#cricket chat
anenomie · 10 months
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What if you were sooooo kittie????? What if you were sooooooo sweetiepie?
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cricktoon · 9 months
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This is so delightful to me. “Powerful battle positions!!!” He’s just stimming bro :)
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cricketdrawings · 6 months
Oooh face reveal? (I post pics of myself on insta but not usually on tumblr!) I do drag under the persona Niccolai Fantasmé!
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Here’s a lotta drag looks from the past year or so!
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asleepinawell · 7 months
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blicketyuri · 28 days
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small blicket doodle. god i love them
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fleshadept · 1 year
while the criticism of glass onion being a bourgeois art piece hegemonically negotiating hatred of the 1% into standard discourse is understandable, i think it's important to remember that rian johnson and daniel craig and whoever you want to criticise for making "performative" art about the systemic ways in which the ultrawealthy maintain power and specifically marginalize women of color are far closer in wealth to the average american than they ever will be to elon musk or any billionaire. daniel craig's net worth is $8 million dollars. his WHOLE net worth. you have to multiply that by 19,500 to get anywhere near elon musk's net worth of $156,000,000,000. and that's after he's lost $100bn this YEAR.
it's true that people shouldn't count watching movies as activism and definitely shouldn't see media produced by huge corporations as praxis, but that doesn't mean what political standpoints they do contain lack value or are disingenuous. the human mind is literally incapable of conceptualizing numbers after a certain point, so it's easy to think of hollywood rich and billionaire rich as similar, because both kinds of people live lives that most of us could barely dream of with privileges and access to resources that we will never have. but the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire is the difference between being able to make a movie starring daniel craig and being able to bankroll dozens of politicians and buy one of the largest social media websites used by millions of people daily on a whim
as "rich people bad" movies go, glass onion deals with it REALLY well. the scene at the end when helen destroys miles's house demonstrates a very nuanced understanding of how billionaires maintain power; blanc recognizes and tells helen that even though they found the truth, they can't do anything legally because miles burned their only physical evidence and the courts will unequivocally side with the billionaire. again. so in lieu of any justice system that will work, helen starts breaking shit. but miles doesn't even care that much, because what's a dozen million dollar glass art pieces to a man who accrues that in interest every minute? even when everyone else joins in, he doesn't care. it's annoying, but it doesn't mean anything. so the other "disruptors" stop after they've gotten their minimal catharsis, having done no real damage to his reputation or, frankly, their reliance on him.
helen burning the mona lisa to take him down, and that being presented as the best option, is really significant. as movies go, taking the stance of "destroying priceless art and private property is not only justified and moral but effective in the face of a system that gives you no other option for justice" is pretty damn rare.
it's true that if glass onion or other high budget films actually tangibly threatened the system in any way they would never get funded or see the light of day. but the cool thing about stories, and about art, is that you can't predict the effects they have on people. anti-billionaire bourgeois art isn't direct action, it isn't activism, and it isn't even important politically, but that doesn't mean it has no effect on the discourse whatsoever and can't be important to how people see the 1%
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firefly-fez · 1 year
im not sure why a little girl wearing cat ears isn’t considered a uniform violation to a school as prestidgious as eden academy but i have decided it’s 100% saiki k’s doing.
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nikosasaki · 3 days
wait according to the map both Missy and Sasha flicked Zoe Clarke's bean?? did I miss that lore in s2 or was it just never addressed omg
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princessbrunette · 7 days
are you gon be writing for nate archibald anytime soon? i noticed you previously have, and sadly the GG fanfics r no longer 🥲🥲
for you guys MAYBEEE ill rewatch a few episodes and write something …. i didnt know he was in such high demand !
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fushigurro · 10 days
sometimes i worry about fucking around on tumblr and whatnot during work but then i see some of the shit my co-workers do and wonder how they even managed to get this job in the first place so i don't feel so bad anymore
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anenomie · 5 months
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The fact this was a size small and was too small for me…. Tragedy of a lifetime.
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cricktoon · 8 months
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I will think about this forever I think
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cricketdrawings · 3 months
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I felt soooo pretty in this look… brown mascara and eyeliner really do suit me!!
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sttoru · 3 months
omg ok i showed in tags so it was just tumblr fucking around.. ANYWAYS who’s ready for this jjk piece (gojo, toji & sukuna in one) ‼️
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perenlop · 22 days
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roommate accidentally left the flash on
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eyeballing at gl:tas halbarry even barry didn't appear at that show at all (idk I feel like if barry appears in gl:tas the halbarry fandom will explode)
Can we all agree that the portrayed writing for the characters in GL:TAS is one of the best-perceived versions (<- Might be me but that show actually understood the characters, let me be honest...) Especially the comics they have on this show...
(UHM YOURE SO RIGHT BTW. I would explode)
So, if we ever got a glimpse of Hal's civil life + league life in the show every now and then... I feel that we would get to explore partially his relationships with people, like how they did for characters in the show. Not to mention, we don't exactly get Hal content, because that DCAU GL and FLASH over different media has kinda been John and Wally, unless we talk for movies but I also love that duo though, they're funny...
I would let the people in charge of GL:TAS write for Barry... Or PLEASE if he did, I would enjoy seeing them with The Brave and The Bold dynamic... (Would literally kick my legs and giggle). I could image that the series version of Hal and Barry would be a take on their friendship, specifically with how they act with one another. They would also personally portray Barry as a nerd, let's be honest... Or just the way (If anyone has ever seen Star Trek: The Original Series) (TOS) Spock (<- Star Trek reference, uhmm K/S is so Halbarry..)
It's a literal crime that they canceled this show, have you SEEN the promo art for GL:TAS season 2 (<- The art by Bruce Timm, I hate him but we get to see a little glimpse of what could have been)
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