guardian5tiger3 · 2 months
I seriously need both Korn fans that care ,and the spiritual community, everyone actually, I need everyone on the shit I'm talking about so look at my account and also go look at my YouTube channel I posted, if you feel that something isn't right about your life or life in general you need to hear and see what proof I've gathered about what I'm talking about . You are probably the victim of repressed memories of childhood abuse. It's an emergency to heal and come together NOW. so many children and animals and even us as grown people are suffering , enslaved to a system that does not have our best interest in mind and we all know it. It is time to heal and stop dissociating or just accepting how things are. Start by healing and looking within. Korn was cloned in 1997 we were trying to tell you look at your childhood . Please look at my account but especially look at my YouTube channel and please know you can both comment on this account and my YouTube account for support or to talk about anything involving this or anything we need a stronger community . And we have no reason to be scared of anything this world and our lives are worth so much more than this and we will reincarnate but don't we all want better than this especially for our next lives?
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spinjitsuburst · 5 months
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so @rottedsoulx has forced me into watching Nexo Knights and the season 2 finale gave me immense hope for the writing getting better. And then the season 3 opener drove me to incredible violence.
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Those isolation experiments would be easy peasy for me id be yanking it 24/7
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milfboyhaloo · 6 months
QFOREVER CORRIPTED BY A BLACK LOBSTER CANON?!?!?!? (and apparently has a 6 pack according to bad...)
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acredb · 4 months
🩶 - Hey! Please ramble about your current favorite AU you have, it can be an AU of anything. I love when people lore dump on me <3
hi anon! i have so many AUs that I can't pick a favourite, so i might just give a [not so] quick summary of all if thats okay!
Shattered Souls- JSaB [with headcanons from the pink corruption] AU
MC: Cube
This AU was probably the one that got me through some of my darkest thoughts, and because I was a mere youngin when I created it, it's obviously mostly foom, gloom and despair. Not long after the [pink] Corruption ended across Paradise, when all the corripted shapes were either purified/cured, reformed or exterminated, one of Cube's friends, Lycan, decided to host a house party in his and the other hero's favour. Several toasts were made, a lot of noise and commotion, loud thank yous and sorrys, you get the point. Now the thing is it that Cube sucks at social interaction, even in Present Era SS. Man's trying his best to hold out, but the large crowds are doing numbers for his already frazzled nerves and he ends up closing himself in the bathroom, trying to avoid a panic attack. He kinda succeeds, kinda fails, and this is where one of the recurring themes in SS starts to come into play: possession. While he's trying to avoid a nerbous breakdown, a little spooky demon thing ever so kindly tries to influence him to let þem take control. Unfortunately, because Cube’s stress and nerves are lying on beds of needles, þey don’t even need a ‘yes’ from him, and end up starting to poison his thoughts, his words, his actions. He catches on, though, and leaves the house party in a rush, Heli sees him, and follows after. She loses him, before finsing him again, kneeling [almost limp] in a clearing of the nearby forests/woodlands. She goes to help, and he, uh, violently and brutally kills her. Well, not him. Anyway, when the sneaky demon bratty boy[neutral] decides þey’re done with him, they leave him to pass out and wake up later, next to the bleeding corpse of one of his closest friends! How thoughtful! When he comes to, he [understandably] freaks out. Mental breakdown level freaks out. Holding the desecrated body of that helicopter in his arms, blood dripping down his hands, his jaw, he ends up crying, screaming apologies to the corpse in his arms, not noticing the rustling in the bushes behind him. Speaking of the bushes, behind them peeked a golden coloured hexagon, whose eyes immediately widened when she saw the carnage. Holy shit. Cube just fucking murdered someone. Also freaking out, she runs off, shaken, while Cube, also shaken with no idea of what to do now, just leaves Heli there while he also flees. [Man didn’t even bury her…for shame… /j] Cut to him back at his house, desperately trying to wash the blood off his hands, his robes, under his nails, between his fingers…but oh god, the feeling isn’t going away…so he gives up. He doesn’t look bloody at least…man proceeds to pack up his shit to throw in the wash when he’s calm enough to think again. Which he isn’t. No matter how many times he wipes his cheeks, the tears just keep flooding back. So what can he do? He can’t go to the cops, they’ll have his head on a stick! B’sides, who’d even believe him? He blacked out in a forest and woke up near a corpse? How totally believable! So he doesn’t do anything. Super productive, I know. /j Eventually, the cops do come knocking, asking about the disappearance of some helicopter from the Cyan Peninsula, and asking him if he knows anything because he was close to her. Cube’s starting to freak out, not gonna lie. Uh oh. He tries his damndest to make his fear look like nervousness, worry, an allat, and it seems to work, even though the police don’t seem to believe him. They ask a couple questions, he gives a couple answers, they seem satisfied, and it all runs smoothly. Up until he’s mailed a letter about a court trial. Shit. Gonna skip some parts, Cube gets found guilty of murder and exiled, before people find out about the demons from other experiences/sources. He’s told he can come back, which he barely believes. He’s just scared to, to be honest. I mean, he hasn’t been so stressed in his life. Amd of course, because ol’ acred’s AUs here can’t have a moment of peace, when Cube returns some kind of sickness starts to spread, spreading through the landscape via some black goo/slime subtance amd through shapes by turning the-
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dumb-avatar-ideas · 2 years
Had a fucking awful dream about worms last night so I've come to make an announcement. The Corription is a bitch ass motherfucker, it made me eat dog-sized worms and larvae on my dreams-
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longwindedbore · 15 days
“Greatest Country in the World”
A lie to support the Propaganda of ‘USAmerican Exceptionalism’
When a Nepo-baby/Finance Bros/Vested Interest - or apologist thereof - tells you the USA, the Richest Nation in the History of the World, ‘can’t afford’ Universal Healthcare…
First - kick them in the crotch.
Second - now that you have their attention, tell them the following:
[My wife’s cousin in Australia needed a full double lung transplant.]
Total out of pocket: $3,000 Australian ($1988.42 USD, May 25, 2024 exchange rate)
INCLUDED under Auzzie Universal Healthcare
Diagnosis and all prep work.
Heli-lift from the Flinders Range to Adelaide and then medi-flight to Melbourne both to and from.
Hospital stay and operation.
All drugs and medicines including lifetime anti-rejection medication.
Six weeks Post operative rehab/physical therapy.
Specialized treatment when she returns home.
NOT included:
Housing in Melbourne. If one doesn’t have a place to stay during Rehab/PT, there is a special apartment complex adjacent to the hospital ($3,000).
Food during Rehab/PT.
Packing her bag and getting a lift to and from the hometown heliport.
Sadly, we in the USA can’t have nice things NOT JUST because of American Exceptional Crapitalism.
Two further issues besides mere Crapitalism which we have successfully regulated in the past
Crapitalism is enabled by the White-Uber-Alles Hate-triots who empower the forces that create misery throughout our country.
Who elect the representatives who in turn allow the Crapitalists to function without regulation.
Empower for reasons these White 💩heads can’t explain.
Bu you just see it in their malicious glee when they know others are suffering.
Gleeful even if they suffer as well.
I think that post-Dobbs in a world of digital memories that they may have finally gone too far.
There’s no middle ground between them and us.
The middle ground was worked out by us having to compromise and compromise and compromise and compromise from Roe v Wade in ‘73 until the corript SCROTUS Decision bbs decision in 2022.
Since then it’s been a return to the Dark Ages in State after State.
Even sadder, this trash is a Minority.
Progressives are the MAJORITY of POTENTIAL voters. But in most elections Progressives are the minority voting bloc.
So, yeah, don’t vote for Biden (HIllary/Kerry/Gore/Dukakis/Mondale/Carter/Humphrey) because they are not ‘pure’ enough. Just hand it all to the Conserve-a-turds in ‘honorable’ protest.
Also, be sure to further protest the Presidential Candidate by not voting down ticket races.
Particularly don’t bother voting EVER in any off-year or off-off year elections. Bill/Barack/Biden all legislatively CRIPPLED by the House(s) flipping to Repugnant-KKKlans when Progressives stayed home in the off-year mid-terms.
Particularly avoid voting in races for town/city councils, mayorships, school and Library boards. The birthplaces of real progress in the US.
There’s an old saying - “You get the government you deserve.”
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alwayssunnyroyalties · 2 months
That was my her corript ? Whats it called marjilla?
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primarystar · 1 year
\/ sorry that reminds me of my memory that got corripted from trauma
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le-trying · 2 years
something i was drawing wont be finished now because my project gfile got corripted and the backup file wasmissing lots of what i finshed. amazing, i sure love being blue screened every few minutes
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thatskydragon · 3 years
That timeline says corrupt creatures become unrecognizable,
What if Krill are Manta
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red-revival · 4 years
New dnd character! Ruela, a kenku knowledge cleric who found out the highup priest in her temple was faking it and abusing power, so she picked a fight with him in the temple and got them both kicked out of town. Now she travels around blackmailing corrupt highup folks and making friends
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ask-tiny-three · 3 years
Spoilers , Duh.
LN 2 gave us so me insight of the mainland and the world this actually sets place in. We finally get to experience what type of world would describe the maw as a save place
and holey moly they delivered.
But how does that fit into the timeline?
settle down folks because we have some interessting hints.
During the game we can see the construction of some of the guests. 
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How does that all tie into the story you may ask.
the answer is right infront of us.
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The viewers have not yet become the guests but they are in the process of getting corripted by the tv signals. 
However how this ties into this being a sequel is a bit beyond me. unless time loops around itself as a revolving cycle of feasting and corruption. Six becomming corrupted by the tv signal similar to the viewers , forced to come to the maw to feed. Responsible for the cycle of mono becomming the thin man. In the comics the accusing stares of the guests , blaming HER For the state the land is in maybe?
An endless cycle of feeding and destruction , repeating over and over again.
this theory is a bit more simple than time looping shinanigans.
the games revolve about children facing actual childhood fears and impressions. Metaphors we saw in the first game but now in the second one its even more clear , especially in the comics. Those are real things children could be afraid of or experience. Children feeling like they are growing up in a world they dont belong in.
we are faced with actual childhood fears or real childhood trauma
being bullied at school
being scared of a teacher
getting lost in the wilderness
lost in a place you are unfamiliar with
scared of what might be lurking in the dark
parental abuse and neglect
getting locked in and unable to escape.
A fear of hospitals
fear of heights
all of these things are represented in one way or another. we see two kids clinging to childhood innosence in one way or another
Six clinging to the musicbox in a room of toys unable to let go of it. Unable to let go of it. When she is forced to ‘wake up’ from this nightmare she freaks out. she is unwilling to let go of that hint of childhood she has left , percieving herself as a corrupted monster after something she experienced. 
Whilst mono is avoiding desperately to grow up , literally running away from an older version of himself.even tho we see from the very beginning he already posesses the powers of manipulating the television
Maybe six is infact already the geisha of the maw. The geisha being her future self similar to how mono tried to avoid the thinman.
Maybe the games really do depict little nightmares....
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windforestsso · 3 years
Im kinda suprised over that many people says things like "I dont trust the druids, no matter what SSE says" or "Pandoria isnt evil, sse is wrong about it".
Like, that is the point and those are topic of things that SSE are quite clear about, without spoiling anything.
Maybe the people saying this are not that far into the game and havent gotten to the parts Im gonna bring up. Spoiler warning to... A lot I guess, I have no idea how far into the game this things are.
Druids: witches are evil!
Sse: here is a witch that is nice after you help heal her from corription. Oh, and the nice old lady that have helped you from the begining? Yeah she is also a witch.
Druids: Galloper Thompson is evil
Sse: here is Gallopers memories that show that Jon Jarl was abusing Gallopers loyalty and used him as a scapegoat when Jon Jarl didnt need him anymore.
The player spends a long time to try to save and bring back Justin.
Druids: we will arrest him without letting him explain himself after almost getting killed
Even Lisa and Linda directly said that they are starting to doubt the druids. Cant be any clearer than that, that SSE want the player to question the druids.
Similare with Pandoria actually.
In the begining the druids say that Pandorian is a bad place.
But evergrey says it isnt, that both druids and dark core get power from Pandoria.
Ydris says that the reason why Pandoria is dangerous is because Garnok is trapped there.
Witch Pi mentioned that shadow seekers arent evil. They are just confused and scared, calm them down and you have a creature that heals and just want to go back home.
Pandoria isnt suppouse to be evil. Its not a safe place for humans, but the place itself isnt evil.
Its just the druids that says its bad, but the druids have time and time again shown that they cant be fully trusted.
The only things SSE wants us to think but we doesnt, is that they seems to want us to care and love Elizabeth and wants us to feel close to the soul riders.
I havent played sso for that long, but I never cared much about Elizabeth.
When she died it was more of a "Oh shit! I just saw someone die!" but her death didnt feel very personal. It was like when your neighbour dies. It sucks, but you were never close so it isnt as devestating as a family member would have been.
Soul riders feel like friendly coworkers. Nice working with them, but arent personal with.
You need more than sad backstories to feel close to someone and care about them.
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simpuke · 3 years
Hi! I don't want to be mean but... How do you do this. That corription thing in almost every hood
Anon I don’t even know. I really don’t. I wish I had an answer.
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condorclaw · 3 years
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