#don pianta
saytons-ghost-room · 7 months
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a collage of the paper mario the thousand year door drawings i made in 2020
my twitter
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duckapus · 4 months
Jim Pianta Headcanons
(edited to undo my undoing)
Main Timeline
A young purple Pianta who somehow has thick black eyebrows despite Piantas normally having no eyebrows at all
His mother is Don Pianta's sister. She's not involved with the Pianta Mafia so Jim and his uncle aren't really that close
They are at least close enough that Jim was able to meet Lily once or twice via Don's "business meetings" with the Estrellas before she ran away
A sensitive soul, though a bit dim. That dimness and his uncle's influence is why he goes along with Zack and Larry's pranks
Has always wanted to be a Chuckster and was very happy to get to keep the Suplex copy ability that GG gave him
Very creative with a keen eye for fashion, which is being bolstered by GG's ongoing experiments with acting like a "normal" girl. May end up becoming a fashion designer when he grows up
Tends to call Zack "boss" for some reason. Zack did not ask him to do that
Dim Quadrants Timeline
During the fall of the Mushrom Kingdom's original government, his mom had to turn to her brother for safety
This led to Jim being far more heavily influenced by his uncle, and eventually being named his heir
Despite that influence he can't bring himself to be anywhere near as ruthless as the Don was, since he is still Jim at the end of the day
Misses Zack and Larry terribly
Still isn't too bright, but being raised as the Don's replacement and getting practical experience as both a member and leader of a crime syndicate has forced him to wise up in some areas
Has a soft spot for kids and is as close with Poppy as he can get away with
Because of this he's the source of pretty much anything good and true Poppy has heard about her sister...which admittedly isn't much since they weren't exactly close
Never did manage to develop the kind of arm strength necessary to be a Chuckster
Has heard rumors of a hidden city in the Pipe Network (the brick chambers connected by warp pipes that make up most Underground Levels) founded by a blue and white catwoman to give people refuge from the quadrants above, and is working himself and his men to the stem trying to find it alongside their regular duties. Officially it's a mission from the bosses, but Jim's actually doing it for himself. Because that description fits Karen and Katie, which means it's a potential lead on reuniting with his real Boss.
Little does he know, this is actually a much more direct lead than he thinks...
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hunter-husky · 2 years
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idk had a random thought to draw him kinda like the kingpin cartoon nude alt https://twitter.com/Nanothehedgehog/status/1585143909025341440?s=20&t=msJckNYoL-ad6L29RyEBqg
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katkatlivetweets · 8 months
Don Pianta when Francesca and Frankie want to get married: "WellJustGetOuttaHereAndDon'tComeBack!!"
Don Pianta some three chapters later, when he's fucking dying: "I... Sure... Hope... Francesca... Comes... Home... Some... Time..."
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diceriadelluntore · 6 months
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Storia Di Musica #301 - Weather Report, Mysterious Traveller, 1974
I detrattori di Miles Davis hanno sempre puntato in particolare su un aspetto: non è mai stato un virtuoso del suo strumento, la tromba. Effettivamente l'osservazione ha senso, ma nel progetto musicale di Davis è irrilevante il virtuosismo esecutivo, dato che aveva sempre in mente ben più potenti rappresentazioni musicali. Ma perfino i suoi più acerrimi avversari non hanno mai potuto dire nulla sua sul carisma da band leader e sul suo fiuto di talent scout, capaci di mettere insieme gruppi di musicisti sulla carta perfino antitetici, ma che con lui non solo hanno dato il loro meglio, ma hanno persino continuato e ampliato le sue idee. Questo successe al pianista, tastierista e organista Joe Zawinul e al sassofonista Wayne Shorter. Il secondo è stato il pilastro del secondo grande quintetto davisiano (a cui dedicai il mese celebrativo della 250.ma Storia Di Musica), il primo fu uno degli innesti decisivi in quel piccolo arco di tempo che attraverso i già citati capolavori In A Silent Way e Bitches Brew porta al jazz fusion. Zawinul è il più entusiasta della svolta, e anche quello più aperto alla sperimentazione, Shorter forte della sua esperienza è colui che lo asseconda ma lo tiene anche con un piede per terra. Il mix diviene perfetto quando si aggiunge il musicista cecoslovacco Miroslav Vitouš, virtuoso del contrabasso, formando il trio centrale di una nuova formazione che decidono di chiamare come qualcosa che la gente ricordi facilmente: Weather Report, il bollettino meteo.
Il primo album, omonimo Weather Report, è inciso nel marzo del 1971 in soli tre giorni. Con i tre ci sono il batterista Alphonse Mouzon e i percussionisti Barbara Burton e Don Alias entrambi agli inizi della carriera. Airto Moreira, che invece è l’unico a comparire nelle note di copertina, incide solo qualche intervento. Partono da dove era finita la lezione "elettrica" del Maestro Davis, ma spingendosi verso una spiritualità musicale, con atmosfere ancora più eteree e sfuggenti: la critica ne è rapita, tanto che la rivista Downbeat lo colloca al primo posto come album dell’anno. Il momento creativo è magico, e nello stesso anno pubblicano I Sing The Body Electric. L’album riprende il titolo da un racconto del 1969 dello scrittore Ray Bradbury che, a sua volta lo aveva preso da una composizione poetica di Walt Whitman del 1867. Nell’album compare per la prima volta il sintetizzatore di Zawinul che da qui in avanti caratterizzerà il musicista: Zawinul ne diventerà un pioniere, tanto che alcune grandi aziende produttrici se lo contenderanno sia come testimonial sia proprio come sperimentatore, e molte innovazioni tecniche di questi strumenti, e alcune derivazioni come i vocoder, devono molto all'opera del musicista nato in Austria. Le ultime tre tracce vengono registrate in Giappone durante una tournée del gruppo, e sono utilizzate anche per il terzo album Live in Tokyo dello stesso anno. Dom Um Romao alle percussioni e Eric Gravatt alla batteria subentrano nella sezione ritmica ai musicisti originari. Nel 1973 esce Sweetnighter, più orecchiabile dei lavori precedenti, che è apripista per il disco di oggi, che chiude in un certo senso il primo percorso della band.
Vitouš si chiama fuori, e parteciperà solo ad una traccia di Mysterious Traveller, che esce nel marzo del 1974, frutto di registrazioni del Novembre del '73 e di una giornata di perfezionamento poco prima dell'uscita del disco nel marzo 1974. Infatti è presente solo in un brano, la sua American Tango, musica che più si mantiene legata agli standard iniziali, e lascia il posto ad Alphonso Johnson, fenomeno del basso elettrico, che porta con sé tutta la forza della nuova musica nera; entra nel gruppo insieme al batterista Ishmael Wilburn, il quale prende il a sua volta il posto di Greg Errico, batterista nelle sessioni e nel tour di Sweetnighter, ma che declinò l'offerta di entrare in pianta stabile nel gruppo. Mysterious Traveller si apre con uno "scherzetto": gli oltre dieci, magici, minuti di Nubian Sundance, una sorta di rituale musicale magico con un celestiale coro scat singing, furono registrati in una surreale unica take di registrazione, e per valorizzarne l'effetto, fu fatta passare come un brano live, a cui aggiunsero applausi e brusii di pubblico in post produzione. Il disco mostra come ormai sia quasi del tutto naturale la contaminazione nelle strutture del jazz di sonorità funk, R&B, persino di musica etnica, che proprio in quegli anni stava avendo un notevole interesse di riscoperta. Cucumber Slusher è il funk del basso che accompagna gli assoli di Shorter e le terzine ai piatti di Wilburn e le percussioni etniche, in uno dei brani più famosi della compagnia. Mysterious Traveller è un brano sognante e armonioso, che sfuma nel duetto\scontro tra Zawinul e Shorter di Blackthorn Rose, vertiginosa scalata elettrica. Scarlet Woman, compassata e ritmica e l'intro quasi prog di Jungle Book (che sarà il punto di partenza per chiunque si accosterà alla materia per mille future divagazioni world e fusion) segnano un passaggio storico al pieno utilizzo degli strumenti elettronici nel jazz. Il risultato fu accolto con grande successo sia di pubblico, con il disco che va altissimo nelle classifiche di vendite jazz, e non sfuggì all'occhio attento dei lettori della rivista Downbeat, che lo decretarono disco dell'anno.
Zawinul continuerà ancora a registrare questo jazz-funk-rock fino al 1976, quando l'incontro con un altro genio, Jaco Pastorius, renderà ancora diverso, rinnovandone l'unicità, il suono meraviglioso e distintivo di una band che volle chiamarsi con un nome che tutti potevano facilmente ricordare.
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wolfgabe · 6 months
Now I want to see Nintendo do their own Once Upon A Studio style short.
Some day I would love to see Nintendo do their own little short film similar to Once Upon A Studio with all the different Nintendo characters gathered together with a giant group photo at the end.
My ideas for who could appear.
The Super Mario Series
Toad/Captain Toad
Bowser Jr
Petey Piranha
Count Bleck
King Olly
Foreman Spike
Broque Monsieur
King Boo
The Legend of Zelda
The Skull Kid
Prince Sidon
Master Kohga
King Daphnes
King Rhoam
Chancelor Cole
The Happy Mask Salesman
Lord Girahim
Raven Beak
Mother Brain
Space Pirates
Dark Samus
Adam Malkovich
Fire Emblem
King Garrin
Black Night
Captain Falcon
Samurai Goro
Dr Stewart
Blood Falcon
Black Shadow
The Skull
Jody Summer
Buzz Buzz
Mr. Saturn
Flying Man
Dungeon Man
Master Belch
Kid Icarus
Eggplant Wizard
The Reaper
Dark Pit
Wario Land/WarioWare
Captain Syrup
Rudy the Clown
The Shake King
Queen Meralda
The Black Jewel
Princess Shokora
Jimmy T
Young Cricket
Master Mantis
Dr Crygor
The President
The Ancient Sirehound
Various Pikmin
Emperor Bulblax
Animal Crossing
Tom Nook
Mr Resetti
Tommy and Timmy Nook
Crazy Redd
Dr Shrunk
Zipper T
K.K. Slider
Daisy Mae
Don Resetti
Capn Cuttlefish
Dj Octavio
Callie and Marie
Big Man
Mr. Grizz
Commander Tartar
Crusty Sean
Annie and Moe
Lil Judd
Aunt Flow and Craymond
Mr Coco
Gnarly Eddie
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong
Cranky Kong
Funky Kong
Candy Kong
Kiddie Kong
Swanky Kong
King K Rool
Tiki Tong
Lord Fredrick
Party Monkeys
Dread Kong
Ninja Kong
Karate Kong
Sumo Kong
Cactus King
Donkey Kong Jr
Spring Man
Ribbon Girl
Min Min
Master Mummy
Kid Cobra
Byte & Barq
Max Brass
Lola Pop
Dr Coyle
Yoshi Series
Burt the Bashful
Roger the Potted Ghost
Naval Piranha
Hookbill the Koopa
Raphael the Raven
Baby Mario
Kirby Series
King Dedede
Bandana Waddle Dee
Meta Knight
Whispy Woods
Mr Shine and Mr Bright
Dark Matter
Dark Mind
Queen Sectonia
President Haltmann
The Three Mage Sisters
Punch Out!!
Little Mac
Doc Louis
Glass Joe
King Hippo
Von Kaiser
Soda Popinski
Bald Bull
Don Flamenco
Great Tiger
Piston Hondo
Bear Hugger
Mr. Sandman
Super Macho Man
Xenoblade Chronicles Series
Metal Face
Riku and Manana
Star Fox
Peppy Hare
Slippy Toad
General Pepper
Wolf O Donnell
Prince Tricky
General Scales
Early Nintendo/NES Era
Mr Game & Watch
Professor Hector
Dr Mario Viruses
Mach Rider
Ice Climbers
The Condor
The Polar Bear
ExciteBike Racers
Duck Hunt Dog and Ducks
Wild Gunman Outlaws
Sable Prince
Eggplant Man
Balloon Fighter
Wii Fit Trainers
Ring Fit Trainees
Dillion and Russ
Rusty Slugger
Ryota from Wave Race
Sebastian Tute from Wii Music
Chibi Robo
The Arcade Bunny from Nintendo Badge Arcade
Nikki from Swapnote
The Flipnote Studio Frog
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crazybutsensible · 1 year
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Voi avete capito quel che succedeva a Bibbiano (Reggio Emilia)? Avete capito che portavano via i figli alle famiglie, accusando i genitori di abusi inventati di sana pianta, per lucrare e darli in affido a strutture e coppie gay? Avete capito che gli davano scariche elettriche per manipolarne i ricordi? Che falsificavano i disegni per avvalorare le accuse? Che omettevano di consegnare ai bambini lettere e regali dati dai genitori naturali? Avete capito che il Pd è solidale con il Sindaco arrestato? Avete capito che per 20 anni, senza che nessuno alzasse un dito, centinaia di bambini ai quali hanno fatto il lavaggio del cervello, sono stati strappati alle famiglie, mantenuti in affido per sottoporli a un circuito di cure private a pagamento?
Perché non vedo tutto questo sui giornali, tv e social?
Perché non leggo articoli dei noti saloni radical chic? Questo silenzio è la violenza più profonda.
Questo silenzio è inaccettabile.
- Don F. Minervino
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How mean would it be if I had Lily's parents come get her after she had some bonding time with Bob? He's helping her stay calm while the whole search is going on for her and is helping her stay hidden in public. And Lily thinks that soon, this will blow over, and she won't have to deal with the fear of her parents finding her.
But after another bonding time, there's a series of knocks on the castle doors.. and there's Lily's parents, here to collect her. All while mentioning that they found out from a business associate.
Bob and Lily are the first ones to realize what they mean and horror dawns on them, because how could they forget Don Pianta knew Lily's parents?
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mariomusicdaily · 2 years
Mario Music of the Day: Don Pianta from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
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yellow-anonymous · 11 months
Yellow Takes A Moment To Speak About His Mario Fanfiction/Fangame Idea
Okay so like. Disaster has struck the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms. An intense meteor shower has rocked the land, destroying infrastructure and causing earthquakes. To make things worse, these aren't regular meteors, they're elementally charged meteors, causing the impact sites and a wide area around them to be overcharged with elemental energy, causing all sorts of problems and issues. To make things even worse, Princess Peach and Bowser vanished during the meteor shower, and nobody knows where they went.
However, there are a few small mercies; the most notable being that almost everybody resonates with at least one kind of elemental energy, granting them powers and abilities. The survivors of the Event must now band together and attempt to make their own path in the shattered remnants of the Kingdoms.
We've got three "main" bands of survivors:
The Mushroom Remnants, led by Mario & Luigi. Based out of what remains of Princess Peach's castle, the brothers believe that Princess Peach is still out there somewhere, and are simultaneously seeking her out and defending as much of the Mushroom Kingdom's territory as they can from invaders. The members of the Remnants consist almost entirely of Toads, but there are a few Koopas, Goombas, and other sorts to be found. Mario and Luigi resonate with Fire Elemental Energy, but Luigi also resonates with Lightning/Thunder.
The Koopa Troop, led by Bowser Junior. Based out of Bowser's Castle (which managed to survive intact, but is currently not connected to the ground), Bowser Junior is trying to claim as much territory and resources as possible in order to support the Koopa Troop, as that's what he believes his father would want him to do. BJ would like to search for his father, but he fears that prioritizing a search even a little would spell disaster, either in the long term or the short. Bowser Junior... isn't having a good time in general, but he's at least got Kamek, Kammy, and the Koopalings to help him out. The Koopa Troop primarily consists of Bowser's minions, but there's a significant (if small) number of Toads who have joined up, for a number of reasons. Some flat-out preferred the Koopa Dynasty, some felt it was the safer option since the Koopa Troop actually has a legitimate ruler, even if he was very unused to ruling, and others joined simply because it was the first group they came across. Bowser Junior resonates with Wind Elemental Energy.
The Double-U's, led by Wario and Waluigi. An eclectic gang consisting of species from all across the Mario World (although, you'll find significantly more Shy Guys, Bandits, and Little Mousers here than with the other groups), the Double-U's act as opportunistic scavengers, not really caring about territory and instead trying to acquire resources in order to ride out the storm. They're careful to avoid stepping on the toes of the big players, but if they think they can get away with a haul, they'll make the attempt. Wario is resonant with Earth Elemental Energy, while Waluigi is resonant with Water and Metal.
There are several smaller factions, that, while still notable, aren't as large or as powerful as the Big Three. Some examples include:
Team Tropical consists of the Yoshis and the Piantas. Team Tropical is co-led by Boshi (Yoshi is running with the Mushroom Remnants) and Don Pianta. They're primarily concerned with keeping their tropical homes secured but do trade goods with the other factions.
The Spooky Crew are just a bunch of jerks. They're led by King Boo and are made up of just about every spectral entity that exists in the Mario Universe. They do serve as information brokers and spies, but their interactions with the rest of the factions consist primarily of scaring the crap out of anybody who comes across one of their haunts and stealing their stuff for kicks. They're ghosts, they don't exactly need to eat, drink, or sleep.
Sarasaland wasn't hit by the meteor shower as badly as the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms were, and they're doing... alright? They're neutral and do trade with all of the other factions, but the difficulty of getting to Sarasaland from the Mushroom or Koopa Kingdoms means that Princess Daisy and her forces don't have the greatest idea of what's going on at any given point in time.
The Stars are very overworked and trying their best, please be patient with them.
The Cosmic Observatory is led by Rosalina, who very much wants to know what's going on with these weird meteors. Her forces are almost entirely Lumas, but she has given sanctuary to a few others. The Cosmic Observatory and its people are primarily here in a combination of a research team and a humanitarian aid group; Rosalina is their only method of force projection, but she's a very effective method.
And finally, there's a countless amount of unaligned factions, primarily raiders and bandits, trying to make their way in the world.
If this ever became a game, I'd imagine it being like a cross between Fire Emblem and an RPG. You'd play as the Faction Leaders and would control them in turn-based fights, but you'd also be commanding troops, telling them to build bridges or assume a defensive formation in battle.
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thromblr · 1 year
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I fucking. Love Don Pianta.
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duckapus · 9 months
Idea for either an arc or a movie: Bob's Last Stand
Ever since Bob moved to the Mushroom Kingdom in general and New Donk City in particular, he's been a thorn in the side of the Pianta Mafia. A thorn they were mostly content to ignore unless their paths crossed directly, but after all these years and with how successful he's become, Don Pianta's had enough. So now, he's gonna hit that slimy trash bag where it hurts unless he clears out.
His business? Crushed by competition.
His accounts? Drained.
His reputation? The backlash after Darkest Hour will look like glowing praise in comparison after they're through.
His loved ones? His life? Well, if he's smart it won't have to come to that...
It doesn't help that the Don used to be a business associate of the Estrellas and recognizes Lily when he first shows up to threaten Bob with all this. Or that he manages to manipulate Marcy into helping him, going by the logic that if Bob's no longer living in the Mushroom Kingdom with his friends it might be easier for her to convince him to rejoin the clan (which massively sets back the progress she didn't even realize she'd made on repairing their relationship after he finds out).
To make matters worse, the mayoral election is right around the corner, and one of the more popular candidates is secretly in the Don's pocket.
Not willing to back down, Bob's going to have to fight with everything he has to keep the life he's worked so hard to make for himself...or die trying.
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tigers-eyes-26 · 2 years
I Don't Need Saving Chpt 2
TW: harassment, sexism, a little fighting violence no gore, no death, but heads will get smacked.
Chpt 2: Rogue Port
Luigi hung on to the magic carpet for dear life as Piki flew over the desert at breakneck speeds. They couldn’t lose time.  The motorcycle tracks ended at a canyon far beyond the borders of the Biraduto kingdom. Did she fall off the edge? Luigi blanched at the horrible thought.  They investigated the bottom of the canyon. They didn’t see her mangled body, much to Luigi’s relief, but they did see the mine and many footprints in the sand. It was like an army was here! Did they take her?
On the sides of the minecarts there was scratched “Private Property of Wario Inc.!”  Did Wario get to her? Luigi hadn’t seen Wario or Waluigi since they last played tennis together. What were the shady duo up to now-a-days?
“I need to ask Wario if he saw the princess here.”
Piki looked around nervously, “You didn’t hear this from me, but there are rumors, that Wario now lives in Rogue Port.”
“Rogue Port?” That didn’t sound very good.
“It is a town of robbers, thieves, and pirates!” Luigi gulped down some fear. Would he have to fight a whole town of people? “They built it to have a safe place sell their loot or to gamble it away. If we follow the footprints, it might take us there.”  Piki sounded so happy that they had a lead.
“Come on now let’s get going, I think it will be a long flight.” Piki lowered her magic carpet.
 Luigi shakily climbed back on.
The canyon cliffs slowly sloped down and ended. Instead of a rocky desert they now flew past bushes and some sparse trees. Up a head there was a large circular building like a stadium. All around it was an old town made up of cobble stones. Behind the town was docks that jutted out into a Bay. Many ships docked there had pirate flags flowing in the wind.
Piki steered them to the far right of the town where there were some trees to hide behind.
Luigi slid off of the carpet. He looked back a Piki who hesitated. “I can’t be seen inside of Rogue Port.” She apologetically scratched the back of her head with her wing. “You are going to have to be on your own….Sorry.”
Luigi couldn’t blame her, her black bird like people had a bad reputation. It was already a sketchy place. He gave her a good-natured smile “Its ok.”
“You might want to find a disguise. I don’t know how many of these people know you.” Luigi took his hat off and set it on the black birds head. “Oh wow! A totally different person!” Piki snarked as she pushed the green hat back out of her eyes.
Luigi gave her a deadpan look. He took out a green handkerchief and wrapped it over his nose and mustache. “Ta-dah!” He gave her some jazz hands
“I guess…. Maybe, while you are out there, try to find some other clothes.”  Luigi nodded. “I’m going to head back to Chi and update Princess Peach.” Piki gave Luigi’s head a hug. “Good luck Luigi. Bring our Princess back.” She held on to his hat and zipped off toward the desert. He waved her goodbye. The sun was setting. Daisy had been gone for about two days.  
“Here is your room ~ma’dam~!” Waluigi gave a sweeping arm toward the room. he held the door open for Daisy.
The room was obviously Waluigi’s. the bed was long, set between two windows, and had purple sheets. There was a dart board on the right-hand wall with Mario and Luigi’s face on it. A punching bag was hanging in a corner. An alcove closet on the left-hand wall held his clothes. Daisy kept a neutral face.    
Waluigi walked to the closet. “I know this is not what you are used to. We are not an Inn. The Pianta Don beat us to that industry.” He gathered his clothes in the closet in his long arms. “I’ll be in Wario’s room for the time being.” He slunk out of the room with his haul. “Ciao!”
Daisy shut the door behind him and took a deep breath. What was she doing? The room smelt like Waluigi’s overbearing cologne. She opened the two windows and sat on the bed. No. She was going to use this time to her benefit. She would leave as soon as the contest was over. Would she go back home after that though? She didn’t want to go back. Not right now. She would see how she felt later.
Right now, she felt tired. The sun had set a few minutes ago. She shifted of her backpack and set it on the floor. The room still smelt bad but at least it smelt better than Wario. He always smelt like rotting garlic. She scrunched her face thinking about it.  She laid back and stared at the ceiling.
A laundry line connected two houses by the second stories. Luigi looked up at the collection of clothes. The only two things that looked like it would fit him was a black coat that had shinny buttons and some black pants. He hesitated. Well, it was stealing from thieves so it should be ok. He hoped none would notice. Once he knew the coast was clear, he took a running leap bounding off of the wall to get him enough air to snatch the clothes. He had to repeat the jump several times. He didn’t like the idea of wearing other people’s clothes but at least he knew they were clean.
In the back of the pants pocket there was a black bandana. He ripped two holes in the bandana, making a mask he could put it over his eyes. It was hard to keep his green handkerchief over his big nose and mustache. The mask over his eyes would have to suffice. Now it was time to find a place to stay.
He wondered around the town for a bit trying to keep in the well-lit areas. He found a big sign on a building with flashing lights it spelled out “Don’s Inn and Casino”. It was the only kind of inn or hotel that he could see. It would seem not a lot of tourists come to Rouge Port for vacation. Luigi smiled at his own thoughts and walked into the Inn.
There was a small reception area with a counter. A door behind the counter and a door heading into the casino. Luigi rang the little bell on the counter. “YAH YAH YAH I’m here!” a big blue triangle looking man with a palm tree poking out of his head stomped out from the back door. “What do you want?” The Pianta demanded, adjusting his sunglasses to look down at Luigi.
“I” Luigi squeaked, he cleared his throat and squared his shoulders “I need a place to stay.”
“Yah Yah of course which class of room?”
“S-small…???” He didn’t know the classification of rooms in this inn. Was there a sign he had missed?
The Pianta rolled his eyes. “50 coins a night.”
“O-Okay…??” Luigi had a fair amount of coins with him he could stay for about a week. He fished out 100 coins. Luigi cleared his throat again. “This for now. If business goes well, I’ll have to stay longer.” He slid the coins to the blue clerk.
“Yah yah yah whatever.” The clerk opened a drawer on his side of the counter and threw a key to the masked man. “Room 2”
Luigi fumbled with the key. “Got it.” he got a grip on the key and gave the clerk a mini salute. The Pianta rolled his eyes again, slid his sunglasses back up, and entered the door he had come from.
Luigi walked through the noise and flashing lights and strange smells of the casino. Luigi could play a good hand of poker, but he doubted that the dealers here would give anyone a fair chance. The casino workers gave him shifty looks as he passed them. He kept his head down.
Down a side hall was a line of about 10 room. Luigi found room two and opened the door. Thunk! It immediately hit something. Luigi craned his head around the door to see. It was the bed. It really was a small room! He sucked in and squeezed the rest of his body through the opening into the ‘room’ if one could call it that. It was about the same size as the bed. With one window and a toilet and sink against the wall. It was like a jail cell. He sighed at the pitiful sight; This will have to do.
First Chapter:  https://at.tumblr.com/tigers-eyes-26/i-dont-need-saving-chpt-1/t905vb8ogm5g
Next Chapter: : https://at.tumblr.com/tigers-eyes-26/i-dont-need-saving-chpt-3/vgxydev5dzmy
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incamminoblog · 2 days
don Lucio D'abbraccio"La forza del cristiano? Rimanere in Cristo!"
V Domenica di Pasqua (Anno B)  (28/04/2024) Liturgia:Atti 6,1-7; 1Pietro 2,4-9; Giovanni 14,1-12 Domenica scorsa il Vangelo ha messo in risalto il rapporto tra il credente e Gesù Buon Pastore. Oggi, invece, il Vangelo si apre con l’immagine della vigna. «Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: “Io sono la vite vera e il Padre mio è l’agricoltore”». La vite è una pianta che forma un tutt’uno con i tralci;…
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lamilanomagazine · 16 days
Di sana pianta 2024: 152 nuovi alberi nella città di Lecce per riempire le piccole aiuole rimaste vuote
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Di sana pianta 2024: 152 nuovi alberi nella città di Lecce per riempire le piccole aiuole rimaste vuote. Sono 152 i nuovi alberi che saranno piantati in città grazie al progetto "Di sana pianta", che prevede la donazione e la sponsorizzazione di esemplari di varie specie in diversi quartieri da parte di due aziende private, Monteco e CM Recuperi, già partner del Settore Ambiente del Comune di Lecce in alcuni servizi. L'obiettivo del progetto, da parte dell'Amministrazione comunale, è quella di trasformare porzioni di luoghi pubblici, ad ora non facilmente fruibili (forte insolazione, presenza di buche vuote o con ceppaie che rappresentano un pericolo), in luoghi di fruizione ottimale (ombreggiamento estivo, protezione dall'inquinamento, facile gestione della chioma). Le nuove alberature – secondo il progetto redatto dall'agronoma Cristina Rugge – andranno a riempire le piccole aiuole, o buche, rimaste vuote dopo la rimozione o la caduta delle essenze che in precedenza le occupavano. Le strade interessate dall'intervento, scelte sulla base della segnalazione dei cittadini, sono via di Leuca (quartiere Leuca), viale Oronzo Quarta (quartiere Ferrovia-Casermette, fino all'incrocio con via Don Bosco), via Argento e via Stampacchia (quartiere Santa Rosa), via Mincio (quartiere Santa Rosa), via Duca degli Abruzzi (quartiere Centro), via Adua (quartiere Centro), via Adda (quartiere Santa Rosa), via Gentile (quartiere Mazzini), via Isonzo (quartiere Santa Rosa),  via Adriatica (quartiere Santa Rosa). In tutti i casi, la necessità di intervenire è dovuta, in primo luogo, a problemi di sicurezza, perchè le buche lasciate vuote o dove c'è ancora una ceppaia possono aumentare il rischio di caduta per i pedoni, e, in secondo luogo, per la necessità di riqualificare le aree interessate. «Ringrazio chi ha reso possibile questo progetto, l'assessora Valli e il Settore Ambiente, e naturalmente i nostri partner, Monteco e CM Recuperi – sottolinea il sindaco Carlo Salvemini – che hanno creduto in questa iniziativa tesa a rafforzare il nostro patrimonio arboreo in una fruttuosa collaborazione pubblico-privata, perchè le cose belle si fanno insieme. Il progetto è stato redatto dall'agronoma Cristina Rugge. Abbiamo imparato dagli errori del passato quando si piantavano alberi ritenendo di garantire un beneficio a prescindere mentre ci siamo resi conto col tempo che anche la scelta più ordinaria come quella di piantare un albero in un contesto urbano deve tenere conto delle condizioni climatiche, delle specie arboree, del nutrimento del suolo, delle distanze da altri elementi di potenziale interferenza. Questo è il lavoro che abbiamo avviato con il regolamento stralcio e che proseguiremo con il piano del verde e ne siamo molto contenti. Non possiamo deflettere dall'obiettivo di rendere la città sempre più verde sia investendo sui parchi urbani sia investendo sul potenziamento del patrimonio arboreo».  «Spero che questo progetto – dichiara l'assessora all'Ambiente Angela Valli – possa continuare nel tempo, con la generosità delle aziende del territorio. Sono stata io a scegliere il nome "Di sana pianta" perchè stiamo riempiendo le buche vuote di sana pianta con piante sane che avranno un'azione benefica sull'ambiente e sull'abbattimento della CO2 e saranno nutrite con compost di buona qualità. Ringrazio Monteco e CM recuperi per la disponibilità a questa donazione così generosa e importante per la città». Nella scelta delle specie, si è considerato in maniera prioritaria il fitoclima locale per limitare al massimo gli interventi colturali manutentivi e le necessità di irrigazione dei nuovi impianti, ma anche la situazione del suolo e il contesto circostante. Da qui, quindi, la seguente scelta delle specie arboree: su viale Oronzo Quarta, pittosporo o ligustro, su via Argento, via Stampacchia e via Mincio,  ligustro, su via Duca degli Abruzzi e via Adua, querce, visto che la grandezza delle buche e la distanza dal fronte edifici è compatibile con la dimensione massima raggiunta da questa specie, in via Adda, alberi di Giuda, in via Isonzo, pittosporo, in via Adriatica, alberi di pepe brasiliano e in via di Leuca, i prunus o ciliegi da fiore. Monteco, ditta appaltatrice del servizio di igiene urbana in città, e CM Recuperi, l'azienda che si occupa del riciclo delle terre di spazzamento, di sfalci e potature per il Comune di Lecce, attraverso il quale sono state realizzate le 10 panchine dislocate nei parchi cittadini, si impegnano a mettere i 152 alberi a dimora e ad assisterli fino alla fine di dicembre di quest'anno, attraverso il compost prodotto da CM Recuperi. Per Monteco, questa donazione di alberi alla città ha la finalità di ridurre in atmosfera la CO2 prodotta dai mezzi impiegati per l'epletamento dei servizi di igiene urbana all'interno del territorio comunale. «Semina il futuro, pianta un albero per ridurre la CO2 è un progetto pensato per partecipare e sostenere il Comune di Lecce nella lotta alla riduzione della CO2 e, al contempo, per contribuire all'ulteriore miglioramento delle aree verdi e di riqualificazione del verde urbano in città nella partita verso la sostenibilità – dichiara Mario Montinaro, amministratore delegato della ditta Monteco S.p.A. – Impegno, del resto, già intrapreso con l'introduzione di mezzi elettrici, in sostituzione di quelli termici, per lo svolgimento di una parte dei servizi di igiene Urbana». «Si vuole dare, insieme all'Amministrazione comunale di Lecce, un segnale forte – aggiunge la responsabile d'impianto di CM Recuperi Antonella Serra – per sostenere l'economia circolare. Sfalci e potature conferiti dal Comune presso il nostro impianto di recupero, dopo un primo trattamento di riduzione volumetrica e sfibratura, vengono trasferiti negli impianti di compostaggio e usati come strutturante per la produzione di compost, chiudendo così il ciclo dei rifiuti in questione. Il terriccio che ne deriva sarà utilizzato per piantare questi alberi con i quali vogliamo contribuire ad un ripristino arboreo urbano con il relativo abbattimento di co2. È nostra responsabilità recuperare il rapporto con la natura per creare una vera cultura della sostenibilità». All'inizio di ogni filare di alberi che il Comune andrà a ripiantumare, sarà posizionato un cartello in compensato con nome del progetto, il comune beneficiario e le aziende donatrici.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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