#diy hamster
pets12pets · 8 months
Making Fun at Home: DIY Hamster Toys
In today's fast-paced world, finding ways to relax and have fun at home has become increasingly important. While many turn to technology or expensive hobbies, there is a simple and affordable option that can provide endless entertainment: DIY hamster toys. These furry little companions have become popular pets for their adorable antics and gentle nature. However, purchasing toys for them can quickly add up and may not always cater to their specific needs. That's where the creativity and resourcefulness of making your own hamster toys come in. Not only does it allow for personalized and unique playthings, but it also promotes a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. In this article, we will explore the benefits of making your own hamster toys, as well as some fun and easy DIY ideas to keep your furry friend entertained for hours on end. So grab your crafting supplies and let's get ready to have some fun at home with our beloved hamsters.
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emporium · 11 months
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Does Tumblr Still Exist Keychain • $6.00 $4.00
Other social media platforms have come and gone but tumblr is still here. Celebrate the enduring legacy of tumblr with this keychain.
2.25″ diameter
Woven fabric with embroidered edge
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knithacker · 6 months
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Crochet an Adorable Acron-Shaped Abode For Your Hamster Using Eco-Friendly Jute Twine: 👉 https://buff.ly/3rhpUWr 🐹
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shi0n · 4 months
i think i will name my mice ophelia, viola and juliet.. all characters from shakespeare plays.
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bytescratch · 7 months
Knoppy has a new home to explore...
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So I got a hamster and i love her very much!! I do not have a name for her yet, so if anyone has got any recs 👀👀 send them my way. I've thought about Penelope, Mousse, Duchess, and the latest, Moo.
She really loves her wheel and she's starting to take food out of my hand.
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whitecerberus · 1 year
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orossii · 2 years
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a client at work brought this hamster in for euthanasia because her dog tore her leg off on monday and she didn’t want to “spend hundreds of dollars on a $20 hamster” so i got her to surrender her to my rescue and i’m medical fostering her now
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stealchain · 2 years
i hate hate HATE when corporations try to emulate the niteangel hamster enclosures or diy enclosures but make them ungodly small. like 100-300 square inches of floor space small. like why even fucking try
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i get hampter today:)
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janemadelyne · 1 month
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I made a hamster cage from scratch cause she seemed unhappy about her current one. Hope she likes this one.
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stickerskingdom · 1 year
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penname-artist · 2 months
So I know that "avian" universes have been created by a few Planes folk, or at least just by buddies @c-119 and @ask-dusty-boy (that I'm aware of currently) but I'm quietly toying with a similar idea of my own, just on the...Opposite side of the scale?
By which I mean, goddamn tiny bird people.
So this is where I wanna dump all of that plated spaghetti of unsorted ideas. I have lost my writing muses so pardon the mess.
I know for normal-sized people to have bird wings, generally the rule of thumb is that you make them bigger, and their wings much bigger, to reach accuracies and such for how they'd get into the air. And also power. Big powerful bird person cool.
For me, creating my own little side-dish sandbox of "human Planes characters but with bird wings so I can play birds too because fuck you still you one human person from an unspecified number of years ago who wouldn't let me play with them" means going the other way. Making them TEENY. fairy sized. Dollhouse scaled. Itty-bitty please do not step on them little bird babies.
This might also be so I can save a bunch of DIY dollhouse items to my Pinterest and melt over them with an excuse that I'm "conducting research" for such a world.
Somewhere I already said and or drew or did something where I was like "Blade. Hummingbird boy. Nuff said." But like LEGIT, I bring this up again. He would have a hummingbirds wings and have similar qualities. Probably would struggle with discerning reflective surfaces in bright sunlight so he's probably hit his head more than once on stuff.
Baby go boom, pass out on ground for while til someone hands him an appy juice (natural sugar is very helpful for replenishing an exhausted hummingbird's energy)
Dusty is probably one of those small wild birds you hear in the morning. Maybe like a robin or something. Loud in the morning, chirpy, big on vocalization and tree branch hopping
...Nick's probably a chickadee. The colors tho. The little round ass fucking body, that thing is so B O R B. He is small round borb. A mess of feathers.
I also won't take literal fairies off the table here because that would be an interesting combination. Or butterflies! Or moths! Or literally any other type of small creature capable of flight. And the likes, for the non-fliers as well
*cough* spider Maru *cough*
Fuck now I want to ironically make Cabbie into some kind of tiny bat thing
The SJ can be his bugs- I mean um beetle styled people
I imagine there's a terrible pet industry for them if that's the case, but my point still stands that if you take good care of them you should get to have them around as trusty companions! Maybe less like a pet hamster and more like a befriended hive of bees
They have predators. Likely just any animal that would eat what they would be animal-wise. But like not each other. That'd be weird. Also if that was the case Cabbie would be down like, five Smokejumpers. So no it's just the big pred animals going after them not them after themselves
Cats are NOTORIOUS for getting to them. I fully believe Rip would have set one on Dusty in their final race, on purpose.
They probably aren't like, just woodland fairy like creatures anymore, like the stories would have you believe. I think they'd all be integrated somewhat with the modern world and have a lot of evolution themselves, so they basically have scaled down versions of everything normal humans have, even down to styled choices of clothing...well, minus the added wings
They probably don't lay eggs
They do molt though when stressed
I have to imagine there's SOME sort of process to the insect ones on shedding skins?? That's kinda gross but like? It's nature??
*cough* spider Maru *cough*
Catching them is probably illegal, especially inhumanely (ie in ways that injure or risk injury to them, like using bug nets, zappers, etc) and accidental capture (like from mouse traps let's say) may be fineable
(okay but someone stuck on a sticky mouse trap is kind of funny to me. They have such an angry grin and the occasional 'flflflflfl!' of wings)
That's it that's my post byeee
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tooies · 1 year
build your own hamster diy kit
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maochira · 8 months
Toki-Niji (my hamster) is getting a new owner in an hour. I sadly can't take care of him the way he needs it, and luckily I found someone who already has experience with two other hamsters as sensitive as him. I'm sad and wish I wouldn't have to let go, but it's the best for both Toki-Niji and me to put him into someone else's hands.
(More details under the cut if you wanna know more.)
I first started struggling with Toki-Niji back in the beginning of August (about 3 weeks after getting him) when he started biting the corners of his cage due boredom and/or stress. After multiple tries I only got him to stop the behaviour, but couldn't get rid of his boredom and stress. I really tried to. I bought and DIYed stuff to krep him busy, but he ignored those. One week I spent ike 80-100€ on things for him in hope it'll keep him busy but it didn't work. That was the first time I thought about giving him away but at that time, I just couldn't deal with the guilt I felt about "failing." By now I know I didn't fail because I tried as much as I could and giving him to someone else with more experience is the only right thing to do.
Besides that, Toki-Niji is very sensitive to noises and light, so I couldn't keep a big light on anymore and only a desk lamp as soon as he woke up at 7pm, which is an hour after I get home from school on most days. I also had to keep noises down as much as possible and often ended up not doing anything in the evenings. I just didn't want to cause him any more stress.
Every time I would hear any kind of noise from him I would get anxious in fear he's showing stress signs again. Knowing I have a stressed hamster terrified me because I want the best for him but didn't know what to do anymore.
I looked for help on reddit (in August) and followed the advice but nothing helped enough. I tried letting Toki-Niji run free outside of his cage to help with the boredom, but that only stressed him more.
My breaking point was 2 nights ago when he escaped his cage like 10 times and barely let me sleep that night. On one side that is my fault because the cage wasn't secure enough (I fixed it afterwards) but I also realized if it happens once, he'll continue trying to find new ways escape which means he's still stressed and bored.
I just couldn't deal with the anxiety and being woken up at night anymore. And I just couldn't deal with being fully aware I can't care for Toki-Niji the way he needs it.
Sure, I could have tried more. I could have bought and crafted more things to keep him busy. But honestly, I tried so many different things and I don't want to spend more money only to probably "fail" again. I just don't have the emotional capacity for this.
I know why he is so sensitive. He was raised in a bad environment and when I picked him up he was in a small cage with his brothers and father, in the middle of a hallway - aka a busy area where he probably didn't get much rest and was stressed a lot.
This experience just taught me again how hamsters, despite being so small, aren't always easy pets. Toki-Niji is very different from my previous two hamsters. And that's okay. He'll be better with another owner.
Sometimes a human and an animal aren't meant to be with each other. And that was the case for Toki-Niji and me.
I don't plan to have another hamster (or pet in general) for a while. At least as long as I live with my father I don't want another pet.
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cutestkilla · 1 year
15 Questions | 15 People
Rules: Answer these 15 Questions, then Tag 15 People 
Thanks for tagging me @theearlgreymage @johnwgrey @aristocratic-otter @artsyunderstudy @shrekgogurt @raenestee @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @yellobb! Man, I love learning all these things about you all!
Are you named after anyone? Nope. All I know about my naming is that my dad wanted to call me Brooke but my mom kiboshed it for the association with “babbling”.
When was the last time you cried? I was going to say last week when I had to tell my kiddos that their auntie had to put her sweet 14yo dog down. (RIP Rufus, you were a good boy and we all miss you. ☹ ) BUT then Raen mentioned crying at the premiere episode of The Last of Us and I think maybe I did too!
Do you have kids? I do indeed, a pair of boyos, 4 and 7.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Oh god, so much. Cue me having to explain to my kids why I keep saying "great" when the thing I'm talking about most certainly is NOT great.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?  I truly don’t know how to answer this… Probably just their general vibe and whether I vibe with it?
What’s your eye color? Blue.
Scary movies or happy ending? Happy ending, but man I love a scary movie too. But if I’m just by myself picking whatever I want I would go happy ending.
Any special talents? Define special… Um, I am able to touch the tip of my nose with my tongue. I’m a really good Googler. I can type at 72 WPM. I’m super fucking good at Excel. (Somehow, I turned this into a job application to be someone’s secretary...)
Where were you born?  Northern Ontario, Canada.
What are your hobbies? Apart from fandom stuff, which is currently my biggest hobby right now, maybe home improvement/DIY and gardening. I’m pretty good at plumbing and electrical, though I used to do that stuff a lot more before having kids. For several years I ran a fashion line with a couple friends, which I’m classifying as a hobby because we never made any real money at it, but it was fun and now I have a closet full of clothes I helped design. I also take ballet lessons once a week and play in a few sports leagues in the summers.
 Do you have any pets?  Nope, none. I used to have hamsters and fish growing up. My entire family have become dog people, so I have lots of pets in my extended family (5 – now 4 – dogs, and 4 cats).
 What sports do you play/have you played? The only sport I still play with any regularity is beach volleyball, but up until a few years ago I played fastpitch (softball) which I started playing as a tween. Going all the way back, I’ve played basketball, court volleyball, badminton, field hockey and I’ve run track as well.
 How tall are you? 5'4"
 Favorite subject at school? I think the answer would have to be music for this, because I went to a performing arts high school and took music with a specialization in vocal all the way through. For the general subjects, probably Physics and Math? But I also really liked English and History.  My favourite subject in university was Astrophysics (specifically cosmology), which was one of the things I majored in.
 Dream job? I think my dream would be to live in a society where we don’t need to have “dream jobs” and just having a fair and equitable balance of doing the things we need to do to survive and the things we love to do is the goal. In this dream we all work together to achieve this goal and nobody has to feel like they've failed somehow if they aren't doing what they love to earn a living... That said, I’m really fortunate in my career to have a great work-life balance and to work with great people, so I think I am sort of living the dream in a way. My ACTUAL dream when I was younger was to be a successful musician, a performing vocalist or even a songwriter. I did try a bit, in my early twenties, but in the end took the practical path. Then for a while I dreamed of being a scientific journalist. Most recently, I considered a career switch into AI/ML and got myself certified in machine learning but in the end, I decided not to give up the sweet gig I have.
Tags for: @technetiumai @larkral @hushed-chorus @ivelovedhimthroughworse @creepyspice @bookish-bogwitch @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @captain-aralias @moodandmist @fatalfangirl @palimpsessed @ileadacharmedlife @skee3000 @facewithoutheart @onepintobean (Sorry to harass you if you've already done this!)
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