#dear vidder letter
theofficialdramallama · 8 months
Dear Festividder... (Festivids 2023)
Letter under the cut!
First off - thank you so much for putting your time and effort into making a vid for me~! <3
I love pretty much all aspects of all the fandoms I’ve requested, so I’m sure I’ll be so happy and grateful for whatever vid you create, but here’s some stuff to help if you want a little bit more to go on! My suggestions are just that: suggestions - I love to be surprised! <3
I would love it that the song is the right one for the vid - I have pretty broad musical tastes and there’s not a lot I don’t like, although I’m less keen on the more electronic/dubstep-y side of dance music. I really like folk music, pop-punk, 90s/00s boybands/girlbands, pop-rock, rock, pop (80s, 90s, 00s and some modern pop), 80s power ballads, singer-songwriters with their own instruments, some country, musical theatre soundtracks, K-Pop and J-Pop… I’m pretty old-school with my music tastes, but honestly I’ll listen to almost anything and if it works for the vid - that’ll make me love the song anyway! A lot of my favourite songs have come from vids <3
I love my ships xD <3 However, general fandom vids are great too <3 Character studies, friendship vids, found-family trope vids, cute vids, sad vids, silly vids, bad-ass vids… They all warm different parts of my heart <3 <3
On to the individual fandoms:
~ Dramaworld (TV)
If you know and have watched this show, I salute you! <3 Any vids related to Claire x Joon will be loved <3 <3 S1 vids are welcomed~ I know a lot of people might have simply seen s1 and not s2, and if this is you - go watch s2! It takes everything from s2 and turns it up to 11 with a bigger budget, more ambitious storylines and twists! <3 If we’re including s2 eps, [SPOILERS] angst-filled Claire x Joon break up vids, humour vids, dark vids based around the destruction of Dramaworld itself/Evan’s deception, Joon/Claire character studies... Anything goes!
~ Fools Rush In (1997) [SAFETY]
An underrated classic~! <3 I love the development in Alex and Isabel's relationship - from the one-night stand, to the surprise pregnancy, to the Vegas wedding, to falling in love, and all of the rest of it! <3 Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek both smash their roles! As for the video, I'd love to see an Alex x Isabel vid, maybe focused on the themes of the film, or the concept of signs in the universe, or just their relationship in general~!
~ If Only (2004) [SAFETY]
Time loops are one of my favourite story tropes, and I love the unique take of having just one loop in the film -  Paul Nicholls and Jennifer Love Hewitt were brilliant in their roles! For the vid, I'd love a Ian x Samantha vid - something focusing on the bittersweetness/angst of Samantha's death and Ian having to learn to let her go by sacrificing himself in her place </3
~ The In Between (2022) [SAFETY]
I love this film with a passion~ I’m a sucker for cheesy/overly-dramatic/romantic ghost stories, and this ticks all the boxes. Angsty Tessa x Skylar vids would suit me perfectly, but if you have any other ideas for vids, feel free to make it~! <3
~ Just Like Heaven (2005) [SAFETY]
A 00s classic~! <3 Elizabeth x David vids would be great - angstier or light-hearted takes on their relationship throughout the film~ <3
~ Leap Year (2010 USA/Ireland) [SAFETY]
Cheddar cheese, but I love this film so much (my Irishness strikes again xD) <3 Declan x Anna vids would be perfect - from the fluffy humour to the realisation that they both love each other, to Declan’s backstory... Anything would work! <3
~ The Upper Hand (TV)
Highly unlikely, but if you do know this 90s UK adaptation of Who's The Boss, congrats! As such, I feel I'm slightly repeating myself - I love the will-they, won't-they aspect of Charlie and Caroline, so I'd love the vid to be a showcase of their relationship development, and all the ups and downs that came with it <3
~ Who's the Boss? (1984 TV)
I love the will-they, won't-they aspect of Tony and Angela, so I'd love the vid to be a showcase of their relationship development, and all the ups and downs that came with it <3
~ 开端 | Reset (TV 2022)
Fun fact, I discovered this drama through the Festivids Google Sheet for this year~! Time loops are one of my favourite story tropes, so I was immediately hooked by the premise, and loved the show~! For the vid, I'd love a Li Shiqing x Xiao Heyun vid, or something focusing on the timey-wimey time loop aspect of it all~!
~ 神様、もう少しだけ | Kamisama Mou Sukoshi Dake | God Please Give Me More Time
Super niche, but I recently watched this show and loved it for how real it felt </3 Give me all the angst and heartbreak between Masaki x Keigo </3
0 notes
thepastisaroadmap · 2 years
Dear Festividder
Thank you so much for making me a vid! I’ve done my best to give you details to go off of if you need, but as long as you’re passionate about it I think I’ll love it!
Vids: I really enjoy character studies, ensemble vids, critiques, dance vids, and vids that show the development of a relationship (whether romantic or not). Themes I particularly like are foils/doubles/doppelgangers, crises of faith (not specifically religious), and connection, but don’t feel tied to any of these.
Music: Whatever kind of music you think will work with the source is good for me! I prefer lyric-guided vids, but don’t have a genre preference otherwise. I prefer a minimum of added audio over the music. Pronouns/gendered words within the song matching the gender of portrayed characters is not important to me, although I would appreciate a heads-up about it for nonbinary/trans characters. I would also request that you don’t use music that is used in the source (eg. “There is Power in a Union” or “Bread and Roses” for Pride).
Visuals: I would prefer a minimum of flashing lights (I find them overwhelming), but quick cuts are fine. I do not like text on screen, but highly request subtitles (default Youtube style is preferred, but if they need to be hardcoded, that’s fine as long as they don’t move and are easy to read).
ANATOMY: a horror video game about a sentient house.
I love this house! I’d prefer something sympathetic that doesn’t shy away from the murder, but anything is good.
This is the one source where I would prefer audio from the game to be added (although I would prefer it not to overlap with lyrics, since it tends to pull me out of the vid).
Hamlet: A gender-, race-, and ability-blind performance of Hamlet at the Globe Theater from 2018.
I would love a vid that in some way focuses on gender, even if it isn’t the main element. I particularly enjoyed Ophelia, Laertes, Hamlet, and Horatio’s performances.
Pride: a historical film about a group of queer people who offer support to striking miners.
I enjoy the friendships in this movie so much and would love any vid that focused on that aspect, whether it’s one particular pair (eg. Joe and Steph, Cliff and Hefina, Dai and Mark) or a broader focus.
I’d prefer a happier tone for this vid.
Severance: a dystopian show about a group of employees who have divided their memories into those that happen at work and those that happen anywhere else, essentially splitting them in two.
I would like a vid focused on the Innies and how they work together to improve their situation. I would also be happy with a character study of any of the Lumen employees, whether inside work, outside, or both.
Re-Animator: a horror-comedy movie series about a guy trying to cure death (but mainly just making zombies) and his reluctant accomplice of a roommate.
I would really love a vid focused on the Bride and her identity, although I don’t have a preference for tone.
Vicious Fun: a horror-comedy about a guy who stumbles into a support group for serial killers, which has been infiltrated by a woman trying to take them down.
I would love something about Bob or Carrie, especially something that focuses on potentially queer aspects of the movie. I also really enjoyed the color grading of this film. I have no preference for tone, so feel free to go as serious or humorous (or both) as you want to.
His House: a horror film about two refugees from South Sudan who move into a house in England which tries to kill them.
I would be happy with any kind of vid for this movie, especially one that focuses on (and potentially expands on) any specific theme, such as assimilation, the ghosts (and specifically Nyagak), and memory.
Us: a Jordan Peele horror film about a woman and her family who attempt to fight off a home invasion by their doppelgangers; it is eventually revealed that the main character was originally a doppelganger and had switched places with her original as a child.
I would be delighted by a character study for any of the Tethered/surface pairs, especially Addie and Red. I loved the emphasis on how your environment shapes you, and how the effects of Addie and Red’s early childhoods carry through to their adulthood.
Nope: a Jordan Peele horror/western/sci-fi about a pair of ranch-owning siblings who discover an alien has recently moved onto their land.
I deeply loved the many intertwined aspects of this movie, and whatever you choose to focus on will be happily received! Some possible themes include spectacle (and how spectacle is a violence in itself), sibling bonding, and the way history influences the present. If you choose to make a character study, I’d prefer it to be for OJ, Em, Jupe, or Jean Jacket.
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festivids · 7 months
Dear Festividder Letters
You can now see a list of all participants and their requests on the AO3 or in the searchable AutoAO3App. You can also sign up for Festivids Buddies at the google form.
If you have a Dear Festividder letter, you can reply with it here so that your vidder or potential treat-makers can find it easily. We recommend that your comment include a list of the fandoms you requested as well as the username you used to sign up for Festivids on the AO3.
A Dear Festividder letter can give your assigned vidder more detail on your preferences, and also can make it easier for other vidders to make you a treat vid!
What's a Dear Festividder letter?
A Dear Festividder letter is a completely optional open letter that you may post to your Dreamwidth / Tumblr / blog / website / etc. In the letter, you can list the sources you requested, and give your vidder some suggestions about themes, characters, pairings, music choices, and so on. Please note that vidders are not obligated to follow these suggestions; vidders are completely free to make any vid they want within the assigned fandom, regardless of the details in your letter. However, many giftvidders may appreciate having some guidance about your preferences.
If you don't have a Dreamwidth / Tumblr / other blog where you can post your letter, you can either put the text of your letter in your comment on dreamwidth (where anon comments are allowed), or you can email the mods at festivids at gmail dot com with the text of your letter, and we'll post it somewhere for you.
Vidders, your assignment email may contain a link to your recipient's letter. If it does not, you may want to check this post or the dreamwidth crosspost for a letter from your recipient. Please remember that sometimes it takes people a while to write letters, so you should check back a couple of times if no letter appears right away.
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fanartisfanwork · 6 years
Fanart is Fanwork – Open Letter to the Organization for Transformative Works
Dear OTW staff,
Your news blog from Dec 4th* addresses The Tumblr Purge and weighs in specifically on tumblr's history of hosting explicit content as well as the repercussions for the LGBT community and sex workers.
Yet what you don't acknowledge – even though it is directly related to your organization's goals – are the consequences of the purge for fandom: tens of thousands of graphics, fanart drawings and paintings possibly being lost. The new tumblr guidelines explicitly apply not only to illustrated sex scenes but also all kinds of artistic nudity.
In your mission statement** you write: 
"We envision a future in which all fannish works are recognized as legal and transformative and are accepted as a legitimate creative activity. We are proactive and innovative in protecting and defending our work from commercial exploitation and legal challenge. We preserve our fannish economy, values, and creative expression by protecting and nurturing our fellow fans, our work, our commentary, our history, and our identity while providing the broadest possible access to fannish activity for all fans."
As a goal you list: "Designing, programming, and launching the Archive of Our Own, a Web archive to host transformative fanworks."
The endeavour of the OTW was conceived out of experiences like the so-called "LJ Strikethrough" in 2007, when the "Warriors for Innocence" initiated a crusade against the "sin" of "homosexuality, pedophilia and incest" which resulted in a moral panic and the deletion of various users and communities, including support groups for sexual abuse victims. Some of us experienced Strikethrough firsthand and we remember that the first users to be targeted were fanartists in the Harry Potter fandom and a community containing art by them. In the aftermath, fandom had a lot of discussions about the differences in application of obscenity laws (in various countries including the USA) to fiction in the form of text and drawn images. 
We think that this part of fannish history should neither be revised nor glossed over and that it is important to note that now, eleven years later, fanartists find themselves in exactly the same position: explicit fanart is very vulnerable to takedowns. 
With the "Archive of our Own" the OTW originally set out to preserve not only fanfiction and other text-based works but also fanart, fanvids, and podfic. Over the years it has become apparent that this goal is not feasible: AO3 is struggling to keep up with the growth from fic-based traffic alone. It still lacks any functionality to distinguish different types of fanworks and hosting anything larger than text is an insurmountable difficulty. The last serious announcement about hosting art was 7 years ago.**
The only work type that is being archived on AO3's servers is text; art, fanvids and podfic need to find other hosts. Yet on AO3's landing page you write: 
"A fan-created, fan-run, non-profit, non-commercial archive for transformative fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fan videos, and podfic".
While it is good to mention that you welcome all of these works, the point of the AO3 was not just to create a space for sharing works but truly archiving them in the sense of the data being hosted on fandom-owned servers. This phrasing conflates sharing works which are hosted elsewhere into "archiving" which is counterintuitive and a move away from the AO3's original purpose.
We understand that sometimes ambitious plans need to be adjusted when they meet reality – this is very common. We realize the OTW cannot currently take on obscenity laws or the technical and monetary obstacles for hosting art.
We deeply appreciate the service the AO3 provides to fandom as a fic archive as well as your legal support for vidders.
We believe that for the continuing encouragement and protection of all forms of fannish expression, it is time for the OTW to change its value statement and language so it reflects the status quo, the reasons being:
1) Your wording is misleading your supporters about what you are doing.
2) You are rendering fanart invisible as a form of fanwork and fanartists likewise invisible as a part of fandom.
We ask you to consider the impact of the OTW's actions on fandom and to make adjustments accordingly.
A group of fanartists, fandom olds and fans.
* http://www.transformativeworks.org/this-week-in-fandom-volume-99/
** http://www.transformativeworks.org/what_we_believe/
*** http://www.transformativeworks.org/ao3-fanart-horizon/
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notourhomeland · 7 years
For Peter Quinn
Dear Mr Gansa, Showrunner of Homeland
I’ll try to keep this brief as you already have many letters to read. You should know that I would gladly put my signature at the bottom of each and every one that I have read so far.
Your treatment of the fictional character Peter Quinn was NOT okay. By now, I hope you know this. I was PROFOUNDLY affected by many aspects of the Season 6 storyline and Peter Quinn’s subsequent ‘death’. Whether or not he died a hero is irrelevant in my eyes.
After watching ‘America First’ I teetered on the edge of falling into a bout of depression. I have people who rely on me: a husband, children, a vocation……The ‘stories’ you tell have far reaching consequences and you are accountable.
Ironically for a previous ‘hater’, Social media has been my saviour. Connecting with this, oh so SMALL SEGMENT of like-minded Homeland fans.
Discovering that I am not alone.
My heart breaks for the passionate, hugely talented vidders and fanfic authors who have invested so much of themselves and so many hours evolving YOUR characters. How dare you dismiss and denigrate them?
For five years you have been slowly crafting the most compelling and beautiful love story with two breathtaking actors in the leading roles.
Refusing to acknowledge this is the biggest insult of all.
So, I will leave you with this thought: This ‘love story’ has become the lifeblood of Homeland, whether you like it or not. I will not be able to watch the last two seasons if you do not skilfully see through this ‘love story’ to a satisfying conclusion.
You left the seeds of hope that Peter Quinn is not dead and, therefore, have a chance to redeem yourself.
Please take it.
Also can you please, please, show Rupert Friend some love. No-one deserves it more than he does.
Sally Baker
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equinox-vids-blog · 7 years
Dear Equinox Letters!
First, a reminder: sign ups for Spring Equinox Vid Exchange are underway! You can sign up here. A handy tool for those not sure what to offer is the sign up summary page, where you can see a list of what's been requested so far and how many requests/offers there are for each fandom. The fandoms most in need of offers are at the top. Once you've signed up, you may want to post an Equinox letter. These are entirely optional, but can be fun! Here are some examples of letters from Festivids: - Festivids letters by cupidsbow - Festivids letters by Trelkez Letters are for the vidder assigned to you, or anyone who might want to make you a treat. They should at least contain your requested fandoms and any character or relationship tags in your requests, and are a good place to fill out your requests by adding more details, likes/dislikes, music preferences/suggestions, and so on. There's a space in the sign up form for a link to your letter, so if you post a letter after signing up, we encourage you to go back and edit your form with a link. You can also include trigger information in your letter if you wish to do so. Your letter is a good place to get that information to treat vidders; including it is in no way required, and you should only do what you're comfortable with, but mods won't be able to communicate directly with treat vidders like we can to your assigned vidder. Letters can be posted to DW, LJ, Tumblr, your Wordpress blog, your Twitter 140 characters at at time (...maybe not that last one), wherever. When you have a letter up, link it in the comments here, along with a) the name you signed up with, and b) a list of the fandoms you requested. Have fun, and as always, you can reach the mods at [email protected] if you have any questions!
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femslashex · 6 years
"How To" Post 2.0
Posted by: withinadream Dealing with Archive of Our Own (AO3) Because of the way matching works, to sign up for this challenge, you must have an AO3 account, and you will need to host your art or story on AO3. The Reveals Bug Sometimes when a work is posted to an unrevealed collection, a glitch on AO3's part will cause it to be posted outside of the collection (and thus making it visible immediately to the recipient). Here is another mod's guide to avoiding this bug. How do I sign up with AO3?( Read more... )
Great, I have my account, now what?( Read more... )
Useful guides to posting your work:( Read more... )
How do I post treats and pinch hits when I don't have an AO3 account?( Read more... )
How to I change the date on my work so that it shows up in the tags?( Read more... )
Various Fanart-Related Questions How do I write art-friendly prompts?( Read more... )
How do I host art while remaining anon?( Read more... )
AO3 doesn't allow preview pictures! How do I summarise my art in words?( Read more... )
Various Vid-Related Questions How do I write vid-friendly prompts? If you're requesting vids, it's a good idea to consider whether or not the prompts in your optional details and Dear Creator letter will help or hinder your assigned vidder. Make sure to include any accessibility or content DNWs (eg. no flashing lights, violent source clips, gun shot sounds) in your optional details. Like other DNWs, they will need to be in the sign up optional details (not solely mentioned in your Dear Creator Letter) to be enforced. You can also request subtitles in the optional details if you need them. It is also helpful to give your vidder some idea of general music likes and dislikes. This might include music genres or styles that you do or don't like, artists you are particularly fond of, or specific songs that you think suit a pairing. Your vidder may not use a specific song, so it's helpful to include broad likes alongside any specific requests. Be aware of source limitations. AU prompts may be difficult depending on the fandom and what sort of AU is requested. Some vidders may be comfortable using outside source to work with prompts that diverge significantly from canon, but there's no guarantee that they will or that they will have access to an appropriate additional source for your request. Try to include a variety of prompts that include some canon based suggestions. If the source you are requesting is particularly long, you may want to provide guidance on favourite sections you'd like to see clips drawn from. This may particularly apply for TV fandoms with multiple seasons or for a combined megafandom. If you are requesting a megafandom, please keep in mind whether requesting a specific section may limit the available source too severely or provide alternative requests to choose from. A DCEU request for a Diana pairing that asks the vidder not to use any footage from the Wonder Woman 2017 movie may be difficult to fulfil, while a request for no footage of Themyscira may be more easily accommodated. Specific prompts along the lines of fic prompts can be included but aren't necessary if you don't have any. Many vidders work primarily with likes and dislikes. Consider mentioning the tone you prefer (eg. fluffy or angsty), any pacing requests if you prefer fast or slow vids, whether you like dialogue to be included in the audio, and specific requests such as an aspect of the relationship you'd like a focus on or an episode you don't want any source included from. Bad example: Buffy/Faith coffee shop AU set in space to Blank Space by Taylor Swift Good example: I like pop music and dislike country and musicals. Please use female vocals, and avoid sad songs about break-ups. I'd like something about the parallels between the characters, or a focus on when they were getting to know each other in season one. I'd love a Buffy/Faith vid set to Love is a Battlefield, or I'd love to see a focus on Cat Grant mentoring Kara! You can also browse letter posts from vid exchanges if this is your first time requesting vids and you need more ideas: Equinox Exchange 2018 and Festivids 2017. Vidding DNWs and accessibility Vidders are required to respect any accessibility notes and DNWs that their recipient mentions in their optional details, the same as for other mediums. We also encourage vidders to note any content warnings on their vid, even if the recipient doesn't require them. These may include: physical triggers (which may include strobing lights, very rapid cutting between short clips, or bright / white flashes of light) audio triggers (which may include sudden loud noise, gunshot audio, or other startling or sustained loud noises on the audio track) You can tag Physical Triggers or Audio Triggers on AO3, and/or make a note of any content people might wish to be aware of in the Notes section of your AO3 post. Please use the beginning of work option so they can be clearly and easily found. Your recipient may also request subtitles. If the request is in the optional details of their sign-up, this will be an enforceable request along with DNWs. If you require assistance with providing requested subtitles, please contact the mods as soon as possible so we can help or make any necessary arrangements! How do I host vids while remaining anon? The anon period is optional for vidders, but if you want to play the the anon game too, you simply need to sign up for an additional account with one of the vid hosts that allow for embedding. AO3 provides a list of compatible sites for vidders. Make sure you use an anonymous username that can't be linked to your usual account. When you create the vid, make sure any reference to your username is not included in the credits or opening sequence. You may wish to say something like 'Vidder: Anonymous for FemslashEx 2018' and/or place a shortened link url that leads to your AO3 post in the credits or opening sequence instead. Then post to AO3 collection for the exchange as usual and embed the vid. Once creators have been revealed, you can edit your work to replace it with an embed for the signed vid hosted on your usual vid account. To embed, use this code: <iframe src="video_url"></iframe> Always double check to make sure your vid is showing up properly and can be played. The embed may not display properly in Preview, so you may need to post the work fully to AO3 before checking the video will play. Suggestions? Resources of your own? Corrections? Leave them in comments! comments from Femslash Exchange https://ift.tt/2NMgyJM via IFTTT
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Dear Festividder... (Festivids 2022)
Letter under the cut!
First off - thank you so much for putting your time and effort into making a vid for me~! <3
I love pretty much all aspects of all the fandoms I’ve requested, so I’m sure I’ll be so happy and grateful for whatever vid you create, but here’s some stuff to help if you want a little bit more to go on! My suggestions are just that: suggestions - I love to be surprised! <3
I would love it that the song is the right one for the vid - I have pretty broad musical tastes and there’s not a lot I don’t like, although I’m less keen on the more electronic/dubstep-y side of dance music. I really like folk music, pop-punk, 90s/00s boybands/girlbands, pop-rock, rock, pop (80s, 90s, 00s and some modern pop), 80s power ballads, singer-songwriters with their own instruments, some country, musical theatre soundtracks, K-Pop and J-Pop… I’m pretty old-school with my music tastes, but honestly I’ll listen to almost anything and if it works for the vid - that’ll make me love the song anyway! A lot of my favourite songs have come from vids <3
I love my ships xD <3 However, general fandom vids are great too <3 Character studies, friendship vids, found-family trope vids, cute vids, sad vids, silly vids, bad-ass vids… They all warm different parts of my heart <3 <3
On to the individual fandoms:
~ Anna and the Apocalypse (2017) [SAFETY]
An underrated classic~! <3 Character driven vids would be great - I love the relationships between Anna and her dad, and Anna and John </3  However, equally a fast-paced, action-filled, fun vid would suit too~ Even a humour vid, if that’s your thing!
~ Ballykissangel
This show has my heart and soul (see my Tumblr icon and header on mobile), so I’ll love absolutely anything that you’ll make~! <3 Peter and Assumpta are the obvious choice for vids - happy, sad, angst-filled, post-fuse box arc, AU vids... Anything goes <3 However, any humour/dramatic vids about the extended cast, their friendships with Peter and Assumpta, or even the Ballyk community as a whole would be greatly appreciated <3 <3
~ Before I Fall (2017) [SAFETY]
This film is *chef’s kiss* <3 I love the time-loop aspect, so anything based around would be great~ A Sam character study would be brilliant, or anything Sam x Kent-related - they are such an underrated ship <3 <3
~ Dramaworld (TV)
If you know and have watched this show, I salute you! <3 Any vids related to Claire x Joon will be loved <3 <3 S1 vids are welcomed~ I know a lot of people might have simply seen s1 and not s2, and if this is you - go watch s2! It takes everything from s2 and turns it up to 11 with a bigger budget, more ambitious storylines and twists! <3 If we’re including s2 eps, [SPOILERS] angst-filled Claire x Joon break up vids, humour vids, dark vids based around the destruction of Dramaworld itself/Evan’s deception, Joon/Claire character studies... Anything goes!
~ Foreign Exchange (TV) (Australia/Ireland) (2004)
Highly unlikely, but if you do know this Australian/Irish show, congrats! This is such a nostalgic show for me, so anything relating to the shenanigans that Brett and Hannah (and the extended cast) get up to would be brilliant <3 Also, Brett x Hannah are my guilty pleasure ship that never were, so any vids on them specifically would be much appreciated xD <3
~ The In Between (2022) [SAFETY]
I love this film with a passion~ I’m a sucker for cheesy/overly-dramatic/romantic ghost stories, and this ticks all the boxes. Angsty Tessa x Skylar vids would suit me perfectly, but if you have any other ideas for vids, feel free to make it~! <3
~ Just Like Heaven (2005) [SAFETY]
A 00s classic~! <3 Elizabeth x David vids would be great - angstier or light-hearted takes on their relationship throughout the film~ <3
~ The Prince & Me (2004) [SAFETY]
The first film only, please xD Paige x Eddie vids please~ These two are just so adorable and angsty and totally underrated, and we need more vids of the two of them <3 <3
~ Sliding Doors (1998) [SAFETY]
Helen x James all the way <3 </3 Helen’s development throughout the film, and her relationship with James are top-notch, and Helen’s inevitable death and its effect on James are some of my favs themes of the film <3
~ 神様、もう少しだけ | Kamisama Mou Sukoshi Dake | God Please Give Me More Time
Super niche, but I recently watched this show and loved it for how real it felt </3 Give me all the angst and heartbreak between Masaki x Keigo </3
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thepastisaroadmap · 8 months
Dear Vidder Letter 2023-24
Thank you so much for making me a vid! In this letter, I’ve included general preferences for style and then optional specifics for each fandom.
Vids: I really enjoy character studies, ensemble vids, critiques, dance vids, and vids that show the development of a relationship (whether romantic or not). Themes I particularly like are foils/doubles/doppelgangers, crises of faith (not specifically religious), and connection, but don’t feel tied to any of these.
Music: Whatever kind of music you think will work with the source is good for me! I prefer lyric-guided vids, but don’t have a genre preference otherwise. If the song is not in English, I would prefer a translation in the subtitles so I can understand it. For audio added over the music, I prefer it to be used only during instrumental parts, not over lyrics. I also prefer it to not be the focus of the vid. Pronouns/gendered words within the song matching the gender of portrayed characters does not matter to me, although I would appreciate a heads-up about it for nonbinary/trans characters. I would also request that you don’t use music from the source unless otherwise specified (eg. “There is Power in a Union” from Pride).
Visuals: I would prefer a minimum of flashing lights (I find them overwhelming), but quick cuts are fine. I do not like text on screen, but highly request subtitles (default Youtube style is preferred, but if they need to be hardcoded, that’s fine as long as they don’t move and are easy to read).
2001: A Space Odyssey & 2010: The Year We Made Contact: I really love HAL.
Crimes of the Future: I am particularly drawn to the way that this movie engages with the trifecta of disability/art/sex, but I would be happy with literally anything, in any tone. 
The Lives of Others: I am a sucker for themes of surveillance and true believers becoming disillusioned, so I like Wiesler’s arc. Additionally, if you would like to use “Sonata for a Good Man” from the soundtrack, go right ahead.
His House: I would be happy with any kind of vid for this movie, especially one that focuses on (and potentially expands on) any specific theme, such as assimilation, the ghosts (and specifically Nyagak), and memory.
The Prince: This play gave me a lot of trans feelings. I would prefer a vid focused on Hotspur and her journey, but would be happy with any other character/duo/ensemble as well.
Ravenous: I am very into the homoerotic cannibalism aspect of this movie.
Rope: As with Ravenous, I’m very into the gay subtext. I also enjoy watching Phillip’s impending meltdown.
Station Eleven: I love stories about stories, and this show feels very true to how I engage with fandom. I really, really liked the portrayal of the initial pandemic, as well as the web of connections between characters. I would be very happy with an ensemble vid, but I also love all of the characters individually, so go whatever direction you feel drawn towards.
Sputnik: I especially like the symbiotic alien plot, and also Tatyana. (This film is unrelated to the Sputnik satellite program; it’s set in the 1980s.)
Zero Patience: This movie is very silly and very angry and I like it quite a lot. Like Station Eleven, I’m drawn to Zero Patience’s story about stories framing and how it pushes back against the destructive myth of patient zero.
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Dear Festividder... (Festivids 2020)
Letter under the cut!
I love pretty much all aspects of all the fandoms I’ve requested, so I’m sure I’ll be so happy and grateful for whatever vid you create, but here’s some stuff to help if you want a little bit more to go on! My suggestions are just that: suggestions - I love to be surprised! <3
I would love it that the song is the right one for the vid - I have pretty broad musical tastes and there’s not a lot I don’t like, although I’m less keen on the more electronic/dubstep-y side of dance music. I really like folk music, pop-punk, 90s/00s boybands/girlbands, pop-rock, rock, pop (80s, 90s, 00s and some modern pop), 80s power ballads, singer-songwriters with their own instruments, some country, musical theatre soundtracks, K-Pop and J-Pop… I’m pretty old-school with my music tastes, but honestly I’ll listen to almost anything and if it works for the vid - that’ll make me love the song anyway! A lot of my favourite songs have come from vids <3
I love my ships xD <3 However, general fandom vids are great too <3 Character studies, friendship vids, found-family trope vids, cute vids, sad vids, silly vids, bad-ass vids… They all warm different parts of my heart <3 <3
On to the individual fandoms:
~ Higher Ground (TV 2000)
I was amazed that this was on the fandom list! I’ve literally just begun watching it in the past month, am currently on episode 12 (at the time of writing), but will definitely have the show completed by January :P It’s so good! Would love something about the overall found-family aspect of Horizon and the people in it, or in terms of ships - Scott x Shelby, Auggie x Juliette, Ezra x Daisy, Peter x Sophie... This show is perfect for darker vids and character study vids too... Surprise me~! <3
~ Julie and The Phantoms (TV)
This series is so fun and heartwarming and great, and I’d love absolutely anything for it~! <3 I do have a soft spot for Luke (Unsaid Emily though! </3) and the Julie x Luke ship, but general fandom vids, friendship vids, bromance vids, character studies, comedy vids, dark vids, Willie x Alex vids... Anything is up for grabs!
~ Everwood
This show is *chef’s kiss* <3 I adore the small-town community aspect of it, and I do have a soft spot for medical dramas like this <3 <3 As for ships, I would love anything Amy x Ephram, Hannah x Bright, even something angsty for Andy x Julia <3 Character studies (Ephram does spout enough philosophical stuff xD) or even the medical angle are good choices too <3
~ Boy Meets World
Another show that I’m currently watching (and loving) <3 Would love anything in terms of character studies vids, bromance vids (Cory and Shawn though <3), light-hearted vids, angstier vids (maybe about the characters’ families etc.). As for ships, definitely Cory and Topanga - they’re legendary! <3 Again, surprise me!
~ Buzzfeed Unsolved (Web Series)
It’s the boys! Anything crack or light-hearted/fun would be perfect, but if you wanted to take it in a totally different surprising direction, feel free! <3 <3
~ 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) [SAFETY]
A 90s classic <3 Kat x Patrick or Cameron x Bianca vids would suit me perfectly, but if you have any other ideas for themed vids, general fandom vids or anything else at all, feel free to make it~! <3
~ A Cinderella Story (2004) [SAFETY]
A 00s classic~! <3 Sam x Austin would be great, but if you want to make a general fandom vid, or an angstier or light-hearted take on the film, that would be equally great~! <3 
~ Malory Towers (TV 2020)
I loved the books when I was a kid, so this adaptation was a lovely surprise for me~! <3 Friendship vids, light-hearted vids - it wasn’t really a serious show, so anything fun would suit perfectly <3 Character studies could work too <3 Do whatever you like with it~! <3
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festivids · 6 years
Assignments and Dear Festividder Letters
By now, every participant should have received an automated AO3 email containing their Festivids assignment. Additionally, your assignment should be visible on the My Assignments page of your AO3 profile. If you haven't received an email and you can't see your assignment on AO3, please contact the mods at festivids at gmail dot com. The collection will officially open for submissions around the beginning of December, and assignments are due on 13 January 2019, 23:59 UTC. Keep an eye on this comm for more information about how to post your vid. If you'd like to look at other participants' requests, including their Dear Festividder letters, many of them are available at the AO3 collection HERE. Participants are also welcome to post links to their letters in the comments of this Dreamwidth post, with a list of fandoms included. A Dear Festividder letter is a completely optional open letter that you may post to your Dreamwidth/Tumblr/blog where you can list the sources you requested, and give your vidder some suggestions about themes/characters/pairings/music choices/etc. Please note that vidders are not obligated to follow these suggestions; vidders are completely free to make any vid they want within the assigned fandom, regardless of the details in your letter. However, many giftvidders may appreciate having some guidance about your preferences. The reasons for posting a "Dear Vidder" letter are twofold: First, to give your vidder more detail than you may have provided in your signup form, and second, to enable random passersby to make you a "treat" vid. A treat is an extra vid, outside the matching system, that any vidder may make simply because they're inspired by someone's requests, whether or not the vidder is formally signed up to participate in Festivids. Treat vids are submitted anonymously just like ordinary assigned vids, and they go live with the rest of the Festivids. But, of course, vidders can only make "treats" if they know what the requests are, which is where the Dear Vidder letter comes in. If you don't have a Dreamwidth/Tumblr/other blog where you can post your letter, you can either put the text of your letter in your comment, or you can email the mods at festivids at gmail dot com with the text of your letter, and we'll post it somewhere for you. Vidders, your assignment email may contain a link to your recipient's letter. If it does not, you'll want to check this post for a letter from your recipient. Please remember that sometimes it takes people a while to write letters, so you should check back a couple of times if no letter appears right away.
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festivids · 7 years
Festivids: A Guide to Signing Up
Festivids is an anonymous fan vidding exchange in which you make a fanvid at least one minute long for a fandom someone else requested, and you receive a vid at least one minute long for a fandom you requested.
Signups for Festivids 2017-18 open on October 23rd, and will remain open until October 31st. In order to sign up for Festivids, you will need a few things:
An Archive of Our Own (AO3) account. (If you do not have one and want to sign up, please contact the mods urgently at: festivids at gmail dot com)
Between six and eight fandoms you’d like to request, and a minimum of four fandoms you'd like to offer, from the pre-decided tagset (by category HERE, or in alphabetical order HERE.*
This link to the collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/festivids2017
(* Please note that all fandoms are now appearing in the alphabetical list, but a few safeties are not yet showing up as such. The fandoms affected are: Apollo 13 (1995) [SAFETY], Da uomo a uomo | Death Rides a Horse (1967) [SAFETY], Grave | Raw (2017) [SAFETY], Grease 2 (1982) [SAFETY], Hamlet (2009) [SAFETY], Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) [SAFETY], Le Petit Prince | The Little Prince (2015) [SAFETY], Moonlight (2016) [SAFETY], Sense and Sensibility (1995) [SAFETY]
There is no problem in terms of offering or requesting these fandoms, just bear in mind that they are safeties even if they don't appear as such in the alphabetical list!)
Before you complete your signup, please check out the exchange FAQ HERE to make sure you’re able to meet the requirements of the exchange.
Once you’re ready to sign up, here’s what to do:
Log into AO3 and go to the exchange page, HERE.
Select Sign-up Form on the left.
Go to the Requests section at the top of the page. In the Fandoms box, enter between six and eight fandoms from the tagset for which you would like to receive a gift vid. At least one of these needs to be a safety fandom (under 180 minutes long) - safety fandoms are easily identified by the word [SAFETY] at the end of the fandom tag. As you type, the fandoms will pop up - just click on the fandom in the list that appears. 
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Once you’ve added a fandom, it will look like this.
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Keep going until you have added all of the fandoms you want. It will now look something like this:
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In the Dear Vidder Letter box, paste the URL of your Dear Festividder letter if you have written one. (If you’re not sure what this is, it’s a letter that you post to your blog or website including details about what you might like to see in a vid - such as what you like about the fandom, what your music likes/dislikes are, anything you really don’t want, etc. Your letter should help your vidder decide what to make for you but shouldn’t be too prescriptive - “these are my favourite characters and relationships” is helpful, “please make me this exact vid” is less so. See some examples from last year HERE.)
There’s also an Optional Details box where you can include more information about your requests, similar to the info you’d put in the letter. You can do this as well as or instead of a letter, or just write a letter and leave this space blank. We strongly recommend that you include either a letter or optional details, so that your vidder has some idea of what you would like. As this is an anonymous exchange, you will not have another chance to tell your vidder what your preferences are.
Once you’re happy with your requests, scroll down to the Offers section. In the Fandoms box, enter between four and twenty fandoms from the tagset for which you would be happy to make a vid, in the same way as you added your requested fandoms. If there are more than twenty fandoms you’d like to offer, you can make a bucket offer, which allows you to offer as many fandoms as you like. 
To make a bucket offer, put the first twenty fandoms in the Fandoms box of the Offer section (you’ll know when you’ve hit twenty because the box to enter more fandoms will disappear), and then add the remaining fandoms to the Optional Tags box. Unfortunately this is a bit of an onerous process - the fandoms need to be added exactly as they appear in the tagset, but unlike in the Fandoms box they will not pop up as you type. You will need to copy/paste each tag from the tagset and hit enter after each one. If you are incredibly heroic, you can skip this whole process and select “Any Fandom” to offer literally anything from the entire tagset.
You will end up with something that looks a bit like this:
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Once you have added your requests and offers, click Submit at the bottom of the page. Once you’ve done this you can return to see your signup at any time using the My Signup link, located at the left of the exchange page, where the Sign-up Form was before you started. If you’d like to edit your signup, you can do this at any point before signups close, by selecting Edit Sign-up at the top right of your signup page, making any changes required and submitting at the bottom of the page again.
That’s it! You’re signed up for Festivids 2017-18!
What Happens Next?
Signups close at 23.59 UTC on October 31st. If you signed up, a few days after this you will receive an automated email from AO3 containing your Festivids assignment. The email will tell you who your recipient is, and list all of their requests (not just the one you matched on.) At least one of their requests should be something you offered. If that’s not the case, please contact the mods as soon as possible at festivids at gmail dot com.
Regardless of what you offered, you can make a vid for any of the fandoms your recipient requests. Your assignment is to make your recipient one vid at least a minute long about one of their chosen fandoms. (You can make extra vids, and treats for other people, if you want to, but one minute-long vid is the requirement.)
Please don’t announce who you’re vidding for in public - this is an anonymous exchange. It’s fine to, say, ask a friend to beta your vid, but please don’t discuss your assignment where others can see it.
Your recipient will probably have included extra information in their Dear Vidder letter or Optional Details. We encourage you to use this information to help you decide what vid to make.
If you find that you aren’t able to complete your assignment by the deadline (January 14 2018), please contact the mods as soon as possible.
Please keep an eye on this community for other important announcements, including a guide to posting your vid once it’s ready.
Happy Festividding!
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