#cod guy monas
fawnchives · 7 months
you guys cannot convince me that price, soap, gaz, rudy, & alex didn’t grow up with getting their cheeks pinched by their aunties, grandmas, and even some of their mom’s friends….
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manicplank · 3 months
hi!! your headcanons are so fun to read through ,, whenever i see your stuff pop up on my feed it makes me so excited and happy!!!! :D also if you dont mind, do you have any headcanon ideas for any video game series each pt character likes or games each character might like to play in general?
Aaah, thank you!!!!
I'm so glad people like my headcanons!
I did something similar to this with what computer games they play, but I can do this one with a bit different games, too!
What games do they like?
Peppino: Canonically not a fan of TF2, so I feel like he wouldn't like shooter games. I can see him enjoying relaxing games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. Doesn't play them all too much.
Gustavo: Loves fantasy and adventure! Would definitely play DnD and World of Warcraft. I can also see him playing Animal Crossing.
BONUS Brick: Loves tug of war. Plays it often with Fakey. Too lazy to play fetch. You throw the thing, and he just looks at you. Loves to play with Gustavo's shoes. Gustavo can never catch him as he runs away with the shoe.
Mr. Stick: Not really a digital guy. Plays a lot of card games. Solitare, poker, blackjack, etc. Has a low-key gambling addiction. Likes to go to casinos and play the slots. Loses.
Pepperman: Hear me out on this one. Mario Paint. I know it's not necessarily a game, but he'd probably have a blast playing with all the tools and gimmicks it has. Would probably paint his face over the Mona Lisa and say it was his original piece.
The Vigilante: Another guy who isn't too digital. Total boomer when it comes to technology. I see him being GOOD at card games. He plays with Mr. Stick a bit. He beats Stick, and Stick storms out in a fuss. Probably plays horseshoes or something boring.
The Noise: Will play just about anything and everything. I stated this before, but I think his rat ass would LOVE the GTA series, probably even RDR, too. I can see him playing CoD and CS:GO. He's unnervingly good at first person shooters. Also loves Minecraft. (Secretly enjoys Animal Crossing.)
Noisette: Definitely a Sims girly with all the expansion packs as well as tons of custom content. She loves Animal Crossing and has the entire series. Surprisingly enough, she's also good at first person shooters, she also enjoys GTA (but not half as much as The Noise.) I can see her playing Minecraft, only to build a super cute base.
Fake Peppino: Likes Dance Dance Revolution as well as the Just Dance games! He likes to move his body. He also likes to play fetch and tug of war. He's learning how to play checkers, but he's really bad at it. He doesn't care, though, he's having fun.
Pizzahead: Probably another Sims player. Definitely has a Peppino sim. I see him as a Mario fan, having played most of the games. Probably LOVED Super Mario Odyssey. Also another fan of first person shooters. Obsessed with Fortnite. Does the emotes to piss people off. Plays Animal Crossing but usually prefers to play alone.
Pillar John: Unusually good at checkers. You can't beat him. Everybody's tried and failed. I think he'd also like GTA, weirdly enough. He probably loves Cards Against Humanity. Always gets a good laugh. Plays Animal Crossing with Noise and Noisette. Also likes Minecraft.
Gerome: Master of chess. Pizzahead has tried and failed many times. He likes relaxing games. Probably a fan of Stardew Valley. Might hop on World of Warcraft with Gustavo. Might play cards with Stick and Vigi. Also good at card games.
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draconivn · 4 years
016 | Take My Hand
Summary: You go to lunch with Guy one day, and wondered what it would be like to hold his hand. Warnings: Fluff, Guy’s PG teasing Pairings: Reader x Guy Avari/Guy Monas (Court of Darkness)  Author’s Note: Because Guy is a tease.
“Done classes?”
I was on my way back from classes and ready to get lunch from the refectory, when I happened across Guy along the way. Seeing the man I love waiting so patiently for me there drew a smile across my lips to greet him as I held my book close in my arms. “For the morning! I have some time until my next class.”
With no one around, he returned my smile with an affectionate and handsome one. 
It was impossible to ever hold myself against that smile, that the secret slipped past my lips one day and the response he gave me was far from his former deadpanned tone. Rather, he laughed and determined to use his newfound weapon to make my heart flutter anew each time we were together. 
Each time he did, I was thankful that the privacy of his quarters encased my embarrassment, where his valet Jasper seemed to have developed an intuition of not intruding until something important came up or the reluctance to leave him for classes would arise within me.
Missing class was not an option after it became known among the other S Rank princes that I had chosen Guy, nor would I dare to show up with any sort of marks, lest I desire the wrath of the Avari Aficionados despite our relationship. But that hardly deterred Guy from showing I was his, as we became closer in front of everyone, and spent lots of time together that the message was loud and clear. The flares of his aura was complete proof of what we were doing, as it took time for it to wear away, and my cheeks would be as red as the glow of magic that surrounded him.
“Come. Jasper also made lunch for you.”
Gathering him to speak his mind more often with me was a feat of its own, though I knew Guy had his own way of communicating and we became more attuned to each other. 
As we wandered to the elevator lift, I felt the graze of his hand briefly against mine and my gaze drifted down in thought. Though awkward and public as it may be, there was the thought that had been lingering in my mind for quite some time but I had forgotten to ask about by the time I saw him: I wanted to hold his hand.
“–What is it?” His voice pulled me out of my thoughts, prompting me to look up at him just as the elevator was being called down to meet us. 
“Hm?” I barely heard him call my name.
“You were not listening again, were you.” He sighed, staving off a scowl as he stopped to turn towards me and enclosed the gap between us by leaning down to be of the same eye level. "You have been of odds lately. Does your body ail you?" 
A simple silly thought like that flew out of the window and my first instinct was to shake my head. "N-No, I'm fine! I… I've just been thinking about some things." And in no way is that a lie.
He takes my silence as a reason to back off, though I can see the way it bothers him in his expression before we enter the lift.
Oh great. I made it awkward. I wanted to smack myself on the forehead for it as I stood quietly next to him. Would he say anything or be bothered if I took his hand…? I looked down at his hand then as discreetly as I could at his side profile. I felt flustered, fighting with my indecision. I could do everything else he said but take his hand on my own discretion was something that questioned comfort in doing publicly. … Maybe I should ask him about it later.
The lift opens without another move made and we both leave it, though his long legs make him advance ahead of me until he pauses to face me yet again.
"Guy?" Warmth encloses around my hand, fingers lacing between the spaces of mine. I look up to him again and he's smiling that handsome smile, enticing a warmth to creep its way across my cheeks that turns his smile into a smirk of satisfaction.
"My paramour walks alongside of me, not behind me. Shall I keep you close like this then?"
The way he says it has me ready to melt into a puddle, and the realization that my thoughts have been bare on my expression enough for him to act on it so has rendered me speechless and stutter before I can gather my bearings.
“Y-You– Are you sure you don’t have mind reading powers?”
He chuckles, lifting my hand to brush his lips against my knuckles. “You wear your thoughts as you do so with that bleeding heart of yours.” His voice is low and deep for my ears, coercing me close. “Show your thoughts to me alone. Let not another see your vulnerability.”
“You make it sound easier said than done.”
He arches a brow. “Shall I teach you then?”
“You parade around so proudly with your aura. I think you may need to keep teaching me more so no one can see what I show and do with you.” Warmth leaves the back of my hand as he lowers our intertwined fingers, leaving me to look up at him curiously.
But he steps in until I am against him, his lips dropped to my ear. “Shall I begin teaching you tonight?”
My cheeks flared so deeply as I stepped back, though he would not relinquish his hold. “G-Guy!”
For a moment, there was a flash of a smirk before he turned back towards his quarters, tugging me along for our lunch together where he continued to laugh and tease me behind closed doors.
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lxvescramble · 3 years
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王子と魅感のナイトメア - Court of Darkness
👑 Lint, Roy, Fen, Toa, Guy, Lance, Rio, Prince of Makai / Saligia.
They are really Handsome in full dress 😍🥰🤩
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so guy doesn’t wanna share his favorite toy, is that what i hear??
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chromes-corner · 2 years
im here to brainrot about cyrptic prince flytrap herb: hand over your hcs for this :D and i will ramble too flytrap herb is much more solemn looking compared to regular herb but still loves his S/O the same; the whole "scary guy loves someone a lot" trope and flytrap herb treats S/O like royalty- this mf makes sure he and his S/O match and look majestic doing it flytrap herb also speaks little to none unless S/O is interested in something or he wants to talk about his plant friends with S/O oh and the CoD are scared shitless after his plant on the shoulder ate pom and spit out pom seeds, it ate the mirror too context: pom tried too hard to get herb to leave S/O and join CoD
Okay okay I LOVE your implication that he just straight up permadeaths pomegranate. That’s incredible. What a boyboss 💚
He always puts on a “show” if others (that aren’t his S/O) are watching him work. I’m talking really emphasizing how fast he can snap his shears shut, or how effortless it is for him to use a shovel…
Midnight rendezvous beneath the willow trees with his S/O
Greets his S/O with a hand kiss 🥺🥺
His S/O might start to notice that their house is suddenly getting a tad overrun with vines 🤔
He writes prose with bold loopy handwriting and leaves the letters around for his S/O to find. Some of his poetry has slightly unsettling undertones and he seems to have a theme of protecting a lover by use of violence 🤔🤔🤔🤔
His “Mona Lisa”-esque smile never drops; that being said, Divines help you if his eyes narrow and the corners of his lips curl upwards into a wicked grin
^^ if that happens, you may soon find yourself at his flytrap’s mercy
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lovehugsandcandy · 5 years
Who Killed Jason Shaw? Chapter 7: Whodunnit (RoD, Colt x MC)
Summary: The truth is revealed.
Rating: R (discussions of death)
Pairing: Colt x MC, RoD
Length: ~1400 words
Ellie waited on pins and needles, pacing footsteps wearing a circular path in her carpet, until her dad was downstairs, busy with breakfast. Finally, she was able to move and she tiptoe into the study, closing the door behind her with the softest of clicks. She didn’t have to look hard, manila folder open on the desk, calling to her. She picked it up with trembling fingers and skimmed.
Jason Shaw (Deceased)
COD: Single-Occupant Motor Vehicle Fatality
She sank to the floor, releasing the breath she didn’t know she was holding. It was accidental. She continued reading.
Due to the speed with which he crashed, the car was completely destroyed, making a definitive cause-of-death determination next-to-impossible. When the police arrived, the car was fully ablaze and efforts to extract Shaw had to be halted until they were able to put out the fire.
The car had been speeding, traveling so fast that survival would have been impossible. The report suggested that it could have been a suicide since no indication of braking was found. However, it also noted that the brake lines had been severed, though potentially burned up on impact, scorch marks evident throughout the body and engine car. It would be impossible to know if they had been ruined before the accident. Without any further details, without any further proof, the police had to rule it an accident.
She put the folder back on the desk, careful to arrange it just how she found it, before sneaking out of the room with a massive sigh of relief. Her flight back to the East Coast left tomorrow and it was a weight off her shoulders. 
No one was wanted for murder.
When she left her house that evening, she needed to think, so she headed to the one place where her head was clearest. It had only been an hour before she heard the footsteps and sighed, not moving her gaze from the lapping water below her. She didn’t turn, even when he sat beside her, sleeve of his jacket brushing against her arm, didn’t turn until he spoke.
Colt sat in silence, looking over the horizon, until the silence got to be too much for him. “Did they rule it was an accident?”
Colt huffed. “It wasn’t though, was it.”
The sun was slipping behind the water, last rays of the day glinting off the surf. She sighed.
“You figured out who did it.” Colt glanced at her, waiting.
It wasn’t a question so she didn’t respond.
“Ellie. You knew all along, didn’t you?”
She finally turned to him, his brow knitting in a question unasked. His eyes were reflecting the last light of day back at her, a ray of light in the darkening night.
He watched her, unflinching, taking her silence as agreement. “Congratulations. You solved your case. I think I owe you a drink.” 
“It was determined to be an accident. He lost control on the 405 and slammed into the barrier at the median. Investigation’s closed.” She looked at her hands.
“You know it wasn’t an accident.”
She shrugged. “That’s what the report said.” He held her gaze until she lowered her eyes, peering back at the water. Her shoulders dropped. He knew. “When’d you figure it out?”
“Honestly? It took a while.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close, a welcome warmth warding off the cool breeze. “But someone killed him and it was well-planned. A damn good plan. And there’s only a few people in LA who could come up with a plan to off a disgraced former detective and make it look like an accident, only a few people who could do it and get away with it. And I knew it wasn’t me so….” He trailed off.
She looked up at the stars starting to poke through the dark of the sky, feeling the prick of tears starting behind her eyelids.
He continued, “Things started to add up. Mona’s car. The timing. I mean, he’s been on parole for months. Why would someone kill him now? And then when you said you knew he threatened Logan, things just clicked.” When she kept silent, he just kept going. “What did you say to him in Denver? You guys spoke for over ten minutes during your stopover.”
“I thought-” She took a reflexive breath in, sea air cold in her lungs. “Logan called me a few weeks ago, told me Shaw found him. He was threatening him, trying to find where Mona was.” She gnawed at a thumbnail, blood welling to the surface again, before she continued. “I thought if I talked to him, I could convince him to leave it alone, leave her alone. I thought the threat of my dad would be enough.”
Her eyes were filling with tears; she tried blinking them away but couldn’t. Colt only watched her, gaze unreadable. She continued, lost in the memory of Jason, screaming at her over the phone. “He was irate. He wouldn’t listen, kept threatening.” Her breaths were shaky, inhale and exhale shuddering. “He knew it was my Spring Break. He said he would use me. Use me to get to Logan. Use me to get to Mona.” She swallowed, hard, leaning further against Colt. “He said he would use me to get to you.”
“You don’t need to protect me, Ellie.” He brushed a tear from her face. “I can take care of myself.”
She shook her head, vehemently. “We protect each other, Colt. Us against the world, remember?”
“So you told him that you would give him Mona if he left me alone.” She could see the gears turning as he watched the tears running down her face. “You said you could arrange something, get her out of the house for a few drinks. And you pretended to be her. You set up a meeting at the dive bar, made sure it was a straight shot to the highway.”
She sniffed. “No street lights. No stop signs.”
“Important because, when he was at the bar, you killed his brake lines.”
“I had to practice on my dad’s car for hours to figure it out.” She shook her head ruefully.
“And you nailed it; he couldn’t have stopped if he wanted to. Then, you played Mona, with the car, the tats-”
“A wig…”
“And you took him on a merry chase down the highway.”
Colt waited for her to deny it. She couldn’t. She could barely speak through her closed throat, through the tears. “And then I watched him burn.” The confession hung in the wind and Ellie looked out at the water, far below them. Her mind was far away and, when she finally spoke, her voice was distant, barely a whisper. “….I cried.”
“What?” Colt looked at her in shock. “Because he died?”
She was starting to cry now, thinking back on that night. “The fire. It reminded me of your dad.”
“I did it for me.” She kept swiping the tears from her cheeks with an angry hand but she couldn’t keep up, water flowing from her eyes faster than she could wipe it away. “I did it because he would never stop haunting my nightmares. I did it because he wanted to hurt Mona. I did it because he threatened Logan, he threatened you. Hell, I did it for you, for everything he took from you. I did it for all of us……Colt, I’m a murderer. ” Her voice caught on the last word.
“Hey.” He took off his jacket to drape it around her shoulders before pulling her close again. “Hey. He would have killed you in a heartbeat. He almost did, in your high school parking lot, if it weren’t for Mona.”
“I know…” She looked down. “I know.”
They sat in silence for a while, listening to the water lapping against the cliff, watching the stars appear, shining with hope and promise above them. Finally, Colt spoke again. “You could have told me.”
“I know.” She dropped her head to his shoulder. “ I knew you would be the prime suspect so I didn’t want to say anything until I knew they ruled it as an accident. I wanted him dead but I needed you free more.”
“Ellie, come on.” He kissed her forehead. “It’s us against the world.”
“One less person in the world against us now,” she sighed.
“Only about a million more to go. And we’ll take every single one of them.”
“Yeah. We will.” She gave him a small smile before looking back out at the waves. “Us against the world.”
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acepresso · 7 years
I saw a guy wearing a shirt that said “The DaVinci Cod” on it with a picture of the Mona Lisa holding a giant fish this morning and I fucking cackled like a seagull in public
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fawnchives · 7 months
you guys remember the spongebob episode where they were playing that treasure hunting game? very task force 141 coded!
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i only wish the MC had been more assertive like this in Guy’s main story... his event stories tend to be not so bad, but oh boy do I hate his main story..........
characters with bad manners and a problem to comprehend the word “no” is old news in otome games (~read various nobunagas) but, i swear, they took a - very - wrong turn with Guy’s personality there. Just can’t swallow, most of the time.
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