#&& ;; in character.
shigayokagayama · 2 years
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petitoceanid · 21 days
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ@solere submitted an inquiry ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤI think you need a practice partner for kissing scenes
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FIRST OF ALL; No I do not, I have plenty of experience. (Lying). SECOND OF ALL; What experience in acting at all do you have? And not the lying type of acting, I mean acting on a STAGE. THIRD OF ALL: What experience do you have with ROMANCE ACTING? If you truly have any perhaps I will accept tips or pointers on how to make a scene more natural, but I expect you to work hard to prove your talent before acting to be my practice partner.
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usagimen · 3 months
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   "What even is a body count?" no one tell her specifically, she's quietly contemplating while pouring coffee then perking. "Is it how many you've managed to successfully taken down? I somehow fear that's not what it means"
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kotaerukoto · 14 days
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" Sure, it can be tiring, but... I think yard work can be pretty satisfying. My hands are a little dirty and scraped up, yeah, but I don't mind-- In a way, it's kind of like physical proof that I worked hard. "
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bad268 · 2 years
Empty (C! Dream Team X Reader)
Fandom: Dream SMP
Requested: Day 14 of Writing Inktober prompts instead of drawing!
Warnings: Depressed reader
Pronouns: You/your
W.C. 438
As always, my requests are OPEN
Writing Inktober 2022 Materlist
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They knew this was coming. As soon as you alluded to violence, something you tried your best to stay out of, they knew. One day, you would crack. They just did not expect it to be today.
They were running around L’Manburg, frantically looking for you as they knew that Wilbur was planning on blowing it up. It wasn’t until Sapnap saw you talking with Wilbur in an alley that they knew what was going to happen. Instead of immediately running to you, Sapnap went in search of Dream and George, knowing it would be easier to talk you down with all of them there. When they all came back, you were gone, and Wilbur was nowhere to be seen.
It is when they see Philza running towards the alley that they see a hidden button that a secret door opened up, and inside, you starring blankly at the only button on the wall.
“Y/N/N,” George said quietly as they all entered the room. You don’t acknowledge them. “What are you doing?”
“It’s crazy, isn’t it?” you started. “They hate us. They hate me. And I was one of the ones who built it.” You paused. You looked back at your three boyfriends. George looked upset, Sapnap looked angry, and you couldn’t see Dream’s face. You just smiled at them, but the glint in your eye did not show happiness. Your eyes were wild, and none of them could gauge your next move. You turned back to the wall before shouting, “The thing that I build this nation for doesn’t exist anymore!”
“Wait,” Dream interrupted. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t do whatever you’re thinking of,” Sapnap tried.
“It’s over,” you laughed as you pressed the button and TNT began exploding around the festival. Dream and Sapnap jumped to pull you back, from getting killed, while George was frozen in shock. Once it came to an end, your laughing stopped, and you signed, “it’s finally over.”
“Are you okay? Why would you do that?” Sapnap exclaimed burying his face into your neck, glad that you didn’t lose your last life.
“They hate me,” you said simply. You pointed out toward the citizens of L’Manburg who were all looking at the four of you.  “Look at them.”
“They don’t hate you,” George said, coming up behind you. Dream stood in front of you all, blocking the view of onlookers.
“Why would you do that?” Dream pushed quietly.
“I’m empty, so if you’ve ever loved me, kill me,” you said with a wavering voice and tears collecting in your eyes. “Please.”
~Y/N was killed by Dream with Nightmare~
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skysteppe · 1 year
STATUS: EXTREMELY FUCKED UP STAIRCASE IT'S NOT LIKE A NORMAL STAIRCASE IT'S CURLY >>> new team assemble! @howlighte , @galacticemperorsolaris , @cardhearted
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Yikes is right. He wasn’t even prepared to fight ghosts with his own team, now he’s gotta battle the ghoul realm with this guy, that kid, and Jack. Davaa’s deadpan exclamation of dread and frustration did little to portray he was actually perturbed. He was at least 2% perturbed.
The following deep sigh did more to get across the exhaustion. He scratched the back of his head, then craning his neck to survey his immediate surroundings. More tacky architecture. Super! 
Davaa cups his hands around his mouth as if about to shout. “YOOOOOO!” then he shouts. Just the three of them, and himself. “Huh. This sucks. Bet we're not even getting financial compensation, what if I develop a disease in 20 years?”
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sunsweets · 2 months
               "  ah,  sorry   ..   he's  not  bothering  you,  is  he  ?  "   a  nervous  chuckle  falls  from  roseate  lips,  aoife's  expression  twisted  into  a  mixture  of  concern  and  apology.   she  reached  down  to  pet  her  dog,  clearly  a  bit  older  in  age  but  still  very  healthy,  youthful,  and  vibrant  in  personality.   she  had  only  meant  to  stop  inside  pierre's  shop  for  a  few  minutes,  and  pooch  usually  did  well  to  stay  right  by  the  door,  sat  patiently  and  waiting  for  her  to  return.   but  clearly,  someone  of  interest  had  caught  his  eye.  
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"  i  hope  he  didn't  startle  you. he's a friendly dog.  "    pooch  meant  well,  after  all   –   even  now,  there  was  no  hostility  in  the german shepherd's  eyes  as  his  tail  wagged  to  and  fro,  mouth  open  as  he  panted  in  contentment.
open starter. mutuals only, pre established on acquaintances acceptable. aoife's dog, pooch, wandered off and approached one of the people in pelican town while she was shopping in pierre's.
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spyderdust · 3 months
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"hey! that shit's not fer fuckin' free! why do you think i live in a rent free fucking hotel?! i'm broke! give me my shit back!"
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islandiis · 4 months
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this was initially just a sketch in a sketch dump but I decided to do it up for fun and I am IN LOVE w the result. Lad :)
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kotaerukoto · 18 days
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>Guy who is still going to buy the next Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest (which will certainly be the equivalent of $70 in yen each) on release day
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moonprayed · 9 days
"i cannot believe you. your solution to getting out of an urge was to stab yourself. in the middle of the night. you stabbed yourself." there's a soft admonishment in fely'ene's tone as she sits next to secret, who has been laid down on the sleeping bag. "eilistraee help us all. you're lucky i still had anything left in me healing wise." she said. shadowheart's magic had been tapped out several hours ago, and they hadn't fully rested yet. still, fel knew that lurue looked fondly at her doing her few healing incantations from eilistraee using the fey's power instead.
fel's hands are gentle as the magic passes between them. "te curo." she murmurs, exhaling as she watches the wound close itself. "just lay there a moment longer, make sure you're actually fine before you try and sit up." it's a long moment of silence, "what was it?" the drow asks, her voice soft.
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-> A LITTLE STARTER. for @stilettobite.
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sinningjuror · 9 months
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ phantom will admit that it was mean on his end, teasing marvin when he was at work. in his own defense, though, he hasn't gotten the chance to get back at marvin.
⁺ so when he notices the 'read' underneath his texts, his grin widens. he crosses his legs and adjusts his position on the desk as he starts to write up another text.
Are you going to keep gawking? Or are you going to say something? Don't keep everyone waiting, now... ♥
@spicebook continued from here.
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petitoceanid · 21 days
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ @slaygue submitted an inquiry ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤi can be your partner i have experience acting : )
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Somehow I trust your "experience" even less then I trust Sir Kaeya's. What sort of romantic acting experience could you possibly have when your mind functions on violence almost all the time? There are times where you are shockingly sweet and tender, but more often then not we are having to keep you from destroying public property for fun.
So... 1. What experience do you have acting? 2. Is that acting experience romantic in any shape or form? 3. Can you put aside your violence impulses for 3 hours to do a whole stage production if 1 and 2 are positive answers?
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islandiis · 6 months
continued | @seborga
Always so hesitant at being so forward in his affections, it takes Fannar a second to actually relax. But then he does, he tips his head back so that he can smile properly up at Carlino in return. Ah, nice. This is nice.
"It's been a hell of a year," He replies, a little sheepishly. "There's nothing to forgive. I haven't always been around a whole lot, either— Did you do anything fun? Have you been well?"
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navihack · 24 days
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she's in an unfamiliar location, and also the only member of her friend group that wanted to browse the electronics section of this little shopping center out of town, on their second group road trip. upon spotting someone who at least looks somewhat familiar with the place, futaba attempts to get his attention. " h- hey, excuse me ! " she urges, trying not to be too loud amidst her social anxiety skyrocketing. " s- sorry to bother you, but, uhm— " oh, gosh, what do i say here— " do you— do you know where the computer parts would be ? if- if there are any here, i mean ! " oracle asks, hoping she'll get lucky and find something of a hidden gem in a place like this.
starter for @yosukeh.
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kotaerukoto · 2 months
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173cm (5'8~ish) is not short!
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