#cristian reza
tygerland · 8 months
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Pancho Villa artwork by Cristián Reza currently on display at Pancho's Mérida restaurant in Yucatán Mexico.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
De Vil Masterlist;
My descendants fancast redone part 2;
Summary; My fancast of the de vil and Badun cousins.
Wasted Potential in disney descendants part 1;
Summary; Wasted Potential for the core four.
The De Vil time line;
Summary; The De vil family Time Line (my version);
Radcliffe Reactions;
Summary; How the Ratcliffe react to Beast and Belle resurrecting and sending Hunter and Ivy off to the isle when they find out.
De vil cousins meet Radcliffes reblog reaction:
Summary; Tiger answering a question of mine.
Anita wonders;
Summary; Anita wonders about the de vils on the isle.
Reza Vs. Carlos;
Summary; Why Reza hates Carlos.
Summary; What @dragoneyes618 thinks of the theory that Princess Ivy is an ancestor of the de vils?
The royal wedding, a retcon;
Summary; a explanation why Carlos wasn't at the wedding that doesn't kill him off.
Another De Vil;
Summary; Cristian De Vil by Chris Villian.
~~~~Bad Apples Playlist~~~~;
Summary; songs Diego De Vil's band would play.
Little Carlos with his parents;
Summary; a photo edit of little Carlos with his ouat parents, Cruella and James.
The Lost Children edits part 3:
Summary; edits of my story that include a couple of different edits of little Carlos.
Core four aesthetic;
Summary; what the title says.
De Vil family aesthetics part 1;
Summary; what the title says.
De Vil family aesthetics part 2;
Summary; what the title says.
De Vil family aesthetic part 3;
Summary; what the title says.
De Vil family aesthetic part final;
Summary; what the title says.
Family name asesthic;
Summary; what the title says.
From birth to now descendants part 3;
Summary; Baby Carlos.
The Bad Apples Characters;
Summary; Diego and his band.
De vil ancestor theory:
Summary; Princess Ivy is a de vil theory.
Who the baby daddy? Descendants; Carlos Edition.
Summary; who is Cruella's baby daddy?
The de Vils; "I lived".
Summary; Diego and his band play their first gig in Auardon, and as he sings, he thinks of his family. Past and present, and imagines life through their eyes as he does so.
Summary; Carlos finds out his dad is Dr Doofenshmirtz. In one time line.
That time EVERYONE wanted to kill Diego;
Summary; What could possibly go wrong when you let Diego de Vil babysit Hadie?... you'd be surprised....
What if Villians were good parents part 2;
Summary: A look into what things would be like if Cruella de Vil was a good mother and aunt.
Mad De Vil Headcanons;
Summary; Ivy De Vil and Gordon is a thing.
Hunelim headcanons;
Summary; Hunter De Vil, Eliza/Elisa Fae, and James Brown Jr. Are a throuple.
de Vil headcanons revised;
Summary; De Vil headcanons revised.
The de Vil Family art;
Summary; drawing of the de Vil family I made.
Want to see my version of the Baduns? Click the link below?:
Badun Detective Agency Masterlist;
Summary; I headcanon the Badun cousins from descendants as detectives with a handful of other kids. Here is the info on that and the stories I've made based on it.
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Muerte en tres texturas - Cristian Schleu (2024)
Cuando la muerte reserva mesa reza para que no sea a tu nombre Philippe Bouvier, chef del prestigioso restaurante londinense White Spoon, trabaja con su inseparable ayudante japonés, Tsu, en la elaboración del menú degustación de la temporada de invierno. La segunda estrella Michelin está en juego. Tras dos años sin verse, Philippe recibe la visita de su cuñado, el capitán de Scotland Yard…
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3gnoticias · 1 year
Karate inicia competencias en la modalidad de Kata, en Juegos Estatales Conade 2023
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Este sábado inició la actividad de Karate, en la modalidad de Kata, como parte de las eliminatorias de Juegos Estatales Conade 2023, teniendo como sede el Polideportivo Sur.
En la categoría 14-15 años, de la rama varonil, el ganador del primer lugar fue Roberto Villalobos, medalla de plata para Marco Almeida y bronce para Emiliano Prieto y Raúl Chacón.
Dentro de la rama femenil, la medalla de oro en kata fue para Camila Solís, compartiendo pódium con Cristina Maldonado y en tercer lugar Parka Vállela y Fernanda Acosta.
Continuará la actividad con la modalidad de kumite (combate), buscando su clasificación a la siguiente etapa.
VARONIL 16 - 17 años
1.- Paul Ibarra
2.- Francisco Corral
3.- Yehoshua Reza
3.- Ángel Rodríguez
VARONIL 18 - 20 años
1.-Rodolfo García
2.- Jonathan Torres
3.- Cristian Hernández
3.- Gabriel Martínez
FEMENIL 16 - 17 años
1.- Edith Favela
2.- Maya Holguín
3.- Andrea Borjas
3.- Vanessa Gándara
FEMENIL 18 - 20 años
1.- Ayumi Villegas
2.- Lluvia Ríos
3.- Yara Valverde
3.- Evelyn Hernández
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claudiasafavi · 4 years
A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL PROJECT: Sustainable Fashion in South Florida
Kering (Sustainability Strategy):  https://twitter.com/claudsafavi/status/1242515605690908675
Gucci’s “Culture of Purpose”: https://twitter.com/claudsafavi/status/1242528189156638722
Interview with EIC of Sustain the Mag & Sustainability Expert, Reza Cristian:  https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Fyd0Mnrd4/
Interview with Founder of Moda Lab & Sustainability Expert, Claudia Marzotto: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Xb6blnjkb/
Slideshow Introduction to PIVOT Mkt- Miami: https://www.instagram.com/p/B99s56eHZBE/
Exclusive Video Tour of PIVOT Mkt- Miami: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbCjPgF5hR4
PIVOT MKT- Business Model: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6641032862059548673/?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A(activity%3A6641016271087505408%2C6641032838948929537
Interview with Co-Founder of Mode Revolution & Sustainability Expert, Cindy Hassan: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_U94lyHUII/
Slideshow introduction to Wynwood Tribe: https://www.instagram.com/p/B8mqqSPnhnn/
Exclusive Video Tour of Wynwood Tribe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjliOaAMPeo
Interview with Wynwood Tribe Store Manager, Peter Roa: https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_p0e2HNs8/
Interview with CEO & Founder of ANTIDOTE, Sophie Zembra: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2FVBGHDB6/
Concept of Shopping Ethically- ANTIDOTE: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2359442074272000&id=2293497344199807&__tn__=-R
A thread of the ethical brands featured within ANTIDOTE: https://twitter.com/claudsafavi/status/1245055117130379264
Exclusive Video Tour of ANTIDOTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUgQUiGlr5I&feature=youtu.be
ANTIDOTE hiring process: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6531234048969371648/?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A(activity%3A6531226019150520320%2C6531234039498620928)
GANNI-Miami Audio Interview: https://soundcloud.com/claudia-ava/ganni-miami-interview-with-store-manager-emilia-tamkin
GANNI partnerships: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2596913193858219&id=2293497344199807&__tn__=-R
Exclusive Video Tour of GANNI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX4uKvVdm_0&feature=youtu.be
Interview with Store Manager of Marine Layer- Miami, Mary Carrasquillo: https://www.instagram.com/p/B8HjmnrnJIa/
Marine Layer’s partnerships: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2596232647259607&id=2293497344199807¬if_id=1581459407745674¬if_t=page_post_reaction
Interview with Fashion Revolution’s NYC Regional Coordinator, Shannon Welch: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_F8qlNnNYS/
Fashion Transparency Index (FTI) article: https://medium.com/@claudiaava/fashion-revolution-uses-fashion-transparency-index-fti-to-hold-companies-accountable-for-their-db9ccff01a19
Interview with Fashion Revolution policy and research Coordinator, Sienna Somers: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_m_-AqHHj1/
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marcopolorules · 5 years
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“Al salir de un gran libro conoces siempre ese leve malestar, ese momento de incomodidad. Como si se pudiera leer en ti. Como si el libro amado te concediera un rostro límpido -indecente: uno no va por la calle con un rostro tan desnudo, con el rostro descarnado de la dicha. Hay que esperar un poco. Hay que esperar a que el polvo de las palabras se esparza durante el día. De tus lecturas no retienes nada, apenas una frase. Eres como un niño al que al mostrarle un castillo, sólo viera un detalle, unas hierbas entre dos piedras, como si el castillo tuviera su verdadero poder en el temblor de unos hierbajos. Los libros queridos se mezclan con el pan que comes. Corren la misma suerte que los rostros apenas vislumbrados, que los limpios días de otoño y que cualquier belleza en la vida: ignoran la puerta de la consciencia, se deslizan a través de ti por la ventana del ensueño y se cuelan hasta una habitación a la que nunca vas, las más profunda, la más retirada. Horas y horas de lectura para esa ligera tintura del alma, para esa ínfima variación de lo invisible en ti, en tu voz, en tus ojos, en tu manera de ir y hacer. Para qué sirve leer. Para nada o casi. Es como amar, como jugar. Es como rezar. Los libros son rosarios de tinta negra, cada cuenta rodando entre los dedos, palabra tras palabra. Y qué es exactamente rezar. Guardar silencio. Es alejarse de sí mismo en el silencio. Tal vez es imposible. Tal vez no sepamos rezar como se debe: siempre demasiado ruido en nuestros labios, siempre demasiadas cosas en nuestros corazones. En las iglesias nadie reza salvo las velas. Ellas pierden toda su sangre. Consumen toda su mecha. No se reservan nada para ellas, dan todo lo que son, y ese don pasa a ser luz. La imagen más bella de la oración, la imagen más clara de la lectura, sí, sería esa: el lento desgaste de una vela en una fría iglesia.”⠀ ⠀ Cristian Bobin⠀ Un simple vestido de fiesta⠀ & Mana Morimoto @mnmrmt (artist) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XQrQdI5KP/?igshid=1nm17s18jrt9o
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noticiasindaiatuba · 3 years
Retrospectiva 2020: 50 fotos que marcaram a região de Campinas
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Fotos revelam diferentes sentimentos na pandemia e reúnem histórias que tiveram repercussão. Pandemia, coronavírus, Covid-19… As três palavras representaram 3,1 mil vidas perdidas na área de cobertura do G1 Campinas, entre 13 de março e 22 de dezembro, também se transformaram na maioria de fotos que compõe a retrospectiva 2020: simbolizam dor, tristeza, superação e esperança. Outras imagens de destaque revelam a beleza de fenômenos naturais, novidades nas áreas da ciência e tecnologia, e histórias – que repercutiram pela violência e os problemas sociais a serem combatidos, enquanto outras são inspiradoras para os próximos dias. Reveja abaixo 50 imagens marcantes. Avenida Francisco Glicério, em Campinas, no início da quarentena Osvaldo Furiatto/Divulgação A vida em tempos de coronavírus na região de Campinas Eclipse solar registrado por observatório de Campinas, em 14 de dezembro Júlio Lobo/Observatório Municipal Jean Nicolini Eclipse parcial do sol é registrado na região de Campinas Grafite feito pelo artista Gustavo Nénão no HC da Unicamp Caius Lucilius Coronavírus: grafite homenageia profissionais da saúde no HC da Unicamp Grafiteiro de Campinas é premiado como melhor artista brasileiro da Europa: ‘Acredito nos bons exemplos’ Maestro João Carlos Martins volta a tocar piano com a ajuda de luvas biônicas Reprodução/EPTV ‘É a 1ª vez em 22 anos que coloco 10 dedos no teclado’, diz maestro João Carlos Martins sobre luva biônica que o fez voltar ao piano Criador de luva que fez João Carlos Martins voltar ao piano conta que invenção era para ‘brincadeira em casa’ e cita teimosia por perfeição Dário Saadi foi eleito prefeito de Campinas Thomaz Marostegan/G1 Dário Saadi, do Republicanos, é eleito prefeito de Campinas Noivos de 100 e 96 anos celebram casamento em Campinas Vanderlei Duarte/EPTV Noivos de 100 e 96 anos celebram casamento em Campinas: ‘Amor puro’ Imigrantes indígenas relatam conflitos culturais e desafiam protocolos em Campinas Bárbara Félix Brambila/G1 Primeiros indígenas refugiados em Campinas vivem conflitos culturais e desafiam gestão Foliões na Praça Arautos da Paz, em Campinas, no Carnaval 2020 Jonatan Morel City Banda reúne foliões na Arautos da Paz, em Campinas Rafael Guilherme da Silva ao lado de placa para pedir emprego, em Mogi Guaçu Reprodução / EPTV Há 3 anos sem emprego, pai de 5 usa placa como ‘currículo’ e faz apelo por vaga Grupo durante ato após morte de jovem no Centro de Campinas Bárbara Gasparelo Grupo faz ato na frente de bar onde briga começou antes de jovem ser morto em Campinas A bebê Ísis Helena, de 1 ano e 10 meses, morreu em Itapira Arquivo pessoal Justiça de Itapira aceita denúncia do MP e decreta prisão preventiva de mãe da bebê Ísis Helena Cão resgatado das ruas ganha ‘mansão’ em Louveira Fábio de Paulo Baptista Cão troca rua por ‘mansão’ com câmera, varanda e jardim em Louveira Adolescente de 13 anos foi morto a tiros em Campinas Eduardo Rodrigues/EPTV Polícia investiga morte de adolescente baleado em Campinas; guarda foi preso em flagrante Colégio de Hortolândia promove drive-thru para aproximar alunos e professores na pandemia Alan Paulo da Silva Covid-19: quadro de tristeza e ansiedade em alunos faz escola de Hortolândia organizar ‘drive-thru da saudade’ Drone com drogas apreendido em Campinas Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária Drone carregado com maconha e cocaína é apreendido em penitenciária de Campinas Funcionárias de hospital em Campinas humanizam atendimento com aventais Reprodução/EPTV Hospital de Campinas humaniza atendimento com fotos em aventais: ‘Ninguém quer ser tratado por um robô’ Homem de 94 anos infectado pelo coronavírus tem alta no Hospital Ouro Verde, em Campinas. Reprodução/EPTV Paciente de 94 anos com coronavírus tem alta e é aplaudido em hospital público de Campinas Ana Lyra Macedo recuperou audição após 30 anos Leandro Ferreira/Divulgação Após 30 anos, mulher volta a ouvir com cirurgia inédita em Campinas e se emociona: ‘Foi mágico’ Letícia e Leonardo, estudantes em Hortolândia (SP), entregam videogame para menino atropelado Arquivo pessoal Menino atropelado ao vender balas para comprar videogame em Hortolândia recebe presente de estudantes depois de alta Professora de Campinas foi finalista do ‘Nobel da Educação’ Reprodução/EPTV Finalista do ‘Nobel da Educação’, professora de Campinas diz que ‘dividir o mesmo espaço físico não denomina inclusão’ Hospital de campanha aberto em Campinas, no mês de maio Bianca Rosa/EPTV Coronavírus: Campinas abre Hospital de Campanha nesta sexta-feira Músicos da Sinfônica de Campinas fizeram homenagem à opera ‘O Guarani’ cada um da sua casa Reprodução/EPTV Longe dos palcos, músicos da Sinfônica de Campinas gravam ópera ‘O Guarani’ cada um da sua casa; vídeo Equipes priorizam montagem de linha de pesquisa do Sirius que pode auxiliar no combate à Covid-19 Cristiane Duarte/CNPEM Cientistas correm contra o tempo para usar superlaboratório Sirius no combate ao novo coronavírus Fila com cerca de 3 mil pessoas para retirar cesta básica em Campinas Johnny Inselsperger/EPTV Coronavírus: três mil famílias madrugam na fila para retirar cestas básicas em Campinas 17 de junho – A Prefeitura de Campinas, interior de São Paulo, implantou a sinalização de solo para pedestres na Rua 13 de Maio, principal corredor de compras da área central, nesta quarta-feira (17). A pintura tem como objetivo organizar o fluxo de pessoas na via, que foi dividida em duas faixas, com setas indicando sentidos opostos para a circulação de pedestres. A sinalização busca orientar o fluxo de consumidores e evitar a aglomeração de pessoas Denny Cesare/Código19/Estadão Conteúdo Coronavírus: Campinas anuncia pintura de solo para organizar fluxo de pedestre na 13 de Maio Pacientes com Covid-19 em UPA de Campinas Arquivo pessoal Covid-19: profissionais da saúde de Campinas narram rotina tensa em semana com recorde de casos Ana Clara Moniz, de 20 anos, em uma sessão de fotos via online durante a quarentena. Gabriela Biazoto Jovem com atrofia muscular usa pandemia para relatar, em vídeo, rotina de pessoas com deficiência: ‘sempre estivemos de quarentena’ Fotógrafo flagrou, à direita na imagem, a passagem do cometa Neowise em Campinas Luis Mazzotini Moradores de Campinas registram passagem do cometa Neowise; FOTOS Aeronave faz desenho do mapa do Brasil em céu de Campinas (SP) Reprodução/ Flight Radar Aeronave desenha mapa do Brasil em rota aérea no céu da região de Campinas ‘Tia Isa’ e Audrey, ex-aluna da escola Marechal Mallet, de Campinas Arquivo pessoal Covid-19: cozinheira de 73 anos morre seis dias depois da filha em Campinas: ‘Era um ser de luz’ Pesquisadora atua no Instituto de Química da Unicamp Ana Flávia Nogueira/Reprodução Pesquisadora da Unicamp recebe prêmio e diz que mulheres cientistas devem perseverar: ‘Nunca desista’ Momento do anúncio da medalha de ouro para Eduardo Henrique Camargo de Toledo, estudante de Valinhos (SP) Reprodução Estudante de Valinhos vence Olimpíada Latino-Americana de Astronomia e Astronáutica Polícia Federal fez apreensões em aviões no Aeroporto de Viracopos Divulgação/Polícia Federal Quadrilha criou ’empresa’ dentro de Viracopos para operar tráfico internacional, diz PF Caso de racismo com entregador de aplicativo em Valinhos Montagem/G1 Entregador sofre ofensas racistas em condomínio de Valinhos; vídeo Bebê com atrofia muscular mobilizou campanha para tentar importar remédio Reprodução/EPTV Morre bebê com atrofia muscular que mobilizou campanha para tentar importar remédio de cerca de R$ 11 milhões em Americana Homem se descontrolou após comerciante pedir para ele usar máscara corretamente Reprodução/EPTV Homem se revolta com comerciante após pedido para usar máscara e danifica sorveteria em Campinas; vídeo Vídeo mostra segurança arrastando homem em frente à Rodoviária de Campinas Reprodução/EPTV Homem é arrastado pela rua por segurança em frente à Rodoviária de Campinas; vídeo Vídeo mostra empresário humilhando e ameaçando manobrista em bar de Campinas Reprodução/EPTV Vídeo mostra manobrista sendo humilhado por empresário em bar de Campinas: ‘O que você ganha em um mês, eu gasto em um dia’ Vacina chinesa CoronaVac, em fase de testes no Hospital de Clínicas da Unicamp Marília Rastelli/EPTV HC da Unicamp retoma testes da fase 3 da CoronaVac após autorização da Anvisa Profissional de saúde realiza exames laboratoriais de voluntários da vacina na PUC Imprensa/Hospital PUC-Campinas Vacina da Johnson: Hospital PUC Campinas aponta ‘sintomas leves’ em jovens e idosos na fase 3 e inicia contagem de anticorpos De braços estendidos, pai reza em frente ao hospital onde o filho ficou internado para tratar Covid-19 Reprodução/EPTV Pai percorre 13 km de bicicleta para rezar por filho internado com Covid-19 em Indaiatuba: ‘Venho todos os dias, faça chuva ou sol’ Pai se emociona ao reencontrar filho após rotina de fé por cura do coronavírus em Indaiatuba Presidente Jair Bolsonaro participou de inauguração de linha de pesquisa do Sirius, em Campinas Ricardo Custódio/EPTV Bolsonaro inaugura linha de pesquisa do Sirius e ministro projeta laboratório de biossegurança 4 em Campinas Amanda e Sofia gravam áudios contando histórias para o pai da família, que foi entubado para tratar a Covid-19 Arquivo pessoal/Amanda Julian Covid-19: hospitais de Campinas usam áudios de familiares para auxiliar no tratamento de pacientes em coma Maria Eduarda Catão morreu aos 21 anos Herola Reis Morte de princesa do rodeio de Jaguariúna provoca comoção em redes sociais: ‘brilho e encanto’ Defesa Civil de Campinas higieniza ruas do centro da cidade durante a quarentena contra o coronavírus. Osvaldo Furiatto/Divulgação A vida em tempos de coronavírus na região de Campinas Passageiros não conseguem comprar passagens para ir de Campinas para SP Eduardo Rodrigues / EPTV Empresas de ônibus em Campinas suspendem passagens para SP após chuva ‘travar’ vias da capital Campinas teve outubro mais seco em 6 anos Carlos Carvalho / Arquivo Pessoal Campinas tem outubro mais seco em 6 anos e recorde de calor em série histórica, diz Cepagri Beatriz, de 20 anos, começou a fazer shows eróticos pela internet após a quarentena em Campinas (SP) Arquivo pessoal Coronavírus: profissionais do sexo recorrem à web com queda de até 80% na clientela por quarentena Cleber Michel Alves abraçado com o filho, em casa, na cidade de Sumaré (SP) Arquivo pessoal Homem condenado injustamente tenta assimilar liberdade após três anos na prisão: ‘Imaginei que fosse passar dez anos preso’ Eleitora durante votação das eleições 2020 no Colégio Pio XII, em Campinas Thomaz Marostegan/G1 Dia de votação nas eleições 2020 em Campinas e região Veja mais notícias da região no G1 Campinas.
The post Retrospectiva 2020: 50 fotos que marcaram a região de Campinas first appeared on Notícias Indaiatuba.
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whileiamdying · 4 years
Cannes 2017 : « Un homme intègre », quand les digues morales cèdent en Iran
Mohammad Rasoulof dresse une charge kafkaïenne contre la corruption du pouvoir.
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Reza Akhlaghirad et Soudabeh Beizaee dans le film iranien de Mohammad Rasoulof, « Un homme intègre » (« Lerd »). ARP SÉLECTION
Par Isabelle Regnier Publié le 20 mai 2017 à 11h28 Mis à jour le 12 avril 2018 à 14h29
Un certain regard
« Je préférerais ne pas », répétait inlassablement le scribe Bartleby, dans la nouvelle éponyme d’Herman Melville. Cette stratégie de la fuite, dans laquelle Gilles Deleuze ou Toni Negri voient une manière de combattre l’Etat à distance, c’est celle qu’a adoptée Reza (Reza Akhlaghirad), homme intègre qui a renoncé à la vie à Téhéran et à la carrière que lui promettaient ses études pour s’installer dans une bourgade reculée et vivre harmonieusement dans une ferme avec sa femme, directrice d’école de son état, et son fils, et se convertir à l’élevage de poissons rouges. Le jour où la « compagnie », organe sans visage où se confondent le pouvoir de l’argent et tout le pouvoir politique de la région, décide de s’approprier son terrain, cette attitude trouve sa limite.
Nouvelle charge de Mohammad Rasoulof contre la corruption et la violence du pouvoir iranien, Un homme intègre est présenté dans la section Un certain regard, devenue terre d’accueil de ses films depuis sa condamnation en 2010 à six ans de prison (peine réduite en appel à un an, qu’il n’a pas purgée mais qu’il reste menacé de devoir exécuter à tout instant). De fait, des points communs le relient à Au revoir (2011) et aux Manuscrits ne brûlent pas (2013) — l’opposition caractéristique entre la froidure des extérieurs et la chaleur des foyers, havres d’amour et d’harmonie irrémédiablement voués à être ravagés par la violence politique, n’étant pas la moindre.
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Pris au piège
Le film installe d’emblée une situation de crise. Harcelé par la police qui lui réclame un document administratif, Reza cherche en même temps une solution pour s’acquitter d’une dette dont les pénalités s’accumulent, voulant à la fois éviter de vendre son terrain et de prendre part au système de corruption. Autant rêver d’une planète où les hommes seraient tous frères et se promèneraient nus à dos de licorne.
Comme les poissons rouges dans l’eau stagnante de son étang, le pisciculteur est pris au piège d’un système de corruption généralisée dont toute la communauté est complice. Chaque fois qu’il pense avoir trouvé une issue à sa situation, il voit s’abattre sur lui un nouveau cataclysme, plus ravageur encore. Et lorsque sa femme, plus réceptive au principe de réalité, décide de prendre les choses en main, elles empirent. L’épouse espère faire plier le potentat local, sorte de délégué général de la « compagnie », en faisant pression sur sa fille, une des plus brillantes élèves du lycée.Le film mute alors, abandonnant son enveloppe de fable sociale kafkaïenne tendance Cristian Mungiu pour celle d’un thriller mafieux aux allures de cauchemar éveillé dont la tension condense des visions incandescentes, plastiquement splendides. La violence que le vieux potentat fait régner fait écho à celle que déploie cette petite société dans son ensemble, qui exclut tout ce qui ne rentre pas dans le rang. A commencer par les non-musulmans, qui n’ont droit ni à l’éducation, ni même, lorsqu’ils sont morts, à recevoir une sépulture.
En faisant céder les digues morales de son personnage principal qui ne peut plus continuer à se réfugier, pour s’extraire du monde, dans la chaleur des sources d’eau chaude qu’abrite une grotte voisine, et se résout, pour sauver sa peau, sa famille et son honneur, à employer les armes de l’ennemi, cette violence imprègne le film d’un pessimisme ravageur. En ce jour d’élection présidentielle en Iran, sa résonance est particulièrement funeste.
Film iranien de Mohammad Rasoulof avec Reza Akhlaghirad, Soudabeh Beizaee, Nasim Adabi (1 h 57). Sortie en salles prochainement. Sur le Web : www.arpselection.com/category/tous-nos-films/drame/un-homme-integre-406.html
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festivalists · 7 years
Through the olive trees
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This is not the first time we turn our gaze to the cinema of Iran, yet it is the first time we actually had our own envoy in Tehran – we give you the 35th edition of Fajr International Film Festival as seen and instagrammed by Irina Trocan!
Starting with Abbas Kiarostami’s 1987 WHERE IS THE FRIEND’S HOME? / KHANE-YE DOUST KODJAST? (1987) and leading up to Asghar Farhadi’s THE SALESMAN / FORUSHANDE (2016), Iranian cinema has enjoyed great visibility abroad. Since there are strong similarities between many of these films, it even comes across as a unitary style, a national school, with Kiarostami as a mentor and Jafar Panahi as one of the most prominent representatives working today. These films are dramaturgically subtle (and supple), intended to give a sense of the bigger picture of Iranian society, as well as custom, self-reflexive, and with obvious framing devices (observing adult behavior from a child’s perspective, driving through the city with different passengers, summing up a marriage in front of a judge – to refer to just a few high-profile Iranian films from the past decades).
However, as it is the case with many new waves and cinemas, the fragment of yearly production that is visible abroad is a small and misleadingly homogenous one, while the view from within the borders of Iran is radically different. Reza Mirkarimi, Director of Fajr International Film Festival, claims that there were 60 Iranian film submissions for this edition of FIFF, while the total number of films made within a year is even higher – reportedly, 90-100 features every year, with over 130 made between March 2016 and March 2017. The overall production (you guessed it) is trying to do many different things beside emulating Kiarostami and Panahi.
But I would like to properly begin by making a specification about the Fajr festival – the source for a potential confusion that took me the first two days of the festival to clear up completely. A couple of months ahead of the international festival, there is the national event where a larger number of Iranian films is being shown, some of which are only programmed during FIFF as market screenings in order not to affect their chances to have an international-festival premiere somewhere else. What is added with FIFF is, well, the “international” bit of the programming, a line-up of recent festival darlings from around the world. According to the festival regulations, the team is on the lookout for films “that seek justice, defend the oppressed and underline humane and moral values.” Since several of the titles in the selection are by now well-known, I believe it is useful to give an overall impression: Cristian Mungiu’s GRADUATION / BACALAUREAT (2016), Agnieszka Holland's SPOOR / POKOT (2017), Andrzej Wajda's AFTERIMAGE / POWIDOKI (2016), the Dardenne brothers' THE UNKNOWN GIRL / LA FILLE INCONNUE (2016), François Ozon's FRANTZ (2016). The listed films are all tempered social critiques, with most of them taking no sides, although I will say that SPOOR is – due to its ending, which I will not spoil – radically ecologist.
Some of the international films might have worked well as double bills, especially Kim Ki-duk’s THE NET / GEUMUL (2016) and Bulgarian filmmakers Kristina Grozeva & Petar Valchanov’s GLORY / SLAVA (2016). The former – appropriately named for its tightly knit narrative construction – follows a North-Korean fisherman, Nam Chul-woo (Ryoo Seung-bum), whose boat engine malfunctions and, before he knows it, he drifts to the coast of South Korea. Held in awe as the author’s one-off political film, it might after all be about something rather philosophical, like the blight of power and/or the hopelessness of an individual who is unlucky enough to get caught between the wheels of the social machinery. It is hardly more socio-economically precise than, say, Park Chan-wook’s OLDBOY / OLDEUBOI (2003).
In a concrete sense, the fisherman suffers from the strictness of the South Korean intelligence service – he is suspected of being a spy until he is proven innocent and falls into the hands of an agent who does not shy away from using torture to get confessions. Back in North Korea, after having endured a lot, the protagonist is suspected of having been seduced by capitalism with his brief glimpse of a better life, and this time he is a suspect to his own government. Bottom line is: do not get on the wrong side of people who can ruin your life in the name of higher order. Although the protagonist is a larger-than-life honest citizen (and would hardly be believable were it not for the actor’s restrained ferocity in facing his oppressors), several allegorical scenes in the film are pretty effective: Nam Chul-woo is left alone on a Seoul street and desperately tries to keep his eyes closed, to resist taking in images of capitalism and a different way of life than the one he made for himself. The souvenir he takes home from South Korea is so innocent that it only becomes ridiculous when authorities of his homeland classify it as “evidence.” In short, Kim Ki-duk convincingly constructs a negative world view, and there is definitely a lot of craft to how the misery keeps on coming, but it helps to be a pessimist from the start to get on his wavelength.
In GLORY, a stuttered railway worker finds a pile of money on the train tracks and decides to hand it over to the authorities, and his honesty similarly does him in. Before he knows it, he is stuck between, on one side, the Ministry of Transport (they hold a public ceremony in his praise but otherwise neglect to pay him the previous months’ salaries and “award” him by giving him a watch while losing the better one he had already) and, on the other side, the press. The protagonist finds sympathy with a journalist for the way he has been mistreated by the Ministry, but is soon abandoned again and further abused by the Ministry for being a snitch. Again, the story, inspired by actual events and co-authored with screenwriter Decho Taralezhkov, strikes a chord for viewers who are cynical about social order in Eastern Europe – a temptation that is truly hard to resist, especially with the majority of us who work for neither the government, nor the press, and are forced to passively observe as everything goes awry. There are several fine touches in GLORY – for example, Stefan Denolyubov handles his character’s speech impediment as just one element of his life-long aloofness. He never thought to claim his rights before, and when he finally dared to do it, he discovered he does not have the necessary skills. The ceremony in his honor makes for a well-scripted scene: it is mostly a PR show of Ministry insiders, directing an extra to make the Minister look good on stage.
Since I had heard of what Iranian films are not allowed to show (kisses, nudity, women’s uncovered heads, physical contact between male and female performers who are not married in real life) I must admit I was curious as to how these restrictions applied to foreign films, since they did not need to respect them from script development onwards. By themselves, THE NET and GLORY, which I had not seen before FIFF, gave me an introduction to what censorship looked like. A woman wearing (what seemed to be) a sexy red dress in THE NET had her silhouette completely blurred out. Another woman, this time in GLORY, quietly sitting in the background and showing somewhat of a cleavage, had an extra patch of blurred pixels added on top of her blouse. Naked women’s legs (but not men’s legs!) were also hidden. To me, paradoxically, these edits rather had the effect of drawing attention to details that would not have seemed erotic in an unmodified shot. Festival films are less regulated to conform with morality than those aimed at a larger audience, and earnestness could not have been unflinchingly observed as the programmers selected Werner Herzog’s SALT AND FIRE (2016), but it seems to still be hard to find films that do not need edits.
The most moving film I have seen was Rithy Panh’s EXILE / EXIL (2016), which continues the endeavor of his THE MISSING PICTURE / L'IMAGE MANQUANTE (2013) of retelling recent history, for which no official image archive exists. A poetic reenactment of human suffering in late 1970s Cambodia (then known as Democratic Kampuchea), it takes place entirely inside a hut (or, more precisely, a theatrical set resembling it) and has a sole character – a nameless, quiet young male, whom one might suspect of being the filmmaker’s alter ego. The space is versatile enough to gain cosmic dimensions – a cardboard cut-out of the moon and a flock of menacing seagulls appear on occasion, hovering over the protagonist’s head, the floor magically morphs into a field or a patch of grass.
One scene is a leveled-surface reenactment of a Sisyphean task: as the man rolls a boulder from one wall of the room to the other, another boulder appears (through a cross-fade) where the first one had been. There are biographical allusions in the film, including a picture of a woman we assume to be Rithy Panh’s mother – but it all builds up to an essay film of life in poverty and isolation rather than anything more narratively precise. Close-ups of the protagonist eating an insect, or a chicken that does not come in ready-made crispy nuggets, remind viewers that basic survival is historically not a timeless, universal human right. The soundtrack is made up on meditations on exile that are no less devastating for being abstract – from thinkers and artists (Karl Marx, René Clair) to political leaders (Ho Chi Minh) – and their rapport to the image is always loose, engaging spectators in a poetic guessing-game.
Turning to even more recent history, Fajr IFF had a section of (mostly Iranian) films and documentaries, grouped in the section Broken Olive Trees. Among them was THE DARK WIND / REŞEBA (2016), an Iraqi-German-Qatari coproduction, directed by Hussein Hassan, about a Yazidi woman who escapes after being captured by the Islamic State but upon returning to Kurdistan is rejected by the family of her fiancé for losing her honor. Majed Neisi’s THE BLACK FLAG / PARCHAM E SIAAH (2015) documents the frontline of an Iraqi offensive against ISIS. I have unfortunately missed them due to conflicting scheduling, but I am still hoping to catch up with them somewhere else – they have been previously screened in the Stockholm International Film Festival and Busan, and Visions du Réel, respectively.
Going back full-circle to the Iranian films, let me state again that I was surprised by the diversity of their influences, though I would not necessarily say that all of them bring the influences to a cohesive whole. Fereydoun Jayrani's ASPHYXIA / KHAFEGI (2017) is a bleak film about a nun which might have gotten tricks on how to light somber interiors from Paweł Pawlikowski's IDA (2013). The nun, also facing dilemmas about her future, takes care of a sick woman gone mute who seems to be repressing something about her marriage, so there is a hint of Bergman's PERSONA (1966) in it, too, or is it George Cukor's GASLIGHT (1944)? Sadly, the narrative seems to switch to something else every time a certain element becomes interesting. Rambod Javan’s NEGAR (2017) entangles an investigation, fast-paced chases, the main female character’s rich-girl fascination, and several where-did-this-come-from dream sequences is frustrating in a similar way.
The purest genre film I saw (admittedly missing many, including the top-prize winner, Asghar Yousefinejad's 2017 directorial debut THE HOME / EV) is Alireza Davoodnejad’s FERRARI (2017) – it is mostly a city-traffic road movie featuring a girl whose interests are definitely less than spiritual (jewelry and expensive things in general, plus the eponymous rarity on wheels) and a driver who sees her defencelessly wandering around and has the chivalry to help. Moralizing overtones are hard to miss, but both characters are lively and their obstacle course is sufficiently engaging, although the end goal is by anyone’s perspective rather frivolous (the girl wants to find the Ferrari and take a photo with it to spite a friend), there is enough going on to maintain the suspense.
Certainly, there is a lot more to discover than I could have possibly absorbed in a week – especially since, being in Tehran, it was hard to resist the temptation to wander away from the cinema. Despite the Abbas Kiarostami poster exhibition, commissioned by the festival in his memory and lining the hallway of the Charsou cinema, a large part of recent Iranian production was less familiar than I had expected. I left the festival with the commitment to watch out for films that might otherwise fly under my radar – aside from the promise to fly back to Iran to visit Shiraz, and the Instagram handles of several of the Iranians I have met.
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xerxesdark · 6 years
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(via Bepi Crespan Presents... 24 August Broadcast Preview) on Aug 24, Morego Music will be on air for the first time !don't miss this radio show on CiTR.ca24 AUGUST 2018 CITR FM 101.9 BROADCAST PREVIEW1400 - 1530 PacificCiTR Radio 101.9FM // Streaming at PLAYER.CITR.CA Highlights: #GiulioAldinucciKINK GONG's Music of Southern / Northern Laos#RupertLally#Morego (Mohamad Reza)#MSMIROSLAW#NEL (Cristian Vogel)BJ NilsenPreliminary SituationStephono - ZIP (Stefano Lazzari) https://www.citr.ca CiTR Radio 101.9FM Moving Furniture Records Discrepant Forced Exposure Rec Trasponsonic EPM Music First Terrace Records The New Noise The Weirdest Band in the World SiriusXM SiriusXM Canada SiriusXM Spa #DARKAMBIENT #DRONE #NOISE #RADIOART #AGGRESSIVESOUNDSCAPES #CITR
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cminoldo · 5 years
Organizado por Estancia de Jesús María - Museo Jesuítico Nacional, se llevará a cabo el sábado 12 de octubre a partir de las 15 este seminario intensivo de cultura comechingona, a cargo del profesor Claudio Arias “Quetzal”. “Para acercarnos conocimientos acerca del más importante de los pueblos originarios que habitaron nuestra región”, reza la invitación que propone un temario vasto sobre la temática ya que incluye, entre otros tópicos, los siguientes: Poblamiento de las sierras centrales; Las aldeas originarias; La industria nativa; Vida, culto, costumbres; Cómo se veían los comechingones; La vestimenta y ornamento; Mito e imaginario sobre la cultura; La documentación española; y Legado y actualidad. Según se informó, durante el seminario el Grupo Chasca hará una reconstrucción y muestra de vestuario étnico y también tendrá lugar una intervención musical a cargo del Dúo Colazo-Acevedo (Oncativo) y Cristian Bustos (San José de la Dormida) Las inscripciones tienen un valor de $ 250 e incluyen certificado: https://forms.gle/kcka8SwMmRwCW4SMA
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mauricio1954 · 6 years
Religiosidade e prece
Escrito por Cristian Macedo
Realizando petitórios infindáveis, na tentativa de barganhar com o Criador, nas áreas da cura de enfermidades, dos romances mal resolvidos, dos empregos e das posições sociais, o ser se envolve no mundo mágico dos pajés e xamãs arcaicos, que acreditavam que a finalidade da relação com o transcendente era a solução das questões materiais cotidianas. Ao invés de orar, muitas vezes utiliza-se da reza (recitare), que nada possui de interior, repetindo louvaminhas memorizadas sem conteúdo plenificador.
Procedimentos desse jaez efetuam-se, hodier-namente ainda, pela ignorância dos que se julgam religiosos e acreditam estar realizando ato piedoso quando, em verdade, estagnam-se em atitude de finalidade mágica perturbadora, instaurada devido à interferência da mentalidade pagã na “religião oficial” de antanho.
Sendo a prece ação do pensamento humano, dá-se em nível mental, não se tornando imperiosa a observância de posturas corporais, nem havendo a necessidade de que as mãos estejam aqui ou ali, tampouco de que as pernas permaneçam ou não encruzadas, porquanto não se corre o risco de “cortar” nenhuma “corrente” ou interromper qualquer conexão com o divino.
A voz daquele que ora pode estar serena, não chorosa; pode externar sentimentos que proponham ternura e harmonia contagiantes, nunca, porém, apresentar teatralidade exacerbada, geradora de inquietação e desconforto.
Sob esse ângulo, divisamos a prece como atitude sublime de todo aquele que busca religar-se ao Pai, genuflexando-se em espírito e alteando-se em sentimentos de arrependimento, gratidão ou plenitude, abrindo mão de figurações exteriores dispensáveis.
Aquele que ama pensa em Deus, louvando-O; o avarento, lembra-se Dele de acordo com as conveniências.
O religioso pede ao Criador o necessário para a jornada terrena; o interesseiro procura com Ele “negociar”.
O ser consciente eleva-se em agradecimentos pela vida; o insciente realiza promessas, costumeiramente de cunho material, cumpridas de acordo com a dádiva alcançada.
Oremos, portanto, conforme a finalidade religiosa, na certeza de que alçaremos vôo rumo aos Cimos Luminescentes, onde nutriremos nosso psiquismo com esperança, entusiasmo e amor estesiantes, espraiados por Deus, Universo afora.
(Jornal Mundo Espírita de Dezembro de 2001)
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
World Cup 2018: All the confirmed squads for this summer
World Cup 2018: All the confirmed squads for this summer
World Cup 2018: All the confirmed squads for this summer
Everton midfielder Gylfi Sigurdsson will be in Russia – who else will be?
With the 2018 Fifa World Cup fast approaching, all 32 competing nations have now named their final squad for Russia.
BBC Sport list the final 23 selected by each nation, including the England squad named by Gareth Southgate on 16 May.
Group A
Goalkeepers: Igor Akinfeev (CSKA Moscow), Vladimir Gabulov (Club Brugge), Andrey Lunyov (Zenit St Petersburg).
Defenders: Vladimir Granat, Fyodor Kudryashov (both Rubin Kazan), Ilya Kutepov (Spartak Moscow), Andrei Semyonov (Akhmat Grozny), Sergei Ignashevich, Mario Fernandes (both CSKA Moscow), Igor Smolnikov (Zenit St Petersburg).
Midfielders: Yury Gazinsky (Krasnodar), Aleksandr Golovin, Alan Dzagoev (both CSKA Moscow), Aleksandr Yerokhin, Yuri Zhirkov, Daler Kuzyaev (all Zenit St Petersburg), Roman Zobnin, Aleksandr Samedov (both Spartak Moscow), Anton Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Denis Cheryshev (Villarreal).
Forwards: Artem Dzyuba (Arsenal Tula), Aleksei Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Fyodor Smolov (Krasnodar).
Saudi Arabia
Goalkeepers: Mohammed Alowais, Yasser Almosailem (both Al Ahli), Abdullah Almuaiouf (Al Hilal).
Defenders: Mansoor Alharbi (Al Ahli), Yasser Alshahrani, Mohammed Alburyak (both Al Hilal), Motaz Hawsawi (Al Ahli), Osama Hawsawi (Al Hilal), Omar Othman (Al Nassr), Ali Albulayhi (Al Hilal).
Midfielders: Abdullah Alkhaibari (Al Shabab), Abdulmalek Alkhaibri, Abdullah Otayf (both Al Hilal), Taiseer Aljassam, Hussain Almoqahwi (both Al Ahli), Salman Alfaraj, Mohamed Kanno (both Al Hilal), Hatan Bahbir (Al Shabab), Salem Aldawsari (Al Hilal), Yahia Alshehri (Al Nassr).
Forwards: Mohammed Alsahlawi (Al Nassr), Muhannad Asiri (Al Ahli), Fahad Almuwallad (Al Ittihad).
Goalkeepers: Essam El Hadary (Al Taawoun), Mohamed El-Shennawy, Sherif Ekramy (both Al Ahly).
Defenders: Ahmed Fathi, Saad Samir, Ayman Ashraf (all Al Ahly), Mahmoud Hamdy (Zamalek), Mohamed Abdel-Shafy (Al Fateh), Ahmed Hegazi (West Brom), Ali Gabr (Zamalek), Ahmed Elmohamady (Aston Villa), Omar Gaber (Los Angeles FC).
Midfielders: Tarek Hamed, (Zamalek), Abdallah Said (Al Ahli), Sam Morsy (Wigan Athletic), Mohamed Elneny (Arsenal), Ramadan Sobhi (Stoke City), Mahmoud Hassan (Kasimpasa).
Forwards: Mohamed Salah (Liverpool), Marwan Mohsen (Al Ahly), Shikabala (Zamalek), Amr Warda (Atromitos), Mahmoud Kahraba (Al Ittihad).
Goalkeepers: Fernando Muslera (Galatasaray), Martin Silva (Vasco da Gama), Martin Campana (Independiente).
Defenders: Diego Godin, Jose Maria Gimenez (both Atletico Madrid), Sebastian Coates (Sporting Lisbon), Maximiliano Pereira (Porto), Gaston Silva (Independiente), Martin Caceres (Lazio), Guillermo Varela (Penarol).
Midfielders: Nahitan Nandez (Boca Juniors), Lucas Torreira (Sampdoria), Matias Vecino (Inter Milan), Rodrigo Bentancur (Juventus), Carlos Sanchez (Monterrey), Giorgian De Arrascaeta (Cruzeiro), Diego Laxalt (Genoa), Cristian Rodriguez (Penarol), Jonathan Urretaviscaya (Monterrey).
Forwards: Cristhian Stuani (Girona), Maximiliano Gomez (Celta Vigo), Edinson Cavani (Paris St-Germain), Luis Suarez (Barcelona).
Group B
Goalkeepers: Anthony Lopes (Lyon), Beto (Goztepe), Rui Patricio (Sporting Lisbon).
Defenders: Bruno Alves (Rangers), Cedric Soares (Southampton), Jose Fonte (Dalian Yifang), Mario Rui (Napoli), Pepe (Besiktas), Raphael Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund), Ricardo Pereira (Porto), Ruben Dias (Benfica).
Midfielders: Adrien Silva (Leicester), Bruno Fernandes (Sporting Lisbon), Joao Mario (West Ham), Joao Moutinho (Monaco), Manuel Fernandes (Lokomotiv Moscow), William Carvalho (Sporting).
Forwards: Andre Silva (AC Milan), Bernardo Silva (Manchester City), Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid), Gelson Martins (Sporting Lisbon), Goncalo Guedes (Valencia), Ricardo Quaresma (Besiktas).
Goalkeepers: Pepe Reina (Napoli), David de Gea (Manchester United), Kepa Arrizabalaga (Athletic Bilbao).
Defenders: Nacho Fernandez, Sergio Ramos, Dani Carvajal (all Real Madrid), Gerard Pique, Jordi Alba (both Barcelona), Alvaro Odriozola (Real Sociedad), Nacho Monreal (Arsenal), Cesar Azpilicueta (Chelsea).
Midfielders: Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets (both Barcelona), Saul Niguez, Koke (both Atletico Madrid), Isco, Marco Asensio (both Real Madrid), Thiago Alcantara (Bayern Munich), David Silva (Manchester City).
Forwards: Iago Aspas (Celta Vigo), Rodrigo (Valencia), Diego Costa (Atletico Madrid), Lucas Vazquez (Real Madrid).
Goalkeepers: Mounir El Kajoui (Numancia), Yassine Bounou (Girona), Ahmad Reda Tagnaouti (Ittihad Tanger).
Defenders: Mehdi Benatia (Juventus), Romain Saiss (Wolves), Manuel Da Costa (Istanbul Basaksehir), Nabil Dirar (Fenerbahce), Achraf Hakimi (Real Madrid), Hamza Mendyl (Lille).
Midfielders: M’barek Boussoufa (Al Jazira), Karim El Ahmadi (Feyenoord), Youssef Ait Bennasser (Caen), Sofyan Amrabat (Feyenoord), Younes Belhanda (Galatasaray), Faycal Fajr (Getafe), Amine Harit (Schalke).
Forwards: Khalid Boutaib (Malatyaspor), Aziz Bouhaddouz (St Pauli), Ayoub El Kaabi (Renaissance Berkane), Nordin Amrabat (Leganes), Mehdi Carcela (Standard Liege), Hakim Ziyech (Ajax), Youssef En Nesyri (Malaga).
Goalkeepers: Alireza Beiranvand (Persepolis), Rashid Mazaheri (Zob Ahan), Amir Abedzadeh (Maritimo).
Defenders: Majid Hosseini (Esteghlal), Ramin Rezaeian (Ostende), Mohammad Reza Khanzadeh (Padideh), Morteza Pouraliganji (Alsaad), Pejman Montazeri (Esteghlal), Milad Mohammadi (Akhmat Grozny), Roozbeh Cheshmi (Esteghlal).
Midfielders: Saeid Ezatolahi (Amkar Perm), Masoud Shojaei (AEK Athens), Mehdi Torabi (Saipa), Omid Ebrahimi (Esteghlal), Ehsan Haji Safi (Olympiacos), Karim Ansarifard (Olympiacos), Vahid Amiri (Persepolis).
Forwards: Alireza Jahanbakhsh (AZ Alkmaar), Mehdi Taremi (Al Gharafa), Sardar Azmoun (Rubin Kazan), Reza Ghoochannejhad (Heerenveen), Saman Ghoddos (Ostersunds), Ashkan Dejagah (Nottingham Forest).
Group C
Goalkeepers: Hugo Lloris (Tottenham), Steve Mandanda (Marseille), Alphonse Areola (Paris St-Germain).
Defenders: Lucas Hernandez (Atletico Madrid), Presnel Kimpembe (Paris St-Germain), Benjamin Mendy (Manchester City), Benjamin Pavard (Stuttgart), Adil Rami (Marseille), Djibril Sidibe (Monaco), Samuel Umtiti (Barcelona), Raphael Varane (Real Madrid).
Midfielders: N’Golo Kante (Chelsea), Blaise Matuidi (Juventus), Steven N’Zonzi (Sevilla), Paul Pogba (Manchester United), Corentin Tolisso (Bayern Munich).
Forwards: Ousmane Dembele (Barcelona), Nabil Fekir (Lyon), Olivier Giroud (Chelsea), Antoine Griezmann (Atletico Madrid), Thomas Lemar (Monaco), Kylian Mbappe (Paris St-Germain), Florian Thauvin (Marseille).
Goalkeepers: Brad Jones (Feyenoord), Mat Ryan (Brighton), Danny Vukovic (Genk).
Defenders: Aziz Behich (Bursaspor), Milos Degenek (Yokohama F. Marinos), Matthew Jurman (Suwon Samsung Blue Wings), James Meredith (Millwall), Josh Risdon (Western Sydney), Trent Sainsbury (Grasshopper Zurich).
Midfielders: Jackson Irvine (Hull City), Mile Jedinak (Aston Villa), Robbie Kruse (VfL Bochum), Massimo Luongo (QPR), Mark Milligan (Al-Ahli), Aaron Mooy (Huddersfield), Tom Rogic (Celtic), Tim Cahill (Millwall).
Forwards: Daniel Arzani (Melbourne City), Tomi Juric (Luzern), Mathew Leckie (Hertha Berlin), Andrew Nabbout (Urawa Red Diamonds), Dimitri Petratos (Newcastle Jets), Jamie Maclaren (Hibernian).
Goalkeepers: Pedro Gallese (Veracruz), Carlos Caceda (Deportivo Municipal), Jose Carvallo (UTC).
Defenders: Aldo Corzo (Universitario), Luis Advincula (Lobos Buap), Christian Ramos (Veracruz), Miguel Araujo (Alianza Lima), Alberto Rodriguez (Atletico Junior), Anderson Santamaria (Puebla), Miguel Trauco (Flamengo), Nilson Loyola (Melgar).
Midfielders: Renato Tapia (Feyenoord), Pedro Aquino (Leon), Yoshimar Yotun (Orlando City), Paolo Hurtado (Vitoria Guimaraes), Christian Cueva (Sao Paulo), Edison Flores (Aalborg), Andy Polo (Portland Timbers), Wilder Cartagena (Veracruz).
Forwards: Andre Carrillo (Benfica), Raul Ruidiaz (Morelia), Jefferson Farfan (Lokomotiv Moscow), Paolo Guerrero (Flamengo).
Goalkeepers: Kasper Schmeichel (Leicester), Frederik Ronnow (Brondby), Jonas Lossl (Huddersfield).
Defenders: Simon Kjaer (Sevilla), Mathias Jorgensen (Huddersfield), Andreas Christensen (Chelsea), Henrik Dalsgaard (Brentford), Jannik Vestergaard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jens Stryger Larsen (Udinese), Jonas Knudsen (Ipswich).
Midfielders: Christian Eriksen (Tottenham), Lasse Schone (Ajax), Michael Krohn-Dehli (Deportivo La Coruna), Thomas Delaney (Werder Bremen), William Kvist (FC Copenhagen), Lukas Lerager (Bordeaux).
Forwards: Andreas Cornelius (Atalanta), Kasper Dolberg (Ajax), Martin Braithwaite (Middlesbrough), Nicolai Jorgensen (Feyenoord), Pione Sisto (Celta Vigo), Viktor Fischer (FC Copenhagen), Yussuf Poulsen (RB Leipzig).
Group D
Goalkeepers: Willy Caballero (Chelsea), Franco Armani (River Plate), Nahuel Guzman (Tigres).
Defenders: Gabriel Mercado (Sevilla), Federico Fazio (Roma), Nicolas Otamendi (Manchester City), Marcos Rojo (Manchester United), Nicolas Taglafico (Ajax), Javier Mascherano (Hebei Fortune), Marcos Acuna (Sporting Lisbon), Cristian Ansaldi (Torino).
Midfielders: Ever Banega (Sevilla), Lucas Biglia (AC Milan), Angel Di María, Giovani Lo Celso (both Paris St-Germain), Manuel Lanzini (West Ham), Cristian Pavon (Boca Juniors), Maximiliano Meza (Independiente), Eduardo Salvio (Benfica).
Forwards: Lionel Messi (Barcelona), Gonzalo Higuain, Paulo Dybala (both Juventus), Sergio Aguero (Manchester City).
Goalkeepers: Hannes Thor Halldorsson (Randers FC), Runar Runarsson (FC Nordsjælland), Frederik Schram (FC Roskilde).
Defenders: Kari Arnason (Vikingur), Ari Skulason (Lokeren), Birkir Saevarsson (Valur), Sverrir Ingason (FC Rostov), Hordur Magnusson (Bristol City), Holmar Eyjolfsson (Levski Sofia), Ragnar Sigurdsson (FC Rostov).
Midfielders: Johann Gudmundsson (Burnley), Birkir Bjarnason (Aston Villa), Arnor Traustason (Malmo FF), Emil Hallfredsson (Udinese), Gylfi Sigurdsson (Everton), Olafur Skulason (Kardemir Karabukspor), Rurik Gislason (SV Sandhausen), Samuel Fridjonsson (Valerenga), Aron Gunnarsson (Cardiff City).
Forwards: Alfred Finnbogason (Augsburg), Bjorn Sigurdarson (FC Rostov), Jon Dadi Bodvarsson (Reading), Albert Gudmundsson (PSV Eindhoven).
Goalkeepers: Danijel Subasic (Monaco), Lovre Kalinic (Gent), Dominik Livakovic (Dinamo Zagreb).
Defenders: Vedran Corluka (Lokomotiv Moscow), Domagoj Vida (Besiktas), Ivan Strinic (Milan), Dejan Lovren (Liverpool), Sime Vrsaljko (Atletico Madrid), Josip Pivaric (Dynamo Kiev), Tin Jedvaj (Bayer Leverkusen), Duje Caleta-Car (Red Bull Salzburg).
Midfielders: Luka Modric (Real Madrid), Ivan Rakitic (Barcelona), Mateo Kovacic (Real Madrid), Milan Badelj (Fiorentina), Marcelo Brozovic (Inter Milan), Filip Bradaric (Rijeka).
Forwards: Mario Mandzukic (Juventus), Ivan Perisic (Inter Milan), Nikola Kalinic (AC Milan), Andrej Kramaric (Hoffenheim), Marko Pjaca (Juventus), Ante Rebic (Fiorentina).
Goalkeepers: Francis Uzoho (Deportivo La Coruna), Ikechukwu Ezenwa (Enyimba), Daniel Akpeyi (Chippa United).
Defenders: William Troost-Ekong, Abdullahi Shehu (both Bursaspor), Tyronne Ebuehi (Benfica), Elderson Echiejile (Cercle Brugge), Bryan Idowu (Amkar Perm), Chidozie Awaziem (Porto), Leon Balogun (Brighton), Kenneth Omeruo (Chelsea).
Midfielders: Mikel John Obi (Tianjin Teda), Ogenyi Onazi (Trabzonspor), Wilfred Ndidi (Leicester), Oghenekaro Etebo (CD Feirense), John Ogu (Hapoel Be’er Sheva), Joel Obi (Torino, Italy).
Forwards: Ahmed Musa, Kelechi Iheanacho (both Leicester), Victor Moses (Chelsea), Odion Ighalo (Changchun Yatai), Alex Iwobi (Arsenal), Simeon Nwankwo (Crotone).
Group E
Goalkeepers: Alisson (Roma), Ederson (Manchester City), Cassio (Corinthians).
Defenders: Danilo (Manchester City), Fagner (Corinthians), Marcelo (Real Madrid), Filipe Luis (Atletico Madrid), Thiago Silva, Marquinhos (both Paris St-Germain), Miranda (Inter Milan) Pedro Geromel (Gremio).
Midfielders: Casemiro (Real Madrid), Fernandinho (Manchester City), Paulinho (Barcelona), Fred (Shakhtar Donetsk), Renato Augusto (Beijing Guoan), Philippe Coutinho (Barcelona), Willian (Chelsea), Douglas Costa (Juventus).
Forwards: Neymar Jr (Paris St-Germain), Taison (Shakhtar Donetsk), Gabriel Jesus (Manchester City), Roberto Firmino (Liverpool).
Goalkeepers: Roman Buerki (Borussia Dortmund), Yvon Mvogo (Leipzig), Yann Sommer (Borussia Monchengladbach).
Defenders: Manuel Akanji (Borussia Dortmund), Johan Djourou (Antalyaspor), Nico Elvedi (Borussia Monchengladbach), Michael Lang (Basel), Stephan Lichtsteiner (Juventus), Jacques-Francois Moubandje (Toulouse), Ricardo Rodriguez (Milan), Fabian Schaer (Deportivo La Coruna).
Midfielders: Valon Behrami (Udinese), Blerim Dzemaili (Bologna), Gelson Fernandes (Eintracht Frankfurt), Remo Freuler (Atalanta), Xherdan Shaqiri (Stoke City), Granit Xhaka (Arsenal), Steven Zuber (1899 Hoffenheim), Denis Zakaria (Borussia Monchengladbach).
Forwards: Josip Drmic (Borussia Monchengladbach), Breel Embolo (Schalke), Mario Gavranovic (Dinamo Zagreb), Haris Seferovic (Benfica).
Costa Rica
Goalkeepers: Keylor Navas (Real Madrid), Patrick Pemberton (Liga Deportiva Alajuelense), Leonel Moreira (CS Herediano).
Defenders: Cristian Gamboa (Celtic), Ian Smith (Santos de Guapiles), Ronald Matarrita (New York City), Bryan Oviedo (Sunderland), Oscar Duarte (Espanyol), Giancarlo Gonzalez (Bologna), Francisco Calvo (Minnesota United), Kendall Waston (Vancouver Whitecaps), Johnny Acosta (Rionegro Aguilas).
Midfielders: David Guzman (Portland Timbers), Yeltsin Tejeda (Lausanne-Sport), Celso Borges (Deportivo La Coruna), Randall Azofeifa (CS Herediano), Rodney Wallace (New York City), Bryan Ruiz (Sporting Lisbon), Daniel Colindres, Christian Bolanos (both Deportivo Saprissa).
Forwards: Johan Venegas (Deportivo Saprissa), Joel Campbell (Real Betis), Marco Urena (Los Angeles FC).
Goalkeepers: Vladimir Stojkovic (Partizan Belgrade), Predrag Rajkovic (Maccabi Tel Aviv), Marko Dmitrovic (Eibar).
Defenders: Aleksandar Kolarov (Roma), Branislav Ivanovic (Zenit St Petersburg), Dusko Tosic (Guangzhou R&F), Antonio Rukavina (Villarreal), Milos Veljkovic (Werder Bremen), Milan Rodic (Red Star Belgrade), Uros Spajic (Krasnodar), Nikola Milenkovic (Fiorentina).
Midfielders: Nemanja Matic (Manchester United), Luka Milivojevic (Crystal Palace), Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio), Marko Grujic (Liverpool), Adem Ljajic (Torino), Dusan Tadic (Southampton), Filip Kostic (Hamburg), Andrija Zivkovic (Benfica), Nemanja Radonjic (Red Star Belgrade).
Strikers: Aleksandar Mitrovic (Newcastle United), Aleksandar Prijovic (PAOK Salonika), Luka Jovic (Benfica).
Group F
Goalkeepers: Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich), Marc-Andre ter Stegen (Barcelona), Kevin Trapp (Paris St-Germain).
Defenders: Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich), Matthias Ginter (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jonas Hector (Cologne), Mats Hummels (Bayern Munich), Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich), Marvin Plattenhardt (Hertha Berlin), Antonio Rudiger (Chelsea), Niklas Sule (Bayern Munich).
Midfielders: Julian Brandt (Bayer Leverkusen), Julian Draxler (Paris St-Germain), Leon Goretska (Schalke), Ilkay Gundogan (Manchester City), Sami Khedira (Juventus), Toni Kroos (Real Madrid), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal), Sebastian Rudy (Bayern Munich).
Strikers: Mario Gomez (Stuttgart), Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich), Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund), Timo Werner (RB Leipzig).
Goalkeepers: Guillermo Ochoa (Standard Liege), Alfredo Talavera (Toluca), Jesus Corona (Cruz Azul).
Defenders: Carlos Salcedo (Eintracht Frankfurt), Diego Reyes (Porto), Hector Moreno (Real Sociedad), Hugo Ayala (Tigres), Edson Alvarez (America), Jesus Gallardo (Monterrey), Miguel Layun (Sevilla).
Midfielders: Rafael Marquez (Atlas), Hector Herrera (Porto), Jonathan dos Santos, Giovani dos Santos (both LA Galaxy), Andres Guardado (Real Betis), Javier Aquino (Tigres), Jesus Corona (Porto).
Forwards: Javier Hernandez (West Ham), Raul Jimenez (Benfica), Oribe Peralta (America), Carlos Vela (Los Angeles FC), Hirving Lozano (PSV Eindhoven), Marco Fabian (Eintracht Frankfurt).
Goalkeepers: Robin Olsen (Copenhagen), Karl-Johan Johnsson (Guingamp), Kristoffer Nordfeldt (Swansea).
Defenders: Mikael Lustig (Celtic), Victor Lindelof (Manchester United), Andreas Granqvist (Krasnador), Martin Olsson (Swansea), Ludwig Augustinsson (Werder Bremen), Filip Helander, Emil Krafth (both Bologna), Pontus Jansson (Leeds United).
Midfielders: Sebastian Larsson (Hull), Albin Ekdal (Hamburg), Emil Forsberg (RB Leipzig), Gustav Svensson (Seattle Sounders), Oscar Hiljemark (Genoa), Viktor Claesson (Krasnador), Marcus Rohden (Crotone), Jimmy Durmaz (Toulouse).
Forwards: Marcus Berg (Al Ain), John Guidetti (Alaves), Ola Toivonen (Toulouse), Isaac Kiese Thelin (Waasland-Beveren).
South Korea
Goalkeepers: Kim Seung-gyu (Vissel Kobe), Kim Jin-hyeon (Cerezo Osaka), Cho Hyun-woo (Daegu FC).
Defenders: Kim young-gwon (Guangzhou Evergrande), Jang Hyun-soo (FC Tokyo), Jung Seung-hyun (Sagan Tosu), Yun Yong-sun (Seongnam FC), Oh Ban-suk (Jeju United), Kim Min-woo (Sangju Sangmu), Park Joo-ho (Ulsan Hyundai), Hong Chul (Sangju Sangmu), Go Yo-han (FC Seoul), Lee Yong (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors).
Midfielders: Ki Sung-yueng (Swansea), Jung Woo-young (Vissel Kobe), Ju Se-jong (Asan Mugunghwa), Koo Ja-cheol (Augsburg), Lee Jae-sung (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Lee Seung-woo (Hellas Verona), Moon Seon-min (Incheon United).
Forwards: Kim Shin-wook (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Son Heung-min (Tottenham), Hwang Hee-chan (Red Bull Salzburg).
Group G
Goalkeepers: Koen Casteels (Wolfsburg), Thibaut Courtois (Chelsea), Simon Mignolet (Liverpool).
Defenders: Toby Alderweireld (Tottenham), Dedryck Boyata (Celtic), Vincent Kompany (Manchester City), Thomas Meunier (Paris St-Germain), Thomas Vermaelen (Barcelona), Jan Vertonghen (Tottenham).
Midfielders: Yannick Carrasco (Dalian Yifang), Kevin de Bruyne (Manchester City), Mousa Dembele (Tottenham), Leander Dendoncker (Anderlecht), Marouane Fellaini (Manchester United), Eden Hazard (Chelsea), Thorgan Hazard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Adnan Januzaj (Real Sociedad), Youri Tielemans (Monaco), Axel Witsel (Tianjin Quanjian).
Forwards: Michy Batshuayi (Chelsea), Nacer Chadli (West Brom), Romelu Lukaku (Manchester United), Dries Mertens (Napoli).
Goalkeepers: Jose Calderon (Chorrillo), Jaime Penedo (Dinamo Bucharest), Alex Rodriguez (San Francisco).
Defenders: Felipe Baloy (Municipal CSD), Harold Cummings (San Jose Earthquakes), Erick Davis (Dunajska Streda), Fidel Escobar (San Miguelito), Michael Murillo (New York Red Bulls), Adolfo Machado (Houston Dynamo), Luis Ovalle (Olimpia), Roman Torres (Seattle Sounders).
Midfielders: Jose Luis Rodriguez (Gent), Yoel Barcenas (Cafetaleros de Tapachula), Armando Cooper (Universidad de Chile), Anibal Godoy (San Jose Earthquakes), Gabriel Gomez (Bucaramanga), Valentin Pimentel (Plaza Amador), Alberto Quintero (Universitario).
Forwards: Abdiel Arroyo (Alajuelense), Ismael Diaz (Deportivo La Coruna), Blas Perez (Municipal), Luis Tejada (Sports Boys), Gabriel Torres (CD Huachipato).
Goalkeepers: Farouk Ben Mustapha (Al Shabab), Mouez Hassen (Nice), Aymen Mathlouthi (Al Baten).
Defenders: Rami Bedoui (Etoile du Sahel), Yohan Benalouane (Leicester), Syam Ben Youssef (Kasimpasa), Dylan Bronn (Gent), Oussama Haddadi (Dijon), Ali Maaloul (Al Ahly), Yassine Meriah (CS Sfaxien), Hamdi Nagguez (Zamalek).
Midfielders: Wahbi Khazri (Rennes), Anice Badri (Esperance), Mohamed Amine Ben Amor (Etoile Sportive du Sahel), Ferjani Sassi (Al Nasr), Ellyes Skhiri (Montpellier).
Forwards: Saifeddine Khaoui (Marseille), Fakhreddine Ben Youssef (Al Ettifaq), Saber Khalifa (Club Africain), Bassem Srarfi (Nice), Naim Sliti (Lille), Ahmed Khalil (Club Africain), Ghaylen Chaaleli (Esperance).
Goalkeepers: Jack Butland (Stoke), Jordan Pickford (Everton), Nick Pope (Burnley).
Defenders: Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool), Gary Cahill (Chelsea), Fabian Delph (Manchester City), Phil Jones (Manchester United), Harry Maguire (Leicester), Danny Rose (Tottenham), John Stones (Manchester City), Kieran Trippier (Tottenham), Kyle Walker (Manchester City), Ashley Young (Manchester United).
Midfielders: Dele Alli, Eric Dier (both Tottenham), Jordan Henderson (Liverpool), Jesse Lingard (Manchester United), Ruben Loftus-Cheek (Chelsea).
Forwards: Harry Kane (Tottenham), Marcus Rashford (Manchester United), Raheem Sterling (Manchester City), Jamie Vardy (Leicester), Danny Welbeck (Arsenal).
Group H
Goalkeepers: Bartosz Bialkowski (Ipswich), Lukasz Fabianski (Swansea City), Wojciech Szczesny (Juventus).
Defenders: Jan Bednarek (Southampton), Bartosz Bereszynski (Sampdoria), Thiago Cionek (SPAL), Kamil Glik (Monaco), Artur Jedrzejczyk (Legia Warsaw), Michal Pazdan (Legia Warsaw), Lukasz Piszczek (Borussia Dortmund).
Midfielders: Jakub Blaszczykowski (Wolfsburg), Jacek Goralski (Ludogorets Razgrad), Kamil Grosicki (Hull City), Grzegorz Krychowiak (Paris St-Germain), Rafal Kurzawa (Gornik Zabrze), Karol Linetty (Sampdoria), Slawomir Peszko (Lechnia Gdansk), Maciej Rybus (Lokomotiv Moscow), Piotr Zielinski (Napoli).
Forwards: Dawid Kownacki (Sampdoria), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich), Arkadiusz Milik (Napoli), Lukasz Teodorczyk (Anderlecht).
Goalkeepers: Khadim N’Diaye (Horoya AC), Abdoulaye Diallo (Rennes), Alfred Gomis (Torino).
Defenders: Kara Mbodji (Anderlecht), Kalidou Koulibaly (Napoli), Moussa Wague (Eupen), Saliou Ciss (Angers), Youssouf Sabaly (Bordeaux), Lamine Gassama (Alanyaspor).
Midfielders: Badou Ndiaye (Stoke), Idrissa Gueye (Everton), Cheikhou Kouyate (West Ham), Cheikh N’Doye (Birmingham), Salif Sane (Hannover 96), Alfred N’Diaye (Villarreal).
Forwards: Moussa Sow (Bursaspor), Sadio Mane (Liverpool), Keita Balde Diao (Monaco), Moussa Konate (Amiens), Ismaila Sarr (Rennes), Diafra Sakho (Rennes), Mame Biram Diouf (Stoke), M’Baye Niang (AC Milan).
Goalkeepers: David Ospina (Arsenal), Camilo Vargas (Deportivo Cali), Jose Fernando Cuadrado (Once Caldas).
Defenders: Cristian Zapata (Milan), Davinson Sanchez (Tottenham), Santiago Arias (PSV Eindhoven), Oscar Murillo (Pachuca), Frank Fabra (Boca Juniors), Johan Mojica (Girona), Yerry Mina (Barcelona).
Midfielders: Wílmar Barrios (Boca Juniors), Carlos Sanchez (Espanyol), Jefferson Lerma (Levante), Jose Izquierdo (Brighton), James Rodriguez (Bayern Munich), Abel Aguilar (Deportivo Cali), Mateus Uribe (America), Juan Fernando Quintero (River Plate), Juan Cuadrado (Juventus).
Forwards: Radamel Falcao (Monaco), Miguel Borja (Palmeiras), Carlos Bacca (Villarreal), Luis Fernando Muriel (Sevilla).
Goalkeepers: Eiji Kawashima (Metz), Masaaki Higashiguchi (Gamba Osaka), Kosuke Nakamura (Kashiwa Reysol).
Defenders: Yuto Nagatomo (Galatasaray), Tomoaki Makino, Wataru Endo (both Urawa Reds), Maya Yoshida (Southampton), Hiroki Sakai (Marseille), Gotoku Sakai (Hamburg), Gen Shoji, Naomichi Ueda (both Kashima Antlers).
Midfielders: Makoto Hasebe (Eintracht Frankfurt), Keisuke Honda (Pachuca), Takashi Inui (Eibar), Shinji Kagawa (Dortmund), Hotaru Yamaguchi (Cerezo Osaka), Genki Haraguchi (Hertha Berlin), Takashi Usami (Augsburg), Gaku Shibasaki (Getafe), Ryota Oshima (Kawasaki Frontale).
Forwards: Shinji Okazaki (Leicester), Yuya Osako (Werder Bremen), Yoshinori Muto (Mainz).
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newssplashy · 6 years
Russia 2018: Here's the final 23-man squad of all 32 participating countries
736 players will represent their various nations in the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia
The 32 nations that will be participating in the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Brazil have submitted their final 23-man squad for the Mundial to meet the June 4 midnight deadline.
However, FIFA rules permit teams to make late replacements in the event of serious injury, at any time up to 24 hours before their first game.
Below is the full list the final squad of all the 32 participating countries
Goalkeepers: Sergio Romero (Manchester United), Wilfredo Caballero (Chelsea), Franco Armani (River Plate).
Defenders: Gabriel Mercado (Sevilla), Cristian Ansaldi (Torino), Nicolas Otamendi (Manchester City), Federico Fazio (Roma), Marcos Rojo (Manchester United), Nicolas Tagliafico (Ajax), Marcos Acuna (Sporting Lisbon).
Midfielders: Javier Mascherano (Hebei China Fortune), Eduardo Salvio (Benfica), Lucas Biglia (AC Milan), Giovani Lo Celso (Paris Saint-Germain), Ever Banega (Sevilla), Manuel Lanzini (West Ham), Maximiliano Meza (Independiente), Angel di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain), Cristian Pavon (Boca Juniors).
Forwards: Lionel Messi (Barcelona), Paulo Dybala (Juventus), Gonzalo Higuain (Juventus), Sergio Aguero (Manchester City).
Goalkeepers - Mat Ryan (Brighton), Danny Vukovic (Genk), Brad Jones (Feyenoord)
Defenders - Aziz Behich (Bursaspor), Milos Degenek (Yokohama F. Marinos), Matthew Jurman (Suwon Bluewings), James Meredith (Millwall), Josh Risdon (Western Sydney), Trent Sainsbury (Grasshoppers Zurich)
Midfielders - Mile Jedinak (Aston Villa), Jackson Irvine (Hull), Robbie Kruse (Bochum), Massimo Luongo (Queens Park Rangers), Mark Milligan (Al Ahli), Aaron Mooy (Huddersfield), Tom Rogic (Celtic)
Forwards - Tim Cahill (Millwall), Tomi Juric (FC Luzern), Matthew Leckie (Hertha Berlin), Andrew Nabbout (Urawa Red Diamonds), Dimitri Petratos (Newcastle Jets), Daniel Arzani (Melbourne City), Jamie Maclaren (Hibernian)
READ MORE: Hazard and De Gea were the reason Zidane left Real Madrid
Goalkeepers: Thibaut Courtois (Chelsea), Simon Mignolet (Liverpool), Koen Casteels (VfL Wolfsburg).
Defenders: Toby Alderweireld Tottenham), Dedryck Boyata (Celtic), Jan Vertonghen (Tottenham), Vincent Kompany (Manchester City), Thomas Vermaelen (Barcelona), Thomas Meunier (PSG).
Midfielders: Youri Tielemans (AS Monaco), Axel Witsel (Tianjin Quanjian), Kevin de Bruyne (Manchester City), Mousa Dembele (Tottenham), Leander Dendoncker (Anderlecht), Marouane Fellaini (Manchester United), Thorgan Hazard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Dries Mertens (Napoli), Nacer Chadli (West Brom).
Forwards: Michy Batshuayi (Chelsea), Romelu Lukaku (Manchester United), Eden Hazard (Chelsea), Adnan Januzaj (Real Sociedad), Yannick Carrasco (Atletico Madrid).
Goalkeepers: Alisson (Roma), Ederson (Manchester City), Cassio (Corinthians).
Defenders: Miranda (Inter Milan), Marquinhos (Paris Saint-Germain), Thiago Silva (Paris Saint-Germain), Geromel (Gremio), Marcelo (Real Madrid), Fagner (Corinthians), Danilo (Manchester City), Filipe Luis (Atletico Madrid).
Midfielders: Casemiro (Real Madrid), Fernandinho (Manchester City), Paulinho (Barcelona), Renato Augusto (Beijing Guoan), Philippe Coutinho (Barcelona), Willian (Chelsea), Fred (Shakhtar Donetsk).
Forwards: Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain), Gabriel Jesus (Manchester City), Firmino (Liverpool), Taison (Shakhtar Donetsk), Douglas Costa (Juventus).
Goalkeepers: David Ospina (Arsenal), Camilo Vargas (Deportivo Cali), Jose Fernando Cuadrado (Once Caldas)
Defenders: Cristian Zapata (Milan), Davinson Sanchez (Tottenham), Santiago Arias (PSV), Oscar Murillo (Pachuca), Frank Fabra (Boca Juniors), Johan Mojica (Girona), Yerry Mina (Barcelona)
Midfielders: Wilmar Barrios (Boca Juniors), Carlos Sanchez (Espanyol), Jefferson Lerma (Levante), Jose Izquierdo (Brighton), James Rodriguez (Bayern Munich), Abel Aguilar (Deportivo Cali), Mateus Uribe (America), Juan Fernando Quintero (River Plate), Juan Guillermo Cuadrado (Juventus)
Forwards: Radamel Falcao (Monaco), Miguel Borja (Palmeiras), Carlos Bacca (Villarreal), Luis Muriel (Sevilla)
Goalkeepers: Keylor Navas (Real Madrid), Patrick Pemberton (LDA), Leonel Moreira (Herediano).
Defenders: Cristian Gamboa (Celtic), Ian Smith (Norrkoping), Ronald Matarrita (NYCFC), Bryan Oviedo (Sunderland), Oscar Duarte (Espanyol), Giancarlo Gonzalez (Bologna), Francisco Calvo (Minnesota United), Kendall Waston (Vancouver Whitecaps), Johnny Acosta (Aguilas Dorados).
Midfielders: David Guzman (Portland Timbers), Yeltsin Tejeda (Lausanne), Celso Borges (Deportivo La Coruna), Randall Azofeifa (Herediano), Rodney Wallace (NYCFC), Bryan Ruiz (Sporting Lisbon), Daniel Colindres (Saprissa), Christian Bolanos (Saprissa).
Forwards: Johan Venegas (Saprissa), Joel Campbell (Real Betis), Marco Urena (LAFC).
Goalkeepers: Danijel Subasic (Monaco), Lovre Kalinic (Gent), Dominik Livakovic (Dinamo).
Defenders: Vedran Corluka (Lokomotiv Moscow), Domagoj Vida (Besiktas), Ivan Strinic (Sampdoria), Dejan Lovren (Liverpool), Sime Vrsaljko (Atletico Madrid), Josip Pivaric (Dynamo Kiev), Tin Jedvaj (Bayer Leverkusen), Duje Caleta-Car (Red Bull Salzburg).
Midfielders: Luka Modric (Real Madrid), Ivan Rakitic (Barcelona), Mateo Kovacic (Real Madrid), Milan Badelj (Fiorentina), Marcelo Brozovic (Inter), Filip Bradaric (Rijeka).
Forwards: Mario Mandzukic (Juventus), Ivan Perisic (Inter), Nikola Kalinic (Milan), Andrej Kramaric (Hoffenheim), Marko Pjaca (Schalke), Ante Rebic (Eintracht).
Goalkeepers: Frederik Ronnow (Brondby), Jonas Lossl (Huddersfield), Kasper Schmeichel (Leicester).
Defenders: Andreas Christensen (Chelsea), Henrik Dalsgaard (Brentford), Jannik Vestergaard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jens Stryger Larsen (Udinese), Jonas Knudsen (Ipswich), Mathias Jorgensen (Huddersfield), Simon Kjaer (Sevilla).
Midfielders: Christian Eriksen (Tottenham), Lasse Schone (Ajax), Lukas Lerager (Bordeaux), Michael Krohn-Dehli (Deportivo La Coruna), Thomas Delaney (Werder Bremen), Willian Kvist (FC Copenhagen).
Forwards: Andreas Cornelius (Atalanta), Kasper Dolberg (Ajax), Martin Braithwaite (Bordeaux), Nicolai Jorgensen (Feyenoord), Pione Sisto (Celta Vigo), Viktor Fischer (FC Copenhagen), Yussuf Yurary Poulsen (RB Leipzig).
Goalkeepers: Jordan Pickford (Everton), Jack Butland (Stoke City), Nick Pope (Burnley).
Defenders: Kyle Walker (Manchester City), John Stones (Manchester City), Harry Maguire (Leicester City), Danny Rose (Tottenham), Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool), Ashley Young (Manchester United), Gary Cahill (Chelsea), Phil Jones (Manchester United), Kieran Trippier (Tottenham).
Midfielders: Jordan Henderson (Liverpool), Eric Dier (Tottenham), Dele Alli (Tottenham), Jesse Lingard (Manchester United), Raheem Sterling (Manchester City), Ruben Loftus-Cheek (Crystal Palace), Fabian Delph (Manchester City).
Forwards: Harry Kane (Tottenham), Jamie Vardy (Leicester City), Marcus Rashford (Manchester United), Danny Welbeck (Arsenal).
Goalkeepers: Sherif Ekramy (Al Ahly), Essam El Hadary (Al Taawoun), Mohamed El Shennawy (Al Ahly)
Defenders: Mohamed Abdel-Shafi (Al Fateh), Ayman Ashraf (Al Ahly), Ahmed Elmohamady (Aston Villa), Ahmed Fathi (Al Ahly), Omar Gaber (Los Angeles FC), Ali Gabr (Zamalek), Mahmoud Hamdy (Zamalek), Ahmed Hegazi (West Bromwich Albion), Saad Samir (Al Ahly)
Midfielders: Mohamed Elneny (Arsenal), Abdallah El Said (Al Ahly Jeddah), Tarek Hamed (Zamalek), Mahmoud Kahraba (Al Ittihad Jeddah), Sam Morsy (Wigan Athletic), Shikabala (Al Raed), Ramadan Sobhi (Stoke City), Mahmoud Hassan (Kasimpasa), Amr Warda (Atromitos)
Forwards: Marwan Mohsen (Al Ahly), Mohamed Salah (Liverpool)
Goalkeepers: Alphone Areola (Paris St Germain), Hugo Lloris (Tottenham Hotspur), Steve Mandanda (Olympique de Marseille)
Defenders: Lucas Hernandez (Atletico Madrid), Presnel Kimpembe (Paris St Germain), Benjamin Pavard (VfB Stuttgart), Benjamin Mendy (Manchester City), Djibril Sidibe (Monaco), Adil Rami (Olympique de Marseille), Samuel Umtiti (Barcelona), Raphael Varane (Real Madrid)
Midfielders: Blaise Matuidi (Juventus), N'Golo Kante (Chelsea), Steven N'Zonzi (Sevilla), Paul Pogba (Manchester United), Corentin Tolisso (Bayern Munich)
Forwards: Olivier Giroud (Chelsea), Antoine Griezmann (Atletico Madrid), Kylian Mbappe (Paris St Germain), Thomas Lemar (Monaco), Nabil Fekir (Olympique Lyonnais), Florian Thauvin (Olympique de Marseille), Ousmane Dembele (Barcelona)
Goalkeepers: Hannes Halldorsson (Randers), Runar Runarsson (Nordsjaelland), Frederik Schram (Roskilde)
Defenders: Kari Arnason (Aberdeen), Holmar Eyjolfsson (Levski Sofia), Rurik Gislason (Sandhausen), Sverrir Ingason (Rostov), Hordur Magnusson (Bristol City), Birkir Saevarsson (Valur), Ragnar Sigurdsson (Rostov), Ari Skulason (Lokeren)
Midfielders: Birkir Bjarnason (Aston Villa), Samuel Fridjonsson (Valerenga), Johann Gudmundsson (Burnley), Aron Gunnarsson (Cardiff City), Emil Hallfredsson (Udinese), Gylfi Sigurdsson (Everton), Olafur Skulason (Karabukspor), Arnor Traustason (Malmo)
Forwards: Jon Bodvarsson (Reading), Alfred Finnbogason (Augsburg), Albert Gudmundsson (PSV), Bjorn Sigurdarson (Rostov)
Goalkeepers: Alireza Beiranvand (Persepolis), Rashid Mazaheri (Zob Ahan), Amir Abedzadeh (Maritimo)
Defenders: Ali Gholizadeh (Saipa), Majid Hosseini (Esteghlal), Milad Mohammadi (Akhmat Grozny), Mohammad Khanzadeh (Padideh), Morteza Pouraliganji (Alsaad), Pejman Montazeri (Esteghlal), Ramin Rezaeian (Ostende), Roozbeh Cheshmi (Esteghlal)
Midfielders: Ehsan Haji Safi (Olympiacos), Karim Ansarifard (Olympiacos), Masoud Shojaei (AEK Athens), Mahdi Torabi (Saipa), Omid Ebrahimi (Esteghlal), Saeid Ezatolahi (Amkar Perm)
Forwards: Alireza Jahanbakhsh (AZ Alkmaar), Ashkan Dejageh (Nottingham Forest), Mahdi Taremi (Al-Gharafa), Reza Ghoochannejhad (Heerenveen), Saman Ghoddos (Ostersunds), Sardar Azmoun (Rubin Kazan), Vahid Amiri (Persepolis)
Goalkeepers: Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich), Marc-Andre ter Stegen (Barcelona), Kevin Trapp (Paris Saint-Germain)
Defenders: Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich), Matthias Ginter (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jonas Hector (FC Cologne), Mats Hummels (Bayern Munich), Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich), Marvin Plattenhardt (Hertha Berlin), Antonio Rudiger (Chelsea), Niklas Sule (Bayern Munich)
Midfielders: Julian Brandt (Bayer Leverkusen), Julian Draxler (Paris Saint-Germain), Leon Goretzka (Schalke 04), Ilkay Gundogan (Manchester City), Sami Khedira (Juventus), Toni Kroos (Real Madrid), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal), Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund), Sebastian Rudy (Bayern Munich)
Forwards: Mario Gomez (VfB Stuttgart), Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich), Timo Werner (RB Leipzig)
Goalkeepers: Eiji Kawashima (Metz), Masaaki Higashiguchi (Gamba Osaka), Kosuke Nakamura (Kashiwa Reysol)
Defenders: Yuto Nagatomo (Galatasaray), Tomoaki Makino (Urawa Reds), Wataru Endo (Urawa Reds), Maya Yoshida (Southampton), Hiroki Sakai (Marseille), Gotoku Sakai (Hamburg), Gen Shoji (Kashima Antlers), Naomichi Ueda (Kashima Antlers)
Midfielders: Makoto Hasebe (Eintracht Frankfurt), Keisuke Honda (Pachuca), Takashi Inui (Eibar), Shinji Kagawa (Borussia Dortmund), Hotaru Yamaguchi (Cerezo Osaka), Genki Haraguchi (Fortuna Dusseldorf), Takashi Usami (Fortuna Dusseldorf), Gaku Shibasaki (Getafe), Ryota Oshima (Kawasaki Frontale)
Forwards: Shinji Okazaki (Leicester), Yuya Osako (Werder Bremen), Yoshinori Muto (Mainz)
Goalkeepers: Guillermo Ochoa (Standard Liege), Alfredo Talavera (Toluca), Jesus Corona (Cruz Azul)
Defenders: Diego Reyes (Porto), Carlos Salcedo (Eintracht Frankfurt), Hector Moreno (Real Sociedad), Miguel Layun (Sevilla), Jesus Gallardo (Pumas), Hugo Ayala (Tigres UANL), Edson Alvarez (Club America)
Midfielders: Hector Herrera (Porto), Andres Guardado (Real Betis), Rafa Marquez (Atlas), Jonathan dos Santos (LA Galaxy), Marco Fabian (Eintracht Frankfurt), Giovani dos Santos (LA Galaxy)
Forwards: Javier Aquino (Tigres UANL), Jesus Corona (Porto), Raul Jimenez (Benfica), Oribe Peralta (Club America), Javier Hernandez (West Ham United), Carlos Vela (LAFC), Hirving Lozano (PSV Eindhoven)
Goalkeepers: Mounir El Kajoui (Numancia), Yassine Bounou (Girona), Ahmad Reda Tagnaouti (Ittihad Tanger)
Defenders: Mehdi Benatia (Juventus), Romain Saiss (Wolves), Manuel Da Costa (Basaksehir), Nabil Dirar (Fenerbahce), Achraf Hakimi (Real Madrid), Hamza Mendyl (LOSC)
Midfielders: M'barek Boussoufa (Al Jazira), Karim El Ahmadi (Feyenoord), Youssef Ait Bennasser (Caen), Sofyan Amrabat (Feyenoord), Younes Belhanda (Galatasaray), Faycal Fajr (Getafe), Amine Harit (Schalke 04)
Forwards: Khalid Boutaib (Malatyaspor), Aziz Bouhaddouz (Saint Pauli), Ayoub El Kaabi (Renaissance Berkane), Nordin Amrabat (Leganes), Mehdi Carcela (Standard de Liege), Hakim Ziyech (Ajax), Youssef En-Nesyri (Malaga).
Goalkeepers: Ikechukwu Ezenwa (Enyimba), Daniel Akpeyi (Chippa United), Francis Uzoho (Deportivo La Coruna)
Defenders: William Troost-Ekong, Shehu Abdullahi (Bursaspor), Leon Balogun (Brighton) Kenneth Omeruo (Chelsea), Bryan Idowu (Amkar Perm), Chidozie Awaziem (FC Porto), Elderson Echiejile (Cercle Brugge), Tyronne Ebuehi (Benfica)
Midfielders: Mikel Obi (Tianjin Teda), Ogenyi Onazi (Trabzonspor), John Ogu (Hapoel Be'er Sheva), Wilfred Ndidi (Leicester City),Oghenekaro Etebo (CD Feirense), Joel Obi (Torino)
Forwards: Odion Ighalo (Changchun Yatai), Ahmed Musa, Kelechi Iheanacho (Leicester City), Alex Iwobi (Arsenal), Simeon Nwankwo (FC Crotone), Victor Moses (Chelsea)
Goalkeepers: Jamie Penedo (Diname Bucharest), Jose Calderon (Chorrillo FC), Alex Rodriguez (San Francisco FC)
Defenders: Harold Cummings (San Jose Earthquakes), Fidel Escobar (New York Red Bulls), Eric Davis (DAC Dunajska Streda), Felipe Baloy (CSD Munbicipal), Adolfo Machado (Houston Dynamo), Michael Murillo (New York Red Bulls), Luis Ovalle (Olimpia), Roman Torres (Seattle Sounders)
Midfielders: Edgar Barcenas (Cafetaleros de Tapachula), Armando Cooper (Universidad de Chile), Anibal Godoy (San Jose Earthquakes), Gabriel Gomez (Atletico Bucaramanga), Valentin Pimentel (Plaza Amador), Alberto Quintero (Universitario), Jose Luis Rodriguez (Ghent)
Strikers: Abdiel Arroyo (Alajuelense), Ismael Diaz (Deportivo La Coruna), Blas Pérez (Municipal), Luis Tejada (Sport Boys), Gabriel Torres (Huachipato)
Goalkeepers: Pedro Gallese (Veracruz-MEX), Carlos Caceda (Veracruz-MEX), Jose Carvallo (UTC)
Defenders: Aldo Corzo (Universitario), Luis Advincula (Lobos Buap), Christian Ramos (Veracruz), Miguel Araujo (Alianza Lima), Alberto Rodriguez (Atletico Junior), Anderson Santamaria (Puebla), Miguel Trauco (Flamengo), Nilson Loyola (Melgar)
Midfielders: Renato Tapia (Feyenoord), Pedro Aquino (Lobos Buap), Yoshimar Yotun (Orlando City), Paolo Hurtado (Vitoria Guimaraes), Christian Cueva (Sao Paulo), Edison Flores (Aalborg), Andy Polo (Portland Timbers), Wilder Cartagena (Veracruz)
Forwards: Andre Carrillo (Watford), Raul Ruidiaz (Morelia), Jefferson Farfan (Lokomotiv Moscow), Paolo Guerrero (Flamengo)
Goalkeepers: Bartosz Bialkowski (Ipswich), Lukasz Fabianski (Swansea City), Wojciech Szczesny (Juventus)
Defenders: Jan Bednarek (Southampton), Bartosz Bereszynski (Sampdoria), Thiago Cionek (SPAL), Kamil Glik (AS Monaco), Artur Jedrzejczyk (Legia Warszawa), Michal Pazdan (Legia Warszawa), Lukasz Piszczek (Borussia Dortmund)
Midfielders: Jakub Blaszczykowski (VfL Wolfsburg), Jacek Goralski (Ludogorets Razgrad), Kamil Grosicki (Hull City), Grzegorz Krychowiak (West Bromwich Albion), Rafal Kurzawa (Gornik Zabrze), Karol Linetty (Sampdoria), Slawomir Peszko (Lechia Gdansk), Maciej Rybus (Lokomotiv Moscow), Piotr Zielinski (Napoli)
Forwards: Dawid Kownacki (Sampdoria), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich), Arkadiusz Milik (Napoli), Lukasz Teodorczyk (Anderlecht)
Goalkeepers: Anthony Lopes (Lyon), Beto (Goztepe), Rui Patricio (Sporting Lisbon)
Defenders: Bruno Alves (Rangers), Cedric Soares (Southampton), Jose Fonte (Dalian Yifang), Mario Rui (Napoli), Pepe (Besiktas), Raphael Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund), Ricardo Pereira (Porto), Ruben Dias (Benfica)
Midfielders: Adrien Silva (Leicester), Bruno Fernandes (Sporting Lisbon), Joao Mario (West Ham), Joao Moutinho (AS Monaco), Manuel Fernandes (Lokomotiv Moscow), William Carvalho (Sporting)
Forwards: Andre Silva (AC Milan), Bernardo Silva (Manchester City), Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid), Gelson Martins (Sporting Lisbon), Goncalo Guedes (Valencia), Ricardo Quaresma (Besiktas)
Goalkeepers: Igor Akinfeev (CSKA Moscow), Vladimir Gabulov (Brugge), Andrey Lunev (Zenit St Petersburg)
Defenders: Vladimir Granat, Fyodor Kudryashov (Rubin Kazan), Ilya Kutepov (Spartak Moscow), Andrey Semyonov (Akhmat Grozny), Igor Smolnikov (Zenit St Petersburg), Mario Fernandes, Sergei Ignashevich (CSKA Moscow)
Midfielders: Yury Gazinsky (Krasnodar), Alan Dzagoev, Alexander Golovin (CSKA Moscow), Alexander Erokhin, Yury Zhirkov, Daler Kuzyaev (Zenit St Petersburg), Roman Zobnin, Alexander Samedov (Spartak Moscow), Anton Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Denis Cheryshev (Villarreal)
Forwards: Artem Dzyuba (Arsenal Tula), Alexei Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Fyodor Smolov (Krasnodar)
Goalkeepers: Yasser al-Mosaileem (Al-Ahli), Abdullah al-Mayouf (Al-Hilal), Mohammed al-Owais (Al-Ahli)
Defenders: Mansour al-Harbi (Al-Ahli), Yasser al-Shahrani (Al-Hilal), Osama Hawsawi (Al-Hilal), Omar Hawsawi (Al-Nassr), Motaz Hawsawi (Al-Ahli), Ali al-Bulayhi (Al-Hilal), Mohammed al-Burayk (Al-Hilal)
Midfielders: Abdulla Otayf (Al-Hilal), Salman al-Faraj (Al-Hilal), Mohammed Kanno (Al-Hilal), Abdullah al-Khaibari (Al-Shabab), Hussein al-Moqahwi (Al-Ahli), Abdulmalik al-Khaibari (Al-Hilal), Hattan Bahebri (Al Shabab), Salem al-Dawsari (Al-Hilal), Taisir al-Jassim (Al-Ahli), Yahya al-Shehri (Al-Nassr), Fahad al-Muwallad (Al-Ittihad)
Forwards: Mohannad Assiri (Al-Ahli), Mohammed al-Sahlawi (Al-Nassr)
Goalkeepers: Khadim Ndiaye (Horoya AC), Abdoulaye Diallo (Rennes), Alfred Gomis (Torino)
Defenders: Kara Mbodji (Anderlecht), Kalidou Koulibaly (Napoli), Moussa Wague (Eupen), Saliou Ciss (Angers), Youssouf Sabaly (Bordeaux), Lamine Gassama (Alanyaspor), Armand Traore (Nottingham Forest), Salif Sane (Hannover 96)
Midfielders: Pape Alioune Ndiaye (Stoke), Idrissa Gueye (Everton), Cheikhou Kouyate (West Ham), Cheikh N'Doye (Birmingham)
Forwards: Sadio Mane (Liverpool), Diao Balde Keita (Monaco), Ismaila Sarr (Rennes), Diafra Sakho (Rennes), Moussa Konate (Amiens), Mame Biram Diouf (Stoke), Mbaye Niang (AC Milan).
Goalkeepers: Vladimir Stojkovic (Partizan Belgrade), Predrag Rajkovic (Maccabi Tel Aviv), Marko Dmitrovic (Eibar)
Defenders: Aleksandar Kolarov (AS Roma), Branislav Ivanovic (Zenit St. Petersburg), Dusko Tosic (Guangzhou R&F), Antonio Rukavina (Villarreal), Milos Veljkovic (Werder Bremen), Milan Rodic (Red Star Belgrade), Uros Spajic (Krasnodar), Nikola Milenkovic (Fiorentina)
Midfielders: Nemanja Matic (Manchester United), Luka Milivojevic (Crystal Palace), Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio), Marko Grujic (Liverpool), Adem Ljajic (Torino), Dusan Tadic (Southampton), Filip Kostic (Hamburg SV), Andrija Zivkovic (Benfica), Nemanja Radonjic (Red Star Belgrade)
Forwards: Aleksandar Mitrovic (Newcastle), Aleksandar Prijovic (PAOK), Luka Jovic (Benfica)
Goalkeepers: David de Gea (Manchester United), Pepe Reina (Napoli), Kepa Arrizabalaga (Athletic Bilbao)
Defenders: Dani Carvajal (Real Madrid), Alvaro Odriozola (Real Sociedad), Gerard Pique (Barcelona), Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid), Nacho (Real Madrid), Cesar Azpilicueta (Chelsea), Jordi Alba (Barcelona), Nacho Monreal (Arsenal)
Midfielders: Sergio Busquets (Barcelona), Saul Niguez (Atletico Madrid), Koke (Atletico Madrid), Thiago Alcantara (Barcelona), Andres Iniesta (Barcelona), David Silva (Manchester City)
Forwards: Isco (Real Madrid), Marco Asensio (Real Madrid), Lucas Vazquez (Real Madrid), Iago Aspas (Celta Vigo), Rodrigo (Valencia), Diego Costa (Atletico Madrid)
Goalkeepers: Kim Seung-gyu (Vissel Kobe), Kim Jin-hyeon (Cerezo Osaka), Cho Hyun-woo (Daegu FC)
Defenders: Kim young-gwon (Guangzhou Evergrande), Jang Hyun-soo (FC Tokyo), Jung Seung-hyun (Sagan Tosu), Yun Yong-sun (Seongnam FC), Oh Ban-suk (Jeju United), Kim Min-woo (Sangju Sangmu), Park Joo-ho (Ulsan Hyundai), Hong Chul (Sangju Sangmu), Go Yo-han (FC Seoul), Lee Yong (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors)
Midfielders: Ki Sung-yueng (Swansea City), Jung Woo-young (Vissel Kobe), Ju Se-jong (Asan Mugunghwa FC), Koo Ja-cheol (FC Augsburg), Lee Jae-sung (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Lee Seung-woo (Hellas Verona), Moon Seon-min (Incheon United)
Forwards: Kim Shin-wook (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Son Heung-min (Tottenham Hotspur), Hwang Hee-chan (FC Red Bull Salzburg)
Goalkeepers: Robin Olsen (Copenhagen), Karl-Johan Johnsson (Guingamp), Kristoffer Nordfeldt (Swansea)
Defenders: Mikael Lustig (Celtic), Victor Lindelof (Manchester United), Andreas Granqvist (Krasnador), Martin Olsson (Swansea), Ludwig Augustinsson (Werder Bremen), Filip Helander, Emil Krafth (both Bologna), Pontus Jansson (Leeds United)
Midfielders: Sebastian Larsson (Hull), Albin Ekdal (Hamburg), Emil Forsberg (RB Leipzig), Gustav Svensson (Seattle Sounders), Oscar Hiljemark (Genoa), Viktor Claesson (Krasnador), Marcus Rohden (Crotone), Jimmy Durmaz (Toulouse)
Forwards: Marcus Berg (Al Ain), John Guidetti (Alaves), Ola Toivonen (Toulouse), Isaac Kiese Thelin (Waasland-Beveren)
Goalkeepers: Roman Buerki (Borussia Dortmund), Yvon Mvogo (RB Leipzig) and Yann Sommer (VfL Borussia M'gladbach)
Defenders: Manuel Akanji (Borussia Dortmund), Johan Djourou (Antalyaspor AS), Nico Elvedi (Borussia M'gladbach), Michael Lang (FC Basel), Stephan Lichtsteiner (Juventus), Jacques-Francois Moubandje (Toulouse), Ricardo Rodriguez (AC Milan) and Fabian Schaer (Deportivo La Coruna)
Midfielders: Valon Behrami (Udinese), Xherdan Shaqiri (Stoke City), Granit Xhaka (Arsenal), Blerim Dzemaili (Bologna), Gelson Fernandes (Eintracht Frankfurt), Remo Freuler (Atalanta), Denis Zakaria (Borussia M'gladbach) and Steven Zuber (Hoffenheim).
Forwards: Josip Drmic (Borussia M'gladbach), Breel Embolo (Schalke, Mario Gavranovic(Dinamo Zagreb), Haris Seferovic (Benfica)
Goalkeepers: Aymen Mathlouthi (Al Batin Saoudi/KSA), Farouk Ben Mustapha (Al Shabab Saoudi/KSA), Mouez Hassen (Chateauroux/FRA)
Defenders: Hamdi Nagguez (Zamalek/EGY), Dylan Bronn (Ghent/BEL), Rami Bedoui (Etoile Sportive du Sahel), Yohan Benalouane (Leicester/ENG), Syam Ben Youssef (Kasimpasa/TUR), Yassine Meriah (Club Sportif Sfax), Oussama Haddadi (Dijon/FRA), Ali Maaloul (Al Ahli/EGY)
Midfielders: Ellyes Skhiri (Montpellier/FRA), Mohamed Amine Ben Amor (Al Ahly/KSA), Ghaylene Chalali (Esperance Tunis), Ferjani Sassi (Al Nasr Saoudi/KSA), Ahmed Khalil (Club Africain), Saifeddine El Khaoui (Troyes/FRA)
Forwards: Fakhreddine Ben Youssef (Al Ittifak/KSA), Anice Badri (Esperance), Bassem Srarfi (Nice/FRA), Wahbi Khazri (Rennes/FRA), Naim Sliti (Dijon/FRA), Saber Khalifa (Club Africain)
Goalkeepers: Fernando Muslera (Galatasaray), Martin Silva (Vasco da Gama), Martin Campana (Independiente)
Defenders: Diego Godin (Atletico Madrid), Sebastian Coates (Sporting Lisbon), Jose Maria Gimenez (Atletico Madrid), Maximiliano Pereira (FC Porto), Gaston Silva (Independiente), Martin Caceres (Lazio), Guillermo Varela (Penarol)
Midfielders: Nahitan Nandez (Boca Juniors), Lucas Torreira (Sampdoria), Matias Vecino (Inter Milan), Federico Valverde (Real Madrid), Rodrigo Bentancur (Juventus), Carlos Sanchez (Monterrey), Giorgian De Arrascaeta (Cruzeiro), Diego Laxalt (Genoa), Cristian Rodriguez (Penarol), Jonathan Urretaviscaya (Monterrey), Nicolas Lodeiro (Seattle Sounders), Gaston Ramirez (Sampdoria)
Forwards: Cristhian Stuani (Girona), Maximiliano Gomez (Celta Vigo), Edinson Cavani (PSG), Luis Suarez (Barcelona)
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/06/russia-2018-heres-final-23-man-squad-of.html
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