#creapypasta x you
feyda-forever · 2 years
hello, I hope you're having a good day/afternoon/night <3
I got the confidence to finally do an ask-
but anyways I wanna know if you can do any ( creepypastas of your choice -If you can you please add Toby it's optional ) x reader that is self-conscious about their wavey/curly hair
If you don't wanna do this it's okay I understand fully! (p;w;q)
WOW!!! This is the first time I'm getting a request for HC and I'm very excited :D
I hope you enjoy it <3
Wornings: none ig...?
Proxies x self-conscious wavey/curly hair s/o
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Toby probably is one of the least out of the pastas/proxies that cares about there s/o's looks, he just wants someone who feels sympathy towards him, someone that understands what he's going though everyday.
He'll brush your hair with his fingers as he whisper sweat little compliments if he ever founds you getting insecure about it.
He sometimes lose his cool, i mean how dare you to be insecure about such a beautiful and priceful gift?
He's not the best with words but if you ever needed some comfort he'll take you to the closest rooftop and will cuddles you as you two enjoy the beauty of the sky.
When he gets mad his ticks and Tourettes will became worse than it already is, that normally happens when someone makes fun of you. Tho they basically ends up dead till the next 24 hours. lol.
He'll try his best to stay away from you when his personality changes cause of his disorders but still you should be careful when you see him acting wierd!
Hoodie is that type of person who'll give you hundreds of picky nicknames and it's not only cause of your hair but your personality and literally your everything.
He'll grab you by your waist and carry you around the House whenever he gets bored.
Hoodie might tease you alot but he's always on tour side even if you're wrong.
I'm like Toby, Hoodie's a .aster manipulator and he's not afraid to use this fact on You, whether it's for himself or for your own good, tho he rather honesty when it comes to you.
Late night drivings happens alot but mostly when you need some comfort and motivation or just had a bad day.
Hoodie is a slight person and he can figure out what's on your mind in less than a minute, so don't be surprised if he came up with your favorite type of candy home cause some people thought it would be a funny idea to mess or make fun of you.
Now now... we're gonna have some difficulties with this guy...
Well Masky is a pretty stressful person and he's not afraid to take out all this rage and anxiety that is happening inside him on someone else, which makes him to be furious and hurshful almost all the time.
Well good thing, he has a soft side only for you, And if he ever notice you being anxious about your beauty he'll warp his arms around you as he tells you "you're the prettiest thing I've ever put an eye on sunshine." Or any sweat sentences that can come is his mind.
Sometimes he makes you're favorite meal or just take you out for a walk in the forest.
Tim knows how to play guitar a little, he ever finds you thinking about your insecurities he'll play it for you just to distract your mind outta negative things.
And i gotta mention, teasing or making fun of you is basically a suicide wish without them knowing it.
Alright I'm sorry it took so long for me to make this, I've been struggling with exams and some personal things in life so yeah... :>
But I hope you enjoyed it!! And remember that you're perfect no matter how you look, i mean your look doesn't even matters, what matters is the beauty of your heart <3
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huniebunny · 2 years
20! For creapypasta 👀?
20.Ship that you liked but don’t anymore
I used to be like- impartial to Jeff x Jane. Like if it was just that good in the writing end, not for characterization, I'd bear with it.
But, yeah. No. Jane's big gay and wants to ruin him just as much as he ruined her.
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feyda-forever · 2 years
Hi can I request a creepypasta or marble hornets matchup please??
I go by she/they pronouns and am bisexual though I tend to have a preference for guys. I’ve got shoulder length curly ginger hair, blue eyes, and dress dark/light academia usually. My mbti is infp and I’m also a Capricorn :)
I like old, classic literature and the arts in general, I also like going on walks in the woods. I also really like crabs for some reason. I hate wasps and mint. I have a plethora of hobbies, some notable ones being painting, drawing, sewing, gaming, and playing 3 instruments. I’m usually really quiet and tend to find myself zoning out and daydreaming a lot, my friends comment sometimes it’s hard to have a conversation with me because of it. I often feel apathetic and bored so I spend a good amount of time looking for something new to do or learn to combat this.
I hope you have a good day or night and remember to take care of yourself! <3
Hello :D
Sorry for answering this late it's been a hursh month, and i hope you're taking good care of yourself as well!!! <3
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I match you with....
Eyeless jack
Okay so let me say this straightforward. Jack as a lover can be possessive, but not that much if he cares for you enough.
He still remembers painful memories from how he became the thing monster that he is right now, and cause of that it's gonna take a lot for him to actually trust.
You were probably one of his targets but for some reason he lets you live tho he's questioning himself, why did he do that?
After stalking you for awhile he found you pretty interesting, sometimes he steals a few pieces of your drawings.
jack also adores you're practicing instruments, he just loves watching you struggling to play the hard parts of the notes.
One of the reasons why he has fealing toward you is because he feels secure around you. would never mention it tho...
after one or two year of being together he finally warms up enough to show you what he exactly is. Jack is a type of person (in my au) that no one. Not even a single soul can figure out what is his next move, or what is he thinking about.
Whenever you start daudreaming he'll just stare at your eyes, it's like he's seeing what you're daydreaming about. he'll lost himself in your eyes, he fall in love over and over again.
Jack might not show it but he loves learning new things, specially with you, something that he adores even more is when you ask him a question, well he know a lot about human body and when he sees you putting effort to know more and you asked him cause you believe in his acknowledge will makes him to feel valuable. So pleas if you ever wanted to more about humans don't be shy, just ask him :)
- Do you ever think about me?
- Yeah, all the time.
- Girls are so hot
- Guy are hot as well
- Why is everyone so hot
- Global warming
Alright I hope you enjoyed it :)
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feyda-forever · 2 years
Hello! Thanks for doing this in return! You deserve all the best, even the small things!!!
Name/Aliases: Hunny, Hun, Ice (irl)
Zodiacs: Aries sun / Virgo moon / Leo rising / Year of the snake (2001)
Personality Type: INFP - A
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Aegosexual / Homoromantic (wlw)
I am 20, going 21 this april! I am 5’6-5’7ish, and 99lbs last I checked. Still not the best weight, but I’m working on it. I’m very skinny and lanky with a defined waist, but I’m trying to grow a bit of muscle. I have long dark/black hair that I have no idea how to style; it’s fine and high porosity so it tangles and gets damaged easily. My eyes are brown, but can appear black in the shade and golden in sunlight. I have a lot of dark marks over my body from acne and so many bruises on my legs from work. I prefer being comfortable most of the time (like, if i could be naked all the time, that’d be great), but there are a lot of aesthetics that interest me!
So there’s probably a lot to say about who I am, but I’ll try and keep it brief. The things that line up between all of my zodiacs and personality type is that I’m very introverted and empathetic. I don’t have a lot of close-close friends, and the ones I do have are kind of opposite reflections of who I am. They’re loud and excitable and perhaps a little unkempt with amazing style, while I am usually quiet, and extra polite with a heavy focus on my hygiene since my style sucks. I live vicariously through my friends’ drama as the mom/therapist friend and I’m constantly on top of making sure everyone’s okay. My love languages are quality time and words of affirmation.
I deeply enjoy the little beautiful details of life and observe the world around me in an artistic lens. I love photography in the way you can quickly capture the fun shape of a cloud or the way snow glistens when it first sticks to the ground. I adore those small moments of intimacy, like a coffee already made for you in the exact way you like it or the heartbeat you feel even being just pressed up into their side. I love writing in which I can truly show the reverence and love of these moments.
On the other hand, I am also extremely intelligent despite my emotional exaggeration. I’ve always found science interesting and math is easy when it’s present and practiced on. And psychology is a very close topic to my heart, so I learn anything I can about it. And on this topic: FUCK FREUD!!! Literally setting the psychology movement 1000 years back by destroying his studies. Disgraceful.
I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and never treated for it, but my home life was always rather adhd friendly. A lot of my symptoms include the inattentive type, but I’m hyperactive in some strange ways. I’ll move and shift a lot, but I’m constantly hyper aware of what’s going on around me and I hyperfocus on a task/topic until I eventually burnout. I’m impulsive in the way of “how can I solve this problem in the fastest way possible” (so like climbing things I’m not supposed to in order to reach something, or picking the skin off my lips cause they’re dry and bothering me, etc). I do have auditory and memory processing issues, so I may need a moment in between being asked questions. I do have RSD which is mainly triggered by my schooling/academics, so I try to avoid talking about it if I can.
I have been emotionally hurt a lot by people I thought were friends, and I’ve grown more confident than I ever have been in my boundaries of how I let people treat me.
I think this is everything… Yeah, it should be. I can’t wait to see who I’m matched with and I hope your week gets better! “Remember to lead with kindness, because at some point you’ll have to stop being kind. Then show them no mercy.” <3
OMG (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) jwjxpbynxuwlcirsvkwl
Even tho this is not first time I'm doing a matchup exchange I'm still so excited.
And of course everyone such as you deserve the best <3
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I match you with.....
Bloody painter
When i was reading the lovely paragraph you wrote, i couldn't think of anyone else tbh.
I don't see him as a person who'll shows his love language by words, in my AU i HC him as someone who likes to write his thoughts and when he can't find the correct words and sentences he'll paint them. Afterall there's a reason that he's an artist.
Even if he let out his words out loud, it'll be very soundless and its hard to figure them out. I mean you know he's whispering something but can't understand what is it.
Let me explain how exactly is your relationship, imagine a white empty room without Windows but a simple white door, helen standing in middle of it, he has a black pen in his hands as he walk up to a wall and start drawing objects that should be in a room, he's almost done till he hears knocking on the door... suddenly you step in and with every step take you add a new color to those drawing, you get what i mean?
The thing that I'm trying to say is that, you give him a new meaning of what exactly is life and a different view of life that he did not thoughts of seeing one day, and it's confusing him so much that he'll spent minutes, hours, days and even weeks to figure it out, what is this feelings and why does he likes these so much.
After talking to his one and only trusted friend 'the puppeteer' he finally gets it, it's love. Tho he do not wanna except it.
But then, after a long time that you get to know him not him cause.....basically he knows everything about you XD You guys start with friendship.
And when you guys finally get in a relationship you'll become the most important person in the world to him
He doesn't have any problem with being in a platonic relationship, so yeah, he'll respect your sexuality.
But i have to mention, he has a dark side that might appear any time, so you might wanna be careful.
One of the best duos in my opinion.
- I miss your voice.
- I'll call you in a little, okay?
- Honey
- Are you awake?
- yeah
- Perfect. do you wanna go on an adventure?
- Sure.
- 3am small talks on rooftop and I'll bring blanket <3
This is the fastest matchup I've ever made and i hope you liked it :)
[Please send me feedback if you don't mind]
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feyda-forever · 2 years
hihi! I was curious about a match up, ofc if you can't/don't want to do this or it's closed I understand fully have a lovely day!
I'm Bisexual, female, 5'4 I enjoy coffee, sweets, video games, horror/mystery books, tea, animals, flowers, retro like 80's-90's fashion styles, cold weather, strawberries, makeup, cottage core types of aesthetics. I don't like needles, loud noises, slow walkers, bright lights, overly sweet frosting, bees. I enjoy playing piano, talking walks, working out, going out with friends, listening to music, drawing, reading, & baking. My sun is Scorpio, My moon is Libra, & My ascendant is Cancer. I'm a INTJ! :)
Hellooo i will be happy to make this match up for you <3. when I first read your request I was like, oh yeah, Jason the toymaker is perfect but than you said that you like video games and he's that type of person who will get that tiny little magic box out of your hand and throw it that part of the room if he ever saw that you're wasting your time over that shit . lmao.
Sooo here you go i hope you enjoy it well :)
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I Match You With...
Ticci Toby
Omg.... you guys both share the same height....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Describing this guy's love for you is like....JRN1IOK5WQUFJR7DMR
Just imagine its winter. 5 in the morning. you can't sleep. And HE is aware of that! So he'll buy s̶t̶e̶a̶l̶ a box of sweets, enter your house from a window (good luck trying to get him to use the door XD) and of course... m͜͡i͜͡d͜͡d͜͡l͜͡e͜͡ n͜͡i͜͡g͜͡h͜͡t͜͡ t͜͡a͜͡l͜͡k͜͡s͜͡.
Even though he enjoys talking to you at night he's not gonna let you stay awake for that long, and situations like this happens almost every three months.
After a long exhausting mission the only thing that he wants is to neither cuddle you or listening to you playing the piano. you don't have to play a music for him, just you practicing make his heart melt...❤︎
When he doesn't have a mission he's with you and cuddling you all. the. time. Whether if your playing video games, reading books, drawing...etc. he doesn't care, he just wants to have you in his arms.
the discussion of drawing is coming in the middle i see....why did i say that you ask? well, haven't you notice that some of your drawing has went missing? cause he has a collection of things he has stolen from you, and 75% of them is your drawings. XD.
If i wanna be honest, he's pretty emotional and most of the time (allthetime) he think with heart more than head.
Since he struggle with disorders such as PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, CIPA and tourette syndrome he gets insecure alot, so you have to comfort him
Sometimes when his free he'll take you somewhere full of colorful flowers, bees, butterflies and a beautiful lake so you guys can have picnic.
He definitely is gonna teach you a few technics of fighting, just in case.
*Toby just trying to teach reader how to defend herself*
- If this is how we're gonna fight can we fight all the time?
- So what do you do on your free time?
- I stalk people.
-Okiiiii....well I like playing piano and baking.
- I know.
- .....
- Are you ready for my mood swings and break downs this week?
- Always dear <3
hope that your having an amazing day/night, and i also hope that you've enjoyed your match-up (• ◡•)
(Please send me feedback if you don't mind)
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feyda-forever · 2 years
I'm Panromantic, Lith-Omnisexual, Ambiamorous and Non-binary (ik that's a lot of stuff, it's like my little collection of trophies lmao, use just pan and nb if it's easier for you).
I like cats, music, the color brown and a grey weather, I dislike social situations (like having to speak in public/to a stranger/someone not close to me, or being in a crowded place),I draw a lot and I have a bad habit of biting the skin near my nails, uhm I don't think I have a good habit- I mean I try to have my stuff always organized (keyword : try), and, surprise surprise, I have cats (although I would like to have weird animals like snakes and spiders lol).
I have adhd.
I'm a taurus and INTJ (6w5).
So... I have to choose a character now right...? Jeff the killer.
HELLO :D, Congratulation for being the first person who've send me a match up. And if your confused, you can choose a character yourself but also you can let me choose a character for you. I was struggling a little bit with the sexualities, but I was able to understand them all (kinda) and it was a fun experience シ︎.
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Jeff the killer-match up
A relationship between a romantic person x someone who has no idea over what romance is? Interesting...
He's not someone who will love a nother person at the first sight, but i never said that he's not gonna take interest in you at the f̰ḭr̰s̰t̰ sight.
He sweared that he'll make anyone regret living in world at the first place if they disrespect you, including himself
Well since there's a possible chance that you might fell in love with another person other than him {ig that's what ambiamorous means, sorry if I'm wrong tho :( } and the fact that he has trust issues, you have to make him believe that your not gonna leave or betray him
You two are very different, but you still managed to form a strong relationship together. Like even though you struggle with ADHD your still trying to organize your daily life but jeff is that type of person who just keep on going with life without bothering himself to look back and solve his problems, so basically he just ignore them all. lol.
One of your favorite Times is when the both of you guys are just chilling with the sound of your cats and a calm music playing in the background.
You don't like public speaking? Hope your ready to get teased by this guy, like alot...
Yeah he might act shitty but i can just imagine you being in the middle of a class or having to speak infront of crowd and his there, watching you, listening to every words that come out of your mouth. it can be creepy for a while but after getting used to it, you might get less nerves than usual. Idk its up to you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you guys have been in relationship for a long time he might actually show his soft side to you ᵃⁿᵈ ᵒᶠ ᶜᵒᵘʳˢᵉ, ⁱᶠ ʰᵉ ᵗʳᵘˢᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵉⁿᵒᵘᵍʰ.
-someone has a girlfriend i see
-They. are. my. partner. You got problem with that?
-nah, nothing...
-ˢᵒ... ʷʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ʰᵉʳ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ?
-there. name.
-Babe ❤︎
-Nothing i just wanted to call you babe ꨄ︎
-hay babe look at this!
-what is it jef- HOLYSHIT IS THAT A CHAMELEON?!?!
-Yap, i remember once you said you like weird shitty animals so...
Sorry if i made any mistakes, again its the first time I'm making one of these and it was a new experience for me. hope you enjoyed it. ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
(Please send me feedback if you don't mind)
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feyda-forever · 2 years
Hello(again), this is the match up info for creepypasta.
Appearence: im 5'5, blonde(natural) shoulder length hair, hazel/green eyes, pale vanilla skin tone with scars on my shoulders, im a bit lanky in the arms, i have dark marks under my eyes, and i have a grunge aesthetic.
Likes: Nature walks, horror movies and games, fantasy, reading, science, flowers, Manga/anime, star gazing, cold colours, frogs, mushrooms, music(mainly punk/rock/emo/grunge), and butterflies.
Dislikes: clingy people, stupid phobias that make you look like a jerk, red meats, the color pink, pop boy bands(i will forever stand by MCR and FOB)
Personality: i tend to have trust issues and get spacy with people i dont trust, i also tend to be calm half of the time and energetic the other half, i have a dark personality with a tendensy to be mysterious(as of what ive been told), im good with people and emotions, im able to confort them easily, im friendly and open to people i like to be around, i get stressed easily and get paniced about some things, and im an insomiac, which makes me abit lazy.
Fu Facts:
-i can life a grown man.
-i am the therapist of my friend group(but need therapy myself)
have a wonderful day and happy(early) valentines day! <3
I'm still working on how i write the character's personalities realistic and I'm kinda proud of myself with this match-up so i hope you enjoy it :)
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I match you with....
BEN drowned
Your friend thought it would be a good idea to dare you to mess with the cleverbot, didn't they?
He's not a clingy person and he does respect the fact the you have trust issues, he 'tries' to be patient with you.
He gets curious alot from your mysterious personality but he tries to control himself. you're not a victim for him to want to manipulate, you know.
After a long day you guys lay down next to each other playing video games, eating pizza or watching a new episode of you favorite anime.
He doesn't really understand the fact that how you can stand others getting emotional around you, this boy is a cold-hearted murder and kills innocent people cause he think 'its fun' "ʰᵉ ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ʳᵉᵃᶜʰ ʲᵉᶠᶠ'ˢ ˡᵉᵛᵉˡ ᵗʰᵒ"
In my au BEN knows how to comfort others very well if he wants to, why you ask? couse this mf is master at playing with words and tickling other's emotions.
Sometimes you might even want to come to him for advice cause your classmate's father died a week ago and you don't know how to comfort them. what I'm trying to say is that you can learn from him not that you already don't know.
Sitting in the same room minding you own businesses, doing your own things is also a nother hobby of you guys. I mean, you two don't talk but just knowing the fact that you're with him and he's with you is a heartwarming moment.
He doesn't use nicknames, he thinks its dramatic and the way he shows affection is by spoiling you, by giving you things you never imagined having one day.
Don't be surprised if one day you woke up and you were in middle of your favorite game on Valentine. He wants to be unique, like, he wouldn't go get you a heart shaped box of chocolate and a stuff animal, no he really wouldn't. He wants you to never forget the time you guys have spent with each other.
At first he might be a little bit protective, but in the end he'll see you as the most trustworthy person he has ever met.
-How do you feel about art?
-I mean, you're pretty cool
-What's on your mind?
-Why tho?
-cause ever since i met you, no one alse seems worth thinking about.
-What are you doing?
-Watching the air :/
Allright it's finally done :D
It took a little bit long for me to make this tho -_-" but i hope you enjoyed it ♡
[Send me feedback if you don't mind]
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feyda-forever · 2 years
💜 Informations 💜
Requests = ☔︎
Match up = ☔︎
☔︎: open
☂︎: close
Drafts: 2
Inboxes: 1
Just a reminder :
Tumblr eat some of the asks so if you don't see yours it's because of tumblr :/
⚠︎rules for requests⚠︎
No nsfw/smut please it makes me uncomfortable. :/
Underage characters can not be in a romantic relationship, only platonic.
I ✍︎ One-shot, headconens and match up.
I do not accept any requests of pregnancy or giving brith cause my imagination doesn't work in this type of stuffs, sorry. ☹︎
I'm trying to make the characters as realistic as possible so there is no waffle-toby or any uwu Jeff, i just don't find it right.
Just because i said I'm gonna make them realistic doesn't mean that I'm gonna make them all yanderes.
I do write poly relationship but like i said no smut.
I don't write character x character only character x reader.
⚠︎rules for match up⚠︎
You don't need to tell me your age cause I'm not gonna use it.
Tell me you sexuality/gender.
Your likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits(GoodAndBad), pet peeves.
Or any random information that can be usfull in your opinion.
I need your zodiac (your big 3) and your mbti.
When you give me the information for your match up i normally choose a character, it can be romance and platonic depend on what you choose.
I only do one character but you can give me two characters and I'll pick between one of them for you.
And of course you can give me your information and a character, and I'll tell you how your relationship/friendship will go. シ︎
(I'll just do this fandom ᶠᵒʳ ⁿᵒʷ)
characters that i don't write romantically :
Any slender brothers
Laughing jack.....or any child-killer
Minors (and if your wondering, no BEN drowned is not one of them)
Basically anyone other than these
Well done....ig
I'm waiting for the requests then :D
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feyda-forever · 2 years
heya!! may i request a creepypasta matchup pls? <33
i'm female and i use she/they pronouns and i'm demisexual + panromantic. i'm 5'6 and my style is a baggy grunge style. i have a black to red ombre, shoulder-length wolf cut. my mbti is ENTP-T and my zodiac sign is virgo.
likes; mythology, psychology, hiking/adventuring, horror.
dislikes; insects, cotton candy.
hobbies; drawing, gaming, listening to music, reading, writing, sports.
traits; curious, hyper, adventurous, witty, impatient, careless, sarcastic, overdramatic (in a silly way).
info; i'm generally someone who's more on the upbeat side. i get hurt often from pulling stupid stunts and my friends find it hard to stop me from pulling the stunts. the overdramatic part kicks in when one of my friends say something long the lines of 'you can get annoying sometime you know?' (normally when im teasing them for something) and i sarcastically drop to the floor and act hurt by what they said. i love t learn new things and i'm always ready for a new challenge.
(AAA sorry if it's a bit long! take ur time answering it, and have an amazing day/night! keep up the good work <33)
Hay there :))
Thank you so much for your patience, and have an fantastic day/night as well <3
Hope you enjoy~~~
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I match you with....
✨Dramatic couple✨ mood on/off
you guys are almost the same, i mean your similarities are more than your differences.
One of of the few thing that he adores about you is your passion, he just loves seeing you getting excited over something new you've learned.
He might be a little more patient than you are but he still has his childish personality.
In my AU kagekou is a dark empath. he feels others emotions, and by dark i mean he can and will use this against his victims tho, he's not afraid to use this fact against you as well.
He can manipulate you very easily, and it's not your fault to say 'you're to easy for him to manipulate' no it's really not. it's just that he's too damn well at making others do what he wants. kinda selfish, isn't it?
He shows affection by words, tho you're unable of understanding most of them, unless you know how to speak Japanese. But that what he does, he sometimes leaves a small note whenever he goes out for work maybe the only time he show affection in english XD
If you guys are watching a horror movie and you flinch-......well i hope you're prepared to get teased by him for the rest of the night.
You thought you were sarcastic?i mean, Have you met him? He talks impulsively and he's super blunt, so yeah he sometimes might say something that leaves deep scars into others heart including you, but if he enough for you he might buy steal something extremely expensive for you as an apology.
But after all no matter how hursh can be, he loves more than he could ever imagine.
- My boyfriend and i agreed to never go to bed angry at each other.
- We've been awake since Friday.
- I was attracted to you first.
- Well i hugged you first.
- I said i love you first.
- Kagekou getting down on one knee: i proposed first!!!
- Well i- wait!?!- WHAT!?!?!?!!
Alright i hope you enjoyed it :D and thanks for all the likes <3
[Please send me feedback if you don't mind]
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