#conchita grande
2ndaryprotocol · 1 year
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karylvsjuanii · 28 days
holaa, podrías hacer fluff con Juani? me encanta tus fics que tengas un buen día bebé 💖
Good Days | Juani Caruso
tw: súper fluff, algo de Juani y reader angst, inseguro y triste, cursilería.
Narración latina. Diálogos Juani argentinos.
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Salí de la ducha nocturna de siempre. Me encantaba el olor que elegí hoy, rosas.
Coloque mi pijama favorito de ositos rosas con cafés, me gustaba ponérmela y pensar que esos dos éramos Juani y yo.
Justamente salí del baño para ir por unos pañuelos ya que había manchado de jabón en la pared.
Yo podría jurar con todo lo que amo y aprecio en este mundo que ver a Juani acostado recién bañadito era lo mejor que le podía pasar a mi sentido de observación.
Estaba con los ojos cerrados y solo se podía apreciar la mitad de su rostro alumbrado por la lámpara a un lado de él. Podía ver desde aquí su posición cómoda, con las piernas dobladas y pegadas a su abdomen, haciéndose “conchita” debajo de las mantas y sus manos aferradas a esta.
Mi corazón empezó a latir fuerte al verlo así, estoy más que enamorada de él.
Quite la vista en cuanto abrió sus ojos y captó mi atención hacia él.
Caminé al baño para evitar la vergüenza que paso en estos momentos.
Dejé la puerta abierta y me senté en el tocador de mi baño, frente al espejo, tomé mi cepillo y mi cabello para fundirlos en un intento de desenredarlo. Debo ser sincera, siempre tardo demasiado haciendo esto, mi cabello es largo y me gusta ser cuidadosa con el en este paso.
“Puedo pasar?” Juani recuesta su peso en la puerta de mi baño, cruzándose de brazos y mirándome con una sonrisa brillante, haciéndome soltar una sonrisa cuando lo veo entrecerrando sus ojitos por la luz del baño.
“Todavía me falta, Juani.” Supuse que querría usar el baño ocupado por mi.
“No, puedo hacerlo yo?” Se acerca lentamente a mi sin dejar de verme para posicionarse detrás de mi. Seguido con mi mirada a través del espejo.
“Hacer qué?” Juani toma mi mano con el cepillo aún y lo despega de mis manos, acomoda mi cabello hacia atrás con una delicadeza hermosa y empieza a cepillarlo.
El baño quedó en completo silencio, eran solo nuestras respiraciones adueñandose de este.
Apostaría que de mis ojos están apunto de desprender corazones rojos enormes, causados por la imagen que veía en mi espejo iluminado.
Juani cepillaba mechón por mechón con paciencia y una sonrisa plasmada en su cara, aunque sus manos fueran realmente grandes, sus toques siempre fueron suaves y tiernos.
A medida de que avanzaba el cepillo bajaba con más fluidez y mi corazón con más rapidez.
Juani se giró y acercó sus manos a lo que parecía ser una crema, pero al regresar a mi fue rodeado con mis brazos y mi cabeza apoyándose en su pecho, evitando sus movimientos.
“Te ves tan hermosa, me encantas” Vuelve a acariciar mi cabello largo, pasando sus dedos para alejarlo de mi rostro.
“Te amo.” Dije, sintiendo a Juani detener sus movimientos.
Juani y yo llevábamos exactamente 1 año y dos meses conociéndonos, nos conocimos en argentina cuando yo pase vacaciones allí.
Me pidió que aceptara ser su novia hace dos meses, precisamente el día que cumplimos un año de conocernos, viajó a México para pedírmelo. Fue tan atento y tierno como siempre. Eso es lo que más me enamoró de él, seguro.
Y hoy día, era el primer “te amo” que le decía, ambos sabemos que nos amamos ya que nos lo habíamos dicho a través de canciones que nos dedicábamos, cartas, notitas, uno que otro mensaje, ya sabes, el típico “tamoo” o “lov u.”
Pero nunca había salido de la boca de alguno.
“Decimelo de nuevo.” No podría describir la expresión de Juani en este momento, parecía una mezcla de todas. Asustado, feliz, triste, enamorado, nervioso.
“Que te amo, Juan” Sus brazos me rodearon completa y con una facilidad logró cargarme y llevarme hasta la cama, apoyando mi espalda en el respaldo de nuestro colchón.
“Decime ya que esto es un sueño” Tomó mis manos cuando estaba ya encima de mis piernas, claramente sin dejar todo su peso caer en mi.
Sus rodillas estaban apoyadas de lado a lado, dejando a mis piernas en medio de las suyas.
“Que no lo es, Juani, te amo mucho”
Mi rostro fue aferrado por sus manos y bañado de besos suyos, cubriéndome por completo con la sensación de sus labios.
“Basta, amor, bésame” Rodeé mis brazos en su cuello con el intento de pegarlo más a mi.
Sus labios azotaron los míos, y se sentía todo diferente, no era como ese beso alterado y desesperado por sentir algo. Nuestro beso era buscando expresarnos todo ese amor que sentíamos por los dos, ese cariño y pasión que acumulaba en todo nuestro ser. Y estaba funcionando, no había otra manera de que alguien me pudiera hacer sentir así, tendrías que ser Juani para provocarme todos estos sentimientos que vienen desde el fondo de mi corazón.
Explosiones y terremotos de amor me venían cuando él me daba sus besos, pero la manera en la que me estaba besando ahora, me hacía sentir protegida y sin miedo a nada. Sus manos nunca propasaron mi cuerpo, tocaba suavemente mis mejillas y cabello, jugaba con este y sus dedos bajaban a mi cuello poniéndome nerviosa, agregándome los pelos de punta cuando lo sentía acercarse lo más que podía.
Mis labios se acostumbraron a Juani en tan poco tiempo, haciéndome dar cuenta que eso era lo que me faltaba, su amor, su toque, sus besos.
¿Alguna vez te has sentido reconfortado por el delicioso aroma del pan recién horneado?, pues, así se sentía estar en los brazos de Juani. Se sentía como ese sábado frío por la mañana en la casa de tu abuela, impregnada de un olor a pan y chocolate caliente. Se sentía como la brisa de la noche cuando te dirigías a la cena después de un día de playa. Como la sensación acogedora cuando te pones esa sudadera que solo tu entiendes cómo te hace sentir.
Juani me hace sentir como la niña más afortunada del planeta.
Mis emociones crecían más, hasta que sentí a sus labios abandonando los míos.
“Tengo miedo, amor.” Dice después de juntar su frente con la mía.
“Qué? qué pasa?” Intento despegar mi frente de la suya para verlo a los ojos, pero el me lo impide.
“De no ser suficiente para vos”
Sabía que Juani tenía problemas de autoestima y no le era fácil aceptarse a si mismo, todo por cosas del pasado y aún más por la fama que estaba recibiendo y los comentarios negativos de la gente, las cosas se juntaban causándole días abrumadores y desesperantes.
Siempre me tenía a mí y el lo sabe, pero nunca me dijo que se sentía de esa forma.
Sentí que había hecho algo mal, pues, creía siempre demostrar mi amor hacia él de todas maneras y que me dijera eso me hacía dudar si estaba haciendo algo mal con él.
“De qué hablas, Juan?” Hice una pausa alejando mi frente de él para tomarlo del mentón y atrapar su cara sosteniéndola con mis manos.
“Mira, amor, quiero que sepas que para mí, eres más que suficiente en todos los sentidos. Entiendo que a veces puedas sentirte inseguro, pero quiero que sepas que en mis ojos, eres perfecto tal como eres. Tu amor, tu atención, tu personalidad, son lo que me enamoraron de ti desde el principio, y nada ni nadie puede cambiar eso.”
Hago una pausa para tomarlo de las muñecas y hacer que su mirada se dirija a mi, quería decírselo mirándolo a los ojos.
“Juani, no necesitas ser nada más que tú mismo, porque en tus abrazos y besos encuentro todo lo que necesito.
Te amo más de lo que las palabras pueden expresar, y siempre estaré aquí para apoyarte, amarte y recordarte lo increíble que eres.”
Noté los ojos llorosos de Juani rogando por derramar una lágrima. Jale sus brazos hacia mí y lo abracé con todo mi amor. Mi corazón se partió al escuchar sollozos de su parte.
Juani se apartó de mi y me vio a los ojos con lo que parecía ser un intento de sonrisa.
“amor, gracias, de verdad, gracias por tus palabras y por ser vos, sos la niña más bonita y preciosa que mis ojos han visto. No puedo evitar querer llenarte de besos cada vez que me hacés sentir así.”
Sus dedos frotan mi cabello dejándolo caer sobre mis hombros y pecho, mostrando nerviosismo. Y no me sorprende, Juani nunca ha sido de expresarse mediante palabras, cosa que me gusta, para él son más importantes las acciones. Así que, scucharlo decirme esas palabras provocan un revoltijo en mi vientre, el mismo que sentí cuando nos dimos el primer beso, cuando me pidió ser su novia, cuando dormimos juntos por primera vez.
“Tu eres el niño más bonito que he visto” Recibo un beso tierno, sintiendo aún cómo no deja quieto mi cabello.
“Me haces sentir completo” Juani deja escapar esa frase entre besos.
Provocándome de nuevo, miles de mariposas en mi estomago.
Cansándose de la posición, se aleja de mi para acostarse a mi lado y jalarme hacia él. Con sus manos, cubre mi cuerpo con las cobijas blancas, enrollando sus piernas con las mías y pasando su mano por mi cintura sin dejar de verme.
Ojalá así se sintiera el cielo, estar en los brazos del niño más precioso, mirándome como si fuese su escena favorita, permitiendo que aprecie aún más sus azules ojos escaneando mi rostro.
Vuelve a acercar sus labios a los míos, uniéndolos en un beso largo lleno de amor, su mano recorriendo mi cintura y pasando de vez en cuando a una caricia en mi espalda, suave y sin prisa, devolviéndole la sensación en sus brazos, tocados por mi.
Juani manejaba mis labios con tranquilidad, a su gusto, convirtiéndolos en uno solo.
Recibiendo una sonrisa de mi parte por sentir a sus rulos caer por mi frente, levemente desplazándose junto al movimiento de su rostro para besarme más.
Juega con mi labio inferior, besándolo y rozándolo con sus labios.
Poco a poco despega los suyos de mi para regresar y dar tiernos besos pequeños.
Suelto una risa y abro los ojos para encontrarme con los suyos y a su bonita sonrisa transmitiéndome calidez y cariño.
Su mano aleja el fleco de mi cabello que intenta cubrir mis ojos, lo intenta sin parar de sonreír, sus dedos acarician mis hombros regalándome escalofríos nerviosos, bajando a mis manos por sentir a las suyas entrelazando sus dedos con los míos, añadiéndole más ternura y emoción al momento. El cual nunca olvidaré.
“Sos el sueño del que nunca quiero despertar.” Dice Juani con sus manos al rededor de mis mejillas, sus acciones hacen que pueda escuchar los latidos de mi corazón a mil por hora.
Sus brazos me rodean nuevamente como todas las noches, pegándome a él y escondiendo mi rostro en su pecho abrazándolo por la cintura, inhalando su cálido olor con el dulce toque de aroma masculino.
Pero ahora es distinto, siento su agarre como si fuera esa cobija con la que minutos antes estaba aferrado, impidiendo separarse, como si no quisiera alejarse de ella nunca más.
“Ah, y..” Hace una breve pausa buscando conectar su mirada con la mía.
“Yo te amo mucho más, mi amor.” Finalmente sus ojos se cierran, soltando un suspiro con una sonrisa apoderándose de él por la noche inolvidable que acabamos de pasar, convirtiéndose en la primera de muchas más.
HOLAA, oigan coméntenme porque m gustaría interactuar con ustedes.
este fluff lo tenía guardado hace ya varios días solo q me faltaba modificar palabras y así, tmb tengo pendiente un smut d pipe buenísimo jeje ojalá les haya gustado este fluff m encanta escribir d estos😭
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pippytmi · 4 months
a quick mabel + honoria ficlet based on # 23 from this Christmas prompt list: "one slipping on ice and the other's heart dropping. it's only when they laugh or see that they're okay, the other's heart picks back up again."
Christmas at Tintagel this year saw a cold, sharp frost and a sense of melancholy in the air.
It was the first year Christmas would be hosted by the newest Duke and Duchess, but despite the joyous occasion, neither seemed to be in good humor. Nan looked different—held her head higher, smiled less—and Theo, solemn as he had been once, was particularly withdrawn and curt. A loveless marriage did not suit them, clearly, and Mabel made a point of whispering as much to Lizzy.
“Mabel,” Lizzy said sharply in response. “It’s Christmas. No such talk is allowed at Christmas.”
“The truth?” Mabel asked, but Lizzy only shook her head in warning. As such, Mabel obediently held her tongue, and reached for a drink. At the very least, she would not have to endure the festivities sober.
“I wonder when Conchita will arrive,” Lizzy remarked as they made their walkabout the room, sparing polite nods at the lords and ladies who had been fortunate enough to obtain an invitation tonight. “It’s so late already.”
“You mean Lady Conchita,” Mabel corrected with a dramatic enough flair that Lizzy rolled her eyes. “She’ll make a grand entrance. I know it.” And, Mabel thought privately, hopefully her arrival would mean that of Honoria’s. The idea was enough to make her giddy, and she stood on her tip-toes to eagerly peer through the crowds.
“Is that Miles?” Lizzy gasped, which proved to be ample distraction to Mabel’s search. “With a woman?”
“He does know women, I’m sure,” Mabel said. “From what I hear, he’s doomed to be married to one any day now.”
Lizzy gave Mabel an exasperated glare. “Honestly, Mabel, you need to tell me these things. What use is a sister if you’re not entertaining me with these scandals?”
“I don’t see how it would be a scandal. He’s marrying a woman, not a horse.”  Mabel finally managed to spot Miles herself, and he met her eye. She waved, and he raised his glass in response.
“He’s a good man,” Lizzy said decidedly, like it was a fact.
“He is,” Mabel agreed. “And you still have time to sweep him off his feet, if you’d like.”
“You—I can’t bear to be another second around you. Sisterly duty or not—”
Whatever sisterly duty might entail, it remained a mystery, for Nan had found her way to their corner of the room. “Mabel, Lizzy,” she exhaled. “Oh, I’m so glad to see you both.”
“Here,” Mabel said, and offered her drink. “You’ll be needing this.”
Nan stared at the glass for a moment and then, almost in bewilderment, said: “I haven’t had a drink all night. How have I not had a drink all night?” Without further delay, she immediately downed the last of Mabel’s drink.
“Let’s get you another,” Lizzy declared, and Nan smiled the way a bright sun might emerge from storm clouds, much more herself.
When Conchita did arrive, it was to a much-improved Duchess, though Nan nearly sobbed when Conchita embraced her for the first time. All night no one had spoken of Jinny, but her absence lingered; Mabel watched Conchita whisper into Nan’s ear and felt the urge to squeeze Lizzy’s hands between her own, just once. Just to remember she was there.
“You wouldn’t believe the carriage ride here,” Conchita sighed, once they had supplied her with a drink. “So bumpy! I thought for sure I would’ve ended up in Honoria’s lap before the night was over.”
Mabel felt her stomach dip at the mention of her love, and she tried quite hard to mask her interest as she said, “Honoria came with you?”
“Yes, she surprised us,” Conchita said thoughtfully. “I was sure she’d want to spend the night with her dreadful parents like always.” She cast a curious look over her shoulder. “I don’t know where she went. Richard must be keeping her company.”
But Mabel could see Richard in the distance, and he was deep in conversation with Miles and Miles’ wife-to-be. Honoria was, much to her disappointment, nowhere in sight. “I’m going to get another drink,” she announced, intent on seeking Honoria instead—she already had an idea of where to look.
As expected, Lady Honoria Marable was standing at the same pavilion where last Christmas Mabel had given her that fateful music box, and she was a vision to behold; a red fitted gown and matching shawl, loose tendrils of her blond hair curled prettily over her cheeks. Mabel felt herself smile before she even realized it, and she quickened her pace in excitement.
“Honoria! You’re—” 
The ground overtook her all at once, and Mabel blinked up at the sky, foiled by the ice-slicked steps leading up to the pavilion. There was a distinct wetness at her back, and the snowflakes in the air—though less plentiful now than at the start of the evening—continued to fall steadily against her skin and clothes. It was all so…so…absurd, that laughter was the only reasonable response.
“Honoria,” Mabel gasped between laughs without even knowing if she could hear, “Honoria, never tell anyone that happened.”
A moment later, Honoria was at her side, pulling at Mabel’s hands and muttering under her breath about fools and follies. Mabel fondly watched Honoria’s pinched, worried face and took great pleasure in being that fool.
“Are you alright?” Honoria asked at last. Her expression softened just so, which betrayed the extent of her distress. “You frightened me.”
“Happy Christmas to you, too,” Mabel said happily, and Honoria frowned.
“This isn’t a joke, Mabel. My heart just about stopped.”
“So did mine, when I saw you,” Mabel said, unable to stop herself from flirting just a little; Honoria only frowned deeper, unwilling to forgive so easily. “I’m fine, I swear it. Don’t be cross with me on Christmas.”
“I’m not cross.” Honoria gripped her shawl tightly as if in preparation of some continued tirade, but all she said in a terse, quiet voice was: “You shouldn’t have been so reckless.”
“I know,” Mabel said. “But if you’re going to scold me, can we get out of the snow first? If I freeze, you’re going to feel really bad.”
Honoria sighed, as if this was all one great inconvenience, and they made their way up the steps together—much slower, and much more carefully, with their hands linked together. Once they were on stable ground, Mabel did not let go; she merely pulled Honoria closer, and mindful that no one else was around, brushed a kiss to Honoria’s cold face.
“You still haven’t told me happy Christmas,” Mabel whispered into her ear, and Honoria laughed, a choked kind of laugh which seemed to vanquish any of her remaining anger.
“Happy Christmas,” Honoria said, amused, and she dared to give Mabel a quick, proper kiss before immediately stepping back. Of the two, she was far more careful to not give affection in public. Mabel was cautious as well, but in moments like these—moments where she was too overjoyed to see Honoria—she could hardly be blamed for having less tact.
“I missed you,” Mabel said, and felt it, in every fiber of her being. “I missed you since Bonfire night when we said goodbye. I missed you this morning, when I woke up too early for Christmas and had no one to wake up too. And I miss you now, because—because I know we will have to say goodbye again tonight.”
Honoria gazed back tenderly, and allowed a precious moment of swaying closer, hands taking both of Mabel’s. “The night has just begun,” she corrected. “There are no goodbyes, yet.”
“Right,” Mabel breathed, and she leaned down to rest her forehead against Honoria’s. “Why didn’t you come inside earlier? I saw your brother.”
“I assumed you would be with your friends,” Honoria said wistfully. “I didn’t want to interrupt.” She paused. “I would have done nothing but stare at you all evening, either way.”
“Well sometimes a girl wants to be stared at,” Mabel teased, and delighted in the way Honoria’s body shook with a huffy sigh the way it always did when she was too bashful. “I would’ve been staring right back at you…probably pretending that I was dancing with you.”
“I’m an awful dancer,” Honoria said, whispered like it was a secret. “My mother says so.”
Mabel pretended to consider that for a second. “No,” she said. “I’m afraid your mother is just an awful, lying cow.”
Despite herself, Honoria giggled. “You’ve never seen me dance.”
“I don’t need to,” Mabel said, and she leaned back, if only to fully ensure Honoria could see how serious she was. “You’re beautiful. Everything you do is beautiful.”
Honoria’s eyes had gone wet and sad at once, and she shook her head, though not to Mabel. Perhaps to herself. Then her gloved hands reached for Mabel’s face, frozen for a perfect moment in time, before Honoria kissed her again. This was not a stolen kiss—not a chaste kiss—no, it was a valiant attempt to undo any notions of goodbye ever again. Mabel was wild from it, hands tight on Honoria’s waist as she hungrily drew her closer, desperate and aching and practically aflame with desire.
It was, even for an instant, a sliver of forever. Mabel knew it, and so did Honoria, who looked at Mabel with so much affection even as she cried.
“Don’t cry,” Mabel said, pained. “We’re not allowed to be sad on Christmas.”
Another sob, this time, tinged with laughter. “I’m not sad,” Honoria sniffed. “I’m…happy. I’ve never been this happy.” She wiped at her eyes and smiled, smiled so brightly that Mabel’s worry instantly eased. “You make me so happy.”
“And you, Lady Honoria Marable,” Mabel said, “you make me brave.” She glanced over her shoulder, but did not see any stragglers from the night’s festivities about, which inspired her to reach her hand out. “Will you dance with me?”
“Now?” Honoria asked. “But we haven’t any music, and…”
“And I’m afraid I really am a horrid dancer,” Honoria confessed, which only made Mabel grin.
“I think we’ve already decided that’s impossible,” Mabel reminded her, stretching her arm closer. “You’re not going to tell me no, are you? On Christmas?”
“You are being quite loose on what Christmas is about,” Honoria said. “Just so we’re clear.” And she took Mabel’s cold, expectant hand in her gloved one, squeezed so tight like any second Mabel might disappear entirely.
They swayed together like any other couple in the grand, festive ballroom of Tintagel might, but Mabel privately felt their celebration was much richer—all the grandeur in the palace could not possibly compare to Honoria’s shy, exuberant smile and the warmth of her embrace. All the grandeur in the world could not possibly compare.
“I love you,” Mabel said without thinking, and her heart hammered in her chest, screaming for a single, choked, agonizing breath before Honoria’s hand gently smoothed against Mabel’s shoulder and she replied,
“I have loved you for a long time, Mabel Elmsworth.”
Mabel’s heart relaxed, and she smiled against Honoria’s hair, her relief as profound as her love just then. “Oh. That’s…good to know,” she said, and before Honoria could poke fun, she stepped back to spin Honoria suddenly; it caused her to stumble, and they collapsed into a heap on the floor, unable to immediately untangle themselves from each other.
Honoria took one look at Mabel’s stupefied expression and promptly burst out into laughter. Slowly, Mabel could do nothing else but join in, overcome with dizzying joy—with stark surprise—with a sudden chill now that she was victim to the floor once more.
And with love, of course. So much love.
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GRAND FINAL! October 2023 Vocaloid Song Tournament
Evil Food Eater Conchita vs. Judgment of Corruption
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andi-the-cool-nerd · 8 months
What's your all time favorite esc song ?
This is so random istfg-
Zoe... I have a fucking list....
Zdob și Zdub and Advahov Brothers - Trenulețul (I'm a Zdob și Zdub fan so...)
Maneskin - Zitti e Buoni
Marco Mengoni - Due Vite
Diodato - Fai Rumore
Kaarija - Cha Cha Cha
Verka Serduchka - Lasha Tumbai
Jamala - 1944
Netta - Toy
GoA - Shum
Manizha - Russian Woman
Anastasia Prikhodko - Mamo
Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah
Alexandr Rybak - Fairytale
Il Volo - Grande Amore
Both of Sunstroke Project songs
Conchita Wurst - Rise like a Phoenix
Iru - Echo
Little Big - Uno
There are more so...
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foodiepoll · 1 year
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Vote for whoever you believe is the bigger "foodie", by whatever metric you feel is most appropriate :)
Poll will be up for a week!
For ease of browsing, all polls are tagged matches & any propaganda is tagged foodie propaganda. Finished polls are tagged as results.
As always: if you are overly vitriolic in my notes, I take away 10% of the votes for your candidate.
Only one match remains:
Laios Touden (Dungeon Meshi) vs Banica Conchita (The Evillious Chronicles)
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
So, I have a list of Eurovision songs from 2004 onwards ranking which entries did the best based on average score.
This year's Loreen, Käärijä, Noa Kirel and Marco Mengoni all made the list
1. Norway - 2009 - Alexander Rybak - Fairytale - 78.6%
2. Sweden - 2015 - Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes - 77.9%
3. Portugal - 2017 - Salvador Sobral - Amar pelos dois - 77%
4. Sweden - 2012 - Loreen - Euphoria - 75.6%
5. Ukraine - 2022 - Kalush Orchestra - Stefania - 67.4%
6. Austria - 2014 - Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix - 67.1%
7. Ukraine - 2004 - Ruslana - Wild Dances - 66.6%
8. Sweden – 2023 – Loreen – Tattoo – 66.5%
9. Finland - 2006 - Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah - 65.7%
10. Russia - 2015 - Polina Gagarina - A Million Voices - 64.7%
11. Serbia and Montenegro - 2004 - Željko Joksimović and Ad-Hoc Orchestra - Lane Moje - 62.6%
12. Bulgaria - 2017 - Kristian Kostov - Beautiful Mess - 62.5%
13. Italy - 2015 - Il Volo - Grande amore - 62.3%
14. Denmark - 2013 - Emmelie de Forest - Only Teradrops - 61.6%
15. Finland – 2023 – Käärijä – Cha Cha Cha – 60%
16. Greece - 2004 - Sakis Rouvas - Shake It - 60%
17. Italy - 2021 - Måneskin - Zitti e Buoni - 57.4%
18. Russia - 2006 - Dima Bilan - Never Let You Go - 55.8%
19. Netherlands - 2014 - The Common Linnets - Calm After the Storm - 55%
20. France - 2021 - Barbara Pravi - Voilà - 54.7%
21. Serbia - 2007 - Marija Šerifović - Molitva - 54.4%
22. Ukraine - 2016 - Jamala - 1944 - 54.2%
23. Russia - 2008 - Dima Bilan - Believe - 53.9%
24. Germany - 2010 - Lena - Satellite - 53.9%
25. Russia - 2012 - Buranovskiye Babushki - Party for Everybody - 52.6%
26. Israel - 2018 - Netta - Toy - 52.4%
27. Australia - 2016 - Dami Im - Sound of Silence - 51.9%
28. Netherlands - 2019 - Duncan Laurence - Arcade - 51.8%
29. Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2006 - Hari Mata Hari - Lejla - 51.5%
30. Azerbaijan - 2013 - Farid Mammadov - Hold Me - 51.3%
31. Greece - 2005 - Helena Paparizou - My Number One - 50.4%
32. Sweden - 2014 - Sanna Nielsen - Undo - 50.4%
33. Russia - 2016 - Sergey Lazarev - You Are the Only One - 49.8%
34. United Kingdom - 2022 - Sam Ryder - Space Man - 49.7%
35. Italy - 2019 - Mahmood - Soldi - 49.1%
36. Spain - 2022 - Chanel - SloMo - 49%
37. Azerbaijan - 2011 - Ell and Nikki - Running Scared - 48.4%
38. Ukraine - 2007 - Verka Serduchka - Dancing Lasha Tumbai - 47.7%
39. Switzerland - 2021 - Gjon's Tears - Tout l'univers - 47.3%
40. Ukraine - 2013 - Zlata Ognevich - Gravity - 46.9%
41. Sweden - 2022 - Cornelia Jakobs - Hold Me Closer - 46.7%
42. Turkey - 2004 - Athena - For Real - 46.4%
43. Belgium - 2015 - Loïc Nottet - Rhythm Inside - 46.3%
44. Ukraine - 2008 - Ani Lorak - Shady Lady - 45.6%
45. Iceland - 2009 - Yohanna - Is It True? - 44.3%
46. Serbia - 2012 - Željko Joksimović - Nije ljubav stvar - 43.4%
47. Cyprus - 2018 - Eleni Foureira - Fuego - 43.2%
48. Greece - 2008 - Kalomira - Secret Combination - 43.2%
49. Malta - 2005 - Chiara - Angel - 42.1%
50. Russia - 2007 - Serebro - Song #1 - 42%
51. Azerbaijan - 2009 - AySel and Arash - Always - 42%
52. Norway - 2013 - Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love - 41.8%
53. Australia - 2015 - Guy Sebastian - Tonight Again - 41.8%
54. Italy - 2011 - Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of Love - 41.4%
55. Iceland - 2021 - Daði og Gagnamagnið - 10 Years - 41.4%
56. Israel – 2023 – Noa Kirel – Unicorn – 41.3%
57. Sweden - 2011 - Eric Saade - Popular - 40.5%
58. Cyprus - 2004 - Lisa Andreas - Stronger Every Minute - 40.4%
59. Sweden - 2004 - Lena Philipsson - It Hurts - 40.4%
60. Armenia - 2014 - Aram Mp3 - Not Alone - 40.3%
61. Italy – 2023 – Marco Mengoni – Due vite – 39.9%
62. Ukraine - 2021 - Go_A - Shum - 39.9%
63. Latvia - 2015 - Aminata - Love Injected - 39.7%
64. Armenia - 2008 - Sirusho - Qélé, Qélé - 39.4%
65. Romania - 2006 - Mihai Trăistariu - Tornerò - 38.7%
66. Russia - 2019 - Sergey Lazarev - Scream - 38.5%
67. Sweden - 2006 - Carola - Invincible - 38.2%
68. Russia - 2013 - Dina Garipova - What If - 38.1%
69. Moldova - 2017 - SunStroke Project - Hey Mamma - 38%
70. Switzerland - 2019 - Luca Hänni - She Got Me - 37.9%
71. Turkey - 2010 - Manga - We Could Be the Same - 37.2%
72. Belgium - 2017 - Blanche - City Lights - 36.8%
73. Lithuania - 2006 - LT United - We Are the Winners - 36.4%
74. Norway - 2008 - Maria - Hold On Be Strong - 36.1%
75. Turkey - 2009 - Hadise - Düm Tek Tek - 35.9%
76. Romania - 2010 - Paula Seling and Ovi - Playing with Fire - 35.5%
77. United Kingdom - 2009 - Jade Ewen - It's My Time - 35.1%
78. Sweden - 2017 - Robin Bengtsson - I Can't Go On - 34.9%
79. Ukraine - 2011 - Mika Newton - Angel - 34.8%
80. Sweden - 2019 - John Lundvik - Too Late for Love - 34.7%
81. Romania - 2005 - Luminița Anghel and Sistem - Let Me Try - 34.6%
82. Norway - 2019 - Keiino - Spirit in the Sky - 34.4%
83. Austria - 2018 - Cesár Sampson - Nobody but You - 33.9%
84. Italy - 2017 - Francesco Gabbanni - Occidentali's Karma - 33.9%
85. Germany - 2018 - Michael Schulte - You Let Me Walk Alone - 33.7%
86. Israel - 2005 - Shiri Maimon - HaSheket SheNish'ar - 33.7%
87. Latvia - 2005 - Walters and Khaza - The War Is Not Over - 33.5%
88. Serbia - 2022 - Konstrakta - In corpore sano - 33.3%
89. Greece - 2013 - Koza Mostra feat. Agathon Iakovidis - Alcohol Is Free - 33.3%
90. Turkey - 2007 - Kenan Doğulu - Shake It Up Şekerim - 33.1%
91. Hungary - 2014 - András Kállay-Saunders - Running - 33.1%
92. Finland - 2021 - Blind Channel - Dark Side - 33%
93. Denmark - 2010 - Chanée and N'evergreen - In a Moment like This - 32.6%
94. Ukraine - 2006 - Tina Karol - Show Me Your Love - 32.6%
95. Moldova - 2005 - Zdob și Zdub - Boonika bate toba - 32.4%
96. Bulgaria - 2007 - Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankoulov - Water - 31.7%
97. Azerbaijan - 2010 - Safura - Drip Drop - 31.7%
98. Serbia - 2008 - Jelena Tomašević feat. Bora Dugić - Oro - 31.7%
99. North Macedonia - 2019 - Tamara Todevska - Proud - 31.7%
100. Azerbaijan - 2019 - Chingiz - Truth - 31.4%
Full YouTube playlist
Semi Full Spotify Playlist because some songs are just not on Spotify 😭😔😞
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Come to eurovision we have:
Lady Gaga
Ariana Grande
The Kelly Family
Miley Cyrus
Masc Conchita
Olivia Rodrigo
Harry Styles
all totally not ordered from Wish
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merryane-the-red-cat · 11 months
Evil Food Eater Conchita - 悪食娘コンチータ - Beelzebub party - Conchita, La Gloutonne Démionaque
[Va, je mangerai sans rien laisser]
Dans une demeure corrompue où flotte une odeur de pourriture
Encore aujourd’hui commence le Dernier Dîner
Nombres de plats servis qui donneraient la chair de poule
Seule le sourire d’une femme ravit de manger s’y trouve
Le nom de cette femme est Banica Conchita
Qui autrefois explorait le monde afin de trouver les plats les plus raffinés
Pour que finalement cette femme cherche à déguster
L’Ultime Plat Suprême du Mal
Respectez et honorez
Notre Grande Conchita
Toutes les nourritures de ce monde
Ne sont voués totalement qu’à notre Maîtresse
Dévorer sans laisser une miette le monde entier
Mon estomac a encore et toujours de la place
Ce poison mortel brillant d’un bleu pâle
メインディッシュのスパイスに最適 ♥
Agrémentera parfaitement le plat principal ♥
Rongez toute viande jusqu’à l’os
Si ce n’est pas suffisant, croquez à même la vaisselle
Un délice absolu parcourant la pointe de la langue
Ce dîner est encore loin d’être fini
Mon quinzième chef cuisinier de cette année
Timidement demanda :
[Est-ce que je pourrais bientôt me reposer ?]
On ne peut absolument rien en tirer d’eux n’est-ce pas ?
Respectez et honorez
Notre Grande Conchita
Et les traîtres
Nous leur ferons goûter au dû qu’ils doivent
Dévorer sans laisser une miette le monde entier
Le menu d’aujourd’hui est spécialement préparé
Les cheveux resplendissent d’un bleu pâle
Sublimant parfaitement cette salade, un hors-d’œuvre ♥
Rongez toute viande jusqu’à l’os
Si ce n’est pas suffisant, [Encore] je n’ai qu’à dire
Attend, toi ici, cher serviteur,
Je me demande quel goût tu pourrais bien avoir ?
Mais avant qu’elle ne le remarque sa demeure se retrouva totalement vide
何にもないし 誰ももういない
Il n’y a plus rien et il n’y a plus personne
Seulement la jeune femme continuait de rechercher
L’Ultime Plat Suprême du Mal
Dévorer sans laisser une miette le monde entier
La jeune femme regarde sa propre main droite
Puis rit doucement…
 「マダ タベルモノ アルジャナイ」
[iL ResTE qUeLQUe cHOse QuE jE n’AI PaS mANgé !]
Le Dernier Repas du Mal de Conchita
食材はそう 彼女自身
Les ingrédients étaient, oui, rien d’autres qu’elle-même !
A la fin ce corps qui recherchait à connaître tous les plats
Personne n’en connaîtra même le goût
Lien fandom:
 - A venir -
Lien vidéo youtube (ouNND dans ce cas) :
Lien chaîne de Mothy:
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Because I’m in the Eurovision mood I thought I’d share my favourite song from each country (past and present!)
1. Albania 🇦🇱
2022 - Sekret // Ronela Hajati
2. Andorra 🇦🇩
2006 - Sense Tu // Jennifer
3. Armenia 🇦🇲
2014 - Not Alone // Aram MP3
4. Australia 🇦🇺
2015 - Tonight Again // Guy Sebastian
5. Austria 🇦🇹
2014 - Rise Like a Phoenix // Conchita Wurst
(This song makes me feel emotions every time damn it!)
6. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
2021 - Mata Hari // Efendi
7. Belarus 🇧🇾
2014 - Cheesecake // Teo
(Underrated tune fr)
8. Belgium 🇧🇪
2015 - Rhythm Inside // Loïc Nottet
9. Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦
2011 - Love in Rewind // Dino Merlín
10. Bulgaria 🇧🇬
2017 - Beautiful Mess // Kristian Kostov
11. Croatia 🇭🇷
2023 - Mama ŠČ! // Let 3
12. Cyprus 🇨🇾
2018 - Fuego // Eleni Foureira
13. Czechia 🇨🇿
2019 - Friend of a Friend // Lake Malawi
(Was very hard to choose between this one and Lie To Me. It’s a very close second)
14. Denmark 🇩🇰
2021 - Øve Os På Hinanden // Fyr Og Flamme
(Was robbed in the semi-finals imo)
15. Estonia 🇪🇪
2015 - Goodbye to Yesterday // Elina Born + Stig Rästa
16. Finland 🇫🇮
2022 - Jezebel // The Rasmus
(Should have done so much better imo)
17. France 🇫🇷
2016 - J’ai Cherché // Amir
18. Georgia 🇬🇪
2011 - One More Day // Eldrine
19. Germany 🇩🇪
2011 - Taken by a Stranger // Lena
(Better than Satellite for sure, but Satellite slaps too)
20. Greece 🇬🇷
2008 - Secret Combination // Kalomira
21. Hungary 🇭🇺
2018 - Viszlát Nyár // AWS
22. Iceland 🇮🇸
2020 - Think About Things // Daði og Gagnamagnið
(Basic I know but it’s just such a good tune)
23. Ireland 🇮🇪
2011 - Lipstick // Jedward
(Not sorry about this one it slaps and Jedward are my kings)
24. Israel 🇮🇱
2015 - Golden Boy // Nadav Guedj
25. Italy 🇮🇹
(Gonna have to do a top five because I have such a thing for Italy in Eurovision I can’t pick just one oop)
2017 - Occidentali’s Karma // Francesco Gabbani
2015 - Grande Amore // Il Volo
2018 - Non Mi Avette Fatto Niente // Ermal Meta + Fabrizio Moro
2021 - Zitti E Buoni // Måneskin
2019 - Soldi // Mahmood
26. Latvia 🇱🇻
2022 - Eat Your Salad // Citi Zēni
(As a vegetarian and a bisexual I approve this message)
27. Lithuania 🇱🇹
2021 - Discotheque // The Roop
28. Luxembourg 🇱🇺
1988 - Croire // Lara Fabian
29. Malta 🇲🇹
2022 - Je Me Casse // Destiny
30. Moldova 🇲🇩
(My second favourite Eurovision country so here’s a top three)
2022 - Trenulețul // Zdob şi Zdub & Advahov Brothers
2018 - My Lucky Day // DoReDos
2017 - Hey Mamma // Sunstroke Project
31. Monaco 🇲🇨
1964 - Où Sont-elles Passées? // Romuald
(When I say I have an obsession with this song I mean it. PS Monaco plz come back we miss you!!)
32. Montenegro 🇲🇪
2015 - Adio // Knez
- Ranking Morocco doesn’t really feel fair because they only participated once lol -
33. The Netherlands 🇳🇱
2016 - Slow Down // Douwe Bob
(Hehe 33 Max Verstappen number it’s fate fr)
34. North Macedonia 🇲🇰
2012 - Crno I Belo // Kaliopi
35. Norway 🇳🇴
2009 - Fairytale // Alexander Rybak
(Listen I know it’s a basic choice but this song is iconic for a reason y’know? It slaps)
36. Poland 🇵🇱
2022 - River // Ochman
(King of the vocals fr brings me to tears every time)
37. Portugal 🇵🇹
2021 - Love is On My Side // The Black Mamba
38. Romania 🇷🇴
2010 - Playing With Fire // Paula Seling + Ovi
39. Russia 🇷🇺
2016 - You are the Only One // Sergey Lazarev
(Listen I’m a Sergey Lazarev stan first and human second. Between 2016 and 2018 I almost exclusively listened to his back catalogue and nothing else)
40. San Marino 🇸🇲
(Underrated country fr no one gets them like I do so they also get a top three)
2022 - Stripper // Achille Lauro
2021 - Adrenalina // Senhit + Flo-Rida
2019 - Say Na Na Na // Serhat
41. Serbia 🇷🇸
2023 - Samo Mi Se Spava // Luke Black
- Also not counting Serbia and Montenegro because they don’t have an emoji flag and they only participated twice -
42. Slovakia 🇸🇰
2010 - Horehronie // Kristina Pelakova
43. Slovenia 🇸🇮
2023 - Carpe Diem // Joker Out
44. Spain 🇪🇸
2019 - La Venda // Miki
(When I say this song was robbed I mean it. One of the biggest injustices faced in Eurovision was Miki coming 22nd)
45. Sweden 🇸🇪
(Sweden get a top three because they’re Sweden… they always slay)
2015 - Heroes // Måns Zelmerlöw
2012 - Euphoria // Loreen
2017 - I Can’t Go On // Robin Bengtsson
46. Switzerland 🇨🇭
2021 - Tout l'Univers // Gjon’s Tears
47. Türkiye 🇹🇷
2010 - We Could Be The Same // maNga
(Türkiye come back we miss you!!)
48. Ukraine 🇺🇦
(Another slay country so here’s a top three)
2018 - Under the Ladder // MELOVIN
2007 - Dancing Lasha Tumbai // Verka Serduchka
2021 - Shum // Go_A
49. United Kingdom 🇬🇧
(In the name of patriotism, of which I have very little, let’s do a top five + an honourable mention)
2012 - Love Will Set You Free // Engelbert Humperdinck
2022 - SPACE MAN // Sam Ryder
1981 - Making Your Mind Up // Buck’s Fizz
1968 - Congratulations // Cliff Richard
1976 - Save Your Kisses for Me // Brotherhood of Man
+ my honourable mention, Freaks // Jordan Clarke which should have been our song for 2019 but the British general public have no taste. I firmly believe this is why they no longer trust us to hold a national selection anymore lol
50. Yugoslavia *insert flag here*
1989 - Rock Me // Riva
(Basic choice I know, to pick their only winning song, but it slaps)
And that’s everyone!! Feel free to judge me hard for my tastes lol 😂
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eurovision-facts · 2 years
Eurovision Fact #72:
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The 2020 Netflix original movie Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga features many of the contest's previous winners.
During a scene where the movie's characters are singing a medley of various songs as a part of a pre-Eurovision celebration, 11 winners and memorable acts joined in on the singing (or violin playing):
Alexander Rybak (2009), Jessy Matador (2010, 12th place), Loreen (2012), Conchita Wurst (2014), Jamala (2016), Salvador Sobral (2017), Netta (2018), Elina Nechayeva (2018, 8th place), John Lundvik (2019, 5th place), Bilal Hassani (2019, 16th place), and Anna Odobescu (2019, 2nd Semi-Final, non-qualifier).
UK announcer Graham Norton also makes various appearances throughout the movie. He plays himself in his role as announcer.
Yevgeniy Malyarchuk, host of the 2016 contest, was uncredited but made an appearance.
Wiwibloggs founder and editor William Lee Adams makes an appearance as himself, too.
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga, Netflix.com.
Full Cast & Crew: Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga, IMDb.com.
Eurovision, Williamleeadams.com.
Kyiv 2017, Eurovision.tv.
Tel Aviv 2019: Grand Final Scoreboard, Eurovision.tv.
Tel Aviv 2019: Second Semi-Final Scoreboard, Eurovision.tv.
Baku 2012, Eurovision.tv.
Oslo 2010: Grand Final Scoreboard, Eurovision.tv.
Moscow 2009, Eurovision.tv.
Stockholm 2016, Eurovision.tv.
Lisbon 2018: Grand Final Scoreboard, Eurovision.tv.
Lisbon 2018, Eurovision.tv.
Copenhagen 2014, Eurovision.tv.
Yevgeniy Malyarchuk, IMDb.com.
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flaurrari · 2 years
F1 champions - Eurovision winners
Years 2013 - 2017
2008-2012 2018-2021
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Emmelie de Forest (Danemark) - Sebastian Vettel
Emmelie sang Only Teardrops this year, and only teardrops are on our faces thinking that this was Seb's last title (for now...) Giants drums on stage and fire everytwhere. So adequate.
"How many times can we win and lose? How many times can we break the rules between us? Only teardrops"
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Conchita Wurst (Austria) - Lewis Hamilton
Lewis comes back on top and his story is sung by Conchita Wurst in Rise like a Phoenix. All we did was win win win no matter what that year.
"Rise like a phoenix Out of the ashes seeking rather than vengeance Retribution, you were warned Once I'm transformed Once I'm reborn"
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Måns Zelmerlöw (Sweden) - Lewis Hamilton
Lewis and Mercedes were truly Heroes in 2015 while Måns delivered an instant Eurovision hit. Lewis led the championship from the first to the last Grand Prix. A gigantic year for him that deserved one of my favourite Eurovision song
"We are the heroes of our time But we're dancing with the demons in our minds"
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Jamala (Ukraine) - Nico Rosberg
So the year Nico goes all ballistic, the Eurovision winning song 1944 is about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars... Jamala sung about the horrors of the War and how everybody died and Nico finally got his Title...
"I couldn’t spend my youth there Because you took away my peace"
[english translation]
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Salvador Sobral (Portugal) - Lewis Hamilton
After all the emotions of 2016, Eurovision calmed down and elected a Breakup Song. Amar Pelos Dois is a beautiful and peaceful ballad that fits the smooth Lewis' winning rythm during the second half of the season
(and I won't say that the lyrics are about how Lewis wished that Nico was still there, but they are)
"My dear, listen to my prayers I beg you to return, to want me again"
[english translation]
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Vienna 2015 – Grand Final
Host: Austria Slogan: “Building Bridges” Participants: 40 Voting method: 12-point system (50/50 system - combined) Format: 2 Semi-Finals / Grand Final = the top 10 of semi 1 & 2 + the Big 5 + host + AUSTRALIA Winner: Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes Country: Sweden Points: 365 (78.0% of highest score possible) Language: English General Overview: It's the 60th edition of Eurovision! Which marks the end of an era – the last contest to use the old points system (ie. where each country's jury and televote points were combined into a single aggregate score). It's also the longest Grand Final up to this point, with a run time of almost exactly 4 hours. The preceding years were roughly 30 minutes shorter. And it's remained around the 4-hour mark to this day. Needless to say, I'm pretty worn out by the end of it. Indeed, this is a long opening sequence. It starts with the Vienna Philharmonic in an outdoor venue; culminating in a group of people holding torches in a circle. Then, the rainbow blobbed infrastructure reappears. Followed by an edit of Conchita's winning moment and a long montage of various local activities. After all that, we transition to the live stage, where a violinist leads Austria's two winning songs. The wall opens up to reveal an orchestra, just like in the semi-final. Soon after, Conchita emerges from the floor, looking like a giant. She performs the theme song “Building Bridges”, where the 3 hosts arrive to “sing” along. As well as a children's choir and rapper Left Boy. The song changes to a hip-hop beat for the latter. Finally, the hosts lead the Parade of Nations. But wait, there's still a montage of people “transferring” objects or people between split screens, set to the soundtrack of “What If” (Russia 2013). That has not aged well. The presenters are Arabella Kiesbauer, Mirjam Weichselbraun and Alice Tumler. The dialogue is very scripted, but they're a likeable trio. The stage consists of the usual circular platform with an LED screen behind it. But with an additional archway constructed from numerous horizontal light tubes. There's also a collection of orbs hanging from the ceiling that move up and down in wave patterns. The Green Room is a raised platform in the back, with a walkway cutting through the audience that connects it to the stage. The postcards start with the artists greeting the camera, while a heartbeat pounds. This is followed by footage of the artists receiving a package in their home countries. They look at the gift, then look upwards to see someone greeting them and suddenly they're in Austria. They then partake in a local activity. The sequence concludes with the artists displayed on a billboard.
The interval act is the Percussive Planet Ensemble, which (unsurprisingly) features a wide variety of percussion. During which, the artists make heart shapes in the Green Room. There's also people holding art pieces on their heads and a classical choir joining in. Later on, Conchita performs the inspirational ballad “You Are Unstopped” and the piano house number “Firestorm”. She is a superstar! There's also a montage of winner reaction moments. The results are very top-heavy this year. Going by percentages, 2015 has the strongest top 3 of the “12-point era”. And 10th place only received 53 points. I'm guessing the Grand Final suffered from ballad fatigue. The entire 2nd half is basically slower tempo songs. The voting graphics show a nighttime globe that “builds bridges” to Vienna; with Vienna written in that country's language (although not the country name itself). The voting procedure is a messy one. Austria lost connection to three countries (Portugal, Estonia and Georgia), who were called back at the end. But what's truly surreal to re-watch in 2022 is... how Russia was leading for so long. It honestly looked like they had won it. And the audience was NOT here for it, despite the “anti-booing technology”. Conchita was even defending Polina in the Green Room. The crowd went NUTS when Sweden finally overtook on country #27. And the Russian spokesperson jokingly giving 12 points to his own country did not go over well. Also of note: the winner was announced early again. Slovenia: Maraaya - Here for You France: Lisa Angell - N'oubliez pas Another serious message song from 2015. “N'oubliez pas” commemorates the 100th anniversary of WWI, which resulted in nearly 2 million French people losing their lives. In the song, Lisa describes what it must've felt like at the time. To have your entire sense of security and peaceful lifestyle uprooted. She narrates about a village that was “erased from the maps and memories”. It was once a welcoming place with “children laughing” and “harvest celebrations”. But then the invading forces arrived with large numbers and weapons. The “words of hatred” line could apply to WWII as well. Lisa's message is “don't forget” about history. In the chorus, she declares “I am there” to show perseverance. They will rebuild. The instrumental starts very faint, with the guitar, piano and strings. It's a grieving and disheartening mood; as if standing in the rubble aftermath, too numb to speak. While the screen displays destroyed buildings and white doves. The piano emerges more in the first chorus. While the drums join in the second verse. And Lisa's vocals intensify from the second chorus. She sounds very passionate and emotional; particularly during the invading forces stanza. The strings become more pronounced too. For the final stanza, four marching band drummers come on stage (with plenty more on screen as the village rebirths). It's such a dreary song though, and the melody isn't that instant. Israel: Nadav Guedj - Golden Boy This needed to be 2nd half lol. Estonia: Elina Born and Stig Rästa - Goodbye to Yesterday United Kingdom: Electro Velvet - Still in Love with You And another mixed gender duet from 2015. Boy was this a low point for the UK. A campy entry that feels cynical, outdated and out of touch. The song combines 1920s Vaudeville with a rave. There's swinging violins, with a glitchy, techno soup beat attached that doesn't really belong. While the old-timey stage design switches to neon lights at times. There's also break dancing and commands for us to dance. In the song, the duo exchanges dialogue. Alex warns Bianca about her vacation and she responds to calm his worries. He cautions about wrong trains, old plains, and nasty diseases; while she tells him to take his medication. Alex is also worried of other suitors. She assures she'll be faithful. He tells her to not stay out late or drink too much. She says he needs to trust her. And she flicks her finger at him when saying the song title (to put him in his place?) This guy sounds very insecure and controlling. He blames it on her being “gorgeous” (eye roll). Bianca doesn't sound annoyed by it, as the song goes for a lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek tone. But it seems toxic. Otherwise, the song has a bouncy rhythm and the lyrics rhyme a lot. Especially that “-ize” stanza. Which is a bit silly. But the violins and the scatting are annoying. As are the “d-d-dance” / “everybody dance” / “oh yes” bits. Moreover, this entry seems like a parody or a joke. The smiles are too much. Armenia: Genealogy - Face the Shadow Lithuania: Monika Linkytė and Vaidas Baumila - This Time The kiss went on too long and they missed their cue. And that part is used in the recap... Serbia: Bojana Stamenov - Beauty Never Lies Norway: Mørland and Debrah Scarlett - A Monster Like Me Sweden: Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes (winner review below) Cyprus: John Karayiannis - One Thing I Should Have Done RIP with this running order slot. Australia: Guy Sebastian - Tonight Again The top 5 placement seems driven by the hype of their debut. And by being an energetic song amongst the ballads. So Australia selects one of their biggest acts – Guy won the inaugural season of Australian Idol and he's topped the ARIA charts 6 times. “Tonight Again” is also a brass-heavy song right when “Uptown Funk” was everywhere. It starts with a moderately paced piano, as Guy suggests leaving behind your problems for tonight. The pre-chorus then escalates via the “do what you what you what you want” x3 build up + the horn yanks. While the chorus confidently struts forward in a free-flowing manner. It halts on the “forget tomorrow” bit; followed by an “oh ah oh” post-chorus from the backing. In the second verse, Guy mentions people judging this lifestyle. The title implies this avoidance is a cycle. But he's happy. For the bridge, the beat disappears then expands, as the pyro goes off and Guy ad libs. The performance ends with fireworks. On stage, there's a series of street lamps, while the screen shows a city street at night. It's like they're walking down it. The choreo is fluid too, with fist pumps, pointing, and Guy shuffling his legs. He's a professional performer who shows off his vigorous vocals. Which helps him sound eager. Overall, it's a slick entry with a catchy pre-chorus, and the horns keep things afloat. But it's kinda lacking in substance. Belgium: Loïc Nottet - Rhythm Inside Austria: The Makemakes - I Am Yours The first host entry to receive 0 points. Many of the upcoming ones will be towards the bottom of the scoreboard as well. Perhaps “I Am Yours” was too eccentric. The big gimmick is when singer Dodo lights the grand piano on fire midway through. Which could represent his burning passion. The song sounds like a 1970s rock ballad, similar to Elton John or Paul McCartney. The performance begins with a dark, shadowy stage. The verses are piano-driven, with a wistful and lonely atmosphere. The guitars and drums enter during the first chorus as the stage lights up. Said chorus has a rocking back-and-forth or fist-pounding rhythm, which conveys persistence. Dodo also changes to falsetto on the closing line. He gets scream-y towards the end too. In the song, Dodo says that if this person is willing to give him a second chance, he'll drop everything to be with them again. He's ready, willing, and able. The ball is in their court now. Each stanza also ends with the offer “anytime, any place, I’m yours”; as if it needs to be repeated. Otherwise, the “you're the one I belong to” hook is okay, and Dodo sounds sweet and committed. But this entry doesn't really stand out enough. The “oooooh” bridge is flat too. Greece: Maria Elena Kyriakou - One Last Breath Montenegro: Knez - Adio Germany: Ann Sophie - Black Smoke Germany started the 2010s with Lena and ended it with a bunch of bottom 2 placements. Including “nul points” this year. Although Ann Sophie didn't win the national final. That was Andreas Kümmert with “Heart of Stone” (he declined). Anyways, “Black Smoke” is a retro jazzy number filled with snapping percussion flicks, and a tickling piano riff. After the muffled intro, the instrumental stays pretty consistent. The drum rhythm is breezy for a break-up song. The bridge, meanwhile, is carried by the warm backing, followed by the song shying away and Ann releasing a big note. “Black Smoke” is about a relationship that should end. Ann notices her lover has changed. She tries to convince herself things are fine. But it's not worth forcing it. They can't even say the three words (“I love you”) anymore. The chorus surmises the situation by saying the “flame is running out” and all that's left is “black smoke”. It can't be rekindled. The lyrics are reasonable and the tone feels assured with her decision. Although the chorus sounds like a plea. The staging involves spotlights behind the singers and smoke puffs on screen. They also wear black outfits and Ann sings the first verse standing backwards for some reason. She has some sensual movements too. But the staging is kinda “meh” and the melody is so plain (“you said you'd never let me go”). Fun fact: Ella Eyre co-wrote this. Poland: Monika Kuszyńska - In the Name of Love Latvia: Aminata - Love Injected Romania: Voltaj - De la capăt Spain: Edurne - Amanecer Spain selects a... female ballad composed by Thomas G:son. But unlike 2012 and 2014, “Amanecer” fell short of the top 10. It probably suffered from ballad fatigue in the 2nd half. Still, the atmosphere is super melodramatic. The forlorn strings create an expansive soundscape. It's like a desolate desert or being consumed by sadness. The orchestra begins low-key and distressed. While the verse melody hangs on each line. The stage is a dark setting, featuring raindrops and water ripples on the floor. Edurne is concealed by a red cloak; sitting next to a passed out man. The drums and strings take over from the first chorus. And the drums punch hard from the second verse on like an unrelenting desire. Or endurance. Meanwhile, Edurne's long train flows in the wind. She also sheds a tear. Her train gets yanked off when the second chorus hits to reveal a sparkling white dress. She also holds her hands out (as if conjuring a spell) when singing the main hook. And there's an elaborate duo's dance routine during the instrumental break. The final chorus further adds thunderclaps. In the song, Edurne's lover left without knowing she loved them. And she feels very intense about wanting him to return. To “restore the dawn”. Overall, the staging is great, and the song is very atmospheric. But that “E-yeah E-YEAHHHH oh” hook, while instantly catchy, dominates things to the point of monotony. Hungary: Boggie - Wars for Nothing Georgia: Nina Sublatti - Warrior The infamous smoke machine malfunction. You can't even see her in the wide shots! Azerbaijan: Elnur Hüseynov - Hour of the Wolf Russia: Polina Gagarina - A Million Voices Albania: Elhaida Dani - I'm Alive The most underrated entry of 2015? Italy: Il Volo - Grande amore The song that held the televote record until 2022. If the juries had been more favourable towards Italy, they would've won. I didn't understand the massive hype 7 years ago, since classical opera has never been my thing. But the chorus is immensely powerful. It represents the “Great Love” you want to shout to the whole world. It's a glorious and overwhelming feeling. The song is about letting go of one's fears and reservations in confessing your feelings. The narrator has doubts; asking this person for reassurance that they'll never leave and only choose them. The build into the chorus is the biggest highlight though. The song begins more restrained. There's just a piano and a rising verse melody, set against a dark stage. The pre-chorus intensifies (the “Dimmi perché...” x3 bit) with the quick, jabbing percussion booms that approach and close in. While Piero unleashes an operatic vocal. The trio then yells “GRANDE AMORE” as the chorus explodes. The vocals bellow (“DIMMI CHE MAI”), as the drums steady the pace and the stage brightens up. It releases tension. The chorus ends with heavy strings. In the second pre-chorus, the trio rotates lines, with each one walking into the camera frame. Overall, II Volo are top class performers and vocalists. There's also Roman sculptures on screen. Fun fact: this song took 12 years to be picked up by any artist. The Winner: Sweden achieves their 6th victory; putting them one step away from Ireland's record. I imagine it's only a matter of time until they match or surpass it. “Heroes” is also the biggest winner of the 2010s, going by percentage of possible points. Although that's largely because of the juries. It had a 114-point lead(!!) over the runner-up in the jury vote (which was Latvia). Incidentally, this is the first time that the televote winner did not win the contest. The song redefines the term “hero” for the modern age (ie. “of our time”). Where we have personal “demons in our minds”, but we do our best. Which turns this into an anthem for the anti-heroes. Måns starts by explaining that he screwed up and he's avoiding punishment. That heroes are being eradicated. And he relays his father's advice about not dwelling on things. In the second verse, he says that modern heroes are greeted with crickets. That he inspires people (“I make worms turn into butterflies”). And he mentions his father's undying support. The song is an inspirational message directed to the listener. But the lyrics are so awkwardly phrased and trying too hard to sound deep. The “Sing it like a hummingbird” line doesn't make sense either, since I don't associate exclaiming an anthemic chorus with hummingbirds. Plus, Måns's words come off as self-important. The “What if I'm the only hero left” and the “butterflies” lines in particular. Like it's his duty to lead this message. The musicality is better than the lyrics though. The song was written by Joy Deb and Linnea Deb, who also composed “You” (Sweden 2013), “Monsters” (Finland 2018), “Adrenalina” (San Marino 2021) and “Voices” (Sweden 2021). It begins with a sawing guitar that's reminiscent of a Western film. It's been compared to David Guetta's “Lovers On The Sun” (which unofficially featured Avicii) – a huge hit in Europe the previous year. It signals an oncoming showdown; a scene of antiquated movie heroes. The first verse is also like a confession. The song then slowly builds into the chorus. Måns exclaims out loud with extended pauses, as the synths simmer below the surface. Soon enough, the drums escalate things, and the grinding synth swells leading to the drop. Finally, the main chorus envelops the arena. The second verse returns to the guitar, but this time the drums and the string pokes ease the pacing. While the second chorus jumps straight into the drop instead. Following this, there's a short (but effective) bridge. The backing repeats it underneath the final chorus to add an extra hook. The chorus sounds like a big anthem where the whole world could join in. And that “Hero-oh-ohs / oh-oh-ohs” hook is catchy. But... the way it stretches out one word makes it feel empty too. Otherwise, the staging is creative and innovative. It's a showcase of modern technology, where Måns interacts with a projection board as he “manipulates” the images. The stage is kept dark black for the illusion. He starts by siting on a bench. He then snaps his finger and a chalk outline kid appears. He slides over to make room on the bench, as the kid copies his movements. Following this, Måns conjures up a misty swirl that turns into a 3D rainfall effect. In the second verse, he motions that rainfall into a comet-like thing that he captures. He releases it; and it turns into butterfly wings behind him (matching the “butterfly” lyric). He then rotates the dots in a 3D motion during the “turn this world around” line. Afterwards, a school of chalk-outline kids appear on screen. They tilt in unison with Måns. He gives a fist-bump. And his heart glows red. The bridge also shows a chalk outline of Måns's face that morphs into his actual face. During the chorus, the stage lights flash in a frenzy, while he energetically bounces in the center. Måns brings insane charisma and star power to this performance. But it's to the point of self-indulgence with those smug smiles. Which is why I've never been able to love this entry. “Heroes” is not a bad winner at all - but it's not one I get that excited by. It's too calculated. It's not on the same level as “Euphoria” either. And the fact that Måns keeps reappearing at Eurovision year after year doesn't help. As for Melfest 2015, “Heroes” was very much a landslide winner there. The final also featured the first appearances of Jon Henrik Fjällgren and Mariette, who both placed top 3. Guilty pleasure icons Samir & Viktor also made their debut. Verdict: The very bottom of “B” Tier. My Ranking: Grand Final: 01. Latvia: Aminata - Love Injected 02. Estonia: Elina Born and Stig Rästa - Goodbye to Yesterday 03. Slovenia: Maraaya - Here for You 04. Belgium: Loïc Nottet - Rhythm Inside 05. Norway: Mørland and Debrah Scarlett - A Monster Like Me 06. Montenegro: Knez - Adio 07. Italy: Il Volo - Grande amore 08. Albania: Elhaida Dani - I'm Alive 09. Georgia: Nina Sublatti - Warrior 10. Australia: Guy Sebastian - Tonight Again 11. Serbia: Bojana Stamenov - Beauty Never Lies 12. Lithuania: Monika Linkytė and Vaidas Baumila - This Time 13. Azerbaijan: Elnur Hüseynov - Hour of the Wolf 14. Sweden: Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes 15. Greece: Maria Elena Kyriakou - One Last Breath 16. Hungary: Boggie - Wars for Nothing 17. Spain: Edurne - Amanecer 18. Germany: Ann Sophie - Black Smoke 19. Israel: Nadav Guedj - Golden Boy 20. France: Lisa Angell - N'oubliez pas 21. Austria: The Makemakes - I Am Yours 22. Poland: Monika Kuszyńska - In the Name of Love 23. Romania: Voltaj - De la capăt 24. Cyprus: John Karayiannis - One Thing I Should Have Done 25. Armenia: Genealogy - Face the Shadow 26. United Kingdom: Electro Velvet - Still in Love with You Full Ranking: 01. Latvia: Aminata - Love Injected 02. Estonia: Elina Born and Stig Rästa - Goodbye to Yesterday 03. Slovenia: Maraaya - Here for You 04. Belgium: Loïc Nottet - Rhythm Inside 05. Norway: Mørland and Debrah Scarlett - A Monster Like Me 06. Montenegro: Knez - Adio 07. Italy: Il Volo - Grande amore 08. Albania: Elhaida Dani - I'm Alive 09. Georgia: Nina Sublatti - Warrior 10. Australia: Guy Sebastian - Tonight Again 11. Ireland: Molly Sterling - Playing with Numbers 12. Serbia: Bojana Stamenov - Beauty Never Lies 13. Lithuania: Monika Linkytė and Vaidas Baumila - This Time 14. Azerbaijan: Elnur Hüseynov - Hour of the Wolf 15. Sweden: Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes 16. Greece: Maria Elena Kyriakou - One Last Breath 17. Hungary: Boggie - Wars for Nothing 18. Switzerland: Mélanie René - Time to Shine 19. Spain: Edurne - Amanecer 20. Moldova: Eduard Romanyuta - I Want Your Love 21. F.Y.R. Macedonia: Daniel Kajmakoski - Autumn Leaves 22. Germany: Ann Sophie - Black Smoke 23. Israel: Nadav Guedj - Golden Boy 24. Czech Republic: Marta Jandová and Václav Noid Bárta - Hope Never Dies 25. Belarus: Uzari and Maimuna - Time 26. Malta: Amber - Warrior 27. France: Lisa Angell - N'oubliez pas 28. Iceland: Maria Olafs - Unbroken 29. Austria: The Makemakes - I Am Yours 30. Portugal: Leonor Andrade - Há um mar que nos separa 31. Poland: Monika Kuszyńska - In the Name of Love 32. Romania: Voltaj - De la capăt 33. Cyprus: John Karayiannis - One Thing I Should Have Done 34. Denmark: Anti Social Media - The Way You Are 35. Netherlands: Trijntje Oosterhuis - Walk Along 36. Armenia: Genealogy - Face the Shadow 37. United Kingdom: Electro Velvet - Still in Love with You 38. Finland: Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - Aina mun pitää 39. San Marino: Anita Simoncini and Michele Perniola - Chain of Lights “S” Tier: “Euphoria”, “Fairytale”, “My Number One” “A” Tier: “Every Way That I Can”, “Only Teardrops”, “Wild Dances”, “Rise Like a Phoenix”, “Hard Rock Hallelujah”, “Satellite” “B” Tier: “Molitva”, “Heroes” “C” Tier: “Fly On The Wings Of Love”, “I Wanna” “D” Tier: “Everybody”, “Believe”, “Running Scared” “F” Tier: none!
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GRAND FINAL! November 2023 Vocaloid Song Tournament
Nostalogic by yuukiss vs. Evil Food Eater Conchita by mothy
Please listen to both songs before casting your vote! And please reblog for a bigger sample size!
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My Ultimate Bucket List
Go to Norway
Go to Iceland
Go to Canada
Go to Ireland
Go to Lapland
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Go to Danemark
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Go in Florida
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Go in Wisconsin
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Go in the Oregon
Go in North Carolina
Go in South Carolina
Go in Each State of the USA
Go in Waterloo, Wisconsin
Go in New York
Go in Los Angeles
Go in San Francisco
Go in Cupertino
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Go in Chicago
Go in Montréal, Québec, CA
Go in Plantagenet, Québec,CA
Go in Québec City
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Go in Jasper
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Go in Amsterdam
Go in Den Hague
Go in Dublin
Go in London
Go in Edinburgh
Go in Fribourg, Switzerland
Go in Berne, Switzerland
Go in Schwerin, Germany
Go in Sylt, Germany
Go in Messonlonghi, Greece
Go in Copenhagen
Go in Ypres, Belgium
Go in Madeleine Island, Québec
Go in Arcachon
Go in Dinard
Go in La Rochelle
Go in Toulouse
Go in Bordeaux
Go in Nice
Go in St Tropez
Go in Dresden
Go in Etretat
Go in Le Havre
Visit Bruges
Visit Ypres
Visit Leuven
Visit Gent
Visit Antwerpen
Visit Namur
Visit Charleroi
Visit Mons
Visit Arlon
Visit my country
Visit Yosemite National Park
Visit Hobbiton in New Zealand
Visit a National Park by bike
Visit the National Park of Lençois Maranhense,Brésil
Visit the Hesbaye
Visit Newburgh
Visit Berne
Visit Geneva
Visit Singapore
Shopping in the Trek Bike Store in Bruges
Go to the Albuquerque International balloon fiesta
Ride in Ypres
Go to Celine Dion’s Concert
Go to Garou’s Concert
Go to P!nk’s concert
Go to Bryan Adams’s Concert
Go to The Script’s Concert
Go to Francis Cabrel’s Concert
Go to Calogero’s Concert
Go to Maroon 5’s Concert
Go to Justin Bieber’c Concert
Go to Matthew Morrison’s Concert
Go to Conchita Wurst’s Concert
Go to A great big world’s Concert
Go to Sting’s Concert
Go to Phil Collins’s concert
Go to Taylor Swift’s Concert
Go to James Blunt’s Concert
Go to Marco Borsato’s Concert
Go to Bruce Springsteen’s Concert
Go to U2’s Concert
Go to Ana Ka’s Concert
Ride my bike around the world
Climb the Mont Ventoux
Climb the Alpes d’Huez
Ride around the Orient Lake in Mesnil St Père, France
Ride in Bruges
Ride in Flanders
Ride in the Netherlands
Ride in Central Park
Ride in Vancouver
Ride in Cold temperature
Ride in the Hautes Fagnes
Go at a final of a stage of tour of France
Take a pic of the Brocken(Germany) train
Visit the Harry Potter’s Studio
Meet Fabian Cancellara
Meet Andy Schleck
Meet Frank Schleck
Photograph a farmer all a day
Photograph the Milky way
Kayak in Canberra
Kayak on the Canal du midi
Road trip in Canada
Road trip in Germany
Road trip in UK
Bike trip in the Netherlands
Road trip in Europe
Buy books in UK
See New York in winter
Visit Quebec Forest in fall
Go camping in front of a amazing landscape
Fly in a air balloon
Do the hike « Wild » by bike
See the grand canyon
Road trip in Norway
Road trip in Finland
Road trip in Denmark
Go to London with a friend
Eat churros in Mexico
See a movie in cinema « Lumière » in Bruges
Have my driving license
Meet Emmanuelle
Write a book
Road trip in North Ireland
Training camp in a hot country
Meet Flavie
Meet Karla
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
"Pigs! Dogs! Birds! Dirt! Houses! Towns! Countries! Continents! I can eat all of it! Therefore—I'll devour everything in this world!"―Evil Food Eater Conchita
including the quote bc yeah.
after that guy, she hired the josef crim. yes he's dead. but you see. thats not actually josef. its carlos!!! her former fiance!!!!!! so at one point she gets drunk and they do the deed and now she's pregnant. fun.
at some point the imperial family tries to send letters to her but she keeps ignoring them like your cars extended warranty. then they send an army. so what does she do? send pollo out with her undead army.
"To deal with the soldiers outside the mansion, Banica raised an undead horde led by Arte and Pollo. As the terrified Carlos recognized the revived grand chamberlain, Ron, Banica elaborated on how the undead were all of the mansion's previous servants she had brought back. To his frightened questioning, Banica explained the realization she had from her journeys abroad, describing her renewed desire to eat the entire world. Having driven her undead horde across the region to attack the nearby towns, Banica continued indulging her insatiable appetite."
she. she's gonna eat the dirt. and the countries. alright, banica. go ahead. eat some worm poop, i ain't gonna stop ya.
ITS CARLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SHE'S PREGANANANT!!!! anyway. they are trying to contact her about her car's extended warranty, but unfortunately she has an entire undead army and no car.
banica gonna eat the world... like that world-eating snake...
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