#don't spill the tea
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If there ever comes a day when the Inspector doesn’t enjoy a good cuppa,
the programme will basically be done for.
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offical-tea-spiller · 3 months
*shows up to a private meeting*
Oh no, gasp you caught me.
I suppose I'll have to tell you everything I know...
Oh, hi bestie, @feyrecursebrkr need to catch up while we drink some of my famous tea.
@the-moon-on-a-string, Beron is not your real dad, son, I am... Actually, it's @daycourt-daddy.
Also, Lucien Spell-Carver, you are the heir of the Day Court.
Lady Autumn, you and Helion are mates.
@shadowbabiesdaddy Morrigan is queer, child. Good to see you are too to some extent. Congratulations on the wedding by the way.
@futureautumnhighlord some of your folks are planning a revolution since they figured out you were in on killing Beron. Just a heads up.
...I suppose that is all for now... Also, I'll take that! *takes cloak off of @therealradicallord and puts it on* Love this design way better than the black ones I usually wear!
*disappears, leaving everyone stunned*
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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༻❀༺ Happy Mother's Day to Mary Bonnet ༻❀༺
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1candybrainrotdungeon · 9 months
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Continuing the yassification of fallout 4 characters agenda, Hancock is going full pirate mode with his fit <3 You can see the previous one with X6-88 here
As usual, bonus headcannon is under the cut >:)
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Confession: The things I would let Geth do to me is between me and god
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darunyama · 4 months
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I updated the app I draw in but unfortunately my brushes are gone and I had to customize everything again.... It's not quite what it used to be well ok
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gimmethatagustd · 9 months
also fr if you think about it. the fact that hybe is letting taehyung talk about how they were fucking worked to death is really wild
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jammyjams1910 · 3 days
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I just finished the Bohemian Rhapsody film and I'm fucking crying so hard rn helppp I can't breathe
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nyamadermont · 26 days
Tea in the Snow
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
661 words
TW: referenced torture
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Katara held open the door to the large lodge, and Zolt marched inside, Rohan cuddled close to his chest. When Tenzin bent down to give his mother a hug, Zolt stepped around him to let the rest of the crew through the door. He felt Lin come up along his other side, her arm reaching behind his back.
Tenzin straightened, saying, “Mother, this is Rohan.”
Zolt extended his arms to the baby’s grandmother. When the crying started, Zolt felt himself having to fight off tears. Lin squeezed him. Tenzin cooed into the baby’s ear, bringing him up against Katara’s chest.
“And this is Zoltan. Amon took his bending, as well.”
Katara looked up, and he could see the flash of recognition. “Zoltan is an unusual name. You were a firebender?”
Silently, Zolt nodded.
His hands fell to his sides, his arms feeling so painfully empty.
Lin spoke up. “Rohan was given to Zoltan to take care of when Pema died.” She glanced at Tenzin, continuing, “They stopped torturing Tenzin a little bit before they gave up on me.” She dropped her hand to lace her fingers with his. “Zoltan is why all three of us are still alive.”
And then Tenzin gave him a brief hug at the shoulders.
A small, giddy, part of him felt cuddled, his shoulder fitting neatly under Tenzin’s arms.
Rohan chose that moment to whimper again and Zolt reached for the child.
Katara smiled at him as she transferred the baby to him. “Thank you for taking care of them. It can’t have been easy. No matter what you did before, you have my gratitude.”
His eyes watered for real.
Tenzin folded closer to him, his other arm reaching for Lin, who slid her free hand along Tenzin’s waist. Rohan opened his eyes and reached for his father’s beard.
It was as if there were no other people in the world.
Zolt looked up at the gentle touch on his shoulder, seeing Asami, looking as tired and drawn as she had the entire trip. Behind her, he saw Mako and Bolin helping a younger couple set out a tea service.
“Senna has some tea and snacks for us. I think she’d really like it if people tried to eat. It sounds like she has been cooking since we called to say we were coming.”
Zolt exchanged glances with Lin and Tenzin, and they pulled apart just enough to move over to the seating.
Later, Zolt would notice that only Bolin and Tonraq were able to hold little Rohan for very long. Senna looked somewhat relieved, but Asami just looked a little more forlorn. Poor Bolin felt like he had to sit very, very still, but Rohan smiled at him more than at anyone else.
Mako and Lin went for a walk out in the compound, but when they came back, Rohan fussed until she picked him up. Mako got a spooked look and went to help Senna in the kitchen. He reemerged with a tray, carrying a pot and two small blue cups. Bolin hopped up and slid the door open long enough for Mako to pass the tray to Katara.
With Rohan content with Lin and Tenzin, Zolt took a teacup and slipped out through the front door.
The nearly unrelenting white expanse was overwhelming. It was so completely different from his native environment that he knew he would be a dead man in minutes, left to his own devices. The shivers didn’t take long to start, and soon, he was shaking too badly to keep his hands on the teacup, and it spilled on the snow at his feet.
The cup itself landed in the snow with a soft sigh.
He leaned over to pick it up, but his muscles cramped and he fell against the railing. He couldn’t fill his lungs with enough air
Breath of life Life of breath
He repeated the words to himself, but they faded away.
His vision blurred.
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mintypsii · 6 months
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WHAT are they gossiping about now
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He's pretty majestic, but I'm not gonna lie, I'd be freaking scared.
That cold, icy, emo soul😭 the infinite cosmic wisdom in his brain
So basically smash, but only if he looks at me the way he looks at Ratchet☕️☕️☕️☕️
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ghosts-cyphera · 7 months
hey lo <3 sending you kisses & hugs. please take care of yourself and know that there are people that love you n care about you. so so much <3 (it’s me. i am people)
please eat and sleep well, stay hydrated and do things that make you happy because you deserve to be happy. keep smiling and laughing, it looks good on you !!! sending good vibes and positive energy your way. minä rakastan sinua <3 - 🩰
STOP IT WITH THE FINNISH oh my god I'm crying ??
this is kinda very sad but hearing 'I love you' in finnish feels so special to me, because my parents never really said it to me growing up and all my partners have been english-speaking so it's—gods, it hits different and now I'm sobbing but in a good way. oh my god. mäkin rakastan sua. <3
anyhow !! I'm back from collecting myself, haha. thank you so much for all the love you're always sending my way. you mean more to me than I'll ever be able to express but I'll damn sure keep trying my best at that. 💗
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carlos-in-glasses · 5 months
Merry Christmas everybody!
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littlemoondarling · 1 year
I guess.... tumblr didn't want to upload my post which is.... funny hhhhhh Anyways I'm back!! I met my quota (is that the word?) Which is finishing college and getting a job so I'm here!!! HELLO THERE IS A READ MORE BUTTON NOW???? OKAY COOLLL!!!
Thank you to everyone who checked up on me and to everyone who respected my decision and I hope you will allow me back here 😭😭😭 missed u
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adult-human-gc-female · 11 months
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It's fascinating how these people who are breaking into private conversations IRL or these people who are unable to block the unwanted content online consider themselves mature.
If you can't bear the fact that out 8 billions of people someone disagrees with you, you are not mature.
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stuckinapril · 7 months
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