ave661 · 28 days
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temeyes · 1 month
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nibble (photo ref here!!)
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chaosandmarigolds · 14 days
“Momma, guess what.”
“What’s up, buttercup.”
“Ister Riley and Riley- we went to da park.”
You sit still in the drivers seat for a moment, “Who’s Riley?”
“He’s a puppy.”
“You have a dog?”
“Hi love, n’ yeah- got a mutt.”
“And you didn’t…think to tell me?”
You hear Simon falter as he thinks, a little grumble coming through the phone, “Eh, at firs’ didnae’ if Riley would like kids- never been round em. So I eased to it. Only took him on a walk wit Olls two days ago.”
That seemed valid but nonetheless. “Riley is a -?”
“Shepard. T’ree years old.”
“And you named him Riley.”
“Wanted to name em K9, Kyle said he would neva speak me again.”
“When we get another dog, I’m naming them.”
He seemed to get a kick out of that, “Yesmaam.”
(Lil dribble Drabble. Because I know I sometimes add Riley and sometimes I forgot get exists 😭)
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 month
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Brainrot of how Simon "Ghost" Riley and John "Soap" MacTavish both have a wives and a baby but somehow end up with babies who are complete opposite.
Simon's little baby is this giggly absolutely talkative baby who frankly felt like inherited nothing of Simon's personality at all. Little one was just this bubbly thing that brought out the best in Simon.
They were too curious for his liking though, it felt as if the whole house needed to be made out of pure cotton blankets. Extreme clinginess as well, would not let go of Simon's shirt that he was terrified it would rip.
Johnny's baby was the exact definition of nonchalant, they were silent yet interactive. All the while Soap does all the talking, the baby just sits there and stares at him with their huge eyes making him wonder if they were processing anything he was saying, occasional grabby hands too.
Always praising and very involved Johnny sets up playdates. It was kinda upsetting for him to see his baby not going after him, following him around begging to be carried like Simon's kid who's basically a Velcro baby.
Though it was interesting to see the two babies essentially balance each other out. Especially at nap time when the two little ones just unknowingly cuddle up each other.
(If y'all know Baby Zoya and Toddler Charlie from TikTok, they were the inspo for this)
My CoD Masterlist
A/n: OMG I've been gone for almost two weeks and apologies for that, with my birthday 4 days ago and my prom night yesterday, it was a heck of a time. There's so many impending school works for me to catch up on. I missed you guys so much, something in my prom night happened that's worth writing about thanks to a friend of mine saving me from a creep. I feel like it would fit a Royalty/Fantasy fake dating AU.
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simping4konig @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @thelightdjinnofpalestine @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @the-second-sage @starryylies @everlastingmoonlightsworld @keiva1000 @iexiam @drewsmusee @konigceo
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cmncisspnandmore · 6 months
Imagine being in a relationship with Dad!Simon and Dad!Johnny.
“Sweetheart?” Soap calls from upstairs, his voice echoing down the stairs.
“Love?” A second voice calls.
You put your finger to your lips. Shushing the small children in front of you. One standing in an emptied tactical vest. Her bright blue eyes looking back at you as she covers her mouth with her hands to quiet her giggles.
The other sitting on the floor, a skull balaclava over his head, but his whole face still visible due to the large size. His bleach blonde hair sticking out, and falling into his deep brown eyes. His own gummy smile matching his older sisters.
“Yes?” You call back, trying to hide the smile that creeps into your voice as your son reaches for you. His chubby toddler hand grabbing at the two sets of dog tags around your neck.
“Have you seen my vest?” Johnny calls.
“Or my balaclava? I swore I left it on the dresser..” Simon’s own voice calls. There’s soft murmuring at the top of the stairs as your husbands talk amongst themselves trying to figure out where their missing gear could be.
“Nope, haven’t seen them. Maybe they’re in the kitchen? I did do laundry the other day, maybe they got put in the basket.” You suggest, as your daughter giggles wildly into her hands. She knows her dads will have to pass through the living room where the three of you are sitting.
Two pairs of boots thud down the stairs as your husbands make their way through the house. Not even bothering to question you. As Soap and Ghost round the bottom of the stairs they pause. Smiles breaking out on their faces as they take in the scene in front of them.
You’re sitting on the floor cross legged, your back to them as your children peek around you. Your daughter losing her battle of containing her giggles. Your son clapping wildly as he sees his dads.
Your son is the first to move, his little arms and legs moving as fast as he can as he crawls across the floor to grab at the laces on Soaps boots. A babbling of ‘dada, dada,’ and baby screeching follows him.
Johnny reaches down and plucks the small child up off the floor, a huge smile on his face as he tickles him. “LT! Did you fall in the fountain of youth again?” Soap laughs, as the toddler laughs and screeches.
“I didn’t realize you liked sparkly pink nail varnish,” Simon grunts as your daughter laughs, pushing past you to stand in front of Simon.
“Daddy! Look I’m Dada!” She smiles, as Simon crouches down to her level.
“I see that Lovie,” he smiles, reaching out and poking her nose.
“And Brother is you!” She points to her brother, and looks up at Soap. “See Dada! It almost fits me!”
Soap sets your son down on the ground, also crouching to her level, “aye lass, soon you can go to work for me yeah? I can stay home with Mummy.”
“Mummy said one day I can be superhero’s just like you and Daddy,” she states proudly, as Soap reaches out to unclip the vest. Your son crawls over and starts tug at the mask on his head.
“Maybe one day, Lovie,” Simon mumbles as he pulls the mask off your son’s head, and presses a kiss to the blonde toddlers head.
“Here,” Soap says and he pulls the vest off your daughter, “Daddy and I have to go to work, okay?”
Your daughter face falls, “but you just got home..” she mumbles.
“I know baby, it’s just for a few days,” Johnny frowns, pulling the small girl into his arms and hugging her tight.
Simon stands, your son in his arms as he walks over to you and offers you a hand. You smile, putting your hand in his as he pulls you gently to your feet. “Looked like you needed some help,” Simon smiles. His hand sliding down to rest on the round bump of your stomach.
“Well if you two didn’t make such huge children maybe I would be able to get up off the floor,” you scold, a playful smile on your lips.
“Sorry Love, but I can’t help it. There’s just something about you carrying our children that makes us wild,” Simon whispers in your ear as he presses a kiss to your cheek.
You wave him off, as you watch Soap talk softly to your daughter who is doing her best to hold back her tears. She hates when they leave, and now that she’s older, the passage of time is a bigger deal to her. She knows that sometimes the few day trips turn into weeks and she hates it. For the most part she was a good sport about it. She would draw endless pictures and take videos for Simon and Johnny. But after Johnny got hurt on a mission, a gunshot wound to the shoulder she’s been more anxious about their leaving.
“Lovie,” Simon calls, as you take your son from him. The toddler settling into your arms, his hands grabbing the dog tags to stick into his mouth. Your daughter turns around. Blue eyes filled with tears, as she walks over slowly, her head slightly down.
Soap gives you a sad look as he walks over, and kisses your cheek. His hand following the same path that Simon’s took as he softly strokes your stomach. Simon leans down, eye level with your daughter as he talks to her.
“I know you’re scared that something bad is gonna happen to Dada, or me. But I promise you, I won’t let anything happen to him okay? Just like he’s gonna make sure nothing happens to me. I promise, I need you to be big, and take care of Mummy for us alright? Help her with your brother okay? Can you do that for us?” He asks softly brushing her hair behind her ear.
“I-I think so,” she mumbles, her voice soft.
“I know you can,” Simon brushes his fingers through her hair. Simon picks her up, and hugs her tight. Your daughter looks at you and Soap over his shoulder.
“Be good okay?” Soap smiles at her, and then looks down at your son. “And you mister, don’t cause too much trouble.”
Your son smiles and smacks his hand against Johnnys chest. “I don’t think he knows how to not cause trouble,” you mumble earning a laugh from your family. It was no secret that your son was a handful, taking after Johnny more than Simon. The image of him sitting in the fridge after he learned how to climb flashes in your mind.
“Okay Lovie,” Simon says, setting your daughter down. “Can you bring your brother to the playroom, so we can talk to mummy?”
“Okay Daddy,” she puts on her best smile and takes the toddler from your arms, holding his hands to help him walk to the playroom. As the door closes both Simon and Johnny move to stand in front of you.
“You gonna be okay?” Simon asks, his dark eyes on you.
“I’ll be fine Simon,” you smile, resting your hands on top of your bump.
“I know we’re leaving awfully close to the due date, I’d hate for to be alone when the new babe arrives,” Soap worries, as he pulls on his tactical vest.
“I’ll be fine, if something happens I’ll call Laswell and she’ll have both of your asses on the next flight home,” you roll you eyes. “Now go,” you wave them away, towards the kitchen.
“You don’t have to do that,” Simon grunts, pulling you into his arms by your hand.
“Do wh-what?” You mumble your voice tight, as tears burn in your eyes.
“Pretend that you’re made of stone,” Soap finishes Simon’s thought, as he also wraps his arms around you.
“We’ll be back Love, before you know it,” Simon kisses your hair.
“And in one piece too,” Soap adds.
“Promise?” You mumble into them.
“We promise.”
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sgrplumditz · 25 days
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Simon falls for Johnny’s wife…
render by @ave661
a/n: I’ve been working on this for a hot minute, but ended up having it sit in my drafts for a couple months :(. these images were released and it definitely struck a chord in my delulu mind. hence why i decided to finish it..
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"I've got a bad feeling about this one, Johnny," she said to the Scott with a shaky breath. Their toddler clinging to his mother's leg while keeping a tight grip on his father's finger. His little hand too small to grip the entirety of his hand.
She couldn’t help but notice his worrisome sigh as he looked for the comforting words, "Eh, don't you worry, Darling. I always come back don't I?" he replied enthusiastically as he embraced her figure, his chin resting on the top of her head and his free hand caressing the back of his son’s head. Johnny always knew how to comfort her, but she couldn’t shake her nervousness and doubtful thoughts as he said goodbye to her husband and the father of her only child.
The memory of their final interaction as a family replayed in her head continuously as the rain created soft tapping noises on her black umbrella. The pattering of the water creating an almost hypnotizing effect on the new widow that kept her mind on the only aspect that was left of her late husband -- memories.
The toddler, a three-year-old boy, who like most of the time clung to his mother's body. Except this time he was fully embracing his mother, his little face placed into the crook of her neck as the pair stood together at the outdoor memorial service. She could only stare blankly at the urn that held the remains of the love of her life. Through her observant stare she took note of the simple, yet lovely set up of white roses, numerous awards and medals. All of which surrounded a framed photo of her Johnny — her favorite photo. A candid picture snapped of the blue eyed, dark haired man by his wife — the woman he kept a secret from his work life. Not out of shame, or malicious secrecy — Johnny loved his wife and his child. Love them so much that he couldn’t be bothered ever putting them in any sort of danger.
She could feel numerous pairs of eyes prying into her and her son as she stood amongst the medium sized crowd of individuals. She assumed all of them were teammates, Co-workers, or people simply paying their respects. she knew he was a highly decorated soldier, but he was far more than that. None of them knew about his personal life, and nobody knew about the widow and small boy he had left behind. Nobody but Captain John Price knew about Soap’s little family. In confidence, Soap had asked Price to maintain word of his wife and son under the rug of the sake of their safety. Although they were hidden, he always carried pieces of them with him wherever he went — attached to his dog tags were two small and silver flat pendants that had been engraved with his wife and son’s fingerprint, his wedding band usually accompanying them on the same chain whenever he was deployed.
When Johnny was home he never removed his ring. He would often complain about how difficult and stubborn the piece of jewelry was when it came time to remove it for work. Johnny thought he was as discrete as he could be when it came to protecting the two most important people in his life, but there was a certain masked individual who took notice of the tan line that marked his left ring finger, the sudden dark under eyes and disheveled appearance that started 3 years ago when they would meet early in the morning for briefings, and when he caught sight of a vomit stain decorating the left shoulder of his black t-shirt — he just wasn’t one to pry.
Those same observant eyes were glued to the grieving widow and the blue-eyed toddler.
Her mind was pulled out of thoughts as Price approached her with a warm and tender expression in his eyes. In his hands were the dog tags, along with his keepsakes of his beloveds and in a small box was the wedding band. All of his personal belongings packed neatly into a box. Price knew he didn’t have to say anything to her for her to know that he was paying his respects to Johnny’s wife. Prior to the memorial service she had made it clear to Price that she wanted him to keep his ashes. She found they would get at least some closure from releasing them.
As Price drew her small frame in for a polite hug her son grew restless in her arms. She knew he was too young to understand that his father was gone, but it was clear that he was uncomfortable and upset from the lack of him. "Mama, it's cold" he fussed as he smushed his face farther onto her neck, "and your feet are getting wet. You're gonna catch a cold". She gave Price an apologetic smile as she turned her attention to her son now — Price had taken it as a signal to retreat. He now stood with two other men.
She couldn't help but smile at the innocence and kindness that exuded from her son. She gently patted his back to soothe his discomfort, "How about we get out of here and get some lunch?" she tried to speak in her most joyful tone, but even then it was coated in sorrow. The boy did not catch on to her somber response, and instead eagerly nodded his head as he perked up to look at his mother. That is when she realized how similar their son, Samuel, looked to his father. He mirrored him in nearly every aspect -- the eye shape and color, the dark hair, and even the mannerisms were similar. This could all be a fragment of her imagination -- she thought. Maybe it was part of her grieving process. She missed him so much that she began to look for him and could only find him perfectly in their Sammie. She was so consumed by her thoughts, that she had not realized the single salty tear that slipped out of her eye and down her cheek. Samuel hated to see his mother cry, he quickly brought his tiny hands up to her cheek and wiped it away with a slightly heavy palm. Usually, he would verbally comfort her — as best as a toddler could do, but all he did was lean forward to place a gentle kiss on his mother's forehead, "This always makes you feel better when Daddy does it". Does -- in present tense.
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She could not tolerate being at the memorial service for much longer, and neither could Samuel. She had buckled him into his car seat and handed him a strawberry and banana squeezable fruit pack and crackers to ease his rumbling tummy in the meantime.
However, as she closed the car door and turned her back to face the crowd of people one last time she was instead met with a tall, burly build of a man. His face was hidden by a balaclava, leaving only his eyes on display. But the rest of his face was not necessary to note that he was also grieving. She noticed him within the crowd of the memorial service as well -- she assumed that was one of Johnny's friends, but did not bother to congregate with anyone since Johnny kept his personal life completely separate from his work life. And if she was being honest with herself, she did not have the emotional stamina to socialize with people that spent months out of the year with her late husband.
"Sorry. Can I help you with something?" she asked the brute man. She stared up at him with her eyes slightly shut to avoid water from getting into them.
"He’s Johnny’s" was his only reply. For a moment she only blinked and stared at him and noted the heavy English accent. The mention of her late husband’s name stung as she now was fighting back tears. Yes, he is Johnny's son. His pride and joy -- was what she wanted to say, but she could barely muster up the strength to nod her head.
She could tell that the individual's lips tightened into a line by the way the fabric of his mask slightly stretched. "My name is Simon. I was a friend of Johnny's..." he attempted to continue speaking, but all he did was nervously rub the back of his neck. "Johnny meant a lot to me, a real friend of mine..." he trailed off again.
She knew he was grieving, but it was a different type of pain. She sensed guilt within his sadness, but she knew better than to ask about any specifics. Her kind nature and maternal habits took over as she saw Simon struggling to find his words. For whatever reason this man decided to make himself emotionally uncomfortable to introduce himself, she figured there would be no harm in easing his mind.
She knew who Simon was since Johnny would bring up his friend "Ghost" every now and then "I know who you are" she smiled warmly trying to be the emotional rock between the two, "How about you join us for some lunch. I think Sammie would love to talk to and get to know his Uncle Ghost" she spoke eagerly in an attempt to lighten the mood -- something that was usually Johnny's role.
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The three of them sat in a booth within a homely diner. The rain had completely let down at this point, the large drops of water hitting the roof of the diner with loud individual pats. Her hands were wrapped around a warm mug of coffee as she stared out the window watching blades of grass be temporarily smooshed by the inclement weather. The waitress had refilled her mug causing her gaze to turn towards her, her eyes softened and she gave the waitress a subtle nod to thank her. It was then that she realized that her son was wearing the ghost mask that was once on Simon. There was a glimmer of joy in Sam's eyes as he stood on the booth and gently hopped toward his mother to show her the "cool mask".
"I look so cool!" he exclaimed which only caused a chuckle to leave both her and Simon's mouths as the toddler's face was completely exposed through the eye hole on the mask -- his features obviously too small to fill the mask in the same manner. Upon hearing the slight laugh she turned to look at Simon, who she was surprised to see with dirty blonde hair. He was overall a handsome man, something that anyone would notice at first glance, but his eyes always conveyed a lot of emotion. Right now it was amusement tinged with pain as he stared at Sam. She knew he also noticed how strongly he resembles Johnny, and a part of her found comfort in knowing that she was not grieving alone. The way he looked at Sammie made her feel warm. She sensed that Simon knew Johnny deeper than most of the people at the memorial service — knowing that she found herself smiling at the thought of her being able to cherish Johnny’s memories with someone else.
The waitress had arrived with everyone's meals. Sam did not hesitate to dig into his plate. The toddler abruptly grabbed the bottle of syrup and drenched his pancakes in it. His careless behavior causing some of it to spill onto to the table, "Use your table manners please" she spoke sternly, but softly to the boy as she slipped him a napkin and a set of covered utensils.
"He looks just like him" he spoke in a gentle and respectful tone. His eyes rested on Sam -- who was now too focused on using his utensils properly to pay attention to the conversation happening in front of him.
Her hand wiped a strand of dark stray hair away from his forehead before she turned her attention toward Simon, who was now looking at her, "Yeah. Carried him for 9 months and he's got the nerve to look just like his father" she shrugged with a pained smile — her attempt to lighten the mood once again failing, "but I wouldn't have it any other way".
Simon took note of the sorrow hidden within the smile as his own face mirrored it out of empathy.
A few minutes had gone by and Samuel was still working on his meal, Simon had quickly eaten his, and she played with her food, tossing it around all over her plate in a desperate attempt to distract herself. How embarrassing would it be to break down at a family diner. "You should eat your lunch" he spoke. The deep voice dragging her out of her spiraling thoughts.
She glanced down to look at his empty plate and her contrastingly full one. Casually shrugging off his suggestion she set her fork down and let out a soft sigh, "I'll just take it to go. I don't really have an appetite at the moment" she spoke in a casual tone — too causal of a tone. She was normally a social person, the type to be able to engage in conversation with any type of person for hours. Her personality was magnetizing in the sense that she was an incredibly open minded person, which only made her a vessel for hundreds on conversations, all of different topics and tones — a quality that Johnny loved about her. She was one of the few that would keep up with his mindless thoughts and nonsense ideas. That is where she was at the moment. In her mind she was thinking about the woman she was before she got the gut wrenching knock at her door. The knock where she was told by Laswell and Price that her husband was gone. “Killed in Action” were the words they used. “He died saving the world” was something Price added.
Sure he had died saving the world, but her and her son’s was destroyed. She was never a selfish person, but in that moment she wished the world would burn if it meant he was in her arms instead of merely a memory. She hadn’t noticed until recently that tears were flooding her cheeks and spilling onto her meal. Simon had been observing her for a moment as she watched her fall into deep thought, but once he saw her tear stained face he acted quickly.
He swiftly took his wallet out of his pocket and placed a $50 bill on the table to cover their meals and a decent tip, “Come on” he spoke in a demanding voice, his tone remaining soft enough for her and Sam to remain calm. Sam was oblivious to his mother’s current state as he had now distracted himself with the crayons and the kids menu.
She looked at Simon as she attempted to regain her composure. It was long gone, she was an emotional mess at the diner — exactly what she was trying to avoid. “It’s alright.” he coo’d as he took Sam into his arm. With his free hand he guided her out of the booth and to the exit.
He took the initiative to get the mother and son home as soon as possible. The three of them approached her car, “Get in and take a few deep breaths, yeah?” he instructed while simultaneously holding the door open for her. Sam had been buckled into his car seat, which Simon struggled to figure out, but the toddler being incredibly intuitive had seen his mother and father do it hundreds of times and was able to talk Simon through it.
If that had happened under different circumstances she would have been able to congratulate Sam and let him know how proud she is of him, but she was far from being in that state of self awareness and state of mind.
She was a wreck in the passengers seat of her own car. She was heartbroken in the passengers seat of her own car. The severity of it all finally setting in making it nearly impossible for her to get ahold of herself.
Is she just exhausted from the days leading up to the funeral? A weeks worth of concealed emotions finally spilling out in front of her. She is definitely overwhelmed, but this time she subconsciously feels safe and secure enough to let go of her broken front.
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Months had gone by since her meltdown in front of Simon, and he never once brought it up. He was well aware it wasn’t something she was proud of, nor did she want to talk about her grief. Simon had been coming around her and Samuel a couple times a week just to check in on the pair. He felt it was his responsibility to keep them safe now — the least he could do for his recently deceased friend. Everyday he spent with the two of them he realized why Soap had kept them a secret. They were truly too special to put into any risk; especially her. She was a walking breath of fresh air, not something anyone encounters often in their lifetime, especially not in their line of work and the lifestyle it supplies. Now it all made sense. Johnny was always the most eager to return home when they’d be out in the field, said he had “something special” waiting for him, but everyone would shrug it off.
He grew to understand Soap’s decision to keep his family hidden from the world he worked in.
Even though Simon was consumed in his own thoughts he was still able to be completely alert as the mother and son played on the playground.
Her laugh. It stripped him away from his spiraling memories and muses. His gaze snapped to her body on the floor covered in wood chips, she had clearly tripped and stumbled while playing with Samuel. She was laughing at her clumsiness, laughing at how attentive Samuel was to his mother as soon as she hit the cushioned floor, “Sammie, I’m okay” she soothed him as he clung to her — small and gentle laughs leaving her full lips as she reacted to the entire scenario.
That was the first time Simon had heard her laugh.The sound of her sweet tone intoxicating to him. He couldn’t get enough, is what he mentally told himself as he walked over to her to help get back on her feet. Her soft and polished hand nestled and firmly gripped onto his rough and calloused one as he pulled her off the ground.
Guilt lingered in his being upon realizing how much he liked being around her, but he needed to be there for them. The conflict was clear within him, and something he figures he’ll eventually learn to accept and move forward with. He knew he would have to set aside his audacious feelings to respect her and more importantly to respect Johnny. He would be there to protect them as much as she allowed him. He wasn’t planning on getting emotionally attached to the the pair, or her alone.
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Later that same evening, Simon had made the decision to pay her and Sammie a visit. He stepped out of his car with a bag of Chinese takeout in his hand. Chinese food had become the only thing she would willingly eat ever since Johnny passed. A swift hand smoothing his plain black t-shirt before he began walking toward her front door, but as soon as his hand left his clothing he realized what he was doing. Bringing her favorite food to her and her son with no real reason to be seeing her, checking his appearance — something uncommon for the typically aloof man. A lingering hint of guilt settled in the pit of his stomach as he treaded towards the front door of her house. No, Simon was only supposed to be there for the mother and son duo as an aide during this severe loss. He felt that’s what he owed to Johnny since he felt partially responsible for his death. A cocktail of traumatic thoughts and memories invaded his mind . The grip on the take-out bag grew stronger, the same strength being felt in his chest as his heart pounded in its cavity
Upon reaching the front door he heard what sounded like a glass had broken — as if it had fallen off of a surface, which isn’t a big deal, she had a bad habit off leaving glasses on the edge of countertops and tables, but the yelp that followed only made Simon react in the most instinctive manner. He rushed inside the house and into the kitchen where she was found with a dish towel wrapped around her hand and a grimace on her face. Her nose scrunched in reaction to the pain.
Simon raised an eyebrow at her as he approached her with swift and long strides. His demeanor was urgent, alarmed and slightly panicked as his body was still in a reactive state from his memories, but how could she know that? She stared at him with the same expression, but she had more reason to. His breathing wasn’t heavy but it was slightly sporadic. At the same time, it was still controlled, his body was tense, but most significantly, his eyes looked panicked and unsettled. “I didn’t know you’d be visiting tonight. You should have let me know,” she spoke casually as she continued holding pressure on her fresh wound, “Or else I wouldn’t have-“ her words stopped flowing when Simon grabbed her hand and began to examine the brand-new cut. She watched his concerned expression lighten when he confirmed that the abrasion was small enough to heal on its own, “- let my mom take him for the weekend.” She finally completed her sentence when his large brown eyes met hers.
She knew exactly what was happening to him. She recognized the wide, alert eyes, uneven breathing, and tense mannerisms. This was a common occurrence that she witnessed Johnny experience. Her husband was gone, but there were constant reminders of him everywhere -- and one thing she hated seeing was Johnny struggling with his PTSD. Just like Johnny, she couldn't tolerate seeing Simon in the same condition.
Using her unharmed hand, she grabbed Simon's calloused one. Her movements were gentle and fluid as she guided their hands to the left side of her chest. With his palm now resting on her chest she looked into his eyes before speaking in a nurturing tone. "Slow and steady. Count it for me" she said as she placed her own hand over his chest. It was then that she noticed how hard and fast his heart pounded. "I’ll count yours until we match pace. One, two, three..."
Eventually, Simon counted with her, his heart rate slowing gradually as his mind remained distracted from the trauma and focused on her. On her beating heart, on her nurturing voice, on her full pink lips, on her long dark eyelashes, on her soft delicate hands. Her. His mind consumed by images of her, his newfound serenity.
Simon cannot help but feel guilty, but his pleasure and serene state strongly blinds him from this feelings. This is exactly what he didn’t want, but he can’t help but relish in it.
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xo-cod · 9 months
You know what I think would be cute? If one of the 141 were watching Beauty and the Beast with his child and during the scenes where they're bonding and dancing, the child gasps and says, "That's you and Mommy!" And they're all excited because it shows that their parents are truly in love and they just find it adorable 🥰
141 men being all soft and cute dads makes my heart melt omg <33 this is so cute babe :(( 🤍
price: "is that right, honey?" he chuckles softly, an eyebrow raised in amusement. he actually hadn't given much thought to it, he didn't really think children were even for him. but then there you came, tilting his world on its axis. how you managed to fall in love with him, he hadn't the faintest clue. he couldn't ever fathom why you'd choose him but he's so incredibly grateful nonetheless. he didn't know what good thing he had done to receive either one but he counted his blessings every day for it. he holds his little girl in the crook of his arm as they both cuddle close on the sofa, his deep chuckle echoing in the room everytime his little kiddo eagerly pointed out the scene on the tv. his heart was practically swimming in his chest as he cuddles her close pressing gentle kisses all over her cheeks to make her giggle <3
simon: "me an' mama, huh?" he chuckles fondly, his heart fluttering inside his chest. he didn't much care for disney movies but since having his daughter, he'd been forced to watch them all back to back with her. not that he minded so much, he would've done anything to keep that grin on her little face. it makes his heart ache with so much joy when his little girl had said that, after all he grew up in a world of pain. some days, he was so scared of ever accidentally inflicting the same scars his father had left behind on his baby and you. and so it almost makes him teary eyed when his child points out the tenderness between belle and beast to you and him. he was the best dad anyone could ever ask for, it was just taking him a little longer in believing that <3
gaz: "shall we dance then, my love?" he humours them, raising his hand out for them to take. his heart was practically bursting at the seams when his baby pointed it out, he didn't think he could ever have this privilege in his life. and he cherished every single moment with you and his bundle of joy, both of you meaning more to him than life itself. and as the dancing scene takes place with belle and the beast, gaz and his baby also dance along to the music, with the exaggerated hum from gaz just to hear his little one giggle madly. his small girl dancing happily in his arms and gaz wrapping a strong arm around her, keeping her safe and close was a sight he could never tire from <3
soap: "and you're our little teacup, aren't you sunshine?" the scot laughs heartily as he scoops his baby in his warm arm, blowing soft raspberries on their stomach. johnny really didn't think he would ever be in this beautiful position of finally being a dad to his baby, a baby that you had gifted him. everyday he makes sure to let you know how thankful he is to have you and his child in his life, he would never be able to find the words to express it. so he chooses actions instead. as he tickles his little baby their shrieks of delight and giggles makes him all warm inside, he truly was the luckiest person ever. <3
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thelaisydazy · 4 months
Johnny "The Best Dad Ever" MacTavish
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sayonara-sailor · 24 days
What could he do? Should have been a rock star
But he didn't have the money for a guitar
What could he do? Should have been a politician
But he never had a proper education
What could he do? Should have been a father
But he never even made it to his twenties
rock star - Simon Riley
In the comics Simon’s dad is into the music scene. If the Riley household was a loving, functional home Simon would’ve definitely been into music. Who knows…
politician - Kyle Garrick
It just makes so much sense with his sensibility and passion. He would’ve definitely stood up for what’s right.
father - Johnny.
My beloved little soldier. Would’ve made the best dad in the world. That’s all.
rock star - John McTavish. Self explanatory.
politician - John Price. Self explanatory.
father - Simon. Simon… Simon…
and Gaz lives on, bearing the weight of being the lone survivor…
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rockcollector3000 · 8 months
Dad!Soap HCs
(And him being a family man too)
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Playing with his kids is genuinely his favorite part of his life (other than spending time with his lovely spouse)
Would gladly play dress up with his daughters and you KNOW he goes the whole nine yards. Makeup, hair styled, nails painted, a tutu, heels; all of it.
As much as he loves playing with his kids who are of actual playing age, his favorite is playing with them as babies.
While his spouse is pregnant (if they can get pregnant) he is the most doting man on the planet for them. They crave something in the middle of the night? He’ll find somewhere that has it; he doesn’t care how long it takes.
This man will find a way to be at every extra curricular event for his kids. He’s deployed that weekend? Not anymore. He’ll find a way out of it.
A lot like Ghost in the way that he somehow knows how to fix anything and everything in the house.
If something is broken in the house, it won’t be for long. Before his spouse even has time to complain about it a second time it’s already fixed.
He will happily carry bags for his family. Family goes shopping? He’s making a good few trips to the car by himself to drop off bags. He won’t let anyone else help either.
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temeyes · 2 months
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dad!soap (and his very Very silly son!)
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chaosandmarigolds · 13 days
(Did the poll say happiness and rainbows? Yeah but I’m having fun with my angst so here’s more! :) )
“No I want to see him.”
The officer looked at the man, who looked like he had just rolled out of bed, and she narrows her eyes, “As I had told you, sir, Mister Taylor asked for no visitors unless family. And are you related to Missus Taylor or Oliver?” The question was a mock because she knew the answer.
So, with a bite of a tongue Price relented, “Who’s your supervisor?”
“He’s out of office.”
“Fuckin- course he is. Where’s Riley?”
“Mister Riley is currently in questioning.”
Price frowned, “But you already questioned him.”
The officer shrugged, “Our lead detective thought it best to do a second round.”
“Then I want to speak to your lead detective.”
“You and everyone else, take a ticket.”
To say your hands were shaking would be an understatement, you had been sitting in Johnny’s car for a close to an hour and so far you probably lost half your body weight in tears. It seemed unreal, there was no way it was actually reality, after all you had been through. It was just….
You jolt when someone knocks on the glass window, only to see Eliza by the door and you let out breath, quickly getting out of the car and into her arms.
“T-they still have Simon in questioning and-and he’s not answering my calls-“
“I know, John’s taking care of it. Oh honey,” her voice was a bit rasped and she looks you over, “You look like a mess.”
Your chest heaves for air as you ramble to her, telling her about how they took you all to the station at four in the morning and how everything was working against your favor. You both sat on the curb outside, as Johnny’s car was an incubator, her arm loosely wrapped around your shoulders and hands holding the coffee she had gotten you.
“Johnny went-Johnny went to be with Ollie, they…they wouldn’t let me see him.”
Eliza scoffs at that, “Bastards. Keeping a child from his mother.”
In hindsight it wasn’t best idea.
However, it did do its job. What job was that? Who knew.
“Uh oh,” Ollie whispered from the other side of the conference table, looking to his biological father (who was currently doubled over while clutching his nose), “You made uncle soap maaad.”
“You fucking bitch!” Caleb practically screamed, “I’ll have your job!”
Johnny stood perfectly still for a moment, as if he wasn’t sure if he had just imagined he punched him or if it was reality and he then snapped into the situation, “Ah please, as i’ you go’ a job tha’s all high n mighty.”
It took about a minute before an officer came back in to check on everything, and thanks to a somewhat threatening stare Caleb had just said he got a bloody nose and everything was alright.
“Oliver, come on. We’re leaving.”
“But I don wanna go.”
With a tug and hoist Oliver was being carried on Caleb’s side, “Didn’t ask we have a flight to catch.”
“For the fucking millionth time she had Oliver when I met her.”
“According to these files Oliver was with his father.”
“Bullshit!!!” Simon snipped back, his anger growing with each second. Every file, data bank, Facebook post made it seem like Oliver lived with Caleb until he went ‘missing’ two weeks ago. “Look at the bank statements why would she pay insurance for a child she doesn’t even have?”
The detective sighed, “We did, Mister Riley, she’s not paying for any child’s health insurance.”
This was insane.
“Mister Riley, I am going to ask one final time: did you help Missus Taylor take her son?”
With a glare Simon leaned forward on the table, “Didn’t fucking take him, because he’s ’een here wit us for ‘is entire life.”
“Caleb?” You slowly move to stand up as you watch your ex husband carry your son out of the station, and within a millisecond your blood was cold, “Oliver?”
“Mommy!” The boy practically screeched at the sight of you, trying to pry himself away from the man’s grasp, “Mommy I don’t wanna go!”
Before you had the chance to get to the car Caleb was currently putting Oliver into, you were held back.
“Lassie, lassie easy-“
“Johnny let-let me go.”
Johnny, with close to zero effort, turns you to face him, “Leave it. It’s gonna be okay, go’ a plan yeah? Ollie’s gonna be in his bed tonight, promise.”
(Teehee, that’s all for now)
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 7 months
Dad!Cod Scenarios
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I had thoughts on these racked up in my brain about CoD characters having kids and what type of parents they'd be in a scenario or drabble manner.
Tag list: @puff0o0, @simp4konig, @blingblong55, @azereus, @rustic-guitar-notes, @shadofireshinobi, @anonymuslydumb, @skeletalgoats, @icarustypicalfall, @ghosts-cyphera,@connorsui is at it again, making me blush over her words, AHHHHH I LOVE HER. Did I tag almost everyone I know here? Yes, yes I did 😭
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
(Implied?? Wife!Reader, Parent!Reader. Not really specified, so gender neutral!Reader)
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❥ Dad!John Price is the type of dad who'd fondly tell your kids about how you met, tell them stories about his time in the army, his experiences with their uncles and aunts from 141. Enjoying how their little faces express something great, admiring how cool their dad was for being so brave to constantly and willingly put his life on the line in the means of saving people. They tried telling him that they want to follow in his footsteps but that is a big no no. The last thing he wants is them willingly throwing themselves in danger and the risk was far too much.
❥ Dad!Johnny MacTavish is the type of dad to make his kids laugh by blowing raspberries on whatever body part his kids are ticklish on, he enjoys hearing their laughter and giggles. Definitely is the man who grew up with quite a big family so he'd love to have a full house if you were up to having it with him. He's such a family man to the bone, knows how things work around and mostly knows what to say and do when it comes to the kids.
❥ Dad!Kyle Garrick is the type of dad to dance with his kids, letting them have their little feet on top of his, letting them pick the music and guiding the little one. Having them smile and look up at him, his little one thinking it was just the best thing in the world to spend quality time with their dad. Swaying them around while they call him giggling, letting out squeals after he spins them. (I NEED GIRL DAD!GAZ 🥺😭)
❥ Dad!Simon Riley is the type of dad who absolutely HATES it when his kids cry, always doing his best to console them, depending on what made them upset. Being the one to patch them up when it's because of a "boo-boo", god forbid it's because of another person, he'd either make that kid piss themselves or that adult will NEVER see the light of day again. Because of that, the little one always finds themselves looking for their dad's comfort.
❥ Dad!Gary Sanderson who is the type of dad who finds so many ways to make his kid feel appreciated, whether that'd be through letting them help out and make them feel needed, thanking them and returning the favor for handmade gifts on days like Father's day or Valentine's day. The little one is always so eagerly awaiting for their dad to come home, knowing he'd be bearing so meaningful gift that goes in the memory box.
❥ Dad!Alejandro Vargas who is the type of dad who's strict but also not at the same time. Safe to say he did not have fun when Soap taught his kid to curse in Spanish when he first met the kid, that was probably Alejandro's fault for teaching Soap Spanish curses anyway. That kid is going to be loved I tell you, Alejandro has taken them to work just so they can see what he does and safe to say they loved being around everyone that Alejandro works with. (More likely that they still do this together however Alejandro is VERY strict since it's dangerous for the kid to even be out there)
❥ Dad!Rodolfo Parra who is the type of dad whose domestic, he has many memorabilias and scrapbooks of his kid's milestones, even kept the teeth that fell out. Always finding ways to spend time with the kids, whether it'd be through something as simple but meaningful as teaching them Spanish or taking them out to eat. His kids love and adore him, finding that the best time they spend with him is when he lets them talk about their day, listening in and validating their thoughts.
❥ Dad!König who is the type of dad who finds himself absolutely terrified that he's responsible for such a tiny thing. He's extremely protective of them, seeing his little kid whimper and point at something that caused them pain (even if it was by their own accord), König finds himself comforting the little one by soothing their crying and kicking whatever inanimate object it was just to make them feel better. He already hurt himself once or twice doing that and it did make his kid laugh, anything that makes them happy right?
❥ Dad!Kim Hong-Jin who is the type of dad whose a bit irresponsible at times, he tends to roughhouse with his kid a lot. There's definitely a lot of physical and playful activities with him in the means of spending time. He doesn't mean anything by it, just quality time, his kid is one of the reasons behind him stopping his gambling addiction. He wanted to set an example for them. The last thing he wants is for his kid to remember him by something negative so he does his best to spend time with them a lot despite him getting deployed.
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Sidenote: I wrote this at 1 am and it was fun but my eyes hurt now, I have plans to go out tomorrow with a friend. Now regarding your guys' requests, ISTG I'm not ignoring you guys, I'm just not in the right headspace to write them except for a few I'm currently working on.
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random0lover · 1 year
Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish Head Canon’s - dad edition (kinda)
This all occurs some time after mw2 so I think Johnny would be about 27-28 (this is just my opinion so you don’t have to include this part if you don’t want.
Here’s a Pinterest board I made to go with this… kinda struggled with this one tbh
Notes: kinda got carried away and gave a backstory… this is messy af. Wrote all of this while I was super tired and my brain was only half computing so I hope it makes sense. Oh this also is not edited *cries in exhaustion*
Word Count: 3,500 (damn I got carried away)
Warnings: I don’t really think there are any, SFW, afab!reader, pregnancy, marriage, children, fluff.
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- you two definitely had a whirlwind romance and probably met through a friend. Would love to say that you were a friend of Gaz.
- You knew he was on leave for almost 2 months (him and Soap were pretty messed up after a mission gone wrong) so you called him and he invited you out to a pub that he and his friend were going to that night.
- Once you got there and introductions were out of the way, Soap spent hours trying to make you laugh and trying to get to know you.
- The night ended with you helping a very drunk Gaz and Soap stumble back to Gaz’s flat. You spent the whole walk trying not to laugh when Soap would trip over his feet or when Gaz would start belting out lyrics to random songs.
- The next morning you woke up to a text from Soap- he had insisted on adding his number to your phone after his sixth drink- the contact name was a bar of soap. He was asking if you wanted to hang out again.
- You ended up spending everyday day together even if it was only for a few hours.
- It was the second week of his leave that you shared your first kiss. Gaz had gotten in contact with some of his other friends and you all went out for the night. You were standing out on the balcony of the little restaurant just staring at the view of the town below you.
- He joined you quietly- Johnny was never quiet unless he’s deep in thought- and it was a comfortable silence. Everything was comfortable with him and you’d honestly never gotten this close with anyone so fast and it kinda scared you.
- You know the whole situation where the girl says “beautiful isn’t it?” While she’s staring out at their surroundings and the guy says “yeah it really is” but he’s staring at her instead? Yeah that’s what happened that night on the roof.
- You felt his eyes on you so you looked over at him. He cupped both sides of your face while staring into your eyes and slowly leaned in to kiss you. You completed the kiss though.
- You didn’t sleep together that night but he did come home with you. You spent the whole night together just laying in bed with your head on his chest, sometimes just laying in silence, other moments were spent kissing and laughing. Just really enjoying each other’s company.
- It was the day before he and Gaz had to go back to base that you two finally made love. I don’t mean fucking I mean actually making love. There were tears sometimes coming from both of you but mainly you. You spent hours in bed getting to know each other's bodies.
- You woke up at about 2 am to him laying awake staring at the ceiling- he was confused tbh he’d never felt like this for anyone and he’d been with his fair share of people but no one had ever made him feel like you did-.
- You laid there with him just rubbing his chest when he told you he loved you. At first you didn’t know what to say. You knew the feelings you felt were more than just liking someone. So you told him you loved him too and made him promise to come back to you.
- He held you in his arms until you fell back asleep and when you woke he was gone. An old set of his dog tags lay on the pillow he slept on.
- You wore them around your neck only taking them off to shower and that’s it.
- It was four- almost five- months before you saw him again.
- You were rushing around your flat trying to get all your stuff together for a doctor's appointment when you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to find a fidgeting Johnny.
- Your mind was racing and you were trying not to panic. You honestly didn’t know if you would ever see him again. Your hand comes down to rest on your stomach, a habit you developed after finding out you were pregnant.
- You just staring at him with a slack jaw wasn’t helping his nerves one bit and you knew that but you couldn’t help it.
- “Bonnie?”
- As soon as the word left his mouth you let out a sob and leapt into his arms.
- He held you for a moment before pulling back to look at your tear streaked face before giving you a teasing smile, “Can I come in?”
- As soon as you stepped away from him your mind started racing but you let him in while you went to the kitchen to get yourself a bottle of water.
- You heard him go into the living room and didn’t think anything of it until you heard the duffel bag he was carrying fall onto the ground with a hard thump.
- He was standing by your coffee table holding an ultrasound picture that you got from your last doctor's appointment and you felt your mouth go dry.
- You didn’t know what to say. Today you were supposed to find out if it was a girl or a boy. You also knew for a fact that it was Johnny’s. He was the only person that you hand slept with in months and you didn’t get with anyone after he left.
- “It’s yours.”
- He didn’t say anything, just kept staring at that damn picture.
- You were starting to panic. You wouldn’t force him to stay, you promised yourself that if he wanted nothing to do with the baby that he didn’t have to stay. You made the choice of keeping the baby yourself. Once you found out you did try calling his phone but of course it went directly to voicemail as he kept that phone off when he was deployed.
- “Johnny,” you let the words start flowing, “You don’t have to stay, I don’t expect you too. I know with your work you were hesitant even getting into a relationship nevertheless having a baby so I’ll understand if you want to leave.”
- He’s frozen for a moment before he takes three long strides across the room and he’s kissing you.
- “Don’t say that, I could never leave you.” He’s covering your face in kisses and you can’t help but giggle and he smiles down at you with tear filled eyes.
- “You’re pregnant.” He whispers against your lips and you giggle again before nodding.
- “I was actually supposed to be finding out the gender today,” you look down at your watch covered wrist, “my appointment is in 15 minutes if you want to come.”
- He gives you a wide smile before giving you another kiss, “Then what are we waiting for?”
This is where the actual hc’s start if you want to skip the mini story above.
- This man could absolutely not hold still while sitting in the little plastic chair beside you. His eyes would be bouncing around, he’d be drumming his fingers against your hand, and he would be readjusting himself constantly.
- When he found out you were having a boy he was shocked. (Mini hc) He lived in a family of girls, no brothers just sisters so to think he would have a little mini him made him ecstatic.
- Feel like he would be the type to jump up and hug the doctor quickly lol (since you are laying down on the bed)
- He tried to bring up marriage but you didn’t want to get married just because you were having a baby. Instead you wanted to just keep dating until it felt like the time was actually right instead of just jumping into it.
- He had a flat back in Scotland which is where you end up relocating to since he has family there that could help while he was deployed. It had two bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms.
- He would be supportive of whatever birthing plan you choose as long as you and the baby come out safe and healthy.
- When you’re further along he does the thing where he stands behind you and lifts your belly to take some of the weight off your back.
- Will massage your feet whenever you ask.
- Before the baby is born anytime he goes out shopping he’ll come back with something for the baby to the point that you had to buy a shelf with cubbies to start putting it all in.
- The further along you get the more worried he is about you doing too much to the point he won’t even let you make it off the couch before he’s gently pushing you back down into the cushions saying he can do whatever it is you were needing/wanting to do.
- Calls his mom all the time to ask questions and if it’s too late to call you’ll often find him either on his phone or computer scrolling through articles.
- Definitely talks to the baby all the time. Sometimes he’ll crouch down and push his forehead against your stomach and start whispering things you can’t hear.
- Read somewhere that putting headphones over your belly and playing music can help the baby.
- Would love seeing you walk around the flat with just his shirt on, definitely gets turned on by how your stomach pushes the shirt out.
- You had spent hours ordering things for the baby's nursery and as things slowly got delivered you’d wake in the middle of the night and find Johnny sitting in the baby's room surrounded by empty boxes and random parts to things.
- It was a month before your delivery date when Johnny had to ship out again and for once he was scared. He knew he needed to come back to you. No matter what he couldn’t let the little boy in your stomach grow up without a dad.
- It took hours of reassurance from you and his family before he felt slightly okay with leaving. He honestly felt guilty, his job was insanely dangerous but when he first took the job he never saw himself being in an actual relationship, never mind having a kid.
- He left that night with his heart in his throat and a promise that he would be back as soon as possible and that he would be there when the baby was born.
- He almost didn’t make it. You had been in labor for hours though trying your hardest to wait until your baby’s father was there to hold your hand and cut the umbilical cord. He stumbled in still in all his gear other than his guns, he was frantic hoping that he made it in time.
- When he came in you let out a sigh of relief and within 20 minutes your little boy was born.
- Johnny cried. Idc what you have to say I totally believe this man would cry once he heard your baby’s screaming cries.
- The whole time he would be smothering you with praise about how good of a job you did. His hands would be shaking but the moment he held his little boy he had never felt more grounded in his life.
- Would definitely want to pick a name that had meaning to you both.
- The only time he moved away from you was to cut the umbilical cord and to go to the bathroom, otherwise he never left your side. Not once.
- He did absolutely everything he could to help with your healing after the birth.
- When the baby would cry at night he would be out of bed before you could even hear it. Sometimes though he would wake to find your side of the bed empty. He would rush into the nursery feeling horrible for the fact that you had to wake up but it would all be washed away when he would see your happy little smile.
- If you had PPD, he would do anything he could to help. Even offering a few good therapists.
- Once you were okay with being alone he would try to find a day where he and the baby could be out of the flat for a few hours so that you could have time to do whatever you wanted to do. Showering, napping, gaming, reading, anything you wanted to do. He just wanted to make sure you had the time.
- Bath time is his favorite.
- Buys a bunch of little water safe toys and would sit in the tub with your precious baby and spend so much time just playing.
- Nap time. Would totally fall asleep just holding your little boy.
- Baby boy is a carbon copy of him when it comes to energy so by the end of the night they're both exhausted.
- Fast forward two years and Johnny thought it was time to propose. He decided to take you back to the little restaurant where you shared your first kiss. Before that though you spent hours having fun, walking around town and even went back to the pub you met at.
- As the night got closer to an end he became super nervous. You could tell something was up because he kept talking too fast and some moments would become dead silent.
- For his sake though you were going to pretend you didn’t notice.
- Totally wanted to do the whole ring in a champagne glass thing but was scared you would swallow it lmao.
- Instead he opted to get you a little puppy and on its collar the name tag said “will you marry me?”
- When you looked up you found Johnny down on one knee with a beaming smile.
- Stumbled through his speech and completely abandoned the one he had planned and written.
- You decided to go with a traditional Scottish wedding just a few months later.
- Once you were back from your honeymoon you and Johnny decided that is was time to find a bigger place as your son was getting bigger and bigger as the days went by.
- It was an older two story brick country home that had been renovated by the sellers. 4 bedroom 3 bath with an attached garage, it was on 4 acres of land, leaving plenty of space for the kids to grow into.
- Johnny is kinda a pain in the ass to pack with. He would be going through things to pack and would get so easily distracted, telling the stories behind each item.
- He would also have the role of distracting your son so that you could pack stuff without getting side tracked every two seconds.
- Would probably call Gaz and make his ass come help lmao and this leads to you having the whole task force lugging boxes and furniture around like it’s nothing. They would all insist that they didn’t need your help but would be ecstatic when you called into the back of the house that you made sandwiches.
- Fast forward about two years. Your son is 4 now.
- You had the whole group in your home. Johnny liked to have them all over for a meal the first week they were back from a deployment (he likes to tell them that you’re the one that’s asking them all to be there)
- That’s the night you tell him you’re pregnant. Zoom forwards some months and you find out it’s twin girls.
- Johnny passed out 💀
- This was a planned pregnancy 100%. You both wanted this pregnancy to be different from the first. Not that you weren’t grateful for that pregnancy, you both just didn’t want any surprises.
- He would make jokes about it being a two for one deal all the time.
- Would totally be willing to get a vasectomy after the girls were born.
- You were both happy with the amount of children you had and honestly didn’t want anymore.
- Playful dad completely. Can be serious when he needs to be though which is honestly not often but as the kids get older his stricter side would have to come out.
- Totally the type of dad that would wander into the kitchen to see what the kids are making and when they’re not looking would snatch some of whatever it is.
- Would be the dad to offer your kid a drink of beer because he knows they wouldn’t like it and it makes him laugh 💀
- Would build a tree house for them and as they get older would add more to it.
- When trick or treating he would secretly be eating the kid’s candy.
- birthday parties are so important to this man. Literally goes all out with a theme of the kids' choice. Like the house or whoever the party is being held looks like it got pulled out of the game/movie/book.
- Family game nights and movie nights.
- He would be so happy if any of your kids got into football as he loved it himself when he was a kid.
- Handles tantrums with distractions. Like handing them a glass of water or just helping them reload focus. King at handling tantrums. (He almost cried every time until he learned what to do.)
- Anytime you leave them all alone you know they’d be up to some mischief. One time you came home to see them all covered in paint in the backyard.
- Laser tag enthusiast. Your kids 100% got their competitiveness from him.
- Big on encouraging your kids to follow their dreams.
- He’s super amazing at science (mini hc 🤷🏻‍♀️) but when it comes to Language Arts he is like no help.
- Would go all out on science fairs and honestly just loves to help the kid with school projects.
- Had so much fun teaching them how to ride a bike but is the type to make them wear full gear complete with knee pads, elbow pads, helmet, and maybe even shin pads.
- Super protective dad.
- Would hold the same standard for all of your kids, doesn’t matter if they are a girl or a boy they are not dating until they turn 16.
- When introduced to girlfriends/boyfriends he would be completely welcoming but would have the underlying tone of “istg if you hurt my kid”.
- Would be accepting if any of your kids were part of lgbtq+ community. Would probably tell them about his “adventures” of his early 20’s *wink wink*
- Would teach all of them self defense and even how to use a few select weapons like knives, guns, and how to form a weapons out of “nothing” (what you have around)
- Would get tears in his eyes on prom night but would joke about using protection.
- Would not be ashamed about teaching your kids about safe sex. He knows at their age he was having sex and he would prefer for them to be safe and aware rather than being lost and making bad decisions.
- Patient dad energy fr. Would not yell at the kids when they're having to hold a flashlight for him but instead would try to keep a calm tone and maybe even show them what exactly he needs them to do.
- Teaches them how to make harmless little rockets. Nothing too serious and would only shoot a few feet into the air.
- First aid. Would make them take actual classes to make them become certified if for any reason they would need it.
- Would do spa nights with your daughters. Meaning face masks, letting them paint his nails, and would let them convince him to wax his nose hairs (only one time though cause it hurt like a bitch)
- Would want them to know that they can call him about anything. Even if it’s something they're scared of getting in trouble for. He would ensure them that their safety and well being tops everything so making sure they're okay would come before any punishments.
- Honestly, I don't think he would be too keen on punishments. Would prefer to sit down and talk about why they did what they did and would have a punishment that would focus on making sure they understood why what they did wasn’t okay.
- Chill dad until he’s not. Don’t fuck with his kids… that’s one way to get on his bad side
- Was super emotional when dropping them off at Uni.
- If they chose not to go to uni he would be supportive but would want to know their plans.
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I think that’s it… this was a mess and I feel like it was more of a story type thing rather than hc’s *sigh* my brain is scrambled. I’m sorry if this is bad 😭
Requests are open but can’t guarantee when or if I’ll write them. I prefer more specific requests as I find them easier to write. Thanks for reading my loves <3
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xo-cod · 6 months
How about 141 as dads being ecstatic about their child talking for the first time? Especially if they say dada? :3
aww nonnie, this is so soft :") <33 i made them girl dads again because i'm yearning 🥲😩
price: so so incredibly proud of his baby. like, it's such a big moment for her and he stands there stunned for a few seconds before the warmest smiles graces his lips. bends to her level, his hand enveloping her tiny ones as he nods so happy. "good job, baby! i'm your dad, sweetheart" kisses her cheek and cradles her close, heart bursting at the seams from the love that's overflowing from him
simon: his lil munchkin just spoke and said "dada" no less, he's absolutely on cloud nine. he froze, unsure of what he had heard before the babble came from her lips again and this time there was no mistakes. he bundles her in his big arms, sweetly kissing her temple and forehead. "good girl, baby. i'm your dad. my little love is already growing up so fast, eh?" he coos softly holding back a tear. but one falls from his eye anyway.
gaz: his heart thumps with so much love and affection, he thinks it'll burst straight out of his chest. almost dropped to the floor when he heard the word, almost getting whiplash when he heard her babble. "yes honey, i'm here! your dada" he cuddles her super close to his chest, kissing her forehead. you can bet he's documenting everything so that he can cry in happiness later on
soap: this man will shed a tear. his innocent angel just spoke and called out for him no less. his heart was thumping wildly when she spoke the word, he could feel it melt in his chest as he gazed at her tiny form with pure adoration. "yes angel, it's me, dad's here!" cheers at her, encouraging her to speak further. "oh my sweet lass, already so smart" he marvels, kissing her cheeks because he's the happiest dad in the world and he 100% will note the occasion down because it deserves to be celebrated in his eyes
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Johnny’s Journal Excerpt
Friday 6/4/2018
I go on a mission tomorrow. It’s a hard one too, like I have to infiltrate a secret society. I’ve only just started doing my specialist training. Why me?
I don’t know the first thing about the crusades or anything and I have to learn all of this in two months.
I’m sat here with 6 books about the Third Crusade and Robert de Sablé. WHO THE FUCK IS ROBERT DE SABLÉ? I swear we didn’t learn this in school and now I have to read about it.
Oh well, if it’s for the mission then I have to do it. I can’t back out, not when this is a chance I can finally prove myself to take on more challenging missions.
Location: Masyaf, Syria.
Objective: what are they looking for.
I’d tell you more but if anyone finds this I’m as good as dead.
Chapter 1 - out soon
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