#dog bathing
opawz · 1 year
OPAWZ Pet Bathing System Dog Bathing Demonstration on Large Dog Breeds
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the OPAWZ Pet Bathing System that we are using for bathing dogs, here we will be conducting a half-bath on the dog, Taco, where one-half of his body will be washed by hand, and the other half will be washed using the OPAWZ Pet Bathing System & OPAWZ Deep Cleanse Dog Shampoo.  This will allow us to compare the effectiveness of both methods of bathing and…
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I've been forgetting to take pictures at work 🙈 here's one from today though! Tino got skunked 😅
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wyatt-06 · 28 days
Should You Bathe Your Furry Friend In Winter?
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The chills outside may say winter—but the list of reasons for bathing your dog during the cold weather is just as long as it is during the summer. Keep up a dog bathing routine to help keep your dog smelling fresh, to help prevent fleas, to prevent matting, and to notice any lumps and bumps that his thick winter coat may be hiding.
If you’re going to do it yourself, giving a bath during the cold months requires a few special precautions to keep them comfortable. Here are eight steps
1. Buy Shampoo & Other Supplies
Use a dog-specific shampoo to prevent soap suds stinging their eyes. Because colder weather often brings on incidences of dry skin, you may want to try an oatmeal shampoo to help combat the flakiness. Have a non-stick bath mat handy for the tub, to keep them from slipping and sliding too much. Also, have cotton balls ready to gently place in their ears to block water out.
2. Don’t Forget To Brush
This step can easily get overlooked. Before bath time, prep your pup by giving them a thorough brushing to get rid of tangles and excess hair.
3. Get Situated
Consistency is critical when it comes to keeping your pet calm. Bathing can be uncomfortable, so having a place they are familiar with will ease their fears or at least let them know what to expect. A lick pad is a great way to get your pup to sit still during a bath. Just stick the pad to the side and add peanut butter to it. This combo is sure to keep your pup distracted and entertained, so you can focus on cleaning.
4. Gather Before You Lather
Once your pup is wet, you’ll have your hands full so having everything you need nearby is necessary. Set aside a clean towel, cup for rinsing and treats for afterward. Never leave a dog unattended in the tub, and if you’re outside, make sure your dog is contained or on a leash.
5. Water Temp Matters
“Can I bathe my dog in cold water?” is a common question. Lukewarm to slightly warm water is ideal. Never use scalding hot water as it can burn your dog’s skin. Not too hot, not too cold.
6. Bottom To Top, Head To Tail
Lightly lather the soap in a circular motion paying particular attention to their paws and other places prone to dirt. Start with their feet and work your way up to their face last. This will stop soap from dripping into their eyes and ears as well as cut down on shaking. Rinse starting from the head and work your way down until the stream is clear. This helps the shampoo wash down and away from their sensitive spots.
7. Warm Towel Or Blow Dry
Covering your pup in a warm towel retains heat and also lessens the chances of them shaking water all over you (and your house). If it’s cold, or your dog has long hair that takes longer to dry, you might consider using a dog blow dryer to speed up the process.
8. Make It Fun!
Make bathing enjoyable! Bathing can be a bonding experience for both you and your dog. Take puppy steps introducing them to water and working up to a full bath. Be patient and be gentle. If your dog senses you are stressed out they will be too. Make sure you reward with treats and show lots of love and affection.
Bonus Tip: Adapt To The Animal’s Lifestyle 
If you have a dog that lives outside, you can still give them a good cleaning, even when it is too cold to bathe a dog outdoors. You can use Aroma Tree Dry Bath Cleansing Shampoo to avoid getting your pet wet. Occasionally cleaning your pup with dry shampoo is a great idea, as it eliminates the need for a wet bath and cleans away dirt; oil and sebum build up from the skin and hair. It is also frequently used to clean dirty paws.
However you choose to bathe your dog, a dog bath will help keep your dog’s coat – and your home – clean this winter.  Even if the weather outside is frightful, your dog’s coat can be delightful with just a few minutes spent on a winter bath. Keep your canine companions clean and healthy.
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mrnmrspetjaipur · 3 months
Cheap Dog Groomers That Come To Your House
Occasionally, due to our increasingly hectic lifestyles, a simple chore like cleaning your dog may seem like a pain. Given that your pet seems to have a nice coat, you could even believe that maintaining them is not required. Regular dog grooming may benefit both you and your pet, though!
Before we go any further, let's be clear about what grooming entails. Depending on the breed, grooming is more than simply giving the dog a quick brushing. The frequency of grooming varies. Grooming may take a lot of different shapes. To guarantee your dog can enjoy the world easily, clean their ears and eyes, cut their nails to the perfect length, brush their teeth for a glossy giggle, and wash and brush their locks to bring out their natural sheen are a few examples.
Learn the benefits of routine dog grooming and how to keep your pet looking and feeling their best between grooming visits. Mr n Mrs Pet are here to take good care of your favorite friends in Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Ghaziabad, Kanpur, and other cities around India. We have a decent number of locally owned, trustworthy, and authorized dog grooming facilities that can take good care of your furry pets at your home. Booking a session in your city is possible by clicking on the "Dog Grooming" link on their website: Mr n Mrs Pet. Better still, because of this, your dearest friend may receive the best treatment possible at the lowest possible cost.
Reasons Behind Dog Grooming
A dog's quality of life may be enhanced by proper grooming, which is essential to its health and well-being. A dog's demand for grooming varies according to its species, age, and condition. Regular grooming contributes to the dog's comfort and well-being. Although many dogs shed their fur, other breeds—like the poodle—do not shed as much and only need to be groomed every four to eight weeks.
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Daily Grooming Is Done Primarily For The Following Reasons:
Reduced likelihood of several health issues, including thrush, scrapes, and other skin issues.
Overall hygiene of the dog looking for wounds, hot areas, swelling, lameness, or behavioural changes in the dog, all of which might be signs of sickness developing a stronger relationship between the dog and owner.
Minimizing the amount of external parasite infection on skin stay away from matting that might harbour health risks such as irritation to the skin or the trapping of pathogenic germs in the coat.
Why pick Home Mr n Mrs Pet “Dog Grooming services”?
Grooming is usually mentioned by pet parents as the most challenging part of owning a pet. Why does this occur? Pets that are not used to getting washed frequently or who are not used to grooming themselves may just find the idea of being submerged in water and shampoo frightening. They may then associate this negatively and develop a dread of taking baths in the future. However, stop worrying now. Mr n Mrs Pet is available to provide your dog with routine cleanings and grooming. Because pets feel calmer in a familiar setting, our in-home pet grooming services in of cities like Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Ghaziabad, and Kanpur are ideal for animals that become nervous in strange situations. In your region, we provide in-home dog grooming services.
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We provide the following services: bath and blow-dry, haircut, nail clipping, whole body clipping and combing, paw washing and massage, and jaws, eye, and ear cleaning. Our Dog grooming services costs are the finest in the industry, just like our groomers.
A superb work was completed with little hassle at all. Many thanks, Team Mr n Mrs Pet, Says a client of ours for dog grooming services at home. Because we offer top-notch post-service cleanup services, you will not be concerned about cleansing your home after the session while our groomers are there.
Top Dog Grooming Services Near You - Mr n Mrs Pet
Because they are or were previously pet parents, our local Mr n Mrs Pet groomers have extensive expertise in grooming dogs at home. They are aware that the ideal approach to do this task is to be patient. They will soothe your dogs and help them connect grooming with positive things by giving them lots of praise and rewards.
Since every pet is unique, our pet groomers in any city will discuss your pet's special needs in advance to provide a seamless grooming experience. Before they can take any bookings, all of our dog groomers across India must complete an initial orientation and verification procedure. This guarantees that you will only receive grooming from highly skilled and qualified professionals. Our staff would be pleased to assist you at any point during the reservation process. To take advantage of our outstanding services, just search for "best dog grooming near me" and make a groomer appointment with Mr n Mrs Pet.
We recognize that grooming your dog may seem difficult initially, but with some assistance, you can learn the techniques required to do it by yourself.
We provide dog grooming services in Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Ghaziabad, and Kanpur at home to help dog owners. You may visit our website at https://www.mrnmrspet.com/ to obtain expert and useful information and you can schedule an appointment.
Source URL: https://dogsserv.blogspot.com/2024/03/cheap-dog-groomers-that-come-to-your.html
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pumpkinpawart · 8 months
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drew this in my first weeks as a dog bather back in 2020 because i love the utter looks of betrayal
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anotherhomedelhi · 8 months
Pet Bathing Service: Ultimate Pet Grooming Experience
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Another Home Pet Bathing Service offers the ultimate pet grooming experience for your furry friend. Our professional groomers are skilled in bathing, grooming, and styling pets of all breeds and sizes. Our services include bathing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and haircuts. We understand that pet owners have busy schedules, which is why we offer affordable and convenient pet grooming services.
Visit- Pet Bathing Service
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cutespets553540 · 1 year
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ripe · 2 months
thegoodhypeofficial on ig
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nicefarming · 1 year
Dog Grooming at Home: Effective Tips and Tricks
Dog Grooming at home can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. By learning how to groom your dog, you can save money and ensure that your pet is getting the care they need. To get started, you’ll need to gather the necessary grooming supplies and set up a designated grooming area. From there, you can learn how to bathe, brush, trim nails, clean a dog’s ears, and…
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babyanimalgifs · 1 year
Puppy’s first bath 
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dog-groomer-diaries · 2 years
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You mad, bro?
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wyatt-06 · 29 days
Top 9 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool in Summer
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With the sun high in the sky, we know the heatwaves will hit sooner or later. The summer is officially here. The heatwaves aren’t only affecting us humans but our dogs too. Insufficient water intake, improper care of paws, and heatstrokes can cause your dogs to suffer. We cannot control the heat, but we can take measures to keep our furry friends cooler this summer. 
We take various measures to protect our skin and bodies in this dreary heat. We put on our UV gloves, cream, and hat. But what measures do we take for our dogs? We are here to help you keep them cool inside and out. Keep reading!
What's Inside?
1. Hydration is the key. 2. Cooling mats to the rescue. 3. Early Morning or Evening walks 4. Cool baths 5. Wipe away the sweat. 6. Protect the paws. 7. An indoor date 8. Frozen treats 9. Play time
Hydration Is The Key.
The prickly heat can cause your dog to have heatstrokes, sunburn, and dehydration. Just like us, our dogs might face the adverse effects of heat waves. How do we prevent it? Clean and cool drinking water will keep them hydrated. Cascade Drinking Fountain: A water fountain that constantly filters and flows water is a mess-free and hands-free solution for drinking water. It is ideal for pet parents who are away at work. 
Cooling Mats To The Rescue.
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Summer can be harsh on our four-legged friends. It is obvious that heat makes the surface hotter; hence, we have the perfect solution to it. A cooling mat. It functions at the contact of the body heat to give its cooling effect without any additional electricity or water. So your dog can experience the coolness of the snowy mountains even in the summer.
Pro tip: Cooling mats function the same whether they are dry or soaked in water. It can be used after short periods of time too. 
Early Morning Or Evening Walks
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Regular activity for dogs is essential, as it helps practice their agility and let out their hyper-active energy. We suggest taking your dogs for walks in the early morning. Mornings where the sun rays are easy and gentle. If early mornings are missed, you can always take your pet out in the evening or night. This will help them get their daily exercise and keep the heat off their bodies. In cases of walks, make sure to carry a portable bowl to provide water whenever necessary to your dog.
Pro Tip: A cooler environment can get the exercise done and provide more bonding opportunities.
Cool Baths
Bath time can be a great way to cool off some heat. A cold water shower with moisturizing shampoo that cleans off the sweat and dirt. A cleansing shampoo that can leave your dog smelling fresh and clean. Gentle formulation and ingredients do matter a lot when buying a shampoo for our pets. A bath can be a great way to cool off your dogs.
Pro Tip: An improper shampoo can harm the coat’s texture and may cause further complications. The shampoo should be moisturizing and soft on the skin. 
Wipe Away The Sweat.
Our dogs can be sweating just like us. They have two types of sweat glands一 merocrine glands and apocrine glands. Merocrine glands make our dogs sweat from their paw pads, which helps them stay cool. In such cases, you can use pet wipes that are multi-purpose. It can be used to clean the areas around eyes, nose and body as well. Wipes can work as a great alternative to bathing. It can leave your dog feeling clean and fresh.
Pro Tip: Pet wipes are easy to carry and clean. The wipes can clean as efficiently as washing your dog. A damp towel will also lock the coolness in and clean your pet efficiently.
Protect The Paws.
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The heated surface can damage the sensitive paws. Direct contact with a hot, prickly surface can hurt your dogs. In such cases, we recommend using Trixie Protective boots for protection against the heated ground. This may reduce the chances of sunburn on their paws.
Pro Tip: Protective boots can protect your dog in extreme weather, whether sunny or cold. These boots let your dog walk comfortably.
An Indoor Date
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There is no harm in having an indoor date with your furry companion. There is no better way to spend the day with your furry friends than indoors. Just switch off Netflix and enjoy this time as a bonding experience. Who would miss such a chance?
Pro Tip: You can set a fan to have ample air ventilation or open the windows for air. 
Frozen Treats
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Treats with a lot of water starch or high protein can be frozen into popsicle sticks. You can use fruits like watermelon, apples, or bananas that provide proteins and fiber. You can also blend your fruits together and freeze them into bite-sized treats. 
Pro Tip: Frozen treats act as a cooling agent for your dogs, so they can keep them cool in the summer heat while providing tasty treats.
Play Time
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Play time can be held in the evening when the temperature is a lot cooler. You can make use of sprinkler or hose to add more fun to the play time. It will also help bring down the body heat. 
Pro Tip: Excessive activity can lead to more heat buildup in the body. Sprinklers can cool down the play time and maintain a cool environment.
Excessive heat isn’t only harsh on us but on our pets too. This summer, let’s make it easier for them and keep the heatstrokes away. Using the various techniques and tips mentioned above, you can maintain a cool body temperature. So beat summer with no hindrance to fun.
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mrnmrspetjaipur · 4 months
Best Dog Groomers at Home in Chandigarh
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Visit our top-tier Dog Groomers in Chandigarh. Mr n Mrs Pet experienced groomers deliver personalized care customized to your pet's requirements, offering a range of services from bathing to styling. Prioritizing quality and comfort, we guarantee that your furry companion looks and feels exceptional. Schedule an appointment for a grooming session that exceeds your expectations!
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canisalbus · 7 months
hello! i've written a short little machete fic, and i wanted to share it with you as thanks for all the incredible art and generous question-answering you've been doing these last few months. i hope that if you give it a look, you enjoy it. <3 keep up all your amazing work! archiveofourown [.] org / works / 50945128
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✦ A Voi ✦
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thechekhov · 3 months
Not to be dramatic but please don't let tiktok convince you that your indoor, couch-potato dog needs a bath every day or even every other day.
The amount of videos I see of people bathing their dogs that suggest they're making this a part of some daily routine is giving me the vapors.
Unless your dog is rolling in manure, playing in the ocean, or rolling in dirt and then coming over to sleep on your couch DAILY, then they DO NOT NEED A DAILY BATH.
Over-bathing your dog CAN actually damage most coats. They will not benefit from constant shampooing and washing. Just let them live. Brushing and de-tangling long coats has WAY more benefits and way more dogs need to be brushed daily than bathed daily.
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radiance1 · 7 months
De-aged Mothboy Dannyo.
Except this time, he isn't in Jump City and Killer Moth is sadly not his kidnapper turned parent.
Instead, he's in Gotham.
He doesn't really do anything in the City of Crime. To everyone else, he's just a street kid who was unfortunate enough to be abandoned because of his meta status.
Danny's little home is literally a dumpster in an abandoned alleyway that he cleared out of all the trash. He has a mat that he uses as a makeshift bed, and a corner where he stores all his pretty little marbles he gets from dumpster diving, as well as an old backpack he found somewhere to hold all his other stuff.
He did use another Dumpster to expand his little home though, he doesn't know what he'll do with all the extra space really, but he'll find a use for it, probably.
The use was pulling in a bunch of other soft (enough) mats that he managed to find, filling the extra space with all of that, and then laying down on all of it in joy.
How did he make said Dumpster extra space? Simple, he just tore off one of the walls, and stuck them together with a drill and a few nails he managed to buy with his limited amount of money.
Danny... doesn't remember a whole lot. He remembers red, people in white, people who he thinks he knew laying so still. He doesn't try to remember any more than that, it usually hurts.
So, he's just one little kid trying to live his life in the City of Crime. He usually tries to stay away from any gang-controlled area, he couldn't do it all of the time, but he managed good enough. He meets some other street kids, and tries to make friends, but they aren't very receptive to his efforts.
So what does he do?
He has enough money to buy some snacks and stuff, and he does pay for it, no matter how cashier looks at him as if he were going to steal something, to be fair she does that to everyone but still! He's a law-abiding street kid!
Bribery worked very well! The first few times it wasn't anything too special, but after that, they decided that he was one of them now! They tell him stuff about the various gangs and stuff, which ones to avoid, and which area to not go towards because of one incident or another.
They also helped him that one time when he was chased by some really mean people who wanted to take him somewhere and apparently sell him? He didn't wanna hurt them, so he was trying to lose them and go back home, so that he could then get off those weird cuff thingies they put on his lower set of arms that made him feel a strange disconnect for some reason.
So he was running, didn't expect for one of them to have a gun, tried to evade the bullets, one hit him in the leg, then another in his other one, and he hit the pavement. Then they caught up and put some cloth to his face and he started to feel loopy and really tired.
Before he fell unconscious, he heard a loud smack. Then he was woke up to his friends, those weird cuffs gone, his legs having been bandaged and a really nice bed.
So he thanked his friends, and went back home. He gave them each their favorite snacks for their help!
About a month after that, he meets this really kind old guy that he helps carry stuff to his car, he took most of it, puffing out his chest and saying he's got this because he's really, really strong. Then the old guy invited him to come with him for a thank you dinner.
His friends told him not to accept any suspicious offers from strangers, but he helped the guy and he just wants to say thank you. Plus, food.
So he says yes.
He didn't know the old guy- no Alfred, had a giant mansion! His jaw-dropped, awestruck face practically showed what he felt. He then looked at himself, back at the mansion, and almost didn't wanna step in because he's afraid he might dirty it, before being gently pushed inside by Alfred.
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