#decem ask 023
rubbarband · 6 months
"Can you still see out of that eye?" Tourmaline asked. One of her tigers staring at Desmond as she is just sort of "looking" at the ground.
Random questions || Always accepting
Desmond wasn't expecting that question, people always seemed...afraid to talk to him about it sans a few of his school friends.
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"Yeah, I can still see fine." Desmond then tilted his head with his eyes closed in thought. "I probably got really lucky, when I got slashed I fell backwards, probably dodging most of the damage."
Weird to think he lived with it for most of his life.
"Maybe because my feline eyesight I saved it, I can see really far and in the dark with both, but my scarred eye's a bit fuzzy, and when it's cold it's kinda a pain to keep open." Another reason to hate the cold.
"I count my lucky stars mom and dad found us, cause I might not have got to save it in time."
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rubbarbandnsfw · 5 months
( sit ) - my muse sits on your muse's face (Chun-Li's just gonna park her thicc ass down onto Des's face real quick-)
smutty starter prompts
(Rip my guy)
Desmond wasn't expecting when he was gonna spar with Chun-li it end with both of them not only hot and bothered, but him distracted enough she was able to trip him up and park her perfectly round ass on his face.
Bliss, what a great way to pass on, but she wasn't done with him yet he assumed.
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"Hmmffh!" Desmond wasn't at all upset about this position, but was embarrassed he was pitching a tent in his shorts.
feel free to contin
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rubbarband · 5 months
Send me 🎁 (or "present") for a holiday gift from my muse!
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first was....himself, of course he was naked in the box but he also had another box and handed it to her.
"I know this is kinda a goofy gift but I thought this would make up for it. Gauntlet attachments; thought that would be a good idea. It shoots adhesive balls that function like glue traps for when you have multiple villains and need to keep them in one place. To keep you safe." Desmond blushed admitting that.
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rubbarband · 5 months
🎁any muse
Send me 🎁 (or "present") for a holiday gift from my muse!
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Des got the twins a boflex, so they can work out at their own leisure and even help each other on things. But that's not all, Des would get them both motorbikes to travel, frankly all four would get bikes, with a attachable trolley for the felines.
Loden would get a kindle that would have all medical and scientific discoveries on Desmond's world, including the flying giant fire breathing ants.
Desmond was planning for this anyway, But he'd hand over the Tiger family to Tourmaline, so they can start new lives, restless and bored, they wished to hunt and prowl, and now they can fight monsters and hunt together.
Desmond would also give them communicators, since at this point Kal-li would of been able to mess with the other transmitter, she can connect through that. So they can talk to Des and his crew and Kal-li as well.
The biggest gift would be however is connecting both worlds so they can help each other and visit as well. Desmond even offered for them to stay with him if they like, Lilly and the pups enjoy the company as well.
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rubbarband · 6 months
I think you’re pretty great! I didn’t have a question I just wanted to say that through a meme because well, it’s a shyness meme.
Shy Munday Meme
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// Awww thank you! That actually really means alot to me. You'd be surprised at how blown away by the kindness of the few who message me, sometimes I'll be real. I feel like I'm wasting my time sending memes that don't get answered out. //
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rubbarband · 6 months
Anything you’d like to say to all your shy followers out there?
Shy Munday Meme
Maybe the Mun is Shy. Maybe the followers are shy. Need a little help ice breaking? Here you go
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// Yeah, Look no matter what you think weather I'm "quality" or you're scared to get a negative reaction- I'm just a person like you guys. I'm shy too, open to new interactions and threads, and the worst I can say is no, and even then I can be convinced! I try to be open minded and I can't read your mind, nor you mine~
So if you wanna interact, hit me up, talk to me OOC I love talking about ideas and twist to the rp, things with Des and so on. I promise to listen if you'll give me a chance. //
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rubbarband · 6 months
✧ Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction?
the salty af munday meme
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// That's a tough one, I like to imagine if someone wanted to reblog a prompt that they'll send one in as well, but I don't wanna enforce things too harshly. However if someone has it in their own rules I will definitely do that for them.
I just think it's a common courtesy thing, and for those that read this and reblogged stuff from me, don't feel bad, but there was a time where people I never even seen would come, and reblog things from me randomly, even followed me for it, thus the rule on my blog. Thanks for the question! //
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rubbarband · 6 months
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
the salty af munday meme
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//Oh yeah there was this really small annoyance that kinda made RPing annoying form a short time, it kinda made me have to change the way I reply completely. It's a tiny thing called a TUMBLR UPDATE!
Stop doing this tumblr, I'm so tired of opening three tabs to do one reply and then also sneak past a dragon, some are minor and I can get with them, but when you tried to Twitter this crap, or new blogs are stuck on the "for you" tab, the point of a site is to be 'User friendly' you know? To your users! Come on! //
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rubbarband · 5 months
“I like to think we grew up this year.”
new year's / new year's eve starters
Desmond was arm and arm with his new girlfriend- heh heh girlfriend, it was nice to have that feeling, to feel her warmth. They were both out to see the fireworks- him with his earmuffs just in case.
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"Yeah me too, I didn't think I'd end this year with a pretty girl at my side." As soon as he said that his tail wagged and his cheeks flusjed.
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rubbarband · 5 months
🎉 - Fun (A figure of Spider Punk!)
Gift Giving Prompts
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"Oh I heard of these they're figures right!? Wow there's so much detail!" Usually detail like this doesn't go into a toy. And this spiderpunk looked like the one from back home too!
"Thank you Ryuji, oh but I didn't get you anything, I wasn't expecting a gift! Hold I I can find you something too!" give him time and he'd probably find something like a goku figure or something familiar. "Hey why is this goku blue by the way?" Something to explain later- Dragon ball stopped at G.T in Desmond's world.
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rubbarband · 5 months
Whilst they had only really been friends for a short while she still felt the urge to get Desmond a Christmas present. She imagined being displaced from ones world and their friends and family wouldn't be very pleasant.
"I'm still not really sure what to get you but..." She held out the small wrapped gift. "Merry Christmas none the less." Makoto smiled hoping the small warmer for his tail would be appreciated.
Christmas 2023 ask || Accepted
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"Makoto, you didn't...you didn't need to get me anything." He hid it badly, trying to smile like normal but his eyes shimmered that same gloss that comes with tears. He didn't leave her waiting long before he took it in hand and unwrapped it, strangely neat for someone as energetic as him. Once he got a good look at it he was sure what it was. This world didn't have people like Des and frankly he felt lonely sometimes because of that- so this loosed the dam of tears.
"This is so thoughtful...how did you- this must of been hard to make, or find!" Desmond did complain about the cold often, a few tears streamed down his cheeks but her hastily rubbed away with knuckle and palm. "Thank you Makoto!" Des would pull her into a hug. "Well now I gotta get you something! Oooh I know a Helicopter, I can order one right now!" luckily Makoto would not be getting a chopper she couldn't use, but he did get her something in return. Matching mopeds to go joy riding on.
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rubbarband · 5 months
(For Christmas 2023!)
"I got you this speed bag that you can set up easily enough - it's not as big as a punching bag but it'll help with your punches or even if you're mad and just want something to punch," Ryuji laughs, now handing over the box bearing a silver bow on top. "Merry Christmas, man, thanks for a great year together!"
Christmas 2023 ask || Accepted
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"Merry Christmas Ryuji...I-I don't know what to say. Thank you!" It wasn't surprising that Ryuji was kind that threw him off, it was the connection and genuine kindness he felt from a person from a different world. The faith in humanity that made Desmond's eyes water.
And it was something that Des would definitely see use in, a smile spread across his face as he took the gift in hand. "It's perfect!" a Whole year together and just like back home there's so much kindness from the people here. It was like a second home, and was a great Christmas.
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rubbarband · 5 months
Desmond's got a nice butt
Come into my inbox and tell my muse what their most attractive or sexy trait is.
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"H-huh?! THAT'S what you focus on?"
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rubbarband · 5 months
that sexy brown skin combined with those delicious abs... Mmm!! Love it XD
Come into my inbox and tell my muse what their most attractive or sexy trait is.
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"Oh....it is sunday! But I didn't expect such a bold statement!" So that's why his body pillows display them so often.
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rubbarband · 5 months
🎁 (for Sumi!) - @epitomees
Send me 🎁 (or "present") for a holiday gift from my muse!
Sumire was just like Des which made getting a present for her confusing, she liked working out and eating just like him! Though her cooking skills were much to be desired and she loved to dance as well. What do you get someone who wants so little? Desmond's brain smoked Then he thought about it.
People love connection! she wanted to be a professional gymnast and one day Des would have to go back too, so before the holidays came. "Hey what's that weird thing over there?" She fell for it, and snap, a picture, then running off he went and gathered the other objects before returning. "Sumi...uhn you know how one day I'll have to leave? Well...I had so much fun with you and so if we ever have to leave and we can't see each other. I got this."
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It was a frame of them both, Desmond smiling over the smaller more confused Sumire, in a special frame, right next to it was a bracelet, Hawaiian in origin. "It's for connection, it means connection I mean. And look, the others frame lights up when you touch it, so I'll always technically be with you forever..." There's a glint in his eye before he turns away. "I-I hope....bwwwwwaaahhh!" He couldn't keep strong for long, he'd miss her dearly, but knew they may never see each other again, but never forget each other.
Sorry kinda went hard on the bonding aspect ^^;
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rubbarband · 5 months
Sexiest feature of Des is them eyes. No matter how he looks at you, it's a guaranteed bedroom eyes. So seductive!
Come into my inbox and tell my muse what their most attractive or sexy trait is.
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"Heh heh stop, you're gonna make me blush~!" Desmond's tail wagged at that statement, were his eyes that great? Now he felt a blush coming on.
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