 OF 11 Grey Plaid
Princess Diana in a patterned grey blazer with a white turtleneck at London’s Paddington Station on May 3, 1988; Meghan in a Theory off-the-shoulder jacket while visiting Cardiff Castle on January 18, 2018.
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GETTY IMAGES 5 OF 11 Purple and Red Outfits
Diana in a purple hat with a red ribbon, red cropped jacket, white blouse, and purple skirt during her official visit to Hong Kong on November 7, 1989; Meghan in a bright red coat by Sentaler and a Babaton by Aritzia purple dress during her visit to Birkenhead with Prince Harry on January 2019
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GETTY IMAGES 6 OF 11 Pinstripes
Diana in white blazer with black stripes and buttons during a walkabout in Sheffield and Rotherham on July 16, 1991; Meghan in a pinstriped Altuzarra dress with a Camilla and Marc blazer at the Commonwealth Youth Forum on April 18, 
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GETTY IMAGES 7 OF 11 Black Suits
Diana in a Jasper Conran trouser suit and white ruffled blouse during a gala at the Expo 86 Theatre on May 3, 1986; Meghan in a bespoke Givenchy suit set with a Lavender Hill boat t-shirt during her and Harry’s visit to Ireland on July 11, 2018.
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GETTY IMAGES 8 OF 11 White Outfits With Black Accents
Diana in a white top with black accents and matching hat at the Royal Ascot on June 18, 1985; Meghan in a Givenchy dress with a black belt and matching Philip Treacy hat at the Royal Ascot on June 18, 2018.
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GETTY IMAGES 9 OF 11 Black Collared Tops
Diana in a black coat dress and commemorative red poppy pin during the Remembrance Ceremony at the Cenotaph in London on November 1, 1984; Meghan in bespoke Emilia Wickstead, a Philip Treacy hat, and red poppy pin during the Anzac Day Westminster Abbey service on April 
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GETTY IMAGES 10 OF 11 White Button-Ups and Jeans
Diana in a white button-up shirt, brown belt, and high-waist jeans during her visit to Bosnia on August 9, 1997; Meghan in a Misha Nonoo button-up and Mother Denim jeans, making her first appearance with Harry at the Toronto Invictus Games on September 25, 2017.
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GETTY IMAGES 11 OF 11 Green Tartan
Diana in a collared green tartan dress at the Bute Highland Games in Scotland on August 22, 1987; Meghan in a double-breasted Burberry tartan coat during her visit to Scotland on February 13, 2018.
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SENIOR NEWS AND STRATEGY EDITORAlyssa Bailey is the senior news and strategy editor at ELLE.com, where she oversees coverage of celebrities and royals (particularly Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton).
Thank you❤️
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One evening night at New York City, April’s Apartment, An 5' 1" (1.55 m), Ginger hair, blue eyes young-looking 16 years old girl, April O’Neil, April wearing yellow number “5” sport shirt with elbow-length black sleeves, black leggings, blue denim shorts, double-blue-striped white high socks and black low-heeled boots. April was sitting down on her Recliner Single Sofa Lounger Chair and were about to read her “Space Heroes” comic while waiting for her roommate, Karai came home from Shopping
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After 3 hours Karai returned home, almost getting stuck in the doorframe and walked into the apartment placing her shopping bags on the floor. “April im back, ya know all you do is read or watch tv, you gotta get out more buddy”
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bienmoreau · 1 year
15 questions, 15 tags
Tagged by @just-my-latest-hyperfixation thanks!
Nickname: Haze
Height: 5,4 ish
Last thing I googled: doubles tabanca (checking the spelling 'cause I was telling my brother abt having it 😆)
Song stuck in my head: don't have one rn 'cause I'm listening to Bedouin Soundclash's new album and finding my favourite new songs from it.
# followers: almost 3k
Amount of sleep: usually around 5-6 hours but I'm going to really try to get more this year and at the very least get more today cause I'm exhausted and work starts again tomorrow
Dream job: I simply do not dream of labour.. uhh yeh, I really don't know, but if I must probably something crafty where I work with other people to create things maybe for theatre or film.
Wearing: dark grey denim jacket with a lot of pins and patches (I just got it back from my friend who was embroidering the right sleeve for me) Lucy&Yak rainbow stripe trousers. A black and grey patterned hoodie I forgot I owned and haven't worn in abt 5 years and handmade knitted slippers. Oh and a big orange/black patterned scarf
Book/movie that summarizes you: ...that's a lot to ask from a piece of media?
Fav song: I don't think I have one absolute favourite song but to pick one that's always been high on the list since I was a kid; A Girl Called Johnny by The Waterboys
Aesthetic: very eclectic. Colourful/all the colours but much more warm tones and yellow accents/statemens these days. Plants and books and art. I have a sewing room rather than a sitting room (it does have a green futon in it tho) and basically if it makes me happy I'll incorporate it into my life. Big skirts and dungarees and miscellaneous jumpes & jackets...
Fav authors: Terry Pratchett and Robin Hobb
Random fact: I've been learning Korean for a year and 2 days! And am hoping to be able to start doing in-person lessons later this year :)
And tagging @seamayweed @hedvig-ulrika @eohachu @evakant @darkthestars @sirencalll @nubreed73 @theheartofthekoko @lynne-monstr @scientistsinistral @undead-robins @sebster @suhyewon @llyfrbryf @thespacebetweenworlds if you want to ofc!
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luminnara · 2 years
Bonjour, it's me, 💛 anon
I didnt die in the heatwave, I'm vibing (bleeding, but vibing)
I've come up with the abbreviation reader and their brood of boys instead of typing lost boys x reader x Billy x steve, so if I write reader and the brood of boys that's what I mean :)
So reader and their brood of boys, clothing.
The boys have been wearing the same clothes for a while, they probably need to wash their stuff. Steve has like 2 washing machines coz the loads of washing is so big with 7 people. And it's a massive long washing like in the back garden always filled with clothes.
The boys, not in their usual outfits, they have to buy some new clothes. Marko wears interesting stuff, he has a LOT of hand embroidered jackets that reader and him and Steve worked on. David, hes a bit more streamlined, maybe blazers and trousers. Dwayne, hes doesnt really care about style, he wants to be comfy. He will wear a leather jacket and just, shirts and jeans.
Paul, hes like, crop tops (so is marko) or big comfy knitted jumpers. Theres no inbetween. Hes 1000 percent the one to steal clothes though, especially Billy's. He will run out in the middle of movie night and come back in Billy's double denim and depending on his work day, billy will be horny, or mildly annoyed.
Steve's clothes don't always tend to popular with the boys because they're not 'cool'. He develops, he wears a leather jacket every so often but those old striped shirts that be loves, I think reader wears those to bed and to sleep in. They love them, they're cozy.
And they all do fashion shows, ESPECIALLY marko, paul and reader
I agree with all of this 100%, I love it. Also david in blazers mmmmmm
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ecposhgirl · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Urban Outfitters BDG High Rise Cotton Striped Denim Shorts in White and Blue.
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jlunnposh · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Victor Glemaud For Target Cream High Rise Wide Leg Flare Jeans Size 6.
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reglux456 · 10 months
Invoice Cunningham Mens Winter Put On The New York Times
While jackets and trousers are tailored to suit, a pair of denims, however, is a extra informal affair. Denim is a staple cloth winter styles for men in Paris, whether slim-fit jeans, skinny jeans, or relaxed fit. Vintage denim with a casual t-shirt and leather/bomber jacket is a favorite for many social outings. Chunky shawl-collar cardigans add a big amount of bulk and warmth when worn over collared shirts, turtlenecks, lengthy sleeve shirts, and even sweatshirts.
Around this time, plaid and candy stripe shirts also grew to become trendy. Most three-piece suits were double-breasted, but there have been additionally single-breasted choices. The swimsuit jacket was higher waisted than earlier than and had wide pointed lapels to emphasise the shoulders and waist. It additionally featured a three- or four-button closure down the front. Suit pants were flat within the entrance, had tapered legs, and a thinner waistline. Gone have been the shoulder pads and stiff fit of the earlier decade.
Even more so if they’re geared up with a thick, treaded sole that provides a bit of traction on wet or icy surfaces. Buy well and take care of them correctly, and a great pair of labor boots will last you for all times, not only for winter. During the day, you could have a plus 4 suit, you would have a riding go well with, and so forth. There are additionally cool iterations with bells in their jackets, a lot of pleats, similar to Norfolk jackets or half-Norfolk jackets. Another well-liked coat is the Covert coat, which today is still popularized by English brand Cording’s.
During the Roaring 20s, styles from all around the world – significantly Europe – have been making their method throughout the ocean. Although leisure apparel gained traction, formal styles had been nonetheless very a lot in vogue. In terms of fabrics, the Twenties saw a slight departure from the previous decade.
Winter is the season to flex all of that outerwear that’s been hogging up area in your closet, and long winter coats are considered one of our top picks for this yr. They defend towards the weather and verify off the box in the style department. Car-coats (overcoats) present an informal mens winter fashion search for a high-low strategy. Cotton is actually everywhere and can make up the majority of your winter wardrobe. Everything from your t-shirts and denims to your sweaters, socks and dress shirts are produced from cotton.
Throw a lightly padded version over a roll neck and tailored trouser pairing, like above, and it’ll keep you heat whereas stopping issues from looking too funereal. This is a major example of how accessories can elevate a glance. Go for one in camel and put on it together with your whole tailoring collection, from navy fits through to gray wool separates. While softly padded overcoats could be probably the most adaptable alternative, generally there’s simply no beating a significantly sharp, structured overcoat. Especially for formal occasions or instances when you need to look ready for business.
It nonetheless has the padded baffles of a puffer, but contains a modern and glossy silhouette. The Cloud Parka has a mid-thigh length, and an 800-fill power down insulation, so you will not need to sacrifice heat for style. Its exterior is produced from a lightweight, but durable and waterproof mix of organic winter outfits men cotton and recycled polyester. While some jackets on this listing are tried and true expedition jackets, or derived from expedition jackets, I like that the Capital Parka was designed for city use from its inception. When I first examined the Capital Parka, it was made with 60% recycled polyester, but the newest model out there is now made with 100% recycled polyester.
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402luxe · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Haute Monde Light Denim Full Zip Front Stretch Mini Jean Dress.
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ivorypidgeon · 11 months
And On The Eighth Day
And on the eighth day
God made New York,
And everything far and in between,
Thus I spoke,
To my coffee cup that never runs dry,
In this diner down by the Lex,
My mind has been off it, the -
They don’t joke when they say the city doesn’t sleep
My eyes haven’t closed in over 30 hours,
That same glare I recognise in the fluorescent glass,
Thinking of her, thinking of New York
Soaked, coarsed and poached in my double denim,
I think of past ramblings 
In the city with you,
That beloved smell of concrete, grease and gas,
Hardened by steel, a cigarette and a spliff on a sun-beaten court in Chinatown,
Overlooking the giant burning meteorite in the sky,
I think of,
The blue ink staining my napkin,
I think of,
Getting my hair braided behind a deli on Graham,
I think of,
Coconut oil cakes topped with condensed milk,
Oh, my desire,
In this little garden of Eden,
Where I drink from the fountain of my youth,
Purple capes dancing in the wind,
Smiling, for this glorious picture day,
Grins all over the town,
Drums bang and the Washington Arch vibrates,
One nation under one groove,
What is this,
Like ballet dancers, they float, 
Top off like a convertible,
Top off like I just got laid out on the checkerboard,
One deep breath before I,
Spout off again and tumble through the weeds in this grand wondrous endless painless plain,
In the centre of my heart,
I clasped on that necklace,
I held on to that love, my want and our lack,
Permanent like the pyramids of Egypt,
Permanent like this frightened moment of oneness - my loneliness,
Preserved without air,
Under the ground straggling for room in this infinite sarcophagus,
The skulls of millions lining the countless steps,
Our blood splashed over this mighty flag,
And His naked body, Justice, hammered on a perpendicular wood beam,
A cross for us to all bear,
This mighty city,
With its resounding chaos,
Sprawling over the pavement searching for one more meaning,
To this untiring fabled story we call life
I’m thinking of,
I’m thinking of the biiiiiiig city.
Even when the rainclouds come,
I’m still swinging by the telephone poles,
To hear you say, you’re in love with this guy,
If not, I’ll just —
After all, I’m living, learning, stumbling,
Side by side,
So you can hear me scream,
Hallelujah all the way from the upper west side,
Just one postcard memory,
Scrawled over my face in a mirror in a bathroom in a bar in Brooklyn,
Then back on the subway with a new friend or two or three,
Shaking with the streetcar we found in the Hudson,
But wait,
Please remember that…
If I lost your love,
I’d never want to let you down,
Never want you to forget this loveliness,
That we found in the bottom of the takeout box,
Or the end of a joint we rolled a summer ago,
As we barrel down the 390,
Thinking how did we get here,
How do we fix this,
And my chalk cracked on the asphalt,
I’m sorry,
         I’m thinking offffff,
I’m thinking of the trees that line your backyard,
The smell of fresh cut grass and a grill burning, billowing smoke,
As the sprinklers crack and splinter into your dog’s gaping jaws,
I’m thinking of,
The smooth plain we call your abdomen that I laid my head down,
Waiting for that midnight bodily howl that we found in your dashboard next to the
Red Stripes we found by a lake that sat near the highway 405,
I’ve come, come from miles away,
Just to see you,
Hear you say those words again,
Like, I love you or something like that,
My word and your bond,
And I’m not just cheering from the bleachers,
When I jump across the base and run all the way home,
Back into your everlasting arms,
       I’m thinking of,
Chapels on mountains,
Maple syrup hills and the hum of your car like it just needed
some love,
This summer camp madness got us going crazy
Had us singing to the birds,
Like we were barking mad,
Like we were swimming, waiting for the shit just to hit me,
Waiting for the pollen clouds to wash over us and send us adrift,
Over these worlds of wheat and fields of grain.
On these cemetery blues,
And some wild pony ashes,
Got my top off like a ‘Vette,
Thinking of the first night we met,
Head in my hands then hand in hand,
Cruising down the interstate and rumbling through my woven hairs,
I thought I had already seen it like a deer caught in the headlights
In this room, we are empty,
Under this moon, we are one
Down Crescent Avenue,
Under the rusted bridges,
And the chemtrail candy skies
All these dreams, my memories
One order of a burger, milkshake and fries then
Waking up without you,
Back to the tarred monoliths,
And then the white sky,
But until I see you again,
Drive safe.
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sgsminabags · 1 year
Loewe Handbags prefers outerwear slightly more oversized
For this upcoming spring 2023 season, showgoers brought their A game and their best late summer looks. From head to toe black to pacific ocean blue and uber saturated oranges, some folks are clearly looking for alternatives to Barbiecore pink and parakeet green, all while their more toned down counterparts experiment with neutrals on neutrals. Cargo pants are still the summer outfit closet MVP, as are funky knits and trippy florals.
Last week, Gomez emerged in Paris for a Rare Beauty event wearing a gingham Ala.a two piece including a crop top, pleated mini skirt, and white pointed pumps we also love the heart shaped handbag pun intended. She then followed it up in Milan with a total Prada look consisting of an emerald button down shirt, striped and pleated mini skirt we're sensing a theme here!, and black kitten heels. Like Jenner's knit midi dress, Gabriela Hearst's Amor cashmere dress is equally as eye catching.
One denizen shows off a pair of red '90s era Adidas boxer's boots which are beautifully patinated with scuffs. The boots were a serendipitous find on Ebay. Just because Bieber Loewe Handbags prefers outerwear slightly more oversized, doesn't mean she forgoes a flattering silhouette altogether.
While wearing high heels has become more commonplace for people of all genders over the past few years, a few male style heavy hitters have skipped over the high heeled loafers and even kitten heels and headed Loewe Bags straight for bold and chunky platforms. Tie your look together with accessories with a Western flare like a Saint Laurent suede belt or a Gucci cowboy hat. You definitely need to get pumped up.
If there's a single print synonymous with fall, it's plaid. The rave ready shoes have been embraced by some of the most exciting and experimental figures in men's fashion right now, like musicians Troye Sivan, Conan Gray, and Maneskin member Damiano David. No matter what she's wearing underneath, which is often a plain, but perfect T shirt Loewe Bag Sale and a lived in pair of denim, she relies on oversized jackets and coats to spruce up and add edge to each outfit.
Everything old is new again, the saying goes. Will runway shows resume in person, or will designers pivot back to virtual presentations. Vogue's Phil Oh will be braving the elements on the street to capture all the best outfits from the City of Light.
let's just say that I have a certain skill set. And that includes sleeping on demand. Even now that I'm not competing, I'm still a pretty good sleeper. As the sun set, the party got into full swing and the crowd was treated to a hat trick of old school entertainment in the form of roller skate dancers, double dutch, and breakdancing performances. Before the evening wrapped up, St. What's more, when you are with Tommy and Phil, you are never alone.
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