anthonyravencrow · 3 years
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I just noticed how similar to each other are these scenes. They're basicaly the same.
The first one is from Turnabout Goodbyes. He didn't talk with Phoenix for 15 years and probably expected him to treat this like a karmic justice after their trials.
But the second one happens in t&t. At this point they know each other well and Edgeworth doesn't really have a reason to think that Phoenix will react this way.
Which leads me to believe that Edgeworth's reactions here are a part of subconscious defense mechanism.
Both of this conversations take place in a difficult time for him. His dl-6 related arrest and earthquake.
He considers this events getting to him as a weakness and tries really hard to not show how it's affecting him.
His first reaction is to just avoid conversation but when that doesn't work he lashes out and puts on a facade of pride and acts like he's above any of this.
I think why he reacts this way may have something to do with MvK being his mentor. He probably shamed Edgeworth for being emotional and being an awful person he maybe even laughed at Edgeworth for this. And thats why Edgeworth subconsciously braces himself for similar reaction from others.
Sorry long post. This just made me emotional when I noticed it.
Screenshots are from here btw
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
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Ught. Manfred is awful. And poor Edgeworth just takes it.
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I love how Franziska takes focus off of Edgeworth and shifts her fathers attention to help Miles. I wonder how often she must have been doing it.
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I love her so much. She's great <3
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
So during Turnabout Goodbyes we find out that Gumshoe already knew about Edgeworth's fear of earthquakes.
I was wondering when he learned about it. I don't think that Edgeworth told him first because before this case he hadn't talked about dl-6 with anyone. So it probably must have been when they've started working as prosecutor-detective duo more often.
Now I'm imagining Edgeworth during his bratworth phase having a panick attack when unexpected earthquake happens when they're working on the case. Gumshoe at first doesn't know what's happening but he's quick to comfort and support Edgeworth.
Just Gumshoe finding out that Edgeworth has this other vulnerable side besides his prosecutor persona.
Edgeworth doesn't want to talk about it afterwards but inside he is very thankful. And from that moment Gumshoe started checking up on him after every earthquake.
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
Just had a von karma siblings thought - headcanon.
I don't think mvk ever read goodnight stories to little Franziska. When Edgeworth starts living with them he's surprised by this because his father was telling him stories every night. So he starts reading to Franziska himself.
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
Bratworth x Feenie romcom idea
Feenie often visits courthouse to learn law stuff. Bratworth starts seeing him there and goes to ridiculous lenghts to avoid him.
To the point that when Feenie becomes Mia's assistant and they're facing against him in court, Bratworth tries to spend entire trial hiding under prosecutors bench.
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
Just a reminder that Edgeworth carried a spare cravat with him.
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
How I imagine Edgeworth's therapy session between first and second game went.
Therapist: Your friends seem like caring and supportive people. Maybe you can try to talk with them about it.
Edgeworth: I may have accidentally faked my death so that's not an option.
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
Thinking about baby Miles moving into the von Karma household and meeting little Franziska. She's so young but she tries her best to make Miles feel like he's home. She doesn't quite understand why her papa seems so cold and distant to Edgeworth.
Making up for that she declares herself Edgeworth's big sister and tries to show and teach him everything there is to know about the mansion.
At first Edgeworth is hesitant about all of this but him and Franziska quickly form a sibling bond and now are at the point when they can playfully tease each other.
Franziska can't help but notice how tired Miles looks during the days. One night she finds the reason for that. She couldn't sleep and decided to grab some snack from the kitchen.
When she was walking past Edgeworth's room and heard something sounding like muffled crying. The door was slightly open so she let herself in.
Inside on the middle of the bed was sitting her little brother, wrapped in bankets, quietly sobbing. Franziska didn't know what to do but she tried her best to comfort him and hugged him.
They stayed like that until Edgeworth calmed down. He assured her that it was just a nightmare and that she should go back to sleep as well.
They didn't discuss it the next day but Franziska decided to give Edgeworth one of her favourite stuffed toys so it could protect him from nightmares when she isn't there.
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
Edgeworth having to carry Franziska's stuff because she doesn't have pockets in her outfit is both funny and kinda cute.
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
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bratworth front facing talking sprite because my friend @transguyedgeworth brought to my attention the fact that we don't have it in the game
so ofcourse I had to fix it ;3
free to use, just credit me
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
Picked up ace attorney anime recently and I just wanted to share how cute the end credits look <3
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
Watch Turnabout musical!!
You can do it here. :)
This is suprisingly good adaptation of the first game and is really worth watching.
Also this is only adaptation I've seen that has Edgeworths reaction to cross-examining a parrot and It's hilarious
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
Ace attorney is so funny.
Imagine that everyone in your friend group was suspected of murder at some point in their life. And you still trust those people.
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
I love how realistic Edgeworth's and Franziska's sibling relationship is.
They roast each other practically every time they meet.
But in Justice for all Franziska came all the way to another continent to avenge his "death". And Edgeworth dragged her to hospital himself after she was shot and was so worried that he assumed hotti was real doctor.
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
Von Karma siblings headcanon
When Edgeworth and Franziska were still living together, Franziska was the one who took out all the spiders and bugs.
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anthonyravencrow · 3 years
When Miles was little and wanted a bedtime story Gregory had to improvise. So he started retelling him the cases he was involved with, of course he changed some details and replaced murder parts to make it more kid-friendly.
Cut to older Edgeworth studying some old case files when he suddenly notices these similarities and remembers all the stories his father used to tell him.
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