mompreneuse-life · 9 months
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Équilibrer Passion, Parentalité et Entrepreneurship : Mon Voyage dans l'Entrepreunariat
Chers tous,
J'inaugure ce Tumblr comme un journal de bord de mes hauts et bas de ma vie d'entrepreneure, comment je gère ma vie perso de maman et d'aidante avec mes multiples projets de créatrice de business 😊
Je m'appelle Nhu Lan, et ma vie est une mosaïque colorée d'aventures, de défis et de réalisations. Permettez-moi de vous présenter la personne derrière les multiples chapeaux que je porte au quotidien.
👩‍👧‍👦 Une Maman de Cœur et d'Âme 🌼
Être maman de deux enfants (12 ans et 7 ans) est une aventure inestimable qui façonne chacune de mes journées. Etre maman signifie patience, compassion et l'art de jongler entre les rires et les larmes. Chaque moment partagé avec mes petits garçons est une source de joie et d'inspiration inépuisable et me rappelle que j'ai commencé cette nouvelle vie d'entrepreneure principalement pour eux. Leur prouver que malgré les épreuves de la vie, nous pouvons rebondir et réaliser nos rêves ✨
🤲 Une Aidante Familiale Dévouée 💚
Ma responsabilité en tant qu'aidante familiale auprès de mes parents et de mon conjoint est un rôle que j'ai accepté dans la douleur mais que j'assume désormais avec tout mon cœur. Être présente pour mes proches dans leurs moments de besoin est d'une logique implacable. Je ne me voyais pas leur tourner le dos face à l'adversité. Cela m'a enseigné l'empathie, la résilience et l'importance de la solidarité au sein de la famille. Et également une de mes raisons de m'être aventurée sur le chemin de l'entreprenariat. Je souhaite donner plus de visibilité aux personnes de situation de handicaps, aux dépendants, et surtout aux aidants familiaux. Que oui, derrière le drame, nous sommes forts et savons rebondir.
🏡 Entrepreneure Passionnée 🚀
Le monde de l'entrepreneuriat m'a toujours appelée avec une énergie exaltante. Depuis mes plus jeunes années, je me souviens avoir toujours eu des idées de création d'entreprises. Cette créativité, j'ai dû la laisser de côté pendant plusieurs années, le temps de retrouver un équilibre dans ma vie personnelle. Depuis, j'ai décidé de reprendre ma vie en main et de réaliser mes projets entrepreneuriaux. En tant que courtière immobilière et spécialiste des prêts professionnels, je m'efforce de concrétiser les rêves et projets de mes clients. Chaque transaction est une opportunité de créer des ponts et de réaliser des aspirations.
🎵 Présidente d'une École de Musique Traditionnelle Vietnamienne Phuong Ca 🎶
Mon amour pour la musique traditionnelle vietnamienne m'a été transmis par ma mère, artiste reconnue au Vietnam, fondatrice de l'école Phuong Ca. J'ai, depuis, hérité le poste de présidente. Depuis que je suis devenue maman, je connais l'importance de transmettre son héritage culturel. Je m'efforce de préserver et de partager cette riche culture musicale avec la nouvelle génération. La musique est un langage universel qui transcende les frontières.
📚 Créatrice de Boutique(s) en Ligne 🌐
Mon nouvel objectif entrepreneurial est de conquérir le web !
La soif d'apprendre et de grandir m'a poussée à la création de boutiques en ligne. Je souhaite qu'ils deviennent le refuge des créations de mon fils aîné, que je suis en train d'initier à la vie d'entrepreneur, étant lui passionné par tout ce qui touche au graphisme (son rêve plus tard est de devenir graphiste ou créateur de jeux vidéos). Je souhaite lui offrir un safe place où son art et sa créativité seront accueillis positivement.
Ma vie est une symphonie en constante évolution, où la mélodie de chaque rôle que j'endosse s'entremêle harmonieusement. Mon voyage a été marqué par des hauts et des bas, mais chaque défi a renforcé ma détermination à poursuivre mes passions et à offrir le meilleur de moi-même à ceux qui m'entourent.
Si vous partagez l'une de mes passions ou si vous êtes également un amateur de jonglage entre plusieurs casquettes, je serais ravie d'entendre votre histoire. N'hésitez pas à me rejoindre dans cette aventure passionnante qu'est la vie !
Avec amour et enthousiasme,
Nhu Lan 💖
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designfetish · 2 years
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To create these Wearable Sculptures we were referred to put attention to the organic lines found in nature. My personal inspiration during the first stage of the process was looking at the leaves of the plants in my backyard. I noticed how they all have veins inside, similar to the ones humans have, but they are green and smaller. Then I went out and looked around. There is a big tree in front of the house, as I walked around it I couldn't help but to notice its big roots, which almost stopped me from getting too close since they were difficult to walk over. That night a big stormy rain fell until the morning. As I looked through the window before bedtime, I noticed that the thunders in the sky had similar lines to those I observed on the tree and in the leaves of the plants earlier that evening. I went to bed thinking what material would be the most suitable for the sculpture I was ready to make. I knew I wanted to make it black probably because that is a color rarely seen in nature and I thought it would be a great juxtaposition to the organic form I was to create. The process, a bit hard at times getting scratch all over by the wire structure that will hold it all, and a bit slow at times while putting layers and layers of paper and a homemade glue like substance to then finally cover it on black plastic trash bags to create the specific texture I wanted to achieve. I let the piece rest for a few days while it all dried up. I think the Wearable Sculpture really took life once it was put on with the movement and views from different angles. I have achieved a series of photos presented here.
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rickygadvisor · 1 year
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Everything starts with you. The first step is self acceptence. We all have a dark side. We have flaws. Most of us are weird. But who wants to be perfect? Perfect is boring. Everything we feel shame for is what makes us wonderful. Like an accent, funny face expressions, your extreme shyness, or red hair of freckles. I wish I had that. What if you could see yourself just the way I see you! 💖 What makes you weird and wonderful? #designerslife #creativesofinstagram #creativeentrepreneur #businessofdesign #impostersyndrome #impostersyndromeisreal #designcutscommunity #personalgrowth #personalbrandingcoach #personalbrandingtips #personalbrandingconsultant #personalbrandingexpert #personalbrandingstrategist #creativewomen #graphicdesigners #graphicdesignstudent #graphicdesignermalaysia #welovebranding #creativeentrepreneurship #creativeentrepeneur Reposted from @theannelihansson (at Miami Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmwF9QjratT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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laceyblayze · 2 years
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It is about being 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗹𝘆 and 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗹𝘆 true to yourself. 💕 Photo by @calexander003 Taken at @visionstudiossocal 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 #adventurealways #altmodel #artwork #blondie #boudoirmodel #branddesign #creativeentrepreneur #fashiongram #femalemodels #fineartphoto #fineartphotography #girls #goodtimes #mindset #modellife #modelling #modelofinstagram #modelphotography #modelphotoshoot #modelpose #modelstyle #photooftheday #pose #successmindset #woman #womenwhohustle (at Vision Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjOXzC4vfnq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scopethings-blog · 8 hours
Scope Computers
Graphic Design
Graphic design is a powerful visual medium that communicates messages, ideas, and information through a harmonious blend of typography, imagery, color, and layout. It is the art of combining creativity with strategic thinking to create compelling visual representations that captivate and engage audiences.
Key Elements of Graphic Design:
Typography: The selection and arrangement of fonts play a crucial role in conveying tone and enhancing readability.
Color Palette: Colors evoke emotions and set the mood of a design, guiding the viewer's perception and response.
Imagery and Illustration: Graphics and illustrations enrich design by adding depth, context, and visual interest.
Layout and Composition: The organization of elements within a design determines hierarchy, flow, and balance.
Applications of Graphic Design:
Branding and Identity: Creating logos, brand guidelines, and visual assets that reflect a brand's personality and values.
Marketing Collateral: Designing posters, flyers, brochures, and advertisements that promote products or services effectively.
Digital Design: Crafting engaging websites, mobile apps, and social media graphics that enhance user experience and interaction.
Publication Design: Developing layouts for magazines, books, and newspapers that optimize readability and visual appeal.
Impact of Graphic Design:
Enhanced Communication: Graphic design translates complex ideas into digestible visuals that resonate with diverse audiences.
Brand Recognition: Strong visual identity fosters brand recognition and establishes a memorable presence in the market.
User Engagement: Thoughtfully designed graphics attract attention, encourage interaction, and leave a lasting impression.
Creative Problem-Solving: Graphic designers use their skills to solve visual challenges and communicate solutions effectively.
Innovation in Graphic Design:
With advancements in technology and software tools, graphic design continues to evolve, pushing creative boundaries and redefining visual storytelling across various industries.
Graphic design is not merely about aesthetics; it's a strategic art form that influences perceptions, shapes experiences, and drives meaningful connections between brands and their audiences. By harnessing the principles of graphic design, businesses and individuals can convey impactful messages and leave a lasting imprint in the digital and physical realms.
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Additionally, consider using more specific and niche hashtags related to your design style, industry, or target audience:
Remember to use a mix of popular, trending, and niche hashtags to maximize your reach and engagement. Also, explore location-based hashtags (#GraphicDesignerNYC, #DesignLA) if you want to connect with local communities or clients.
Always ensure that the hashtags you use are relevant to your posts and align with your design style and objectives. Avoid using too many hashtags in a single post and prioritize quality and specificity. Experiment with different combinations of hashtags to discover which ones resonate best with your audience and help amplify your graphic design presence on social media.
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monteage-official · 2 days
Become A Creative Businessman | Top Traits of the Greats
In this captivating video, we delve into the essential traits that set apart successful creative businessmen from the rest. From innovative thinking to resilience and beyond, we uncover the secrets behind their triumphs in the competitive world of business. Join us as we explore actionable insights and inspiring stories to fuel your entrepreneurial journey.
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zentechia · 1 month
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Top 5 Most Successful Services on Fiverr
In a world brimming with creative possibilities, Fiverr emerges as the ultimate platform for freelancers to shine! 🌟
Dive into a treasure trove of success stories, tips, and strategies to skyrocket your freelance journey. 🚀
From graphic design to voiceover services, each Fiverr success story inspires and motivates! 💼
Embrace the hustle, chase your dreams, and join the vibrant community of freelancers carving their path to success! 💪✨
1️⃣ Graphic Design
🎨 Are you looking for stunning graphics? Look no further! From logos to social media posts, I've got you covered.
2️⃣ Copywriting
📝 Need captivating content that converts? Let me craft persuasive copy that resonates with your audience and drives results.
3️⃣ Digital Marketing
💻 Ready to boost your online presence? With strategic digital marketing tactics, I'll help you reach your target audience and grow your business.
4️⃣ Video Editing
🎥 Elevate your brand with professional video content. From editing to motion graphics, I'll make your vision come to life.
5️⃣ Voiceover Services
🎙️ Need a voice that captivates? Whether it's for commercials or narration, I'll provide a voice that leaves a lasting impression.
Read Full Article:
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kushitworld · 5 months
Crafting Online Success: Leveraging SEO For Handmade Treasures
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In the digital age, the world of handmade crafts and treasures has found a new platform to showcase its artistry and creativity. From artisans crafting unique jewelry to skilled makers producing hand-sewn goods and beyond, the challenge lies in standing out amidst the vast digital marketplace. Enter SEO (Search Engine Optimization), a powerful tool that enables artisans to amplify their online presence and connect with a global audience seeking their one-of-a-kind creations.
The Significance of SEO for Handmade Crafts For artisans and creators passionate about their crafts, visibility is key to reaching potential buyers. While creating exceptional handmade items is essential, showcasing these treasures to the right audience is equally important. SEO serves as the bridge that connects the artistry of creators with individuals seeking distinctive and authentic handmade goods.
Crafting an SEO Strategy
Keyword Optimization: Understanding the phrases and terms individuals use when searching for handmade crafts is crucial. Thoughtfully incorporating these keywords into product descriptions, website content, and social media posts helps improve search engine rankings and visibility.
Visual Content Optimization: High-quality images and videos showcasing the craftsmanship of handmade items are essential. Optimizing these visuals with descriptive filenames, alt text, and relevant keywords aids in search engine recognition.
Content Creation and Blogging: Generating engaging content around the creative process, craft tutorials, behind-the-scenes stories, and showcasing finished products can attract visitors. Blogs, articles, and videos can drive traffic and establish authority in the handmade niche.
Social Media Integration: Leveraging social platforms by sharing content, engaging with followers, and utilizing hashtags increases visibility. Social media activity contributes to SEO rankings and fosters a community around handmade creations.
E-commerce Platform Optimization: Ensuring that the e-commerce platform or website is user-friendly and mobile-responsive is crucial. Search engines prioritize sites that offer a seamless browsing and purchasing experience. Impact on Handmade Craft Visibility
Enhanced Visibility: A robust SEO strategy helps handmade crafts rank higher in search results, making them more visible to potential buyers seeking unique and artisanal products.
Establishing Trust and Authenticity: Consistently appearing in top search results portrays professionalism and authenticity, fostering trust among potential buyers.
Increased Sales and Brand Awareness: Informative content and engaging visuals not only attract visitors but also encourage them to make purchases. SEO-driven visibility can significantly impact sales and brand recognition. Adapting in a Dynamic Market The digital landscape is ever-evolving, with search engine algorithms frequently changing. Artisans must stay updated with the latest SEO trends and shifts in user behavior to adapt their strategies for continued success.
For artisans passionate about their craft, SEO serves as a potent tool to craft online success and share their handmade treasures with the world.
By leveraging SEO strategies tailored to their unique creations, artisans can ensure their online presence not only attracts but also resonates with individuals seeking authenticity and uniqueness in their purchases.
Ultimately, the impact of SEO on the visibility of handmade crafts allows these creators to shine brightly amidst the multitude of options available in the vast digital marketplace.
Source: https://kushitworld.com/2023/11/20/crafting-online-success-leveraging-seo-for-handmade-treasures/
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designfetish · 2 years
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rntozen · 5 months
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Navigating Candle Business Start-Up Costs: A Comprehensive Guide for … https://rntozen.com/blog/diy-and-craft/navigating-candle-business-start-up-costs-a-comprehensive-guide-for-entrepreneurs/
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mariesite · 6 months
Before you read the content below ask yourself these questions:
Do I want to be the best in my field? (if yes).
Do I have the requirements of being the best in my field?
Do I believe in the business am engaging in?
Do I have enough time for my business?
If the answers you provided are yes, Then you can go ahead to read the main content.
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I started my business and I was very happy to have a new business after being employed for some years, The business lost half of its assets after 6 months. I was unhappy and I felt I was losing (Dear reader do you have those days you felt like that?).
I wanted to eliminate the business but I felt energetic once again when I felt I would be useless without going to work.
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I felt within myself "I CAN MAKE THIS" I moved back into work and invested my time and money. I got this following for my business.
A website
Got leads
Got a sales funnel
Additional workers
I invested up to $5000 into the business but no encouraging results were really available to show for it.
So, I started a tactics which I tagged OPERATION LAST CHANCE i said within myself that after this i will quit the business.
The following month the business generated as much as 7x all i have invested, I was happy and overwhelmed.
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I recited within myself a Quote by ERIC WORRE
NOTE: Anyone interested in learning about the OPERATION LAST CHANCE which changed my business should COMMENT BELOW.
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Always be like this and ou will grow from grass to grace.
Thanks for reading
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mottsymakes · 7 months
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My Sugar Glider pattern is already on my redbubble, so if you want some cute decor and accessories, you know where to go! Link tree is in my bio 😊
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akreview · 9 months
Embark on your entrepreneurial journey with our cutting-edge Design Agency Business guide. Discover how to launch and run a successful design agency even if you lack technical skills or upfront costs. This comprehensive resource equips you with strategic insights, actionable steps, and creative tips to establish your own design agency from scratch. Unleash your creativity, build a robust client base, and deliver stunning design solutions without being hindered by tech barriers or financial constraints. Dive into this guide and turn your passion for design into a thriving business venture today
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wifdc · 11 months
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𝐈𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬!
Are you passionate about fashion? Unlock your creative potential and turn your passion into a profitable business with our Fashion Designing course! Discover the art of design, master the latest trends, and transform your ideas into stunning creations. Join us today and embark on an exciting journey towards a successful career in fashion!
View more details about Diploma in Fashion Designing Course Warm Greetings,
Waves Institute of Fashion Designing, Kozhikode
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zentechia · 1 month
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What is the Most Successful Fiverr Freelancer Gig?
Fiverr: Where Freelancers Thrive!🌟
Ready to turn your skills into cash? 💰 Dive into the world of Fiverr and discover endless opportunities to showcase your talent! 🌟 Whether you're a creative genius or a tech wizard, there's a gig waiting for you. 💼 Join millions of freelancers worldwide and start your journey to success today! 🚀
1) Unlock your freelance potential on Fiverr!
2) Choose your gigs, set your prices, and be your boss.
3) Join millions of freelancers worldwide.
4) Turn your skills into income today!
5) Fiverr: Your gateway to freelance success!
Read Full Article: https://shorturl.at/dmtGP
Link to the Website: https://shorturl.at/hryAT
Earn Money Online: https://shorturl.at/cdinu
Visit the website: https://zentechia.blogspot.com/ ( This website is related to Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Online Earning, and the latest technology )
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