#dirk gently's holistic detective agency meta
urlocallesbiab · 6 months
pararibulitis observation:
the disease flare-ups in both of the brotzman siblings are stress-triggered, but it's sensory-heavy for amanda and emotion-heavy for todd. cases in point,
freezes when she goes out on the street;
hurts her hand when she drums;
bursts into flames in a loud & bright store, despite feeling proud of herself for leaving the house;
gets a burn on his hand in which he held the phone when panicked amanda called him;
chokes when farah leaves him alone and he ends up running into police (while on the run from the government).
though, despite the difference, there's a similarity in that both cases somewhat represent the idea that "what you fear most in yourself, will hurt you (so let go of the fear)":
— amanda knows she's got the disease, so she stays holed up indoors despite hating the boredom, so even mild sensory distortions send her careening.
— todd believes his feelings are not worth examining, so he doesn't, and they boil under until they boil over.
advice for amanda: live your life, even if it's dangerous.
advice for todd: be honest, even if it's inconvenient.
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frenchfriedgiraffe · 4 months
friedkin being basically the only other person who seems to (slighty) understand people’s holistic abilities (aside from the holistics themselves) is such a good fucking ending for his character. for the entirety of the show he was reduced to a “dumb idiot”, so much so that when he pulls a gun on ken in the final episode, ken just tells him to stop being a moron. thats how much he’s underestimated by all the other characters, even when threatening someone they just assume he doesnt know what hes doing. but despite working for blackwing for years, and eventually “running” the place, he still has a sort of redemption at the end, proving that he can push through everything he’s been told, proving everyone wrong about his intelligence. “you can’t control it, that’s not how it works” damn right friedkin. rest in peace you would have loved audiobooks.
also: in the backstage, todd and amanda both have black blobby eye thingies. but friedkins eyes are red. idk what that means but it measn something.
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neeturnal · 4 months
this is gonna be very shitposty but every once in a while i just gush over the creativity and amazing writing that is farah's character, specifically in context of her being a black woman. like her character archetype only makes sense if she's played by Jade Eshete.
Her whole life she's been brought up by a strong black military family, so she's always been expected by not just her family, but by American society as well to be the "strong, independent, badass" character. and she expects this of herself too, most of her panic attacks/breakdowns are based on her feeling like she's not being strong enough (im specifically thinking of s1, that scene with amanda). but thats the thing, Farah is incredibly strong, shes incredibly brave, and she literally is called a badass by almost every major character because she really is what holds the entire cast together.
but despite this, her character still rebels from that archetype so well, because shes not strong and brave all the time, there are many moments in the show where we see such a vulnerable side of her. and these deviations arent just a cold emotionless moments, they're messy! she's a hot mess! but thats a good thing!
The overall message of the show is one that I am already in love with, but another message the show represents in specifics to farah is that there are sooooo many ways to be strong. you're never going to prove yourself to others if they only have one way of defining their expectations of you. its because of her vulnerabilities that she is one of the strongest female protagonists ive ever seen.
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clockworkcheetah · 5 months
the colours on the blackwing jumpsuits are absolutely supposed to indicate a danger level to the projects
like dirk has orange. only friedkin needed to go and he didnt even say anything. clearly orange is deemed a low threat (at least in terms that the project themselves doesnt have powers that can hurt you, which dirk doesnt, he can just end up in locations tht cause violence)
the rowdy three have red and as riggins says Normally, confronting these subjects would be a 40-man operation. I'd want 10 men for every one of them. so red means dangerous but can be managed
bart and mona both have light blue. weapons and armies cant work on them. theyre two powerful and regular people arent gonna touch them. however what does seem to work? talking *cough*manipulating*cough* building a meaningful relationship. both priest and ken get this and the way they interact with bart. and ken (i also think because he survived bart he thinks can survive mona- which yeah he did but still) interacts with mona in a careful way using certain words to get on her good side (using dirk specifically)
i dont know if the blacks/whites of the jumpsuit means anything though
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summery-captain · 1 month
AuDHD traits Dirk Gently Displays - S1E4: Watkin
Hello friends!! It's been a WHILE but I'm back with this series - You may follow the google docs file I'm writing everything down in, also! If you haven't yet, links to the first three episodes:
S1E1 - Horizons / S1E2 - Lost and Found / S1E3 - Rogue Wall Enthusiasts
Click read more to read the analysis of the fourth episode! Tagging: @clockworkcheetah @urlocallesbiab @generalized-incompetence @amber-angel @goatygoat @frenchfriedgiraffe
 > When Todd catches up with him and Farah, he schools his expressions from excited to have seen him to bored/uninterested, both to show that he isn’t THAT excited he’s there - he seems to think having a bigger reaction to things he likes may cause unwanted reactions from those around him, so he constantly tones himself down
> When they get to the powerhouse, he’s SOOO excited about climbing the fence - I headcanon Dirk as a mix of sensory avoidant and sensory seeking, and his impulsivity is also very relatable
> “Push my bum!! Make me go up!!!” - I might die of second hand embarrassment everytime I watch this scene, but it’s so relatable! I, too, say things without noticing it might have double meaning and it doesn’t dawn on me until hours or years later
> When he isn’t able to climb up and then sees Farah just. Break the locks. It’s SO funny how he hadn’t even considered trying the more obvious steps first before just throwing himself onto the chain link fence, I love him!! Yes impulsive with no common sense king!!!
> As soon as they’re in he just grabs the map from Todd’s hand without even glancing at him - impulsivity but also hyperfocus on the task overriding the conscious effort to show courtesy by asking for things before taking them
> After he falls inside the maze, he tells Todd “Which was unsafe to do unsupervised, now that I think about it” - hard time thinking things through before doing it because, again, the hyperfocus ends up overriding common sense
> “Where are we?” / “Underground!” - WELL YES. Literal thinking icon
> Todd calls out to him, “Hey! Don’t wander off!” - elopping, we tend to wander off without noticing or letting others know, or stay behind because we stopped to look at something, often also involves not noticing danger
> “I think the message is… you’re going to die” - no filter, absolutely first thing that comes to mind is already halfway out his mouth, ADHD ambassador
> “You can’t just walk in blindly? You’re saying that to ME?” - Same trait as before, elopping all the way
> Todd goes, “When shit hits the fan, you fall apart!” - EXTREMELY common for us to not see the consequences or effects coming up until we have to deal with it, especially in situations we’ve never been through before, which is a constant
> *smiling * “...I hope you’re not smiling” DEEP frown - my beautiful son who has cartoonish expressions and can’t hide his emotions very well, we are one and the same
> In the strip down scene we see he wears a white undershirt, which could be providing deep pressure which is great for sensory seeking autistic people!! Also goes in hand with me headcanoning him as trans, double up tight shirt as a binder AND sensory stim
>  “Hope you’re not claustrophobic” / “No, I don’t even like coffee” - two things: he has audio processing issues and misunderstood what was said, AND he responded based on what he understood even if it didn’t make sense for the context of the situation at hand
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h3rmitsunited · 2 years
There's something about this look that really strikes me
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Like on one hand yes, as I've said previously, there something that is just inherently attractive about that pushed up sleeve button up look, and Dirk looking so soft in this lighting and sitting on the couch next to Todd like they're normal buds for the first time in the show which is very cute
I think I figured out what is also very distinct about this particular look
Because he looks like just a... guy. Like a normal everyday pass him on the street kind of guy.
And if you've seen any bit of Dirk Gently, you know that Dirk Gently is not an everyday normal pass him on the street guy. He is a Character, large and vibrant and filled with wild rambling eccentricities that you can't ignore.
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In all these other moments, he's bright jackets, collared shirts, a patterned tie. He had a Look, like a cartoon character their signature appearance with these small changes, but he's presenting as something, putting on a costume.
And, oh my god, I'm big braining as I'm writing this, but we see in the scene before this in the death maze where Dirk's mask starts to slip, panicking in the light room, having to take off his signature jacket, stripped down to his underclothes as they're electrocuted. He loses that layer of armor that was keeping him in this larger than life Dirk Gently, holistic detective persona because he's scared, he doesn't know what to do, he's gotten himself into another dangerous situation he doesn't know how to get out of AND he's gotten Todd trapped down here too. There's this vulnerable nature that just bursts out of him without the protection of his clothes, his mask.
So after the death maze, he's out, sitting on the couch, looking dazed and he's quiet. There's no big wild activity, no frantic rambling. He's a guy that almost just burned to death with a guy he hopes will be his friend and he's trying to just... cope with that. He doesn't have the energy to put the mask back on, so while he could have put on another jacket, he goes for something normal, softer, more casual.
And hey hey hey, when do we see the second appearance of casual Dirk clothes?
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That's right... I'm a fucking genius.
Dirk after the hospital, after solving the case after Todd told him that he didn't want to speak to him again expecting that this is the end of the brief attempt to make a new friend. I mean, the vulnerability is just pouring off this guy, just drowning in it. Like I dont think I really have to explain how much it just parallels with that other scene, how he's feeling, how he can't get the energy to be the Dirk Gently detective man right now.
But... and now I'm gonna cry because Todd arrives and what does he fucking bring with him?
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Yeah, the yellow jacket.
Here's Todd saying hey, sorry we had a fight. That case was crazy. I'm not going to let you do this alone and I brought you this jacket back, let's keep doing this. And Dirk accepts this metaphorical mantle again, whilst also integrating Todd's shirt into his wardrobe, an element of something casual and also a symbol of his new friends, to show that he isn't just the solo detective, stringently sticking to this big wild character, but he is also a man with friends, that can show his vulnerability, his need for connection (lol), and has a way to show that in how he presents himself in the world.
And I think that's just so beautiful.
This is already long, but I definitely think this still works in season 2 with different implications, so maybe I'll write a follow up post if people are interested in that. 😏
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goatyoat · 2 years
Help I'm getting emotional about the shed/garage. Listen.
the shed is so clearly a place of refuge for Amanda. Starting with the obvious: this is clearly where they always go to have a jam sesh. Naturally, at this point in their relationship that would mean a lot to her. You can see that she's even put up several Mexican Funeral posters just in line of sight of the drums.
Secondly, it may just be the general shed clutter making it feel more lived-in than the main house, but to me this space feels the most reflective of Amanda's personality. The house isn't her house. It’s her grandparents' house. The shed though, is separate from the house. She’s stuck in a house that isn't hers, but the shed being disconnected from the house allows for a degree of separation. It's a space where she feels like she can put up a shit load of posters and music equipment and make it her own. The shed is her space. No, it's her and Todd's space.
Which is why I feel like it's important that she lets Dirk be in that space with them after having one conversation with the guy. I think it’s fair to say there’s an element of "yeah sure he's your friend(?) so he's cool" to it, but I think that their short conversation about the disease being in her really gets in her head and becomes that first nudge towards letting go of the fear of leaving the isolation of the house and experiencing the world.
The shed scene is her letting Dirk--letting the holisticness-- into not just her life, but her personal space. I think this scene was really pivotal in being that soft introduction into the madness, especially from a narrative standpoint.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Gunpowder Tim (The Mechanisms) "Ignoring his present day role as an immortal murderous space pirate, roving through the galaxy having “fun, violence” his origin story ballad, Gunpowder Tim vs the Moon Kaiser is basically world war 1 on the moon, with an Achillean inspiration. Tim is in the place of Achilles in this story, and after his best friend is killed, descends into a violent rage, and to include some convincing lyrics: “We’ll murder all the Lunar Men with fury heaven sent/And we’ll carpet Lenny’s tunnels with the rounds that we have spent/they tried to shake our firm resolve but haven’t made a dent/and their blood will run like wine.” “Take no prisoners give no quarter/show them all the color of their entrails on the floor/the Kaiser’s men are cattle to the slaughter/and their blood will run like wine.” “Their existence is a mad disease there needs to be a cull/upon their rancid soldier flesh out bayonets will dull.” The statements of wine, while a literary reference, show the delight and almost decadence Tim is viewing violence with, wanting it to be as abundant as wine. A later description of him by the First Mate: “So Gunpowder Tim cut a bloody red path/Through cannon and through infantry, dealing out his wrath/Battalions were gathered/and charged with his destruction/but all of them fell to his maddened corruption.” And, as if the battlefield origins and enjoyment of brutality isn’t enough, he is also musically aligned, both in lyric, with “the brutal hymn of gunpowder” as his “favorite song” and the slightly meta piece of info, the pirate crew he’s in is in-universe, a band.
Bart Curlish, Holistic Assassin (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) "She is the holistic assassin. Originally described as someone who kills everyone she meets. Floating like a leaf in the stream of creation, she allows the universe to guide her to her next marks who she then violently murders without knowing why they needed to die. It is only during the course of the series that she starts to question this lonely life. But when she spares people or allows them to escape, it turns out those people would be better off dead anyway because they upset the balance of the universe. Bart learns that she has to be a pawn for the universe, only fated to murder those she meets because those she meets only meet her because they are meant to die."
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the-babygirl-polls · 3 months
Babygirl Polls Lineup: Week Five
Hey everyone, here is the lineup for Week Five of the Babygirl Polls! Thanks to everyone who submitted a character!
Doug Rattmann (Portal)
Sol (Warrior Cats)
He Who Gets Slapped (He Who Gets Slapped)
Yu Junghyeok/Yoo Joonghyuk (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Reinhardt/Valier Jr. (Demon Prince Goes to the Academy)
Viktor (Arcane)
The Shadowplayer (Warning Shadows)
Nardole (Doctor Who)
Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter)
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle (DC Comics)
Enjolras (Les Miserables)
Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon A Time)
The Master (Doctor Who)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Dani Rojas (Ted Lasso)
Amelia Hughes (Infinity Train)
Martin Septim (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Dirk Gently (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)
Future Leonardo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Star Trek)
Saitama (One Punch Man)
Dale Jennings (The Newsreader)
Soldier/Jane Doe (Team Fortress 2)
William Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's (2023))
Stu Macher (Scream)
Luigi (Mario)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Papyrus (Undertale)
Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Astarion Ancunin (Baldur's Gate 3)
Makoto Kagutsuchi (Master Detective Archives: Raincode)
Sauron/Annatar (Silmarillion)
Sydney Carton (A Tale of Two Cities)
Yasper Lennov (The Afterparty)
Hannah Minnows (The Afterparty)
Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver (1976))
Michael Corleone (The Godfather Trilogy)
Winslow Leach (Phantom of the Paradise)
Luis Serra Navarro (Resident Evil 4 remake)
Rune Saint John (The Tarot Sequence series)
Zakuro (Marikinonline4)
Gou Kirimi (Marikinonline4)
Recurser (Friday Night Funkin vs. Dave and Bambi 3.0)
Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle)
Basil (Omori)
Giygas (Mother)
Galo Thymos (Promare)
Joo Yeo-Jeong (The Glory)
Ken (Barbie)
Crosshair (The Bad Batch)
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arc-angel-o · 1 year
"He didn't freeze. It's LA, man."
This line implies the homeless man exists, even if him freezing was a lie, right? So what did happen with him then?
Disclaimer: I'm not saying this theory is absolutely true, it's just one possibility of many
I like the idea that the implication is Toad murdered him, maybe picturing something like Bart in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency when she got someone to cross the street at a bad time. Answering the question of "what's the worst thing you've done?" with a lie that starts with the truth.
I also really like what @atlasisntdead said about Toad's whole thing being knowing he's a bad person, so the idea that he would worry about being caught foreshadows the fact that he's lying to Rabbit. Does that suggest the homeless man is alive, if Toad's motive seems out of character? Hopefully, but -
Let's pull from the earlier line, "I wouldn't have left any witnesses" in response to Rabbit helping Boris. That line would normally indicate a character's motivations being avoiding getting caught. Since that's not the case, is he lying here too? I don't think the line itself is a lie, but it hides his true motivations. He's sort of misleading Rabbit/the audience. Perhaps he wouldn't have left any witnesses, not to cover his tracks, but for plain cruelty's sake. Perhaps that was why Toad looked for the homeless man again, with the danger of him exposing Toad thinly veiled reasoning.
Or maybe the guy's fine and we have no idea what the worst thing Toad's ever done is 🤷 I know I just accused Toad of murder, but it's more of a theory than an analysis*, and I think Rabbit's assessment "I think you're a better person that you think you are" is going to be proven accurate eventually, I also wanna write a meta about how Toad accepting being an antagonist is totally because he has zero self esteem and wants to self sabotage lol
(*not that analysis is better than theorizing, i like writing theories much more than writing analysis. They're just different.)
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urlocallesbiab · 1 year
i love s1 because it's a season where everything is everyone's fault, a gorgeous tangle of blame and shame
the timeloop is patrick's fault because he invented time travel and became obsessed; it's dirk's fault because he wrote patrick a note, intriguing him about the future and letting him know who to seek, and sent the machine back, enabling further time-travel and complications.
farah getting kidnapped is todd's fault, because he could let her in and save her, but chickened out; it's lydia's fault, because she decided to meet an enemy alone and led farah into a trap.
lydia getting kidnapped is lydia's fault, because she acted recklessly; it's farah's fault because she couldnt keep her eyes on her; it's patrick's fault because he kept too many secrets from his daughter.
patrick dying is patrick's fault, because he scared the beast; it's dirk and todd's fault because they brought the beast there; it's farah's fault because she was his bodyguard and failed to prevent it.
but also, no one is truly at fault, because it's a timeloop. it's self-sustaining, self-causing, a self-fulfilling prophecy. it was always meant to go like this, from the very first second which is the very last second. you don't win; this is how it ended. ultimately, it's nobody's fault, but everybody's regret.
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han-solo-cant-dance · 8 months
okay so some of my fave (somewhat cheesy) murder mystery shows, ymmv: psych (cheesy in the 2000’s early 2010s way), moonlighting (absolutely iconic 80s detective show, very meta and super funny), remington steele (also 80s, slightly different tone), dirk gentlys holistic detective agency (longer form mysteries, each of the two seasons is a different storyline so it’s not episodic but so well written with incredible production value, good sci-fi/fantasy elements!), pushing daisies (really adorable show with murder mysteries elements and a vague fantasy touch, super good set and costume design, a little kitschy and cheesy but in a good way)
Pushing Daisies is my favorite show of all time!!! I saw a lot of recs for Psych and think I'll watch that next. I love love love all these recommendations ❤
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Agrajag, the Mage & Suzie Boreton
What if Agrajag was foreshadowing for the Mage dying again and again in Wendimoor as seen in the prophecy? And what if Suzie will be trapped with him in there and get really really mad at him which results in her killing him?
Suzie had that one sentence, the "I am real.", which made me think that she could be a part of Wendimoor in the end? Agrajag being her very first victim and the Mage the last one?
We've already seen Suzie literally being shot in the head, but she just removed the bullet? Technically, she could do the same thing to the Mage, right?
And in one of Max's movie pitches, the one called Splatter (you can find it on YouTube), he has that one character who loves to hurt people and long story short, the dude finds his destiny in 'killing' or rather torturing vampires, stopping them from ending the existence of any more people. The vampires don't die so he doesn't have to feel bad for killing someone and can live out his sick fantasies.
What if that's going to be Suzie's finale character development? And killing the Mage for the first time could be the reason that she got his tattoo? The Mage loves to hurt people (like sticking pins into poor Bob Boreton's face), maybe Suzie copies her mentor's hobby in the end?
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clockworkcheetah · 7 months
in dghda the universe is a stage all the characters are performing a role the universe wants them to act out, hence theres a backstage of reality, theres an ending to the cases thats all planned out
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summery-captain · 1 month
AuDHD traits Dirk Gently Displays - S1E5: Very Erectus
- You may follow the google docs file I'm writing everything down in, also! If you haven't read them yet, links to the first four episodes:
S1E1 - Horizons / S1E2 - Lost and Found / S1E3 - Rogue Wall Enthusiasts / S1E4 - Watkin
Click read more to read the analysis of the fifth episode! Tagging: @clockworkcheetah @urlocallesbiab @generalized-incompetence @amber-angel @goatygoat @frenchfriedgiraffe
> In the scene in the dinner, after they start driving to go look for the 'treasure' based on the map, Todd starts insisting that Dirk has a power and he immediately deflects and shuts down, avoiding eye contact completely, looking around. > The second Todd says "It's you. It's something about you", he goes "I'm not psychic, drop it." - of course this enters the parallel of the whole show being about the holistics having their ties to the universe in different ways, but I've had moments where people know I'm autistic and they start insisting on either me being actually "normal" and it being a superpower, trying to single me or sus me out, and I react similarly to Dirk in this scene > "No!! We are having this conversation", discomfort, "Here, let's do an experiment" EXTREME discomfort - sometimes you're just existing and people want a) an explanation of your whole life and b) for you to prove to be what you say you are > "Look, I can't explain it, ok? I learned a long time ago things don't always make sense the way people want them to" - AuDhd to its barest components– > "You're going to have to accept that too. To. Too. To. Too? Two?" - very common to lose a bit of sense of words both in autism (overwhelmed) and plus ADHD having the common comorbidity of dyslexia 
> Trading the Corvette for the beat down jeep, and when Todd goes "???" he says "It's just a rental!" - he makes decisions and when people express concern assumes it's based on something else, even if it doesn't make sense. So he just says it. I usually know for a fact I won't figure out what they're ACTUALLY judging me for - general inaptitude to read between the lines or figure out social situations 
> Martin tells Amanda, about Dirk, "He's got gourmet panic!" - he just like us, he just like us fr 
> "Don't start with the zen master thing, ok? It worked out a lot better before I figured out you were a mess, too" - people tend to assume we're more put together than they are because we showcase emotions differently 
> When Todd says he's gonna give up on digging, he just goes "Wouldn't this be just one more thing you walked away from, though" - not the sincerautistic murder-- Sometimes I also blurt out things and accidentally read people to filth without fully realizing. 
> He puts clues together and recognizes patterns then blurts it out, classic AuDHD style
 > "(...) I think life is like that too, just an endless series of room with puzzles and eventually one of them kills you" / "That's dark and depressing" - my fellow AuDHD ambassador just drops bombs and doesn't even realize 
> "What is it?" / "A thing" - stating the obvious shouldn't be as funny as it is but it never gets old 
> "You brought the cat?" / "Of course I did" - just. Very cute honestly but also, I too make decisions without fully realizing what it would entail, like bringing a kitten around with you while digging shit up 
> Todd starts venting to him and he's like. Confused - but yet again he tries his very best to support him, saying "When I look behind me, I can't see ahead of me" / "Are you saying dwelling on my past is holding me back?" / "No. I mean I literally can't see what's back there when I'm looking forward" - general literal thinking
> "You know what I was thinking about? When I was staring down at the barrel of that gun?" "...bullets?" - literal thinking part 321 electric boogaloo
> “Everything is connected. But only I can see it… I’m not.. Psychic. But I am something” yeah. Autistic-
> “The hunches don’t help me, ever” - we tend to figure stuff out based on our general understanding of them, trying to consciously clock things others don’t have to think twice about, but the same is true in reverse, where things that may seem impossible for neurotypicals to figure out, we see immediately. Although we may know these things, we’re usually not taken seriously enough or don’t have the bandwidth to actually prevent some things from happening to us or around us.
> “I don’t have any friends, I am always surrounded by bizarre and frightening states of disaster, and I am always alone” - sad part hours, but it’s unfortunately true: we’re always overwhelmed, surrounded by input we can’t filter out, and it is extremely hard to make and maintain friends. But Dirk has found his people and so will all of us, eventually!!
> When Todd says “And Dirk? I am your friend.” - immediate hope, bright red eyes, furrowed eyebrows, then IMMEDIATELY he schools his expression out to nonchalant, so yet again his big reactions don’t push people around him away (both true for Dirk and in our general experience, having had to tone yourself down your whole life does NUMBERS on you)
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h3rmitsunited · 2 years
Okay, because I couldn't help myself, I had to go for the Season Two outfits also.
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Starting, of course, with the Blackwing Jumpsuit. The angst-filled gray blob of imprisonment, dehumanization, and, say it with me folks, **Trauma**! Yay! There's no trace of Dirk Gently in this outfit. He's stuck in the white walls in clothes he wouldn't willingly wear, and not only that, but the last time that we saw our detective, he was wearing his signature yellow jacket and Mexican Funeral t-shirt from his friends. We don't see Blackwing take these away, but obviously they did, and the implication of them stripping Dirk of this identity that he's created for himself as Dirk Gently, holistic detective (which he was so proud to tell Riggins in episode 3 that he was solving real cases, finding clues, that he had friends), and stripped him of his friends, of the real connections that he had made out of no small effort, I mean the implication is just something that makes me really want to give Friedkin a nice punch in the face.
Dirk has this stripped away, is stuffed into this jumpsuit that says you aren't deserving of a real name, you're not a person, you're an experiment, you're a mistake, you never get anything right, so just do what you're supposed to do. He spends two months there with nobody, silent guards walking him from room to room, hearing the recorded voice tell him he's doing a bad job, and changing from one jumpsuit to another day after day.
I feel burnt out just watching it.
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And so he escapes. First outfit change we see is the jumpsuit top unzipped and tied at the waist, a simple gray t-shirt underneath. He's hesitant to feel like he's out, so he's still wearing the jumpsuit (and practically, yes, he hasn't had the opportunity to change his clothes), but he's letting himself enjoy his friends, feeling a bit vulnerable, worried about them being wanted by the FBI, opening up to Hobbs about what he's been through. He's not back into Dirk Gently mode, yet though.
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Not until Hobbs and Tina come back and say hey, we're gonna do a holistic, and present him with this bright reflective jacket to put over his white t-shirt and jumpsuit pants. We see Dirk eager to jump into the holistic detective persona, investigating, finding the air gun, doing his holistic... stuff. But you can tell that he's still not quite... there yet. He's still in that jumpsuit, he's finding out Todd got pararibulitis, there's a body in a tree, and things aren't quite right, but it's... fine.
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We see that he's taken the jacket off to sleep, resting it under his head. Like... like it's a dream??? Out of reach because he knows it's not as easy to just throw that persona back on, to jump right back into that same person that he was before, the bright jackets and wild theories. In the day time, it was easier, but at night, struggling to sleep while Todd and Farah rest in their beds, he can't escape his own thoughts, and there's no one to put the performance on for. He's still in that jumpsuit, wrapped in the traumatic experience of Blackwing, unable to keep that bright jacket on, just letting it sit under his head.
And it feels poingnant that the first thing that Dirk asks when Tina arrives that morning, is for new clothes. He needs to get out of what he's wearing. The reflective jacket didn't work, he's done wallowing the angsty memories, so he's just going to throw that away, try something completely different and just ignore all those scary thoughts that happened because of Blackwing and just go and go and go. Detective Time!
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One new spiffy outfit later, he looks himself in the mirror saying "best case ever", and if that doesn't tell you that the look is an important part of the way that Dirk works, I don't know what will. He's like okay... I can do this. I look the part, I just need to walk it again. Easy. Yes. Easy peasy.
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Except... oh shit it's not. He stumbles upon Bob Boreton who proceeds to attack him, Hobbs brushes off his warnings, and they go back to the station. And good god, the scene that Todd checks on him... he has taken off the jacket!
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Again, I repeat, the jacket is off! Except instead of this vulnerable state making Dirk open up, he bristles, dodging Todd's questions and wandering off. He's not in the same place that he was before, he willinging took off that layer of armor of his jacket, and he's scared and hurting, but like a cornered and scared dog, it just makes him feel trapped.
That is until later, after Panto gets brought to the station, the man with pink hair, convoluted bullshit just dropping like big crazy raindrops from the sky around Dirk. He's still jacketless, but he's got himself shielded by the file cabinet when Todd comes to talk to him. There's still that defensiveness, but Dirk finds himself able to open up a bit, and slowly during the conversation, he comes out a little from behind the file cabinet.
He's got the jacket back on during the house within a house sequence and for the subsequent scenes in the police station and Francis' room. This is a very chaotic series of events, and Dirk has a lot of Feelings throughout everything that happens. The initial, yes, I'm a detective I can't do this, to oh shit, I fucked up and I'm going to die, to panic that Todd is going to try to come in for him, then continued investigating and panic and escape and relief and then more panic when Todd has an attack and things happen so quickly and they go back to the station and (I analyzed this whole scene at the station in another meta post and gosh I love this scene) but this whole time but Dirk's clothes are the same. I'd say this scene is him wanting to cling to that holistic detective persona.
And agh, once again, this works so well, because he goes from that outfit to running into some rando guy in the bathroom of the diner and trading for his clothes, that red jacket outfit. Because, well that last outfit obviously didn't work... it got him trapped in a hell dimension and Todd had an attack and murder weapons and just... it was a bad outfit, so he changes and he's like, yes okay, I'm going to be doing normal detective stuff, not stupid, flighty bullshit, this is going to work this time.
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Spoiler, it doesn't.
Arnold Cardenas finds him and then proceeds to have a whole ass heart attack and Dirk is like... I'm starting to think I'm bad at this. I hate everything.
So why not go party, yeah whatever. Some big music festival? Tons of people? Lots of opportunities for stuff to go wrong? Well I'm a big disaster anyways, might as well embrace it.
So he keeps his little outfit on to head to the festival, a pair of glowsticks (oh my god the glowsticks), and at one point a big balloon hat, and is just like being a holistic detective is already so goddamn weird this might as well happen.
And we see him in this outfit... until... yeah, that's right, the infamous drug night, unseen except for our fanfics.
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And he ends up in this big fluffy pink coat, a cowboy hat, a black tank top and his little shorts, and oh boy, what a look that is. And it's like five different looks in one. Because Dirk doesn't know who he is. The spell loosened them up, as Todd called it a truth spell, and the truth that Dirk reveals is that he is wearing so many different clothes that he doesn't know what fits. It's pink. It's fur. It's a hat, or showing skin, or not showing skin, glitter or black or white or jacket or not. He's so turned around and shaken up and it's all just happening and happening and happening and it's so much.
He goes out to the main room and catches up with the others, hearing that super fun call from Suzie about how she's going to like drink their blood and murderize them, and he's like immediate spiral. But there isn't time to wait. They're like we have to get back to work and Dirk is freaking out and there's no time to deal with that. Time to go, go, go.
And I think it's also relevant that his next freakout happens when they're getting ready to go, he's in just his white button down and tie and staring down needing to put the jacket back on and get going when he's like...
...pause... I solved the case...
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He doesn't want to put that jacket back on. If he can just finish it right now, before anything else happens, then that can be it. Nobody else has to get hurt, they can just walk away. But he knows it isn't that simple, so the attempt to talk himself into this being the end turns into panic insane rambling, and the others are just like... yeah no, we need to go.
So Dirk gets his jacket back on, but he's not in it. It's like the jacket is wearing a ghost of Dirk, going through the motions, but it's too heavy, he can't bear the responsibilities, he doesn't want to carry this anymore. He can't do it.
And it all falls apart. Suzie, the hospital, Arnold.
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They make it to Wendimoor and the first thing Dirk does is throw his jacket off and pull off his tie. Nope. I'm done. I quit. I'm not that guy. I'm nobody and don't try to tell me I'm something. This is it.
He lets Beast do his hair and wrap him in vines because this is who he is when he doesn't have something. Sure, you can turn me into your uniquely elegant lumberjack husband. Better than being a fuck-up and getting everyone killed.
But then... pulling off the vines, and looking at the murals, he figures it out and runs.
Still in his clothes, he's not quite back yet, he's still scared and unsure, but he's got something he's running for, and once he gets into that town, he pulls on a jacket and jumps back into his role. I'm getting my friends back, I'm in this. I'm here for them and I'm going to figure this out.
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He keeps that Wendimoor jacket on until he's back in Blackwing and Mona blows up the room they run into and he gets a cut on his arm. And he's back with a friend, not safe, and very vulnerable, but he's still himself, he's not in that jumpsuit, he's got a friend, and she protects him as best as she can while they try to get Francis out, jumping in front of him when Ken is threatening him.
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But he ultimately makes it back to Wendimoor, saves the day, wearing that yellow jacket. That yellow jacket that feels so much like himself and Mona giving him that, knowing that is what he needs to wear at that moment, I'm here, Dirk, I've got you covered, you are who you are and you don't have to keep trying to be someone you're not. We love you so much. And we see after this scene that Dirk does look more settled, despite the breakdowns he had before, he seems okay, satified with what Francis had told him about what he is and his purpose. He stands by Todd's side wearing his yellow jacket with pride, with a smile, like this is who he is and he can be okay with that.
And then the final scene, that black jacket. The stripes of color on the sleeve the same as all his other jackets he had worn before. His suit of armor. And he looks happy.
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And it's so good.
This was very long, so I didn't go deeply into every single things as much as I could have, but season two is long and so much stuff happens! And Dirk is really going through it so... makes sense that his outfits go through it too.
Anyways, yay meta posts.
lol bye
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