#deer antler chandelier
wasntallbad · 8 months
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Enclosed Dining Room Example of a mid-sized mountain style brick floor enclosed dining room design with beige walls and no fireplace
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funny-junks · 9 months
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Rustic Home Bar in Houston Remodel ideas for a mid-sized rustic single-wall, travertine-floored home bar with open cabinets, medium-tone wood cabinets, wood countertops, and a beige backsplash made of stone slabs.
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yuriandtea · 1 year
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Enclosed Dining Room Example of a mid-sized mountain style brick floor enclosed dining room design with beige walls and no fireplace
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clockward · 1 year
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Houston Open
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symbioticsimplicity · 1 month
I want to decorate with horns and pelts and skulls in a swamp witch way not a yee-yee way.
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raspberrysmoon · 6 months
guys the lack of deer themed things that ARENT redneck as hell is pathetic. i want a cute little light up deer that has no country :(
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DEER CHANDELIERS by Adam Wallacavage.
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samuelbarkwell · 7 months
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Loft-Style Living Room With a stone fireplace, a two-sided fireplace, and a medium tone wood floor, this large mountain style formal and loft-style living room photo lacks a television.
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yessir38 · 1 year
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Formal - Living Room
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elodiegendreau · 1 year
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Great Room (Portland)
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Hi! I couldn’t find your request but I believe @hatsumiikun requested Lee!Alastor and Ler!Lucifer so here you go!
Long Time Rivalry
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Summary: Alastor and Lucifer are fighting again so to prevent the two from tearing apart the hotel Charlie locks them both in a room, chaos ensues
Small T.W: Swearing‼️
“What’s wrong babe?” Vaggie asked Charlie who was slumped in a chair reading over some reports, “Nothing it’s just…with the next extermination coming up and my dad moving into the hotel things have just been stressful.” Charlie muttering leaning into Vaggie’s embrace as the fallen angel hugged her, “it’ll be okay. We’ll get through this.” Vaggie reassured and just as she did a loud crash came from downstairs.
Looking at each other in confusion Vaggie and Charlie rushed out the door and down into the lobby where they heard the noise and saw not an uncommon sight too much anymore.
Husker and Angel were standing behind the bar counter while Niffty stood on top, and Alastor and Lucifer? They were fighting. Like usual.
“Dad really?” Charlie called and got Lucifer’s attention, “Come on Char Char it’s too fun to mess with this bellhop!” Lucifer grinned and summoned his six wings, flapping up to the chandelier and perching up there.
“Can’t get me up here can you Bambi~” Lucifer taunted Alastor whose ears curved back, his eyes turned to radio dials and his antlers grew to show his displeasure, “What? Is Bambi a little angry?” Lucifer teased and Alastor’s whole body started growing as a low inhuman growl emitted from his mouth and black shadowy tendrils started snaking out from his back.
“Alastor! Not here!” The sound of Charlie’s voice made one of his ears rise showing he heard and followed the sound of the voice, visibly flinching as he saw how the colors of her eyes switched and two red protruding horns showed on her head and he noticed how Lucifer flinched as well as he saw her.
“You two will tear apart the whole hotel if you keep this up!” She growled as Alastor shrank to his normal size and his eyes went back to normal and Lucifer flew to the ground and folded his wings back as Charlie marched over and grabbed both of them by the arms and dragged them into the hall.
“Ooooo y’all are in trouble now!” Angel called after them earning a smack over the head from Vaggie.
“Charlie where are you taking us?” Alastor questioned but was quickly silenced as she turned around and shot him an icy glare.
Finally after what felt like forever she dragged them to Lucifer’s room and sent them both inside but before closing the door she told them, “You two are going to stay in here until you get along and heaven help me if I come back to find the room destroyed I’m going to be mad.” Charlie snapped at them, shutting the door and marching down the hall back to the lobby.
Back in the room with the boys they quickly settled in spots far away from one another, “Just so you know the only reason I’m not attacking you is to make Char Char happy, not at all for your benefit Bambi.” Lucifer sneered, “As am I.” Alastor sneered right back.
This was going to be a long get-along session.
Eventually they found ways to entertain themselves, and food came in when they requested it but it took a lot longer than Vaggie and Charlie anticipated, they had stayed in there for two days already and still no signs of progress, until one day a new discovery was made.
It was just a normal day, wake up, get ready and then proceed to completely ignore each other until food arrived and go about their day to day activities in the room. “Why are you standing so close to me?” Alastor snarled as he stood beside the King of Hell in a window overlooking Pentagram City. “I’m standing close to you? I was here first Bellhop!” Lucifer shot right back, elbowing Alastor in the ribs but he didn’t expect the deer demon to stumble away with a growl, one hand coming up to cover his mouth.
“Alastor…what was that?” Lucifer asked, a mischievous grin starting to make its way onto his face as Alastor back away a few more paces, “It was nothing, just forget it Your Majesty.” Alastor spoke, beginning to walk away from Lucifer.
“Oh yeah? If it was nothing then why are you walking away from me? Are you afraid~?” Lucifer taunted and that was the stick that poked the bear because at that moment Alastor whipped around to glare at Lucifer who was now grinning like a fox.
“What did you just say?” Alastor growled, eyes turning to radio dials as he approached the King of Hell. “You heard me.” Lucifer growled right back and suddenly tackled Alastor, the two of the wrestling like kids on the floor, “G-Gehet off me!” Alastor snarled but couldn’t help but laugh a little at the silliness of the situation.
“Not yet Bambi!” Lucifer exclaimed, wrestling with Alastor a moment more before shoving him flat on his back on the rug, straddling his thighs to keep him in place and grinning in victory.
“Get off me.” Alastor snapped, “Mmmmm no.” Lucifer snapped right back, grinning cheekily as he raised his hands and wiggled his fingers at Alastor, grinning brightly as the deer demon flinched away from the motion. “Never pegged you as the ticklish type Bellhop~” Lucifer taunted, smirking as Alastor growled again.
“You know you really should show me a bit more respect, I am your king after all~” Lucifer teased before bringing his hands down to give Alastor’s ribs an experimental squeeze, smiling in satisfaction at the harsh flinch it received.
“Bad spot?” Lucifer pondered, getting his answer as Alastor’s eyes narrowed, “Okay then we’ll leave this spot for later shall we?” Lucifer chirped before changing spots and prodding and scratching over the fabric covering Alastor’s stomach making the Radio Demon double over with a wobbly grin, “D-Dohohon’t.” Alastor tried to sound threatening but couldn’t as he still fought the wave of laughter that threatened to burst through.
“Awww but why not?” Lucifer mock-pouted, switching to scribble over the length of his sides making Alastor jerk away from the touch with a strangled noise that sounded suspiciously like a concealed laugh. “What’s the matter Bambi? Too scared to insult me again?” Lucifer grinned as Alastor growled again and shut his eyes, still fighting off laughter.
“F-Fuhuck you Your Hihighness!” Alastor snapped at him, nearly breaking at Lucifer’s mock-offended gasp, “You know that wasn’t very nice Bellhop, maybe you should be punished for that.” Lucifer tried to sound scary but couldn’t help the large grin splitting his face as Alastor yelled out a protest before crumbling into laughter as Lucifer attacked his bony ribs.
“How do you like that!” Lucifer taunted, bringing his hands around to scratch at the back of Alastor’s ribs that made the radio filter in Alastor’s voice slip a little and was replaced by a loud sound of radio static in the air.
“Fuhuhuck you and stahahahap!!” Alastor pressed out through his giggle fit. “Wow that wasn’t very nice Bambi, maybe I should do something about that hmm?” Lucifer hummed, grinning like a kid who just received the best birthday present of his life.
Ever so slowly he kept one tickling hand on Alastor’s ribs and with the other hand used two fingers to walk up to the top of Alastor’s head and the deer demon immediately caught on and started squirming in an attempt to keep the King’s hands away from that dreaded spot.
“Quit squirming Bambi you’re messing up my rhythm!” Lucifer mock-scolded, using his tickling hand to shoot up and scratch at Alastor’s underarm while the two fingers continued walking upwards.
Alastor growled right as Lucifer’s hand reached the base of his ears and started gently scratching at the fluff there, with one more scorning look at Lucifer Alastor’s ears bent back and a small whine escaped him before giggling madly as his ears were playfully attacked.
“Aww does this tickle? Not so dangerous now are ya?” Lucifer teased, relishing in the way Alastor opened his eyes and glared at him before being thrown into another fit of laughter as Lucifer’s hand that was previously attacking his underarm moved to his neck to flutter there keeping Alastor in a fit of hysterical giggles.
Alastor endured the soft tickles for a moment more, and would deny to his double death that he’d actually enjoyed it before jerking hard and switching to cackling madly as he felt something soft and feathered brush up against one of his hooves.
“Haha! Bet you didn’t expect this did ya Bambi!” Lucifer’s jolly voice spoke and the Radio Demon cracked one eye open and looked at Lucifer but his attention wasn’t on the devil’s stupid face, it was on the large red and white wings protruding from his back that were currently attacking his hooves.
The sound of microphone feedback filled the air as it cut out a moment later and was replaced by loud laughter. “F-FUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOU!!” Alastor cackled as one of his worst spots was targeted along with his ears but that quickly changed as Lucifer’s hands switched from his ears to trace gently along his antlers as Alastor’s laughter became increasingly more desperate.
“Give it up Bambi! I’m not stopping till you tap out!” Lucifer challenged with a grin, watching as panic flickered across Alastor’s face for a moment before it was gone again and just as he suspected, a few seconds later through Alastor’s cackling fit he felt a familiar tapping on his upper arm, Alastor was giving up.
With a jolly laugh Lucifer stood and flapped off of him, standing close by to check if he was okay. “You okay there bud?” Lucifer asked, still sounding prideful but Alastor didn’t miss the slightly concerned edge as he lay there catching his breath.
Finally after what felt like forever, Alastor sat up, opened his eyes and flipped Lucifer off with an equally challenging grin before bursting out laughing after seeing Lucifer’s mock-offended face before fallen angel tackled him back onto the rug.
“It’s been 3 days, do you think they’re okay?” Vaggie asked as she and Charlie walked down the hall to Lucifer’s room where they were still being kept.
“Oh yeah I have no doubt they’re okay, but the room I’m not so sure, it’s not like they get along the best but that’s why they’re in there.” Charlie replied with a hopeful grin.
When they finally reached the door they heard a crash followed by a muffled curse, looking at each other Vaggie and Charlie sighed and pushed open the door but was met with an entirely unexpected sight.
Lucifer and Alastor were wrestling on the floor but they weren’t being serious, they were play fighting. Lucifer’s wings were out and they were flapping as he tousled with Alastor and Alastor wore his signature grin but it actually seemed genuine like he was having fun! Vaggie stood there, jaw slack at the new sight and Charlie stood there with a delighted look on her face and when he the two noticed them they scrambled to stand up.
“The room’s not destroyed and you two are getting along! Congratulations! I’m proud, you two are free to go!” Charlie chirped but Lucifer glanced at Alastor and Alastor glanced at Lucifer. “Thanks kiddo we did need this and we’ll be down in a sec, just as soon as I kick Bambi’s ass here for being disrespectful!” Lucifer challenged, “Right back at you Your Majesty.” Alastor challenged right back.
“Okay then just be sure not to kill each other!” Charlie grinned, shutting the door and right afterwards a laugh sounded followed by a crash and muffled curses but Charlie and Vaggie knew they weren’t going to hurt each other, but they learned another thing that night.
They had a new trust exercise for the rest of the group to try.
(Woah this one was fun, sorry if it’s long or cringe I tried :’) )
(And sorry about the wait, I’ve been swamped with schoolwork but I hope you enjoyed! ^^)
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joelswritingmistress · 6 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 13
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible.
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader
I was exhausted and exhilarated and it wasn’t even noon. A part of me was still wondering if I would wake up and this would all be a dream.
“I know you probably did your own exploring while I was gone,” he said with playful accusation, raising his eyebrows with a smirk once we were back to the main level and fully clothed. “But if you’d like a tour, I can show you around.”
My stomach sank just a bit. I shook my head. “I wasn’t snooping.”
“It’s okay,” Dr. Miller chuckled lightly, “I told you to make yourself at home.” He looked me directly in my eyes, “How far did you get?”
“Oh, uh..” There was no way I was about to lie to him. He would have known. I could tell he was in that human lie detector mode again, feeling me out, seeing if he could actually trust me. “I saw the pool table from the kitchen so I went in there and I couldn’t help but check out your library. I actually picked up a book and I hope I placed it back in the right spot.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He cleared his throat and led me by the hand again. “There’s another pool out back.” Dr. Miller walked us toward a set of French doors that opened up from the kitchen out back, where a light snow had begun to fall, covering a dark green pool cover.
I glanced around the area, eying what appeared to be an outdoor kitchen and bar and a little pool house to the right and left, respectfully. A black fence surrounded the area and beyond a grassy backyard behind the pool area were a collection of bare trees. In the distance I could tell there was a drop off, lined with oversized boulders and rocks.
We crossed into another living room space that appeared more casual than the one where I had made out with Dr. Miller on the couch the night before. This room had an oversized sectional couch that oozed with comfort. In the center was a giant, square coffee table with a rustic, wooden top and above it hung what appeared to be a chandelier made from deer antlers. The peaked ceiling was a pale wood, giving it a cabinesque feel with dark, wooden beams that crossed from wall to wall beneath. On either side of the triangular peak were two rectangle sky lights giving view to the overcast, snowy morning. A third, stone fireplace sat at the far end with what appeared to be a buffalo’s head mounted on the wall.
Dr. Miller placed his hands on my shoulders from behind and I swallowed hard. We both stared out a pair of windows to the left and right of the fireplace that gave a view of the snowfall. I shuddered when I felt his fingers dig into the muscles of my neck and he began to massage the area.
“This is beautiful,” I spoke, taking in the brightly lit surroundings that were offset by the first snow fall of the winter.
Dr. Miller’s phone made a subtle beeping noise, three consecutive beeps to be exact, and he suddenly froze and reached into the pocket of his pants.
I could tell from the look on his face that something was up. His fingers danced along the screen for a few seconds and then he looked back up to me.
“What’s wrong?” I could see that his expression had changed.
He reached for the remote that sat on an end table beside the short end of the sectional. “Get comfortable.” Dr. Miller reached for a cozy, plaid blanket on the back of the couch and walked me around to sit down.
I raised my eyebrows , “Okay. Are you going somewhere?” I sensed that would be his next revelation and already felt disappointed. I didn’t want to be away from him. I knew that was selfish, childish even; but I didn’t care. My face might as well have gone into a full pout.
“Just for a few minutes,” Dr. Miller explained.
“Okay.” I cleared my throat and couldn’t help but pry. “What was the notification? A text?”
He shook his head. “No.”
There wasn’t another woman, right? I immediately felt jealous and it was as if he could read my mind.
“It wasn't a message from anyone,” Dr. Miller explained. He sighed and squatted before me where I sat on the couch, placing a hand on my ankle. “I have to go take care of something.”
His phone jingled again and he kept it planted face down against his thigh. My curiosity piqued even more. I felt like word vomit was about to come out of my mouth and it would leave all of my inner insecurities completely transparent.
“Does it have to do with another.. umm.. someone else? Another woman?” I stuttered the words out but I had to know. I hated myself for asking.
Dr. Miller smiled and then walked his hands up the couch cushions and planted a steamy kiss on my lips. He then pecked them chastely and remained close as he spoke.
“There are no other women.”
I swallowed hard and let out a sigh against his lips.
“And I'm going to have to demand there are no other men in your life as long as you're with me.”
My eyes snapped open and I stared back at him. He held a little smirk but his voice hardened just a bite as he spoke the words. I smiled back.
“There are no other men.”
“Good,” Dr. Miller spoke against my lips now. “As of right now, you're all mine until further notice.”
I smiled again and closed my eyes as he kissed me again, resting a hand on his bearded cheek.
“But I do have to go take care of something. It won't take long.”
“Okay,” I said. I still wanted to dig deeper into whatever business he had to tend to but I didn't. For now, I could live with whatever was going on as long as it didn't involve someone else.
Dr. Miller pushed the power button on the remote and handed it to me. “Don't go anywhere.” He winked and wandered away, making me grin.
I listened for a moment as I heard the jingle of keys and then the opening and closing of the front door. A second later I heard a robotic voice sound off stating: House alarm on.
Being alone in the oversized living room felt odd because of the unfamiliarity of it all, but I couldn't deny that I was perfectly content beneath the warm blanket as I sunk into the cushions a little deeper, laying my head back.
I can get used to this, I thought.
I began to scroll through the stations, landing on the local news and weather to get in touch with how much snow was to be expected. I knew I should have been more in tune with that sort of thing.
The five day forecast was plastered across the screen as a voice narrated from behind the camera.
“We're anticipating two to three inches of snowfall, though by rush hour the precipitation is expected to stop. If you don't have to be on the roads before five o'clock, stay home. If you are out and about, drive slow.”
I glanced out the window at the big, chunky flakes that left the ground almost completely covered. I didn't know where Dr. Miller was off to but I hoped he wasn't going far.
“And onto our next story, two local women have been found dead on the campus of Woodbridge University. One of them was a student there, and no suspects are currently in police custody. Police are urging residents to travel in groups whenever possible, and while no town-wide curfew has been set, it is crucial for students on campus to abide by the curfew set by the Woodbridge University Police.” A woman spoke directly into the camera with one of the main stone buildings on campus in the background.
“It's really scary,” a young woman spoke into a microphone. She sported a winter hat with a blue W in the center. “You just can't be too careful. We have to look out for each other.”
“I can't believe this is happening here,” another student commented.
I shook my head and shuddered, suddenly worried for Tori. It had only been one night but she was at the house alone and the news triggered a reason to reach out to her.
My eyes searched the immediate area but I quickly realized my phone was still on a charger in the bedroom. For the first time in my adult life, I hadn't even thought about my phone for hours on end.
I tossed the blanket to the side and crossed back through the house and up the windy staircase. I had the urge to open the two closed doors as I passed by but I didn't dare.
The phone sat where I had left it on the nightstand, plugged in and fully charged. I began thumbing the screen, finding our last messages from earlier in the morning.
Hey, I wrote, Just checking in because of everything that's happening with the girls in town. Please be safe! I won't be home for a few days.
I slipped the phone into the pocket of my lounge pants and smiled to myself as I glanced upon the tossed about sheets on the oversized bed. I still hadn't had time to process everything.
With a sigh I left the room and peaked in through the open office door. I could picture Dr. Miller sitting there with his glasses and a stack of papers, licking his fingers as he flipped from paper to paper.
In the back corner of the room there were a collection of small screens, each with a black and white image.
Cameras. I knew it.
I looked over my shoulder before wandering across the carpeted floor. All of the images were broadcasting the exterior of the home from every angle possible. The two interior cameras gave a few of the collection of cars inside the garage.
At least they aren't inside. Still, I didn't rule out that he might have one or two hiding out somewhere.
The view of the main gates showed what appeared to be an idling black SUV. I couldn't tell if it was him at first but Dr. Miller stood beside it, speaking with whoever was in the driver’s seat.
Who could that be? I wondered. An arm extended out the window and extended a white package of some sort to Dr. Miller, who accepted it and tucked it into the back of his pants.
An envelope. That's what it was.
I shuddered and hurried back downstairs, not at all knowing what to make of the exchange.
Secrets. I knew Dr. Miller had secrets but what were his? Fear definitely made its way into the depths of my heart and soul, but all of my other emotions teamed up and continued to push the fear down so deep that I barely felt it.
I was captivated. Enthralled. Infatuated. I was oversexed with desire and blinded by all of my feelings for him. Fear, currently, didn't hold any weight. Recognizing that in itself was scary - but I wasn't in the mood for logic, not when this amazing dark fairytale was explicitly in my lap.
With my adrenaline spiked and my longing for Dr. Miller’s return in full effect, I tiptoed my way back downstairs, tucked myself neatly beneath the blanket and waited for him patiently. Like a good girl would do.
@untamedheart81 @suttonspuds@cesspitoflove @michilandcof @grogusmum @morallyinept @akah565 @brittmb115 @magpiepills @poodlebae @gobaaby-blog-blog @mermaidgirl30 @mandijo17
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sunflowericescribbles · 2 months
Okay, Lucifer with deer ears (and tail) is super cute & somehow I cannot stop imagining Alastor´s reaction being like:
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You know he´s so shocked that he didn´t realize his antlers grew and get him stuck in a chandelier or something else hanging from the ceiling and he struggles to get out of it xD (And Lucifer goes "oohhhh you like that, don´t you? *lick* XD)
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A colonnade - rescued from a mansion in L.A.’s new-demolished Bunker Hill district and decorated with colorful cushions, rugs, and a chandelier of antlers from the deer at San Simeon - runs the length of the Horned Toad pavilion.
The Los Angeles House, 1995
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anncanta · 9 months
Dracula vs. Hannibal: love, light and shadow
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I'd like to talk a little about Dracula versus Hannibal controversy. In Dracula, Moffat and Gatiss address Hannibal in many scenes, answering and arguing with this series to show their own story.
The first thing that catches your eye is the actual theme of cannibalism. Moffat and Gatiss relegate it to the background so that it is not so much "hidden" in the plot as it takes on a different meaning. Dracula certainly eats people, like Hannibal, in an effort to "own" them, but there is a difference.
Firstly, unlike Hannibal, for Dracula, this is a need, a basic need for food, without which he will simply die. Another question is that over hundreds of years, Dracula was unable or unwilling to find a way to feed on people without killing them. But this is a topic for another conversation. And secondly, Dracula’s cannibalism includes not only and not so much taste, but quality, meaning, and relationships. Dracula collects stories and the people who embody them. No matter how strange it may sound, for him, it is a dialogue. Which becomes his salvation, after all. But more on that later.
The second is how the theme of love is resolved in one and the other series. For Hannibal, love is something strange, unfamiliar, another way to devour someone and enjoy their likeness to himself. For a long time, I could not understand what makes the story of Hannibal and the character so disgusting. And finally, I realized that it’s not just that Hannibal kills and does it in as vile a way as possible. The fact is that, by killing, Hannibal, as it were, turns the victims into himself, infecting them with internal decline and decay.
Mads Mikkelsen is a wonderful actor, and for two seasons, I couldn't understand why he looked like a walking mannequin. Until it dawned on me: yes, because that’s exactly what he plays. In contrast to Anthony Hopkins, who plays a burning, sharp rage, a wild, almost primal passion, Mads Mikkelsen portrays an empty, cold, eternally bored psychopath. Classic, like a textbook. It’s scary with him not because he can kill you, but because he can and wants to corrupt – since he is not able to taste the joys of life and humanity.
In this sense, Dracula is an incredibly beautiful answer in its vitality. I remember that the first thing that struck me about Dracula was his inner strength and passion, his thirst for life. In his old body, leaning on a cane, he looked like a young man who was imprisoned in this uncomfortable shell. He moved in it, too, as if jumping up and down with impatience. He is the same in his relationships with others. Unlike Hannibal, who wants to turn everyone and everything around into himself, Dracula wants to continue himself, to extend himself forward. He wants a future and therefore leaves the castle because he realizes that the future presupposes the presence of others in his life.
Dracula's relationship with Jonathan Harker could be (and is sometimes visually reminiscent of) Hannibal's relationship with Will Graham. Quotes are scattered here and there: chandeliers made of deer antlers on the ceiling, the fireplace in the castle (which is absolutely the same color as the one in Hannibal's place), even the figurative solution for the fantasies of Jonathan in a dream and Will working at the crime scene is the same.
But the result is different. Will in the story with Hannibal is the victim, the follower, even if for a while he became the hunter and lured Hannibal into a trap. In the end, he follows the path outlined by Hannibal, because from the very beginning, he is captured, poisoned, and all he can do is destroy evil along with him. Jonathan – and this is shown both visually and at the text level – is the master of the situation from beginning to end. He is the one whose favor Dracula seeks, whom he begs for this favor, and who ultimately becomes for him the path to the light.
The disgusting scene in Agatha's laboratory is not only about the fact that Dracula deceived Agatha and Mina by pretending to be Jonathan. This is a materialized metaphor that literally shows that Dracula, as we know him in the second and third episodes, actually came out of Jonathan, and was able to become so because he was in Johnathan's skin.
Dracula doesn't turn people into himself. He doesn't have that kind of power. In the first episode, we see that he consistently and for quite a long time tried to convert someone, creating an equal to himself, but he only succeeded with Jonathan. By the way, why?
I think because Jonathan was the first person Dracula approached as an equal in many years. Whom he saw, understood, and recognized. Remember the scene on the roof? Remember the moment when Dracula says to Jonathan, who is rising from the floor, clinging to him: ‘Tell me you won't follow me, and I'll let you go’? Remember the brief moment when Dracula looks at him with his head thrown back? There is neither triumph nor malice in this look. There is pain and melancholy in it. It's the look of someone who knows what's going to happen because it's happened many times before, – and yet desperately wants to be wrong. And when Jonathan rejects his offer, when he vows to pursue him as long as he lives, catharsis ensues. From there, even if he doesn't realize it, Dracula walks with the understanding that it takes two to share who you are, to create a relationship.
Moffat and Gatiss liberally scatter references to Hannibal throughout all three episodes of Dracula. Dracula pursuing Jonathan, slowly falling drops of blood, the presentation of Dracula as a gourmet, even the appearance of the main character from a wolf – all this either resembles or directly points to that. But starting seemingly the same way, this story leads in a completely different direction. The dark compass turns and it turns out that where Hannibal tries to lead Will into the darkness, Agatha is leading Dracula to the light. The climax is the final scene, in which in both series the characters die, and before that one of them says, “It`s beautiful”. But if Will experiences a transformation and speaks this way about his ‘dark side’ – which is symbolized by blood in the light of the moon – Dracula pronounces these words in relation to the sun – finding his light side.
And there's also a deleted scene at the end of Hannibal. I think it could have been a quote from Bram Stoker's Dracula – two people in a chapel, illuminated by the sun. In Dracula, this is the same quote, but unlike Hannibal, where the heroes sit in a church, that is, to contact the divine they resort to an intermediary, in Dracula they are inside the sun, in direct experience, without allegory, images, and symbols. Love does not need words and expressions. It is what it is.
By the way, the same idea is heard in the ending of Sherlock.
I think it's no coincidence.
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murfeelee · 2 years
TW3 Skellige Set Pt1
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This set includes 15 items converted from The Witcher 3:
Drakkar Front & Rear (found under Lawn Ornaments)
Dragon Decal (found under Wall Art)
Hanging Knotted Net (found under Wall Art)
Hanging Fish Net (found under Misc Decor)
Hanging Deer Rack (found under Lawn Ornaments)
Dead Deer as Bottomless Dog Bowl (PETS EP REQUIRED)
Antler Chandelier (HIGH POLY)
Cauldron as Firepit | Cauldron with Spherefish’s Mod (REQUIRED)
Brazier as Firepit
Totem as Radio
Signpost as Teleporter (found under Misc Vehicles)
Skellige Knot Pattern (found under Abstract)
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Plus 4 TW3 Terrain Paints:
Roots (found under Misc)
Rocky Grass (found under Rocks)
Forest Grass (found under Grass)
Grassy Soil (found under Misc)
And 3 extra items NOT from TW3 that I threw in just cuz I felt like it:
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TS2 to TS3 Katvip Planks as Rug
Straw Patterns 1 & 2 (found under Weave/Wicker)
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Descriptions & preview pics under the cut:
Drakkars (dragon longships)
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There are 2 decor Drakkar pieces for the Front & Rear. I enabled them to float on water to look like ship wreckage. (I used them with OMSP resizers in the Gedyneith pics.) Fully recolorable, found under Lawn Ornaments.
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The Drakkar as Sailboat REQUIRES the ISLAND PARADISE EP, of course. The sails and rigging are frankenmeshed from this Taxi-boat replacement at Simszoo, so credit to them; I just really like their sails better.
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Fully recolorable,` found under Boats. I added different variations with stencils from only 4 of the 7+ main Skellige clans: Blue: Tuirseach (King Bran); Black: Brokvar (Udalryk); Purple: Drummond (Madman Lugos); and Red: An Craite (Crach & Cerys).
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The Dragon Decal has fully recolorabvle variations, and is found under Wall Art. The Knot Pattern is found under Abstract.
Hunting Clutter
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The Hanging Knotted Net is found under Wall Art, the Hanging Fish Net is found under Misc Decor. The Antler Chandelier is a ceiling light (it’s like 6k IIRC?).
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The Hanging Deer Rack is also high poly IIRC. There are 4 variations, recolorable-ish. The Dead Deer as Bottomless Dog Bowl REQUIRES the Pets EP.
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The Bottomless pet bowl is a hidden Lifetime Reward, but I recat it to be found with the other Dog stuff. I’m not a fan of the sparkles that come out of the Bottomless Bowls, but oh well.
2 (more) Cauldrons
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The Cauldron with Spherefish’s Mod (REQUIRED) is another Spherefish-modded cauldron--get used to these; I have a few more I wanna do.
The Cauldron as Firepit is a slightly larger version of the modded version, with the same variations:
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And here’s a Brazier as Firepit for anyone who cares:
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The Totem as Radio is pretty self-explanatory.
Like the Bottomless Pet Bowl, the Signpost as Teleporter’s a hidden LTR I recat under Misc Vehicles. I made it 2x bigger than the decor version I uploaded.
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Terrain Paints
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TBH the only one I cared about was the Roots terrain (found under Misc), before I got carried away with the rest and added the three Grass & Soil terrains.
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And that’s that!
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