bitbrumal · 1 year
ur writing is honestly so sexy when i see it i go blind from how shiny and wonderful IT IS ???
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ooc a lmaoooo you're welcome i mean thank u i mean winks with both eyes. s-sexy is. the theme here. haha.
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suiyuun-archive · 1 year
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@dawnswine: some new year smut for my sweet ray
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silence  blankets  the  winery  in  the  wake  of  freshly  fallen  snow,  flakes  tumbling  from  the  sky  in  slow,  lazy  drifts.  the  world  is  iced  over  outside,  mondstadt  caught  tight  in  the  thick  of  winter  and  many  of  it's  residents  bundled  tight  in  their  homes  in  the  wake  of  the  bad  weather.  a  chill  normal  to  this  climate  is  one  ayato  is  not  used  to,  even  with  the  roaring  fire,  even  with  the  coals  beneath  the  bed  in  his  room.  it's  the  excuse  he  uses,  when  he  drifts  into  the  owner's  office  like  a  white  robed  phantom,  and  the  excuse  he  uses  again  when  he  slips  his  lithe  frame  into  a  warm  lap,  and  the  excuse  he  uses  yet  again  when  lips  find  lips...  ayato  ran  cold,  after  all,  and  the  warmth  that  burned  from  diluc's  pyro  vision  was  enough  to  beckon  him  in  -  a  moth  to  a  flame,  a  noble  into  his  lap.  
ayato  has  been  there  for  some  time  now,  svelte  fingertips  having  dismantled  a  messy  ponytail,  and  lips  having  religiously  assaulted  the  winery  owner's  own.  the  commissioner's  robe  has  long  since  been  half  shed,  revealing  the  milky  pallor  of  his  shoulders  (one  tattooed,  one  not),  and  the  column  of  a  bare  throat,  ripe  for  the  taking.  but  he's  having  far  too  much  fun  -  intrepid  in  his  touches  and  pulling  forth  concrete  ardor  in  the  wake  of  all  that  is  unholy  about  the  man  in  the  chair  beneath  him.  marks  have  been  laid  upon  a  warm  throat,  along  the  slope  of  his  jaw,  over  his  ear,  ayato  drinking  in  this  strange,  magnetic  man  as  if  he  were  the  finest  of  sampled  wines  this  place  had  to  offer  him.  delicious.  heady.  like  wood  smoke,  cedar,  and  cinnamon.  ayato  wanted  more.  needed  more.  
he'd  like  to  watch  diluc  come  apart,  he  thinks  -  he  wants  to  see  those  sad  eyes  light  again  with  fire  or  to  feel  bruises  on  his  hip  bones  once  more.  but  ayato  is  patient,  for  now.  he's  almost  gentle,  as  he  has  been  this  whole  time.  their  hips  have  met  repeatedly  with  subsequent  roughness,  the  commissioner  himself  controlling  the  way  with  which  he  rolls  himself  forward  and  down,  chasing  slow  and  measured  friction  between  them  with  careful,  calculated  pants  upon  diluc's  ear.  again,  he  wants  to  see  him  come  apart,  but  the  man  has  more  patience  than  he  gives  him  credit  for,  and  it's  enough  to  annoy  the  swordsmen  to  no  end.  
still,  ayato  does  not  give  in,  continuing  the  careful  slide  of  hips  as  their  lips  meet  again,  and  again,  and  again...  it's  rough  in  a  way  that  is  gentle,  and  the  encounter  entirely  too  lewd  and  sensuous.  tongues  twine  together  to  capable  breathlessness,  ayato  nipping  at  his  companion's  lips  until  he  pulls  away  for  breath,  connected  only  by  a  slim  bit  of  silver  between  them  (the  evidence,  of  a  kiss  too  debauched).  "  mm.  "  a  quiet  noise  of  pleasure,  of  want,  the  elder  quivering  above  him.  "  what  are  you-  "  their  foreheads  are  together  now,  ayato  arching  forward  to  roll  his  hips  down  especially  hard  -  ensuring  their  cocks  slide  together  just  right.  "  holding  back  for?  isn't  it  -  ah-  rude,  to  keep  your  guests  waiting?  "
a  breathless  sigh  leaves  him,  and  a  lesser  man  might  have  even  considered  it  a  bit  of  a  pout  -  though  ayato  was  far  too  refined  for  that,  even  as  disheveled  as  he  was  now.  voice  tipping  an  octave,  he  looks  at  him  through  icy  lashes,  the  strange  hue  of  his  eyes  nearly  glowing  in  the  dim  lit  of  the  room.  "  i'm  all  ready  for  you.  i've  been  wanting  for  this  all  day,  and  got  eager  in  the  bath  -  so  stop  making  me  wait,  if  you  please.  "  demanding  and  polite  in  the  same  breath,  so  like  ayato  when  in  the  arms  of  a  lover  such  as  diluc.
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kikun · 1 year
raises ur hat a little just to sneak under it and give you a chaste kiss. gmhphh
"You are early." He flicks his eyes away, casting his expression to the blades of grass that sway gently. A peck is a mere matter. One he will not think of for more than a few seconds of his precious time. The liquor lingers, however, carrying the scent of days long gone and a bittersweet sorrow.
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supportingfire · 1 year
you don’t have to put me in horny jail, I’m taking myself. 😩✌️
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mercyburned-aa · 1 year
@dawnswine liked for a wee thing
The giant machine laying stranded in the Ruins of Dahri seemed to stare at him with its one large, hollow eye. Kaeya found himself looking at anything but the thing as Lumine spoke with the researcher who was trying to deal with it. He could feel not only that eye on him, but another pair as well.
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"Mora for your thoughts? You could fit the whole winery in that thing."
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
“  why can’t you let me in? what are you so afraid of?  ”
more prompts for your feels.
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The directness of the inquiry chains Kaeya to reality. He cannot now escape, for he is cornered.
Why must Diluc deliver his words with such precision? Has he, perchance, taken a few moments to carefully select them ( has he been thinking about this confrontation for a while? ), or is it sudden bravery that washes over him? Has he forgotten that reading between the lines is something that they have agreed on doing...? Did that not allow them to not cross lines and not hurt susceptibilities?
The question itself is ridiculous, to say the least. Does Diluc truly dare to feign innocence? Diluc knows Kaeya like the palm of his hand. And Kaeya knows him like the palm of his own. Don't they both already know the answer? Perhaps the redhead searches for simple, uncomplicated, sincerity. And at this moment, Kaeya cannot help but remember Diluc's words.
“ You're such a fucking coward. ”
And that he often is. Being evasive is part of who he is. It is a trait he had to acquire in order to survive. And if he had to rely on deceit, prevarication, and artificiality for the rest of his life, then so be it. Diluc was ever so kind to teach that lesson to his younger brother.
Why did Diluc have to go and break the unwritten rule ( silence is enough to convey what one thinks but does not express ), willingly? It somehow places some weight on his shoulders, for he now knows he must respond. If he does not... Well. He does not wish to think about that. Whether he replies or deflects the question, conflict is certain to ensue.
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« ...Do you really not know the answer? And here I was, thinking you were brighter than that». Words are almost spat. To make Kaeya admit something that Diluc is already aware of... The thought alone infuriates Kaeya. Does Diluc not procure sincerity? Well, then sincerity Kaeya shall deliver.
For this mere moment, he allows himself to become a rose full of thorns. Diluc is not the only one who is allowed to feel resentment. For, although Kaeya does not voice it, it is there. Along with many, many complicated emotions. Love. Hate. Trust. Betrayal. Resentment. Guilt. Selfishness. Selflessness. A constant dichotomy seems to taint their relationship.
«I tried letting you in once. And look where that has gotten us». A grand gesture of hands. The final blow.
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wendeiwisp · 1 year
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@dawnswine asked: a bottle of wine, it’s neck swathed in a scarlet ribbon is placed in the bard’s awaiting palms. Diluc’s decorum remains entirely intact as he says “ in hopes that lord barbatos will once again give us their blessing in the year to come.” He pauses, a little more serious now. “ you can drink this, that’s all.”
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" Well Master Diluc, I won't say no to such a generous gift~. I'm sure Lord Barbatos will be more then satisfied with what was offered. "
The anemo archon giggled lightly before taking a better look at the bottle given to him. Okay, perhaps this won't be his only bottle, but he wouldn't have any more of Diluc's at least~.
" So thoughtful of you thinking of lil ole me, ehe~. "
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ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ ᴀsᴋs ;; always accepting
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suiyuun · 1 year
looking like a bottom.
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oh nooooo master diluc you've caught me i'm a bottom for you oh noooooo
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suiyuun-archive · 1 year
what is your opinion on those of mondstadt, dear commissioner.
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" hypothetically, if i were stuck in a situation with which fucking you would mean the demise of the universe and everyone around me would blow up or die - well, i would still fuck you. "
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" the same scenario applies to kaeya, of course. "
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kikun · 1 year
It’s really hard to pretend to be normal when you make me batshit insane. now hand over your fish.
"Do I look like a FISHERY to you?"
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supportingfire · 1 year
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he tries not to recall one of the last times he and diluc had a moment together when he sets eyes on the man for the first time in nearly eight years. not because he dislikes the memory, or finds it difficult to process, but because it felt like a lifetime ago, and the man in front of him now was not the boy he asked to take his first kiss. did he even remember? was he upset? thoma left without much fanfare not long after, only relaying his safety and whereabouts through a letter before communication stopped between nations.
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their history shouldn't be the first thing he brings up, which is why thoma's smile is genuine and bright when he arrives at the winery, diluc already waiting for him outside, "master diluc," he offers a hand to shake, ready to give a greeting he rehearsed in his head almost the whole trip out to mondstadt. instead, he finds himself saying, "you've gotten taller." // @dawnswine
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deificdeceit-a2 · 1 year
@dawnswine asked:
listlessly runs his fingers through zhongli’s hair before giving it an experimental tug. 😔✌️
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      It's not uncommon for someone to mess with long stands of dark hair. It's something he's come accustomed to with individiuals he's either close to or ones who don't seem to care for boundaries. 
      What the Adepti doesn't expect is to have his hair pulled unexpectedly. A strangled sound escapes his throat at the sudden tug. (did he enjoy it? hard to know) Yet he's regaining composure quickly, coughing briefly as he reaches up and removes the hair from the red heads hands. Even with the steady growing flush upon his face, he stares down at Diluc with a 'polite' but embarssed smile.
      "I'd appreciate if you didn't do that that." 
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
“  you’re such a fucking coward.  ”
more prompts for your feels.
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Ah, the Owner of the Dawn Winery --- known by many for his poise, for the tranquility with which he conducts himself. The very archetype of nobility, resolute and honorable. Only those who dare come close are rewarded with the opportunity of seeing through his veil ( if he so allows it ). How curious. So many are unaware that Diluc and fury often walk hand in hand. One drops the smallest of matches on the ground, and the next thing one is greeted with is a wildfire. It would be beneficial if Diluc learned to become less... intense, and instead learned a better coping mechanism. Keeping it all bottled up inside for years and years and then letting it all out at once can be emotionally catastrophic. Depleting, even.
Of course, the Captain dares not to invalidate his brother's feelings. Not when he often is the very root of the problem. Hm. Thinking about it, they are both alike in that department: both are inadequate when it comes to expressing themselves. One must wonder which is the better option: to be dominated by one's emotions, or to completely numb oneself to them? A headache-inducing conundrum, no doubt. Kaeya supposes he shall have to reflect on the subject for many more sleepless nights to come.
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As for being a coward... perhaps Diluc is correct. Kaeya is the avoidant type. And despite whatever Diluc is going through at the moment, despite all and every thought that might be crossing his mind right now, Kaeya simply stands there to embrace it. He shan't interject or defend his case ( his case is not even worth defending ).
Rare are the times when his older brother shares his inner thoughts. And if listening to what Diluc has to say will somehow help him manage to release some of his pent-up anger, then so be it. Kaeya is more than honored to be his target.
I'm sorry.
Words that have haunted him for years, yet truly never leave him.
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wendeiwisp · 1 year
@dawnswine replied: consider it an act of mercy to the rest of mondstadt.
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" I'll have you know that the people of Mondstadt love me! But you're not denying it? Master Diluc is such a dirty boy. "
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lalohefalter · 1 year
𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝔃𝓮𝓷 𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓭 ✉ ░ @dawnswine ― [  BRUISE  ]  for  your  muse  to  purposely  hold  my  muse  hard  enough  to  bruise
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❝ Get your filthy hands off me. Have you any idea who it is you've dared to insult with this boisterous display? ❞ A RARE moment of expressive anger ; shock, the harbinger momentarily stunned by the boldness of the high esteemed heir, threatening && mocking words rendered silence when his vice grip ensnared her.
The Fair Lady's snarl is inaudible, lips in a firm line as to quiet the heated emotions which threatened to ignite. Disgusting. Deplorable. He dares to gaze at her, to threatened her? A HARBINGER? A Snezhnayan diplomat? A true testament to the foolishness which harboured this nation.
❝ Don't get cute with me. ❞
To her surprise, he tightens his grip enough to hurt. In response, her bewildered expression can't be hidden so easily; filled with complete, genuine rage, a moments spark in her icy hues ━━━━ had she winced, had she given him that at all, she would never be able to face her fellow harbingers. Who was this man? Oh, she knew of him of course, all those delightful secrets gathered by the many spies which the fatui deployed ... but, he'd still taken her aback. Never could she imagine someone so lowly in her eyes to stun her, to hold her hard enough to bruise.
Had she not been engulfed by anger, humiliation sending her pride into chaos, she might have been impressed. Enough that she'd offer a wicked smile, a delighted hum at a new find. But he'd made a mistake treating HER this way. ❝ Is that anyway for a gentleman to behave? You best learn your place quick, you rat. ❞ She won't be removing herself from his hold.
Within shattered pride, Signora still manages to keep a SOMEWHAT level head; that was a blessing from Her Majesty herself, from the delusion which kept her sane ( which kept her whole ). Instead, she takes a step close, without her signature smile her expression remains stern, && prepared. The malice has nothing to sweeten it, no words filled with coy, no lovely, cynical tune to her voice; after what he did, there was only spite.
❝ What will it be? Are you so eager to rush to your demise? Such a SHAME, to ruin a pretty face. Well then, Ragnvindr, the choice is yours - shall we begin this dance? ❞
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longwandering-a · 1 year
🍒 for me uwu
Send me  🍒 + a url and i will write some positivity for them.
hi<3 you are such a joy to interact with and talk to and plot with! i think you have a really solid grasp on your muses and their inner workings and what makes them really unique. i really admire that and you as a writer! i hope we can be friends because i think you are really cool :D
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