#die walpurgisnacht
thefugitivesaint · 1 year
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Carl Huth, 'Die Walpurgisnacht', ''Über Land und Meer'', Vol. 31, #29, 1874 Source
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pilzsuddaempfe · 7 months
Hallo liebe Bibi-Fans und Estland-Fans, tere head eesti kuulajad!
Folge 79 begleitet uns in und durch den Mai. In Folge 132, Die Walpurgisnacht, versammeln sich, wie der Titel sagt, alle Hexen zu gegebenem Anlass auf dem Hexenberg, wie bereits in Folge 18. Alle Hexen, junge wie ältere, versammeln sich um das traditionelle Walpurgisfeuer und dem Hexenbuffet. Außerdem wird ein hexischer Maibaum aufgestellt, auf dem selbstgemachte Walpurgisbänder aufgehängt werden. Diesmal findet ein besonderes Ritual, das Sternenregenritual, statt, das es nur alle 132 Jahre gibt. Dazu muss ein Mann einen althexischen Spruch vorlesen und das Walpurgiskraut ins Feuer werfen. Doch das geht leider schief endet in einer Glücks- sowie Pechsträhne und muss in einem neuen Ritual behoben werden. Als Bonus gibt es einen von den Junghexen gesungenen Walpurgisnacht-Song.
Ihr erfahrt, welcher Mann das Sternenregenritual durchführen darf, warum ausgerechnet Bibi die Pechsträhne abbekommt, was Malicia damit zu tun hat und wie Bibi und die anderen Hexen diese verhexte Situation lösen.
Auch in dieser Folge gibt es estnische Spuren. Walpurgisnacht heißt "nõidadepäev", Sternenkönig "tähtedekuningas", Sternenregenritual "tähesajurituaal", Stinkmorchel "harilik tanuseen", Fliegenpilz "kärbseseen", Fliegenpilzsuppe mit Schneckenschleim "tigulimaga kärbseseenesupp" und Borkenkäferplätzchen "kooremardikaküpsised".
Danke, dass ihr wieder eingeschaltet und zugehört habt. Ich wünsche euch ein schönes Wochenende und viel Spaß beim Hören / Ma soovin teile ilusat nädalavahetust ja head kuulamist ☺️🧙🏻🧹✨
Eure Pilzhexe "aus Estland" ☺️🧙🏼‍♀️
PS: die Stelle mit Kartoffelbrei und Muumimammas in Estland bezieht sich auf letzten Sommer 🇪🇪
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bibliophilecats · 1 year
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April 29 30 2023: Freebie
Tonight is "Walpurgisbacht", a time when traditionally the witches gather in the Blocksberg for their annual meeting.
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nemochangeling · 21 hours
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palaeolith-1 · 1 year
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mimikyuno · 8 months
love and hope and kindness being the running motifs in madoka magica and the forces that can single-handedly save and curse someone.
madoka’s love and kindness being what saves homura from her suicidal tendencies, but also what ultimately dooms madoka to die at the hands of the walpurgisnacht. homura’s love for madoka and undying hope to save her what curses her to repeat time and traumatise herself over and over again, while also increasing madoka’s karma and by default, cursing her too. madoka’s refusal for homura’s hope to be in vain being the driving force that grants hope to all, but also ends madoka’s existence. sayaka’s love for kyousuke and her altruistic, heroic ideals being what gives her confidence and hope at first, but when confronted with misogyny and unrequited love (even when you told yourself you would not expect him to love you back just because you sacrificed yourself for him) being what curses her. kyouko’s love for her family being the catalyst that leads it to break apart, because in all her childlike devotion to her parents, she couldn’t see her father for who he was. mami’s kindness forcing her to put up a brave face and resulting in her demise.
but it all does not end in despair! sayaka’s newfound love for kyouko being the reason kyouko is no longer lost and angry and alone. mami’s kindness finding a recipient in nagisa, to whom she can finally be a parental figure. in one universe nagisa was the one to end mami’s existence, but now they can both heal and not be alone anymore. madoka’s love for homura encompassing time and space and saving her, every time, over and over again. even when homura does not want it. even when she refuses her hand. madoka will always reach for her and find her and save her and show her kindness, even when homura thinks she does not deserves any, even when she’s willing to die in her own personal hell. homura’s love being yes, what commits the unforgivable sin and tears god apart, but also it is only through her “selfishness” and “terrible” act that the others get a shot at a normal childhood/adolescence. kyouko and sayaka can be together at last, mami and nagisa find each other, madoka can live with her family again.
this is what i hope will be explored in the next movie. this intrinsic relationship between hope and despair, love as a lifeline and a curse. kindness and selfishness coexisting and influencing each other. i hope the girls manage to finally tip the scale between hope and despair towards the light. i hope madoka’s love will keep on reaching homura even when she thinks she’s evil incarnate, a devil. even when she thinks her existence as antithetical to madoka’s true nature. even when she thinks herself beyond salvation. i hope they get a shot at happiness, together this time.
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himehomu · 6 months
With Walpurgisnacht Rising coming in 2024, I want to talk about something that has been bothering me since Rebellion. It was never the “plot twist” of Homura separating Madoka from her godhood nor her taking those godlike powers for herself thus becoming the devil. It was always people's reactions to Homura doing this and the way they based her entire character around this specific moment that really rubbed me the wrong way. Saying she's a selfish monster who's trapping Madoka in a fake world for her own personal gain or that she's taking Madoka's agency away from her and making decisions for her that directly rebel against what Madoka wants... And, to that, I just want to know.... do literally any of you know what Madoka actually wants or are you just basing her character around her sacrifice?
Yes, it was for the benefit of all Magical Girls and yes it freed them from their cycle of selling their souls in the name of hope just to die at the hands of their own grief and despair, but Madoka didn't plan to abruptly cease to exist at the cost of it?? She didn't want to be stuck between life and death only existing as a deity meant to eradicate Witches for all of time. Madoka wished to erase Witches before they are born from the past, present, and future. Going back years upon years in time, destroying Witches and mercy killing Magical Girls; fighting forever, past and future, for all time. Ceasing to exist as an individual, only able to materialize and interact with someone when they're dying of grief and sadness and pain; relieving them of that pain so that their last moments won't be in agony, so they can die in peace, but there's none of that for Madoka. There's no death, no closure, no release, no freedom from this hell of being a weapon and nothing more.
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But, Madoka would never voice these struggles and frustrations. Because Madoka isn't that kind of girl. She's the kind of girl who shoves all of her problems down and bases all of her self worth on how much she can do for others, how happy she can make others, and how useful she can be. She forces a smile and masks her pain because she doesn't want to burden anyone with her problems. She puts herself down constantly, risking her life trying to help others because she cares so little for herself. Without being useful, she believes her life has no value. And Homura knows this. Because Homura knows her. I feel like most people take Madoka's bright pink colors and smile at face value and don't realize she's chronically depressed. That's why in the first timeline, she and Homura naturally got along so well: they were both girls who hated themselves and based their self worth on how they made others around them feel, both self-loathing girls who deem themselves worthless if they're not useful in some way. Madoka was just better at hiding it than Homura was. And she still is by the 100th loop.
But, in Rebellion, when her memories of being a god are taken away from her, and she's given a hypothetical scenario of her fate, she says "wow that sounds awful and scary and lonely and I would never do something like that." The Flower Field scene is one of the most brilliant and misunderstood scenes in all of anime. Majority still to this day argue that, since Madoka doesn't have her memories, her words hold little to no weight, and Homura is simply hearing what she wants to hear. So, naturally, they disregard what Madoka is saying, assuming it's just Homura being selfish. And that's where they mess up. Because, the fact that Madoka doesn't have her memories here is the whole point! Homura is already well-aware that if Madoka had her memories, her self loathing would result in her caring so little for herself that she sacrifices herself every time which is why immediately after Madoka's words, she assures Madoka that she is indeed "strong enough to make that decision." Homura just wanted to confirm if Madoka would still miss her life pre-godhood in spite of that, which she outright says she does.
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There are also arguments that Homura was somehow influencing Madoka in the labyrinth aside from just not remembering becoming a god, but Shinbou already stated in an interview that this wasn't the case, and that these were Madoka's honest words. In fact, Madoka's true feelings regarding her godhood are revealed for the first time within the lyrics of Madoka's character song (sung by her VA Aoi Yuuki) that played as the ep 1-2 ED titled “Mata Ashita”. The song is about Madoka post-series which consists of Madoka wandering around aimlessly, quietly observing as humanity resumes without her, lamenting on the life she lost after becoming a god and wishing she could have been more honest about her feelings to Homura in ep 12, asking her to realize she's lonely.
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[I'm pretending that I'm used to being alone, but I'm not really that strong.
The scenery is the same as always, the city is the same as always.
Even though I think everything will stay unchanged.
I still feel like I'm the only one who's tiny. Instead of "See you later."
I should've said, "I'll stay for a little longer."
I wanted and hoped that you would realize it.
But with the words "See you later,"
I lie to myself again.
And hide my true feelings beneath my usual smile. Saying, "See you later," I wave my hand.
Cracking a smile, yet I'm feeling lonely.
The truth is, I still have more to talk about.
But even my voice saying, "See you later"
is so near yet far from you that it can't reach you.
So let me say this like I always do, just once more: "See you tomorrow"]
This is definitive proof that even BEFORE Rebellion, this was already confirmed to be Madoka's true feelings.
The second time Madoka's true feelings post-godhood are adressed is via Madoka and Homura's concept movie quotes explaining that the God (Madoka) is clearly suffering in her “heaven”, which is more like a prison of isolation. The lizard girl (Homura) takes pity on her and separates her humanity from her godhood, thus making her human once more. Here are also some direct quotes from Magia Record which provides even more context for what Madokami is experiencing:
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All of this, with the addition of Madoka's words in the Flower Field scene being confirmed to be her real and honest feelings, puts the whole “pulling madokami down from heaven” scene into a different perspective. Considering the entire reason why Madoka even became powerful enough to become God in the first place was because Homura's 100+ time loops linked multiple parallel universes together with Madoka at their center, and it's confirmed Madoka was suffering as a god, I would think people would be happy to see Homura reverting Madoka back to a human being and rewriting the entire universe to be a world where Madoka is happy and free, surrounded by her friends and family???
The fact that Homura's love for Madoka was so strong throughout 12 years of 100+ time loops, it turned Madoka into a goddess but when Homura was able to see just how isolating and lonely godhood was for her, she took her godlike powers for herself because she loved her and was willing to take on the exhaustion and isolation of immortality as the devil to spare her of anymore pain and sadness. Homura freed Madoka from a nonexistential purgatory prison and a decade later she's still demonized for it, how insane is that??
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Madoka magica au that I might write a fic of:
It’s basically a “what if” Homura wished to bring madoka back from the dead instead of going back in time to protect her. In this version she is too overwhelmed by madoka, that she doesn’t think to fix the rest of the decimation or protect her instead or anything like that, just “please bring her back”. And kyubey answers. Madoka is brought back from the dead but it’s not really madoka… it’s a more extroverted defender of Homura (if you’ve read some of The summer Hikaru went missing, it’s a similar dynamic) she’s a little more violent and she doesn’t quite remember all the things that happened. She also wears Homura’s soul gem. There’s a reason for that. Their souls have kind of intertwined and if Homura walks to far from her, madoka will die. It’s part of the reason the chain is both gold and silver. But also because she kinda looks reminiscent of kyubey now, with the gold rings and red eyes etc.
I though Homura’s magical girl uniform would be different since the wish was different.
Basically the plot is Homura being happy madoka is back, realizing this is kinda like a ship of Theseus “is this even her?” Situation and they both have to live in the fucked up aftermath of walpurgisnacht fighting weird corrupted souls? Kinda different from witches but similar. It would be a mystery.
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talonabraxas · 11 hours
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Walpurgis Night. Hexennacht. April 30.
A Short History of the Night of the Witches The origins of the image of Walpurgis night being a witches’ sabbath are unclear. However, it is striking that it coincides with Beltane and maybe other pagan festivals in earlier time. Goethe presumed in one of his poems such an origin.
St. Walpurga For Christians, Walpurgisnacht is also known as the Feast of Saint Walpurga, that is celebrated from the evening of April 30 to the day of May 1st. Saint Walpurga or Walburga was the daughter of St. Richard the Saxon Pilgrim and sister of St. Willibald and St. Winibald. When her father went on a pilgrimage with her two brothers to the Holy Land, he left Walpurga, who was only 11 years old at the time, with the nuns of Wimborne Abbey, where she was educated and learnt how to write.
She traveled in an attempt to bring German pagans to the Christian faith and she also authored Winibald’s biography, which is why she is considered as one of the first female authors in Germany and England. Walpurga became a nun in Heidenheim am Hahnenkamm, the monastery founded by her brother Willibald, where she became the abbess after his death in 751. Walpurga herself died on February 25 on 777 or 779 and she was canonized by Pope Adrian II on May 1st, around 870, when her relics were transfered to Eichstätt, Germany.
St. Walpurga is prayed to for protection against witchcraft and it is believed that during the night of April 30, she is able to ward off spells, witches, and evil spirits. This belief may stem from the overlapping of her canonization with Hexennacht or the Night of the Witches, the celebration that has its origin in ancient fertility celebrations. Hexennacht is a Germanic tradition more prevalent in the 17th century, when witches and sorcerers gathered together celebrate.
To protect against their magic, the Western Christian Church appointed the night of April 30 to St. Walpurga’s Feast. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Walpurgisnacht was popularized and its witchy connotations were revived through the literature of the time, such as in Jacob Grimm’s work who wrote in 1833: “There is a mountain very high and bare… whereon it is given out that witches hold their dance on Walpurgis night”.
Goethe also dedicated a poem to the celebration called “Die erste Walpurgisnacht” (The First Walpurgis Night), which was set to music by Felix Mendelssohn and published as his Opus 60 in 1843. The poem contrasts sharply with the Walpurgisnacht described in his main work “Faust”. In his ballad, Goethe relates the superstitions around Walpurgis night to the usage of devil’s masks by pagan’s in order to exploit the superstitions of their Christian suppressors and to protect their identities.
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atamascolily · 5 months
One critique I have seen of the whole "Homura (or her double) is/becomes Walpurgisnacht" theory for WnK is that it's "too obvious and therefore won't happen". This is so funny to me because a certain degree of predictability is actually a sign of good writing--the best plot twists do not come randomly out of nowhere, they are heavily foreshadowed earlier in the work, even if this is only obvious in hindsight. Or, to quote one of my favorite pieces of writing advice ever from Kurt Vonnegut,
Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To hell with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.
In other words, as the story progresses, the number of possible routes dwindles, until only one path remains. The best endings not only make sense, they are inevitable.
From this perspective, the original Madoka Magica TV series is one of the most predictable shows I have ever watched, dropping exposition with remarkable precision and clarity at steady intervals. It's like watching a chess master at work, moving the characters from square to square until suddenly--CHECKMATE!
On my first viewing, I blinked when Mami demonstrates how a grief seed purifies a soul gem in Episode 2. "Wow, that looks just like a soul gem," I said to myself. "And it powers their magic, too? That can't possibly be a coincidence. Magical girls and witches are connected in a symbiotic relationship, but it's clearly meant to be a secret, so let's see where this goes." Later on, of course, the show makes a big deal of how Sayaka is refusing to purify her grief seed and the ominous but unnamed consequences that would come of it, and it was abundantly clear to me at that point that magical girls transformed into witches when they ran out of magic, several episodes before the actual reveal.
Likewise, when Madoka didn't immediately become a magical girl after hearing Kyubey's offer in episode 2, I took this to mean the show was actually about her journey to become a magical girl (and not being a magical girl, an important distinction), and she would only make her wish in the final episode after she was fully aware of the consequences. Sayaka's narrative role was to leap headlong into her wish, and show us exactly what the downsides were--through her failures, Madoka's hesitation would not only be justified, but that knowledge would inspire her to reform the clearly corrupt magical girl system entirely (an impression supported by Kyubey's speech by the fountain where he tells Madoka she has the power to become a god).
You might think that seeing these big plot twists coming would ruin my enjoyment, but quite the contrary--it was so refreshing to feel like I was on the same page as the author and that my careful attention to detail was rewarded. Paradoxically, it made me love the show even more precisely because I could see the twists before they happened--as if I was watching the show for the second or third time already. The best plot twists deepen the experience, allowing us to fully appreciate and savor them on subsequent viewings. It's why tragedies tell us in the beginning that the hero will die; the drama and suspense are not so much in what happens, but how and why.
I mention all of this not to try to impress people with how smart I am (when it comes to predictions about the future, past performance does not guarantee future success), merely to explain why I trust my instincts when it comes to this show, because they've served me so well before. Unless Gen Urobuchi and SHAFT have completely changed their approach with Walpurgis no Kaiten, I expect every single twist to be carefully foreshadowed in advance, just like previous installments--and therefore, inherently predictable, at least in theory. Whether we currently have all of the information and/or interpret it correctly are entirely different questions, of course.
Despite its reputation for obfuscation, I have found the original PMMM anime to be remarkably straightforward in its storytelling approach, and I hope that Walpurgis no Kaiten will be no different in this regard. Thus, I see no need to second-guess myself or to assume that the simplest approach is automatically off the table in favor of something more complicated.
That said, if you don't personally care for the idea that Homura and/or her double is Walpurgisnacht, or you are skeptical it will happen, that's fine. But "it's too predictable, therefore it can't happen" is not an argument I can take seriously given my own experiences.
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runn1ngn0se · 2 days
TL;DR on Walpurgisnacht ID/EGO:
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Wingbeat Ishmael will self heal based on damage dealt. Corrosion is AoE based on Gluttony Resonance and can hit teammates (which will give Damage Up and Haste in return).
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Sanguine Desire Rodion will deal bonus damage based on Bleed Potency and Lust Resonance. Corrosion will deal AoE Bleed Count based on Lust Resonance.
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Dawn Office Sinclair is a Burn ID that that will enter EGO mode a max Sanity (This will lower when allies die). In EGO mode he will deal more Burn and have a new Skill 3 (that scales with Wrath Resonance) but will constantly drain sanity.
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Am Kreuzweg weint die verlassene Maid, Sie weint um verlassene Liebe. Die klagt den fliegenden Wolken ihr Leid, Ruft Himmel und Hölle zu Hülfe.- Da stürmt es heran durch die finstere Nacht, Die Eiche zittert, die Fichte kracht, Es flattern so krächzend die Raben.
Am Kreuzweg feiert der Böse sein Fest, Mit Sang und Klang und Reigen: Die Eule rafft sich vom heimlichen Nest Und lädt viel luftige Gäste. Die stürzen sich jach durch die Lüfte heran, Geschmückt mit Distel und Drachenzahn, Und grüßen den harrenden Meister.
Und über die Heide weit und breit Erschallt es im wilden Getümmel. "Wer bist du, du schöne, du lustige Maid? Juchheisa, Walpurgis ist kommen! Was zauderst du, Hexchen, komm, springe mit ein, Sollst heute des Meisters Liebste sein, Du schöne, du lustige Dirne!"
Der Nachtwind peitscht die tolle Schar Im Kreis um die weinende Dirne, Da packt sie der Meister am goldenen Haar Und schwingt sie im sausenden Reigen, Und wie im Zwielicht der Auerhahn schreit, Da hat der Teufel die Dirne gefreit Und hat sie nimmer gelassen.
--Theodor Storm
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Walpurgisnacht is a celebration assimilated from Celto-Germanic and Christian beliefs. Although named after the English born saint Walburga, the celebration is known in many pagan versions of the same idea: spring.
One of the most popular versions is that Odin would hunt dark winter spirits in the night of April 30th and May 1st. In more Christian beliefs, the night was filled with magic and witches, which must be scared away with large bonfires.
Although sometimes associated with satanism, partially because of Goethe’s “Faust”, the general idea is to come together and light any kind of fire and welcome spring, glad that winter is over.
“Die Walpurgisnacht. Ein gedicht in drei Gesangen” Johann Friedrich Löwen 1756
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blazbluebrackets · 8 months
After much competition and many close calls...
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Awakening the Chaos has won the BlazBlue Character Theme bracket!
Below are all cumulative tallies of votes, as well as how they compare to the official poll done by Arc System Works in 2019! (Songs who made their first appearances in Round 2 will be given an asterisk by their name.)
Gluttony Fang* (157 votes)
Awakening the Chaos* (148 votes)
Walpurgisnacht (110 votes)
Condemnation Wings (99 votes)
X-matic (93 votes)
Nightmare Fiction (91 votes)
Rebellion (89 votes)
MOTOR HEAD (81 votes)
Under Heaven Destruction (73 votes)
Lust SIN* (69 votes)
Black Onslaught II (62 votes)
Walpurgisnacht (59 votes)
Childish Killer (57 votes)
Gale (53 votes)
Queen of rose (53 votes)
HAKAISHIN (52 votes)
Endless Despair (49 votes)
Bullet Dance (47 votes)
Weak Executioner (44 votes)
Crystal Forest (42 votes)
Catus Carnival (40 votes)
SUSANOOH (40 votes)
Sword of Doom (39 votes)
The Tyrant (37 votes)
SIX-HEROES (37 votes)
Black & White (34 votes)
Imperial Code (33 votes)
Bloodline (32 votes)
END GAZER (26 votes)
Silent Scream (23 votes)
White Requiem (22 votes)
in the shadows (21 votes)
Thin RED Line (20 votes)
MUST DIE* (20 votes)
conciliation (19 votes)
Memory of Tears (19 votes)
Howling Moon (15 votes)
Alexandrite (15 votes)
Oriental Flower (15 votes)
Bang!Bang!BigBang! (15 votes)
Justice Sword (12 votes)
Plastic Night II (12 votes)
Reincarnation (12 votes)
Marionette Purple (12 votes)
Black aggression (12 votes)
Spirit of Fire (11 votes)
Dissonance (11 votes)
Sector7 (9 votes)
BUSIN (9 votes)
Science Fiction (9 votes)
Active Angel (8 votes)
God of War (8 votes)
Blood Pain II (7 votes)
THE WORLD END (7 votes)
in JUSTICE (3 votes)
Now, an interesting tidbit -- The winner of the bracket didn't have the most votes! After doing some quick addition, it seems 10 more people showed up to support Hazama compared to our two PFD girls, as all together the polls involving Gluttony Fang had 250 votes and the polls including Awakening the Chaos had 240 votes. Very interesting!
According to the official ASW poll done in 2019, the results of that were...
Gluttony Fang
Lust SIN
Awakening the Chaos
in the shadows
Condemnation Wings
Silent Scream
Childish killer
Under Heaven Destruction
Hekira no Sora Izanaedo
Crystal Forest
Gluttony Fang II
(Crossed out songs not included in this poll.)
There are some similarities and some differences. Nonetheless, the poll was done for fun and it's exciting to see how the results stand side by side. Thank you for participating!
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girlshinygatherer · 20 days
Sorry for spoiling yall... but...
I would like to sincerely apologize to Vergilius for saying he was a fraud.
I spent several hours levelling up an EGO resource team to level 45 to balance out the lack of sin diversity in my envy team... but then there is no dungeon. Kids these days would call this a "bruh moment"
Can we PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE get that black silence Heathcliff that was teased to us as a walpurgisnacht ID? Maybe get the red mist Don ID that was teased to us as well?
and lastly... if 300000 people die overnight in my local region, you know what happened. Project Moon exceeded our already high expectations AGAIN and I am so excited to see what they are cooking for Don's canto. I genuinely cried for the first time in a very long time it was that good.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
Walpurgisnacht by Faun
“In den Weiden werden unsere Träume klingen (In the pastures our dreams sound) Und die Winde werden unsre Leider singen (And the winds are singing our songs) Lasst uns mit den Funken übers Feuer springen, (Let us jump with the sparks over the fire) In der Walpurgisnacht!
Hört die Geigen, hört die Geigen, (Hear the violins, hear the violins) Die Feuer sind entfacht! (The fires have been lit!) Folgt dem Reigen, folgt dem Reigen (Follow the dance, follow the dance) In der Walpurgisnacht!”
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