#danny phantom dash
hugsandchaos · 2 months
Y’all know the concept of Danny getting a space-themed cape or cloak when he became the king or prince of the ghost zone? Imagine if the inside was also a sort of portal he can use to access outer space very quickly! I can see Dash randomly picking up what he thought was a discarded black blanket or something, but the inside has an entire galaxy pattern on it and Phantom comes flying out gasping for breath. Before Dash can ask anything, Phantom turns back to the cloak and shouts excitedly “I’M GOING BACK IN!!!” before flying straight into the cloak, disappearing into the cosmos.
Or even better, Sam and Tucker are looking at the cloak laying on the bed and Sam goes “Danny, I know you’re in there. You really need to come out and eat.” and the both of them hear “No!! I live here now!!” from the cloak. They managed to get him out eventually, and now he’s telling them all about it.
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Added my Dash in his OG clothes. For mine I just decorated his varsity jacket and shirt more.
What do I think? How would u want Dash to look? I’d love to know💖
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Today’s character of the day is: Dash Baxter from Danny Phantom
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they-bite · 5 months
i’m such an advocate for danny fenton on dash baxter violence it’s not even funny
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faeriekit · 6 months
#attempted murder for the ask game! 🌱
"...So I'm dead now," Danny ends his story, face in his hands.
"You were dead before this," Sam points out. She takes a bite out of her perfectly carved celery sticks.
"I know, but now I'm dead dead," Danny groans, earning a pat on the back from Tucker. "Like. Dash pushed me off a bridge. And sure, it was an accident, but come on! There's no way I could survive that if I wasn't...me! I can't, like, reappear after that! I should have been a goner!"
"I mean, it was probably an accident," Tucker adds encouragingly, continuing the patting. It's well meant but not helpful in the slightest. Danny groans.
"Congrats on faking your death by accident," Sam says through her celery. She offers Danny a celery stick in commiseration. He eats it, but it tastes like nothing. "Have any big plans?"
"I dunno. Die?"
"You did that already," Tucker and Sam point out.
Danny puts his face in his hands. "I... Did he even report me? Did he even report that he probably killed me? Like...to anyone?"
Tucker pulls out his newest PDA, Pollyanna. A few taps of the stylus. Some scrolling "...Nah, dude. No news, no cops. Legally, you're still alive."
And they sit there, in Sam's room, in silence, wondering how one of their classmates managed to mostly get away with murder.
"...Think he'll cry if you show up to school tomorrow like nothing happened?" Sam mutters, more out of spite than anything.
Everyone looks at each other.
"...Ten bucks," Tucker says.
"No bet. I do the scary eyes and he probably pisses his pants," Danny snorts.
"It's a deal," Sam decides. "All in on making Dash have a mental breakdown?"
Hands go in. One, two, three— Danny and Tucker whoop as their three hands go up, the two high-fiving as Sam holds in her cackle.
"Jazz is going to kill us," Danny snickers, almost guilty.
"After Dash killed you? Please. If anything, Jazz might fetch the Jack O' Nine Tails and kill him first."
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bet-on-me-13 · 3 months
Why are there so many gods here?
SO! One day, the Eternal Trio decided to Check if they had ant past lives using Magic.
They already knew that Tucker was the Reincarnation of some Pharoah, so maybe they were also some historical figures in a last life.
It does not go as expected.
Danny finds out that he was the Ancient of Space, and the reason Clockwork was so invested in keeping him from being erased from Time is because he's his Brother apparently.
Sam finds out that she was the Embodiment of The Green, and Undergrowths attempt at Adopting her was some scheme to become the Parent of his used-to-be Queen while she was in Mortal Form, therefore overthrowing her.
Tucker finds out that Duulaman was just one in a long line of the Reincarnations of the Sun God Ra, and that he had been quite a few more historical figures in the Past.
They were surprised to figure this out, but then they got curious.
They tested the Spell out on Jazz, and found that she used to be an Amazonian Goddess, alongside Pandora.
They test it on Dash, and find that he used to be Hermes, God of Travel and Speed.
Ellie was an Embodiment of something called the Speed Force, who was also a child of Space before their rebirth, apparently.
They slowly realize that almost every person of note in Amity Park is the Reincarnation of some kind of God or Spirit. And none of them seem to realize that.
Why are there so many reborn Gods in this town?
Constantine is actually asking himself the EXACT same question at that very moment, after a botched teleportation spell landed him in Amity Park.
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sharkfinn · 8 months
"You caught him!"
doodle based on a thought @blobghost had that operative L is dash's dad dash found phantom wounded, L found them both and praised his son for capturing him
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read blob's fanfic here!!!^^^^^
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horrendoushag · 10 months
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the designs of Dash's parents are from one singular shot of them in 'pirate radio' :)
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dashing-through-ecto · 8 months
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No thoughts, just the boys.
Original post is from This Post from @theplanetprince
Shitpost Comic Masterpost -> Link
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nerdpoe · 1 month
It's Dash's first time out of Amity Park, and he's just found another ghost! But like, one that's like Phantom! More solid and stuff!
He had to be smuggled out by his mom's sister twice removed, and he had to pack a lot of stuff. The entire time they were whispering about "going to ground" and "it's for his own good", but Dash was way too excited about leaving Amity Park to pay too much attention to that stuff.
The outside world is wild. Lots of people have powers like him, and the cops don't beat the shit out of them for it!
Okay well some do, but not like in Amity!
The internet is so much bigger and better than inside Amity, he has a rectangle with a screen that he can touch and it's a phone, there's this thing called tiktok, bluetooth is a thing that exists and that's wild, and...he's just really having a great time.
During a...ghost attack? Maybe not a ghost, just some dude with powers and issues throwing a tantrum.
While that guy attacks the twice removed aunt Dash is with, a ghost hero like Phantom shows up!
He has to talk to this dude!
He waits until he's finishing up wiping the floor with the idiot to speak up, though. Super rude to interrupt a fight.
"Hey! Hey, there's more of you guys?! I thought Phantom was the only one!"
In a blink, the ghost-like-Phantom is floating in front of him, eyes weirdly intent.
"There's other Kryptonians?" he asks, sounding shocked.
"Is that what you're called? Yeah, Phantom; he's in Amity Park."
"I've never heard of that place."
"Well yeah, no one's allowed to leave."
"Superman," his twice removed aunt speaks up, tugging Dash until he's behind her. "Please. The entire town is being targeted by the government, and anyone who tries to report it ends up missing."
The hero, Superman (what a lame name), hesitates, and then nods.
"Alright, lets get you folks to safety. We'll sort out the rest later."
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cookietastic · 3 months
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Had an art trade with @dashing-through-ecto 💚
They wanted some Dash and Danny 🍟🍔
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hugsandchaos · 22 days
You know what would be funny in the PenPals AU? If Dash was Alex’s babysitter.
Dash isn’t meant to him or anything, he’s actually really nice to Alex! They watch cartoons together pretty often, and talk about them. I think it’d be funny if one day, at the door, Dash says “wouldn’t it be cool if we watched cartoons with Phantom?” and Alex says “Yeah, but he’s asleep right now and mom says he really needs to rest.”
XD The look on Dash’s face when he looks at the couch and Phantom is fast asleep! In the house! On the couch!
He’s got bandages visible on his arm, so Dash listens and leaves him alone. If he didn’t and went over to him, the first thing Phantom would’ve done when he woke up and saw him is hiss. It was like some really creepy eldritch hiss, too, so it’s effective. Alex goes on to tell him to keep it a secret.
For some reason, Phantom isn’t a big fan of Dash and avoids being touched by him. Then again, he displayed similar behavior with Gerald and Evelyn at first, so they write it off as trust issues with anyone bigger or older than him. They’re kind of right, but it’s also more personal. He failed not having Dash touch him because the moment he found out Phantom saved Gerald, who he appreciates like an uncle, he went for a hug practically out of reflex.
He accidentally popped Phantom’s back like a bunch of firecrackers were in there and when he let go out of worry, Phantom just kinda. Fell to the floor. And now he’s glowing. He’s okay, just processing having his back suddenly popped several times at once, don’t worry.
Eventually, he’ll get used to having Dash around. I imagine that Phantom joins them watching cartoons because Alex invites him over, but he always ends up falling asleep five minutes in. He wakes up when it’s paused, too. Alex doesn’t feel upset or anything because of it, he’ll tell him everything when it’s done.
This is pretty much just an idea, but it’d be pretty cool! Not sure if I’ll add it just yet.
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zylev-blog · 5 months
It took a long time to get there, but Dash quit bullying Danny when he realized he was in love with the little twerp. By the time they were 15, Danny realized that he liked the new and improved Dash, and decided to give him a go and they became boyfriend.
Everything crumbled at 16 when Dash discovered that he was actually adopted, and his biological parents were Harley Quinn and the Joker.
When Danny told his parents about that, his mom looked confused. “Honey,” Maddie began, “Don’t you remember that you’re Batman’s son?”
“What?!” Danny blurted out. “Don’t you think I’d remember something like that?”
“We told you when you were five and you said you didn’t care about that.” Maddie reminded him.
Turns out, Dash wasn’t the only one with surprise parents. Now neither of them knew what to do.
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Short DPXDC Prompts #599
Dash works at the GCPD. It’s been an interesting first few weeks. He can’t quite understand why everyone is so afraid of these rogues that the Bats and the Birds fight.
The other officers in the station just thought Dash’s comments on the matter was just the new guy talking shit. They ate their words when the newbie brought The fucking Joker into the station in handcuffs single-handedly.
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daisyjoyflower · 5 months
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lilianade-comics · 1 year
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@thesoulspulse suggested in this post a while back that Vlad should have become Casper High's principal instead of Amity Park's mayor, and I completely agree. Would have been waaaaaay funnier and better preserved his status as a very personal threat/potential ally to Danny specifically. Plus, we could have gotten a really dramatic students vs faculty dodgeball game with Vlad vs Danny as the inciting force!!
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