#corey cunningham x female reader smut
Older Brothers Best Friend 
Pairing: Corey Cunningham x f!reader 
Prompt/summary: You’d known him nearly your entire life, and at least half of the time you’d had a crush on him. Now that the two of you are older, the jokes started to get flirty between you when you were alone. When your parents are gone and your brother is asleep on the sofa, it’s the perfect opportunity to talk to Corey who’s also awake in the middle of the night. But when things go from lighthearted jokes to something more, how will the night end? 
Word count: 6.5K
Warnings/contents: Strong language, light fluff, smut: clit stimulation, fingering, oral, light nipple stimulation. 
Notes: I know a few of you have been waiting very patiently for this chapter and I hope that it meets your expectations! I started this off a completely different direction, but the inspiration wasn’t flowing until I thought about this story and it all seemed to just piece together. It was enjoyable to write, Corey needs more attention 😭
I proofread this, but it's also really long and I'm dyslexic, so... here's to hoping it's all right. I know I had to correct a couple small things.
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With a yawn, you rolled over in your bed and stretched your legs. You’d been curled up for the past few hours in the same position. Your shoulder ached from how you had been laying. With a soft grunt, you checked your phone and winced at the bright screen. It was 2 o’clock in the morning. By accident, you had fallen asleep around 7 o’clock this evening. Your stomach growled since you hadn’t eaten dinner. 
Deciding to get up and get a snack, you forced yourself from the warmth of your blankets and yawned quietly. You could hear the faint sound of the television on downstairs. Your parents were gone for the night, so of course your brother had invited Corey over and the two of them were watching stupid movies in the living room. 
You were quick to slip your socks and sweatpants on in an attempt to stay warm, but you shivered when you left your room. The rest of the house was rather cold, but the heater in your room kept you nice and toasty. Your brother always complained that it was too hot in there which meant for the winter months, he often didn’t come pester you. 
As quietly as you could, you crept down the stairs. You peeked into the living room and saw your brother passed out on the sofa, but Corey wasn’t there. Shrugging it off, you headed for the kitchen. You had known Corey since you were 5 years old, you didn’t think it mattered if you ran into him in the kitchen in the middle of the night. 
Sure enough, the man was in the kitchen getting something from the fridge. He heard you walk in and sent you a small smile. 
“Can’t sleep?” He asked, then he showed you the snack he had in his hand. “I brought it.” 
“Honestly, Corey, I don’t really give a shit if you eat our food.” He gave a soft laugh and stepped out of your way. “But no, I can’t sleep. I fell asleep super early. What about you, why are you awake?” 
“Your brother snores like the devil, how could anybody sleep near him?” You laughed this time and raided the refrigerator, though you were quickly reminded that you lacked a bra. “So, how have you been?” He asked, leaning against the counter across from you. “How’s school? How’s your boyfriend?” 
“School is fine. I’m excited to be done, honestly. As soon as this year is over I graduate. But that’s also kind of scary, honestly.” You sighed and shut the fridge with nothing in your hand. “And my boyfriend? He’s a cheating piece of shit.” 
“Oh, fuck. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay. I’d rather know now that he and my friend were secretly fucking the whole time than marry him and have to find out then.” You turned, crossing your arms over your chest beforehand, and looked at him. You sent him a small smile. “So, what about you? Any pretty girls you’re talking to?” 
“I’m talking to one now.” You laughed. 
“I meant in general, dingbat.” He gave a soft chuckle and shook his head as he looked down. 
“Not really, I’m not exactly the most popular guy in town.” You were quiet. “You, your brother and my parents are pretty much the only people I ever talk to.” 
“I’m sorry.” He shrugged. “Well, you know you’re always welcome around here. Even if my brother isn’t around, I like hanging out with you, too.” He sent you another small smile. 
“Well, I like hanging out with you, too. I appreciate it, really.” 
“Do you ever get lonely?” You asked, slowly walking beside the man and leaning against the counter beside him. “I’m sure it really… sucks.” 
“It’s hard to get too lonely. Your brother texts me a lot. I know that… not everybody hates me, but…” He stopped talking and looked down again. You decided to drop the conversation. 
“Well, I was supposed to go to this concert with my friend you know, but she’s a two-faced, backstabbing road-whore who blew my boyfriend in a Wendy’s bathroom at 2 in the morning, so… maybe you wanna go with me?” 
“Road whore, really?” He chuckled. “Sorry.” 
“No, it’s funny.” You shrugged. “Like I said, I’m just glad I found out now.” 
“Why don’t you ask your brother to go with you?” 
“Maybe… I wanted to go with you.” He raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Why would you want to do that?” 
“Because, I like you.” Gently, you bumped your shoulder into his arm and made him smile. “I know you were always kind of my brothers friend, but I feel like since we’re so close in age we started to kind of become friends, too.” Your cheeks flushed quickly. "Unless I was wrong—“ 
“God, no,” he was quick to cut you off, “You aren’t wrong. We’re friends, too.” Relief flushed over your whole body. “It just… isn’t great publicity to be hanging around me so much.” 
“Who fucking cares what those simple-minded dickwads think about you anyways, Corey.” You scoffed, shocking the man. “You’re a hot guy who rides a motorcycle now.” 
“I appreciate you a lot, and I really don’t want to sound like a dick, but you couldn’t ever understand what it’s like for an entire town to look at you like they wish you never came home.” His tone was soft, so was his sigh. “I think it would have been easier on everybody if somebody killed me in prison.” 
“It wouldn’t have been easy on my brother. Or me.” You added quietly. “My parents like you, they always have. One day things won’t suck so bad. You’ll be away from here eventually.” 
“And what, leave you?” He joked. “You look cold.” He was simply changing the subject, but you worried he had seen your hardened nipples when you moved. You quickly tightened your arms across yourself. 
“A little bit.” 
“Why didn’t you get a blanket?” 
“I didn’t think anybody would be awake and it would be a quick trip.” You moved away from him and rummaged through the cabinets, grabbing a sleeve of crackers and getting a drink from the fridge. “You think you’re gonna be up for awhile?” Corey watched you until you turned around. 
“Probably. I was thinking I’d go to your brothers room. It’s at least quieter in there.” You gave a soft laugh and shut the fridge. 
“If you’re going upstairs anyways, could you possibly carry this for me?” You grabbed a second snack from the cabinet and gestured to your drink. Not only did you want to continue talking to the man, but you weren’t sure what you wanted to eat and both of the things you chose sounded good. 
“Sure.” He grabbed the drink and followed you, creeping quietly past your brother. Nothing had ever happened between the two of you, nor did your brother ever know about Corey’s crush on you or your mutual shared feelings for him (or the joking flirting that the two of you frequently engaged in), but Corey had always worried that your brother might not like the two of you spending so much time alone together. Especially not in your room. 
The two of you made it to the top of the stairs, then to your room where it was warm. Corey gave a soft sigh as he set your drink down on the nightstand. 
“God, it’s warm in here.” You giggled and nodded. 
“I get cold.” 
“I guess you do,” he teased as you rolled your eyes with a small grin on your face. “Do you need anything else?” 
“No, I’m good.” You smiled at him. “You know, if you want, you can stay. I was gonna watch a movie. If the heat doesn’t kill you.” Corey gave a soft laugh and looked at your bed almost hesitantly. “I don’t bite.” 
“I’m sure you don’t.” 
“What, do you?” You teased the man who’s face was quick to flush. 
“No.” He said with a slight laugh, but he wouldn’t meet your eyes. Your cheeks were quick to warm now as a short moment of silence washed over the two of you. 
“Uh, well… I’m gonna watch something, so… feel free to stay if you want.” 
“And sit… here?” He asked, looking back to your bed. “Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, why?” 
“Would… would he get upset?” 
“Well… I don’t think so?” You frowned. “You can always just shut the door if that’s what you’re worried about.” 
“That feels… sneaky.” 
“What, you’ve never been sneaky before?” 
“Not with you.” You hesitated for a second. 
“Well it’s not like you want to be sneaky with me, so it shouldn’t matter, right?” Corey stared at you for a second. “What?” He shook his head and turned to shut the door. 
“Well then it shouldn’t be a problem, right?” 
“Yeah, yeah— no, I mean no, it shouldn’t be… a problem.” You raised an eyebrow at the man. 
“Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“How come?” 
“I don’t know, it’s stupid.” You patted the spot on the bed next to you. 
“You could tell me.” 
“I’ve never… been alone with you in a room with the door closed.” Instead of sitting with you, Corey anxiously shifted his weight to his other leg. 
“I mean… call me crazy but there’s something… here, isn’t there?” You frowned. 
“In my room?” 
“No—“ he huffed, “I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong.” 
“Well, wait— explain it to me a little bit.” 
“Are we not always flirting with each other?” He seemed to blurt out. “Am I making it up?” You sighed and looked down. “Goddammit, now I made things weird.” He rubbed his eyes and gave a defeated sigh as his shoulders slumped. “Look, I’m sorry— I misread the situation. I’m just gonna go back to your brothers room.” 
“No, hey— wait.” You stood up and walked towards the man, but you stopped a few feet away from him. “Okay— yes, you’re right. We are sort of always flirting with each other, but I didn’t… I’m not great at this whole… thing.” 
“What thing?” 
“My boyfriend cheated on me because I don’t know how to do the whole emotions thing and she did.” 
“No, he cheated on you because he was a sneaky piece of shit.” 
“Okay, that too,” you agreed, “But… you get my point.” He nodded softly. “I wouldn’t have ever known how to just tell you that I thought you were attractive.” He was quiet for a second before he spoke again. 
“Well, you just did.” Your face was hot as you avoided eye contact with him. “I guess I’m not exactly one to talk.”
“We’re kind of a mess here, huh?” You laughed. 
“I guess we are.” 
“I didn’t mean anything weird by this, you know.” You added. “Bringing you in here. I didn’t want to… make you think anything like that. I think you’re cute but I really do like you, Corey. I know that… after everything happened you kinda pulled away, but I’ve never thought anything less of you.” 
“I know. But I still think maybe you should.” 
“That’s dumb. I’ve known you since I was 5. I think if anybody has good reason to trust you, it’s both my brother and I.” 
“Do you ever think that something like this would make you out to be a bad guy, too?” You frowned. “Don’t you already get enough shit for being friends with me?” Despite his now tougher demeanor, Corey reminded you now of the little boy he once was. “What you want to go out with me or hold my hand and then what? Everybody would hate you, too.” 
“I don’t know who you think I am, but I’ve never really given a shit what people think about me.” You spoke softly at the man that was slowly getting more emotional. “Come on, Corey— I was friends with someone everybody told me not to be. I dated someone that everybody called sneaky.” 
“And now what, you want to be seen with a murderer?” 
“Because I have a crush on some guy that has to immediately make it bad?” 
“I get that it’s hard on you, Corey, but I don’t care what they think. About you, about me, about my brother, about my ex— it’s never mattered to me and I really don’t think that it ever will.” 
“You’re going to make a martyr of yourself.” You laughed. 
“That’s not how that’s used properly.” 
“You know what I meant.” 
“I know.” 
“Then just… stop it.” 
“What if I don’t want to?” 
“You should.” 
“Corey, since when in the 15 plus years of knowing me have I ever done what I should do?” He gave a soft laugh and shook his head. 
“Maybe once.” 
“This could be twice.” 
“Or maybe you could just shut the fuck up and kiss me.” Things were quiet for a second, Corey looked shocked, you were almost about to apologize when he finally took a couple of steps closer to you and leaned in to kiss you. Part of you was shocked, but you were quick to grasp at his shirt and kiss him back. Corey’s warm hand gently cupped your face as he gave a shaky exhale against your mouth. 
It was a soft, quick kiss, but when he pulled back, Corey stayed close. So close that you could still feel his shaky breath on your lips. 
“I’m so shocked you had the balls to do that.” You teased the man who laughed and gave your cheek the slightest slap. 
“Shut up and kiss me again.” You gave a soft laugh before you did what he asked and pressed your lips to his. Corey gave a soft hum, and between kisses muttered to you. “You’re doing what you’re told to do. Shocker.” 
“Mmm, shut up.” You mumbled back between quick kisses. Corey gave a soft hum but did what you said, reaching his hand down to hold your waist when the kiss got more feverish than before. Your fingers held onto his shirt tight, as if he was going to pull away or disappear at any second. In consolation, the hand that held your face now rested on top of your hand on his shirt. A silent way of letting you know he wasn’t going anywhere. 
Corey pulled back and looked at the door. 
“You don’t think your brother is going to wake up, do you?” With a soft hum, you shook your head. 
“Usually when he’s out, he’s out for the night. But if you’re so worried you could always lock the door.” 
“Yeah, that’s not suspicious at all.” He joked, though he did finally let you go to lock the door. You sat on the edge of your bed as he turned around and looked at you. Sending him a smile, you seemed to entice him back to you as you rested back on your hands. He moved to sit beside you on the bed and gave a soft sigh. “Remember when I said I didn’t want to be sneaky?” You gave a soft laugh and nodded. 
“And look at you now.” You sat up and looked at him. “We could always just unlock the door, open it, and watch a movie.” 
“God, no.” You laughed again at the desperate tone he gave you and moved to straddle his waist. 
“Then I guess we’ll keep kissing.” You pressed your lips back to his, this time wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Corey immediately leaned into the kiss, grasping your waist with his hands and giving you a gentle squeeze. You decided to do something a little bold and leaned in close enough to press your chest against his. Corey gave a tiny sound into the kiss, inching his hand slightly up your waist. 
Despite how short of a time the two of you had been this close, it didn’t feel close enough. Your hand slid up into Corey’s hair and gave it a gentle tug. This time, he moved his hand up and cupped it around your bare breast over your shirt. You gave a shaky exhale into the kiss when he gave it a gentle squeeze. 
“Is this okay?” He asked quietly as he pulled back from the kiss. 
“More than okay.” You kissed him again. “Touch me anywhere you want.” Corey gave an almost embarrassed laugh into the kiss. 
“Don’t tell me that.” You smiled, reached for his hand and cupped it around your other breast. 
“Really, Corey— wherever you want. I bet I want it, too.” Corey leaned in and kissed you this time, giving your breasts a gentle squeeze and earning a content moan from you. He slid one of his hands down your body, then his fingers started to gently fiddle with the waistband of your pants. You nearly had a chill run down your spine at the thought of Corey’s fingers down your underwear. After all, you’d told him to touch you anywhere. 
You shifted on his lap as Corey slid his hand around your back and grasped at your butt. You gave a soft gasp into the kiss, earning a cute little chuckle from him before he kissed you again. This time he slid his tongue along your bottom lip. You leaned into the man, chest pressing back against him. Corey reached back and steadied himself back onto his elbows, leaning you backwards on his lap. You shifted against him and earned a soft moan from him into the kiss. 
Corey shifted onto his back beneath you, then slid his hands along your legs and up your shirt. Pulling away from the kiss, you leaned back and adjusted against the man. You purposely wiggled your hips a bit and earned a shaky exhale from him. You gave a soft giggle when he sent you a feigned dirty look. He gulped when you slid your shirt right up beneath your breasts. 
“Should I take it off?” He nodded, but you didn’t take it off. Instead, you gave a soft hum and eyed the man as if you wanted him to answer you— so he did. 
“Yes, take it off.” With a little smirk, you slid the shirt the rest of the way off. Corey sat up on his elbows and flicked his gaze between your face to your breasts. “Fuck, it’s getting hotter in here looking at you like this.” You gave a soft laugh and reached down to fiddle with the hem of his shirt. 
“Maybe you should take this off.” 
“I think I agree,” he sat up enough to strip his shirt off and let it fall to the side and off the bed entirely. You sent him a smile and leaned in to kiss him. His hand rested on your bare back as he kissed you back. “Your brother would kill me if he found out about this.” 
“Nobody said he had to find out about it right now.” Corey gave a soft hum and leaned down to press a kiss to your neck. “Or maybe ever.” 
“I’d rather he never find out I fucked his little sister when he was asleep on the sofa.” You hummed in agreement as he leaned back to meet your gaze. “I guess… we’re just kissing.” You smirked lightly at the man. 
“Nobody said we had to stop.” 
“You know what, if they did, you wouldn’t listen.” He teased. 
“No, I wouldn’t.” You leaned back in to kiss him again. This time, Corey was quiet. He brought you snug up against him again and pulled you back down so you were on top of him while he laid down. You wiggled your hips in an attempt to get more comfortable, earning a soft sound from Corey again. Your fingers fiddled with the sheets by his head while Corey gripped tightly at your side. 
Then, all of the sudden, you were rolled over and trapped beneath the man. You laughed as he pulled back and adjusted on top of you. He sent you a smile and wrapped your leg around his waist. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“I just can’t believe it.” You said as Corey leaned back in to kiss along your neck. “I think 13 year old me would be screaming right now if she found out I got to be half-naked beneath my middle school crush.” Corey gave a soft laugh and gently nipped at your skin, making you gasp. 
“I think she is right now and that’s why you’re acting this way.” Teasingly, he licked along your skin to your jaw, pressed a quick kiss, and then pulled back. “What do you think?” He asked, but you could tell he didn’t mean about your previous comment. “If you want, we can do more. We could also stop.” 
"I don’t wanna stop.” 
“Do you wanna keep kissing?” 
“Do you want to keep these on?” He asked, fingers tracing past your stomach and curling around the waistband of your pants. With a gulp, you shook your head. Corey was waiting for you to speak like you’d made him do before. Flushed, you looked down at his hand. 
“I don’t want to keep them on.” He gave a soft sound in acknowledgment and moved a bit, hooking his other fingers in your waistband and easily sliding the sweatpants off when you lifted your hips. Corey sent you a wink when you realized he was taking your underwear off, too. Your teeth caught your bottom lip as he tossed them to the side. “Well, now what?” 
“Now I get to keep kissing you.” Corey said matter-of-factly, however he adjusted the pants that he was still wearing. They looked uncomfortably tight. This was the first time you had seen the bulge in his pants. 
“Maybe you should take those off.” You suggested, eyes still trained on the bulge in his pants. He chuckled and leaned in to kiss you. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you.” 
“God, yes I would.” Corey hummed and kissed you again. 
“Then take ‘em off.” His fingers slid down your side and to your thigh. His fingers grasped tight at your skin as he wrapped your leg back around his waist. “Not gonna do it?” He pressed a kiss to your collarbone. “Too scared?” He teased, pressing soft little kisses down to your chest. 
“Well now I can’t reach you.” He met your eyes as he took your nipple into his mouth and gave it a gentle suck. You gave a soft whine at the sensation and shifted beneath him. “Maybe… you don’t really want me to, hm?” 
“And why wouldn’t I want that?” 
“I don’t know, why wouldn’t you?” He leaned back up to press a kiss to your lips before he grasped your hand and placed it against his bulge. 
“Then take ‘em off if neither of us know why.” Corey leaned back down to press a few scattered kisses to your neck while you blindly fiddled with the button and zipper. Your fingers were damn near shaking. His warm skin against yours was enough to drive you crazy. Feeling him was enough to drive you crazy. But seeing him? You weren’t sure what that was going to do to you. 
Finally, he pulled away and started to strip his pants off, though he did leave his boxers on. You seemed to huff at that and made him laugh. 
“You gotta be patient.” 
“Patience was never my virtue.” He gave a soft ‘hm’ and tossed his pants aside, but this tine he leaned down and wrapped your legs around his shoulders. 
“Maybe I should teach you.” Corey pressed a quick kiss to your thigh right after he said that. There was a sort of mischievous glint in his eyes that you had never seen before. Then, he turned his head to press a few kisses along your other leg. All the way from your hip to your knee, then back to your inner-thigh, where he suddenly gave you a quick, hard bite. You gasped and jerked against him, but Corey was strong. He held you in place and sent you a cute grin. “You alright? Maybe I should have warned you.” 
“I’m fine.” You peeked down at the mark on your thigh. “That’s gonna leave a little mark tomorrow.” 
“Looks like you cant prance around in those short little shorts that you like to tease me with so much.” 
“Oh, you know what I was doing then, huh?” You gave a small smile as he pressed a few more kisses along your skin. 
“I had a slight idea. You weren’t so keen on those little shorts when we were younger. Then your ass started filling out and it just kinda seemed like you wanted me to look at it.” You sent him a mischievous smile but quickly bit your lip to bite it back. 
“Me? Never. I’m innocent.” 
“Mhm, I’m sure you are.” This was it, Corey finally pressed a little kiss to your clit. Then, finally, he gave your clit and slow lick. You gave a soft whine when he pulled back. “An innocent little angel, but you’re not patient and you sure seem to be enjoying this.” 
“Quit that.” You giggled. 
“Quit? I don’t know if I want to.” 
“Are you gonna tease me all night?” 
“It’s already so late.” 
“Well, you already said you weren’t going to sleep. And I sure as hell don’t want to go to sleep if I could instead have my face between these pretty thighs of yours.” Corey pressed a quick kiss to both of your legs before leaning back in and giving your clit another teasing lick. You shifted against the man who held you snug against his face now. When his tongue started to tease you, you reached down and grasped at his hair. 
Corey started to finally really give you the attention you were craving. Your eyebrows furrowed inwards and your head lid back on the bed as he gave your clit soft sucks and made you moan out beneath your breath. Your fingers tightened in his hair as he sucked on your clit and moved one of his hands to tease your entrance. You wiggled against him again, but this time he didn’t try to stop you. He teased you with the tip of his middle finger a few times before he finally started to push it inside of you. 
“Oh, fuck…” You mumbled, glancing back at the door. You were so paranoid that your brother was going to catch you, but as Corey curled his finger gently inside of you and started to tease you with his pointer finger as well, you nearly forgot that he was even downstairs asleep on the sofa. 
Corey shifted against the bed, pulling you close as he sucked continuously on your clit, occasionally teasing you with his tongue and making you whine for him to keep going. 
Eventually, Corey was easily pumping two of his fingers inside of you, occasionally spreading them a bit to open you up some more. You pressed your head back into the mattress and tried to stay quiet as you moaned. You were certain that you had never been this turned on before. Your nipples ached for attention that Corey wasn’t giving them, so you reached up with your free hand and gently rolled your left nipple between your fingers. 
Corey gave a teasing hum when he saw that, but he kept licking your clit and making you moan. He swore every sound you made only seemed to make him throb harder against the bed for you. Sometimes he’d adjust or grind against the bed for a little bit of stimulation while he was working to get you off. But truth be told, he didn’t care much for his own pleasure right now. 
“God, you are so fucking good at that.” Corey met your gaze for a second before you looked away again and laid your head back. A soft moan left you as you tugged on his curly hair. Corey didn’t seem to mind, letting you do whatever you pleased without even a grunt in complaint. Corey moaned quietly as he shifted against the bed. “I think letting the sexual tension between us build up was a good idea.” You joked. “I feel like I’ve been waiting for this moment for forever and it’s just as good as I had hoped it would be.” He gave a hum in agreement and pulled back only to give a quick comment. 
“I have been waiting for this moment for forever.” You whined and shifted against him when he went back to teasing your clit. “God, you are so wet.” He mumbled against you as his fingers easily moved inside of you. Corey teased you with a third finger. “I think I could fit my whole hand in here.” 
“Then I’m sure the very large bulge in your pants will fit just fine.” He gave a soft chuckle and pulled back. 
“And what would you do if it didn’t?” 
“I’d probably cry.” He laughed, moving so that your legs were wrapped around his waist, and leaned in to kiss you. You were quick to kiss him back, pulling him down on top of you again. Corey, even after a whole day, still smelt fantastic. Slightly musky with a hint of cinnamon, you dared to guess. Corey adjusted himself against you and in the meantime gently grinded his bulge against your clit, earning a soft little moan from you against his mouth. 
Corey did the same thing again just to make you moan again. When he was successful, he continued to gently rub himself against you. 
“God, it feels so big.” He pulled back with a soft, content sigh, and sent you a sweet gaze. 
“What do you think you wanna do?” You chewed on the inside of your lip for a moment, taking a quick glance down before you met his eyes again. 
“Well, I could suck on it.” 
“You don’t have to.” He said, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek. “I could just fuck you until you can’t breathe.” Your face went hotter than it had all night as you stammered out a meek response. “Is that a yes?” He teased. “Do you think you’re ready?” 
“We might need some of my lube. It’s in the top drawer of my dresser if you wanna get it.” He gave a soft nod and got up, feeling a little uncomfortable digging through your drawers. He was always taught to not go through someone (especially a woman’s) things. His mom didn’t ever want him digging around in her stuff. 
Corey found the lube, though beside it was a little vibrator. 
“I don’t suppose you’re against the concept of me using a vibrator on you since there’s one right here, are you?” You were noticeably embarrassed, but you shook your head nevertheless. 
“I’m not against it.” 
“Do you want to right now?” 
“Sure.” Corey slid your dresser drawer shut, bringing over and handing you the lube and the vibrator. Before he got back on the bed, he stripped his boxers off. Your jaw dropped before he caught your eye and laughed at you. “Jesus…” You mumbled, leaning up on your hands. “It’s huge.” 
“Biggest you’ve had or something?” 
“By far.” 
“Well, with that luck, we may need this extra help from the vibrator.” 
“Or it’ll just make me squeeze you tighter.” 
“Yeah, that works, too.” Corey grabbed the vibrator and turned it on the lowest setting. He moved closer to you, though you were still distracted looking at his cock. You attention was quickly brought to his handsome face when he pressed the vibrator to your clit. “I’ve never done this before. Is this good?” You gave a soft nod. “Maybe when I’m fucking you, you can use it on yourself.” You nodded again. “Does this feel good.” You nodded and gave a soft whine as he laughed at you. 
“Cat got your tongue?” 
“It feels so good.” 
“Yeah, it feels good?” He hummed, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips as you nodded again. “What do you think, are you ready for me to put some lube on my cock and fuck you?” Swallowing hard, you nodded your head. “Hold onto this for me.” You brought your hand down and held onto the vibrator while he grabbed the lube and pulled back. “You’re probably better at it than I am anyways.” He said, watching you close your eyes and wiggle your hips against the small vibrator. He sighed quietly and set the lube aside as he inched closer on his knees and grabbed onto your legs by the back of your knees. “Come here.” You let him pull you against him and laughed, making him smile as he lined himself up at your entrance. 
“Do you think it’s gonna hurt?” 
“I don’t have a vagina.” 
“So… maybe?” 
“I’ve never gotten any complaints, per se.” 
“Fuck, just do it.” 
“I’ll go slow.” He promised, gently pushing the tip of his cock inside of you. Your fingers grasped tight at the bedsheets beside you as you closed your eyes. “If it hurts too much, just tell me. I’ll stop.” You nodded quickly and moved the vibrator around your clit. Corey wiped the excess lube on his hand off on his leg and reached for the frame of the bed while he slowly worked himself inside of you. 
Every little sound you made and every time you clenched around him it made Corey ache for you. As he promised, he kept his movements decently slow as he got you adjusted to his size inside of you. You moaned out as quiet as you could when he fully pushed himself inside of you. He gave a soft exhale and sent you a smile. 
“You doing alright?” 
“I’m okay.” 
“Tell me when I can move.” You nodded gently and waited a moment to adjust before you looked back at him. 
“I think I’m good.” He nodded, staying slow as he moved, but starting to work towards pumping himself inside of you at a steady pace. You laid your head back and bit your lip, trying to stay quiet as he began to really fuck you. Adding the vibrator onto how much he was stretching you out and how deep he was with every thrust inside of you, it was hard not to want to scream his name out. Corey leaned in closer, pressing down onto his elbow and reaching to tease your nipple with his hand. “Fuck, Corey— you’re making it hard to be quiet.” 
“If you can’t be quiet then I’ll just cover your mouth.” He said simply. You reached up, finding another solution as you moaned out, and brought his face towards yours. You kissed the man who was quick to give into it without any complaints. Your moans were muffled against his mouth as he picked up the pace when he felt less resistance from you. It was obvious you weren’t a virgin, but you were very tight around him. “God, you feel so good.” 
“I was just gonna tell you the same thing.” He gave a soft hum and leaned down, pressing his forehead to your shoulder while your hand grasped at his arm. “Fuck, I think you’re gonna make me cum.” 
“Jesus, it’s been so long I think I might, too.” 
“Then you should definitely cum inside of me.” You said. “It’s fine to.” He hummed softly, acknowledging you, yet only giving a soft moan by your ear a second later. Everything he was doing was making it hard for you to think as you wiggled against him and turned your vibrator up a speed. “Fuck,” you mumbled breathlessly. Your hand reached up to grab at Corey’s hair and gave it a light tug. “Oh, fuck— I’m gonna cum.” You were trying to be quiet, but you gave a few whiny moans as he edged you close to an orgasm. “Fuck, Corey, fuck— I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” You bit your lip hard and laid your head back, hand holding tightly onto Corey’s hair. 
A few thrusts after you had cum, Corey came inside of you. He gave a heavenly moan by your ear as he did, giving you a couple soft thrusts before he stopped and took a moment to breathe. He pressed his forehead against yours and gave a soft chuckle. 
“I can’t fucking believe I just came inside of you.” You laughed and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. One he leaned into even after you pulled back. 
“I can’t believe it either, but god am I happy about it.” 
With a soft sigh, Corey laid down beside you and pulled the sheet up onto both of you. You moved closer and leaned into the man who nearly immediately wrapped his arm around you and let you get as close as you could. 
“Well, that was fun after all.” 
“That was a lot of fun.” You looked at the clock on the wall and frowned. It was late, but you didn’t want him to leave you yet. 
“Hey Corey?” 
“Will you stay with me for a little bit?” 
“Of course I will.” 
A soft snore came from beside you as you shifted awake. With a soft groan, you looked at the man beside you and smiled lightly. The lights in your room were still on, you were both still naked, and Corey was still holding you just like he had been before. 
You shifted against him and stretched your back out, seeming to stir the man from his light slumber. He yawned, reaching up to stretch his arms out with a groan before he rubbed his eyes and looked at you. 
“Fuck, it wasn’t a dream.” You laughed and shook your head. 
“It sure wasn’t.” 
“What time is it?” You gave a soft hum and reached for your phone. 
“Oh, shit— it’s 8.” 
“AM?” He nearly jumped out of the bed. “Fuck—“ Just as he went to grab his shirt, your door handle jiggled. 
“Hey, (y/n)? Are you awake?” Your brother called. “I can’t find Corey.” You looked at Corey who was trying to put his clothes on as quietly and quickly as possible. “Is he in there? Do you know where he is?” You quickly tossed your pajamas on while Corey finally put his shirt on and went to open the door. You feigned a yawn, as if he had just woken up as Corey headed for the door. 
“I don’t know why the door was locked,” you said as you opened it. Your brother looked between the two of you real quick and then smiled. 
“It’s okay. Watch a movie?” 
“Yeah, guess we fell asleep.” You said stepping out of the way for Corey. 
“What’s up?” 
“You wanna go get coffee and donuts? You can come, too.” He said, giving your shoulder a slap. 
“Yeah, that sounds good. Let me brush my teeth and I’ll be right down.” Corey agreed. 
“Sound good.” Your brother turned but then hesitated. “Hey, you know Corey, you should really put your shirt on the right way next time.” You looked at the man beside you and sure enough, his shirt was on backwards. 
“Fuck.” He mumbled. 
“See you guys downstairs.” 
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slash-me-please · 8 months
I just wanna ask, if your requests are still open! Can you do a Corey Cunningham x female!reader? Where the reader had a bad day, coming home to Corey crying then he helps by fucking her stupid. <3
The feminine urge to insert a daddy kink into this was strong but i held out. (Also I got my own place today, currently have an empty apartment w no furniture yippee) But anywayssss I LOVE COREY hes so quiet and baby. Also i left an opening for maybe a p2??? Maybe I can tie a request into it? I have another Corey request so i was thinking about it.
anyways heres some smut.
Warnings: Smut, needy!reader, overstimulation, dumbification, dirty talk, me not picking a pov,
Bronze keys jingled in your hand as you yanked at your shabby, wooden door. Today had been hell, and now you couldn't get your door open. You pressed forwards with a grunt, jiggling your key into the hole- only for it to break off. You looked down at the broken key fob, lips in a thin line before you felt tears drop down your face. It had been a long day and that was the breaking point for you, but it didn't take long for Corey to open the front door and look at you confused.
"What happened Y/N?" But that made your tears come harder, your arms coming to close yourself in. Corey's eyebrows pressed tight together, though not before his arms were wrapped around you. "Did someone do this to you?" He questioned, you shook your head no, hands coming up to feel up his back.
Corey was still in his work uniform, covered in grease and dirt, he was a hardworking man. The two of you had pretty much the same work schedule, so he had probably just gotten home when you arrived behind him. You tugged at his coveralls, sniffling. "I just had a rough day at work... I slipped and hit my head, but I still had to work all swollen and it hurt." You whined, burying your face into his shoulder. "And then I messed up an entire document and I had to list sales and inventory again," He held you closer, hand reaching to push your hair back and examine the bright purple bruise on your forehead. He winces and gives you a kiss. "That looks painful." He states. You nod.
Then he pulls back, a small smile on his face when you whine. "Do you want me to make you some food?" He asks, eyes narrowing when you begin to unzip his coveralls instead. "No... Can you just make me feel better?"
And that's how you ended up in bed, he had you completely naked and bent into a mating press, while he himself only unzipped his coveralls to take his cock out. Corey was bent over you, this had to have been the fourth time you came. Your eyes rolled back and you cried, mumbling something to yourself as he thrusted into your wet sex. Corey peppered kisses along your jaw, though you were already covered in love bites.
"Did my baby have a bad day?" You squeeze your eyes shut, gasping when he thrusted faster. "Do you need me... to make it better?" He grunts and your heat squeezes him this time, back arching as you give him a cry. You try to give him an answer, but it seems you cannot when it releases as a weak whine of his name. "Such a good girl, is this what makes you happy?" His chest rumbles and his eyes almost look black. "All you need is my cock deep inside of you to make you quit your crying? Couldn't even wait till I showered?"
Your legs shake against his hands, pussy taking him with a squelch as he pummels against you. Your chest feels light and airy when he speaks to you- and you cannot count the butterflies in your stomach. You lean back a little, fingers grabbing onto your sheets when it becomes too much to handle. Corey taunts you in a lovely way, hips still moving against yours when he drops your left leg to wrap that hand around your throat. He feels darker now, chest purring with an incoming release.
Your mouth falls open and a silent whine bubbles from your throat as you push at his hips to get him away from your overstimulated sex. Corey is panting when he leans forward, hitting deeper and smiling when you moan loudly and push harder against his pelvis. "Please.." You cry repeatedly, unsure of what you're begging for as he pushes into you. "C'mon Y/N, can't even take what you asked for? I didn't think you were that stupid, baby. Don't even know your own limits?" His hand pressed deeper against your throat and your vision began to prickle with darkness, and one of your hands followed his. Your fingers wrapped around his wrist as you cried, other still pulling at the sheets.
"You're close?" He gasps, and you suck him deeper inside of you- weakly pushing against his biceps. He watches you nod, tears at the corners of your eyes and cheeks bright. "Then cum, pretty girl." You finally reach your end with these words, wincing and digging manicured nails into his shoulder when he shudders and curls over your orgasming form- just to fill you up. His groans rattle though your chest and you think you feel yourself floating.
His chest drops against yours, sweat against sweat as you feel yourself being lulled into a deep sleep. "Love you," You make sure to mumble into his ear before rolling into his chest to end the night. His fingers brush through your hair, head empty as he stares at the ceiling. He's thinking for a while, but your phone buzzing captures his attention. Corey decides to pick it up off the phone stand, and give it a look incase it's a parent.
Officer Mulaney (Boss): All of your documents are done improperly, when you arrive in the morning you'll redo them and I have some more for you. I would like them finished before the end of the day. I know you hit your head but it was off-site so I didn't bother to report it. We considered your request for time off and it cannot be completed at this time, your health issues are your concerns.
He feels that same darkness that Michael once taught him returning.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Rock Bottom, Part 3: You don't wanna do that
4k l Corey x Reader is primary but both smut scenes involve something to do with Michael
Summary: Cleaning up Michael's mess leads to Corey staying over with the female deputy and possibly risking it all.
Rock Bottom Index - All Chapters
Warnings: EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT, NSFW, 18+ , IT'S DEPRAVED! Dubious consent; Violence (aftermath)
Tumblr media
Notes: The first smut scene is on the nastier side for sure, but it kind of wrote itself. If you like the fic, you can reblog here or interact on AO3 (don't have to log in) to keep this story a priority. Thank you for reading!
Michael is larger-than-life, and the rumors about him are dark: Violent, incestual obsession.  Cannibalism.  Any of it could be true and shock no one.  But somehow, Corey is surprised that Michael Audrey Myers absolutely railed someone in front of him.  The way he fucked her was human.  His strength was reptilian.  Maybe it’s the fact that Michael left her alive - left them both alive. 
Corey doesn’t bother trying to catch up with Michael.  He stays on the ground, his temple resting against the window, his breath fogging the glass.  Exhausted.  There’s a dead guy in there. He wonders if the female deputy Michael fucked will call it into the Sheriff's Office.
Inside the house, she stirs on the floor. Her eyes meet the window and she does a double-take. She doesn't look scared this time - he's not wearing a mask.   She holds Corey’s gaze, then pulls her unbuttoned shirt together, crosses her arms, and shrugs: what are you looking at?   Something tells him she isn’t going to call for help.
Corey can't pass up the opportunity to take it all in.   He walks around the side of the house and enters through the carport. He's heard about these scenes on the news like everyone else, but seeing it right in front of him is something different entirely. 
The house smells like cigarettes with notes of metal and balsamic. The smoke from the smashed TV has settled into a light haze. Flies buzz in the kitchen.   There's a dark, set-in stain on the linoleum from some other time - their struggle the night before?
The body is face down on the carpet, sparing them a grisly view of his sliced-open neck, but a significant pool of blood has spread around him, its edges continuing to creep. A few flies have migrated this way, but they’re not swarming yet.
“You’re different," she croaks. Her hair is wild. 
“I’m not Michael,” he announces.  He cautiously approaches the hall and leans against the wall opposite her.  
“No shit,” she says, sizing him up.  “No offense.  No, I meant I remember you, Cunningham."
"You’re like him now.  What happened to you?”  She wheezes.  No man-eater vibe at the moment – she seems utterly spent. "Looks like life was rougher on the outside ."  Corey had barely spent any time in jail, and it was years ago. But aside from being penetrated by evil, he had really thrown himself into lifting weights since the accident.  He was already built, but now his frame was bordering on hulkish for his height. 
"Why aren't you calling the cops?" Corey demands before he'll say anything else.  His voice is deep and gravely.  
 "I could ask you the same thing.” 
“Fair enough.”  Corey pushes his butt into the hall wall and imagines what it must have felt like for her, pinned by Michael's shaft.  He gently scoots the fallen picture frame aside with his boot.  It's an old family portrait. He looks up at the other frames. Some are too faded to make out.  The ones that have held up look nothing like anyone he's seen in the house so far.  He slides down the wall and takes a seat, leaving one knee up.
She nods toward the dead body in the living room and says, “This genius was out of the slammer for two days and couldn’t keep his nose clean.”  This was not the answer Corey expected. Whether the guy deserved it or not, she was sitting in a crime scene. Most people would be freaking out. He wondered if she was afraid or in shock.  
"Aren’t you hurt though?" He prods, secretly hoping she'll go into details about what it feels like being impaled by Michael's rod.  
With a far away stare, she starts to fasten the buttons that remain on her shirt.  
“Why did he let you live?” Corey asks.  
“Why do you think?” she says. She lifts her butt off the ground and Corey catches a glimpse of two shiny inner thighs and a pink seam between them as she tugs her skirt back into place.  
“I mean – was that – did you let him?” 
She sighs.  "He can't help it.”
“What does that mean?” 
She scoffs.  “God, I mean."  She searches for words.  Corey waits, knowing she doesn't owe him an answer.  She shakes her head.  "It means you should see the size of his cock."  He’s speechless.  Something stirs in his jumpsuit. He looks at her skirt, then away.  His face is hot.
“You want to, don’t you?” For the first time, she smiles a little.     
Corey turns red and almost starts to protest, then realizes there’s no air of judgment in her words. She might even have meant he wants to fuck her, which he does.  He wants to insert himself into the scene, the experience.  He wants to be everywhere Michael was.  He wants the sheath of Michael's sword around his own.   
"Why did he let you live? I’m sure you’re not the first kid to start following him around.”  She yawns.  
“Really?”  Corey asks.  
She starts to stand, wincing in pain.  “Help me clean up this mess and I’ll tell you whatever you wanna know.” 
 “It’s a crime scene.  You’re really not gonna call it in?” Corey wants to be sure before he gets his fingerprints all over everything.  
“Really.  The bleach is in there.”  She points behind her to the pantry. 
Corey sighs and opens the pantry.  Duct tape, rope, lye, gloves, salt, tarps.  “No bleach.” 
“Damnit.” She grabs a pair of keys off the wall, and tosses them underhand. “Ben’s Hardware. They don’t ask any questions.”  
Corey glances at the floor to avoid stepping on the picture frame, and he sees her tattered underwear lying there.  Michael’s trail of destruction.  His cock thickens, thinking about Michael fucking her. He looks up at her, and his eyes darken..  
She returns his gaze and approaches slowly, step by step, until her body is against his. His breath quickens.   When Corey looks at her, he sees another survivor.  A chosen one.  Someone who knows what it’s like to have Michael’s hand around their throat then walk away. Changed. 
Corey swallows and doesn’t move.  He realizes out loud, "that wasn't the first time." 
"No."  She backs up against the pantry door, closing it with her ass as she grabs his jumpsuit with both hands, pulling him against her.  His hand goes to her neck as hers explore his muscles.  Her neck is so delicate, so soft, it’s a wonder Michael didn’t snap it in half.  
Corey breathes heavily and pushes his clothed hardness against her skirt dutifully, needily. "How did you meet?" 
She hikes it up. "Smith's Grove. Pre-transfer surveillance."  She inhales through her nose then closes her eyes as she grinds herself into the bulge in his jumpsuit.  He forgets to breathe.  She curls one of her legs behind him, hugging his ass with her calf.  She nestles her heel below his crack to beg his hardness even closer.  His balls ache pleasantly.
Corey shudders, imagining her heel is Michael behind him.  Corey doesn’t know what it feels like  to be entered, invaded, forcefully taken.  He’s wanted to find out since the moment Michael grabbed his throat.  His arousal grows.  She brings her hands to Corey’s curls and caresses them affectionately before yanking his head downward. 
He resists, not wanting to give up the sensation of her body against his, then slowly begins crouching down, lowering his head first, leaving his butt against the door.  Corey wants to know every sensation she felt as Michael fucked her. He wants to absorb it transitively.  He lightly drags his fingertips over her skin.  
He breathes heavily into her chest.  She undoes the remains of her button-up shirt and shrugs it off.  His rough hands run over her supple skin.  It feels like a warm peach.  He palms her hard nipples as he slowly drops to his knees at her urging. 
She swings a knee over his shoulder and pulls his curly head in between her legs, pleadingly.  Corey takes her ass in his hands and starts with light, hesitant kisses above her seam.  He aches with want.  He tugs at the zipper of his jumpsuit.  It’s stuck.  
“Please,” he breathes, palming himself hard and slow with his wrist, like he’s trying to get a knot out of a muscle.    She enters herself with a finger, then brings her slickened digits to her hidden pearl. “Come on, Corey,” she breathes, giving herself a rub then putting her hand back at the crown of his head, making his curls sticky.  
Corey's eye is drawn to the sheen of a translucent river on her skin.  He runs his fingers over it.  It’s crusty at the edges.  Michael’s cum is just now drying.  Corey kisses the milky trail feverishly, tonguing it as he recalls Michael’s final thrusts, every muscle of that hulking back moving gracefully under blue fabric like a beautiful machine.    
With his face between her legs, Corey flares his nostrils and inhales until his chest can't physically hold any more air.  He can smell the tinge of Michael’s load.  He aggressively noses her most sensitive place as he breathes it in.  He plants a wet kiss on her petals, then on her pearl.   She breathes heavily and massages his scalp with her short nails as he begins to work his tongue. 
His large fingers dig into the flesh of her buttocks.  She bucks her hips with both hands in his curls.  She whines and her beautiful face contorts.  Corey’s hardness throbs, and pre-cum seeps from his cock head.  He's thirsty, parched, desperate for Michael’s seed. 
He brings his tongue to the moist little hole where Michael emptied himself.  He flattens his tongue and laps at her, at Michael, with all his strength.  Then his tongue sharpens and plunges inside her. Her breath accelerates. He keeps one hand on her ass and unzips his jumpsuit with the other, thrusting his tongue, lapping her entrance up and down. He savors every salty drop.  “Don’t stop,” she says, and he doesn’t until he’s desperate for his own release. 
He comes up for air, replacing his face with his hand.   He flattens several expansive digits against her.  They dwarf her folds.  He rubs her the way she rubbed herself.  Then, he plunges a thick, meaty finger into her and swirls it around, desperately raking her walls for more of Michael. 
He watches her breasts bounce as she bucks her hips against his large hand.  He feels her thighs quiver against his chest and shoulder. The air is cold against the slick on his face.
The sight and smell of froth on his hand shoots pleasure through his body.   He slickens his cock, then his mouth returns between her legs. Corey chokes his cock like Michael choked him.  He devours her, and him. He laps up any trace of Michael and swallows, dying to have Michael inside him by any means.  The seed of a god.  She pulls his hair and moans. Her voice is small.
Corey puts his hands on her hips and tries to gently nudge her downward, hoping she’ll ride him to climax, but she won’t.  He can’t blame her – she’s probably sore.  
He works her clit with his nose as he hungrily laps her entrance.  She gasps and moans and cries. She rolls her hips as she comes.  She contracts and pulsates.  Again,  again,  again.  He feels it through his nose and gives her special place one last kiss. She lets her head fall back and catches her breath.  
Corey tears his jumpsuit open. She dismounts his shoulder.  He pumps himself just a few times before he erupts all over himself, her legs, and the floor.   She holds his shiny chin in her hand and looks down at him apologetically. "Careful. He doesn't share,"  she says.  
"What?” Corey’s heart skips a beat.
"Um.  Just make sure we clean that up."  She pulls her skirt back into place, then urges Corey up by his hair.  “If you’re not back in an hour I’ll make the call.”  She lets him go with a shove, 
Corey goes to the hardware store, and it's true, no questions are asked.  It’s a new store, and there’s not another shopper in sight.  He finds the bleach at the back of the store and can’t help but notice the end of each aisle seems suspect.  The contents are similar to the pantry -  ropes and chains, tarps, duct tape.  There isn’t a murder aisle per se, but the way the store is organized sure is convenient. 
Back at the house, the lady deputy has showered and changed into ripped jeans and a white tank.  She’s sweeping up the glass from the busted TV.  The body is still face down on the carpet.  They roll the body onto a tarp in the kitchen while they clean the living room. 
Corey takes his jumpsuit off before opening the first of several gallons of bleach.  He doesn’t need Ronald asking any questions about a bleach-spotted uniform, especially since Joan still does Corey’s laundry.  The deputy puts the uniform in the wash while they clean up.  Now he's practically captive unless he wants to walk out of here soaking wet or half naked.
He's left with a tight blue undershirt and gray boxer briefs. His sleeves hug him tight as his biceps flex to scrub the floor.   Below his boxer briefs, his thighs fade from white to tan as they bulge with muscle, peppered with fine, chestnut hair.  He asks her questions as they scrub.   Is he a cannibal? Does he come here a lot? Does he live in the sewer? What was it like the first time? Does the kill turn him on? 
She pauses, sighs, then sits back on her knees. Corey does too.  She takes a ripped latex glove off and puts her bare, soft hand on Corey's face.  “Michael’s not gonna fuck you, baby,” she says. "He loves pussy." 
She pulls on a new glove and starts scrubbing again, letting him collect himself.  Corey's lips part, but he doesn’t respond.  Her words sting for a moment, but they shouldn't: She can't possibly know for sure that Michael only loves pussy.  
Corey may not look big compared to Michael, but no one does.  Corey is built and has a nice shape.  His shoulders are broad, his pecs are strong, and his solid torso narrows slightly before broadening again to his powerful thighs.   He catches her staring multiple times while they’re both on all fours scrubbing.  She’s not trying to hide it. Corey can’t help but watch her, too.  
Navy blotches of sweat consume the blue of Corey’s tee until he peels it off.  One side of his boxers looks rusty with diluted blood.  They strip the body and wrap it in a tarp and duct tape.  Corey dresses himself in the guy's clothes for a minute to haul the body to the bed of the truck in the carport.  The broken TV and lampshade follow.
When he comes back inside, he can't get the clothes off soon enough, even though his sweat is cold and the air is chilly.  Corey feels dirtier from wearing the dead guy's seedy, woman-beating clothes than he does from anything else.  He feels dirtier than he did in the sewer.  She seems to read his mind.  "There's water, but it's not hot." 
There's a bathroom attached to a bedroom with a full bed, low to the ground.  In the shower, the icy water shrinks him and grounds him.  With blood rushing back to his brain, he thinks more about the practical side of getting close to Michael. 
He still thinks bringing Michael his prey is the best bet.  She said he doesn't share.  Corey wonders if Michael trusts him not to do anything to her, or doesn't mind killing him if he does.  Hopefully sucking Michael's cum out of her didn't count.   Unless it gets Michael's hand around his throat again, on second thought.  
He turns off the water.  She pops in to hand him a towel.  He wraps it around his waist and exits into the bedroom.  There’s a small shelf with a TV and VCR.  The TV has an old-school antenna.  The shelf has a small VHS collection. 
Corey sits on the edge of the bed and goes through the tapes: Black Christmas, Scream, Hellraiser.  The Blair Witch Project is on the bed.  He picks it up from the mattress and lies back against the wall to read the cover.  He’s exhausted.  He never intended to stay this long.  It's inertia at this point.  And lack of clothes.
The doorbell rings, and Corey's heart goes to his throat. An adolescent voice asks, "Blair?" It's pizza. She ordered pizza with a dead body in the carport.   At least she used a fake name.  He looks at the VHS box and smiles.  He listens as she flirts with the pizza boy, then the door slams.  Corey shakes his head and laughs silently.  She sure knows how to entertain herself.  He's starving.   
She brings a meat-lovers pizza to the bedroom along with clean-ish clothes: a white tee and her own pajama pants.  The pants are small but stretchy and soft. The shirt is too tight and not stretchy, but he's too cold not to wear it.  His curls are still wet.  They eat on the bed and turn on the Blair Witch Project.  He should really get going soon, but when he thinks about Joan fussing over him, it's an easy decision to stay awhile longer.  
The small shirt exposes the bottom of his solid torso, and the PJs give him a prominent bulge, even soft. Corey feels exposed, but at the same time, the soft pants feel great as they hug his ass and cradle his junk. 
The two of them huddle under an old crocheted blanket.  They start off side by side, then she puts her leg over his, and her head in the crook of his strong arm.  A while later, he turns away from the movie to face her, with his head resting in one hand.  His other hand strokes her midriff, making her look small. "Do you think he'll kill me?"
"Your hands are cold," she responds.  She wraps her arms around herself.  "He hasn't killed you yet."  She sits up and takes off her jeans. 
"Do you want these back?" He looks down at his pants. 
"Nah, they look good on you. Just keep me warm." She smiles.  When she gets back in the blanket, she lies in front of him so they're both facing the TV.   She pulls the blanket tighter.   Her hair smells clean. She settles into his body.  He inhales her hair and relaxes.  His hand drifts into her panties, and he presses the hardness of his pants into her.  
"You don't wanna do that," she says.  
"But I do," he whispers huskily.  She sighs softly, but remains resolute.  He gives up on getting into her pants and wraps his arms around her tighter.  The curves of her body will keep arousing him, but he's already come twice today and taken a cold shower.  He'll survive.  
Corey hasn't thought about Allyson for hours until now.  He feels amazing with Allyson because it's the first time he let his guard down in so long.  Allyson is pretty, she's funny, and she seems to really like him.  But she's not on the same wavelength. He's not even sure she's living in the same dimension, or if there's a way to bring her over.    He feels understood by the deputy. With her, he feels close to Michael.  Michael doesn't share, he thinks .
He drifts off pretending Michael is a third spoon behind him.  
The VHS ends with a click and the TV turns to static.  There's no light from outside.  Corey dreams he's in Michael's lair.  Michael hugs him tight from behind, then puts him in a sleeper hold. Corey wakes up horny and gasping for air.  
His bedmate is roused by the gasping, grinds her ass into him, and sighs in her sleep as she settles again.  She must be cold.  Corey grinds into her and pre-cum begins to wet the pajama pants. The pants are so tight.  He reaches down and frees himself. The waistband under his ballsack urges him into her.  
He nestles his wood between her thighs in a warm nook that feels made for him.  It's so cozy. She grinds her ass back and he feels her folds moisten against his cock.  He gently slides against her, barely moving at first, back and forth with small  pulses.
He doesn't enter her, yet. He slides his cock along her seam until he passes her  clit and feels the cold air on the other end, then pulls back and does it again.   She grinds back more, and her relaxed hand sleepily comes down to his cockhead.  His cock is hastened by her slickness. 
He breathes heavily, fucking the sleeve formed by her thighs and seam.  The tunnel barely accommodates his girth. She moans in her sleep.  Her hand stays in front of her.  Her slick fingers graze the head of his cock every time he reaches the wall of her hand.  Soon her fingers are pressing back each time.  His eyelids grow heavy.
He thrusts gently again and again into her thigh gap.  The head of his cock hits her fingers and they press back harder this time.  They curl.  They nudge him in line with her entrance.  The next time he thrusts, he's sheathed by a much tighter, warmer, wetter sleeve. His breath hitches and his chest fills with butterflies.  
She moans softly, tilting her hips and pushing back with her ass.  He tries to stay still and briefly considers pulling out. Her ass pushes back again, then again, and again in a slow rhythm. She fucks herself on his cock.  
Corey tries not to move, but he can't resist.  He's already inside her.  He wraps his top arm around her for leverage, cups her breast, and thrusts his full length into her pussy, his girth spreading her folds.   He plunges into her deeper, his entire shaft engulfed by her warmth.  He presses his mouth to her hair and tries not to make a sound. Her hair smells like mint.  
He slides himself into her even harder.  She's so hot and wet.  It feels unbearably good.  Better than he's ever felt inside anyone.  He bites his lip, trying not to vocalize.  Her walls clench around him.  She moans and breathes, "Michael ." 
The sound of his name is too much.  Corey's balls tighten, his ass clenches, he gasps, and his cock erupts.   He repeats  "Michael," deep and soft, as his load pumps into her.  It’s a surprising amount of cum, given his recent relief.
He stays inside her, breathing, falling back asleep. He feels safe.  As he dozes off and shrinks out of her, she stirs.  Her hand comes to her seam and hits his cock.  She jolts awake and flips over. "Corey! What the fuck?" The fog clears from his head and a sense of shame and dread sets in. 
"You should really go, she says," as she gets up.  The backs of her thighs shine with their combined juices.  She pulls her jeans over her perfect ass but doesn't button them.  She stomps down the hall, fetches Corey's jumpsuit, and shoves it into his chest as he stands there, stunned. 
"I'm sorry, really - I thought you wa-"
"I want you alive, you idiot." 
"You do?" This shouldn't flatter him, but it does.  If he were her – that is, if Michael owned him - he can't imagine caring about anyone else.  
They stand in the hall and look at each other. Corey's heart is racing.  She softens her gaze, steps closer, and plays with a ringlet of his hair.  Her eyes are sad.  Corey breaks the silence, "How will he know?" He feels like he knows the answer -  Michael is an apex predator.  
"Following him around like a puppy isn't going to help.” Her face looks pained.  “Stay away from him, Corey."  He opens the front door.  Dawn is breaking.  She puts her hand on his to stop him.  She searches his eyes and seems to sense his plans.  “Hey, seriously.  Don’t do anything stupid.” 
He stops and turns around.  He presses his nose and lips into her hair and inhales, then tilts her chin upward.  He gives her a long, hard kiss, breathing in through his nose.  His lips release hers and she brings her hand to her mouth, her eyes darting around outside. 
He closes the door behind him, undeterred.
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ihatethis1234 · 1 year
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝐺𝑒𝑡 𝑇𝑜 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑀𝑒♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
You can call me kai, vex or vexian, Kurt my pronouns are he/him, I'm a trans gay guy, my favorite song is in-a-gadda-da-vida by Iron Butterfly my favorite animal is a raccoons I'm a fan of ghost, rammenstien, queen, pink Floyd, the beatles, rob Zombie, alice cooper, misfits, bon jovi, mindless self indulgence, insane clown posse, and system of a down.
My favorite movies include, black christmas, Halloween, friday the 13th, house of a thousand corpses, scream, the boy, and Texas chainsaw massacre 1 and 2.
I am local to the Ohio area so my time zone is est/ eastern Standard time.
My favorite characters are choptop Sawyer, Bubba Sawyer, nubbins sawyer, micheal myers, Jason Voorhees, Billy lenz, Billy Loomis, and brahms heelshire.
My Spotify is 𝓥𝓮𝔁𝓲𝓪𝓷 you can copy it and search it in Spotify
I'm a Satanist
I am learning to speak german
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑠𝑡♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
Alejandro -Cod
Argyle - Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove -Stranger Things
Billy Lenz -Black Christmas
Billy Loomis -Scream
Bo Sinclair - house of wax
Brahms Heelshire -The Boy
Bubba sawyer-Texas chainsaw massacre
Captain Spaulding-House Of A Thousand Corpses
ChopTop Sawyer-Texas chainsaw massacre 2
Corey Cunningham-Halloween Ends
Drayton Sawyer -Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Gaz -Cod
Geralt - The Witcher
Ghost - Cod
Harry Warden - My Bloody Valentine
Jack in the box mascot - it obvious where he's from.
Jareth The Goblin King - Labyrinth
Jason Voorhees -Friday The 13Th
Jhon Price -Cod
könig -Cod
Lester -house of wax
Micheal Myers -Halloween
Nubbins Sawyer -Texas Chainsaw
Otis Driftwood -House Of A Thousand Corpses
Secoundo - Ghost
Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
Thomas Hewitt -Texas Chainsaw
Massacre The Beginning
Vincent Sinclair - house of wax
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝐺𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
. Smut
. Fluff
. Angst
. Comfort
. Horror
{Smut dos}
. The characters on the list above
. Slow build
. Porn with plot
. Sub reader
. Survice Sub reader
. Male reader
. Cis male reader
. Trans male reader (ftm)
{Kinks i absolutely write for}
. Blood kinks
. Bondage
. Choking
. Overstim
. Edging
. Anything rough (minus rape)
. Body worship
. Sex to music (idk what it's called)
. Foreplay
. Knife play (non traumatic)
. Gun play (non traumatic)
. Size kink
. Masochic
. Sadistic
. Crying (non forced way)
. Mutual masturbation
. Soft sex
. Soft Dom characters allowed
. After care
. No after cares allowed to
. Headcanons
{Smut mabeys}
. Forced (as long as content I'd giving at some point)
. Stalking
(unless it's a slasher that does that)
{Smut donts}
. Piss kinks
. Fences kinks
. Feet kinks
. Pedophila
. pro ships
. Charater x character
. Necrophilia
. Death kinks
. Gun play (traumatic)
. Knife play (traumatic)
. Female reader
. Dom reader
. Asking me to write with a character that isn't on the list (goes for all) unless I reply say I will once I watch the series.
. Rape
. Pet play (it makes me uncomfy)
(You can ask me if I will write for a character tho if it's not on the list)
{Fluff/ comfort dos}
. Mental break down comfort
. Cuddling
. Dysphoria comfort
. Motivational
. Nightmare comfort
. After care fic
. Soft head cannons
{Angst dos}
. Readers death (reaction)
. Character death
. Injured
. Fainted
. Arguments
(That's all I can think of rn)
{Horror fics dos}
. Slasher character
. Yandere
. Murder
. Gore
. Kidnapping
. Death
. Killer reader
. Taunting
. Stalking
. 16-30 year old reader (if the reader is 16 there will probably not be smut unless it's like stu or somthing)
. Killer couple
. Ghost reader
I will writer for NonBinary reader 𝑏𝑢𝑡 it may take longer if requested.
Under no circumstances will a write for a female reader I will write ftm but not female
Also all female allied that have a fetish for gay relationships or reader yaoi may NOT  interact with my posts you will be blocked.
(Will add new characters as I watch more movies and shows)
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sketchy-rosewitch · 1 year
Independence: Corey Cunningham x older!f!reader
Tumblr media
Warnings: Smut, fingering, PinV, age gap (10 years, Joan.
A/N: I wanted to thank @toxicanonymity for buying me a waffle! They bought the 500 word fanfic, I wrote more than that cause I got carried away but here it is!
They requested a Corey Cunningham and older female reader smut!
Requests are open you can request for free or support me and buy the 500 word fanfic or any of the two art commissions I have.
“Again?” You chuckle swiping the chocolate milk across the barcode scanner. You look up and smirk at the 22 year old looking down as he hands you cash. “Oh stop being so shy, I’m just saying maybe you should buy by the gallon next time, it’ll be a lot cheaper on you.”
You count the change and hand it back to Corey. “I know..”
You watch as his cheeks get rosy and snort. “So, you gonna come by this week and help me finish cleaning out the garage?”
“Yeah, I can come over tomorrow morning if that’s alright.”
“Perfect, I’ll make you dinner afterwards. Bye now Corey.”
“Well look at that.” You smile and take a sip of water. “Thank you so much Core, it means a bunch that you helped me. Seriously.” You watch as sweat runs down his face and his shoulders glisten.
“It really wasn’t a problem ma’am.”
You chuckle and start walking inside. “Don’t go calling me that. You make me seem older than I already am.” You joke. “You wanna take a shower? I can grab you a towel, washed the sweatshirt and sweatpants you left here the last time.”
Corey nods and heads down the hall towards the bathroom, he’d been to your place plenty of times helping you out with things to know where the bathroom was. You follow after him and grab a towel and his clothes from the closet, he takes off his tank top, you try so hard not to look as you set the items down. Your face heats up, you feel like a school girl and quickly rush out to begin dinner.
You decide on breakfast for dinner. Corey was never picky when you made things. Always told you your cooking was amazing. So he’d have to like the simple Eggs Benedict you crave.
Corey finished up his shower by the time you set the table and the plates down. His feet pad in and you get a glimpse of his broad shoulders.
“Just set your clothes in the laundry room. I’ll wash them tonight.”
You two sit and start eating. “You still like working at the mechanic’s?” You ask between bites. Corey shrugs and takes another bite of his dinner.
“I mean it’s alright. Roland is good to me and stuff but I’d rather be elsewhere. Like on my own.” Corey explains you nod.
“Yeah I get that. I was the same way when I was younger. I think you’ll move out soon. You’ll like it too. Being on your own. You’re very strong and independent Corey.”
The brunette stays quiet a few seconds to long. You furrow your brows and move your head down so you can see his face. “What’s up Core?” You ask gently.
“Would you move with me if I left?” His shoulder’s stiffen as he asks, his deep brown eyes look into yours. You look down a laugh a little in shock.
“Maybe, depends on mother dearest and whether or not she would slaughter me. Honestly Corey, I’d love to, but Joan-“
“Who cares? She wouldn’t have to know.”
You shake your head and scoff, your hand goes over top of his large one.
“She has her ways, you know this.”
“And I have mine.” Corey’s voice is almost a growl, you keep calm and smile.
“I’ll think about it, make a little plan and all that. Just so we can get you outta Haddonfield. So you can start fresh.”
You stand up and kiss Corey’s head. He looks at you, reaching his arm up his hand caresses your face. You lean down again and he proceeds to kiss you. His chapped yet soft lips, melting against your own.
He grabs your ass and you gasp, your head moving back. You playfully shake your finger at him. “Corey Cunningham!”
He chuckles and stands up, your weight meaning nothing to him as he picks you up and carries you to your bedroom.
You laugh and he playful throws you on the bed. His hands are only somewhat hesitant when he touches your waist. You kiss his freckled shoulder and move up his neck and jaw. You nip at his ear lobe and he groans softly, almost falling on top of you.
“Oh don’t let it be that easy.” You tease, he whines softly into your ear. His large hands paw at your jeans. “Go ahead.”
Corey unbuttons and slides them off, your panties going with them. He pulls down his sweats, no boxers under them. You slide out of your shirt and pull your sports bra off. His thumbs grazes your nipples a few times, you hum in enjoyment and watch as Corey is hypnotized by your breasts. “Why don’t you go ahead and suck on one Core.”
He looks up at you with sweet puppy dog eyes and nods. He licks the left one and sucks softly on it. You arch your back as he plays with the other one.
You feel his his grinding against the bed and sit up immediately. “No, you only get to do that on me or in me baby.” You coo, he nods.
Corey’s fingers caress your mound. He mumbles softly. You can’t hear him.
“Speak up.”
“Can I finger you?”
“Of course.”
Corey dips his middle finger into your hole. It already stretches you. “Shit Corey. Curl it now.” You guide. He does just that, hitting the right spot, you moan. He leans in and kisses you gently, but you go in roughly. He adds another finger, your eyes roll up, you lick Corey’s jaw and let out a breathy moan. “You’re so good. Good boy.”
Corey’s broad body shifts, you laugh and take his wrist so he pulls his fingers out. You push them to his face and he sucks your wetness off of him.
You lay back and Corey hovers above you. “Come on Corey. I wanna feel you.” You say softly. He nods and lines himself up, he takes your hips and slides in.
You squeal as his co k stretches out your hole. “Fuck.” He mumbles, he falls forward and leans on his forearm. You bite your lip for a second before you kiss him.
“You feel so nice.” You whisper. He begins thrusting his hips, starting slow then speeding up. You watch as his brows furrow in concentration. You smile and caress his face. As his pace gets rougher you begin moaning and squealing louder.
Corey grunts loudly.
“So, ah, so vocal. You’re so cute Core.” Your legs begin to shake and sweat lightly. A knot forming in your stomach.
“I’m gonna cum.” Corey’s voice is rough and low.
You nod. “Go ahead come on.”
He thrusts a few more times and he cums hard. A loud groan coming from him. He continues thrusting and your orgasm follows soon after, your vision turning all sorts of colors, your thighs push against Corey’s before you stop, panting loudly.
“You’re so good Corey. Good boy.” You mumble, you kiss his face gently all over, he leans into your touch as you hold onto him. “You need anything?” You ask, Corey shakes his head no.
“Just.. you…”
You nod, he pulls out, you feel empty, the feeling doesn’t last long, he wraps his arms around you and presses his face into your neck. You hum and play with his curly hair. It’s soft.
“You did so good for me.” You mutter. Corey nods into you and slowly falls asleep.
When Corey wakes you’re gone, he rubs his eyes and gets up, he pulls his sweats on and goes to look for you.
“He’s sleeping, I’m not waking him up, Joan. He will be home soon. He’s fine. Calm down.”
He listens as you huff.
“Let him sleep. He’s gonna come back home tomorrow. We have to finish up some things. Thank you. Bye.”
You sigh and hang up. Corey comes up and wraps his arms around you. “You’re supposed to be asleep.” You mumble, Corey kisses your shoulder.
“You were gone.”
“I know. Went to get you some water and Joan called.”
Corey nods.
“I think I’ll take you up on that moving with you offer.” You say, Corey stands up straight, his eyes reading excitement. He packs your lips a few times. “We’ll talk more tomorrow. For now we need to go back to bed.”
You take the two glasses of water and the two of you head back to your bedroom, ready to be in each other’s arms.
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dilf-fuckersblog · 2 years
rating: explicit
paring: Corey Cunningham x female!reader
description: You were gonna take a shower but your boyfriend, Corey wanted to join you as well.
title: 'Shower Sex'
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warnings, SMUT; minors dni!!, unprotected shower oral-sex, leaving marks/hickeys, and praising.
a/n: y'all deserve a small corey smut fanfic! And I'm blessing you with it < / 3
"Corey, I'm gonna take a shower. I'll be back in a minute." You said to him, he had a slight smirk on his face–-"Can I join?" Corey asked, "W-What? No! It'll be quick I promise." You stuttered out.
"Hmm, it seems like you want me to join you." He said, getting out of bed---coming over to you.
"Fine! But don't be doing any funny business.." you mumbled.
You both got undressed, but when you both got in the shower---Corey pinned you to the shower wall, grabbing one of your breasts.
"fucking- Corey!" You moaned out, "Don't you want this?" He said, with a raspy voice.
"Just- please fuck me!!" You begged, "good girl." He praised.
He lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, feeling his cock rub against your wet folds.
You moaned a bit loud, "I haven't even done anything yet, such a needy girl you are.." he teased.
He slowly pushed his cock inside of you, making you whimper—-"Fuck!! Corey!" You moaned.
When he was all in, he started thrusting slowly, then quicked the pace a bit.
You felt a knot in your stomach, feeling your orgasm crashing through. "Fuck..I'm gonna cum." You moaned out.
"Good, cum for me." He said, as he leaned forward to suck, and lick on your neck, making you moan louder..causing a hickey to appear on your neck.
As both of y'all's orgasms crashed through, it felt so good-you were seeing stars.
You both then cleaned up and got out of the bathroom, and cuddling together in bed.
Tags: @ffinalgiirl @wolvesandvampires @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @ethanhoewke @dancingisdangerouss
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streets-in-paradise · 4 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
  Note: I keep requests permanently open for the less popular fandoms I write for. Media or characters hard to find fics for get this priority because i write for some that very few people or no one else are currently writing reader inserts for. If you want to request but are unsure because it’s not for my rare fandoms, don’t be afraid of consulting anytime. I don’t update the masterlist frequently, so the request states for all the rest may differ.  
I love to answer asks, so don’t be afraid to pass by my inbox. Send me as many as you want or message me anytime :)
Complete masterlist for all my fics and request state indications per fandom.
Pending Requests: Haven’t recieved any yet
Regardless of the Dangers  - Sam Winchester x Reader 
Chucky (2021) 
Pending Requests - 1
Andy Barclay x Fem Ray!Reader where they adopt GG after they leave Tiffany the end of Season 2 
Requests for this fandom are currently open
Can’t Help Falling in Love with You - Andy Barclay x Reader (female)
A Personal Cheerleader - Andy Barclay x Reader (female) 
Best Friends Till the End - Andy Barclay x Childhood Friend!Reader (female)
Part 1 - Part 2  Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Unwilling Resemblances - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Reader 
Untill Death Tear Us Apart - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Reader, Chucky x (Fem) Reader 
Part 1 - Part 2 
Relaxing Amazement - Andy Barclay x (Fem)Reader (Requested)
Birthday Wishes - Barclay Wheeler Family AU (Requested)
The Touch of an Angel - Feral!Andy Barclay x Reader (Requested)
Child Soldiers in a Secret War . Teen!Andy Barclay x (Fem) Teen!Winchester Reader 
Ready for the Good Times - (post Child’s Play 3) Andy Barclay x (gender neutral) Reader ( Requested)
Even If I Can’t See You - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce 
Testing the Waters - Teen!Andy Barclay x (Fem) Teen Winchester!Reader 
Dulce de Leche? - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Reader 
Certified Paranoid - Barclay Wheeler Family Au ( Andy adopts the Wheelers AU) + BarclayPierce 
The Original Child - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Ray!Reader (Requested)
We´re Best Friends as Friends should be - (Cult of Chucky) Andy and Chucky centered Oneshot 
The Road so Far - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Winchester!Reader 
Waiting - Andy Barclay x Reader (Requested)
Three times they told you Andy was gone ( and the one he came back) - Andy Barclay x Reader 
Doing the Barbie - Andy Barclay x (Fem)Reader 
Their Princess - Andy Barclay x Reader (requested)
Clothing Thief - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce 
Risking It - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce 
Reality Check - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce 
Just the Two of Us - Andy Barclay x Nica Pierce
Andy Barclay x (Fem) Friend!Reader Smut 
Andy Barclay x Witch Reader Dating Headcanons
Showing Andy that you believe him ( Gender Neutral Reader) 
Being Nica’s girlfriend and trying to help her save her family - Nica Pierce x Fem Reader 
Horror Crossovers 
Child’s Play and Stranger Things 
Unlikely Friendship
Chucky, American Horror Story: Hotel and Supernatural
Part 1 - No Warnings.
Part 2 - The Good Guy. 
Note: This fic is on pause and I’m not sure if I’m going to continue it. I didn’t delete it just in case someone still wants to see it, but is most likely i’m not going to carry on. 
Mutual Promise, Cursed Prophecy - Platonical Corey Cunningham x Sister!Reader /Platonical menthor Laurie Strode x protegee Cunningham!Reader
Christmas Headcanons - Corey Cunningham x Sister Reader 
Friday 13th (2009) 
Hope - Clay Miller x Reader 
Horror Characters Preferences
- How they celebrate Christmas with you ( Includes: Chucky, The Walking Dead and Stranger Things) 
Netflix’s Daredevil 
- Matt, Foggy and Karen with an argentinian friend.
The Real Deal - Matt Murdock x Witch!Reader 
X Men
Feel Like a Star - Peter Maximoff x Mutant Reader ( Requested)
Where Are All the Gods? - Thor x Quill!Reader / Loki x Quill!Reader 
The Halls of Freya - Thor x (Fem)Vanir!Reader 
Stained - Thor x (Fem)Servant!Reader (requested)
Of Palaces, Princes and Magic - Thor x (Fem)Reader
Stranger Things
Being Dustin’s older sister, a nerdy metalhead, and becoming closer with Eddie and Steve Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Like a Witch and her Familiar - Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader 
Our Shithead  - Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader 
I’ll Wait - Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader. 
Ice Cream Man -  Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader / Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader. 
The Cheer Factor - Eddie Munson x (fem) Plus Size!Reader 
Friday the 13th - Eddie Munson x (Fem)Henderson!Reader 
Prince of Persia
Requests for this movie are permanently open
Pending Requests - 0 ( updated 08/14/2023) 
Becoming Dastan’s first wife
New Moves - Dastan x (Fem)Plus Size! Reader
Spoils of War - Dastan x (fem)Secret Assassin Servant!Reader (requested)
Nightfall Enchantress - Dastan x (Fem)Servant!Reader (requested)
A Fair Trade - Dastan x (Fem)Reader 
Lord of the Rings 
Courage - (Platonic) Eowyn x (Fem)Gondorian!Reader 
Secret Presents - (Platonic) Faramir x Sister!Reader, (Platonic) Boromir x Sister!Reader 
Work of Love - Sam Gamgee x (Fem)Hobbit!Reader 
Troy (2004) 
Requests for this movie are permanently open
Pending Requests -  1 ( updated 08/24/2023) 
- Paris x Male Reader Modern AU Horror themed
Battle Scars  - (Platonical) Hector x Sister Reader 
Our Strenght Lies in Family -  (Platonical) Paris x Sister Reader x Hector 
Imaginary Feats - Patroclus x Trojan Princess Reader 
Silent Pray  -   Part 1 - Part 2 - Chryseis and Odysseus centered movieverse retelling of the Illiad’s startpoint / oneshot spreaded in two parts. 
The Daughter of the Priest -  Part 1 -  Continuation for “ Silent Pray.” 
Fool - ( Pre War) Paris x Healer Reader 
Songs of Sailors -  Platonical (Family) relationships of the trojan royals and allusions to different romantic pairings. 
Pairings Mentioned: Helen x Paris (most mentioned), (Implied) Patroclus x Trojan Princess Reader, (Implied) Achilles x Briseis, Hector x Andromache. 
Faith or Facts - Hector x Greek Seer!Reader (Female) 
The Insolence of Beauty - Post quarrel, Agamemnon centered. 
For Honor and Love - Helen x Paris (requested) 
Into a New Life - Paris x Spartan Servant!Reader (requested) 
For a Love Like This - Paris x (fem) Warrior!Reader (requested)
Undying Legends - Achilles x Princess!Reader (requested)
Accomplices - Patroclus x GN Reader (requested)
The Last Challenger - Ajax x Fem Reader (requested) 
Borrowed Bride - Achilles x (fem) Trojan!Reader 
A Thousand Times - Paris x Fem Reader (requested)
Anonymous Hero - Hector x Fem Warrior!Reader (requested)
Personal Guard - Eudorus (Fem) Shy Reader (requested)
Third Fate - Achilles x Fiancee!Reader (requested)
Things that will grant me your love - Paris x (Fem) Reader (requested)
The Curse of Poseidon - Paris x Helen Merman AU (requested)
Concealed Fighter - Hector x Wife!Reader / Achilles x Captive!Reader 
The Veiled One - Ajax x (Fem)Reader (requested)
Our Fight - Hector x (Fem)Reader (requested)
Artists of Deception - Odysseus x Wife!Reader (requested)
Eternal Courtship - Achilles x (Fem)Captive!Reader (requested)
Matured Desire - Achilles x (Fem) Reader smut (requested)
By Duty and Chance - Hector x (Fem) Reader (requested)
His Weakness - Achilles x (Fem)Reader 
A Man of Honor - Odysseus x Trojan Princess!Reader (requested) 
From the Deepness of the Sea - Hector x Siren!Reader (requested)
The Wave’s Caress - Achilles x (Fem)Reader (requested)
-Achilles’ Type (requested)
-Achilles + Patroclus’ turnoffs/dislikes (requested)
- Reactions to your singing
- How they comfort you when the war is bringing you down 
-Their Types (Fem partner version)
Multichapter Precuel -  ( Achilles x Mycenaean Princess!Reader fic ) 
Part 1 - The Bride’s Misery 
Part 2 - Fame and Tales
Part 3 - The Veil Trick
Part 4 - To Make a Difference
Part 5 - Family Matters. 
Part 6 - A Curse, a Plot and a Rushed Farewell 
Part 7 - Invisible Influence
Part 8 - The Rejected Side
Part 9 - Consecration. 
Part 10 - Royal Treatment
Part 11 - Aligned Improvements. 
Part 12 - The Weight of Words. 
Part 13 - Occulted Relic
Part 14 - Goodbye Encounters 
Part 15 - Separations, welcomes and the story of an avoidable disaster 
Part 16 - Service to Good Judgement. 
Part 17 - Galatea and a Maenad fighting in the second front
Part 18 - The Enygm of the Horse Emblem
Part 19 - No Space for Loneliness. 
Part 20 - The Games.
Part 21 - The Man of Aphrodite 
Part 22 - Diverted Course
Part 23 - Golden Chains
Part 24 - Loving in the Shadows
Calm After the Storm - Odysseus x Reader 
Divine Beauty - Paris x Reader 
A Breath of Life - Patroclus x Gender Neutral Reader (Requested)
The Right Way - Achilles x (Fem)Reader (Requested)
American Gods 
Zeus x Vanir Demigoddess OC 
Note: This is a is a two parts story that has Sean Bean’s Zeus from the Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief movie as part of the universe of the American Gods series. 
Part 1 - Roadside Bet
Part 2 - The Greek of New York 
398 notes · View notes
dilf-fuckersblog · 2 years
rating: explicit
paring: Corey Cunningham x female!reader
description: you were spending time with Corey, watching movies until things got heated..
title: 'Heated Night'
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warnings, SMUT; dom!corey, sub!reader, fem reviving, creampie, tit play, leaving markings (like hickeys.), unprotected oral sex, slight dirty talk, reader being needy, and fluff.
You and Corey were cuddling on the couch, watching horror movies together. You hated horror movies so you were practically screaming every minute—-Corey just smirked, you then felt tears roll down your face.. digging your face into Corey's chest.
"Baby, it's okay." He said, rubbing your back. "You know I hate horror movies.." you muffled sobbed into his chest-–
"I'll turn it off, but is there anything that will take your mind off it?" He asked, you back away from his chest..getting close to his face--kissing him roughly.
Corey kissed back, even more rough.. causing you to moan in his mouth. "B..Baby.." he said, out of breath.
You tried to go down to take his pants off but he stops you by pinning you to the couch..pressing his body against yours. roughly. He removed your skirt, and panties, he put one finger inside of your pussy causing you to moan loudly.
"Corey.." you moaned, Corey started thrusting his finger in and out before putting another one in.--thrusting them in and out faster. "Fuck.." you cursed out, you were so close to cumming but he then took his fingers out, sucking them. You whined "I wanted to cum!", "I know, sweetheart..you will." "Please just fuck me!" You cried out.
"So needy." He teased, "Corey!" You begged, "Alright, alright. I'll give you what you want." Corey said, with a devilish grin.
He got up a bit so he could take his clothes off, but you–-he was already amazed by the site of you. You were half-naked, no skirt or panties just a shirt on.
You were a blushing mess, which was embarrassing to you.
Corey throws both of your legs over his shoulders, lining up at your entrance-slowly pushing himself into you, which made you whimper softly.
He starts to thrust in and out of you slowly, and grabbing one of your tits—fondling it.
You let out a small mewl, then started to moan loudly. He was fondling your breast too rough, leaving a mark on your breast.
"F-Faster, please!" You begged, Corey nodded and quicked his pace more. He leaned in and started to suck and bite on your neck, roughly leaving a very big and bruised hickey. "You're being such a good girl for me." Corey moaned out, you could only moan for an answer.
"C-Corey! I'm gonna cum!" You moaned out, he also close to cumming. "Im- g-gonna-" before you could get your words out, your orgasm took over—-and Corey cummed deep into you..making you scream his name.
He filled you up with his cum, spilling out of you.
Then, you both got cleaned up..going back to the couch, passing out while cuddling each other.
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dilf-fuckersblog · 2 years
- Angst, smut, fluff. (more will be added)
- I will write for Corey Cunningham, Daryl Dixon, Norman Reedus, Andy Lincoln, Carl Grimes (aged up to 18+!!), Rick Grimes, (Maybe) Art The Clown, Arthur Harrow, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Khonshu, Steven Grant, Bowser, Luigi, Mario. (More characters are gonna be added soon..)
- I will write for general neutral, male, and female readers.
- I will not write anything that will make me very uncomfortable.
- Will not write for r*pe, weird kinks (like piss kinks), p*dophilia, etc.
- Do NOT rush me on my works.
- Will not write for minor x adult, or minor x minor.
You all can always request something to me to write or just ask me something! If I don’t respond your ask then I might be busy :)
- Have a good day everyone! ❤︎︎
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