#deranged he has rabies
motley-cunt · 1 month
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can you calm the Fuck down
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goforglory · 7 months
cursed lore for my proton: has been hospitalized too many times to count for illness alone. He's never once been discharged normally, this guy had a 104 fever and fought his way out looking like he was infected with cabin fever shit on multiple occasions because he had a job to do or he just starts feeling slightly better and leaves because he has more important things to be doing than laying in a hospital bed. Getting him to rest is near impossible unless he's actually dying. Which has happened and no one was having a good time.
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sh1-n0bu · 4 months
𝔫𝔬𝔟𝔲’𝔰 𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔣 2023!
day 30: choking with il dottore from genshin impact
warnings: choking, slapping, usage of aphrodisiac, dottore is a masochist, cockstepping, foot humping, degrading, cumming untouched, reader is a harbinger
notes: can you guys just tell that i fucking despise this rat????
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as harbingers of the tsaritsa and a group of very unlovable, twisted, evil and just genuinely not-so-good people, disturbance at workplace was common. of course, said disturbance ranges from a simple hiss of “i fucking hate you. i hope your next mission goes so unwell that the only casualty will be your tattered corpse” to whatever this is. this could have easily been called as something that most people would call as ‘hate sex’ if only the both of you were not fully clothed.
so technically, this would be counted as ‘hate masturbating’? ah, fuck the labels or those things. right now, the only focus on your mind was to put this annoying bastard in his place.
he really thought he was the shit, didn’t he? the absolute galls of this motherfucker to even dare to put you down and insult you in front of your own subordinates. not just that, he went ahead and put aphrodisiacs into your coffee and his own like the absolute lunatic he was.
how badly you wanted to crush his windpipes in. that would oh so easy with your current position of your hand wrapped nicely around his neck like those beautiful chokers you see on some certain accessory shops. or even one that resembles a collar that is bound tightly around the neck of a rabies infested animal. but with a deranged doctor like dottore, the latter description seem to fit well with how he was moaning and wheezing, clothed cock humping your boots as he panted like a dog.
“you really are a detestable creature, you know that?” you hiss in sheer and utter anger, your other hand joining the other to wrap around his throat more forcefully. both hands on his neck, ready to crush his windpipes in if you wanted.
you had the power. a harbinger who’s currently in the position of tenth may be considered weak amongst fellow harbingers but even then, the tenth fatui harbinger is more than capable to shake an entire nation and to be seen as a threat to an archon.
and that tenth harbinger is you.
so even if dottore may be the second, one of the few who has the capacity to rival a god, right now he was nothing more than a pathetic dog who was humping your shoe. panting and whining loudly with his tongue stuck out, the mad doctor only focuses on the feeling of your hands choking him and the hardened leather of your shoes.
“y-yes.. yes yessshh yesyesyesyesyes oh archons, yes. i am. i’m a detestable creature. your detestable creature” dottore chokes on his spit, a wheezing shrill moan escaping his open mouth as his drool drips down his chin. he seems to like being degraded like this, the movements of his humping becoming more and more frantic on your shoe.
red eyes rolling to the back of his skull, sharp gasps and squeals following until he swore he could see black dots in his vision. he didn’t wanted to have the black spots dancing in his vision! because if so, how was he going to see you? he wanted to see you. that look of just pure anger on your face as you choke the daylights out of him and let him hump you like a dog in heat. no, he needed to see you.
“aaANGH—! kyuuck hhang♡︎♡︎ gck! ♡︎♡︎” a loud intake of breath is heard as your hands let go of the position around his neck, allowing him to breathe for a moment. not too long after, without even allowing him to catch a full breath, his head lolls to the side with a stinging feeling on the side of his cheek. did you just…?
“eyes on me. who said you could go around tearing your gaze away from me, rat” he could briefly hear your voice hiss through the ringing in his ears. muffled, faint, hard to tell if the voice was truly falling from your lips or if it was one of his manic episode voices talking.
either way, it was still your voice that was blessing his ears. it was your shoe that was now stepping on his clothed, weeping cock and he was thankful. maniac and downright insane but dottore knows a holy being when he sees and hears one. he may have not worshipped any of the archons, but for you? the mad doctor would gladly kiss the soles of your shoes over and over. hell, he would even thank you just for being in the same room as you.
call him unstable as much as you would like and he knows that. he even revels in the title and he would gladly wear that title for his entire life if he could be with you. dottore always had this odd obsession with you. since your titling of becoming the tenth fatui harbinger, he had developed this odd sense of fascination.
fascination to dottore, but unhealthy obsession to others.
not like the doctor cares. he had long since gave up trying to reason with other beings and had lost almost all contact with social interaction if not for the harbingers gathering or his experiments with his lab rats. until you joined his ranks.
“i said eyes on me, doctor” you grunt, slapping him across his face again. on the other cheek this time. that seemed to have done the work to catch his attention successfully as his hazy blood eyes focus on you. his cheeks were the same shade of red as his eyes, however it was hard to tell whether it was from your forceful hits or his blushing.
“ougck—! yess.. ye-es yes yesyesyesyes, eyes on you♡︎eyes solely on you♡︎” the blue haired man nods frantically, slight twitch and wince in his eyes showing that the added pressure to his cock was just a tad bit painful for him. even a masochist has their limits. but did he care? no. no he absolutely did not care. if anything, the crazy doctor wanted it to hurt since it was you who was delivering these delicious cocktail of pleasure and pain. he wanted it to hurt. he wanted it to feel good.
with another slap to his cheek for his continued disobedience — for constantly trying to look down at where your shoe was stepping on his stained pants — the doctor lets out a choked noise akin to a mewl before his entire body spasms. thighs shaking and twitching before a strangled noise is let out as the stain in his pants become darker and darker. the stain moving and spreading, some of it even seeping through the fabrics of his clothes as it drips onto the floor below.
“did you… just cum untouched?” you ask, doing a double take as you lift up your shoe to stare at the white translucent juice drip down onto the floor, leaving a tiny puddle. dottore only giggles, almost as if he was in a drunken haze, as he slowly lifts up his face to stare at you. he looked positively fucked up.
“do that again, pleaasshee♡︎?” dottore drawls out.
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mintaikcorpse · 5 months
Zestial's Death Theory
Okay I was rewatching episode 3 cuz I love that episode, and I am still SO curious about Zestial. Mostly about his death. Because seriously, WHAT IS THIS???
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BUT, here is a theory I have.
Zestial speaks in Shakespearean English, so he probably died in the 1500s or 1600s. He is a bat spider thing, and I think he also has aspects of a vampire, so he probably died when it was really dark at night. I don't think he was an actual vampire when he was alive, but vampires, I think, stem from the fear of rabies, so perhaps he got rabies and died from that. I'd say the plague as a secondary option, but I don't really think that.
I think we can find clues of what he was in his design.
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He seems to have the outfit of what you'd think an upperclassmen at the time would wear (from what country? Idk. I assumed it was Romania or Britain). But, his hat seems a bit torn and ratty and reminds me a bit of a scarecrow, so perhaps he was a farmer when he was alive.
Why is he in Hell? Well, being a farmer, especially one who farms animals, gives you a lot of tools you'd use to kill. I think that he was a farmer by day, and by night, he was a murderer. Pretty good one too, being sneaky and always knowing how to avoid getting caught.
But, one day, a rabid bat bit him, and he contracted rabies. We all know what rabies does to a guy, right? So, at the beginning, he ended up becoming more and more sloppy with his murders, until he slowly became more and more deranged, and as his rabies got worse, so did his aggression. Instead of his calculated murders he was so used to, he would run up to people and bite them (on the neck?), like a rabid bat or a vampire.
There are 2 ways he could've died. The first one is that he died when he succumbed to the disease, and the second one is the people killed him out of fear. Either one could work, but if I think it's the second one, I like to believe that they put a stake through his heart. But man, him dying by himself in an empty field also sounds nice.
Anyways, do y'all have any theories about his death? I love talking about him.
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tickfleato · 4 months
really fun kind of character is when they're like, relatively normal sized but so deranged that the menace makes them seem a lot bigger and more intimidating. guy who is 5'8 but the spiritual rabies adds on like 10 extra inches of height. guy who is 5'8 but always stands next to someone that comes up to his shoulders & also has the mentality of an animal that should be put down for behavioral reasons so he's effectively like 7 feet tall
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Water spirit au from the bath attendant dream anon gave me the idea of dream making sure hob comes back and STAYS by cursing him so the only water hob can drink is his. He will live forever, dream will provide him essentially a fountain of youth, but hob will remain thirsty and dehydrated unless he drinks from dreams water SPECIFICALLY. Dream thinks this is a perfectly reasonable thing to do bc hes a essentially a fae creature from greek mythology and after hob burns out his initial anger and comes crawling back (quite literally because he hasnt had a real drink in nearly three days) he finds dream will provide for him and with such a beautiful creature always throwing himself at this lowly mercenary to rough him up and wreck him good hes actually pretty okay with it!!
Akskdjfjf I feel so mean but I'm laughing at the idea of deranged, dehydrated Hob crawling/stomping back to Dream and calling him a bitch to his face. I love it.
(Also Hob’s initial thought is "fuck, ive got rabies" since he can't seem to drink anything. Then he realises that it's more like the water is running away from him??? And he starts connecting the dots.)
Dream just smiles sweetly and welcomes his beloved home with a kiss (which Hob accepts because he's thirsty and Dream’s lips are gloriously wet). And Hob does kind of melt - how can he be angry when he has such a beautiful creature in his arms? Dream has gone to such lengths to make Hob his own, it seems rude not to at least try and see his side.
Hob can still wander off and have adventures, as long as he comes back to Dream in the end. Its a blissful life. He wakes each morning with Dream in his arms, and they move against each other like the water itself. Dream is always loose and ready for Hob to take him and he truly is the most exquisite sight as he writhes and bounces, begging for more. Hob’s cock seems to be the only thing that satisfies him and even then he begs for more, harder, deeper.
Afterwards they bathe together in the water, and Dream imperiously allows himself to be thoroughly cleaned by Hob’s tongue, too. Fortunately Dream’s bodily fluids count as being part of his waters, so Hob can freely swallow them down.
They're both extremely satisfied, and both feel like they won the lottery. Dream got his big strong mercenary and Hob got an eternity of life and the most beautiful water spirit in the land. As long as they return to each other at the end of each day, they'll be very happy indeed.
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zisgarbage · 2 years
I’ve kinda already said it before but I wish every other clairvoyant in the FD franchise was as sweaty and deranged as Alex. No one can out act Devon Sawa’s character for me like he mastered the distressed sweaty dog boy character (who probably has rabies) while also making him likable. Everyone else either cried or just went 🧍🏻 “okay anyways” like I want them to frantically pull out their death chart with crazed eyes and beads of sweat on their forehead or like my favorite moment when he calls death “YOU FUCK” after locking himself in a cabin like I wish they were all that insane
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shittysawtraps · 2 years
Hello Sakamaki brothers.
As you're hearing this individual tape, you're all in your own tests. I've seen how you brutalise and torment women in some desperate attempt to get what your own parents couldn't give you. Well, if you all survive these tests then you will get your wish - I have captured your father. If all of you survive, you can dispose of him however you like. First, you must survive your games.
To the brute, Ayato; you use cold remarks to hide your own insecurities instead of getting therapy. You may have been abused and let down, but it is no excuse to call someone, and I quote, "titless". Your game is simple - your mouth has been sewn shut. In front of you is a pool of sewage water. At the bottom is the key to the door that will free you from this room. However, something exists at the bottom of the pool. Even I'm not sure what it is. Will you learn some humility and suck up the humiliation and pain for freedom, or cry like a little baby and sulk in your own self pity?
To the creep, Laito; to say your tongue disgusts me is an understatement. Your mother manipulated you, but you clearly learned nothing. So, in front of you is a scale - after a certain amount of weight has been added to the scale, the key to the chain around your neck will be released. Hint; the weight needed is equivalent to an arm, a leg, a tongue and a certain something else. Will you finally move past your mother's lies, or will you continue to entertain her deranged games?
To the brat, Kanato; you witnessed horrible things. You have the easiest trap, so you better be grateful. In your room are sound detectors - anything past 80 decibels will trigger bombs in your room, leaving you a burnt crisp. That means no crying and no shouting. You have been poisoned, and the antidote resides in your teddy. To get the antidote, burn teddy - the symbol of your mother's influence. If not, then die in the fire yourself.
To the obsessed son, Reiji; you tormented your brother out of jealousy, destroyed his life while holding your mother to impossible standards. Now it is time for you to swallow your own medicine. In front of you is a corset similar in style to an iron maiden. You must put the corset on - like the crushing expectations you forced on your own mother. Once it is on, you must dig through the shards of your broken teacups and teapots. Hidden in the pile is a memento of Shu's childhood friend; that memento is your key to escape. After you find the memento, use it to open your door and take part in a second game. The corset will tighten and squeeze you until you explode in 2 hours, meaning you have to complete two games in that allotted time.
To the lifeless son, Shu; you were broken and abused by your own brother, and now you act more like a zombie than a vampire. If you really want to value life, then you will do as I say. In the room with you is a wolf infected with a strain of rabies fatal to your kind. That I have ensured. Once the timer begins, your door will open - as will the pen of the wolf. Run as fast as you can. Go to each of your brother's rooms, assist them. Your survival depends on them surviving.
And to the delinquent, Subaru; strapped to your hands are gauntlets that will crush your hands for every punch against the walls. Stay still, manage your anger and wait for Shu to assist you. It will be hard to do much if you have no hands to hit walls with, or threaten violence to people with. And as motivation, inside one of the gauntlets is a button that upon the gauntlets crushing your hands will set off bombs inside the gauntlets.
Shu has 5 hours to get around to assist all of you. If he fails to assist all of you and doesn't gather you all in the main hall, then you will all be sealed in and burned alive - like the fire you used to burn the physical body of Cordelia, without burning her hold on you. If you want your much desired revenge against your father, then you will all complete your tasks without complaint. Live or die, the choice is yours.
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softer-ua · 11 months
Villain getting handcuffed and put in the van
🐷: … you mean the top three hero’s??? You can’t call the hero’s of our nation freaks?!
🦹🏼: Look at them!!! The blonde clearly has rabies, he’s literally frothing at the mouth and has tried to bite me once already?!! The red and white haired freak in the boiler man suit hasn’t blinked once since he arrived, not once!!!
🦹🏼:And, and the green one?!! His smile hasn’t wavered, not even when he dislocated my knee with his steal shoes, not even when I managed to have a street lamp fall on him, not when the unblinking maintenance guy set my cap on fire and trapped the remains ice(chocking me!!), not when the blonde dog blew up a overhanging statue and almost killed me and he smiled even brighter!!!
🦹🏼: in fucking fact he’s only gotten happier?!!! He’s loving that he’s holding that rabid fucker back from biting me!!! He’s a psychopath!!! He’s a deranged menace who not only enjoys hurting me but gets satisfaction from being hit, frankly I don’t think his heavy breathing is from exertion, I think he’s imagining letting the blonde rip out my spleen rn
🐷: you’re the insane one here buddy, those three are shining pillars of our community and you should show some respect!
🦹🏼: this can’t be legal, it’s at minimum excessive force, and it feels cruel and unusual
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itsohh · 2 years
Infection Hour 0
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A/N: This isn’t taken place in extraction nor chimera. If I had to place it in the timeline it would be in R6S timeline after chimera (but before Nighthaven). This is a reader x doc but he is only mentioned. Friendship with Olivier. While I think this just ended up being gender netural (I think I never used any pronouns) I will state in the odd case that I did that this is f!reader. I never posted anything R6 related but regardless I hope ya’ll enjoy it. 
Summary: While out on a mission you get infected by a virus and Olivier has to deal with making the hard decision of leaving you behind.
Word count: 1695
Warnings: Canon typical violence
Split from the rest of your squad, tension hung in the air as you carefully walked with Olivier. While you weren't a medical professional you knew the gist of the situation you were in. The gear you wore protected you from the rabies-like virus that had infected the town. Rainbow had been called in to help with the situation. "No response on coms." Olivier's voice cut through the silence and the sound of a male voice caught your attention.
"Get back!" The pair of you turned toward the man on the ground, his arm had dried blood over it, matching the blood stains from his mouth onto his once blue shirt.
"Sir, we are here to help. We mean no harm." He coughed and hacked at your words. A side eye to Olivier, his safety was off.
"Get back! Like hell am I going to be one of those things. Everyone in here is dead walking." He waved his hand and your eyes caught sight of the detonator.
"Sir please put it down. We are here to help." You took a step forward, a wrong move. Olivier's arm wrapped around your waist at the sound of the explosion. He pulled the pair off you to the ground, the blast going off at the same time. Olivier's voice was cut off from your ears as ringing echoed in your head. The only thing in your vision was the black piece of metal- lodged millimeters from your face, the mask protecting your face. In a panicked movement, you yanked the mask off. The acrylic was all cracked and ruined from the piece of shrapnel. With heavy breaths, you calmed down before you rummaged around on your body for a replacement mask. Unfortunately, you didn't have another full face mask but a medical one. It wouldn't protect you the same but it was better than nothing.
After placing on the mask, your previous one lay forgotten Olivier offered you a hand up which you took. "Guess they don't call you Lucky for nothing hmm?" The joke cause a small smile to form on your face as Olivier tried to defuse the situation.
"Yeah, shit." Your shook off the almost death.
"Are you alright? We need to take it carefully, you're at higher risk without proper equipment."
"Yeah let's get going and try to regroup with the rest of the squad. Go for extraction."  
The pair of you continued to walk through the old building, bodies littered the grounds, blood staining the floors and walls. You nodded to Olivier as he opened the door for you. In an instant,  a woman clambered over you. Her voice stopped you from pulling the trigger, "please you have to help me." She clawed at you desperately, her head looking over her shoulder. Her hands found purchase on your mask pulling on it. When she turned to face you she started coughing, blood spraying onto your face and mouth.
In an instant she was shoved to the ground, Olivier's wide eyes had her at gunpoint as she continued to cough. Yet her focus was on the infected behind her. Glassy eyes of those fully infected behind her- foam at the mouth. The virus had a range of possible symptoms, not everyone ended up violent and deranged but all ended up dead. Olivier didn't hesitate as he took them out. The woman moved onto her hands and knees and she continued to cough up blood- gasping for air. She collapsed down onto the ground, blood pouring from her lips as she twitched until she stopped moving. With a tissue from your pocket, you wiped the blood from your face, mask stripped on the ground. Olivier paused when he turned to you. He didn't close the gap. Slowly you got to your feet. Next to you was a private medical room, one which you walked into and locked the door behind.
"Three hours." Olivier's voice came over the coms. It was how long it took for the results of the infection to show. It was a fast-moving virus with no cure or vaccination. There was a small window on the door and you nodded to him. The pair of you stared at each other for a minute before you sat down on the ground, you shuffled so your back was against the door. "There's still the possibility that you didn't get infected." He offered you hope through the coms.
"She coughed in my mouth Olivier. I may be lucky but I don't think I'm that lucky."
Silence. It filled the air after your comment. The seconds ticked into minutes and your nerves started to get the better of you.
"Talk to me, Olivier. About anything. Please." Your voice wavered and you didn't doubt he could hear the fear in your voice.
"I'm sorry. If it counts. I should have been faster to-"
"I change my mind. Not about anything, don't apologise, please. If there was the chance that she was an uninfected survivor panicking for help it was worth the risk. Tell me about something- how's the son?"
Olivier paused as he proceeded your words. "Safe, I doubt I'll see him for a while. No need to put them at risk in the odd case I get infected. He's smart, a good kid."
His voice choked. "Mmm I don't have a kid but my sister did. A girl, about twelve."
"I didn't know you have a sister."
"Had, she died in childbirth. Complications, it wasn't preventable."
"I'm sorry for your loss."
"Ah it's been a long time, she was older than me. We didn't always get along and all that but… she was family."
"Who looks after your niece?"
"I sometimes see her when I'm in the country and I have time off but she lives with her father. My brother in law, my parents died a while back. He's a little rough around the edges but he loves her to bits. I-" you choked on your words as tears started to form on your face. The thought of not seeing her again. "She struggles in school. I'm helping pay for medical help for her. She just needs a bit of patience and care yah know?"
"What's her name?"
"Hope. My brother-in-law named her. I-I miss her.  My sister and I…We always used to argue but I-I still loved her. She's buried back in my country. I know my body will have to be burnt if ever recovered but could you visit her? Introduce her Gustave for me? God, it's almost surreal, I guess I figured that when I died it would be quick like getting shot."
"I'll take Gustave to see her."
"Gods Gustave is going to have a fit. Whatever he says or does I'm sorry."
"We still don-"
"Olivier, please. You're the biggest realist out of all of us."
"Perhaps Gustave is rubbing off on me."
"No matter what you can't let him do anything stupid or reckless. Please don't let his emotions get the best of him, I don't want him getting hurt. I'm sorry I'm asking a lot of you."
"I assure you it's nothing. You're a good friend to me, Lucky. It's the least I can do. I'll stay with you until we know for certain and then as long as I can afterwards."
"On one hand I don't want you to be at more risk but on the other- I don't want to be alone so I'm just going to settle with a thank you." There was a weary expression on your face, not that he could see it.
"I guess this is going to put an end to the running bet." You rubbed the drying tears from your face at his words.
"Running bet?"
"All of us in GIGN have had a bet on how long it would take for the pair of you to get married- engaged." A laugh stifled from your mouth.
"Oh? And what were the bets?"
"Emmanuelle bet the lowest amount of time at two years. Then Gillies said three and then Julian said five years."
"Five years? Why so long?"
"He figured that Gustave wouldn't do it- not because he didn't care but he thought that Gustave would be too focused on his work or just too nervous. So he figured it would take five years for you to get fed up and ask." Olivier's explanation brought a smile to your face.
"What about you Olivier?"
"I didn't bet. I'm the one that's holding onto the pool."
"Damn really? I totally could have inside traded this." There wasn't an immediate reply and you shut your eyes.
"When Gustave calms down. Tell him I love him yeah? Please tell him that I don't want him to be swallowed into his work."
"I can do that for you."
"Thanks, Olivier."
The red timer on your watch went. The moment of truth. You pulled one of the tests from your leg picked and bunched up your arm. With a quick stab, you jammed it into your arm. Then you waited. Ten minutes passed and you looked down at the result. Silence. You gathered yourself to your feet and then pulled down the rest of the locks for the door. Olivier got to his feet and stared at you through the window.
"Olivier it's time for you to leave." Your voice was just loud enough to get through the communication. You flipped the result and pressed it against the glass window, showing him the positive result. "Please go, you spent long enough with me." Your eyes trained down to the pistol on your belt. "When it comes to it I can take care of myself. There's no reason for you to go down with me." Your eyes met his through the window. "Thank you, Olivier, I've enjoyed being your friend."
Your name left his lips and he paused before continuing. "I'm sorry it ended like this, thank you for being a great operator and friend. I've enjoyed being your friend." A smile was given to him from you through the glass and you gave him a casual two-fingered salute before he turned. "Goodbye Lucky."
"Goodbye Lion."
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romanken · 4 months
Crawls out of notesapp carrying nell lore. If you guys even care
Was difficult for me to reconcile durge canonically being raised by a normal family before joining the bhaalists bc nell has such an obvious lack of socialization but I've figured it out
- she was adopted and raised by a zariel tiefling couple in the lower city. because she was born directly of bhaal's flesh w no non-godly parents she didn't really have like… a firm physical form or appearance? As a small child she was very malleable and was kind of like a changeling that wasn't in control of her transformations. Constantly shifting form and appearance etc. as she grew up she began to solely model herself off of her adoptive family and by age ~4 she looked solidly like a zariel tiefling except slightly wrong. She still kind of has an uncanny valley type deal but for the most part she passes as a normal tiefling even though she definitely is not.
- family! Mother and father were kind ordinary folk. Owned an apothecary in the lower city and loved her very much even though they could tell she was hmmmm absolutely fucking deranged. She would bite another kid's arm off at the playground and they'd go oh isn't our baby so spirited :). Like ok first of all that is a dog and she has rabies. Her adoptive parents also already had a son called laurence, who was about four years older than nell and an apprentice wizard. He and nell were extremely close even though he could tell something was wrong with her.
- when nell was ten the temple of bhaal decided it was time to collect her; they offered her the choice of letting them kill her family, or doing it herself. She burned down their home and returned to the temple as bhaal's chosen. Worst preteen ever. Laurence was at his apprenticeship when the fire happened and survived, but though nell had died with his parents for several years after.
- nell had a different name when she with her adoptive parents but after years back with the cult + her general lack of attachment to the name she's forgotten it. “Nell” is actually a name gortash gave her (cringe). They took the name from one of the flaming fists nell murdered during their first meeting; her name was donella and when gortash decided he wanted to call nell something that was not "dearest bhaalspawn" was what he chose. When nell woke up on the nautiloid she had nooooo clue gortash chose it for her and thought it was her birth name :)
- back to her brother. about six months before the game starts he's now a fully-fledged wizard with a family of his own. Orin, by then already plotting durge’s downfall, discovers laurence survived the fire, and disguises herself as a flaming fist to tell him that nell also survived, but has been held captive the last ~25 years. He obviously rushes to rescue her. Bad idea. Instead of finding his baby sister a prisoner to the people who killed their parents he finds a deranged bhaalspawn who kills first and asks questions later. Oops. Nell recognizes him only after he's dead. He's the only person in the world she'd ever felt guilt over killing! Oops!!!!!
- still debating over whether it's meaner to have nell then find his family and kill them OR gave her return to baldur's gate post lobotomy, find them grieving, have some inexplicable recognition/connection with his children, and then have orin reveal exactly what happened to laurence after they've already formed these bonds. Also nell's dream guardian is laurence and that's the primary reason she decides the emperor has to die bc how dare he dress up as the sole physical manifestation of my guilt…
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vamptones · 5 months
i love writing kyo. he's deranged. he's infested with fleas. he has rabies. he needs a tranquilizer
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CANVAS CAMPAIGN, also known as RHODE ISLAND D&D, is a rules-light D&D campaign run by BUD [@wizardbubs]. We get up to all sorts of wacky cartoon shenanigans, especially considering we have a party made up of almost entirely TOONKIND characters. The campaign was originally conceptualized almost entirely as a joke with almost all joke characters, but has evolved beyond that.
The party's main goal is to get to the north of Canvas [the landmass which serves as the main setting] and slay the evil king who has taken over that part of the land. We... frequently get sidetracked.
THE PARTY consists of:
RABIES [it/that thing] [@sikeyaout], a somewhat deranged plush toy with a passion for biting and/or killing
SQUEAKERS [they/them] [@splatpeta], a seven-year-old mouse with a massive hammer and a very strange view of the world
FELICIA [she/he/they] [@343guiltyshark], an anthropomorphic cat who's somehow the most chill guy in the party not counting G. Wiz
CEEYARTEE [they/it] [@killer-arcade], a computer with So Many Issues
TIN/Valentin [any pronouns] [@phantomtrax], a Warforged priest of Bigweld, the embodiment of Wikipedia, and honestly probably the most well-adjusted person in the party
G. WIZ [he/him] [@funky-bird], a wizard who is 3 apples tall, with a passion for the ancient art of Getting Older
BRIAN GRIFFIN [he/him] [@toast-n-eggs], Brian Griffin.
BIGWELD is one of two major religious figures [not counting the circus religion Squeakers was raised in], the other being FUNKY OLD. There is a bit of a religious feud between the WELDISTS and the OLDISTS, although some only partially ascribe to their religion and others are entirely unaffiliated.
The lore runs much deeper than this, but that's material for another post...
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aahronseesthings · 11 months
Frank Iero has only 2 sides
The side that's like, "He is so small and so cute like puppy must protect."
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Aaaaaand the other side which is like, "That is a deranged feral raccoon with rabies that is a felon in AT LEAST one country and banned from most public places."
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leffee · 21 days
Title: Clinging to Love
Vinnie stood in the airport, his heart heavy with the impending departure of his beloved boyfriend, Shahrukh, whom he affectionately called “Pookie.”They were inseparable, madly in love, and rarely spent any time apart. But sadly, Shahrukh had to leave for a few days to work on a project, and Vinnie couldn't bear the thought of being without him…
"T-There's no way y-you have t-to go, Pookie," Vinnie choked out, his voice trembling with emotion. "Please, s-stay with me. I-I'll be so lonely w-without you."
Shahrukh gently cupped Vinnie's tear-streaked face in his hands, his own eyes filled with love and understanding. "I know, my darling, but I have to do this. It's important, but I promise I'll be back before you know it."
Vinnie clung desperately to Shahrukh, his heart breaking at the thought of being separated from him. "B-But what am I s-supposed to do w-without you? I can't do this!” “I’ll be so lonely without you!”
Shahrukh smiled softly, wiping away Vinnie's tears with his thumbs. "You won't be alone, sweetheart. You have Russell and Sunil. They'll keep you company while I'm gone."
Vinnie shook his head, refusing to accept Shahrukh's reassurances. "I don't w-want them, I want y-you," he said sobbing into his chest.
As Shahrukh leaned in to kiss Vinnie goodbye, Vinnie's emotions boiled over. He started to scream and cry, his heartache echoing through the airport. Russell and Sunil rushed to his side, trying to hold him back as Shahrukh broke away walking toward his gate.
"You’ll be fine, Vinnie," Shahrukh called over his shoulder, his own voice choked with emotion. "I love you, and I'll be back soon!"
But Vinnie couldn't hear him over the deafening roar of his own anguish. As Shahrukh disappeared from view, Vinnie collapsed into Russell and Sunil's arms, his heart shattered tears streaming down his face..Russell and Sunil both exchanged glances.
Russell sighed, “This is going to be a long few days…”
~Honestly I was having so much trouble figuring out what to put here I’m honestly disappointed in myself lol I know this could’ve been better but here you are a bit of your son suffering just the way you like haha ~
Oh yes, I do indeed love my son's suffering, it makes me feel sooo warm inside :3 he's so cute when he's upset what can I say.
And yes, this aaaa, my Vinnie would be a bit more agressive. The "I don't w-want them, I want y-you," is so raw, like to Russell and Sunil it's honestly cruel, but Vinnie is under so much distress he can't even think straight. And now they have to deal with this deranged anxiety-driven man, beautiful.
Vinnie of course, has no shame in screaming and violently crying in public under such circumstances but I must say I was half expecting Russell and Sunil to be so embarassed, but no, they're understanding actually, sooo understanding. I say, just like in one of those headcanons I sent you before, Minka should just make a Sharukh cutout and then he would survive a little bit better. I think Minka would do it, yes.
And the day Sharukh is supposed to be back of course Vinnie is so fucking early at this damn airport, practically rabied. And if the plane gets delayed? Oh boy, on one hand hopefully Sunil and Russell would be there, on the other, perhaps it better they weren't anywhere around him at that time... cause like, he's a little bit unstable, y'know? ...:')
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faebriel · 8 months
I would love you rambling abt your double life fic..
then ramble i shall nonnie!! :D scottpearl is so deranged i love them
both scott and pearl (it's more evident on scott's end because he's the pov character) are torn between bitterness and wanting. pearl is much more open with is - her want is present tense, while scott firmly considers his as past. she wants, he wanted.
but you can tell he cares (not in like, a positive compassionate way necessarily, but that pearl bothers him) in these brief flashes where he can't even suppress the hurt in his own head. there's a sickly kind of resentment to scott throughout his own telling of the events (or at least there's supposed to be lol) - it's not entirely unjustified because pearl has hurt herself to hurt scott in the past, but yeah. it's kind of like she's almost always on his mind, but he's just swallowing those thoughts up when they unsettle the 'comfort' he's found for himself. (also, scott has won one of these games before - it's strategic for him to keep note of what's going on with her even when they're not allied. especially because they're not allied.)
The thought is tempting. Too tempting. Tempting enough to bring Scott pause as he feeds his goats, eyes searching for somewhere to lay himself to rest before he summons up the common sense to tell them not to – they fall upon a suspiciously soft-looking mound of grass, right by the ranch’s borders, the kind threaded with tallgrasses and spotted with little flowers. It sits innocuously in a beam of sunshine, just warm enough to be cosy without making him sweat.
it's more of an implication than a theme per se but i think pearl subconsciously drawing scott closer to death (when she's not actively trying to freeze his and also her fingertips off) is a fun idea to play with. i mean, scott kind of mocks the curse in his internal narration when pearl and ren mention it, but he does subconsciously link her to letting his guard down and death. and is that because pearl is cursed? or is it just something the others believe so hard they manifest it into truth? anyway i love unreliable narrators and the worlds they live in
but yeah. scott does this weird thing where he resents pearl for getting herself hurt and waltzes over to her vase to tell her off and is snippy and rude but then just starts. cooking her soup. "you look awful," he tells her, sweeping her shit off the bench so he can cook. "go to bed." tells her that her base looks like shit while clucking over her spending so much time in the snow that she gets sick. he's sick of her but there's a very small part of him that's been extremely repressed (after she abandoned him, thanks) which feels bad for her.
Does he feel bad for her? Maybe a little, in the same way he feels bad for a drenched, feral cat hissing and spitting at him as he walks past. The kind of feral cat that has rabies, lethargic and clingy but foaming at the mouth. Their bite is poison. You’re not supposed to go near them. Scott doesn’t go near them.
i kind of think this paragraph sums it up best? he's not really fond of her, but part of him still does care (even if he refuses to acknowledge that part's existence beyond his own self-preservation). he openly calls her pathetic, but he's still metaphorically fishing around the alleyway to get the cat somewhere warm and dry. when she threatens to hurt herself worse than she already has been ("imagine what I could do on purpose...") scott is viscerally perturbed - not just due to the subject matter, but because it is pearl saying that (even though it's a fairly direct line from everything she has done up to now). and after that, he stops being so fucking snippy too. things get just a little bit too real for him and he reels it back.
(perhaps there's something to be said about how rabies is 99% lethal...)
they're not happy with each other but despite being split apart they are inherently familiar with each other due to their soulbond - like how they organise their chests the same way, and how scott instinctively feels 'safe' with his back turned to pearl even though he does see her as a hinderance and she's been self-destructive to lash out at him before. and he insists she eats, too. it's this complicated mush of self-interest (because of course scott wants to live best he can) and generosity to pearl, especially when he's quite confident she won't stand to receive his help - and in the end, she does reject his help. he doesn't just make her soup (GOOD SOUP!!), he makes her a whole freaking pot of it and leaves the whole thing with her - and she doesn't eat any of it. they're horrible
it's why finding the golden apple is such a throw-off for scott i think? he knows that pearl has been crying about wanting him back, but as far as he's concerned she's just proved that she doesn't care about him and got rightfully burnt for it. the extent to which she values his life only hits him when he finds the golden apple. she could split their soulbond right then and there and guarantee that scott doesn't win the game, making it possible for her to win as the only victor - and not having to worry about a soulmate's death causing her own - but she didn't. it fully hits him that despite how unwell (mentally as well as physically thanks) pearl is, and how she's hurt him on purpose, she doesn't want him dead.
and about two seconds later it hits him that he doesn't want her dead. what a nightmare
and of course. this all comes with the asterisk of not yet. but we're not up to the final session yet :)
(also one last small detail thing but scott just calls tilly "pearl's dog". he'd probably remember the name if he tried but tbh he doesn't care enough about tilly to actually try. for now)
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