plaquerat · 20 days
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How does it feel, knowing you can't go to H̷͙͇̜̖͇͓̻͙̥̟̯̘̑̿̔͘͜è̵̤͐͗̓͗̍͂́̂́̚͘̕͘ā̵̛̗̝̜̣̤̺̮̐̀̾͐̓̎̆̚v̴̛͓̐̿̒͆͐̎̏̉̀̃̚̚ě̵̡̼̯̘̤̺̲̜̠̜̮̰͑̅͋̓̅̄͊͘̕ͅn̷͎̗͈͉͚͂̾̌̍̔̽̄́̽̅̈?
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PSN: Some parental HCs
Because I dig thinking of character backgrounds that include family lines, here's Loboto's dysfunctional family.
WARNING: Ableism in both literal and metaphorical senses, parental abuse and medical abuse. Discussions of dystopic countries and war.
Father: Dr Cesare Loboto- Cesare claims he comes from a well-established merchant family in Italy. Only one of those things is true. His family came from a small fishing village that has survived for generations despite everything else going around them. A big reason for this is a long line of hydrokinetic and zoolepathic psychics. Naturally, the Loboto family hails from this line, though Cesare's parents were already second-generation immigrants.
Cesare doesn't as much hate psychics as he considers their existence just a genetic malformation that modern science can fix. This mentality meant Cesare's family has cut nearly all ties to him, as they still remember the old stories and consider psychics a blessing.
For all his ignorance and cruelty, Cesare has many regrets regarding his son. He knows the lobotomy and the further surgeries all but destroyed Caligosto as a person. As much as Cesare tries to tell himself he did what he had to, he knows deep down that he is responsible for Caligosto becoming a monster.
Mother: Sylvia Loboto (nee. Gresache)- Sylvia's family emigrated to America soon after the Grulovian War. It was a desperate move to escape the Gzar's reign and the monster that he used as his attack dog. Grulovians already had a dim view of psychics but Lucrecia Mux was the last straw for many.
Sylvia grew up hearing horror stories from her mother. Of psychic monsters and of their loyalty to dictators.
As such, Sylvia does not have a son. She never had a son. The thing that walks around carrying her eye colour is nothing more than a demon that pretended to be her son until it was banished. It still tries to pretend to be her son, but Sylvia knows better. This is how she justifies to herself the mental disconnect between her sweet Caligosto and the monsters her mother told her about.
General HCs:
- Though Cesare did not put much resistance against the surgery, Sylvia was the one who pushed for it the most. She hoped her husband was right and it was just a malformation. When Caligosto did not improve but degraded, Sylvia concluded that a psychic was always going to be rotten to their core and could not change.
-If Cesare had been the sole parent, it is very likely he would have never even noticed Caligosto was a psychic, let alone sent him to the surgery. While he saw being a psychic as a flaw, he never feared them. This does not mean Caligosto would have had an easy time and would have likely been dumped into an orphanage. -Caligosto doesn't know much about his family history, nor has he met any relatives outside his parents. Though he has more important things to think about, he does at times ponder where he comes from. -Other psychics from the Loboto-line are running about on American soil and in Italy. Caligosto has somehow not run into any of them yet and they would not know he was related to them. -It should come as no surprise that most psychics of the Loboto-line are fishermen or sailors, though some are pirates or marine biologists. Historically, the family was often associated with privateers and whalers.
-  The Gresache line is essentially dead, Sylvia was her mother's only child and any relatives drowned in the Deluge. This means Sylvia clings to what her mother brought from Grulovia.
- A lot of Caligosto's anti-psychic mentality came from the time his maternal grandmother died and he helped his mother pack up her things. Sylvia spent hours just ranting about how awful psychics were. Caligosto did not connect the dots between his powers and the horrid psychics his mother spoke of until the spoon incident.
-Grulovia does not have any changeling myths, Sylvia is just deep in denial. Because Cesare cut off his family and was in turn cut off, she has no idea where the psychic blood came from.
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idioticsky · 11 months
Hehehe! Another night without sleep but another story to write! (even tho it's not night-) here you go @doodle17
It had been weeks since Oleander came with his question, but Loboto couldn't get his mind off it, no matter how hard he tried. It stuck in his brain like an infection, spreading to all parts of his mind. What would Raz think if he knew? He can't know.
"Out of all the places for psychic brain farming, why did it have to be the summer camp?.." Cal thought to himself while looking over the plains Coach drew up.
"Hey papa!" Razputin said while running over to give his father a hug. "What ya up to?"
"O-Oh!" Cal scrambled to hide the plain from his son's sight, he also tried his best not to think about it either so he couldn't read his mind. "Just some work plains! I was trying to find another treatment for Gloria, but you know how hard it can be. Anyways, enough about that, what have I told you about sneaking away from camp at night?" Cal glared at his son, trying to change the subject.
"To not do it unless it's an emergency I know I know, but this time I really do have a problem!"
"Which is?"
"I can't sleep." Raz said with a smile, which his father couldn't help but return.
"What are we going to do with your Razputin?" Cal asked his son.
"Love your son." He replied.
Cal let out a small laugh before taking Raz to bed, then handing him over to the lung fish to take him back to his cabin.
Later that night, Loboto went to talk with Oleander. He knew he had to turn down working for him, for not only his son's but all the campers safety.
"Loboto, so nice to see you. How do the plains look?" Oleander said while pouring a small shot of whiskey.
"The plains look fine, while I'm more worried about at the current moment is how you got alcohol in a summer camp." Cal said, turning down a shot.
"Eh, when you work here, you know how to sneak a few things in."
"Whatever, I came to tell you that I can't do this! All this is cruel to the children, and as a father myself I can't be!-" Loboto was quickly cut off.
"Listen Cal, I get that you don't want to do this. But think of all the good it can do at the same time, we can wipe out those who think psychics should be 'fixed' in one way or another. You won't have to worry about the danger that they could bring to, oh what was his name again? Gaz?"
"Raz.." Cal corrected, intrigued by what the coach had to say.
"Right right, but Raz could be safe from people like them, you wouldn't have to home school him out of worry that something might happen, you wouldn't have to worry about exposing him to the world because of people like them. We can get rid of them all, how does that sound?" Oleander said, taking a sip of his shot while looking up at Loboto.
Could this be real, could they really do it? If they did, then Raz could see everything he ever wanted. He could be free from staying at home or camp all day and night. He could be happy.
".. ok, fine, I'll do your plan Oleander, but keep my son's brain out of it."
"Fine by me Cal, you got yourself a deal." Oleander said with a smirk. "You should head back, it's late and we have work to start tomorrow."
The summer was almost over, only two more days of camp, everything was going along fine now. The tanks powered by brains, great. Cal making sure his son never found out, also great. Now, how to get the brains without harming the kids.
"Oh no-" Cal thought. "This will be harder than I thought-" Cal sighed while trying to figure out how to do things. Then it hit him, an idea that made his stomach tie itself into a knot. What if he got Raz involved? He hated this idea from the bottom of his heart, but with so little time, he might just have to. But just in that moment, Raz showed up.
"Hi papa! Ready for a fun day of tag and hide and seek before camp is over?" The child looked up at his dad with stars in his eyes.
You see, today was a day where some kids had to head home early, so there was going to be a full day of games for the kids and parents to enjoy. But in the downside, if Oleander and Loboto wanted a decent amount of brains, they had to stike today.
"Yeah, yeah of course. But Razputin, I want to talk with you about something before we start." Cal met his son's gaze, the guilt of what he was about to ask hitting him like a truck.
"Yeah papa?"
Cal took a deep breath. "Razputin, you know I would never do something with the intention to hurt you, or anyone I care about for that matter.."
"So you'll understand why I need to ask you this.."
"I'm starting to lose the point here.-"
"I need you to help lure the other children into traps to steal their brains to put into tanks that will help make the world safer for you by getting rid of all the anti-psychic people out there!" Cal explained with lighting speed, then taking a moment to catch his breath. "That was a lot to say." Cal looked back at Raz, who had a look of horror and disgust on his face.
"Papa, I love you and everything, but what the actual fuck?!" Raz snapped.
"Raz I!-"
"No! No no no no no! I can't do that! They're my friends! The only ones I've made out of thorny towers and most likely the only ones I'll have since I can't got out into the real world! I won't hurt them like this!" Raz yelled, angry tears starting to form in his eyes.
"But Razputin! Think about all the good it could do! If this works, then we can make it so you can go out into the real world! You can make more friends then you ever would here!" Cal snapped back, his patience wearing thin.
"No! I won't do this for you! Even if what you're saying is true, this is just cruel!" Raz yelled back, the tears that had formed in his eyes just a moment ago starting to fall to the ground as he stared at his dad.
"RAZPUTIN LOBOTO! AS YOUR FATHER I COMMAND YOU TO WORK FOR ME!" Cal yelled, not wanting to let these words slip out, but they had.
His son looked at him with a face full of shock, no glaring, no nothing. He just.. looked at his dad, he never knew he could get that mad. Guess that was mixed in with the mad scientist gig he was in for awhile. Once Cal realized what he had done, the guilty feeling he had just a moment ago resurfaced.
"Raz.. I-I'm so-"
"Save it.. I get that your work is more important than me being happy right now" Raz said, looking down at the ground before running off into the words.
"Razputin!.." Cal called out, which Raz ignored.
"Raz! Razputin where are you?!" Cal called out, trying to find his son anywhere.
It had been hours since Raz ran off, the sun was setting and kids were heading home except for a few. All the games have been packed up and put away, and things were starting to close down at the camp.
Cal walked through the forest, pushing a few branches out of his way before coming to a clearing with a river. Odd. Where has he seen this before. No time to question that though, because where was Raz, sitting right next to that river of course.
"Raz!" Cal ran over and bent down next to his son, starting to examine him to see if he was hurt. "Are you alright?! No cuts no blood?!"
Raz stayed silent, but he nodded as a response.
"Listen Raz, I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry for what I said, for what I tried to do.. I just wanted the world to be safe for you, for you to be welcomed into society instead of being cast out from it like I was.."
Raz looked up at his father, willing to listen to him talk, but won't say anything in return.
Cal took a good look around before he began to speak. ".. You know, I never told you how I found you, but I think you're old enough to know now..
"I was walking out here one night, trying to find a new test subject for something, I can't remember what anymore. When I heard you crying. I followed the sound for a long as I could, but in the end, I wound up here. And I saw you in the water that's right in front your eyes, Razputin."
"Really?.." Raz said quietly, almost to the point where you couldn't hear him at all. But Cal did, and he nodded.
"From that point on, you were Razputin Loboto, my one and only child. The one person I love more than anything else.."
"Well if you cared that mush why try to put my friends in death machines?.." Raz groaned.
"I never wanted to Razputin, I wanted to refuse but Oleander got into my head and-"
"Wait, Coach Oleander was behind all of this?" Raz looked at his dad, confused and a little angry. His dad nodded to answer his question.
Raz grabbed his father's had and started to try and drag him. "We need to tell Sasha and Milla!"
Cal didn't want to get the Psychonauts involved but that what's going to happen now, so he followed his son all the way to the two agents, where they explained everything.
Oleander was caught and was going to be released from his job at the Psychonauts but Cal knew he could change, so hee tried to reason with the agents. And to his delight, it worked. Oleander was going to be suspended from his position for a while, but he wasn't going to lose it for good. Although he did need to do some therapy or something to change his ways.
Once that was all said and done, Raz hugged his dad.
"Sorry for running off Papa.." he said, not bothering to look up at his dad, who smiled while hugging back.
"I'm sorry for going along with Oleander's plan for so long.."
"Yeah you really screwed up there." Raz said with a little laugh.
"I really did." Cal laughed a bit with his son.
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doodle17 · 10 months
Hi welcome back to me screaming. I got another dadboto brain smush, but this time it was only half from posts. It was from me watching a silent full gameplay of the first game. It’s like watching a little 12 hour movie~
The dadboto au actually works really well with the games opening if you think of the fact that raz’s exsistance is an open secret. Cause you posted once (I think) that campers would do tests of courage by going to thorny towers only to be towed back to camp by raz and Linda plus I get the vibe that Loboto was really protective of raz going places because of his phychic-ness. Stay with me I’m leading up to something good I think.
The only people that actually know raz exists are the campers of whispering rock. He’s made good friends with the returnee campers like lili and she introduces him to others when she learns of his sheltered home. She thinks raz’s life/home is really cool and wants to spend all day hanging at his place.
The campers don’t even try to hide it, they freely talk about raz even when sasha, mila, and oleander are present. Thing is! They don’t think raz is real. They think he’s some kind of imaginary friend/game/hallucination that the kids made up. A kid living in an abandoned asylum with a mad scientist dad and a giant lungfish for a sibling is pretty far fetched. But mila encourages Sasha and oleander to play along. Cause imagination 🌈.
You should have seen how confused they were when they caught raz watching oleander’s introduction. The face sasha made when the kids calmed down because “it’s just raz guys” was pretty funny. Although how would you react to a scrawny, bandaged, bouncy kid wearing straight jacket and scarf in the middle of summer smiling like a madman and somehow knows all of the children your supposed to be watching
Sasha: “You broke into a highly secret government area”
Raz: “what like it’s hard? I live next door!”
Lili: “how come you never joined before?!?”
Raz: “cause dad said I was too little or something. But this year I’m finally old enough to start my psychonaut training! As long as I come home to check in before bed”
Omg I LOVE these ideas!! Honestly the thought of Raz being just some cryptid/imaginary friend/literally some made up creature to the adults is so fun to me.
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And also the thought that (almost) every camper knows who Raz is great
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Im also a very big believer that Raz has always watched each camp meeting for a couple years since he could first climb trees. That's how he pretty much memorized all of Oleanders speech
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mirchloe · 3 months
(throws dart at dartboard) under the cut, a variety of headcanons about the bozos (bobby, benny, chloe and mirtala). (brief mentions of abuse)
i like to imagine bobby has a tall, but somewhat heavyset build when he's an adult. that one post going around about "character who has struggled severe hardships gains weight to show they are now healthy and in a better place" is a trope is really think suits him, being that he's malnourished as a kid.
i don't think i care too much about the dadboto idea after all these years, though i have dabbled in it infrequently. i'm mostly neutral on it and just shrug my shoulders at any involvement of the lobotos in bobby's life since, personally, i don't feel they add much to bobby's character. his visual cues alone (torn clothing, yellow and missing teeth, severe overbite and gingivitis, matted hair, etc) suggest a worse home life and continued neglect.
i also don't think benny cares too much about bobby. yes, he definitely jumps at the chance to be around him and bolster his confidence...but immediately ditches him the second he learns oleander is ready to take over the world. he wants someone he can stand behind, then allowing him to bully and demean others. he's a lickspittle through and through as a kid, and honestly, his two-faced personality is great. he hates chloe because she's getting in the way of bobby being the top dog because it'll open a gap that pushes benny out.
as an adult, chloe just snags her boyfriend and girlfriend's clothes. she is wearing the most beautiful shawl and oversized baggy jeans. she also has a tendency to stay up for days whenever they're away, and when they come back, she's speaking cygnan and in need of human contact lol. she can be clingy, so she is walking directly into them and climbing on their backs.
"did you girls know-" (on the couch, bobby proceeds to go on the longest fighting game trivia rant known to man while playing a video game and chloe is listening intently while mirtala has conked out on her lap a quarter into bobby's rant)
mirtala likes dressing up herself and chloe, but she's enamored when chloe takes her eye makeup because chloe is, somehow, the best at it!!
bobby and mirtala go out on metamour outings, but chloe is mad because those metamour outings involve sneaking into the movies, and they've been banned from every movie theater in like a twenty mile radius. (they keep getting in tho - they're not paying for tickets, even if chloe is annoyed)
i don't think any of the aquatos are twins. to me, their ages are dion is about sixteen going on seventeen, frazie is fifteen, raz is ten, mirtala is seven going on eight, and little baby queepie just turned four or five or whatever. he's giving different ages to mess with people. also, queepie beefs with chloe when he's a teen. he thinks she's a total nerd, and chloe is just, "get sucked into a black hole, protoplasm."
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junkpile-of-eterna · 2 years
Heads up for my new fic:
I didn’t want to put all this in my author’s notes because it would be a miniature novel, but here are some things you won’t see in “Waters Old and New” and also some things I purposefully changed/ignored for personal preference. 
--Cal’s age. I know there is reasonable canon evidence to suggest that he is very old, possibly over 70, I was just very surprised to learn that, as it didn’t seem right to me. In my fic, I’m writing him as being older than Sasha and Milla, but not by a lot. I’m estimating like about 46. 
--Dadboto. Another thing that confused me, and a headcanon I didn’t really care for, even if there is canon evidence for it. There will eventually be an alternate explanation for the “I left my kid there” line, though. 
--I am very confused about Sasha and Milla needing to go back to camp in only a week. Hasn’t it only been, like, four days or so since camp ended? And it’s a summer camp, so shouldn’t it only run for a month or two in the summer? Correct me if I’m wrong, I never actually went to a sleepaway camp (I only ever went to a week-long day camp). So, for this fic, I’ve been under the assumption they have months worth of time to hang around. 
There might be other oddities that come up, but that’s all I can think of for now! 
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mr-viwick · 3 years
Future Plans
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A small comic featuring my version of Loboto at age 17/18, getting asked about his future career by his mother, though only given the illusion of a choice.
[Note: in this Version his parents had him undergo a brain surgery some years after the lobotomy due to a small residue of psychic powers/ general issues with the after effects of said lobotomy, trying to “fix” him further.]
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snailcubezz · 2 years
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now I'm considered ugly from every angle
(rbz > likez)
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berrymimes · 3 years
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Oh Lobobo… 😔💔
(original meme format below)
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honeyfluff-does-art · 3 years
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I think Loboto deserves to regain his powers and give his parents hell.
As a treat.
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Some random psychonauts sketches I never posted ^^;;
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sparklesphobia · 3 years
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~Bedtime Story~
I really like the idea of Loboto being Chloe's adoptive dad and just trying his damnest to be a good Dad. He's not great, but isn't terrible either! And every night he will read Chloe all sorts of Space fun facts as to ease her into sleep (inspired by @bigasswritingmagnet)
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One thing that has been left unexplored about Loboto in fan content, is the hilarity of his height and what that meant growing up. Because imagine this, you have paid for a VERY expensive surgery(/surgeries) for your kid to have him be as normal as possible. Possibly had to pay extra due to his age and even get him a prosthetic arm. Then this kid hits the teens and suddenly he is eating the fridge empty and still wanting more. He grows out of clothes within months and to your horror he has sailed past the typical clothing sizes. And you think “Well, I’m rich, I’ll just buy him bespoke clothes.” Plot twist, the fucker is STILL growing and STILL eating like a horse. The time he stops growing? Well past seven feet tall and no clothes fit him right. So your little sweet project that you put all your hopes (and a lot of cash) into being normal? Has a very visible heterocromia, had unnatural powers and now has brain damage and regularly hits his -face- on doorframes. So, up yours dadboto and momboto, the universe decided your kid would not fit the mold and nothing you did could stop it.
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vivia-loude · 4 years
Strange shitpost animation time is 1am for me
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doodle17 · 11 months
Hi welcome back to me screaming. The part if the shoe where I dump a bunch o’ nonsense in yo inbox cause your dadboto au’s give me ideas.
I have no idea if this works timeline wise but Sasha and Mila have been working at the camp for a good few years now. They’re taking a break during dinner and admiring the scenery, when they see thorny towers. At first they don’t care cause that place is spooky and super abandoned.
Until they see a figure at the very top of the tower throwing something up and down. Cue intrest, so Sasha grabs some psycho-binoculars (psynoculars if you will) and sees…. Is that a baby!?! Is that man throwing a baby!!?
But don’t worry folks, it’s just Loboto and raz playing upsi-daisies. Raz likes doing it at the top of the tower cause he has faint memories of people holding him and swinging from high places. Loboto is happy that raz is happy and has no intention of dropping his baby. The rest of the thorny tower family would like Loboto to be a normal parent and stop doing this. Spoiler they will do it again.
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And also, you are 100% correct my friend, they WOULD do this. I actually like to think that Loboto just loves tossing his little baby around and Raz loves being tossed around. We all know Raz has plot armour anyways and Loboto is surprisingly agile.
Also the part with Sasha whipping out his spy goggles made me laugh so hard
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sisyphus-prime · 4 years
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Yeah I fuckin' hate them
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