#dead boy detectives theory
local-rascal · 8 days
Edwin died with out even having the chance to die.
When the demon claimed him, sure it was clear that it killed everyone else but it just snatched him. He was dragged to hell without even a bit of context or an explanation to what it all ment and what was happening.
Do you think he didn't realize he died? I mean it didn't feel like dying (in the case of Charles's death, we know you don't really feel it), and everything in hell just seemed so real.
What if when he got out, there was a part of him that was hoping he was still alive, everything could go back to normal. Sure it felt like an eternity in hell, but maybe time just works differently there to mess with you more.
And when he did finally realize he was dead, he did so alone, with no one to bring in a lantern and explain what ghost's are, with out the personification of death to calm him, surrounded by (alive) people who couldn't even see him. He climbed out and back to earth and he was just as alone as when has dragged down to hell.
When he finally meets someone that can see him, and probably the first ever person to treat him with respect, he knows he has to make it count. He has to give him what he didn't get to have when died
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tom-foolery-time · 25 days
Okay wait so while crystal was evil bad girl - she was friends with the little Victorian girl who commissioned the boys?
So like… was the little girl evil? Or was crystal a MEAN GIRL who also hung out with little ghost girls in her free time? Was she not actually a mean girl?
I just still don’t know if the mean girl origin story for crystal makes total sense to me yet.
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Charles makes the parallel to their story to Orpheus and Eurydice and Charles might be Orpheus in regards to Edwin.
But Edwin isn't Eurydice at all.
We can see throughout that episode that Edwin is Sysiphus.
Too smart for his own good, managing to cheat death twice using his cunning alone (the only reason Charles could save him was his detailed plan).
We see the exact same punishment Sysiphus got for Simon. Doing the exact same task over and over being promised freedom when it's over.
With Edwin not understanding the depth of despair that punishment puts him in.
And just like Sysiphus he won't cheat death a third time.
Next time he ends up in Hell it's permanent.
Or it would be but the fact that we see at the end of the episode that Simon (Sysiphus) can be redeemed means that Edwin can as well.
He has to give up on all the anger, hatred that he still holds against everyone that has wronged him that only hurts him in the end.
Charles gives himself the role of Orpheus because when it come to Edwin he loves him so much he would go to hell for him and ultimately he loves him so much he will always turn around when Edwin is hurting.
We see again and again Charles making snap decisions that he thinks are for the best that end up terribly (possessing the witch, hitting the bell etc.)
So Edwin when it is all said and done will have to save himself by letting go of the grudge he still keeps about his death
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akascow · 16 days
Dead Boy Detectives and The Divine Comedy
Dante's Inferno (hell), Purgatorio (purgatory), and Paradiso (heaven/paradise)
its not a complete one-to-one but its a neat thing to think about in regards to dbd
it kinda makes sense because the levels of hell in the show are based off the depiction we see in Dantes Inferno, and the next in the trilogy of the divine is where they travel the mountain of purgatory
but anyway edwins file in the night nurses book said he either goes to Hell or PLV-4s
okay this is kind of a long one so strap in
this is based on shotty memory bUT
in the trilogy you would be put to the respective layer you belong (hell, purgatory or heaven)
if youre a sinner, hell, but Dante goes through all layers going down, then to lucifer who blocks the path leading to purgatory.
youd then have to climb up the mountain of purgatory depending on your sins for like a number of eons until you cleanse yourself of the sins, once you make it past a layer youre free of it forever and one step closer to paradise
and only then are you able to get to paradise and i THINK the layer of paradise youre placed on is based on how good a person you are or smth
someone pointed out it could mean Purgatory Level V (5) or just level, and the 4s could mean how long he should spend there (?) but layer 4 is also Sloth so theres that too (the souls being that theyre forced to run all the time which is lowkey what edwin goes through in hell)
which is the path you have to travel AFTER getting through hell you would normally go through up purgatory in order to get up to heaven once youve proven ur self worthy and ur sins righted iirc
so i think he would have to be placed somewhere in the middle (based on the level V if thats the right theory, theres 9 layers total) of that mountain based on his life and unfinished business and everything hes done while as a ghost he would have already been pushed up a few levels
so im assuming the night nurse's book was like glitching out because he was supposed to be in hell (on a technicality) but he served time there being passed around demon to demon, made it out of hell, but in the opposite way of purgatory
according to Dante's i believe he would have gone to purgatory IF he had unfinished business but he made it back to earth (the wrong way), and because of the things he did helping ghosts it technically counted towards his unfinished business so like he should be in hell because thats where he was placed last BUT everything hes done post-post-mortem wouldve counted towards purgatory and (maybe up to heaven ?)
on another theory, PLV could either mean paradise level Venus (the lovers) being the 3rd layer but the layer of heaven granted to those who in life were deficient in the temperance of love (smth smth edwins repressed feelings and never engaging in then smth smth)
the 4th layer is the Sun (the wise) -4s maybe?- which hold the souls of the wise, which kinda plays into edwin being the brains of the team so to speak, and he was seen reading in his mortal life before dying, as well as knowing a bunch of languages and probably a whole bunch more in his afterlife (in the comics they taught french at st hilarions so im assuming he knew that before he died)
the 5th layer is Mars (the warriors of faith)- maybe layer V?- i dont really believe this is the case bc this layer is given to those who gave up their life in the name of faith, but i would like to believe everything he went through in hell and also everything he gave up eternal virtue for to help the lost souls left on earth could grant him to be a warrior
heres a diagram to put into perspective
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but yeah theres a little divine comedy lesson for yall
idk take it all with a grain of salt because i learned about dantes inferno like last year and really only remember the hell part of it all. also dante thought that gay people were worse than murderers in hell so thats another issue. aND the sandman universe takes into account all faiths and religions and gods and mythology theres not actually a true one god. and the divine comedy is very much a catholic read so yeah
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ellaszabo · 21 days
This probably sounds bad shit crazy, but what if the iglo/winter wonderland in the last episode is the home of the dandelion-sprites. Niko is the same sise as them in that scene and I dont beilev that they grew. The dandelion is prehaps like the tardis but you must shrink to acomodate.
This is probably not the case but its just been stuck in my head! What do you think??
(sorry for the spelling mistakes of this dyslexic tierd swed!)
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elliotwizerd · 20 days
About Death
So i have been thinking that after the end of season 1 the Boys have got a new officel jobb. So i do wonder do the boys stil need to hide from Death hearself?
My take is that they are not going to need to hide. Beacuse the person that gave the boys the freecard is seconde in Command. Aka she is one step below Death the Endless.
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daffydilled · 1 month
Watching the Cat King and Edwin talk is like. The Olympics of queer bitchiness. It's amazing
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shaylogic · 4 days
In the comics, Edwin's bones are originally hidden in a chest in the attic he was killed in. He stays in the attic. He returns to it from Hell.
In the show, he returns to the attic from Hell and meets Charles. He reads to him as he dies, sitting on what appears to be a chest?
I don't wanna get really morbid, but. . . uh. . . do you think. . .?!!
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mayhemworker · 16 days
Crystal finding out that her parents never even noticed she was gone is both upsetting and bittersweet. At the beginning of the show Edwin isn't pleased with her joining in on the effort, she's the "living girl" and "a closed case". Edwin in his speech to her says that he and Charles didn't matter in the end, that their deaths have never been properly addressed. And it's kind of a comparison to her, because Crystal is alive and everyone just collectively assumes that there must be someone out there waiting for her, she's got something they don't.
Except she doesn't, because in that moment I think it dawns on her and on Edwin and Charles that this whole time she might have died, and her parents wouldn't realize she went missing until way, way too late. There would be a corpse in a country on the opposite side of the ocean that would get labeled as another Jane Doe. And her fate would be not that far from their own.
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deadboyquotes · 5 days
Charles: How do you feel about children?
Edwin: They’re okay, I guess. I mean, if I saw one, I wouldn’t throw a rock at it.
Charles: Why would you throw a rock at a child?
Edwin: I just said I wouldn’t!
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beehfi · 6 days
Remember how Edwin brought dying Charles a lantern so he wouldn’t be as sacred and would hopefully warm up? Edwin didn’t know Charles could see him (since he said "you can see me?" And was surprised by Charles reacting to him) and we’ve seen, with sprite-infected Niko, that people can see the things ghosts pick up but not the ghosts and they would just see the object floating. So assuming Edwin knew all that back then, and was under the impression Charles couldn’t see him; is Edwin just a little dense and didn’t think about how Charles could have just seen a floating ass lantern, or, is the lantern magical? (Is the lantern a ghost? /hj)
I can’t explain why but I think it would be super cool if the lantern was magical or even some sort of sentient entity!!
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encircledincolour · 17 days
charles 'abusive dad' rowland and niko 'dead dad' sasaki and monty 'evil mom' the crow and crystal 'absent parents' palace but WHAT. what about edwin's family huh. their absence from the narrative is suspicious
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tom-foolery-time · 28 days
SO IS IT NIKO IN THE ARCTIC? Or is that the ancient witch? Idk why Lilith would take witchy to a big igloo but I also don’t wanna get my hopes up. Niko had the goodluck bear. But why the igloo? Is any of this compliant to the comic books? Can I figure it out there? Please help thank you.
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Can we talk about the existential horror that is Crystal's situation?
After she dies she doesn't go to heaven or hell but to a dark abysal void with a picnic table and a tree.
If that is a pocket dimension inside her head that women from her line go to
What if Crystal doesn't reproduce and dies do all of them just cease to exist?
What if if happens 3 generations later?
After she's dead she never gets to see Charles or Edwin or anybody else for that matter again?
Poor Crystal
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mayapapaya33 · 23 days
The Man in the Angler fish that the Night Nurse meets, Kashi, is he this immortal from Sandman #53 Hob's Leviathan?
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Then he tells a very interesting story that totally definitely isn't 100% his actual backstory, no sir. It's just the story of a random King from a long long time ago. Yup, absolutely. I didn't screen grab it because this was getting pretty long as it was, but I can in a future post if you all wish. And I was trying to get pieces that showed a similarity between this Man and Kashi. He's so upbeat and cheerful!
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He called Hob young! Knowing full well that Hob is also an immortal. Just how old IS this guy?
Is this the man in the Angler fish in Dead Boy Detectives? What do you think?
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Edwin: *monologuing about confusing feelings*
Monty: *kisses him*
Edwin: "That was unexpected"
Monty: "I have feelings for you too"
Edwin: "I wasn't talking about you"
Very funny but oh so awkward
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