bobastudios · 1 year
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4 years difference: our first time mentoring as UP/Start winners and now! 🥰 Can you believe it hasn't been in-person since?! 🤯 Join us tonight at MICA for this celebration of creative entrepreneurship! 🌟
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rickygadvisor · 1 year
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Everything starts with you. The first step is self acceptence. We all have a dark side. We have flaws. Most of us are weird. But who wants to be perfect? Perfect is boring. Everything we feel shame for is what makes us wonderful. Like an accent, funny face expressions, your extreme shyness, or red hair of freckles. I wish I had that. What if you could see yourself just the way I see you! 💖 What makes you weird and wonderful? #designerslife #creativesofinstagram #creativeentrepreneur #businessofdesign #impostersyndrome #impostersyndromeisreal #designcutscommunity #personalgrowth #personalbrandingcoach #personalbrandingtips #personalbrandingconsultant #personalbrandingexpert #personalbrandingstrategist #creativewomen #graphicdesigners #graphicdesignstudent #graphicdesignermalaysia #welovebranding #creativeentrepreneurship #creativeentrepeneur Reposted from @theannelihansson (at Miami Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmwF9QjratT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imgpanda · 1 month
Behind the Lens: Exploring the Journey of the Highest Paid Shutterstock Contributor
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Photography is not just about capturing moments; it's also about telling stories. In the digital age, platforms like Shutterstock have revolutionized how photographers share their narratives with the world. This blog post embarks on a journey behind the lens, delving into the captivating story of the highest paid Shutterstock contributor. From humble beginnings to remarkable achievements, we unravel the secrets of success and explore the path that led to unparalleled recognition in the world of stock photography. Join us as we uncover the captivating tale of determination, creativity, and triumph, showcasing the power of imagery to inspire and resonate with audiences worldwide.
Early Beginnings: From Aspiring Photographer to Shutterstock Contributor
A. Background and motivation The journey of the highest paid Shutterstock contributor began with a passion for photography deeply rooted in their background. Whether it was a childhood fascination with capturing moments or a later discovery of the art form, their love for photography served as the driving force behind their aspirations. Motivated by a desire to share their perspective with the world and inspired by the endless possibilities offered by digital platforms, they embarked on a journey to turn their passion into a profession. B. Initial steps in becoming a Shutterstock contributor The path to becoming a Shutterstock contributor was paved with determination and dedication. It started with researching the platform and understanding its requirements and guidelines for contributors. Armed with this knowledge, they began the process of creating a portfolio that would stand out in the competitive marketplace. This involved curating a diverse range of high-quality images that showcased their unique style and vision. With each submission, they honed their skills and refined their craft, gradually gaining recognition within the Shutterstock community. C. Challenges faced and lessons learned along the way Like any journey, the road to success as a Shutterstock contributor was not without its obstacles. From navigating the complexities of copyright and licensing to mastering the art of keyword optimization, they encountered challenges that tested their resolve. Yet, with each setback came valuable lessons that propelled them forward. They learned the importance of resilience in the face of rejection, the power of perseverance in pursuit of their goals, and the significance of continuous learning and adaptation in an ever-evolving industry. Through determination and resilience, they overcame obstacles, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and development.
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Navigating the Shutterstock Marketplace: Strategies for Success
A. Building a diverse portfolio Building a diverse portfolio was essential for the highest paid Shutterstock contributor's success. They understood the importance of catering to a wide range of audience preferences and needs. To achieve this, they curated a portfolio that encompassed various themes, subjects, and styles. From stunning landscapes to authentic lifestyle shots, their portfolio showcased versatility and creativity, appealing to a broad spectrum of customers. B. Understanding market trends and customer preferences Success on Shutterstock required a keen understanding of market trends and customer preferences. The highest paid contributor kept a pulse on industry trends, analyzing popular topics, styles, and concepts that resonated with customers. By staying ahead of the curve, they were able to anticipate demand and tailor their content to meet evolving customer preferences. Whether it was capturing emerging trends or providing fresh perspectives on timeless themes, they remained attuned to the needs of their audience, positioning themselves as a reliable source of relevant and engaging content. C. Leveraging keywords and metadata optimization for visibility In a crowded marketplace, visibility was key to success on Shutterstock. The highest paid contributor recognized the importance of leveraging keywords and metadata optimization to enhance the discoverability of their content. They meticulously researched and selected relevant keywords that accurately described their images, ensuring that they were easily searchable and surfaced to potential buyers. Additionally, they optimized their metadata, including titles, descriptions, and tags, to provide context and context to their images, further enhancing their visibility and appeal. By adopting strategic keyword and metadata optimization strategies, they maximized their exposure and positioned their content for success in the competitive Shutterstock marketplace.
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Scaling Up: Growth and Expansion as a Shutterstock Contributor
A. Increasing productivity and efficiency As the highest paid Shutterstock contributor, scaling up required a focus on increasing productivity and efficiency. They implemented streamlined workflows and optimized processes to maximize output without compromising quality. This involved leveraging technology, such as advanced editing software and automation tools, to streamline repetitive tasks and streamline the content creation process. By enhancing productivity and efficiency, they were able to produce more high-quality content in less time, allowing for greater scalability and growth. B. Exploring new niches and expanding the portfolio To stay ahead of the competition and meet the evolving needs of customers, the highest paid contributor embraced the importance of exploring new niches and expanding their portfolio. They continuously sought opportunities to diversify their content offerings, experimenting with different genres, themes, and styles. Whether it was venturing into emerging trends or tapping into niche markets, they remained agile and adaptive, constantly innovating and evolving their portfolio to stay relevant and competitive in the ever-changing Shutterstock marketplace. C. Collaborations and partnerships to enhance visibility and reach Collaborations and partnerships played a crucial role in enhancing visibility and reach for the highest paid Shutterstock contributor. They recognized the value of strategic collaborations with fellow photographers, influencers, and brands to amplify their presence and reach new audiences. By leveraging the collective expertise and networks of their collaborators, they were able to extend their reach and attract a wider audience to their content. Additionally, partnerships with brands and businesses provided opportunities for sponsored content and licensing deals, further enhancing their visibility and revenue potential. Through strategic collaborations and partnerships, they were able to strengthen their brand presence and solidify their position as a top contributor on Shutterstock.
Achieving Success: Milestones and Accomplishments
A. Breaking records and reaching significant milestones The journey of the highest paid Shutterstock contributor was marked by numerous milestones and record-breaking achievements. From surpassing milestone upload counts to achieving top rankings in various categories, they consistently pushed the boundaries of success on the platform. With each milestone reached, they set new goals and benchmarks, challenging themselves to reach even greater heights of accomplishment. B. Recognition within the Shutterstock community and industry The highest paid contributor garnered widespread recognition within the Shutterstock community and the broader industry. Their exceptional talent, dedication, and contributions to the platform were celebrated by fellow contributors, customers, and industry peers alike. They received accolades, awards, and honors for their outstanding work, further solidifying their reputation as a leader and innovator in the world of stock photography. C. Impact on earnings and financial success Perhaps the most tangible measure of success for the highest paid Shutterstock contributor was the significant impact on earnings and financial success. Their unparalleled success on the platform translated into substantial revenue streams, providing financial stability and independence. With each sale and licensing deal, they saw their earnings grow, empowering them to pursue their passion for photography full-time and invest in further growth and development. Their financial success served as a testament to their talent, hard work, and perseverance, inspiring aspiring contributors to chase their dreams and strive for success in the competitive world of stock photography.
Behind the Scenes: Insights into the Daily Life of a High-Earning Shutterstock Contributor
A. Work-life balance and time management Maintaining a healthy work-life balance and effective time management were paramount for the highest-earning Shutterstock contributor. They prioritized setting boundaries and establishing routines to ensure they dedicated ample time to both work and personal pursuits. This involved scheduling dedicated blocks of time for content creation, administrative tasks, and self-care activities. By fostering a balanced approach to their work, they were able to sustain productivity and creativity while also nurturing their well-being and personal relationships. B. Tools and resources utilized for content creation and management The highest-earning contributor relied on a range of tools and resources to streamline content creation and management processes. This included utilizing advanced editing software for image post-processing, leveraging cloud storage solutions for file organization and accessibility, and harnessing analytics platforms to track performance metrics and inform strategic decision-making. Additionally, they invested in high-quality equipment and resources to ensure their content met the highest standards of quality and professionalism. C. Challenges and strategies for overcoming creative blocks and burnout Despite their success, the highest-earning contributor encountered challenges such as creative blocks and burnout. To overcome these obstacles, they employed various strategies to reignite their creativity and maintain motivation. This included taking breaks to recharge, seeking inspiration from diverse sources such as nature, art, and travel, and experimenting with new techniques and styles to stimulate creativity. Additionally, they cultivated a supportive network of fellow creatives and sought mentorship and guidance when needed. By prioritizing self-care and resilience, they were able to navigate challenges and sustain their passion and creativity over the long term.
Advice for Aspiring Contributors: Tips for Success on Shutterstock
A. Key takeaways from the journey of the highest paid contributor Reflecting on the journey of the highest paid contributor, several key takeaways emerge. These include the importance of perseverance, dedication to excellence, and a willingness to adapt and innovate. By staying true to their passion, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and consistently delivering high-quality content, they were able to achieve remarkable success on Shutterstock. Aspiring contributors can draw inspiration from their journey and apply these principles to their own pursuit of success on the platform. B. Practical tips and advice for newcomers entering the Shutterstock marketplace For newcomers entering the Shutterstock marketplace, there are several practical tips and advice to consider. These include: - Researching and understanding the platform's guidelines, requirements, and best practices for contributors. - Building a diverse portfolio that showcases versatility, creativity, and relevance to current market trends and customer preferences. - Paying attention to keyword optimization and metadata to enhance the discoverability and visibility of your content. - Engaging with the Shutterstock community, seeking feedback, and learning from experienced contributors. - Continuously honing your skills, experimenting with new techniques, and staying abreast of industry trends and developments. C. Encouragement to pursue passion, persistence, and continuous improvement Above all, aspiring contributors are encouraged to pursue their passion for photography with unwavering dedication, persistence, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Success on Shutterstock, as in any endeavor, requires resilience in the face of challenges, a willingness to learn from setbacks, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. By staying true to their passion, embracing feedback, and never ceasing to push the boundaries of their creativity, aspiring contributors can unlock their full potential and achieve success on Shutterstock and beyond.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How can I become a successful contributor on Shutterstock? A: To become a successful contributor on Shutterstock, focus on building a diverse portfolio, understanding market trends, optimizing keywords and metadata, and engaging with the Shutterstock community. Continuously refine your skills and adapt to industry changes. Q: What are the benefits of contributing to Shutterstock? A: Contributing to Shutterstock offers several benefits, including the opportunity to showcase your work to a global audience, earn passive income from your images and videos, and gain recognition within the creative community. Additionally, Shutterstock provides valuable resources and tools to support contributors in their journey. Q: How do I optimize my content for visibility on Shutterstock? A: To optimize your content for visibility on Shutterstock, focus on selecting relevant keywords, writing descriptive titles and descriptions, and categorizing your images accurately. Additionally, prioritize high-quality content that meets customer needs and aligns with current market trends. Q: Can I contribute content exclusively to Shutterstock? A: Yes, Shutterstock offers the option for contributors to submit content exclusively to their platform. However, exclusivity may impact your ability to distribute your content through other channels, so weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. Q: How do I track my earnings as a Shutterstock contributor? A: Shutterstock provides contributors with detailed earnings reports and analytics tools to track their income and monitor performance. You can access these reports through your contributor dashboard and use the insights to optimize your content strategy and maximize earnings.
A. Recap of key points Throughout this journey, we explored the remarkable story of the highest paid Shutterstock contributor, uncovering valuable insights and lessons along the way. From their early beginnings as an aspiring photographer to their remarkable achievements and milestones, their journey exemplifies the power of passion, perseverance, and innovation in the world of stock photography. Key points discussed include the importance of building a diverse portfolio, understanding market trends, and leveraging keywords for visibility. B. Inspiration and encouragement for aspiring Shutterstock contributors To aspiring Shutterstock contributors, take heart in the journey of the highest paid contributor and find inspiration in their success. Remember that success is not achieved overnight but through dedication, hard work, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, seek guidance from experienced contributors, and never lose sight of your passion for photography. C. Closing thoughts on the journey of the highest paid Shutterstock contributor As we conclude this exploration, let us reflect on the incredible journey of the highest paid Shutterstock contributor and the impact of their success on the creative community. Their story serves as a testament to the transformative power of creativity, perseverance, and resilience. May their journey inspire us to reach for the stars, pursue our dreams with unwavering determination, and strive for excellence in all our endeavors. Thank you for joining us on this inspiring journey, and may your own path to success be filled with endless possibilities and boundless opportunities. Read the full article
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bitbloom2015 · 4 months
Exploring the Professional Aspects of Monetizing YouTube and Launching a Side Career as a YouTuber in 2024
YouTubers are now the second most popular career choice for elementary school students, and their popularity is expected to continue growing in 2024, with new channels being opened by celebrities and others all the time. It's never too late to start your own YouTube channel. Read More
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readinpdf · 5 months
The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future
read now : tinyurl.com/2s6pa3th
The $100 Startup is a practical, inspiring guidebook for anyone who wants to start a small business and create a new future for themselves. It offers a roadmap for turning your passion into a profitable venture, with concrete strategies and real-life examples to guide you along the way. By following the key takeaways outlined above, readers can start a business with minimal start-up costs and achieve the freedom and flexibility they desire.
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startanybusinessuae · 8 months
How to Start an Interior Design Business in Dubai
Embark on a creative journey and learn how to start an interior design business in Dubai with Start Any Business UAE (India Branch). Our comprehensive guide navigates you through the intricate process of Dubai company setup for interior design ventures. Discover the regulatory insights, market trends, and strategic advice to transform your interior design dream into a thriving reality in the dynamic city of Dubai. Create stunning spaces and a successful business with our expert guidance. Start your interior design venture confidently with us.
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avanmagnews · 1 year
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The future is here. Al will not turn you into a brand strategist, but it will be a really good assistent. Todays post is a collab between ChatGPT and yours truly. I will launch a workshop soon where I will share the learning I have so far with using Chat GPT for Brand strategy. Just send a DM if you want me to keep you updated. What do you use Chat GPT for, and what is your experience? @avanmagnews #avanmag #avanmagnews #aiart #chatgpt #branding #graphicdesignerlife #graphicdesigning #creativeideas #creativeadvertising #creativeads #aiphotography #brandstrategytips #businessofdesign #creativeentrepreneurship #creativeentreprenuer #creativedirectors #artdirectors #copywritingforcreatives #cooywritersofinstagram #graphicdesignersoninstagram #ai https://www.instagram.com/p/CpUpgcIvMlx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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netnavigators · 1 year
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4 Reasons your website not showing up on Google? It could be one of these factors! ❌Your website pages aren't indexed: Use the Google Search Console to monitor page problems and verify that all your pages are properly indexed. ❌Your website was just recently launched: Your website needs time to build up authority so if you just recently launched, give it a few months (or invest in an SEO strategy!! 😉) ❌txt.robots is blocking indexing: Check that txt.robots file isn't blocking your website from being indexed. ❌You've been penalized for black-hat SEO tactics: Unlikely, but it can happen if you've been doing some shady SEO techniques. Ready to learn all about SEO and… ✓ Boost ranking ✓ Increase visibility ✓ Get more traffic! #techservices #seostrategies #seoforbusiness #emailmarketingcampains #emailmarketingstrategies #copywritingsecrets #seoservicescompany #seoconsulting #copywritingforbusiness #seocontentwriting #bostonbusinesses #smallbizstrategy #netnavigators #websitecopywriter #bostoncopywriter #bostonsmallbusiness #bostonbusinesswomen #creativeentrepreneurship #businessentrepreneur #theseocircle https://www.instagram.com/p/CorDYDgB1UN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amnglobal · 1 year
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[ICYMI 📍🌍] United States (AMNG) Are you a #creativeartist between the ages of 18-25 looking to take your brand and career to the next level? Join AMNG, the premiere platform for performance and visual artists. Our community of #globalartists benefits from exclusive live and virtual events, in-person performance opportunities, industry insights, and networking events designed specifically for their age group. Sign up for our free weekly #MonumentalMondays newsletter to stay informed and stay connected with the creative community of your peers. Additionally, as a member, you will have access to sign up for music festivals, workshops, and training opportunities to help you further develop your skills and gain valuable industry experience. Visit amnglobal.com #blog #baltimoremusic #maryland #supportartists #creativemusician #creativeentrepreneurship #artsandculture #makingmusic #baltimore #hiphop #liveopenmic #musicshowcases (at United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn5nhVFstYK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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craftbecho · 2 years
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😜Did someone just asked for something “CUTE” #sisterlove #fridgemagnets #fridge #magnet #amazing #birthday #creativeentrepreneurship #decor #ecofriendlyindia #friendship #goodvibes #humor #instagram #julley #smallbusinessowner #stonefigure #personalised #craftbecho (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgpEPZ-PbV_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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prosperityprelude · 8 months
Escape the 9-5 Grind: Monetize Your Creative Passion
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freelancershahin · 4 months
Coffee, Community & Soul Food: Brewing Success with Juanita Michelle Darden
✅Coffee, Community & Soul Food: Brewing Success with Juanita Michelle Darden 🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 💠Juanita-Michelle Darden, a visionary entrepreneur in Dayton, Ohio visits #ThePHILLIPShow, and shares her inspiring journey, from founding Third Perk Coffeehouse, a thriving Black-owned coffee shop, authoring a new book, and unveiling her latest venture, the Soul Food Carryout. 💠Discover how Juanita-Michelle blends the essence of coffee, entrepreneurship, and community in Dayton, Ohio. Delve into the art of storytelling and entrepreneurship, learning how perseverance and character drive her success. Explore the fusion of coffee, entrepreneurship, and inspiration while unraveling the impactful role of Black-owned businesses in our communities. With a new Soul Food Carryout location on the way, Juanita-Michelle shares how she is shifting gears and heading straight into the hearts and lives of the community. 🌟ON THIS EPISODE • The She-Roe Storytelling series, • Coffee: The other community change agent. • A passion for giving back. • The art of the SHIFT: Changing directions and thriving. 🌟GET SOCIAL WITH JUANITA-MICHELLE 👉https://www.philliporourke.com/news/brewing-success-with-juanita-michelle ______________________________________________ 💠The PHILLIP Show is a platform that celebrates YOU!!! From personal stories, shared ideas & inspiration, the goal of the show is to inspire by celebrating the uniqueness of individuals, brands, and businesses. Remember: You’re the best YOU in the world! #BeYou #ThePHILLIPShow 🌟 LET'S STAY CONNECTED....... 🔶 https://www.linkedin.com/in/phillip-o-rourke-38b19267/ 🔶 https://www.instagram.com/philliporourke/ 🔶 https://web.facebook.com/philliporourke 🔶 https://www.tiktok.com/@philliporourke 🔶 https://twitter.com/philliporourke 🔶 https://philliporourke.com 🔶 SHOP: https://www.shopphilliporourke.online #daytonohio #thephillipshow  #motivation #inspire #yellow_springs  #beyou #entrepreneur #podcast, #EntrepreneurialJourney #CommunityBuilders #CoffeeCulture #BlackOwnedBusiness #StorytellingSuccess #DaytonOhio #SoulFoodVibes InspiringEntrepreneurs #BusinessShifts #CreativeEntrepreneurship #CommunityFirst #ArtOfStorytelling #CoffeeShopLife #EmpowerThroughBusiess #ResilientEntrepreneurs #InnovativeVentures, #BuildingConnections
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inspiral-growth · 5 months
How to start with Storytelling - GH Experiences with Jenny Hsia S2 Ep1 Exciting News Alert! We're thrilled to unveil Season 2 of Grow Hack Experiences with an incredible start! 
🌟 Join us for an inspiring episode featuring Jenny Hsia​ , a seasoned actress, and director, as she shares profound insights on "How to Start with Storytelling." In this exclusive interview, dive into the art of storytelling, learn about Jenny's filmmaking vision, and discover the power of personal narratives in shaping leadership and entrepreneurial journeys.
👉 Catch the episode on YouTube or Spotify and get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery through storytelling. But wait, there's more!  We invite you to join Jenny's vision by supporting the crowdfunding campaign for her upcoming movie, "Inner Demons." 🎬 Your contribution can make a difference in bringing this impactful story to life.
🌟 JOIN THE DREAM: Be of service and join the crowdfunding, and let's create magic together! 💫   https://bit.ly/innerdemonsatghx
👉 Don't miss out on the chance to be part of something special. Share, contribute, and let's make storytelling history! 🔗 #JennyXia #StorytellingMagic #GrowHackExperiences #Season2Launch #InnerDemonsMovie #FilmmakingVision #LeadershipNarratives #EntrepreneurialJourney #SupportIndieFilm #CrowdfundingCampaign #InspiringStories #LeadershipDevelopment #CinematicExperience #JoinTheJourney #EmpowerThroughFilm #CreativeEntrepreneurship #StorytellingRevolution #UnlockLeadershipPotential #FilmWithPurpose #ChangeMakers #SupportIndieArtists #ShareTheVision #TogetherWeGrowLet's spread the word and create a storytelling revolution! 
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barelyvere · 4 years
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Artist, @sarradis and I talk about her sci-fi and fantasy inspired work, our mutual fascination with Japanese animation and why she loves crows. We also talk about Shannon’s role Creative Kick, a Halifax based organization that helps creatives expand their social circles and share knowledge and resources. #ShannonEllis #Artist #ArtPaysMePodcast #Painter #CapeBreton #SailorMoon #Anime #manga #Halifax #ArtPaysMe #DuaneJones #Creativeentrepreneurship #Art #Design #fashion #TheCreativeKick #scifi #fantasy #StarWars #StarTrek #Data (at Halifax, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDxLbdtnU9k/?igshid=y9ketrim9qii
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jasminwiniarski · 5 years
What is a Digital Product
Do you remember the days when buying a product meant actually buying a physical object? Like a book or a pair of shoes? Well today you can make money by selling digital products online, meaning products that’s you can’t physically have. 
A digital product can be anything from e-books and courses to stock photos and digital templates. What is so tempting about creating and selling a digital product is that you can basically start from scratch, possibly without a budget. You don’t need to worry about your inventory ever running low or assembly costs and your clients can get your product straight after purchase. 
This brings me to the introduction of the creative entrepreneurship module, where I’ll create my very own digital product. Right now I’m thinking about a website or app, maybe a newsletter or icon set. Something I can share online with someone that might find it useful. 
In order for my digital product to succeed, I need to keep the Shaker Philosophy in mind:
- “Don’t make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don’t hesitate to make it beautiful” 
And that’s my thought biscuit for the day! (wait, is that an actual idea for a digital product? Thought biscuits?)
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courtneyrobinson97 · 5 years
Sketching Logo Ideas
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