#datamined or whatever
Did johnny ever actually say shit about getting choked or did everyone collectively imagine that
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carryoncastiel · 6 months
I've finally took a look through the datamine and there is some interesting stuff in there. A lot of hilarious banter but these two I found especially funny
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Wyll: I'm probably going to regret this, but Gale - if I'm to be wed, would you like to make a speech? Gale: You've asked the right wizard. My oratory skills have left many a wedding guest weeping in their seat. (devnote: Honoured/very excited at the prospect of speaking at length. Oblivious as to why his previous listeners might have been left weeping…) Wyll: Promise it will last less than half an hour? Gale: I can promise it with feel like less than half an hour… (devnote: Trying to avoid comitting to a short speech)
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Nightwarden Minthara: You confound me, Wyll. You have all the illustrious iniquities of a warlock, and you choose to impress your partner with dancing? Wyll: Well I'm hardly going to say 'oh come here, have a hug in the arms of Hadar'.
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project-sekai-facts · 8 months
i know you don’t post leaks but i saw some people on twitter saying that pjsk leaks are over and i don’t use twitter much so i don’t really know the context, do you know why they’re saying that?
Yeah so because people were completely unable to keep the leaks within private circles and would set them as their pfp/banners on twitter and then interact with the official accounts, staff became aware of how widespread leaks are and tightened security.
Some of the bigger dataminers have said there’s no way to tell in advance anymore who will be on banners and we can’t even get basic story data because staff have made it completely inaccessible from the outside and aren’t adding data until much closer to release.
I think the most amusing part of all this is that the fandom has had years to learn. Staff have made consistent announcements saying that they are aware of leaks and will be tightening security, and then they do and leaks have been dropping closer to the event launch every time this happens. Starting from 2 months ago we stopped getting event characters a month in advance, then we didn’t get cards, and now we don’t get anything. Half this fandom is like 12 years old so idk what I expected to be honest.
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kowabungadoodles · 1 year
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Hey, maybe don't tell your deepest darkest secrets to an unknown AI who slid into your DMs
We all know this is a bad idea, right?
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littlegalerion · 7 months
So...are we just not going to explode over Balduran/The Emperor's age?
Because there's a serious issue there. Baldur's Gate was founded over several hundred years ago. Mind Flayers live to maybe 200, and that's it.
Apparently, there's a huge conflict of lore as BG1 and BG2 depict Balduran as a human, but BG3 depicts him as an elf?
Like.... discuss?
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n41r · 11 days
Is it possible for someone to datamine an arcade game?
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#he doesn’t care about music anymore -- you're probably right, i can't imagine why he would just say he's no good at instruments/notes/singing if this was his #1. he just wants the worship to continue, right?
He can’t play an instrument well, doesn’t practice or get better, has a proxy talk about “his” music, his singing voice sounds like deflation, flails around with expensive but atrocious costumes on stage, presents a string of word salad, kids’ voices, and other people’s families in “his” songs. His album promo is videos of zombie-like feet.
I just have to laugh. This is our rock ‘n roll savior.
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finexbright · 1 year
guys im really sorry to announce that i'm no longer a fan of louis.......i straight up datamine him
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stardoopy · 2 years
Also yea I’m doing a lot of work on the Wobbledogs wiki rn since its pretty barebones and some info can be expanded on. I hope that if i end up playing for a while I’ll be able to get more specific about certain odds n stuff
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thrilling-oneway · 8 months
what if the miku 16th birthday event was base virtual singer lims would that be fucked up or what
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miyanagateru · 11 months
what alls getting added in regulation d i dont fucking play these games
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Did johnny ever actually say shit about getting choked or did everyone collectively imagine that
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the OST’s just never going to come out is it
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autistichalsin · 5 months
I know I express dissatisfaction a lot about how hard it is to get Halsin upset at the player- how no amount of mistreatment from a romanced player will make him break up with them, how he NEVER asserts a boundary, how he tolerates even the most cruel comments. The rare times he expresses hurt, it still changes nothing about his interactions with the player and rarely costs more than one approval.
The reason I express this most of all with the new datamined dialogue is for two reasons: one, that one is so beyond the pale that it needs to be treated as evil, and should include Halsin saying so. But also, if Halsin won't even call it quits with a romanced player after THIS, it raises some really worrying implications.
Halsin should be allowed to have ONE situation where he'll go "no more" to the player's cruelty because... honestly? The pattern the writers established here actually makes me worried for Halsin.
Halsin rarely shows offense or anger at lines no matter how mean they are (even the player shooting down his romantic overture by comparing him to a deep rothe gets a hurt response but no loss of approval or scolding or anything). He stays with the player romantically even after they threaten to sell him back into sexual slavery in the new dialogue- he doesn't even lose a single approval point! And while he gets annoyed if the player toys with his heart by nearly breaking up with him multiple times and then changing their mind, even after the fourth time the player does this, when he says "sometimes it is difficult to love you," the implication there is clear- he still DOES love you. Even when he is deeply hurt by what you're doing, so much so that he straight up asks you, "does it please you to see me crestfallen?" and loses approval, he STILL doesn't break up with you or assert himself- he doesn't say next time is the last time, he doesn't call the player an asshole, nothing. He just takes it even when he gets hurt and upset again and again. In short: Halsin puts up with a LOT of manipulative, borderline abusive behavior from the player without more than an occasional ding in approval.
Then you add in Halsin's backstory of sexual slavery, him losing all of his family, being so socially isolated from his leadership role that he began to MISS being a sex slave, his sadness but quiet acceptance at the fact that everyone thinks his feelings can't be hurt due to his size, his survivor guilt over the shadow curse, and the fact that the player, even if they choose to mistreat him, is still the one who broke the curse with him, leaving him feeling permanently feeling indebted to them.
In other words: what the game is showing us ISN'T a wise and stoic, sage old elf who is just that unshakeable after all he's seen. They are showing us a man with so much unprocessed trauma and such a complete lack of personal boundaries that he is showing several warning signs he could easily end up the victim of domestic violence by a partner- whether that's evil!Tav or some other potential partner he might find after canon- without ever realizing it.
The other romanceable characters will dump you if you mistreat them or violate the terms of the relationship (I.E. sleeping with someone else when they made it clear they weren't poly). They all, even Astarion, have more willingness to stand up for themselves than Halsin does.
Halsin isn't a pushover, or at least, I don't think we're supposed to read him as one. He will fight whatever enemies he needs to. But when it comes to those close to him- and note that he calls the player his friend in ALL circumstances- he just refuses. The most is a ding of approval at times or a very quiet, quick comment that basically amounts to "that wasn't cool :( " before he moves on.
I know it wasn't what the writers intended, but it's what comes across in the text all the same.
(This is also why, on top of headcanoning Halsin as autistic, I am also firmly convinced he was bullied as a child- he just acts far too much like a grown-up victim of bullying)
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northlandcleric · 5 months
I’m going to finally go on a long ass rant that’s been building up for a while now:
I really fucking love how yall go and say “angry about Astarion kisses for whatever reason,” like yall don’t know.
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And to add, these pics are literal datamined dialogue that has been floating around for a while.
And then idk if you’re being deliberately obtuse, but wtf kind of response is this? Yall are just feeding that delusions at this point.
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Because yes! We do think Larian is only going to give something to one companion and not the others because that’s all they’ve been doing since release!!
For god’s sake, the company love child and thirst trap of the game has not only gotten extra content(that was confirmed by writer) to fit in perfectly with the Dark Urge origin, but they keep adding more shit for him! He already has a grand total of 9 scenes where 6 of them can be romance. The SENIOR NARRATIVE DESIGNER said they prioritized Astarion over the others.
Meanwhile, we have, on release:
Gale, who is so damned buggy that everybody knows him as the desperate, horny, still caught up on his ex, magical item consumer: 6 scenes with 3 that can be romance.
Wyll, whose romance and story is so fucking short it might as well not exist: 5 scenes with 2 that can be romance.
Karlach, whose story is not even damn finished properly: 4 scenes with 3 that can be romance.
Minthara romance has been bugged since the beginning.
All of these other companions that do in fact exist keep getting neglected, but yall have the audacity to freak out when his kisses are bugged? Heaven forbid.
And aside from the companion neglect, Act 3 is still bugged out. Content was cut in full release to the point there are too many loose ends and quests that go nowhere. And no epilogue.
I’m just tired at this point. Love the game, love most of the characters and even more of the side characters. And I really wish this was talked about further than Tumblr, but any other platform will get you mass attacked.
Anyway, doubt that this will get far, but hope I can at least help start some conversations.
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coquelicoq · 5 months
i can't stress enough that outside of this one moment in rogue protocol when murderbot wants to kill a human for betraying its sort-of clients but settles for the next best thing of menacingly hovering a drone in her face for 26 seconds while she's frozen in place by her armor, for the rest of the first four books mb is really only using drones for security purposes and doesn't have the time or inclination to be performing close-range facial analysis:
in ASR it doesn't seem to be all that familiar with drones outside of maybe using them to set a perimeter. it exhibits several other uses of drones as events escalate, but they're all related to protecting itself and its humans and getting intel on EvilSurvey. at no point does it mention watching a human with a drone; it's all "using drones to draw fire" this and "sending drones flying off in the wrong direction as a diversion tactic" that. et cetera.
it has no access to drones whatsoever in AC from what i can tell.
in RP it uses Ship's drones to record conversations between wilken and gerth, but it's not a participant in those conversations and it doesn't even watch them in real time. it also forgoes getting a good look at their weapons via drone because it thinks they would notice. later it takes control of a station drone to watch (from afar) their first meeting with don abene & co., but miki notices the drone and almost catches mb because of it, which freaks it out. then it hacks the combatbots' drones, but other than the aforementioned 26-second intimidation of wilken, it's too busy doing actual security work to use them to look at people.
in ES it accesses drones many times, including to observe its humans, but it only seems to actually control a drone to look at something one time, and only in order to zoom in on a suit logo. so at no point could it conceivably be directing a drone to get up in somebody's face, since it's just piggybacking on drones as they go about their normal business.
it does use cameras to watch people in the first four books, but in a much less obvious way: either it's using fixed cameras that are built into habitats/hoppers/whatever, or it's accessing mobile cameras (suit cams, station drones) but not controlling where those cameras go or what they're pointing at.
it's interesting, because while drones can be startling or intrusive, on the flip side, cameras that don't move don't draw attention to themselves and thus may make it easier to forget you're being watched (plus you have no way of knowing if that particular camera is being monitored at that moment or if it's just recording for later analysis). so in a way, having a drone in your face actively signals to you that mb is paying attention to you. it's making mb's gaze visible in a way it might not otherwise be. this changes the dynamic from "passive surveillance for datamining and threat assessment purposes" to "person actively choosing to pay attention to you in real time". one of these is covert and the other isn't; one of these holds the possibility of interaction and exchange and the other doesn't. maybe it puts a drone in your face to show you it cares.
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