#court of darkness guy monas
narcoticwriter · 1 year
Each Hydro Character’s ‘Quirky Personality Trait’ That Renders Them Irredeemable
Mona: Incapable of being taxed as her purchases are written off as ‘work expenses’ but still being fucking broke.
Barbara: Not (finding someone to do the task of) beating the everloving fuck out of Albert.
Tartaglia: Being the most Normal Guy™️ in the Fatui Harbingers.
Yelan: Eating Jueyan chili peppers like they’re raisins and being perfectly fine.
Xingqiu: Liking and writing wuxia that is mostly expository in nature.
Kokomi: Unironically enjoying what Xingqiu writes.
Ayato: Using a kitchen as well as general instigation out of boredom.
Candace: Being reasonably unhinged for no other reason than that being easier than pretending.
Nilou: Eating random mushrooms as if she wasn’t already tripping balls.
-Bonus (A Speculative Shot In The Dark)-
Focalors: Turning court into an entertainment style akin to Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, and The Maury Show all at once.
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draconivn · 4 years
016 | Take My Hand
Summary: You go to lunch with Guy one day, and wondered what it would be like to hold his hand. Warnings: Fluff, Guy’s PG teasing Pairings: Reader x Guy Avari/Guy Monas (Court of Darkness)  Author’s Note: Because Guy is a tease.
“Done classes?”
I was on my way back from classes and ready to get lunch from the refectory, when I happened across Guy along the way. Seeing the man I love waiting so patiently for me there drew a smile across my lips to greet him as I held my book close in my arms. “For the morning! I have some time until my next class.”
With no one around, he returned my smile with an affectionate and handsome one. 
It was impossible to ever hold myself against that smile, that the secret slipped past my lips one day and the response he gave me was far from his former deadpanned tone. Rather, he laughed and determined to use his newfound weapon to make my heart flutter anew each time we were together. 
Each time he did, I was thankful that the privacy of his quarters encased my embarrassment, where his valet Jasper seemed to have developed an intuition of not intruding until something important came up or the reluctance to leave him for classes would arise within me.
Missing class was not an option after it became known among the other S Rank princes that I had chosen Guy, nor would I dare to show up with any sort of marks, lest I desire the wrath of the Avari Aficionados despite our relationship. But that hardly deterred Guy from showing I was his, as we became closer in front of everyone, and spent lots of time together that the message was loud and clear. The flares of his aura was complete proof of what we were doing, as it took time for it to wear away, and my cheeks would be as red as the glow of magic that surrounded him.
“Come. Jasper also made lunch for you.”
Gathering him to speak his mind more often with me was a feat of its own, though I knew Guy had his own way of communicating and we became more attuned to each other. 
As we wandered to the elevator lift, I felt the graze of his hand briefly against mine and my gaze drifted down in thought. Though awkward and public as it may be, there was the thought that had been lingering in my mind for quite some time but I had forgotten to ask about by the time I saw him: I wanted to hold his hand.
“–What is it?” His voice pulled me out of my thoughts, prompting me to look up at him just as the elevator was being called down to meet us. 
“Hm?” I barely heard him call my name.
“You were not listening again, were you.” He sighed, staving off a scowl as he stopped to turn towards me and enclosed the gap between us by leaning down to be of the same eye level. "You have been of odds lately. Does your body ail you?" 
A simple silly thought like that flew out of the window and my first instinct was to shake my head. "N-No, I'm fine! I… I've just been thinking about some things." And in no way is that a lie.
He takes my silence as a reason to back off, though I can see the way it bothers him in his expression before we enter the lift.
Oh great. I made it awkward. I wanted to smack myself on the forehead for it as I stood quietly next to him. Would he say anything or be bothered if I took his hand…? I looked down at his hand then as discreetly as I could at his side profile. I felt flustered, fighting with my indecision. I could do everything else he said but take his hand on my own discretion was something that questioned comfort in doing publicly. … Maybe I should ask him about it later.
The lift opens without another move made and we both leave it, though his long legs make him advance ahead of me until he pauses to face me yet again.
"Guy?" Warmth encloses around my hand, fingers lacing between the spaces of mine. I look up to him again and he's smiling that handsome smile, enticing a warmth to creep its way across my cheeks that turns his smile into a smirk of satisfaction.
"My paramour walks alongside of me, not behind me. Shall I keep you close like this then?"
The way he says it has me ready to melt into a puddle, and the realization that my thoughts have been bare on my expression enough for him to act on it so has rendered me speechless and stutter before I can gather my bearings.
“Y-You– Are you sure you don’t have mind reading powers?”
He chuckles, lifting my hand to brush his lips against my knuckles. “You wear your thoughts as you do so with that bleeding heart of yours.” His voice is low and deep for my ears, coercing me close. “Show your thoughts to me alone. Let not another see your vulnerability.”
“You make it sound easier said than done.”
He arches a brow. “Shall I teach you then?”
“You parade around so proudly with your aura. I think you may need to keep teaching me more so no one can see what I show and do with you.” Warmth leaves the back of my hand as he lowers our intertwined fingers, leaving me to look up at him curiously.
But he steps in until I am against him, his lips dropped to my ear. “Shall I begin teaching you tonight?”
My cheeks flared so deeply as I stepped back, though he would not relinquish his hold. “G-Guy!”
For a moment, there was a flash of a smirk before he turned back towards his quarters, tugging me along for our lunch together where he continued to laugh and tease me behind closed doors.
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lxvescramble · 3 years
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王子と魅感のナイトメア - Court of Darkness
👑 Lint, Roy, Fen, Toa, Guy, Lance, Rio, Prince of Makai / Saligia.
They are really Handsome in full dress 😍🥰🤩
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so guy doesn’t wanna share his favorite toy, is that what i hear??
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thatringboy · 3 years
Me to me: Nooo don’t make an Inazuman oc you already have two OCs from Liyue and Natlan who you said you’d revamp and besides, you’re probably going to lose interest in this one soon Also Me, getting way to invested in Inazuma lore: HEY EVERYONE COME MEET MY NEW OC HIIRAGI YORICHI, A HYDRO SWORD USER WHO’S AUTISTIC LIKE ME
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Link to picrew used for profile
Buried Beauty
“My duty is first to the people of my homeland, then the Kanjou Commission. Make no mistake, Baal must be stopped, but not at the expense of the people.”
The firstborn son of the Hiiragi Clan who’s name means “first gift”. He grew up in Sumeru Academy, but has returned to Ritou to take up his father’s yoke over the Kanjou Commission
General Information
Name: Hiiragi Yorichi
Age: 28
Affiliation: Hiiragi Clan
Birthdate: January 17
Starsign: Capricorn
Constellation: Thesauros Sepultus
Weapon: Sword
Vision: Hydro
Voice Claims
CVA: Zhang Jie
JVA: Tasuku Hatanaka
EVA: Kyle Phillips
Voice Lines
Good Morning: Hmm? Oh, yes, greetings Traveler and Paimon. Sorry, I didn’t see you there… I’m not much of a morning person
Good Afternoon: Did I miss lunch again? Eh, oh well. Traveler, wanna run by Miss Ryouko’s to get some food?
Good Evening: If I don’t get back soon, Chisato will certainly send someone out to find me
Good Night: Can you get back on your own? I’m afraid that I must return to Ritou for the evening
When It Rains: Quickly! The rain will cover our tracks!
When It Snows: Huh? Wow it got cold fast! Better go find some shelter before I accidentally freeze us
When It’s Sunny: Be careful, our enemies can see clearly in broad daylight
Favorite Food: Mmm, I could go for some Mondstat Grilled Fish right about now… I had it once during their Ludi Harpastum Festival that my Senpai took me to one year and I’ve just fallen in love with the flavour!
Least Favorite Food: Is… is that cabbage? No no, there’s nothing wrong, just don’t expect me to eat any. Why? Well… I don’t like the texture at all! Eating it feels like slime going down my throat which closes up my airways and then that sensation makes my brain feel like someone shoved a wet blanket between my ears and wrapped it around my brain! Please… never make me eat cabbage…
About: Vision: My Vision? How did I get mine? Well, since you asked so nicely, it appeared to me in a dream during the end of the first year of the Sakoku Decree. I had cried myself to sleep because of the anguish I felt coming from those who had their Visions stolen - those who I had sworn to protect as a Clan Heir - and I cursed out Celestia for allowing this to happen. In my dream, I appeared before seven giant thrones all glowing with elemental magic. In the blue throne sat a woman who gave off so much power that I could not gaze upon her. Yet, her words always resonate in my heart: “Your loyalties may change, but never change your principles. Do no harm to others, but do not let harm fall upon you and those you love.” When I woke up, the Vision was tucked under my pillow!
About: Kanjou Commission: One day, it will be my duty to oversee the Kanjou Commission. Am I ready? Probably not. Do I have a choice? Also no. I just want to make everyone proud… but how can I do that when father has already deemed me an embarrassment to the Hiiragi Clan simply because of who I am?
About: Sumeru Academy: The Academy? I grew up there! Fourteen years I spent roaming the halls absorbing all of the knowledge I could! *Sigh*… maybe if the Travel Ban gets lifted, I’ll show you around my old stomping grounds!
About: Ritou: I’m friends with some of the guys at the Outlander’s Trade Association. What do you wish to see? Want to head by a jewelry shop? Get some food?
About: Interests: Wanna know a secret? Deep down, I’m an alchemist at heart! Anything alchemy related, I’m sure I can be of use! It’s my special interest! Did you know that the luminescent spines of a firefly can—wait wait no I’m sorry. Father says that people get bored of my ramblings, my apologies for wasting your time…
About: Swords: You may have noticed that my sword technique is different from the samurai of Inazuma. That is because I learned how to use my blade at the Academy. I forged this blade myself when I turned twenty. Would you like to hold it?
About Ayaka: Miss Kamisato? I’ve met her once and she seems nice, but I still feel uneasy around her. But maybe that’s just me
About Raiden Shogun: You want to know why I refer to the Shogun as “Baal”? Well, that’s because I didn’t grow up in a place that calls her the “Raiden Shogun”. I’m used to my peers referring to her as “Baal” and I’ve yet to drop the habit. Also, I don’t have much respect for her, but don’t tell anyone that
About Ayato: Never met him, but his description gives me the creeps! Never appears in public, leaving his little sister to do all the work? The nerve of that guy! O-oh… that sounds like me? Ehe-he… oops
About Yoimiya: Oh Miss Naganohara! She makes the best fireworks! She and I are actually a lot alike. What, you don’t see it? I guess that comes from me spending a lifetime hiding my inner enthusiasm while she never quite grew up. We should go to the next firework festival to see her, I’m sure she’d love that! But… from a distance please. The popping noises from the fireworks hurt my ears
About Kaeya: The Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, huh? I’m curious to see how the pieces fall into place… what was that? Oh, it’s nothing… just gossip from some old colleagues
About Diluc: Diluc? Who’s that? Owner of the Dawn Winery? The Ragnvindr Clan? Nope, doesn’t ring a bell. The Darknight Hero? Of course! Why didn’t you just say that?! Yeah I know who you’re talking about now! What? He’s got a Vision too? I guess that guy’s just full of surprises
About Childe: So, that weasel is actually a Fatui Harbinger? Why am I not surprised... O-oh when did I meet him? After I graduated from the Academy. Did I sound too surprised about his identity? Sorry, when I knew him, he used a different name
About Albedo: Ah… the son of Rhinedottir. His master actually attended one of my lectures when I was younger in secret. I think they were using an alias during that time but I spoke to them in private. It was interesting to learn different things about ancient alchemy techniques from another land. I think Albedo is currently an alchemist in Mondstat, right? I’ll visit him when the Travel Ban is lifted to exchange notes
About Klee: Klee, daughter of Alice? Eh, I haven’t heard good things. I’m not a big fan of explosions... but that doesn’t mean that she’s a bad kid! I’m sure if I met her, we’d be friends
About Lisa: Minci-Senpai! We worked together a lot at the Acadmia! Why did I call her senpai when I’m older than her? Well, because she’s the Grandmage!!! Everyone knows how smart and powerful Minci-Senpai is! Once, she tasked me with finding ways to preserve pure Electro organisms. So, I coated the inside of a jar with Hydro Slime condensate so that her Electro roses can continuously be charged by the Hydro energy… Sorry, I’m getting carried away
About Mona: What, do you think that all Hydro users who practice magic know each other? Well, I do know Miss Megistus, but you can’t assume that! I met her and her master once during a lecture on fortune telling with the use of elemental abilities. Now that I have a Vision of my own, I will see if I can implement their techniques into my own practice
About Sara: To be perfectly honest, I’ve never met her. We may be the heirs to our Clans and our respective Commissions, but I’ve never had a conversation with her. Naturally, as a Vision holder and she as the spearhead of the Tenryou Commission, I am her enemy. However, as the heir to the Hiiragi Clan, I must keep up formalities. Besides, my dear sister Chisato is being courted by another member of the Kujou clan, Kujou Kamaji, and I don’t want to do anything to ruin that. You won’t turn me and my Vision in to her, right?
About Cyno: Ah, Master Cyno, one of the smartest members of the Academy. I owe a lot of my development to him. I don’t think I would have finished my Thesis paper on the eighth nation without his guidance
About: Names: You know, my name means “first treasure”, but despite such an endearing name, my father has yet to reveal my face to the public and claim me as his heir. He was also the one to send me away when I was a boy to Sumeru because I was not like other children. Was I meant to be gift to my family? To the other nations? Was I an unwanted gift? … Oh, sorry about that. I don’t usually get dark like that! Tell me, Traveller, what does your name mean?
About: Politics: Ugh… Sakoku Decree this, honor the Commissions that, I don’t understand any of it. If I’m ever left in charge, I’m sure that I could handle the bureaucratic side, but the people side? I get overwhelmed when talking to people I’m not comfortable with. I shut down mentally, fumble over my words and eventually I end up having a panic attack and Chisato has to pull me from the room. My father thought that I would have grown out of those outbursts when I got older, but I’ve only found a way to mask my behaviors. But you’re different, you haven’t looked at me like a child nor spoken less of me simply because I’m different, why is that?
About: Family: My mother passed away while I was gone, my father Shinsuke is the head of the Kanjou Commission and my younger sister Chisato is his main assistant. When my father gets upset, Chisato is always the one who has my back and in turn, I’ve begun escorting her secretly to Kondo Village to meet with her secret lover, Kujou Kamaji. I guess that’s what siblings do for each other, we protect each other from everything because no matter what we go through, no matter what arguments we have, we always will have each other. Ah, Traveler! I didn’t say anything to make you upset, did I?
About: Khaenri’ah: … You ask a lot of questions, don’t you? What do you think I know about that cursed place? Yeah, I wrote my Thesis paper on Khaenri’ah, but that was a while ago and I’ve learned my lesson. Now, the only connections I have to that place are hearsay from lecturers, rumors at the Academy and the plucked plume of a proud peacock.
About: Time Gap: Huh? Oh yeah, I went to Sumeru when I was seven and studied there for fourteen years. Uh… what did I do for the missing five years of my life before returning to Ritou? Ehe-he… I don’t think I’m allowed to say everything, but I can tell you this: that’s the time that I met a disgraced Knight, a bloodthirsty child and learned how to wield a sword. I was able to travel with them while writing my Thesis paper. Ah… how time flies when working with like minded people
This is the most thought I’ve ever put into an OC, I hope you like him!
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juniaships · 3 years
Kaysha Wallace Bio (General)
This is a generic bio of my TMNT OC which applies to the continuities she's in. Which I rushed in time for her b-day! 💖💖💖
Full Name: Kaysha Cheyenne Wallace
Age: Depends on continuity, usually between ages of 16 ~ 21 years
Birthday: Feb. 14
Species: Human
Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (multimedia)
Voice Claims: Depends, but head-canon Amber Riley for Rise, Cree Summers for 1987, Kimberly Brooks for 2007 version, and Aisha/Layla's 4kids dub actor for 2003 version
Character: Friend and ally to the Hamato clan; love interest to Leo.
Powers/Abilities: Martial Artist, stealth and spying; mastery at tessen fighting and close range
Items: War Fans, tanto, kunai, kimono (courting gift from Leo)
Family: Mr. & Mrs. Wallace (parents, alive), Rashean and Devon (younger brothers, 7 to 12 years range)
Friends: The Turtles, April O'Neill, Casey Jones
Acquaintances: Usagi Yojimbo, Mona Lisa, Tenet, varies by continuity
Enemies: Purple Dragons, Foot Clan, The Shredder, Kraang, most enemies of the Hamato
Love Interest: Leo is considered her primary love interest as he's the turtle I tend to ship her with. Originally was going to be with Raph but I felt like Leo needed someone that could connect with him on a personal intimate level and it all spiraled from there. Their ship name is Cotton Candy Ninjas!
- Body type and height varies by actress/art style, but she is typically portrayed as a African American female
- Brown skin (medium-dark tones); curly-kinky hair worn in protective styles.
- Pink is the dominant color in her wardrobe; tends to wear trendy fashions
- Her ninja suits tend to be dark shades of red/maroon-pink with lighter pink accents and a belt for equipment
- Exception: In Rottmnt her main outfit is a pink kimono-styled suit with light blue and pink accents
- Pink sash/belt and domino mask
- Blue and jade colored kimono
Most iterations of Kaysha depicts her as a bubbly and passionate young woman. Her biggest flaws can be her hidden insecurities and tendencies to be a drama queen. She can also get frustrated easily if things don't go her way. Later on, she becomes more patient and brave, learning to keep herself levelheaded on missions and real world. A true romanticist at heart, Kaysha always tries her best to see the positive side of things. She has a thing for "shipping" people and encourages folks to find their true love. Not much can bring her down.
In every continuity she's in, Kaysha does not develop superpowers. This leaves her with normal human weaknesses and limitations.
Her preferred weapons are bladed war fans and tanto, and she is adept at close range. She lacks long range and is not a fast agile fighter, so she relies on quick thinking, stealth and evasion tactics.
Another skill she possesses is using her knowledge of fashion to create intricate disguises. This is especially helpful in undercover missions. Her friendly demeanor allows her to communicate with allies easily.
Backstory: Her backstory involves her being a vocal opponent of the Purple Dragons, unwilling to see her brothers fall victim to gang violence. Due to the nature of the franchise the exact story of how she met the turtles changes. Typically, she would meet them either completely on accident or they save her from a bad guy and her curiosity gets the better of her and she goes to look for her mysterious rescuers.
- She doesn't trust hair salons
- Kaysha is a fan of baseball, even thought of giving her a bat as a mean weapon but I didn't want to copy Casey's schtick
- Kaysha never turns into a mutant, I don't want to change a fundamental part of her character
- In Bayverse Kaysha is a blogger who highlights urban legends and cryptids
- 2003!Kaysha appears in s1 but does not know about the turtles yet. She does find out in season 2, which later kicks off her arc of becoming a kunoichi
- 2007!Kaysha knew about Raph being the Nightwatcher; while fearing for his safety she also knew the city needed protectors and kept this secret from Leo.
- 2012!Kaysha is by far the youngest at around 14 years old; most others are 17/18 depending on the Turtles's age range
- She is said to be a great singer
- Character Inspo: Belle (Beauty in the Beast), Elle Woods (Legally Blonde), Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury), Mulan (Disney version), Stella (Winx Club), Stella Monroe (Rainbow High), Mercedes(Glee) and Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Man series)
- Originally she was going to wield a katana to match up with Leo before I decided to give her a personal weapon
- She was also going to be the long range fighter but a found a lot of girl characters have long range/arrows so Kaysha has a melee weapon
- The Tessen idea came from the 2012 meaning; the significance for Kaysha's tessens is her confidence and comfort in her battle style
- Rise!Kaysha uses hearts in her design (shoulders, face shape, earrings)
- 87!Kaysha is a roommate of Mona Lisa and not paired with Leo
- Kaysha was written to be a love interest for Raph before I switched him with Leo
- Her original color was cyan/light green because she was something of a replacement to Venus de Milo
Quotes: NA/TBD
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Discord pt 43
[Date: 23/02, 04.05 PM - 05.01 PM GMT]
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fetch: “oh hey guys I’m not dead or brainwashed from last night lol”
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fetch: “yeah like??? I read back on the muted chat and I legit don’t remember that happening
all I did yesterday was nap and play bugsnax”
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jaynoblade: “fetch... you made a tumblr post about it
give me a second, i’ll show you”
fetch: “no CROWN made a post from my account. I was it already”
jaynoblade: “oh... that explains the red”
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boo: “pardon, crown has access to your account?”
fetch: “I saw that I also sent baron an ask but I don’t remember that either
look I don’t know if he does or not
I mean he obviously did for I thin a little bit? maybe I should change my password”
jaynoblade: “that might be a good idea”
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fetch: “if it makes yall feel any better mona is off work today and last night she said she'd be keeping an eye on me
I get yall were worried about me but take it easy on her she literally could not leave her job lmao
I dont think Walmart is gonna take "my friend is about to get brainwashed by an enderman thing" as an emergency leave excyse”
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fetch: “And yeah just. be careful calling her king, that sounds way too close to a court member. if you're gonna refer to her like that, spell it like k1ng”
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fetch: “so like! i'm not dead that's good! :]
i don't know what weird game crown was playing with me last night”
jaynoblade: “crown's always playing games with all of us, so an extra one comes at no surprise”
fetch: “man I was having such a good time jamming to tunes too
server admins work hard but groovy bot works even harder/j”
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fetch: “anyway sorry if yall saw my half-asleep ramblings in the doc, I'm trying to form some sort of chronological order of events”
jaynoblade: “that's valid! sometimes it's hard to remember things”
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fetch: “anyway i. i had a little bit of a thought yesterday. yknow before the whole delerious screaming because of a music box song thing. but its a pretty far stretch so I don't know if it'll help if I toss this into the ring”
jaynoblade: “oh?”
fetch: “i was thinking. the dreamsmp loves their greek myths right? the whole theseus thing, pandoras vault, etc etc right. i think crown and this court is sort of like the hydra”
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fetch: “i fell out of control (a head gets cut off) and chat and page are still up there (two grow back in its place)"
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fetch: “ what if we try to release someone else from control, but that just gets more people hurt"
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[boo: “we gotta burn the cut head yeah?" ]
boo: “ that's how the hydra was defeated"
fetch: “i always thought he pierced the heart? killed the whole beast rather than just one head
thats where I was going with this metaphor anyway
that crown is the heart of the hydra”
boo: “ huh you're right, i just thought that lessening the heads would help w getting to the heart"
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jaynoblade: “he burned each of the heads until it was reduced to one, and then either stabbed it in the heart or cut off the final head (which was immortal, and which killed the body) and buried it under a rock. myths don't agree"
boo: “yeah"
jaynoblade: “but yeah, lessening the heads would definitely help with getting to the heart”
fetch: “oh ok"
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jaynoblade: “ or the final head, whichever version"
boo: “i don't know how we'd burn it though”
fetch: “maybe something to do with the crowns?"
jaynoblade: “ i don't know either
hmmm maybe”
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fetch: “crown is very insistent that they keep their circlets on
odd that I didn't have mine- er, knight's when I woke up in the woods”
jaynoblade: “ ....so do you think that you took it off, and that's why you woke up?"
Denora: “Hmmmm, maybe it got snagged on a branch? It might've been unintentional...”
fetch: “if it's really that simple, I think prince would have done it already. you remember that whole "doesn't want to be in the family" thing at the start of all this?"
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disks and the color red |Stars: “maybe someone took it off for you"
fetch: “I dont know. on one hand, crown seems very confused that i got free. on the other, I don't think he'd be so careless with something so important.
i dont think they just "come off"
regardless, im also worried for maxwell. he's still just as under crowns control as is was. only difference is he hasn't come around
and the fact that he did it because i got taken.”
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jaynoblade: “he did, once. it was only for a few minutes, but we had him back
and then he was gone again"
fetch: “...so he's still in there
its not too late
that. makes me feel a little better.
look maxwell may have been a bit of a prick who kept antagonizing crown even after we asked him to stop but he was still one of us and he shouldn't be working with crown. the last thing maxwell would want is to give the "pissbaby" (his words not mine) more power"
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jaynoblade: “not sure about the other court members, but.... they've been there for much longer, and we haven't had as long with them”
fetch: “there might be time to save the other court members too. even prince. baron seems the least of concern for now since he's went to crown and actually confronted him multiple times now with seemingly no consequence.
and when I say confront I really mean its like 2 or 3 times not he's said that he was gonna ask crown something”
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jaynoblade: “yeah definitely
but then again.... crown’s had him even longer than prince”
fetch: “despite that he seems pretty low on the food chain...”
jaynoblade: “he really does, and there’s probably a reason for that
maybe he’s overall harder to control or something like that”
fetch: “probably
maybe he's the "you're not my real dad you can't tell me what to do" type”
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fetch: “or maybe. hm.
maybe he's leaving baron alone to make prince happy
they are best friends after all”
jaynoblade: “....that could be completely possible”
fetch: “if prince sees crown hurting baron that would be a mega fuck up on crowns part”
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fetch: because they're loyal to crown but childhood friendships run deep
boo: or maybe baron's just not that big of a risk
fetch: yeah maybe that too
also during my reading back I saw what jayyy and a couple others were planning. not a fuckin fan at all if you ask me”
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fetch: “trying to "summon" crown or sacrifice yourself for him is in no way shape or form a good idea
just because I broke control doesn't mean everybody can”
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fetch: “and if you just flat out say "if I get yoinked feel free to use me for information" then thats just? not going to make crown take you if he knows you're gonna do that?
or at the very least he's gonna keep you in the dark
he isn't stupid. he knows where information is supposed to be.”
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fetch: “and- let me reiterate- getting taken is NOT FUN. it isn't something you can just make weekend plans for and act like you or anyone else won't be affected once you're done with your little "experiments"”
[People continue to discuss how fetch might have gotten free and to k1ng’s house for a few minutes more.]
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brokendreamchan · 4 years
Bright eye beauty 2
"...Say what you mean
Tell me I'm right
And let the sun rain down on me
Give me a sign
I want to believe
Whoa oh oh oh oh, Mona Lisa
You're guaranteed to run this town
Whoa oh oh oh oh, Mona Lisa
I'd pay to see you frown
Say what you mean
Tell me I'm right
And let the sun rain down on me
Give me a sign
I want to believe
There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you've paid for."
As Shinso sang the last note he closed his eyes, he then open them, he watched the crowds reaction that gather around him.
At the booth he was set up along the Bakusquad there are many fans that would stop and talk to them, Kaminari convinced him to sing some fans requests. One young girl requested Panic at the Disco, which he agreed, he also sang Sweet Dreams, Kangaroo Court, and Rise to name a few.
" man I can get over how good you are, like seriously dude you are a rock star."
Kaminari said as he handed the the purple head singer some water.
Shinso smirked as he leaned towards the blonde, having the height advantage he leaned towards the other's ear,
"... pretty sure he dont want to be my baby
Oh he don't love me, he don't love me, he don't love me, he don't love me
but that's okay~"
Kaminari blushed heavily,
"I was in the shower! That was my me time, everyone sings in the shower"
" I know, just messing with you."
Shinso ruffled the blondes hair , Kaminari blushed heavily as he shooed Shinso hand from his hair.
As Shinso cracked a rare smiles, he looked to his left and he felt his heart stop, Izuku was a few booths ahead, Izuku was with some friends a tall blue hair guy in glasses, a girl with long green hair and another girl who had short brown hair.
He was smiling and it was so bright, he looked like the sun, blinding. It was like he was caught in a spell, every movements the green haired boy did was hypnotizing, he wasn't big on love songs but he wanted to sing the green haired boy, ballad over ballads.
"Yo! Are you listening to me?!"
Shinso then focused on the blonde in front of him, Kaminari was pouting,
"First you mock me then you ignore me, your a jerk "
"Sorry, I'll make it up to you, how about I buy you that pikachu controller we saw."
"...your forgiven, but seriously dude, you spaced out, ...oh that's Deku, let's go say hi,"
Before Shinso could say anything he was dragged towards Deku.
"Deku, Uravity, Tenya, Froppy! My dudes, how have you been?!"
"Denki!" "Kaminari, " "Charge Bolt " Kaminari started to hug everyone, Shinso awkwardly waved at everyone,
"Nice seeing you again, Shinso. "
'He's so cute' Shinso thought.
"Hey there,"
"A fan posted your performance earlier it's all over Ninstagram, it was the song Rise, which wow, it sent shivers down my spine. Do you sing all type of music genres? how many songs do you know? How long do you practice? Have..."
"Izu, your not letting him answer" the green hair girl said,
"Sorry, I got to excited, hehehe, "
Izuku rubbed the back of his head,
"No problem, so you guys are the famous Dekusquad that Kaminari has told me about, "
"My name is Tenya, this is my girlfriend Ochako, Asui and you already know Izuku,"
The taller blue haired guy introduced everyone so formally.
"This is Shinso, he's Mind control, " Kaminari introduced him.
"My boyfriend Tokoyami, showed me some of your videos, he like your cover of Linkin Park What I've Done,"
"Dark Shadow's girlfriend, Tsu right? He mentioned you when we talked online, he wrote many poems and songs about you, your his inspiration, the song that I sang, Twilight Ever more than beautiful, was about you. When an artist finds its muse, lyrics just flow."
"He asked you to sing that song on our anniversary, thank you"
"I'm glad you liked it,"
The group chatted for a bit, Shinso learn many things about their group, Ochako or Uravity was a self defense teacher, her Goutube channel she showed basic simple self defense moves and workouts. Tsu did yoga and gymnastics stunts. Tenya did mathematic and educational videos.
"Do you write songs too?"
Izuku asked, Shinso stared at the smaller boy
"Well kinda, been a while but some songs lyrics have been coming to me as of lately, mess of lines and feelings. Sometimes I write them in confusion until I form something that make sense, well make sense to me."
"Hope I get to hear them, "
Shinso stared down at Izuku,
"I could sing you a song right now, I like hearing opinions and criticism, best tools in improving ones crafts. "
"Really! Right now?"
Shinso smirked,
"Sad eye beauty,
got me running in an endless race
Sad eye beauty breaking my heart every time you smile
Let yesterday's pain fade
let me hold you till your tears dry
Sad eye beauty, oh heart breaker
Sad eye beauty
Breaking hearts with your sad smile
Making me love you,
Having me play this hopeless game
Sad eye beauty, oh heart breaker..."
Shinso finished,
"Still kinda rough, I have different versions but I felt this one right now, I have another ones if you ever want to hear them."
Izuku blushed, " that was..."
Everyone turned to see the explosive blonde walking towards them.
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copias-thrall · 4 years
What if papa iii gets curious why copia has the same eye thing as his bloodline? That, is kinda a request? Idk it’s a thought.
The Emeritus bloodline. It goes back generations, some say to the Olde One himself—though that’s just a rumor. There had been the generation when they thought the heir lost—until a young Sister of Sin had met him at a party and activated his powers. (Although that story too is mostly exaggeration and embellishment from the man himself.)
One thing’s for certain, however—the Mark of the line is always one dark eye, one white. Nihil earned his after Sister Imperator had performed some rite to awaken the demon in him (not—as Nihil tells it—because she punched him in the face and it was awesome), and his sons had been born with Lucifer’s favor in place.
So when The Cardinal rocks up into the Clergy, Papa Emeritus III is aghast and flabbered to meet the man’s gaze only to find his own mismatched eyes meeting in a mirror mismatch. Copia doesn’t seem to feel anything is out of place—at least, not with the eyes … he does make a low, nervous rat noise when all Papa III does is stare at him, mouth agape.
When Papa storms into Sister Imperator’s office later demanding, “What the fanculo?!” she just smiles up at him in that imperious way of hers.
“It’s a gift from our Dark Lord. You didn’t think your bloodline was the only ones unblessed with his favor, did you? Oh … you did, didn’t you?”
It sends a chill down his spine, and he backs out of her office even as he’s cursing her in his head. It isn’t until he’s back in his quarters that he realizes she didn’t actually answer his question. Obviously it’s a mark of Satan—what he wants to know is how.
He embarks on a quest to figure out just how this is possible. He sends one of his Ghouls to the restricted area of the Abbey library for research, as he endeavors to ingratiate himself to The Cardinal so he can mine him for information. And it’s … kind of … fun? Copia is all wide eyes and stammering responses, even when all Papa does is sit next to him in the mess hall.
“Ah, Cardi … pasta again? Here, have some of my kale.”
“I-I, um. T-thank you, your Dark Excellency.”
Papa III waits, head resting on his hand, and he watches Copia force himself to chew and swallow the leafy greens.
“Mmm,” Copia manages to choke out.
A week goes by. 
Then another.
His Ghoul can find nothing other than the obvious in the ancient tomes: that those who bear His Mark are Favored by Him. There’s nothing on how or why, and only the recent history of his bloodline has any kind of record that includes names and circas.
Copia—while fucking adorable—never even comes close to letting any intimate detail slip. He’s all “my last Abbey” this and “this interesting translation” that and “I hear it’s ravioli night.” So Papa decides to bring out the big guns.
He passes The Cardinal in the hall, falling into line with his stride.
“We have a guys night, yes, Cardi?”
Copia jumps half out of skin.
“Uh w-what? Your Dark Excellency?”
“Guys. Night. We have a slumber party, no? I can tell you all my secrets. Mostly: moisturize.”
Copia frowns at him, and Papa III smacks his eyebrow furrow.
“And no frowning! Ai! No wonder you have parentesi.”
Papa III orders all the usuals for one of his liaisons … then remembers this is not a liaison and has the oysters taken away. He’s halfway through blowing out the candles when he reconsiders that having some candles might add some spooky ambiance, so he leaves the rest be. He’s in his favorite silk robe—which again: not a liaison—so he changes into his monogrammed silk pajamas.
Copia shows up at his door in the fugliest set of flannel pajamas—black and dotted with cartoon rats and cheese—and a bottle of port.
“Ah, Cardi! Entra.”
The Cardinal looks around Papa III’s chambers, hesitates.
“Am I early, Papa?”
“Sí. I appear to be the first arrival.”
Papa techts and waves his comment away.
“I already know their secrets. This is just for you and me, eh? A—hmm—icebreaker.”
Before The Cardinal can back out, Papa closes the door behind him and ushers him further into his quarters with a guiding hand on the small of his back. He leads Copia to the cushions, which are arranged on the floor around a tray of goodies.
“Sit, dear Cardi. Have a bit of cheese. Some prosciutto.”
As The Cardinal awkwardly arranges himself cross legged on the floor, Papa III pours them both a shot’s worth of grappa into his crystal tumblers. He hands Copia a glass—who accepts it with a soft grazie—and then lowers himself on the cushions to lounge on his side.
“Okie dokie. Now we play a little truth or truth. No answer, you drink. Now, per favore,” Papa III says as he makes a sweeping after you gesture.
Copia takes a sip of the grappa, humming in approval, before speaking.
“Uh. Papa—who is your favorite of all your harem?”
“Boring. It is whoever is in my bed at the time. When you make love it must be with your everything! Can I give my everything to a second favorite? No! My turn! Fuck, marry, kill: my older brother, our dear Imperator, and the Ghoul known as Special. Go!”
“I, uh…”
Copia makes a pained face, then downs his grappa. Papa chuckles even as he’s reaching for the bottle to refill Copia’s glass.
“Already, Cardi? Pace yourself.”
It becomes Papa III’s mission to ask Copia the most uncomfortable questions to get him to opt out, while he answers every single one. Soon enough, Copia is pie-eyed and slurring. He knocks the nibbles tray over with a whoopsie, before proceeding to shovel the fallen cheese and cured meat into his mouth saying These cheeses can be mine. Papa feels a little bad, but not enough to stop pressing for answers.
“Ah, a man after mine own heart. No waste!” He pats The Cardinal on his meaty thigh. “So much in common you and I, Cardi.”
Copia looks up at him, prosciutto dangling out of his mouth.
“You have rats?”
“I—no, Cardi.”
“I love mes ratsties, Papa. Oh! I should cheese them.”
Copia reaches out a drunk-numb hand to fumble at the cheeses, and then proceeds to stuff them in his chest pocket.
“Shh—don’t tell them.”
“Ok, Copia.”
As The Cardinal mumbles to himself about his rats, Papa decides to make him an espresso from his fancy machine. By the time he’s got a tiny cup for them both ready, Copia is half asleep on the cushions, cheese particles stuck in his mustache. It’s a little bit of a struggle—sleepy, drunk Copia is fussy—but Papa III manages to get him to sit up and drink the caffeine.
“Ah. Grazie, Papa.”
“Non è niente, caro Cardinale. Not when we are so similar.”
“Sí. We are both men envied by the many. And we bear the gift.”
Copia tried to focus his eyes on him.
“A gift?”
“Sí,” says Papa. He reaches out and smooths a fingertip over Copia’s eyebrow before tapping at his white eye. “Was it dear?”
Copia squints. “Was what dear?”
“The price for the gift.”
Copia frowns. “Itssa secret.”
Papa III pouts and crosses his arms in a hurt affectation.
“Secrets, secrets, secrets. All night I have bared my soul to you. And yet you give niente in return. Perhaps I have misjudged you, no? You are only here to take.”
The Cardinal makes a wounded noise, and—again—Papa feels a little guilty at his game.
“No, Papa—no. It—I can’t.”
Papa turns away from The Cardinal.
“Perhaps you should be going.”
There’s a long pause—and Papa III thinks maybe he pushed too hard—but eventually he hears Copia sigh.
“I am not in the knowing, Papa. My eyes have always been thus. The sister in charge of the orphan wing always said my madre made the deal—and she disappeared with no trace before I became a man.”
Papa turns back around.
“An … orphan?”
Papa tsks. “How hard for you, dear Cardi. Let’s to bed, no?”
It’s no mean feat getting the stumbling-drunk Cardinal onto the futon, but Papa III manages it with a modicum of whining (Copia’s) and a minimum of stubbed toes (also Copia’s). He rolls The Cardinal into a fluffy burrito, and even sets out some water and ibuprofen for him.
The Cardinal who wakes up—hungover as fuck—is not the same loosey-goosey man from the night before. If at all possible, he’s even shier, and he apologizes multiple times for anything “untoward” he may have done or said the night before. He apparently was totally blackout drunk.
Papa III does feel bad—Copia is an alarming shade of green, and the easy camaraderie they developed is gone—but it means that Copia doesn’t remember that he spilled his secret. Papa doesn’t stop courting Copia’s friendship—although he dials the aggression down a notch—but he does turn his focus elsewhere.
Whether or not Sister Imperator realizes the scrutiny she’s now under is anyone’s guess—the woman could give Mona Lisa a run for her money.
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moonycakes · 3 years
Please join my group chat!
I'm so sad the fandom for Court of Darkness is so tiny. I wanna build it up! I wanna gush with other people about the princes and valets. Please join me in sharing all things Court of Darkness! 😁
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auncyen · 4 years
ok.  I’m posting the beginning I have for the next chapter of “When The Cat Dragged In The Trickster” as basically a way to tell myself STOP EDITING IT AND MOVE ON.  But also just because I always found one of the school rumors about Ren interesting and potentially messy if he were joining the group later on so I wanted to share that bit.
Morgana and Amamiya fought on their own first, the two of them, since the shadows in Aiyatsbus weren't too difficult and Makoto wanted to see how they fought together.  Ann felt weird just being a spectator, but at least it gave her some time to process the fact that Amamiya's choice of weapon was a knife, which unfortunately brought to mind one of the many rumors floating around school about him.  She'd always assumed before that the rumor about him carrying a knife had been invented by someone who wanted to gossip about the 'transfer criminal'.  There wasn't any sort of weapon mentioned in the court records, after all.  But here was Amamiya, using a knife just like Makoto used her well-practiced aikido and Haru used an ax because she loved chopping firewood.
He had to fight Shadows somehow, though.  If his choice of weapon had been anything else, it would have meant just as much as her whip or Yusuke's katana or Ryuji's rod: not much at all.  If he happened to have... some kind of previous experience using knives, then it was okay because he was a good guy now!  That experience would only help them.
She bit her lip.  That sort of logic didn't really make her much feel better, since it begged the question of what he might have done with a knife to get other people talking.
Ryuji gave her a side-glance, then leaned in.  "You thinkin' 'bout that knife rumor too?"
Makoto was close enough to overhear (which wasn't too close, but it was Ryuji talking) and shot both of them one of her sharp looks, always a little scarier when she was wearing that steel mask.  But then she sighed.  "Why couldn't it have been nunchucks?"
Ryuji cracked up laughing.  "Nunchucks?"
"Anything besides knives," Makoto clarified.
Ryuji still kept laughing, and Ann couldn't help a giggle herself at the mental image of Amamiya wielding nunchucks in his trenchcoat.  The look would make no sense in terms of style.  But then Amamiya's head turned their way, and she nudged her friend with her elbow.  "You're--we're distracting Phantom."
"Oh come on.  He wouldn't get distracted if the guys on this floor were a real threat," Ryuji retorted, but he did quiet down as Morgana called out to Amamiya, prompting the dark-haired teen to aim his pistol and shoot down the last succubus they'd been fighting.
"Good job, guys!" Ann called, and polite clapping started from behind.  Haru was applauding.  After a few seconds, Ryuji let out a whoop.  Amamiya looked over to them, but didn't say anything.  If he was making any expression, it was small enough to be hidden by his domino mask.  Then he turned away and crouched to help Morgana with his favorite part of a battle--scooping up the yen shadows often dropped when they fled in defeat.
"Mona has fought the enemies on this floor dozens of times," Yusuke pointed out to Haru.
"Yes, but Phantom's new!  We should encourage him."
"He's acting like it's no big deal too," Ryuji groused.  "So, Queen?  What's your verdict?"
Makoto was still frowning.  "Phantom's movements were rather...hesitant in this fight, even though he's already had some training with Mona.  He fights competently enough that with Morgana's experience, they kept the upper hand, but given what he said earlier, he's likely feeling nervous.  We need to be mindful.  The nerves are most likely because he's still new to fighting Shadows, but it's not going to help if he overhears rumors being discussed."  She paused, glancing over at Amamiya again to make sure he wasn't paying attention.  "And in regards to that particular rumor, knives are a common weapon.  There have been enough ridiculous rumors about him that one seeming to have a grain of truth could be pure coincidence."
Ann nodded.  That logic made sense, and she wanted to believe it, but....  "Queen, you're giving this a lot of thought yourself, aren't you?"
Makoto grimaced.  "I really wish he used anything else."
"Let us take on some more fights!" Morgana exclaimed as he bounded over, Amamiya trailing behind him.  "Until the first rest area.  We're just getting warmed up."
"Phantom?" Ann asked.
Amamiya nodded.  "We can handle it.  No sweat."
Ann wondered if he wasn't posturing, but the next few battles backed up his words.  The hesitation of the first battle melted away as Amamiya moved more fluidly, and he and Morgana seemed to have good coordination: faced with one of the cavalrymen Ann loathed (not only had they sucked up to Kamoshida so much in his castle, they were strong against her fire), Amamiya drew the shadow's attention to him by making the first attack and then did his best to dodge the retaliating sword, retreating in one direction while delivering taunts with a smirk, until Morgana had slipped around to the shadow's back--at which point Zorro knocked the armored knight clear off its horse.  Amamiya and Morgana closed in on the fallen knight for a hold up.
"That's not a lucky punch anymore," Makoto commented.  "That's a rabbit punch."
"Rabbit feet are lucky?" Ann offered, trying to give her friend a light-hearted smile.  She was a little distracted; Amamiya had dodged most of the swings of the knight's sword, but one had connected, tearing open his trenchcoat sleeve and letting blood drip from his upper arm onto the ground of Mementos.  It probably wasn't too bad when Amamiya could keep his pistol trained on the shadow, but it needed to be taken care of sooner rather than later.
"It's not called a rabbit punch after the feet..."  Though the brunette seemed to think better of explaining the term, instead watching as Amamiya demanded more yen from the shadow, looking over the offerings before tilting his head to indicate the shadow was now free to go.  As soon as the area was clear, Morgana bounded over to heal him.  Good.
A lot of shadows in Aiyatsbus had weak spots easy to pierce with bullets to bring them down, and the gross slimes were weak to Morgana's wind spells--the duo managed to gain the upper hand quickly in most of their fights, only the cavalrymen giving them anything close to trouble.  And Amamiya was an aggressive negotiator.  He was getting a lot of yen for them still being on the upper levels of Aiyatsbus.  At the first rest area, Morgana cupped both paws around a can of arginade and sipped carefully while Amamiya slouched against the outside of the small train station shelter.
This is a short section, and I really shouldn’t have been as stuck on it as I have been.  I basically wrote one version of this with the mention of the rumor (and kept playing with the idea of Ren catching them talking about it), then wondered if I was making the PT too gossipy by focusing on it, then wrote a ‘positive’ version where there was no gossip and they were focusing on making him feel welcome, and...at this point I’m kind of like nah it’s ok for them to get tripped up about rumors, they’re not perfect, and they can still be trying to be welcoming at the same time.  So basically I wrote a negative version, a positive version, and I guess blending them, this is the mixed / “neutral” version, but now I really need to move on and start writing entirely fresh stuff for the chapter.  (I actually do have a later section written too, it’s just...a question of if it’ll still fit.)
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nellie-elizabeth · 6 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Nathaniel is Irrelevant (3x13)
I can't believe how blessed we are with this show honestly. I mean can you believe what is going on here? Can you believe how perfect this finale was?
No! No complaints! I mean, I suppose that if this ends up being the final season (which it probably won't be) I would have complaints, because there are a lot of loose ends. But in some ways that's another plus, because they didn't try and do that dumb thing where they try and close all the doors just in case there's no more show, so the next season then feels like some weird extra epilogue... this finale elevates the show in a new way, and it makes me all the more excited for whatever they come up with next.
Before I get in to the two plots, I'll just say I loved how this episode referenced tons of previous songs by dropping their titles in as dialogue. That was a neat way to make this feel like a finale and really tie it together with all of the various themes over the years of this show. As we'll see in Rebecca's plot, there was a lot of reckoning with past behavior going on here, and mentioning the song names really helped to highlight that.
But let's start with the subplot. "Miracle of Birth" is quite possibly my favorite Paula song ever. She looked so amazing and gorgeous and her voice is so angelic and then the words she's saying are so horrifying... it was comedic gold. We didn't get a ton of time with this whole cast of characters, because the focus was (rightfully) on Rebecca and Nathaniel. But the hospital scenes were absolutely delightful.
White Josh comes to see the baby, and he and Darryl decide to be friends - apparently both of them thought that the other one didn't want to. It's heartbreaking but in a cute way to watch the two of them smile with relief and express how much they've missed each other. I'm not sure if there's a path back to romance for them, but when Darryl told Heather that he just "missed his friend," it was... a perfect moment. I'm so glad that WhiJo came to the hospital and held Darryl's new baby daughter.
Heather's whole journey this season has been about giving her something that she can't quit. She decided to have a baby, and she couldn't un-decide that once it was happening. I love the fact that she's freaked out, but once on the drugs she handles it like a total pro and is oddly blase about the whole thing. That's so Heather. I also love the fact that she told Darryl that she was going to be in charge of her own birth experience - she didn't want a whole crowd of people there, and she wanted the drugs. Darryl, wisely, doesn't insist on anything different.
Okay. The main plot. Is. The best thing I've ever seen. Maybe an exaggeration, but still. The use of Trent as a character is a thing of beauty, and I'll tell you why - we saw quite clearly that he's meant to be a reflection of Rebecca's own journey. So what did Rebecca do when she got rejected by Josh Chan? She disappeared for a while, and then she came back for her revenge. So here, when Trent left, I totally believed it was over... and then when he turned up, I realized that of course he did. He needed his revenge just like Rebecca did. He's following the same patterns. And just as Rebecca kidnapped Josh's mom and did all sorts of sinister and horrible things, Trent sets out to kill Nathaniel, to show Rebecca that if he can't have her, no one can. This might seem like an incredibly dark turn for the show, but if you think it's coming out of nowhere, then you weren't paying attention to the stuff Rebecca has done over the years. This is a brilliant way to continue the use of Trent as Rebecca's parallel, and show the full extent of her damaging behavior.
Rebecca feels incredible guilt over all of the horrible things she has done to her friends, so she invites Nathaniel, Josh, and Paula to a meeting and she lays it all out for them. This is such an amazing scene, because you've got Josh punching Nathaniel in the face for all of the horrible things he almost did to his family, you've got Nathaniel reacting with true horror at Rebecca's "dark web" activities towards Mona, and you've got Paula, who is so crushed by Rebecca's deception about Trent that she actually spends the rest of the episode declaring that she's done with Rebecca for good. The fact that Rebecca wanted to own up to everything is so important, but I also like that she doesn't quite get it right. She tells everybody the worst things she's ever done, and afterwards she wants the guilt to be gone and to feel better. She still needs to learn to be responsible for her actions, and she needs to learn that apologies are about the person you're apologizing to, not the apologizing party.
And then Rebecca pushes Trent off of a roof. Sure, she does this because he was holding a knife on Nathaniel, unbeknownst to anybody else, but still. Rebecca pushes somebody off of a roof, and it's only the lucky chance that he fell into a pool that stops Trent from dying. And so she gets arrested. And so Nathaniel says she should plead insanity. And in the final moments of this episode, Rebecca... can't. She pleads guilty. She wants to face the consequences for her actions.
There is so much to unpack here I don't even know where to start."Nothing is Ever Anyone's Fault" is one of the most brilliant songs this show has ever produced. It is doing like a thousand things all at once. First of all, it's genuinely funny. I mean... Nathaniel's delivery when he says that he still does bad things, but are they actually bad? No! was absolutely hilarious. And the moment when they both have the realization about the Big Bang? Perfect. And on top of being genuinely funny, it's a genuinely sweet resolution for these two characters and their love story. Hearing them confess their love for reach other is cathartic, and sweet, and you really want these two to be happy.
But then you go a step further - it's funny, it's sweet, the vocal talent is on point... and then there's how it is a culmination of so much for both of these characters. Nathaniel started off as being a person who denies his feelings, and he has grown so much to the point where now he is very open and honest about how he's feeling. However, he takes that positive step and he can't quite stick the landing, as he decides to blame the bad things he does on the emotions he feels, which he can't control. He's right that he can't control how he feels, but wrong that he can't control what he does. And Rebecca has come so far with acknowledging that her behavior is wrong, but she still has yet to take the final step, which is to acknowledge that she can't blame any one thing for this bad behavior. Yes, she has BPD. Yes, she had horrible, abusive parents. But as she tells the judge, "I didn't mean to hurt Trent. But I did." That's an incredibly powerful and well-delivered message, and this song does such a great job of setting it up.
I also like how it so clearly and easily portrays the utter bullshit that is relative morality. Sure, Nathaniel's talking about his crappy parents, and Rebecca talks about her mother's abuse, but then they say that Hitler's not to blame because his brother's death made him "super sad," and it becomes quite easy to see that the argument holds no real water. This song also feels like a nice slap in the face to people who stan villains in movies and TV shows because of their "tragic backstory," as if their past traumas excuse all shitty behavior. I could go on, but suffice it to say, a tragic backstory may explain somebody's behavior, but it does not excuse it. There's a big difference. Nathaniel fails to recognize that, and Rebecca gets swept up in her love for him and in her fear of going to prison, so she agrees. But when the moment of truth arrives, Paula walks in to the court room. Rebecca sees her, and knows she needs to own up for all of her behavior.
And that's the end of Season Three. I'm shook, guys. I'm shook. This show does not rest on its laurels whatsoever. It pushes the boundaries, it follows things through to the logical consequences of people's actions, it deals with real-world issues through the magic of song and dance... I'm in love.
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lxvescramble · 4 years
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"Come" yes, baby
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魔界王子と魅感のナイトメア- "Cords of Love"
😍😍😍 Guy-Sama 😍😍😍
"Guy slaps his hand on the bed, inviting"
"Hurry up"
"Or do you prefer to be dragged in?"
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i only wish the MC had been more assertive like this in Guy’s main story... his event stories tend to be not so bad, but oh boy do I hate his main story..........
characters with bad manners and a problem to comprehend the word “no” is old news in otome games (~read various nobunagas) but, i swear, they took a - very - wrong turn with Guy’s personality there. Just can’t swallow, most of the time.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Dying of the light: Lebanon’s crisis and failing traffic signals | News
Beirut, Lebanon – Mona Fawaz remembers when traffic lights were first installed in Beirut several years after the civil war ended.
It was the late 1990s. The gutted downtown area of Lebanon’s capital, a front line throughout the brutal 15-year conflict, was being rebuilt in grand fashion. Prosperity – or at least a sense of normality – felt within reach. Everyone wanted to move forward.
But the chaos of the war remained ingrained in the way people drove.
Traffic was horrendous, a fast-paced free-for-all on the freeways that turned to gridlock in narrow city streets and a mess of clamouring metal at intersections. 
It was overwhelming for 26-year-old Fawaz, back in Beirut on a break from studying in the United States where she had become accustomed to the simple guidance of green, red and amber.
When the lights first came up, many Lebanese were slow to adjust. Fawaz “felt like an activist” when she stopped at red, and would intentionally block the path of impatient motorists who tried to manoeuvre through.
“It was dangerous – I remember almost getting killed when I drove through a green light without thinking. This guy jumped out of his car and was screaming at me. I told him the light was green. He looked at me like I was from the moon,” said Fawaz, now a professor of urban studies and planning at the American University of Beirut.
Lebanon’s economy: Central Bank tries to stabilise exchange rate
“There was an element of feeling like we were part of a movement to improve the city.”
‘Sense of certainty’
For a long time, Fawaz says, traffic lights were one of the few examples of a successful policy in the city. Basic? Yes. But effective at organising the streets and “creating a sense of certainty that had been lost during the war”, according to Jad Baaklini, a Lebanese commuters’ rights activist who also remembers when the stoplights returned.
Today, in a sign of growing uncertainty as Lebanon slides into a dramatic socioeconomic collapse, most of those traffic lights have abruptly stopped working. About three-quarters of the stoplights in the city have failed in the past couple of weeks, leaving motorists to navigate the streets of their own accord.
The reasons for their sudden downfall reflect the political deadlock, mismanagement and alleged corruption that have characterised post-war life in Lebanon and have brought the country to its knees.
Hunger and poverty are rapidly increasing, the currency is worth roughly 20 percent of what it was worth last year, and perennial electricity cuts have somehow become even worse, leaving much of the country in darkness and adding to the feeling that everything is falling apart.
“It’s really shameful, you should see how many accidents this has caused,” a soldier keeping guard at one pitch-black Beirut crossroads told Al Jazeera. 
“This is the most basic symbol of a state, but what can we do – this is the state we have.” 
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On April 10, the traffic light maintenance contract ended and a newly contracted company could not begin work because there was ‘no money’, according to an official [Timour Azhari/Al Jazeera]
Funds ‘squandered,’ funds lost
Keeping traffic signals running in a country with chronic power cuts requires round-the-clock maintenance, which was outsourced by the Traffic and Vehicles Management Authority (TVMA) to a private company.
The maintenance contract was funded by proceeds from parking meters that were installed across the capital in the late 2000s, in a World-Bank funded project tendered to a private company via the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR).
The CDR is an opaque body whose president and vice-president are Nabil al-Jisr, a close associate of former prime minister Saad Hariri, and Yasser Berri, the brother of Lebanon’s parliament speaker Nabih Berri.
Lebanese-American consortium Duncan-Nead won the contract. Local TV channel Al-Jadeed said its shareholders have ties to political heavyweights in Lebanon though the company insists it won the contract on merit.
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The parking meters were installed on public land belonging to Beirut’s municipality, and so the TVMA and the municipality signed a contract giving the former 10 percent of revenues – to use for traffic light maintenance among other things – and 90 percent to the latter.
Yearly proceeds amounted to 10 billion Lebanese pounds, equal to roughly $6.6m at the time. But Beirut’s municipality “never saw a frank”, Ghassan Elias, an adviser to Beirut’s governor, told Al Jazeera.
“We want to know, where is the money?” he asked.
Hoda Salloum, the director-general of the TVMA, told Al Jazeera it was all spent on running security cameras, funding the TVMA  – and maintaining the traffic lights.
But she declined to say how much the budget was, citing an ongoing court case that the municipality brought against the TVMA last year to determine where the money had gone.
In December, Mount Lebanon Public Prosecutor Ghada Aoun ordered Salloum’s arrest on suspicion of bribery, forgery, waste of public funds, illicit enrichment and breach of her professional duties.
Salloum, a relative of Hadi Hobeish, a prominent member of parliament in the Future Movement bloc of former prime minister Hariri, was released on bail in January after more than a month in detention. 
In February, Financial Prosecutor Ali Ibrahim charged her with squandering public funds in the parking-meter case. Salloum denies all allegations against her.
‘We’re not paying’
In addition to the parking meter income that was allegedly stolen over the years, revenues have dropped dramatically since October due to the massive anti-establishment protests that swept the country.
The private parking meters were a source of ire and suspicion for a population who felt the state only took from them without giving anything in return. Few people doubted that the money they were paying to park on their own streets was being lost to corruption.
When hundreds of thousands took to the streets, parking meters were instantly targeted; the poor and downtrodden smashed them open to get to the coins inside while others covered them with black rubbish bags and slapped on stickers reading “We’re not paying” – a slogan for a civil disobedience campaign that aimed to pile pressure on the government by refusing to pay any official fees.
On April 10, the traffic light maintenance contract ended, and a newly contracted company could not begin work because, according to Salloum, there was “no money”.
One by one, they stopped working.
But rather than blaming protesters, Baaklini argues the sequence of events leading to the failure of the traffic lights is emblematic of the downfall of the country’s post-civil-war power structure.
When the stoplights went up after the war, they had a dual function of organising the streets and giving political legitimacy to the former sectarian warlords and a new class of businessmen who entered power – making them seem like “people who could bring society together and move it forward”.
In the time since, that power structure has shown its deep rot and has torn society apart.
“The lack of traffic lights was formerly a symbol of war. Their failure today is the final nail in a dream of the Lebanon we wanted after the war,” Baaklini says.
“There’s a sort of grieving involved, but it’s also a wake-up call that we need to try something new.”
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/32beRiI
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mdwatchestv · 7 years
Dirk Gently 1x03: We’ll See How It Goes
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Bonjour chérie! I can't believe it's November, I am tired and now have to be cold on top of it. Unacceptable. But luckily we have another episode of Dirk Gently to try and parcel out. This episode thankfully did some investigating into the tangle of exposition unloaded last week, but there was still LOTS going on. Can we just agree now that Alan Tudyk is living his best acting life as The Priest? I know he is a bad guy, but I can't help rooting for him. Things happen, we'll see how it goes.
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We start this episode with a scene of a child drawing a windmill on a wall, we have seen this child and its wall-drawings in the previous two episodes. I feel like it is safe to say that this is the sought after "boy", but who or where he is still remains to be seen. Once again we then go to Wendimoor, but this time checking in with the people on the other side of the conflict. We learn that Pink-Hair is not unique, but rather part of a whole people of pink hairs! These people are the farmers we learned about in last weeks Wendimoor scene who the royalty are in conflict with. The royalty people seem to believe that the pink hair people have kidnapped "the boy". In order to end their conflict the pink peeps could "find the boy" but that seems to be either ridiculous or impossible. Instead they are going for more of an "all out war" approach. Yolo pink hairs, yolo. In order to bring the pain to the monarchy, the fuchsia fam has ordered a weapon from "The Mage" (John Hannah), which turns out to be an AK! Way to bring a machine gun to a scissor fight, magenta mavericks! Not only is the conflict escalating in Wendimoor, but it’s also suggested that The Mage can travel freely back and forth between the world of Wendimoor and our own. We also know that Pink-Hair was able to manage this as well, but it begs the question of how simple a task this is granted that most people don't seem to attempt it.
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Back at the sheriff's station our team cosplays as law enforcement through the ages and continues their investigation of Hector and Marina Cardenas. Farrah and Todd exchange some very flirty banter, which was a bit jarring to be honest. Not that there has not always been tangible chemistry between them, but without any hint of a romantic spark in the first two episodes I assumed that plot-line had been abandoned. Guess I was wrong! Flirt away friends. Our crew looks at the Cardenas' bodies and discovers that Hector has two holes in his head, implicating that he was murdered before being entombed in the tree. The wheels in Farrah's noggin are turning and she seems about to make a connection between Hector's head holes and the fact that Marina's corpse has two broken fingers. She doesn't quite get there, but could Marina's fingers have made the holes?
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Dirk is also acting strange, or more strangely than usual. After being confronted by Todd, Dirk admits he is upset because things aren't as chill or calm as he had hoped. Todd is suffering from pararibulitis and many of their friends are missing or AWOL, life is bad, and Dirk’s not having it. Todd gives him a pep talk telling him that he needs to "make bigger choices", giving them a bit of a role reversal from the first season. Dirk and Todd’s relationship is the bedrock of this show, and Elijah and Samuel have real-deal chemistry. More scenes of this please.  But wait there is more action to be had at the sheriff station besides dress-up, friendship and tree boring!
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Who should show up but our friend Bart, who we haven't seen since she was blasted by shapes in the season opener. Bart has come to the authorities to demand justice for her unwarranted shape assault, and to also continue her quest for the missing Ken. While Bart is a fantastic character, I worry the writers don't know quite what to do with her this season. A lot of the mystery around her has been resolved, and she has already had three confrontations with Dirk where she has not killed him, but there doesn't seem to be a clear forward path for her. She is sort of haphazardly journeying around looking for Ken, as well as struggling with killing and not-killing, but all this feels like mostly an excuse to keep her around than a real meaningful story contribution. Her relationship with Ken was also both interesting and extremely compelling, and their continued separation is tangibly felt.
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Out in the world Farrah and Tina stumble upon Pink-Hair himself, and bring him back to base. Pink-Hair has QUITE the prophecy including mention of a dark wizard, their apprentice, a girl who sees all that can transport people, a boy, and a man who will save the world. All Pink-Hair knows for sure about this prophecy is that the man is Dirk Gently, but I think we can make some additional inference's ourselves. A dark wizard feels like it could be The Mage (John Hannah) and his apprentice could be the only other character with magic who is also going down a bad path, Suzie (Amanda Walsh). The girl with visions is clearly good ole Amanda, but the identity of the boy himself, beyond likely being the child of the Cardenas', continues to be a mystery.
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Speaking of other characters, our girl Suzie continues to be the baddest mother in town. We get a lot of her backstory this episode from the women at the book club that Suzie crashes. Suzie was a popular high school mean girl and Prom Queen (natch). However four years ago she crashed her car while under the influence of Xanax and with a car filled with  This led to her hip injury and ostracization from the her social groups, including book club. One of the women literally says to Suzie, "You are the bad guy." The show is really trying to hammer home that Suzie is no good, but nothing she can do will stop me from loving her. You're gonna have to try harder than that to get me to turn against a fellow witch television! Upon arriving home Suzie's irritating teen son (can we just curse him already) demands his phone back which is, whoops, still on the corpse of Suzie's boss. Suzie returns to the quarry and gets the phone but runs into The Mage. The Mage attempts to strip Suzie of her wand (the nerve) but she is able to escape. The Mage seems more amused by this than angry, and perhaps this signals his interest in Suzie, perhaps an....apprentice-level interest? Time will tell.
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Finally Amanda and Vogel arrive at the Motor Court (previously owned by the Cardenas', also seen in Amanda's vision) where Amanda discovers Todd's belongings. However The Priest (Alan Tudyk) arrives shortly after and he is feeling pretty ambivalent about capturing Amanda and Vogel alive. As a side note, while I remember Friedkin as being short in the brain cell department last season, I don't remember him being so reticent about killing. Rather he was always the first to pull a gun, and even killed Estevez in the season one finale. This character is just not gelling for me this season, he doesn't seem to be grounded in any deeper emotion or motivation. While the world of Dirk Gently is home to many off-the-wall character's, but as I've talked about before, what makes them so compelling is the writer and actor's ability to ground them in some deeper truths. To make a long story short (too late) I'm finding Friedkin to be the odd man out so to speak.
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Anyway, The Priest decides life is too short to not kill people in a hail of bullets, and he does his best to fill Amanda and Vogel full of holes. Amanda is convinced that this is not how it's supposed to end for her, and calls out to whoever may be listening for help. Surprisingly (or not) her pleas are answered, and The Priest  bursts down the door to discover his prey has vanished. This is the second such vanishing this season, and the fact that this disappearance also involved water (the plumbing bursting and soaking Amanda and Vogel) hints that perhaps Mona is once again the culprit.  Speaking of Project Blackwing, after unearthing the original files on the Blackwing subjects (on floppy drives no less), Friedkin tasks Ken of all people with their decryption. So hopefully we will be getting a lot more backstory on our new friend Mona, and our old ones too.
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Didn't want to pay for the ole fluff this ep I guess :(
PS How great was Elijah Wood’s bad British accent? I die. 
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