#difference between facebook ads and google ads
Everything advertised on social media is overpriced junk
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In “Behavioral Advertising and Consumer Welfare: An Empirical Investigation,” a trio of business researchers from Carnegie Mellon and Pamplin College investigate the difference between the goods purchased through highly targeted online ads and just plain web-searches, and conclude social media ads push overpriced junk:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Specifically, stuff that’s pushed to you via targeted ads costs an average of 10 percent more, and it significantly more likely to come from a vendor with a poor rating from the Better Business Bureau. This may seem trivial and obvious, but it’s got profound implications for media, commercial surveillance, and the future of the internet.
Writing in the New York Times, Julia Angwin — a legendary, muckraking data journalist — breaks down those implications. Angwin builds a case study around Jeremy’s Razors, a business that advertises itself as a “woke-free” shaving solution for manly men:
Jeremy’s Razors spends a fucking fortune on ads. According to Facebook’s Ad Library, the company spent $800,000 on FB ads in March, targeting fathers of school-age kids who like Hershey’s, ultimate fighting, hunting or Johnny Cash:
Anti-woke razors are an objectively, hilariously stupid idea, but that’s not the point here. The point is that Jeremy’s has to spend $800K/month to reach its customers, which means that it either has to accept $800K less in profits, or make it up by charging more and/or skimping on quality.
Targeted advertising is incredibly expensive, and incredibly lucrative — for the ad-tech platforms that sit between creative workers and media companies on one side, and audiences on the other. In order to target ads, ad-tech companies have to collect deep, nonconsensual dossiers on every internet user, full of personal, sensitive and potentially compromising information.
The switch to targeted ads was part of the enshittification cycle, whereby companies like Facebook and Google lured in end-users by offering high-quality services — Facebook showed you the things the people you asked to hear from posted, and Google returned the best search results it could find.
Eventually, those users became locked in. Once all our friends were on Facebook, we held each other hostage, each unable to leave because the others were there. Google used its access to the capital markets to snuff out any rival search companies, spending tens of billions every year to be the default on Apple devices, for example.
Once we were locked in, the tech giants made life worse for us in order to make life better for media companies and advertisers. Facebook violated its promise to be the privacy-centric alternative to Myspace, where our data would never be harvested; it switched on mass surveillance and created cheap, accurate ad-targeting:
Google fulfilled the prophecy in its founding technical document, the Pagerank paper: “advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers.” They, too, offered cheap, highly targeted ads:
Facebook and Google weren’t just kind to advertisers — they also gave media companies and creative workers a great deal, funneling vast quantities of traffic to both. Facebook did this by cramming media content into the feeds of people who hadn’t asked to see it, displacing the friends’ posts they had asked to see. Google did it by upranking media posts in search results.
Then we came to the final stage of the enshittification cycle: having hooked both end-users and business customers, Facebook and Google withdrew the surpluses from both groups and handed them to their own shareholders. Advertising costs went up. The share of ad income paid to media companies went down. Users got more ads in their feeds and search results.
Facebook and Google illegally colluded to rig the ad-market with a program called Jedi Blue that let the companies steal from both advertisers and media companies:
Apple blocked Facebook’s surveillance on its mobile devices, but increased its own surveillance of Iphone and Ipad users in order to target ads to them, even when those users explicitly opted out of spying:
Today, we live in the enshittification end-times, red of tooth and claw, where media companies’ revenues are dwindling and advertisers’ costs are soaring, and the tech giants are raking in hundreds of billions, firing hundreds of thousands of workers, and pissing away tens of billions on stock buybacks:
As Angwin points out, in the era before behavioral advertising, Jeremy’s might have bought an ad in Deer & Deer Hunting or another magazine that caters to he-man types who don’t want woke razors; the same is true for all products and publications. Before mass, non-consensual surveillance, ads were based on content and context, not on the reader’s prior behavior.
There’s no reason that ads today couldn’t return to that regime. Contextual ads operate without surveillance, using the same “real-time bidding” mechanism to place ads based on the content of the article and some basic parameters about the user (rough location based on IP address, time of day, device type):
Context ads perform about as well as behavioral ads — but they have a radically different power-structure. No media company will ever know as much about a given user as an ad-tech giant practicing dragnet surveillance and buying purchase, location and finance data from data-brokers. But no ad-tech giant knows as much about the context and content of an article as the media company that published it.
Context ads are, by definition, centered on the media company or creative worker whose work they appear alongside of. They are much harder for tech giants to enshittify, because enshittification requires lock-in and it’s hard to lock in a publication who knows better than anyone what they’re publishing and what it means.
We should ban surveillance advertising. Period. Companies should not be allowed to collect our data without our meaningful opt-in consent, and if that was the standard, there would be no data-collection:
Remember when Apple created an opt out button for tracking, more than 94 percent of users clicked it (the people who clicked “yes” to “can Facebook spy on you?” were either Facebook employees, or confused):
Ad-targeting enables a host of evils, like paid political disinformation. It also leads to more expensive, lower-quality goods. “A Raw Deal For Consumers,” Sumit Sharma’s new Consumer Reports paper, catalogs the many other costs imposed on Americans due to the lack of tech regulation:
Sharma describes the benefits that Europeans will shortly enjoy thanks to the EU’s Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act, from lower prices to more privacy to more choice, from cloud gaming on mobile devices to competing app stores.
However, both the EU and the US — as well as Canada and Australia — have focused their news industry legislating on misguided “link taxes,” where tech giants are required to pay license fees to link to and excerpt the news. This is an approach grounded in the mistaken idea that tech giants are stealing media companies’ content — when really, tech giants are stealing their money:
Creating a new pseudocopyright to control who can discuss the news is a terrible idea, one that will make the media companies beholden to the tech giants at a time when we desperately need deep, critical reporting on the tech sector. In Canada, where Bill C-18 is the latest link tax proposal in the running to become law, we’re already seeing that conflict of interest come into play.
As Jesse Brown and Paula Simons — a veteran reporter turned senator — discuss on the latest Canadaland podcast, the Toronto Star’s sharp and well-reported critical series on the tech giants died a swift and unexplained death immediately after the Star began receiving license fees for tech users’ links and excerpts from its reporting:
Meanwhile, in Australia, the proposed “news bargaining code” stampeded the tech giants into agreeing to enter into “voluntary” negotiations with the media companies, allowing Rupert Murdoch’s Newscorp to claim the lion’s share of the money, and then conduct layoffs across its newsrooms.
While in France, the link tax depends on publishers integrating with Google Showcase, a product that makes Google more money from news content and makes news publishers more dependent on Google:
A link tax only pays for so long as the tech giants remain dominant and continue to extract the massive profits that make them capable of paying the tax. But legislative action to fix the ad-tech markets, like Senator Mike Lee’s ad-tech breakup bill (cosponsored by both Ted Cruz and Elizabeth Warren!) would shift power to publishers, and with it, money:
With ad-tech intermediaries scooping up 50% or more of every advertising dollar, there is plenty of potential to save news without the need for a link tax. If unrigging the ad-tech market drops the platforms’ share of advertising dollars to a more reasonable 10%, then the advertisers and publishers could split the remainder, with advertisers spending 20% less and publishers netting 20% more.
Passing a federal privacy law would end surveillance advertising at the stroke of a pen, shifting the market to context ads that let publishers, not platforms, call the shots. As an added bonus, the law would stop Tiktok from spying on Americans, and also end Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft’s spying to boot:
Mandating competition in app stores — as the Europeans are poised to do — would kill Google and Apple’s 30% “app store tax” — the percentage they rake off of every transaction from every app on Android and Ios. Drop that down to the 2–5% that the credit cards charge, and every media outlet’s revenue-per-subscriber would jump by 25%.
Add to that an end-to-end rule for tech giants requiring them to deliver updates from willing receivers to willing senders, so every newsletter you subscribed to would stay out of your spam folder and every post by every media company or creator you followed would show up in your feed:
That would make it impossible for tech giants to use the sleazy enshittification gambit of forcing creative workers and media companies to pay to “boost” their content (or pay $8/month for a blue tick) just to get it in front of the people who asked to see it:
The point of enshittification is that it’s bad for everyone except the shareholders of tech monopolists. Jeremy’s Razors are bad, winning a 2.7 star rating out of five:
The company charges more for these substandard razors, and you are more likely to find out about them, because of targeted, behavioral ads. These ads starve media companies and creative workers and make social media and search results terrible.
A link tax is predicated on the idea that we need Big Tech to stay big, and to dribble a few crumbs for media companies, compromising their ability to report on their deep-pocketed beneficiaries, in a way that advantages the biggest media companies and leaves small, local and independent press in the cold.
By contrast, a privacy law, ad-tech breakups, app-store competition and end-to-end delivery would shatter the power of Big Tech and shift power to users, creative workers and media companies. These are solutions that don’t just keep working if Big Tech goes away — they actually hasten that demise! What’s more, they work just as well for big companies as they do for independents.
Whether you’re the New York Times or you’re an ex-Times reporter who’s quit your job and now crowdfunds to cover your local school board and town council meetings, shifting control and the share of income is will benefit you, whether or not Big Tech is still in the picture.
Have you ever wanted to say thank you for these posts? Here’s how you can: I’m kickstarting the audiobook for my next novel, a post-cyberpunk anti-finance finance thriller about Silicon Valley scams called Red Team Blues. Amazon’s Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they’re DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible.
Image: freeimageslive.co.uk (modified) http://www.freeimageslive.co.uk/free_stock_image/using-mobile-phone-jpg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
[Image ID: A man's hand holds a mobile phone. Its screen displays an Instagram ad. The ad has been replaced with a slice of a vintage comic book 'small ads' page.]
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ueberdemnebelmeer · 9 months
i've been thinking about this post
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ever since i came across it because it bugs me so much ghjdfgd so many of the extensions listed there are redundant, either because they do each other's job or their functions have been implemented natively in firefox + the less extensions, the better! it's less surface area available for "attack"
i recommend the electronic frontier foundation's cover your tracks tool to check how well you're protected against web trackers (as for fingerprinting, i know brave combats canvas fingerprinting via filter lists - like firefox - and by randomizing a user's fingerprint, but it's a chromium browser. canvas blockers tend to impact usability. for day-to-day use you might just want to reduce data available to fingerprints, because to avoid that altogether i'm afraid you're better off using tor)
i'm going through the list above after the read more; i'm no expert, i've just spent a lot of my free time looking into how to improve my privacy and security habits and this is what my brain retained + don't believe me because i say so + feel free to point out any mistakes of mine.
🟩 keep
ublock origin. filter lists you should consider adding:
check Privacy > AdGuard URL Tracking Protection
add Actually Legitimate URL Shortener Tool (explained how here)
check out the arkenfox project's github page too!
🟨 optional
sponsorblock (1) & unhook (2) for yt. i personally don't use either because (1) i'm good with the good old dragging the current time indicator past sponsorship sections and (2) i'm also good at ignoring page elements i don't care about, but that's me obvs.
facebook container (& not listed above but multi-account containers too; differences between the two: x, x): total cookie protection (enabled by setting firefox's privacy protection to "strict") already partitions third parties, but these extensions could provide a further layer of isolation. container tabs + "Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed" + "Manage Exceptions" is excellent cookie management with no other extensions necessary
🟥 don't bother
total cookie protection makes ghostery, privacy badger & privacy possum redundant
you've got ublock origin so adblocker ultimate, ad nauseam & adblocker for youtube are also redundant. if you still see yt ads, remove all custom filters related to youtube on ublock origin and force update your lists
https-only mode has been introduced to all the main browsers so https everywhere is also redundant
trackmenot. it's unverified and indeed i've never seen it recommended in any of the multiple firefox hardening videos and guides i've checked, it's kinda useless unless you're a regular google or bing user. prefer a privacy-focused search engine instead
(e.g. duckduckgo [advanced search tricks here and here] which cleans up bing results and has a lite version too! i've also seen startpage [which cleans up google results] recommended but it's had some controversies. for further info, i recommend checking this)
duckduckgo privacy essentials. i suppose (but i can't be sure) this was installed because when you try to add a search engine in firefox's settings you're redirected to the addons page WHICH IS STUPID OF THEM because you can add them via search bar (i did this with e.g. letterboxd)
don't track me google. for those random google searches you still might need, if you added all the filter lists above to ublock origin you should be fine, and if you aren't you're better off using skip redirect
jury's out on blue blocker because it's unverified. i'm not a twitter user either so i haven't checked it out
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emojireviewpage · 1 year
🪐 Ringed planet emoji review 🪐
(I’m not a scientist, I just like Saturn)
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Apple: So here we have Apple’s take on a ringed planet which resembles saturn because of the hexagon. it’s tilted a little wrong. You can see the details on it’s surface and the ring is nicely distributed. 9/10 Strong.
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Google: The tilt on this one is more accurate. It looks simplistic, which works fine. I see the hexagon. The color of the rings shouldn’t be that blue. 7/10 Reminds me of my first Saturn drawing.
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Samsung: Again, the tilt is pleasant. it’s decently shaded. It needs more coloring as the color scheme is very repetitive and boring. The rings don’t look separated enough for me, even though I like their aesthetic. No hexagon. Pixelated 6/10 Because it’s not as bad.
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Microsoft: I can see they wanted to make an adapted simple version of Saturn, which is a nice idea. The execution looks too off. Can you add more rings please? Random colors on the surface. Bad tilt. 1/10 You can see me after work.
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WhatsApp: now, that’s a good ring! I love the surface although the tilt should be different. It looks shiny, like a marble. 9/10 You did a good job.
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Twitter: Yikes. I can be the only one who thinks this could smell like cheese. Too saturated for my tastes. The rings are lazily done. 2/10 Ok tilt though.
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Facebook: Tries too hard to make it super detailed that it looks harsh. The surface is pretty. Doesn’t look much like Saturn, but it looks nice. The rings could be more separated. The tilt is good. 7.5/10 Could be an exoplanet similar to Saturn.
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Skype: See? Another simple Saturn like Twitter and Microsoft. Please. Change. The. Colors. 3/10 Good tilt and ring though.
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Twitter emoji stickers: It reminds me of blender renders. I like the rings and how 3d it looks. The shading and details are good and the surface is nicely done. It reminds me of my current Saturn drawing. Off tilt. 8/10 I like the shadows
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Joypixels: Cutest colors. The tilt is a little off. The rings are distributed nicely and is that the hexagon? I think it could be a good idea to erase the grey space between the rings. 7/10 doesn’t look that bad actually
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TossFace: You just drew a purple circle and added a lilac ring. Do better. 0/10 sorry, but no.
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PS5-4: This could look decent if not too pixelated. It’s a little sad. 3/10 the tilt looks nice but please fix the graphics.
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Openmoji: Actually, the cell shading makes the colors pop. Doesn’t look like Saturn though. 2/10 Adding a red ball won’t make this emoji a masterpiece.
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Emojipedia: I love how realistic the surface looks. I think the main purpose of this emoji is to make it classy and elegant. The planet itself lacks an hexagon though. It’s got a lot of rings, which is a nice idea but they are too close. I like the shading. I don’t mind the tilt in this one. 8/10 I see you tried.
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LG: It looks more like Jupiter than Saturn. The rings are good but it’s a better idea to make the surface different. 5/10 Pitty points.
Thank you!
Saturn is so aesthetic 🪐
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ivymarquis · 9 months
Nine people I'd like to know better
Thank you so much @thanksbutno98 and @kneelingshadowsalome for the tag OwO
Last song: Save my Soul - JoJo
Favorite color: Pink. Specifically Puce is my ideal shade. Drag me if you must.
Currently watching: Actively: Love Between Fairy and Devil; Passively: Riverdale, Bobs Burgers and Greys Anatomy
Last movie: Barbie!
Currently reading: TEAS prep for nursing school, and all the fanfiction I can get my hands on
Sweet/spicy/savory: I love them all but sweet for sure!
Relationship: Single as a pringle. Theoretically I wanna have a hoe phase but that involves going outside, so ???? Not happening anytime soon.
Current obsession: Call of duty. How did this happen????? I mocked the player base for this game for years and now here I am looking stupid AF with a WIP list a mile long
Last thing I googled: Difference between a Colorado and Missouri style AV for horses God fucking damn it lmao it's because of a hilarious sale ad that made the rounds on facebook
Currently working on: Fall4Rudy entry, and I am really, really hoping to finish up the nail!technician fic with Ghost, and the not-cheating fic with Price this week. All other WIPs/requests are gonna be put on hold in preparation of Kinktober which I am absolutely determined to finish this year.
Tagging (no pressure folks): @gaeadene @bunny-extract @deadbranch @luminousbeings-crudematter @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @glitterypirateduck @391780 @perhapsrampancy
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passiveincomemoney · 2 months
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The Digital Marketing Dilemma: Paid vs. Free Traffic Sources
In the digital marketing world, traffic is the lifeblood of any online presence. It's the stream of visitors that brings potential customers to your website, and ultimately, drives conversions and sales. But not all traffic is created equal, and understanding the differences between paid, and free traffic sources can be crucial for a successful online strategy.
Paid Traffic: The Fast Lane to Visibility
Paid traffic is akin to a turbo boost for your website's visibility. It involves paying for advertising space to showcase your brand directly in front of potential customers. The most common forms of paid traffic include pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, display ads, and social media advertisements.
Advantages of Paid Traffic:
Immediate Results: Once your ad campaign is live, you can expect to see an instant increase in traffic.
Targeting Capabilities: Paid traffic allows for precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviours.
Scalability: You can increase your ad spend to scale up traffic as needed.
Disadvantages of Paid Traffic:
Cost: The most apparent downside is the ongoing expense. You pay for each visitor, and costs can escalate quickly.
Short-term Impact: Paid traffic often provides a temporary boost. Once you stop paying, the traffic typically drops off.
Here are some of the popular platforms for contextual ads:
Google Ads PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a powerful advertising platform that allows businesses to display ads on Google's search engine results pages. Advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their target audience and pay only when a user clicks on their ad. This model offers the flexibility to control costs by setting daily budgets and bids for each click. With the right strategy, Google Ads PPC can be an effective way to drive targeted traffic to a website and increase online visibility.
Quora Ads PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a form of advertising on the Quora platform, which allows advertisers to pay for each click on their ads. It's known for being a cost-effective option compared to other PPC platforms, with some campaigns reporting significantly lower cost-per-click (CPC) rates than those on Google or Facebook. Structuring campaigns carefully and optimizing ad delivery is crucial for success on Quora Ads. Advertisers can bid based on clicks, impressions, or conversions, tailoring their approach to their specific marketing goals.
Facebook Ads PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a powerful advertising tool that allows businesses to target specific audiences on Facebook. Advertisers can create ads tailored to their business goals, such as increasing website traffic or boosting online sales. With PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective way to reach potential customers. Additionally, Facebook provides detailed analytics to help advertisers understand the performance of their ads and optimize their campaigns for better results.
Free Traffic: The Organic Approach
Free traffic, also known as organic traffic, doesn't cost anything directly. It's the result of people finding your website through search engines, social media shares, or other referral sources without paid promotion.
Advantages of Free Traffic:
Cost-Effective: It doesn't require a direct payment for each visitor, making it a more sustainable long-term strategy.
Credibility and Trust: Users typically perceive organic results as more credible than paid ads.
Long-lasting Results: The efforts you put into SEO or content creation can yield traffic for months or years to come.
Disadvantages of Free Traffic:
Time and Effort: It takes significant time and effort to build up organic traffic. SEO and content creation are long-term investments.
Unpredictability: Changes in search engine algorithms can impact your traffic levels overnight.
Here are some of the best free traffic sources that can help you attract visitors:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing your website for search engines can lead to a steady stream of organic traffic.
Email Marketing: Building an email list allows you to reach out directly to your audience.
Social Media Platforms: Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be powerful for sharing content and engaging with users.
Content Marketing: Creating valuable content helps attract and retain a loyal audience.
Blogging: Regularly updating a blog can help drive traffic and improve SEO.
Guest Posting: Writing articles for other websites can introduce your brand to a new audience.
Online Forums: Participating in forums like Reddit or Quora can drive traffic if you provide value in your posts.
Video Marketing: Platforms like YouTube offer a way to reach a vast audience with engaging video content.
Podcasting: Starting a podcast can help you reach a new audience through audio content.
Webinars: Hosting webinars can attract an audience interested in your expertise.
Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers can help you tap into their follower base.
SEO Tools: Utilizing free SEO tools can improve your site's visibility.
Press Releases: Announcing news can get coverage and drive traffic.
E-books and Guides: Offering free resources can attract visitors searching for information.
Affiliate Programs: Encouraging others to promote your site can increase traffic.
Each of these sources requires time and effort to develop, but can lead to significant traffic growth over time.
Combining the Best of Both Worlds
While the debate between paid and free traffic sources can seem polarizing, the most effective strategies often involve a blend of both. Paid traffic can provide a quick influx of visitors and help test new markets or products. At the same time, building a solid foundation of free traffic through SEO and content marketing can ensure a steady flow of visitors over time.
Ultimately, the choice between paid and free traffic sources will depend on your business goals, budget, and timeline. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each, you can craft a balanced approach that drives both immediate results and sustainable growth.
For more insights into optimizing your website's traffic, consider exploring the nuances of SEO and Google Ads management, or how content quality can boost your organic reach. Remember, in the realm of digital marketing, diversity is key, and leveraging multiple traffic sources can lead to a more robust and resilient online presence.
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levelonseo · 3 months
Video Ads vs. Text Ads: Which Is More Effective for Your Business?
Nowadays, businesses have more advertising options than ever before. Two of the most commonly debated ad formats are video ads and text ads. While both have their merits, they serve different purposes and can impact your target audience differently. This article delves into the strengths and weaknesses of both types, helping you determine which is best suited for your business objectives.
1. Engagement and Retention: Video ads have the power to engage users visually and audibly. They can effectively convey emotion, tone, and context, making the content more relatable and memorable. According to a study, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text.
2. Versatility: Video ads are versatile. They can be shared on social media platforms, embedded on websites, or played as pre-roll ads on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook. This versatility allows for a wider reach and a variety of audience touchpoints.
3. Cost and Production: One drawback of video ads is their production cost. They typically require more resources, such as hiring actors, renting locations, or purchasing high-quality equipment. Text ads, in contrast, are much more affordable and quicker to produce.
4. Flexibility and A/B Testing: Text ads offer a lot of flexibility. They can be easily edited, allowing advertisers to tweak messaging based on real-time performance. This flexibility is advantageous for A/B testing to determine which messages resonate best with the target audience.
5. Platforms and Placement: While video ads perform exceptionally well on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, text ads are the mainstay for search engine marketing, especially on platforms like Google Ads.
6. Accessibility and Reach: Text ads have a broader reach in terms of accessibility. They can be easily read by screen readers, making them accessible to the visually impaired. Videos, unless captioned, might miss this segment of the audience.
7. Ad-blocker Challenges: Video ads are more likely to be blocked by ad-blockers compared to text ads. While this isn't universally true, it's something businesses should consider when allocating their advertising budget.
Choosing between video and text ads depends on your business goals, target audience, and budget. If you're looking to build brand awareness and engage users deeply, video ads might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you're looking for cost-effective, flexible, and platform-specific marketing, text ads can be incredibly effective.Incorporating a mix of both, based on your objectives and audience preferences, might just be the key to a balanced and successful advertising strategy.
Digital Agency Jakarta Levelon Digital
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medfetabdl · 4 months
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I bought a companion for my Intellivue MP5
This is an Intellivue MP2, this is just the pic from the eBay listing. It’s in pretty rough cosmetic shape but apparently works just fine.
What’s the difference between this and the MP5? Honestly not much, it uses an external power supply, the battery is much smaller, it doesn’t have the built in printer, and it can’t display as many waves, but that’s about it for differences. The thing that sets the Philips monitors apart from all other brands and makes them so desirable for hospitals is the same reason people buy the expensive Apple products: The ecosystem. The Philips monitors are the only monitors on the market that are based off of monitors made over 40 years ago and everything on those monitors from 40 years ago exists on these along with a bunch of other stuff that’s been added. The other thing is their network capabilities. They are the only system on the market where when paired with the proper servers you can upload vitals data to a server and save it for later, you can transfer a patient from one unit to another just a with a few button pushes and then their information moves to the monitor in the unit they are being transferred to without having to bring the monitor from one unit to another. They continue to receive software updates no matter how old they are (provided the hospital has Philips certified IT personnel) they can communicate with tons of accessories. They can track over 200 different vital signs (this does require special equipment) they can communicate with ventilators and infusion pumps. And there’s tons of other things they can do.
I do want to say that I bought these with some extra money I made during the holidays putting up and taking down Christmas lights. I don’t just have money for these things lying around.
I’d like to give anyone who wants to buy one of these monitors some buying advice
1. Stay away from the MP2 and X2 their external power supplies almost never come with them for a good price, if you want one with the battery and power supply it will cost $500 at the minimum
2. To save some money on cables it’s good to know that HP and Agilent Viridia line of patient monitors use the same pulse oximeter and ECG cables which can save you some significant money on cablee
3. Unfortunately they are significantly harder to get your hands on outside the US. Most of the EBay listing for them are in the US and the sellers will only sell to people within the US. That’s not their fault the US government prohibits the export of a lot of technology. High end medical equipment, high end computer components, IR (thermal) cameras that shoot at over 5 FPS, and lots of other things are all extremely locked down in terms of exporting outside the US because they don’t want it to fall into the hands of China. In fact the FDA supposedly controls the sale of medical equipment in the US but I don’t really think they care about used medical equipment because I have absolutely no medical connections. I do live in the technology capital of the world so that might have something to do with it. On a side note when I say Silicon Valley is the technology capital of the world I’m not joking. Google, Apple, Facebook, Nvidia, Intel, Tesla, Ebay, Zoom, Hewlett-Packard, and many more of the world’s largest tech companies are headquartered here. It does make it a bit easier for me to get my hands on bleeding edge tech or tech that’s harder for most people to get. I have friends who work for Tesla who’ve met Elon, I’ve seen Steve Wozniak in a restaurant, and I know tons of engineers who’ve worked for these companies.
Another thing worthy of note on who I am: At 19 I’m an extremely bright engineer and have an extremely vast amount of knowledge in tons of areas of technology and study. But I’m also mentally unstable I have autism, ADHD, severe anxiety, and Bipolar disorder. I get sprits of depression and can’t seem to stick with anything. I went to university for a year for electrical engineering and dropped out. I dropped out for 2 reasons. I hated all the extra classes that I have no interest in. And I noticed I was a freshman yet I had similar knowledge to that of seniors graduating that year.
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thedayimissu-peach · 4 months
Week 3: How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
How does Tumblr function as a digital community? This is not a controversial topic or a topic that requires too much expertise, so as a friendly way to approach the first article, I will choose an autobiographical narrative to help readers. easier access to this topic. First, as defined by Tumblr itself, it is a digital platform that allows users to create and customize blogging, for the purpose of sharing, creating and learning as well as discussing topics. that the user is interested in. The characteristics that Tumblr stands out for also include the necessary characteristics of a platform: Tagging: Users can add tags to their posts, to help find, categorize, or discover related content. Tags also help users participate in conversations, events, or hot topics on Tumblr. Reblogging: Users can reshare (reblog) other people's posts, to show support, sympathy, or add their own opinions. Reblogging helps content go viral, create connections, or spark debate on Tumblr. Fandoms: Users can express their passions, interests, or admiration for brands, characters, or works of art through posts, images, videos, or fan art on Tumblr . Fandoms are very strong and active communities on Tumblr where people can socialize, learn, or express their creativity.
And considering the nature of Tumblr like a general forum of forums when it shares all topics based on Tagging, the online community is still very fragmented. This should have been a criterion that made it able to win over all competitors when the competitors at that time were too deep into details without connectivity or a third party to directly guide new users.
However, a decisive factor that significantly reduces Tumblr's ability to influence social networks and users is the time factor. According to a comparison of the time of introduction of two platforms, Facebook (2006) and Tumblr (2007), this platform is 1 year behind their competitor. Although the gap of 1 year is not significant, it is a very large boundary in terms of influence as well as the difference in user traffic.
First and foremost, Tumblr has failed its biggest competitor at this stage in influencing communities by re-uploading existing content as a separate digital community.
First is the time, the Internet boom in Vietnam began to develop in 2002, which means it has been 6 years since Facebook first entered the Vietnamese market. As said, 6 years is too much for a content sharer to write everything they want to discuss on a platform, let alone how a platform has developed its quality. Even in 2023-2024, i.e., more than 20 years as mentioned, there will still be many forums that maintain a unique position on the topics accessed. As mentioned, the appearance of Facebook is the first wave marking the synthesis of topics on the same platform. (Whereas before, there was only Google with search keywords that required users to have a bit of investigation and language skills to be able to access those platforms). According to American sociologist Everett Rogers's theory about the spread of information on social networks, diffusion theory, the first wave is always the strongest and fastest., this helps Facebook increase support from users as well as the most discussed information sources. According to Everett Rogers, "new information flows from innovators to early adopters, then to early majority, too late majority.", and finally the laggards". As mentioned, those in the pioneering group will be the ones with the strongest and fastest influence while the remaining groups will increase the time ratio to receive and respond to added information.
 Next is the spread of information on Mark Granovetter's social networks. According to this theory, each person on a social network can be considered a node connected to other people by links of different strengths, depending on the level of acquaintance, trust, and interactions between them. And Facebook came first, so obviously the first (nodes) belong to them. Thus, Facebook has surpassed Tumblr in terms of competition in terms of shared content (the first factor that determines the characteristics of Digital Community). So, what has Tumblr done to operate as a Digital Community? First, regarding the wave theory mentioned, it must create new waves, not inherit old waves to maintain. And Tumblr does this very effectively like Trend #ootd: This is a hashtag that stands for "outfit of the day". This is an extremely popular hashtag on Tumblr, Instagram, and other platforms, allowing users to share their outfits, as well as get inspiration from others. #tbt: This is the hashtag short for "throwback Thursday", which means looking back on Thursday. This is an extremely popular hashtag on Tumblr, Instagram, and other platforms, allowing users to share their old memories, photos, or videos every Thursday. #wcw: This is a hashtag that stands for “woman crush Wednesday,” meaning the woman you like every Wednesday. This is an extremely popular hashtag on Tumblr, Instagram, and other platforms, allowing users to share women they admire, love, or idolize every Wednesday. #mcm: This is the hashtag that stands for “man crush Monday,” which means the man you like every Monday. This is an extremely popular hashtag on Tumblr, Instagram, and other platforms, allowing users to share men they admire, love, or idolize every Monday. #nofilter: This is a hashtag used to refer to images that do not use any filters for editing. This is an immensely popular hashtag on Tumblr, Instagram, and other platforms, allowing users to share natural, candid, and beautiful images of themselves.
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Digital Marketing Course in New Chandkheda
1. Digital Marketing Course in New Chandkheda Ahmedabad Overview
2. Personal Digital Marketing Course in New Chandkheda – Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
What are Search Engines and Basics?
HTML Basics.
On Page Optimization.
Off Page Optimization.
Essentials of good website designing & Much More.
3. Content Marketing
Content Marketing Overview and Strategy
Content Marketing Channels
Creating Content
Content Strategy & Challenges
Image Marketing
Video Marketing
Measuring Results
4. Website Structuring
What is Website?- Understanding website
How to register Site & Hosting of site?
Domain Extensions
5. Website Creation Using WordPress
Web Page Creation
WordPress Themes, Widgets, Plugins
Contact Forms, Sliders, Elementor
6. Blog Writing
Blogs Vs Website
How to write blogs for website
How to select topics for blog writing
AI tools for Blog writing
7. Google Analytics
Navigating Google Analytics
Traffic Source
Real Time Visitors
Bounce Rate%
Actionable Insights
Making Better Decisions
8. Understand Acquisition & Conversion
Traffic Reports
Events Tracking
Customization Reports
Actionable Insights
Making Better Decisions
Comparision Reports
9. Google Search Console
Website Performance
Url Inspection
Accelerated Mobile Pages
Google index
Security issues
Search Analytics
Links to your Site
Internal Links
Manual Actions
10. Voice Search Optimization
What is voice engine optimization?
How do you implement voice search optimization?
Why you should optimize your website for voice search?
11. E Commerce SEO
Introduction to E commerce SEO
What is e-commerce SEO?
How Online Stores Can Drive Organic Traffic
12. Google My Business: Local Listings
What is Local SEO
Importance of Local SEO
Submission to Google My Business
Completing the Profile
Local SEO Ranking Signals
Local SEO Negative Signals
Citations and Local
13. Social Media Optimization
What is Social Media?
How social media help Business?
Establishing your online identity.
Engaging your Audience.
How to use Groups, Forums, etc.
14. Facebook Organic
How can Facebook be used to aid my business?
Developing a useful Company / fan Page
Establishing your online identity.
Engaging your Audience, Types of posts, post scheduling
How to create & use Groups
Importance of Hashtags & how to use them
15. Twitter Organic
Basic concepts – from setting-up optimally, creating a Twitter business existence, to advanced marketing procedures and strategies.
How to use Twitter
What are hashtags, Lists
Twitter Tools
Popular Twitter Campiagns
16. LinkedIn Organic
Your Profile: Building quality connections & getting recommendations from others
How to use Groups-drive traffic with news & discussions
How to create LinkedIn Company Page & Groups
Engaging your Audience.
17. YouTube Organic
How to create YouTube channel
Youtube Keyword Research
Publish a High Retention Video
YouTube ranking factors
YouTube Video Optimization
Promote Your Video
Use of playlists
18. Video SEO
YouTube Keyword Research
Publish a High Retention Video
YouTube Ranking Factors
YouTube Video Optimization
19. YouTube Monetization
YouTube channel monetization policies
How Does YouTube Monetization Work?
YouTube monetization requirements
20. Social Media Tools
What are the main types of social media tools?
Top Social Media Tools You Need to Use
Tools used for Social Media Management
21. Social Media Automation
What is Social Media Automation?
Social Media Automation/ Management Tool
Buffer/ Hootsuite/ Postcron
Setup Connection with Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Etc.
Add/ Remove Profiles in Tools
Post Scheduling in Tools
Performance Analysis
22. Facebook Ads
How to create Business Manager Accounts
What is Account, Campaign, Ad Sets, Ad Copy
How to Create Campaigns on Facebook
What is Budget & Bidding
Difference Between Reach & Impressions
Facebook Retargeting
23. Instagram Ads
Text Ads and Guidelines
Image Ad Formats and Guidelines
Landing Page Optimization
Performance Metrics: CTR, Avg. Position, Search Term
Report, Segment Data Analysis, Impression Shares
AdWords Policies, Ad Extensions
24. LinkedIn Ads
How to create Campaign Manager Account
What is Account, Campaign Groups, Campaigns
Objectives for Campaigns
Bidding Strategies
Detail Targeting
25. YouTube Advertising
How to run Video Ads?
Types of Video Ads:
Skippable in Stream Ads
Non Skippable in stream Ads
Bumper Ads
Bidding Strategies for Video Ads
26. Google PPC
Ad-Words Account Setup
Creating Ad-Words Account
Ad-Words Dash Board
Billing in Ad-Words
Creating First Campaign
Understanding purpose of Campaign
Account Limits in Ad-Words
Location and Language Settings
Networks and Devices
Bidding and Budget
Schedule: Start date, end date, ad scheduling
Ad delivery: Ad rotation, frequency capping
Ad groups and Keywords
27. Search Ads/ Text Ads
Text Ads and Guidelines
Landing Page Optimization
Performance Metrics: CTR, Avg. Position, Search Term
Report, Segment Data Analysis, Impression Shares
AdWords Policies, Ad Extensions
CPC bidding
Types of Keywords: Exact, Broad, Phrase
Bids & Budget
How to create Text ads
28. Image Ads
Image Ad Formats and Guidelines
Targeting Methods: Keywords, Topics, Placement Targeting
Performance Metrics: CPM, vCPM, Budget
Report, Segment Data Analysis, Impression Shares
Frequency Capping
Automated rules
Target Audience Strategies
29. Video Ads
How to Video Ads
Types of Video Ads
Skippable in stream ads
Non-skippable in stream ads
Bumper Ads
How to link Google AdWords Account to YouTube Channel
30. Discovery Ads
What are Discovery Ads
How to Create Discovery Ads
Bidding Strategies
How to track conversions
31. Bidding Strategies in Google Ads
Different Bidding Strategies in Google AdWords
CPC bidding, CPM bidding, CPV bidding
How to calculate CTR
What are impressions, impression shares
32. Performance Planner
33. Lead Generation for Business
Why Lead Generation Is Important?
Understanding the Landing Page
Understanding Thank You Page
Landing Page Vs. Website
Best Practices to Create Landing Page
Best Practices to Create Thank You Page
What Is A/B Testing?
How to Do A/B Testing?
Converting Leads into Sale
Understanding Lead Funnel
34. Conversion Tracking Tool
Introduction to Conversion Optimization
Conversion Planning
Landing Page Optimization
35. Remarketing and Conversion
What is conversion
Implementing conversion tracking
Conversion tracking
Remarketing in adwords
Benefits of remarketing strategy
Building remarketing list & custom targets
Creating remarketing campaign
36. Quora Marketing
How to Use Quora for Marketing
Quora Marketing Strategy for Your Business
37. Growth Hacking Topic
Growth Hacking Basics
Role of Growth Hacker
Growth Hacking Case Studies
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Understanding Affiliate Marketing
Sources to Make money online
Applying for an Affiliate
Payments & Payouts
39. Introduction to Google AdSense
Basics of Google Adsense
Adsense code installation
Different types of Ads
Increasing your profitability through Adsense
Effective tips in placing video, image and text ads into your website correctly
40. Google Tag Manager
Adding GTM to your website
Configuring trigger & variables
Set up AdWords conversion tracking
Set up Google Analytics
Set up Google Remarketing
Set up LinkedIn Code
41. Email Marketing
Introduction to Email Marketing basic.
How does Email Marketing Works.
Building an Email List.
Creating Email Content.
Optimising Email Campaign.
Email Marketing Best Practices
42. SMS Marketing
Setting up account for Bulk SMS
Naming the Campaign & SMS
SMS Content
Character limits
SMS Scheduling
43. Media Buying
Advertising: Principles, Concepts and Management
Media Planning
44. What’s App Marketing
Whatsapp Marketing Strategies
Whatsapp Business Features
Business Profile Setup
Auto Replies
45. Influencer Marketing
Major topics covered are, identifying the influencers, measuring them, and establishing a relationship with the influencer. A go through the influencer marketing case studies.
46. Freelancing Projects
How to work as a freelancer
Different websites for getting projects on Digital Marketing
47. Online Reputation Management
What Is ORM?
Why We Need ORM
Examples of ORM
Case Study
48. Resume Building
How to build resume for different job profiles
Platforms for resume building
Which points you should add in Digital Marketing Resume
49. Interview Preparation
Dos and Don’t for Your First Job Interview
How to prepare for interview
Commonly asked interview question & answers
50. Client Pitch
How to send quotation to the clients
How to decide budget for campaign
Quotation formats
51. Graphic Designing: Canva
How to create images using tools like Canva 
How to add effects to images
52. Analysis of Other Website
Post navigatio
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accountsend · 1 year
Unleash the Power of Lead Generation: 10 Proven Formulas That Deliver Results
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | AccountSend.com
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"If it's not over until I win," says Les Brown, a motivational speaker. Let's embrace this winning spirit as we dive into the exciting world of lead generation. Discover the potential of powerful lead generation strategies with AccountSend and watch your business soar to new heights.
Foster Daily Connections
Set aside 30 minutes each day to connect with as many people as possible - whether in-person, online, or via email. These moments of outreach can spark conversations and recommendations that open doors to potential leads.
Harness the Power of Social Media
Ensure your business is alive and active on social media. Posting relevant content about your business at least twice per week can boost your visibility and engagement, driving leads your way.
Build or Buy a Prospect List
Create your prospect list by tapping into your existing networks or use credible data from platforms like AccountSend.com. These databases provide access to decision makers in your field, paving the way for targeted marketing efforts.
Freebies Can Generate Leads
Offer free advice or ideas that showcase your expertise. While many will appreciate the free resources, around 10% might seek your services, proving the value of this approach.
Consistent Communication is Key
Email your network regularly with articles, advice, and business improvement recommendations. This not only keeps you in their minds but also positions you as a valuable resource.
Education Over Immediate Sales
The urge to immediately close a sale can be strong. However, patience pays off. Focus on educating your audience about your industry and the value your business offers. In the long run, this approach builds trust and attracts quality leads.
Advertise Smartly
Utilize various advertising platforms such as Facebook, Google Ads, or TikTok. The goal isn't to break the bank but to strategically target the right audience for your business.
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Ask for Referrals
Don't shy away from asking your satisfied clients, friends, and family for referrals. A simple, genuine request like, "We're looking to expand. If you know anyone who could benefit from our services, we'd appreciate a recommendation" can work wonders.
Explore New Outlets
Venture into platforms and experiences you've previously overlooked. Post on LinkedIn, attend a trade show, or write a company-focused email if you haven't done so yet. Exploring different avenues can uncover unexpected leads.
The Power of Follow-up
Never underestimate the importance of a timely follow-up. Whether it's a response to a query or a follow-up marketing email, this attention to detail can make the difference between a lost opportunity and a successful lead conversion.
Remember, a famous Wall Street banker once said, "The best thing next to a 'yes' is a quick 'no'". Embrace rejection as a step closer to your next "yes". By incorporating these lead generation formulas into your strategy, you can accelerate your journey towards winning in the world of business.
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calling4glaives · 2 years
Personnel File 4: Titus Drautos
While technically if we continue to go alphabetically by first name, Drautos should appear later, he is referred to more often as Drautos and so we're doing him next. :P Sorry for the late posting; there were too many rabbit holes that caught us up, especially regarding his name. *grumble grumble* As always, pictures are courtesy of @capsource, who is a blessing.
Titus Drautos
From the Facebook blurb:
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Name: Titus - Latin: the name of the co-ruler of Rome with Romulus, the Sabine (native tribe) king Titus Tatius, thereafter a common Roman name: an Emperor known for his martial skill (including the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem); Titus Andronicus, a fictional Shakespearean character who commits terrible acts of revenge; a fictional tyrant with good intentions; and many others. WARNING: this is a tvtropes-level time suck. Drautos - ??? - This one is harder. Google translate tells us it means insurance in Lithuanian, though I think we can probably disregard that one. It could be many words that have been Latinized into a name by adding "-os" to the end, including English sources like draught or drought, or Greek ones like dragon, drao - a verb for action that also gives us the term drama, or drax - a handful. Using the Japanese spelling, it could also be Doratos, meaning “of a spear or shaft of wood”. Germanic/Norse sources have a similar word draugr that can mean both the undead creature we’re most familiar with through games and stories but also a trunk of a tree or a fighting man. Following that back to older roots, we get the reconstructed words dreugana which means to deceive or a retainer (which is appropriate) and druhtiz which means a band of retainers, a troupe. Derived from those, and somehow even more on topic, is the Old Norse drótt which means a household, a people, or the group of bodyguards of a king and all sorts of other fun ideas for sources. Do I think Square thought this hard? Probably not. Is it fun anyway? Yes.
Equipment: Drautos is one of the most colorful people we see in Insomnia, with his red leather jacket and panels. (As Drautos he uses black and red with purple and silver highlights, and as Glauca silver and purple with black and silver highlights). In some ways, his look is reminiscent of Genesis from FFVII, albeit played much more seriously.
His uniform seems to be a combination of the Kingsglaive uniforms - the cuffs around the wrists and upper thigh, identical boots, what looks to be the base of a hood in his wide inner collar, the symbol down the front (though whether he wears it in honor of his glaives or they of him is a bit of a chicken and egg debate, and we don’t see that long version on the Royal Guards or the Kingsglaive after the fall, as best I can tell) - and the common markers of status among Insomnian/Lucian elites - the high collar (though very exaggerated in his case), the asymmetric longer left sleeves, the hint at longer robes via the skirt panels – and his own personal style - the overlapping jacket front (and the requisite Square fashion zipper, which is how you know he’s a main character), the mail and reinforced leather piece over his shoulders, and the braids connecting his shoulders and mail sleeves.
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His necklaces and medals have the feeling of formal awards, though we see literally no one else wearing them. In the field, he wears the symbol of the Kingsglaive on his many necklaces, though this is replaced by some sort of cross-like medal when he dresses up; this, with the addition of the other medals somehow attached to his jacket, is the only difference between his field and formal uniforms. (He wears the field uniform again during the fall of Insomnia; I guess he had time to remove the medals and change the necklace when he was missing during the panic over Luna)
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The only comparison with Drautos’s medals are the ones won for Chocobo racing, though the medallion portion of those appears flatter and simpler. The chains and braids might have a parallel in the pair that cross Nyx’s chest, though his is worn much differently that Drautos’.
The leather shoulder piece almost resembles the leather and reinforced collar of Nyx’s field uniform, but is still much larger and differently shaped. The pattern inside the high collar almost appears to match the dickies from the Luche-style uniforms.
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When he is driving in Noctis's car with Nyx, he appears to have ditched both the high collar (which seems smart, just for the peripheral vision) and the shoulder piece, mail, oversleeves, shoulder braids, and medals. I wonder if this is why he can tell Nyx to drop the formalities – he’s “out of uniform”. [[NB: unlike the bros, Drautos enforces seatbelts in the car]]
He has a classical western straight-edged sword belted at his side, just as his glaives carry theirs sheathed on their persons rather than in magical storage as Clarus and Cor do. Unfortunately, he never uses this sword in the movie.
ETA: Drautos also wears his sword on his right hip, implying he is left-handed, while Glauca wields his sword in his right hand or with both. As we never see Drautos as Drautos use his sword, which hand is actually dominant or if he is ambidextrous is unknown.
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He also, unlike most of the glaives, has an actual cell phone rather than ear pieces.
Background: Drautos is from Cavaugh, the island where Insomnia sits, but not actually from Insomnia. His village is destroyed about 30 years ago during the war, and then he is taken in by Regis. Despite this closeness, Cor and Noctis both refer to him as Drautos rather than Titus in the audio drama and opening scene respectively, which implies a sort of distance, but he is trusted implicitly by them all. He clearly resents the wall being withdrawn by Mors and how Regis is running the fight (“For the honor of my home, I fought and killed under a king I loathed. And still, he betrayed me. He betrayed us all.” - the betrayal is presumably the treaty and Insomnia being sacrificed for Noctis, because it comes after the loathing and fighting, plus Regis didn’t pull back the wall himself, he inherited that position and didn’t change it).
After that, he rises to be one of the top three swordsmen in Lucis, along with Cor [[and presumably Clarus?]] and takes over the Kingsglaive at some point in the fifteen years between its founding and the present. He was probably the founding leader, but it’s never outright stated. Sometime in there he became Glauca. He could be the original Glauca, who is presumably the one who killed Queen Sylvia, or there could have been many over the years. It’s hard to tell under the armor. Clearly he’s been doing this long enough to recruit fellow traitors and put this plan in motion, but that could be anywhere from a year to a decade to two. What assurance does he have that Niflheim would keep its word, and how did he get the armor?
The man is running two armies, one from quite the distance. If he’s done so for long, it is both a sign of competence – that’s a huge amount of work, even if one is small and the other is mostly automated, and on top of that he has managed to do so undetected – and possibly of incompetence – when he holds all the cards, he still hasn’t been able to bring Lucis down yet. [[How did this man have any time to sleep?]]
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Rank: The shoulder tabs he wears are slightly fancier than the rest of the glaives’, and appear to have a wide/narrow/narrow pattern that matches, if anything, the common sleeve insignia for vice admirals across many navies. Though he is called "Captain" throughout the movie, he appears to be of higher ranking for practical purposes, based on his status in Lucis.
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Death: There is debate over whether the psychomancer who has Nyx’s kukris is Nyx or Drautos, who had Nyx’s kukri in his chest while Nyx had none. I tend to think the streaks and reddish eyes (though it could be the light of dawn) as Drautos dies indicates demonification, as is the fact his eyes crack open as we last see him.
Personality: Drautos clearly cares about his past and his responsibilities very much. He is a harsh leader, but has the respect and loyalty of his soldiers, and is capable of moments of relative softness in private. He has a tricky mind capable of assessing those around him and taking their actions into account in his plans, and is capable of projecting an image and living a double life for years. He is unbelievably determined and dedicated to his idea of right.
Relationships: The facebook blurb says he is a hard man to please, but he clearly has some relationships with his soldiers and superiors.
-Nyx Ulric: Drautos is Nyx’s mentor, and seems to care for him as well, though less than his cause. The car ride seems a last minute attempt at feeling out Nyx’s loyalties, and minutes after he orders Nyx’s death and Nyx is shot on those orders, he holds his hand and seems to have some reason to still want Nyx’s good will - either as a way to ease his death, or perhaps merely as a key to the ring and the princess. He has multiple opportunities to kill Nyx from the signing room onward that he just doesn't take.
-Regis Lucis Caelum: Drautos’s issues with Regis seem to be personal as much as political, but he seems to respect him as well. Regis is unsurprisingly shocked by the reveal of Glauca’s identity moments before his death, but though he contemptuously shoves Regis’s body to the ground, Drautos does no further damage, nor does he draw out that death. And while the bow before might be mocking, the salute after seems sincere. Otoh, he misses several chances to kill Regis without him knowing that Glauca was the one who killed him, including right after removing the ring from his hand.
-Luche Lazarus: Drautos trusts Luche with everything from running battlefields to what his true intentions are, but due to the time constraints of the movie, we don’t get to see moments like Nyx’s where they actually talk. Is it a commander-loyal subordinate relationship, one of true trust, or is Luche yet another tool?
Behind the Scenes: Drautos is portrayed, voiced, and given his face from the wonderful Adrian Bouchet, who is very nice to us all. If you don’t know him by now, check him out on twitter.
Everyone has theories about Drautos, and most of his past is left for us to fill in. Please share your theories and speculations, or things we might have missed! We'd love to hear it. (Or, you know, see you explore them during Legends week)
2022/7/14: Edited to fix some information surrounding Regis's death.
2022/11/2: Edited to add information about handedness.
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rafgdgd · 1 year
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is online marketing. There you grow your business and promote Product and services, your brand to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of communication. This is not only include email, social marketing, and web advertising. Sumero Provides all kinds of courses. It is Best digital marketing training institute.
Digital marketing course is now popular in India. The digital marketing industry is one of the fastest industries in the 21st century. Digital marketing course demand is increasing due to the digital marketing industry in these industries, everyone wants a digital marketer in his company to promote the brand and growth of their company by their skills on the internet and reach everybody in this World. We know that every year, lots of user increase by 43% in India over the year. Every one-second searches are 40000 in Google related to digital marketing search in Google. So if you plan to learn the digital marketing course, and you also know that there are many opportunities in digital marketing, that’s why lots of people are interested in digital marketing. There are many institutes in India that provide Digital marketing courses like SUMERO.
SEO (search engine optimization)
SEM (search engine marketing)
Content marketing
Website Designing
Email marketing
Instagram marketing 
Facebook marketing
 SEO (Search Engine Optimization):- 
search engine optimization is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a web page to the user of a web search page. SEO Course in Delhi. 
 Type of SEO:-
On page, SEO consists of factors that are in your hand area of control, including in your code. It includes keyword optimization, keyword prominence, Keyword Proximity, Keyword density, SSL (secure socket layer), CTR (click-through rate), and Meta Description.
Keyword prominence:- The placement of the keyword in an article is called keyword prominence, these are many places you can show your keywords so that search engines can discover them easily. Mostly keywords are shown in different places on the page, for example-title, URL, Heading.
Keyword proximity:- keyword proximity refers to the distance between two words on a phrase, or how close keywords are to each within a body of text. 
Keyword density:- keyword density is the measurement in percentage of the number of times a particular keyword or phrase appears to the total number of words on a page.
 Keyword density should be a maximum 3% to 4% in a page  
SSL (secure socket layer):-SSL is a security protocol that establishes an encrypted (convert into code) and secure communication link between a web browser and web server.
CTR (click-through rate):- CTR is the ratio of a user who clicks on a specific link to the number of total users who views a page.
Meta Description:- it is a short paragraph that describes what the link is all about for the user and Google bot to understand and comprehend.
Off page seo refers to all the measure that can be taken outside the website to improve its ranking on search engine result pages.
SOCIAL BOOKMARKING SITES:- bookmarking can be public, private, or shared group. Social bookmarking sites can be used like social search engines. You can search and browse to see popular and recently added web pages. Users can comment and vote for web pages they like making it easy to see what articles are more valuable
Why social bookmarking used 
Increase visitors
Get new customers
Help people to find other business
Help businesses to find other businesses
Content curation 
Organize and save resource
Tag content 
Share resource
Build backlinks    
Social Bookmarking Sites
ARTICLE SUBMISSION:-article submission in SEO is an off-page activity that consists of submitting long relevant optimized articles on article submission sites.
Advantages of article submission
 Article writing builds backlinks for your website.
Multiple articles generate connections for your websites.
Good articles improve brand awareness and presence. 
Relevant articles improve the traffic and ranking of the website 
The article contains the focus keyword for a website, internet linking is possible.
BLOG SUBMISSION:- blogging is an important off-page optimization activity in which you submit blog submission sites, blog search engines, etc it enables you to offer fresh content to your user on a regular basis so that  users keep visiting your site
    Benefits of blogging
Improve SEO
Improve relationship 
Free marketing 
Help build authority
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seriously-mike · 1 year
So You Want To Use AI-Generated Images Commercially?
Fuck off. And keep fucking off until you're out of my sight. Not because of any moral issues, but because whatever the marketing goons tried to sell you, they're ripping you off and bullshitting you with a straight face.
First, the generators, despite being merely large-scale statistical models, have no concept of consistency. The level of human interference into generation process to keep everything consistent between images is large enough at the general level to have you hire an actual artist who will do it by hand instead. At specific level, it's outright hopeless.
I saw a good example in a Facebook reel today. Some goth chick fed the frames from a five-second video of her getting up and walking towards the camera into an image generator with what I assume is the same prompt and the result was a jittery mess with details being drawn completely differently every frame, even despite the Image-To-Image process trying to stick to the original concept at least a little bit.
Another one was a guy trying to have the generator draw the portraits of four public personalities: Ralph Baer, Shigeru Miyamoto, Andrzej Sapkowski and a fourth guy I forgot. Not just every one was in a different style, but Miyamoto's likeness went off the rails like an absolute motherfuck. It added some twenty years on top of his current age and made him barely recognizable, if that.
Second, time spent on refining the prompts, yanking the lever and binning failed attempts is time wasted. Particularly to those even dumber than you who have no idea how the entire shitshow works, but demand Results (With A Capital R) in less time than required to load the model and run a render with enough steps to get something barely convincing. Look, even I don't exactly know how it works beyond mathemagics and fairy dust.
Third, 3/4s of what you read about image generators online is complete horseshit. That includes positive and negative prompts. If you know how the original datasets were built (read: a web crawled bot scraped images and their alt texts off Google Images and made them into a database), it becomes obvious. A lot of folks bang terms like "4k photoshopped trending on artstation" into positive prompts like fucking apes, thinking it will yield results - it won't. Particularly thanks to the nature of alt-text, which is widely used by screen readers for visually impaired people, so it needs to be short, sensible and to the point. And negative prompts are magical thinking as well. Realize this: when the datasets were built, they did not include any of the typical AI-generated fuckups like distorted torsos, too many limbs etcetera. This becomes obvious when you get the thing you explicitly asked the generator to avoid over and over again. And finally, you need to remember that StableDiffusion asking you to set the image dimensions as multiplies of 64 is there for a Reason. The Reason being, 64 by 64 pixels is the smallest area the model can render, and even then it's often a part of a larger element described in general terms.
Fourth, online generators themselves are a scam, more or less. Some defend themselves by having their own, custom-built datasets, like Leonardo AI - these guys dared to build a Stable Diffusion 2.1 datasets when everyone else sticks to 1.5 version. Others, like mage.space, are bullshitting you - when I went through the list of the generators they want you to pay ten bucks a month for, I found nothing but stuff available for free on HuggingFace and CivitAI, based on SD1.5. Half of them I already had downloaded. Not to mention, online generators usually don't have the fancy plugins you can use with your local machine install (I do know that LeonardoAI lets you use ControlNets, and that shit is next-level even despite the general wonkiness described above). That, of course, is true for StableDiffusion, but Dall-E is just as shit and Midjourney might do a couple of things better, but it still wipes out in a good few areas.
Image generators are good only for memes, shitposts and Tijuana bibles. And you'd need a special kind of schmuck to pay for any of those.
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arinfosolution · 1 year
How digital marketing helps to grow your business in 2023? Grow your business with AR Info solution.
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Digital marketing is essential for businesses to grow in today's digital age. It helps to increase visibility, better target audiences, provide cost-effective solutions, increase engagement, and deliver measurable results. With the right digital marketing strategy, businesses can establish a strong online presence, compete effectively, and drive growth. In short, digital marketing is a crucial tool for any business looking to succeed in the digital era.
Let’s Talk about How digital marketing helps to grow your business?
Digital marketing has become an essential aspect of growing a business in 2023. It offers numerous advantages, including wider reach, better targeting, and increased ROI. Here are some points explaining how digital marketing can help grow your business in 2023:
Wider Reach: With digital marketing, you can reach a larger audience beyond your geographic location. This means you can reach potential customers in different regions, countries, or even continents. By leveraging digital channels such as social media, search engines, and email, you can create targeted campaigns that reach your ideal customers.
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Better Targeting: Digital marketing enables you to target your audience with precision. With tools like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, you can target people based on their demographics, interests, behaviours, and more. This means you can ensure that your message is reaching the right people, increasing the chances of conversions.
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Increased ROI: Digital marketing campaigns can be tracked and analysed in real-time. This allows you to optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI. By identifying which channels and campaigns are delivering the best results, you can allocate your budget more effectively and increase your returns.
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Improved Customer Engagement: Digital marketing provides an opportunity for two-way communication between businesses and their customers. Social media channels, email marketing, and chatbots can be used to engage with customers and provide them with personalized experiences. This helps to build brand loyalty and encourages repeat business.
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Cost-Effective: Digital marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods. Advertising on social media, for example, can cost a fraction of what it would cost to advertise on TV or in print media. This makes digital marketing an affordable option for businesses of all sizes. We provide best digital marketing services in Jaipur at a very effective cost.
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Digital marketing can help grow your business in 2023 by providing wider reach, better targeting, increased ROI, improved customer engagement, and cost-effectiveness. By leveraging these advantages, businesses can create effective digital marketing campaigns that drive growth and success.
Get the best digital marketing services at AR Info solution.
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nickgerlich · 1 year
It’s A Mad, Ad World
When Google (1998) and Facebook (2004) started out, they were the garage band equivalents of technology firms. Truth be known, Larry Page and Sergei Brin really did launch Google in a garage, but Facebook had more lofty digs while Mark Zuckerberg was a student at Harvard. But none of them had a business plan, and the phrase “revenue model” hadn’t even entered into the Marketing lexicon yet.

But it would, and soon.
It’s one thing to attract venture capital funding, because it allows your business to get up and running, hire key employees, and fully develop the product or service offering. But those early investors are not doing so out of the goodness of their hearts; they expect a long-term return, and to do that, there has to be a way to make money.
It took a few years, but both Google and Facebook eventually realized that the only way they could make money was by selling advertising. This is true because people like you and me would never pay money to do a search, or to establish online connections with others. In the process, Google and Facebook became advertising companies, perhaps first and foremost.

And by virtue of that attainment, they necessarily became bogged down in all the privacy concerns of the day, because these two firms know a lot of personal information about us. This allows them to sell ads (and information) so that companies can target potential customers with laser-like precision. As we all know, it is often uncanny how ads seemingly just pop up that hit us squarely between the eyes.
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While this is all good from an ad sales perspective (and maybe not so much if you are a privacy advocate), both firms still had one glaring weakness, a weakness that Amazon is now fully exploiting: Amazon Ads. I’m also pretty sure that founder Jeff Bezos, who also was a garage band success story, never thought of advertising in the early days either, to be fair.
Amazon has leaped into third place in terms of ad revenue, with $37.8 billion in 2022. Facebook is in second with $113.7 billion, while Google rules the roost with $224.5 billion. But Amazon has suddenly become a big threat to Facebook, and is considered responsible for Facebook’s recent revenue decline. 

And it turns out that Amazon Ads are very different from the types of ads that Facebook and Google serve us. The latter two are trying to make good matches among prospects, while Amazon allows advertisers to place ads in front of people who have already started the shopping process. That’s powerful.
The most obvious ads shoppers encounter on Amazon are the “Sponsored” ones. Search for any product, and it is likely that the first couple of rows are items whose makers have paid for prominent placement. It is actually not at all unlike slotting fees in the grocery, with manufacturers paying the piper—I mean grocer—to have their products et eye level. Those Amazon ads are typically pay-per-click. Amazon makes money every time we click, and then a lot more when we actually buy an item.

The difference in advertising model is very clear. Whereas Facebook and Google allow for targeting people highly likely to buy something, and whom may have actually demonstrated some interest in doing so, an ad at Amazon hits people who have actually gotten started. These ads may feature a specific item the user queried, or “interceptor” products from competitors. Think of it as advertising a store, versus advertising within the store. Once people are in, they are probably pretty serious.

I understand why Facebook in particular is nervous. While it still holds a solid #2 position, Amazon holds another card, one we discussed a few days ago: livestream shopping. This is all part of the Amazon Ads experience. While Facebook and companion Instagram both have shopping as well as livestream capabilities, they are not in the retail position that Amazon is.
It is understandable that people feel like they are being crushed under an avalanche of advertising. Everywhere we turn, there are ads. But ads pay the bills, and in the case of Amazon, they supplement retail sales. Whereas ads make up 97.5% of Facebook’s revenues, they only account for 7.3% of Amazon’s revenues. This helps explain Facebook’s vulnerability; ad sales are just gravy on Amazon’s mashed potatoes. For the sake of comparison, Google’s ad sales are 79.3% of their revenues.
Meanwhile, our tech rockstars are all basking in the glow of advertising notoriety. None of them ever saw it coming, but they all realize now it is a vital part of their business. Now if we could just get everyone else on board with crafting a business plan and revenue model first.
Dr “Sell Me Something Good“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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wild-at-mind · 2 years
Talked with some of my friends from [redacted activist group], they are all cis and middle aged or older. We were getting coffee and chatting and someone brought up kids in schools being taught about gender identity. And I was like :S but pretty soon I downgraded to :/ I guess, because it became clear that while all of them didn’t really understand it, they clearly wanted to.
The first thing that kept coming up was a fixation on how many genders there are, I said well, infinite, and one of them said no there are 8, and another was like ‘no, there’s 12′. I said why so specific and one of them said they had seen a list of x many. I was trying to figure out how to explain that the specific number/names for genders people use doesn’t necessarily matter. I think this is harder concept to grasp for outsiders to this world than we realise. I wanted to say that each name for a gender may be used by different people to mean vastly different things, and by the same metric people can invent their own, and a small number of those made their way onto the list, but I was kind of worried it might make things seem more vague and confusing. The whole thing had the same energy as when people google ‘what is the difference between bi and pansexual’ and wanted a solid definite answer when there just isn’t one. But I do sympathise because people like solid answers for things! I know I do. x means this and y means that, that’s awesome! Simple messaging is great but we just don’t have it by design. I’m not really sure what the solution is but empathy for people who come to these ideas in good faith but confusion is important I think. The whole thing came up because one man mentioned that a friend of his had a child who was doing a lesson on gender stuff during lockdown, and because it was home learning his father had seen the some kind of list of genders and been confused by it. I was a bit :S again because it sounded a bit like some right wing idea telephone thing, and we all know how often ‘my friend’ is actually ‘someone online said it’. This is in England and I think there has been a curriculum addition for primary school children about gender identity, which some right wingers who pretend to be feminists are very ‘concerned’ about, so I have no reason to believe it’s an entirely made up boomer facebook meme. The gender identity stuff in these lessons is taught alongside early sex-ed stuff that no one should be obecting to-teaching kids which parts of their bodies are private etc. (Personally, I think it’s great for self esteem to teach kids that their interiority and identity matter from a young age, as someone who only found out their interiority mattered at like 25.) I think it can’t be underestimated how weird and confusing the whole supposed ‘feminists vs trans people culture war’ sounds to outsiders when they go in with no knowledge. It’s not as clear cut right and wrong as people within it seem to think. Another man said it seemed like the two groups were talking past each other. His wife talked about remembering a time when women’s spaces didn’t exist and had to be fought for, and not as a ‘keeping trans women out’ thing. She didn’t say the last part, that was my added thought. I’m continually thinking about how things that are transphobic dogwhistles now had a completely different context going back only a few decades. And I feel like if we don’t learn the history of our movements, this will all be forgotton. These movements still matter, even if in the present they wouldn’t work. We all exist in the world these movements built. (For the record, I’m not exactly sure what she meant by female only spaces in this context. Presumably not changing rooms or toilets as that would make gender neutral bathrooms some kind of weird regression. It is true that the feminist tactic of consciousness raising was focused on bringing women together, that was probably before her time but maybe she’s referring to something similar.)
Her husband talked about his nephew, who is genderfluid, picketing to have a university professor fired because she did research on sex and gender. (He didn’t say the professor’s name so I can’t look more deeply into what this research actually was, or judge if her approach seemed benign or deliberately in bad faith.) Anyway this guy said ‘I just don’t understand the need to do that-’ and his wife cut in like ‘haha when we were younger we were working to deplatform people for supporting the regime in South Africa!’ and he was like ‘...yeah that’s true. I see so much of myself in [nephew].’ It was sweet. (Also great reminder that deplatforming is not something millenials or gen z invented despite what you might hear.) I said that as I got further into my 30s I was losing the very black and white sense of morality I had in my 20s rapidly. I feel more and more that we need to meet people where they are, unless they are actively malicious or acting in bad faith. I didn’t go too far into my own identity. I’m completely closeted outside of certain circles, and until I come out officially as far as I’m concerned talking about my own gender identity is like talking about my religious belief would be if I had one- too personal for casual conversation. I have no idea how they see me- I imagine as a woman with short hair who never wears anything feminine. It doesn’t bother me currently but maybe it will change if I ever come out. People who are outwardly ok with GNC people can suddenly become all weird with the concept of pronouns changing- I imagine because it asks something from them, however small.
Anyway I don’t know what the point of writing this was, except to try and express that I think maybe some older people who don’t happen to have a trans relative need some gender identity 101 classes- this is completely not facetious. There are many people trying to understand and I wish people in the know would differentiate that more from malicious lack of understanding.
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