#did a sketchier thing for this one so uhh
springypaws · 27 days
@jonmartinweek day 3, Nightmare | Hair Care
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Do not question me and my overuse of these particular types of color palettes 💞
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iamindifferenttolamp · 7 months
Hi! Uhh sorry for being this random, just trying to reach out for help if it’s okay! My little cat is in need of urgent help right now so im trying to raise some funds for his care, I made a post about it and I pinned it on my blog, hoping that you’d be so kind to help me spread the word, please as every bit of help can get my baby one step closer to relief. I appreciate it and i pray that all goes well on your end, stay safe! By the way, pls if possible try to answer this ask in private so people won’t think I "pressured" you to do so, some people can be weird about these things. Sorry again for being direct
Buddy, I don't know you. This approach is exactly how to look like a scam.
Is this ask legit? Maybe. But "maybe" on the internet means "no." The fact that I don't know if it's legit or not is the number one red flag, so there's no way I'm donating or sharing an unvetted donations post.
If you were a friend, that would be different. If a friend sent me your post saying "itsheeva is a friend of mine", that would be different. If there was even a chain of friends of friends, that would be different. A little sketchier, but still a lot more legit than a cold call when neither of us even followed each other until right before you sent this message. Like, how did you even find me? (And what made me seem like a good mark? Honestly, what made an information professional working with user-side technology seem like a good target for a scam, or at best a good person to cold call?)
So yeah I'm not gonna answer this privately because even if you are legit your methods are ones that are exploited all the time by illegitimate requests and I want my followers to be wary.
So hey followers, don't share posts asking for money or looking for missing persons unless you know op, or know that who you're sharing it from knows op. And vet all posts that ask for money and/or personal information before sharing or interacting in any way for your safety and the safety of others.
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chipsfics · 3 years
part 6 2/2
2/2 is finally here! sorry for the long wait!
rated: PG-13 for swearing and crying.
Down in the basement. It's dark, musty, and everything is still covered in cobwebs. Once Tissues flicks on the light, the only thing that changes is the "dark". His brain is buzzing with activity- What could go there, what could he put here? So much wasted space in the hotel- and he was 99% sure that nobody else had been down here in a long time. He had to try and avoid being suspicious- But he'd already pretty much failed when Trophy caught him tiptoeing down the stairs to the basement at 7pm on a Wednesday. He went over to the covered-up couches and the chair surrounding the television set and small table- He carefully lifted up the sheets as if they were going to fall apart like wet paper towels. Underneath, the couch was the same dull orange-ish color as the rest of the hotel's furniture- probably a spare put down here. The furniture was suprisingly in pretty good shape, although the covers were kicking up a lot of dust that made his nose itch. He stifled a sneeze. The TV was tiny and old, but still a flatscreen- Looked like from when Meeple HQ was just dipping into television production. The small, outdated meeple logo on the power button confirmed his suspicions.
He picked up the cord attached to the back of the TV and plugged it into the small, dusty, offwhite outlet. Surprisingly, the TV almost immediately turned on with a loud startup jingle that just about made Tissues jump out of his skin. He walked over and looked at the screen, which had the old Meeple logo spinning on it's screen as it tried to boot up. Once it finally finished the startup sequence, the screen was on an empty DVD selection menu. "Hm." Tissues scratched his head as he continued to explore the area. What else could he fit in there? And more importantly, how would he get it down the stairs? 
Tissues sat down on the couch and a puff of dust fluffed out of the cushion. He sniffed... sniff... achoo-! Tissues sneezed. Tissues pulled out his phone and started to browse online for something to buy to fill the room- He had a little extra cash, because despite being eliminated first, he was still compensated for participating in II. That, and the lawsuit against Mephone that OJ pulled a while ago got him enough money to last for a long time. A minifridge, a new game console, a recliner... too many options! He wanted to make this basement space absolutely perfect. 
The more he thought about how hard it'd be to order all of this stuff and not have OJ- or god forbid, Trophy- notice what he was up to was leaving him puzzled as well. Maybe he needed to call in some backup... Or just do all these activities at night (although that'd be even sketchier if he got caught.) In a moment of frenzied impulse, Tissues loaded everything he was pining after into his online shopping cart and purchased them all at once. He turned off his phone and rocked back into the couch, processing what he'd just done. It was a bad idea, he knew that, but something about it was so thrilling. His heart was pounding- It was like he was making the hotel into his home, cozy underneath the earth, exciting and secret and all his. He was giddy.
After that brief moment of happiness, Tissues paused as he realized something. Oops. How was he going to pull this off? He scratched his chin, and another lightbulb went off above his head. To find someone to help him... He went back up the stairs, clinging to the handrail as he tried not to look backwards- He /has/ to find a way to get up the stairs without having to scale them. Yinyang was, of course, busy that day (with some kind of... event? He didn't say), so his only option was... sigh.
Cheesy was in his usual spot- loudly unwrapping and eating fun sized candy bars on the couch, throwing the candy wrappers on the floor after he's done with them. Tissues waved to get his attention. 
"Hey Tissues, what's up?" Cheesy said, and looked around. "Where's your boyfriend?"
"He's not my-" Tissues sighed. "And he's doing something today. Listen, Cheesy, would you be willing to help me with something?"
Cheesy narrowed his eyes. "Like what?" 
"Something... against the house rules," Tissues said. "It involves snacks! And TV," 
"I'm interested," Cheesy said. "I'm always down to cause some trouble. What exactly are we talking about here?"
"So." Tissues looked around. "There's a place in the basement that's completely unused, and already has chairs and a couch and stuff, and i'm planning to fix it up into a kind of secret hangout spot?"
"Hmmm, interesting..." Cheesy nodded. "Sounds fun! But how're you gonna pull that off?"
"That's what I need you for," Tissues said. "I ordered a minifridge, some video games, and a couple other things that i absolutely can't carry down the stairs myself- That's where you come in." 
Cheesy looked deep in thought for a couple seconds. "I'm in. But you have to let me hang out down there too," 
"Of course! Just don't tell anyone, ok? Especially OJ." Tissues said.
"No problemo, Tissues." Cheesy said, winking. "Until then, do you wanna play Space Bubble with me? I need a player 2 to complete this level." 
"Seriously?" Tissues said. "You wanna play video games with me?"
"Sure, whynot. It's not a huge deal," Cheesy said. "You seem like a cool guy."
"Ah, really? sorry, ehehe, It's just that, people don't usually want to be around me... on purpose," Tissues said bashfully, smiling, and grabbed the second controller. In his head, he was wondering when Yinyang was getting back. This game would be really fun with 3 players...
The next morning, Yinyang was still nowhere to be found. It'd been like this a couple times before, and Tissues wasn't too worried- They were probably just sleeping in or taking an extra long shower or something. He figured he'd be able to catch up with him later. Although, the thought lingered in the back of his mind- something was wrong. Was it him? Did something bad happen to his friend? He pulled himself out of bed all at once, stumbling a bit and catching himself before he fell, sniffing and sighing. Down the elevator, no Yinyang. Into the kitchen, no Yinyang. Past the living room, Trophy was sitting in Yinyang's usual spot. Trophy sneered at him, but Tissues was too busy with too much on his mind to really care. 
Tissues took a deep breath. Into the basement. It'll clear his head. Stairs, step, step, stumble- whoops, back on his feet and step, step step again. Flick on the lightswitch. Vision blurs a little bit. Stress or vertigo? Doesn't matter.
Someone was sitting on the old couch, twiddling his thumbs, looking upset. 
"Yinyang?" Tissues said, and he jolted up and looked.
"Tissues," He said, his voice was shaky. 
"What- uhh, What're you doing down here?" Tissues said, sounding concerned, walking over and sitting next to his friend. "Are you... alright?"
"Umm.." Yinyang shifted in his seat, getting more choked up. "I... well."
"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Tissues put his hand on Yinyang's, and he immediately melted into the gesture. "D-do you need a hug?" Tissues smiled sheepishly.
Yinyang wordlessly nodded and pulled Tissues closer into a soft embrace. He was shaking really bad. Clenching and unclenching his fists, gritting his teeth. Tissues pat him on the back. "Is there anything I can do to help..?"
Yinyang didn't respond. He was crying. They stayed in that hug for a long time before Yinyang stopped shaking.
Tissues pulled away, his eyes sparkling with sympathy. He pulled a tissue out from his head and handed it to Yinyang. "Here you- sniff.. go, buddy. Please feel better... It hurts my heart to see you cry." 
Yinyang laughed. "You..." He sniffed, smiled, and wiped his face off. "Have to stop being so kind to me. I'll just end up disappointing you, or hurting you," 
"Wh.... no way..!" Tissues' eyes widened.. "I think- I... you're the only real friend I've ever had..! I love you and- and I really do care about you!" Tissues was getting choked up..
Yinyang laughed again, tears rolling down his face. "Dammit... this is what I'm talking about." Yinyang sniffed. "You're the only one who's ever cared about me, and it hurts- it hurts because I know that I won't ever be able to let you go." Something about Yinyang's voice was so sad. 
"Stopp it- sniff, you're gonna make me cry too..!" Tissues wiped his nose, and paused for a moment... "and... sniff... You're gonna have to try really hard to get rid of me. I'm already imprinted on you like a baby duck you know like in the cartoons where-"
"Tissues, what the hell are you even talking about-?" Yinyang laughed. "You nerd...!" He punched Tissues on the shoulder. 
"Aahhh, ahaha, oww.." Tissues smiled. There was a moment of silence. "Are you feeling any better... do you need to talk about anything else, i mean..?" 
"ah.... Tissues." Yinyang sighed. "I'm so scared of scaring you away. But... there's something I need to tell you... I. How do I say this..." Yinyang took a deep breath, and seemed to have regained some of his composure. 
"It's okay...! You can tell me anything..!" Tissues put a hand on Yinyang's shoulder, and he shivered. 
"Tissues. I've never said this to anyone so ... i apologize if we mess up. But... I think I'm in love with you." Yinyang looked away in shame and embarrassment. 
Tissues stared at him, wide-eyed, his face red. "W-wait. that's a funny coincidence, because.. Nobody has ever said that to me. Yinyang, I..."
"It's okay if you don't-" Yinyang sniffed, "Feel the same or, whatever. It's been forever since we were able to agree on anything, and it's kind of... terrifying. But i love you. We love you. And..."
"I love you too!!" Tissues stood up on the couch suddenly. "I was so worried you thought that I was hitting on you because I was and I was scared that you didn't like me like that and I just realized that i like liked you a couple days ago and-" Tissues rambled on and on...
"Shut up." Yang said. "Hey!" Yin scolded. "Now is not the time," 
Tissues laughed. "Sorryyy... I just got- really excited, and emotional, and I've never been in a situation like this and-..... just, wow. What does this mean? How does this work, are we like, boyfriends now?"
Yinyang blushed. "I dunno, probably. I'm too busy fighting with myself to learn how relationships work..." Yin laughed. "It's not... can we just... hang out down here for a little while...? I'm... still kind of processing. A lot of stuff."
"Of course..!" Tissues scooted up next to him and cuddled up to him. "I'm so scared, and happy, and worried, and sad, and just... emotional. Everything is changing."
"We're in it together," Yin grabbed Tissues' hand. "Thank you... for a lot. for everything," Yang added. 
"I love you," Tissues smiled. "I love you too." Yinyang said.
Hotel OJ was a vague silhouette on the horizon when the sun finally set- millions and millions of uncertain years stretching before them, as inperceivable as the distance between stars.
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gurguliare · 7 years
vardasvapors replied to your post: vardasvapors replied to your post:osanwe kenta,...
“And many other things Ilúvatar spoke to the Ainur at that time, and because of their memory of his words, and the knowledge that each has of the music that he himself made, the Ainur know much of what was, and is, and is to come, and few things are unseen by them.”    “‘But why dost thou say “mere words”? Do not words overpass the gulf between one life and another? Between thee and me surely more has passed than empty sound? Have we not drawn near at all?”    narrative convention? deliberate choice of transmission? human-mode?     anyway this is exactly the problem i have with all telepathy in fiction and why i also was rather disappointed that tolkien did not deliver me from my biggest beefs with telepathy discourse, like he so often does (re: mortality and immortality, etc) WHAT IS “”“‘A THOUGHT”“”    
Wait, talk me through this a little. The first quote---you mean why are we talking about words and speech? Since this is pre-bodies, if we take it at face value and don’t default to narrative convention, then Iluvatar speaking to the Ainur in words means targeted Verbal Thought Transmission and not oogy-woogy brainshare, in contradiction with all Pengolodh’s rambling?
I agree that that potential hard binary on verbal/nonverbal communication is even sketchier for Thought(???) than anything else, in general, and of course it’s always nebulous what kind of information package or smallest unit telepathy is supposed to be working with. I... hm. I guess with language (and, let’s face it, Finrod and Andreth in particular) the striking difference/danger seems to be that greater precision involves a corresponding sacrifice of speed: it’s more ongoingly and precariously consent-based than the total, instant, shapeless accuracy(?) of telepathy because, among other things, the lag, and the use of the intermediary/mutual stranger that is “language” leaves a space for constant negotiation and re-negotiation---requires the feedback loop of “yes that’s what you mean?” “yes that’s what I mean” “and by ‘yes’ you mean--” “YES.” If you’re trying to express an idea about the world-as-it-is-right-now-right-at-this-second in words, by the time you’re done the world will already have outrun you, and so will your ideas if you’re not careful---your only hope is that the other person chose to wait for you, and potentially is adding onto and adjusting your statement at the same pace as you internally are doing, thanks to a lucky convergence of shared influences. Osanwe probably deceptively real-time-ish by comparison.
But then contrarily language is also your only chance at actually discussing change and time, since one thing the instantaneous response can’t capture is all the responses before it, except in cumulative traces which would have to be followed back through abstraction + reasoning, again leading to this representation of time spatially or otherwise relative to/in conversation with itself, so language (and, hey, memory, speaking of the Valar) DOES that through the huge LOSS of data and resolution ..... of course, that’s actually what “precision” means here, too, less information presented more definitely and without internal contradiction because you’re constantly discarding ‘irrelevancies’ in order to make categorization possible... Although arguably we’re lucky to even pick up the oversimplified categories given that this is all happening via ridiculous either-or signaling inside a bag of lipids, and it would be truer to talk about the multiplication of categories eventually creating a resonant confusion that feels like an engulfing irreducible environment. Uhh... and then beyond that obviously the ... all the problems with the suggestion of souls being in CONTACT with some kind of objective nonrepresentational reality, as though perception is anything other than representation, as though the whole created-world-art-object conceit doesn’t imply just endless layers of input/output remove ... um, so locating the beginnings of dishonesty or subjectivity in language is really ... anyway, telepathy sucks.
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