menace-4u · 2 months
I have head cannons for smiling friends (Human version) I need this share:
Charlie wears a dexcon
Pim wears glasses (sometimes)
Charlie has a his ears pierced
Glep is a teenage Italian boy that doesn’t speak English (Glep followed Alan into the smiling friends hq and they kinda just get a long ig)
Alan comes from big BIG family
I don’t have anymore head canons cuz I’m a stupid doo doo head
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blizzardsuplex · 6 days
hiii mel! i saw you said you were seeing zack on sunday at dexcon, so how was it?!! tell me everythingggg <3
Sure, Jackie :)
We were maybe 100 people in a gym with zero air conditioning/electric fans and one ring light while a literal typhoon was coming down in full force right outside. It was a fucking wonderful experience, even if my the end I literally couldn't breathe through my mask LOL
The Zack/Jake de Leon match went to a 30 minute draw. He's tall, I expected that, but he's also so much bigger in person.
I know I don't see enough matches live, but ZSJ/JdL is probably my favorite match I've ever seen live.
Zack mooned the audience LMAO
He also got extremely angry at the ref for counting a pin when he was going for a submission
We initially cheered for ZSJ when he came out because who wouldn't? But from the first minute we were for Jake de Leon. The PH wrestling scene took a big blow just the day before (Joseph Montecillo explains it in his blog post better than I ever could), so...
I actually recorded the entire match on my phone. It's shitty quality and vertical video to boot but I have it. I'm keeping it as long as I can.
There wasn't supposed to be a meet and greet after the show; like, literally, they told us to leave as soon as it was over. But people ofc lingered, and (since this is probably what people will care about on here) as soon as Zack got out of the ring he was swarmed.
I watched people come up to him and take pictures (there was no line), trying to think about what to say to a guy whose work has meant a lot to me since I was 14. Like, what do you even say? Begin to say?
I got cut in front of twice before I managed to get his attention. Even slouching, he was looking down at me.
His eyes in the light were amber brown.
I tried to lead with a message. I failed and just stuttered for like three seconds before I closed my eyes, curled up my fists like an anime protag, and asked if I could please take a picture with him.
He smiled and said sure. My bf took the photo. It felt both way too long and way too short.
I said thank you, and then, right before he turned his attention to someone else, I told him: "you've been my favorite wrestler in the world for 10 years."
Maybe he was surprised by that, because he took a moment to reply (at least he was smiling). "Wow, that's a long time. Thank you."
I literally ran away after that. I hadn't maintained eye contact for more than a moment at any point.
I nearly cried in the car.
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b2bcybersecurity · 10 months
Neues Malware-Implantat bedroht Industrieunternehmen
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Unternehmen aus dem Industriesektor in Osteuropa wurden von einem Bedrohungsakteur mit fortgeschrittenen Implantaten und neuartiger Malware angegriffen. Cloud-basierte Datenspeicherdienste  wurden genutzt, um Daten zu exfiltrieren und anschließend Malware zu verbreiten. Kaspersky hat eine Reihe zielgerichteter Angriffe auf Industrieunternehmen in Osteuropa entdeckt, deren Ziel es war, einen dauerhaften Kanal für die Datenexfiltration einzurichten. Diese Attacken wiesen erhebliche Ähnlichkeiten mit zuvor untersuchten Angriffen wie ExCone und DexCone auf; dies lässt auf eine Beteiligung von APT31, auch bekannt als Judgement Panda und Zirconium, schließen. Bei den Angriffen kamen fortschrittliche Implantate zum Einsatz, die den Fernzugriff ermöglichen sollten, und das umfassende Wissen und die Erfahrung der Bedrohungsakteure bei der Umgehung von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen verdeutlichen. Diese verhalfen zur Einrichtung dauerhafter Kanäle für die Datenexfiltration – auch aus hochsicheren Systemen hinaus Exfiltration der Daten durch Cloud-Speicherdienste Zudem wurden extensiv DLL-Hijacking-Techniken eingesetzt, die den Missbrauch legitimer ausführbarer Dateien von Drittanbietern ermöglichten, die anfällig dafür sind, schädliche dynamisch verknüpfte Bibliotheken in ihren Speicher zu laden. Damit sollte einer Erkennung während der Ausführung mehrerer Implantate in den drei Angriffsphasen vorgebeugt werden. Um die Daten zu exfiltrieren und anschließend Malware zu verbreiten, wurden Cloud-Speicherdienste wie Dropbox und Yandex Disk sowie temporäre File-Sharing-Plattformen verwendet. Weiterhin stellten die Bedrohungsakteure eine Command-and-Control-Infrastruktur (C2) in der Yandex Cloud sowie auf regulären virtuellen privaten Servern (VPS) bereit, um die Kontrolle über kompromittierte Netzwerke zu behalten. Neue Varianten der Malware FourteenHi zielen auf Industrieunternehmen Zudem wurden im Zuge der Angriffe neue Varianten der Malware FourteenHi implementiert, die bereits im Jahr 2021 während der gegen Regierungsbehörden gerichteten ExCone-Kampagne entdeckt wurde. Diese hat sich seitdem weiterentwickelt; im vergangenen Jahr tauchten neue Varianten auf, die speziell auf die Infrastruktur von Industrieunternehmen abzielen. Außerdem fanden die Experten von Kaspersky das neuartige Malware-Implantat MeatBall. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Backdoor-Implantat, das über umfangreiche Fernzugriffsmöglichkeiten verfügt. „Wir dürfen die Risiken, denen die Industrie durch zielgerichtete Angriffe ausgesetzt ist, nicht unterschätzen“, so Kirill Kruglov, Senior Security Researcher bei Kaspersky ICS CERT. „Unternehmen digitalisieren ihre Prozesse weiter und sind auf vernetzte Systeme angewiesen. Die potenziellen Folgen erfolgreicher Angriffe auf kritische Infrastrukturen sind bedeutend. Diese von uns untersuchte APT-Kampagne unterstreicht die entscheidende Bedeutung umfassender Cybersicherheitsmaßnahmen, um industrielle Infrastrukturen vor aktuellen und zukünftigen Bedrohungen zu schützen.“ Kaspersky-Empfehlungen zum Schutz von Operational Technology - Regelmäßige Sicherheitsbewertungen der OT-Systeme durchführen, um mögliche Cyber-Sicherheitsprobleme zu identifizieren und zu beseitigen. - Eine kontinuierliche Schwachstellenbewertung und -triage als Grundlage für einen effektiven Schwachstellenmanagementprozess etablieren. Dedizierte Lösungen wie Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity liefern einzigartige verwertbare Informationen, die nicht vollständig öffentlich verfügbar sind und beim Schutz der Systeme unterstützen können. - Zeitnah Updates für die Schlüsselkomponenten des OT-Netzwerks durchführen. Denn das Einspielen von Sicherheitsfixes und -patches sowie die Implementierung von Kompensationsmaßnahmen, sobald dies technisch möglich ist, ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, um einen schwerwiegenden Vorfall zu verhindern. - Eine EDR-Lösung wie Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response zur rechtzeitigen Erkennung, Untersuchung und Behebung von Vorfällen verwenden. - Spezielle OT-Sicherheitsschulungen für IT-Sicherheitsteams und OT-Personal durchführen, damit das Team Vorfälle verbeugen, erkennen und darauf reagieren kann.     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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Where to Buy a covid-19 self test kit Australia Online?
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The first option for covid-19 self test kit Australia online. You can find many reputable sellers that sell high-quality products. Some of the benefits of buying online include convenience, wide selection of products and competitive prices.
Another advantage of buying online is that you can often find discounts and coupon codes that you can use to save money. However, with a large number of sellers online, how can you be sure that you are getting a quality product?
The best way to ensure that you are buying a quality product is to read reviews from other customers. This will give you an idea of the seller's reputation and the quality of their products.
More importantly, you can check the approved products and manufacturers from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). With their list of products, you can be sure that you are buying a product that is safe and effective.
If you shop online for covid-19 self test kit Australia, Dexcon is your best choice. We offer PPE, medical devices, covid-19 tests and more.
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deyasworld · 6 years
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The FusionFall Fall at Opening of DexCon
@aduah @builtperil
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armesan · 6 years
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In case you've been wondering why I've been so quiet lately, I've been scrambling to restock for #Dexcon Let day 1 begin!
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vaspider · 6 years
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NerdyKeppie is so excited to announce the second of our partnerships with Phoenix Outlaw Productions! As of now, we are offering the ArkSong shirt. Set in an Ark ship, ArkSong brings the finest traditions of sci-fi to a LARP setting, premiering at DEXCON 2018.
With an awesome logo created by Christine Beard, & printed by our printing partners on heavy-weight, sturdy cotton shirts in sizes up to 5x, these are some extremely swank shirts.
And because our print partners are US-based and work Monday through Friday, you can feel good about ordering these shirts, too. We're very proud of all our partners and our ability to offer these awesome shirts with ethical work practices behind them!
We recommend ordering no later than June 20th for pre-DEXCON delivery. With the holiday weekend and Pride demand, we want to be sure you get your shirt in time!
(Psst. Want us to do shirts for your game, gaming group, GSA, or other organization? You can have NerdyKeppie manage your group’s shirt order without huge overhead or up-front costs and let everyone order what they want Fitted sizes available up to 3x and unisex up to 5x in up to 20 different colors, digitally-printed on demand. Shoot us a message on Facebook or Etsy!)
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louupgamer · 6 years
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Night 2 of Dexcon and I’m playing Zombicide. How I love to play with zombies 🧟‍♂️. #dexcon #zombicide #nerdforlife #boardgamegeek #geekguy (at Hyatt Regency Morristown)
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Currently playing my favorite game:
“Do I know you from a gaming- or a kink- convention? “
How to play :
You cannot outright mention the names of cons.
Clues gleaned must be from glances at coded jewelry, clothing, tattoos, hints at locations, and dropped names of people.
Bonus point are awarded if you determine the answer is “Both.”
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n0nb1narycode · 5 years
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Bought some fancy, pretty dice and a unicorn of the sea sticker 😊 • • • • • #dexcon #dexcon22 #dice #pink #metaldice #pinkdice #nerd #unicornofthesea (#narwhal ) #queer (at Hyatt Regency Morristown) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzf_8TFJd-l/?igshid=tvszg815j6yt
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kaiju-booty · 7 years
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really really cute #rainbow polyhedral dice i got @ #DEXCON! 🌈❤️#polyhedraldice #dice #nerdtrash #kawaii #cute
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nickdartist-blog · 7 years
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Drawing behind my table! ▫️ I will post them all individually after Dexcon is over
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viktordevonne · 7 years
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Repost from @njburlesque on Instagram: “#dexcon #dexcon20 #d20burlesque #nerdlesque #morristown #morristownnj #njburlesque” using @RepostRegramApp - #dexcon #dexcon20 #d20burlesque #nerdlesque #morristown #morristownnj #njburlesque
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glockgal · 4 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @poorlyformed !!!
A couple years ago I was in New York.  Cathy fetched me and took me to her apartment and I was overwhelmed with joy. That artist spirit which infused every bit of her!!  I tried not to cry as she showered me with her adorable buttons and stickers, told me about the art tables she decks out at conventions, and hooked me up with her WIP computer game.  After an 8-year art block, immersing myself in Cathy’s world for a couple hours helped me remember what creating art was about. I started enjoying making art again in 2020, thanks to her.
It’s been like 20+ years of friendship? We’ve been through through Yahoo Groups, Dexcon, Livejournal, a variety of Harry Potter fancons, and Wincons across the USA and Canada. like oh my god.  We’ve been friends long enough that halfway through drawing this I suddenly wondered ‘wait, didn’t I already draw this for Cathy’s bday like ten years ago?’
Cathy is my artistic kindred spirit, my drunk-drawble soulmate, my fellow fannish friend 4lyfe.  Happy Birthday, I love you!!
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rpgsandbox · 5 years
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Each game of MAZES begins as you are about to set out into the darkness. You and your stalwart companions peer down the stairs winding into the abyss, or lifting a rusty portcullis into a secret passage, or opening a door into a labyrinth where they say power and glory lies…
The MAZES RPG combines the look and feel of classic, dungeon exploring RPGS with cutting edge game play and mechanics. Designed for short session play in an episodic, novella style.
Each player has a different role to play within the party, and that role is DEFINED as a single die. You only ever roll your die - so, What do you want to do in the game?
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MAZES and Polymorph System use the same YOU ARE A SINGLE DIE mechanic
MAZES ZINE EDITION is an introduction to this brand-new RPG – and the first game published with 9th Level’s exciting new POLYMORPH SYSTEM. MAZES makes it easy to play episodic, narrative heavy RPGs about dungeon exploring, monster fighting, and tales of sword and sorcery.
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When Kickstarter announced ZINE QUEST, we knew that we had to be a part of it! Besides being game designers, we are also huge fans of ZINES and ZINE culture. In fact, our first game “Kobolds Ate My Baby!” was a Zine 20 YEARS AGO! (And we just completed a ZINE QUEST Kickstarter to deliver a reprint of it : Check that out here.)
We completely rejiggered our 2019 schedule and decided to introduce you all to POLYMORPH with this 1979 style ZINE EDITION of MAZES.  
In MAZES, you always roll a die that represents your role in the party (the Vanguard is a D6, for instance). When you take an action, you are rolling against one of the 4 Actions - BOOKS, BOOTS, BLADES, or BONES (see the character sheet below) - and you are trying to roll one of the target numbers for that action. So, if you are running away from a Razorbear you would roll your die and try to roll a 3, a 4, or a 5 (since those are the numbers for BOOTS).
Each player has a class (reminiscent of basic/BECMI D&D). If you roll a 1, and it is something that your CLASS can do - you also succeed. Your class also gives you a number of EDGES - edges are like skills or abilities that allow you to gain ADVANTAGE on rolls.
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                                   MAZES basic Character Sheet
OSR Emulation and Trilemma Adventures
Since MAZES is designed to feel like a game from 1979, but play like a game in 2019 - we have included a set of simple rules for translating OSR compliant game material for use with MAZES - so you can play using all of those great, old, DND modules, or all of the great, new, Old School Renaissance modules.
But, making adventures just for MAZES is easy too! The MAZE zine includes a host of ways to cook up a quick adventure for a night of gaming.
To help you get going quickly, we've included a set of three mini-adventures created by TRILEMMA ADVENTURES (100% ready to play with MAZES ).
This Kickstarter is to create 4 small booklets that will detail a complete old-school style game – featuring everything a group needs to jump in and start adventuring!
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SWORD contains the primary player facing rules of the game, including: how to create characters, fight monsters, and do cool stuff. This is the book that you need if you want to play the game. Sword also includes tiny solo adventures for you to learn more about the game!
SORCERY introduces magic, tools, and retainers to the game. It has everything that you need to wield magic, and information about the assumed world of the game. This is a player facing book. Together SWORD and SORCERY contain everything that a player needs.
MAZE is the core rulebook for the Maze Controller - the MC - the player that runs the game. It features all the rules for creating adventures and commentary on running games, creating obstacles, and a collection of quick play adventure episodes.
MONSTER is a bestiary of the horrible denizens that are waiting in the darkness to devour the players when they descend into the maze. MAZE explains how to control “The Darkness” a running clock that keeps the players moving forward.  
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While POLYMORPH and MAZES are new – the 9th Level team is not. We have been making RPGS for 20 Years (yes, TWO DECADES). The Polymorph System is the result of countless games we've run all over the world – distilled down to create something fresh and exciting. We hope that you will join us on this journey as we start exploring the edges of what is possible with Polymorph – starting where we always start – BACK IN THE DUNGEON!
Anyone that backs this campaign will also receive an invite to the BETA Discord Channel for MAZES and POLYMORPH. We will use this channel as a forum, and hopefully, as a place for people to play and share POLYMORPH and MAZES games.
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9th Level will be supporting MAZES throughout the year with convention play opportunities and actual play videos. You can be a part of that through this Discord.
9th Level Games will be at Dreamation, Emerald City Comic Con, PAX East, Origins, DexCon, GenCon, PAX Unplugged, and more in 2019!
BESIDES being huge RPG NERDS, Chris and Heather at 9th Level Games are huge zine and design nerds. We're just as excited about the look and feel of the zines as we are about the content!
Each zine will be solid black printing on bright white, matte 80lb Text weight acid free paper, with 111 lb. 300gsm rich colored vellum cover stock, all gloriously saddle stitched. Our zines will be produced by FIREBALL PRINTING in Philadelphia, PA.
These are some badass looking zines! Each book will be approximately 36 pages (we think, but don't quote us on that). We've gone with bold, shadow style art that looks amazing.
THERE WILL NOT BE A DIGITAL VERSION of MAZES at this time. However, the next iteration of MAZES will include a complete digital experience.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, February 28 2019 11:30 PM UTC +00:00
Website: Ninth Level Games
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argandseaborne · 6 years
Somethings new!
Recently I had the chance to go to a gaming/LARP convention called DEXCON in Morristown, NJ. It was all sorts of fun.
Of the various things I did, 2 new games were among them: Breach and Incandescent War.
Breach is a horror LARP based on the SCP wiki. The players make up a mobile task force. Not a strike team, this is basically a mobile location with full staff to deal with all sorts of crazy things happening. There are classes and they each do different things which is nice. I chose to be an Arcane Researcher named Arthur Crowley (no relation). We dealt with various SCPs and even some other events that aren’t specifically in the wiki. Due to the convention format, it did feel a little stunted, but there is the possibility of it running full day things in a non-convention format (Not a full weekend, because it’s meant to be a high stress game, so doing 3 days of it would be... exhausting to say the least). Which is exciting. You only have 3 health and all weapons do 1 damage, so yeah, keep an eye out for getting hit. As of right now I don’t know too much about the mechanics on death, but I can figure it will be just as crazy as the source material. Which is awesome.
The other one was fun for different reasons.
Incandescent War uses ASL words (I want to specifically note it’s the words not the grammar, it won’t teach you to 100% sign but it might spark some interest and that is a good thing) to cast spells. The words themselves aren’t spells. You use the words to make a simple sentence to bring about what you want. For example, the first “spell” we learned was “I BURN YOU”. Fairly straight forward idea. There is an extra mechanic here though. Every player has a mana pool of sorts called Will. 30 Will/player actually. And each word costs 3 will to use until such a time as you have mastered it, at which point it costs 1. This one really felt like it wanted to be a full weekend event LARP, which I hope it does. Because I feel like there it will really find it’s feet and do some amazing things because the magic is as complex as the player wants it to be. Want to just burn things and do more around burning things? Sure, go for it! You want to focus on healing and beneficial effects? Do it up! Summoning is a little more of an RP point as it’s hard in any LARP to easily represent a summoned thing, but still, it’s something that could eventually be done!
I really hope to see more of these games not only at future conventions but also on their own. These are both seedlings and will need players attention to really grow into things that will just be amazing. I know my follower base is kind of eclectic and I don’t know where people are, but if you are not super far away from Morristown, NJ keep an eye out for not only DEXCON but also DREAMATION as that is the sibling con to DEXCON. Give these games some love and watch them grow into amazing avenues to tell awesome stories!
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