#commenting on tons of videos and them replying to em
fagbearentertainment · 2 months
Raghhh I’ve remembered this animator I loved in middle school who made this really good Two Time by Jack Stauber AMV of their ocs but they deleted their channel and it’s been so long I can’t remember the channel name to try to search for it 😭😭😭
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krystalites · 3 years
being an idol and dating yeji would be amazing ;-;
pairing: hwang yeji x gn!idol!reader
genre: fluff, teeniest tiniest bit of angst,
a/n: as a simp for yeji myself, i agree
ATTENTION!: I used Google translate for fake comments, I apologise if something isn't exactly like what I tried to make them seem like and it doesn't make sense. The languages I've chosen are based on the amount of comments I see in those languages in certain idols' posts. The languages I've chosen does NOT represent the fandom from the country.
such a lovely relationship
yeji really treasures you
you two always help each other!!
a hard choreography? couple dance practice time!
a rap too fast? let me help you!
"huh, y/n? why are you still here? it's almost one in the morning!" yeji spoke softly not to scare you as you were panting. she came up to you and offered you a bottle of water, which you took very gladly as you had finished yours almost an hour ago. all of a sudden, yeji took her hoodie off. underneath that, she was wearing a nice sports bra. she had obviously just left practice. "come on," she said and offered her hand. "show me where you're having problems so we can work on it!
your groups have a lot of interaction and you give lots of moments together.
yeji once told you that fans would ship you guys either way so it didn't really matter.
so you went along with it.
fans really shipped you two!!
and when you ignore some hate comments, most fans would be happy to find out that the two of you are dating.
hwang yeji and y/l/n y/n being adorable for 8 minutes straight the video title read. you clicked without hesitation. you loved watching videos like these, seeing how people think you two would look great together. you'd forward the videos to yeji and she would usually reply with the pleading eyes emoji and a bunch of hearts. to feed the content creators and fan fictions, you two made sure to give lots of moments together!
but not all relationships are perfect.
being an idol comes with fights, busy schedules, forgotten dates or anniversaries.
and most importantly, hate from fans.
user d: "saya tidak berpikir Y/N harus sedekat itu dengan seorang gadis! itu tidak pantas!"
user a: "i don't like how close y/n is to yeji."
user b: “are you kidding me? yeji is all over y/n. she needs to give them some space.”
user a: “it was y/n who clinged on yeji last night during the award show! they sure made her uncomfortable.”
user c: "y/n é tão chato. você não viu como eles ficaram em silêncio no Weekly Idol?"
user e: "Y/N을 지지하고 페미니즘을 공식화할 만큼 충분히 했다고 생각하지 않습니까? 그들은 선견지명에서 멀리 떨어져 있어야 합니다."
the twitter thread sure made you upset. it's normal for people who are dating to cling at each other. of course, the fans didn't know that. out of yeji and you, you slightly got more hate comments. it upset you a lot, and you had tons of fights about it with yeji. you didn't think you two should made your relationship official with the amount of hate you're getting. the fans would eat you alive. yeji isn't selfish in any way, no. but she keeps on insisting that you're overreacting and it isn't that much of an deal.
as you were having these thoughts, the door to your dorm room knocked. your roommate/bandmate raised their head from their phone and got up. they opened the door to reveal your beautiful girlfriend. considering how quiet you were, your roommate got the clue before you could ask them to leave, and quickly headed to the kitchen, closing the door behind them.
yeji stepped in and before she could even open her mouth, you quickly got up and hugged her. "we can become official if you want to" she pulled away from you and placed her hands an your shoulders. "i read some comments while coming here.. i didn't realize you were getting that much hate. we should wait until you're ready." you nodded and hugged her again, this time pulling her to bed with you, to cuddle and enjoy your time together.
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meirimerens · 4 years
If you're accepting fandom questions could we have some elaboration about those mgs jupiter family alaskan daydreams please? Also your amazing TEW art got me into the series so thanks, I'm liking it a lot!!
first of all, i’m so deeply honored that my art could get you into a game, and also : god i’m fucking sorry lol
second of all
oh god oh fuck alaskan daydreams time
okay so long /, the read mores don’t work, you’re gonna have to bear with it
so tldr i have… EXTENSIVE imaginated stories about dave, hal and sunny living in a little remote cabin in alaska. 
i’d imagine it’d come somewhere post-mgs2 even though sunny is already a bit grown so maybe like just disregard canon OR imagine a different timeline i don’t know, and it’s from a place where hal and dave don’t have anything to do after the mgs2 incidents (so no mgs4 and love of god NO accelerated aging i can’t deal with this), and there is this atmosphere of… “we’ve been sticking together for so long, i can’t see ourselves just parting ways (plus we have a kid to raise and i can’t imagine raising her alone) so how about we make the rest of our lives together” and dave is just like… “hey, we’ve been running all across the country, jumping from shitty motel to shitty motel to shittier apartments, and i have this cabin i once lived in, how about we just all move into it and re-inhabit it” and that’s just how it starts. 
it’s a cabin i have extensively thought about (because i’m obsessed with cabins and being a hermit, so that helps). it’d be near the shore of the Twin Lakes, Alaska (taken from the canon fact that this is where snake lived pre-MGS1), so they’d live off-the-grid and in almost-self-sufficiency (they become more and more self-sufficient as time goes on and they make more adjustments to the cabin). 
i imagine it would look similar to Proenneke’s cabin (which incidentally is also near Twin Lakes), maybe on the other shore, all wood with a vegetation/moss roof + a slight porch/elevation to protect the entrance from a bit of the snow. it’d be surrounded by wooden little dog kennels/crates for the huskies (more on that later) similar to the ones in [this video] around the 0:59 min mark (warning for animal death/general stuff that goes on in a trapper’s lifestyle for the vid).
it here’s a floor plan of the cabin, not to proportions because i’m just shit at it :
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(good luck reading that)
not pictured : when sunny was smaller (before the addition), her bed was like a little shelf just above the big bed (that hal and dave share) with little like “walls” so she doesn’t fall and a thick mattress, which was discarded when she got her new room.
later would be added an outdoor kitchen and a chicken coop (more on that…….. later)
as i said, they’d first be living in semi-dependency : every ¾ weeks they’d have to go to Port Alsworth/Anchorage or somewhere else to stock tf up. Snake would fish (you can fish for subsistence if you’ve been living in Alaska for over a year according to law) and hunt (seems to be the same type of law when hunting for food, YES i’ve researched this, leave me alone) for food. As he has done odd jobs to afford his cabin, I imagine he’d have done crabbing, and would show up to help on crabbing boats from time to time to get some of them crabs.
later, I imagine they would get 4 rescue hens to get some of them fresh eggs. snake would build a chicken scoop from forest wood. 1 of the hens wouldn’t be able to make eggs because she was traumatized from the industry but they still took her in because she was close friends with the other hens and they didn’t want to separate them. 
I imagine Snake had been growing his own herbs in the kitchen but maybe they’d get a greenhouse ready.
they’d go foraging for berries, fruits and mushrooms according to the seasons and make a SHITTON of jams and preserves.
i imagine there would be a lot of solidarity with the surrounding populations. for exemple, Hal would help set up and manage online dictionaries for Iñupiat, Yup'ik or Alutiiq languages with the local communities, maybe help wire up some schools, things like that, and as thanks some people would go check on them and give em veggies or something.
Snake is getting them.
since we don’t know what happened to his huskies around mgs1, i suppose/guess they were at some time confiscated from him, so first, he’s get a lovely husky female from a shelter (i also have long thought about how he’d never go to a breeder and only adopt, because the whole “creature created with a man’s ideal in mind” hits a bit too close for him you feel) that would later be revealed as pregnant with like 5 puppies (it will come back later as relevant as promise). Then he’d do his best to regain contact with his huskies, maybe setting up a call on social media (THIS WILL BE PART OF A BRAIN ROTTING DEGENERACY I WILL EXPAND ON IN A MINUTE) to find them again. i imagined he would get to see one of his old huskies, who has well aged, who was adopted by some nice nice people. then said nice people, after his visit, insisting on him getting his husky back because “since you left she hasn’t been herself, she refused to eat. we think she misses you too much. we love her tons and it breaks our heart to let her go, but we think she would be so much happier by your side” type of deal, i’m fucking crying just thinking about it.
of course, once his team is back in shape, he’s run the Iditarod again. Hed keep contact with hal over walkietalkie during the race. hal would jump in his arms when he crosses the finish line, the pic would circulate in the news. it’d be cute i’m saying.
as I said, adopted, in a little scoop snake built himself. they give eggs. sometimes they let them roam free and they bully hal when he peels vegetables (i’ve drawn smth about this). sunny feeds them in the mornings. things are good.
Snake wakes up around 5AM because he don’t need no sleep and goes to his huskies. feeds them. then make them run. when he gets back around 8 to 8:30, hal is still asleep. snake makes breakfast. the scents wake hal up. things are good.
Sunny is taught by snake how to chop wood. he makes a tiny axe for her tiny hands. he and hal teach her how to swim in the Twin Lakes. the waters cold but she grows immune to it, strong and stronger. she learns how to differenciate which mushrooms and berries are edible.
they try to send her to school but she’s WAY too advanced and is bored to death. she stays at home. she’s outside all day or she learns astrophysics with Hal, who’s taking online classes in his free time. she learns some Athabaskan languages at a community class once in a while, she makes some friends.
They go on hikes a lot. Often, and long ones. At first, sunny is in a little baby back carrier (i have drawn about this), then she walks just right. Alaska has gorgeous national parks, they explore them, year after year. They arrive in a town, exhausted and beat, they find a hotel room. It has a bathtub and warm water. Hal is OVERJOYED.
in the earliest hints of spring, snake takes them to Fairbanks through the beautiful alaskan railroad. they see the most beautiful and powerful of northern lights during the full season. hal and sunny can’t tear their eyes from the skies.
ok…. so bear with me.
i mentioned an internet/social media presence.
it’s because in a deviation of this daydream, snake has a little youtube channel (and an instagram to go with it).
it’s not much. it’s really not, but hal has a few cameras and more that he finds and fixes.
it’s mostly lowkey, chill vlogs. stuff like 
“slow alaskan winter day (no talking)” 
“sprintime berry picking ( + jams recipes!)”
“alaskan summer outdoor fire cookout ( + wild moose and caribou near the lake)”
“denali national park hike (day 1)”
stuff that like you know. as well as some more…
“i ran the iditarod (and won)”
“we got hens (building a chicken scoop, meeting the rescue hens and more)”
“musher’s morning routine (i’d recommend you didn’t try this at home if you are not the genetically engineered clone of a super-soldier, for your sake)”
and as you guessed…
“so our rescue husky was pregnant… (i’m an idiot who didn’t notice, trip to the vet, building a whelping pen, whelping, bottlefeeding tiny pup + all the puppies’ pictures!)”
where dave would teach hal how to bottlefeed a puppy and you’d be able to hear hal’s “oh god oh god oh god oh god”s from out of frame as the camera focuses on dave’s hands holding his to have him perfectly cup the puppy in his palm and carry the bottle. this type of deal.
then follow-up videos of the puppies climbing the bed where hal is, playing on his gameboy. he chuckles nervously and then heartily when a puppy licks his face.
some winter days, the videos have snake bringing all the huskies in the small cabin. some of them sit calmly on the wide bed where hal studies his astrophysics.
and an instagram with wilderness pictures… all except a few taken by hal. some of snake posing in front of the snowed in cabin. some of warm drinks made on winter days. you know the deal.
and they’d have such a nice… positive… lowkey and easy-going comment section. dave would reply to a lot of them. 
he’d get quite a share of “hey man, i love your vids so much, thank you for posting this content. i was wondering, sorry if it’s a bit too personal, are you and your roommate dating? you two seem very close, but i don’t want to assume anything 😅 absolutely love your content either way, you’re the only youtuber i have notifs on” to which he’d reply “thank you so much, really appreciate it. and we’re not, we’ve just known each other for a long, long time. we’re aware two straight guys raising a child and living together isolated makes for a bit of confusion, but it’s totally platonic between us. thanks for sticking around.” but one day he uploads a vid that’s like 
“crabbing in juneau ! + life update (please read description)”
and the desc + the first 20 seconds of the vid is a text superimposed over embarassing pictures of hal and it reads “hey all / quick personal update, i’ll make it quick / otacon and i realized we loved each other / (as more than friends that is) / so if we seem just a bit closer in the videos from now on this is why / no idea how this is going to turn out for up / but yeah. if he seems a bit more affectionate it’s because we’re dating now, or something like that / and to everyone whom i told ‘it’s just strictly platonic between us’:  / well. ha ha. whoops. / anyway thank you for reading / enjoy the video” and all the comments would be like “that’s so dope i’m so happy for you” and other “tbf we saw that coming” and snake would smash that like button on these comments.
and he’d have a video of the whole iditarod race as taken from a camera on his jacket/on his sled… and he’d have videos of him filming hal film the landscape through the window of the train during their trip to fairbanks… and of hal and sunny in said train sharing a tangerine… and of him building a little axe for sunny…. and he’d always ask her if she is okay with being on camera, and when she’d say no he’d make sure she doesn’t appear on here or add a cute husky sticker on her face so she’s not seen.
just lowkey. chill. upbeat. simple life moments. he’d disappear off the internet for a month because he’s just enjoying the life and when he’d come back everyone would be very understanding and glad to see some cool pictures or vids. you know? just chilling. just chilling. just living.
one day before a “hiking through lake clark national park” he has the same little life update thing and it goes “hey / so otacon and i got married / sunny and aksinya [rescued pregant husky] were our flower girls / otacon cried / i cried / anyway, enjoy the video” over pictures of the tiny alaskan wedding. and it’s well.
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partytricks · 5 years
my take on the smosh situations
okay, so, the thumbnail thing.
yes, i agree that they're using shayne and courtney in way too many thumbnails, and it's annoying clickbait. yes, i do think that more people should be included in the thumbnails for the videos (specifically the people who rarely appear in videos such as tommy, kimmy, wes, keith, noah, olivia, spencer, tanner, monica, etc...) what i don't agree with is that it's a race thing. i've seen a few smoshblrs say that it's always the poc who aren't in the thumbnails, and while that is true (because courtney, shayne, damien, and ian aren't poc) it's not because they're poc that they're excluded from thumbnails, it's because they're either: not in the video, have a very small role in a video, or because shayne, courtney, damien, and ian have very large fanbases and can get easy clicks. is it shitty? yes, absolutely. are they doing it out of spite or hatred? most likely not. i don't think that anyone at smosh (cast or crew) is racist, mega-egoist, etc... i think they're just trying to make decisions as a business. people in the comments always talk about shourtney, or how much they love damien, how chaotic shayne is, how much they like courtney etc... so logically, they're gonna use the members that people talk about because they know that's what the majority of people will click on. that being said, i think it's good that we're trying to bring it to their attention that it can't just keep being shayne and courtney in thumbnails, and that they need to include other members (outside of damien and ian. i love em, but they're starting to be in a ton of thumbnails too) but i think the way some of us are going about it is a little too harsh. yes, comment, tweet them, reply to them, anything to bring it to their attention, but do it in a respectful way. you don't need to bash courtney and shayne, because quite frankly, i don't think they get a say in being in the thumbnail, and you don't need to bash the content. but you can still get the word across.
now, onto the whole keith, olivia, noah, (and a few smosh games members) not being in a lot of videos as of late.
i think this is also something that's being taken a little out of proportion. true, the last few videos have mainly consisted of damien, courtney, shayne, ian, and various crew members/ writers. but i don't think this is a way of trying to ween keith, olivia, noah, etc... out of smosh entirely. i think it's because they're just not available for as many videos anymore. really, when you look at it:
- noah is going pretty steady with his IGTV sketches/ overall instagram content
- mari is doing a lot of sponsored gaming events/ going on a lot of trips to places outside the us
- lasercorn has a kid, and has a shared channel called toasterghost
- olivia is going on a lot of vacations, and spending time with her boyfriend because she now has the time and freedom to do so while still keeping her job. she's also in two movies that are in post-production, and likely coming out soon
- joven has his own youtube channel, which is doing pretty well in terms of views and subscribers, and he (like olivia) is starting to travel a bit more
- wes is doing really well in terms of cosplay, he's been going to a lot of premieres and conventions as of late. him and his brother, brenden, also have a joint youtube channel called IRL Bros that's doing fairly well in terms of views and subscribers
- keith isn't a big gamer, which is likely why he's not in smosh games videos, and he's been spending a lot of time with his friends outside of the cast
granted, shayne and damien are doing stuff outside of smosh too (shayne - the goldbergs and an episode of schooled, damien - voice acting and twitch streaming) but since they're around majority of the time, there are likely videos stockpiled that include them, so it's as if they were never gone. we've known this for a while, but damien literally said it himself. keith, olivia, noah, etc... are still there and still have their jobs, but they (smosh) film multiple videos at a time, so if someone is gone for a week, they're gonna be missing from a ton of videos. i don't think smosh is trying to slowly get rid of anyone (heck, even sohinki was invited back to do ssg: apocalypse, so i don't think any of the current members are being excluded on purpose) but i do think it's a matter of who's available to film, which is usually damien, courtney, ian, shayne, @.mattraub, sarah, and a few other crew peeps.
i love everyone at smosh, and i don't think anyone is hateful, or exclusionary, or a bad person in general. but i do think that those thumbnails (and even video titles) need to be rethought.
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Fallen Idols: Part Two
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,129
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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“Did you just give him all that research to do so he wouldn’t be out in the world?” you asked Dean as you finished your glass of beer from the bar you two were at.
“He needs it.”
“Dean, do you fully trust him? If not, you have to tell him. I may not have been serious about braiding Sam’s hair and mud masks, but I was serious about talking about our feelings. It doesn’t have to be a girl sesh, but it is healing to do so.”
“That’s more your thing than mine,” he shrugged.
“You know, I’m kind of scared about Amara and what Zachariah showed us,” you sighed.
“Me too,” he whispered, but you heard him.
“I just don’t want to end up that way. I saw the look in my own eyes, and I didn’t recognize me. It was all her, and that scares the shit out of me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were having dreams about her?”
“I guess I didn’t want you to worry. She talks to me wherever she is, and she says that I need to trust her because she needs me and I am going to need her. She tells me that she isn’t bad, but what I saw… that wasn’t good. It’s the complete opposite of everything she’s telling me that she is.”
“We’ll deal with her when it comes down to it. Who knows, that could be years in the future.” Before you had a chance to come up with a reply, Dean’s phone rang. He answered it with a curt, “Hello” before putting whoever it was on speakerphone.
“Took me a while, but I traced all the car's previous owners,” Sam said on the other line.
“Any of 'em die bloody?” you wondered.
“Nope. In fact—” someone nearby breaks a triangle of pool balls which was loud enough for Sam to hear it. “Are you two in a bar?”
“No, I—I'm—we’re in a restaurant,” Dean stuttered, and you put your hand over your mouth to silence your giggle.
“Here’s your beer,” the bartender said when she brought out Dean’s refill.
“That happens to have a bar,” the older brother said to the younger one.
“I've been working my ass off here.”
“Hey, world's smallest violin, pal, I spent the afternoon up Christine's skirt. I needed a drink,” Dean sighed.
“Actually, you didn't.”
“What does that mean?” you asked.
“The car's first owner was a cardiologist in Philadelphia; drove it 'til he died in nineteen-seventy-two. That Porsche is not, nor has it ever been, James Dean's car. It's a fake Little Bastard.”
“Then what killed the guy?”
“Good question,” Sam sighed.
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“I want you to use a, a fine-tooth comb. The evidence is here, we just gotta find it,” Rick instructed one of the crime scent unit gentlemen who just nodded and left to do his job. 
There had been another murder taken place at someone’s home. GSW to the head, but no bullet, gunpowder, or gun so it was definitely up your alley.
“Heard you got another weird one,” you commented to the Sheriff as he pushed past you to exit the room.
“Uh, well, it's a little strange on the surface, I admit, but, uh... you know, once you—you look at the facts…”
“William Hill died from a gunshot wound to the head. No gun, no gunpowder, no bullet,” you pointed it out to the nervous man.
“Nope. Nothing strange about that,” Dean shrugged.
“Well there's gotta be a reasonable explanation. There always is.”
“Well what's your reasonable explanation?”
“Professional killer,” the Sheriff whispered cautiously. “CIA, NSA, one of them trained assassins, like in Michael Clayton. You're welcome to look around, but—but these guys don't leave fingerprints.”
“Mind if we talk with the witness?” you asked.
“Be my guest. She's not making any sense! And she's not making any sense in Spanish either.”
“Right,” Dean nodded slowly before you took the lead and led the brothers outside where a police officer was talking to the housekeeper for William. 
Pulling out your badge, you flashed it to the officer who just nodded and left the woman alone.
“Consuela Alvarez?” you asked.
“FBI. Now, uh, you said you saw something in the professor's house. Right? Something in the window?” you asked as you took the officer’s place on the bench next to the woman.
“Estaba sacando la basura. Imiré por la ventana y vi al hombre que mató al Señor Hill!” she exclaimed. 
Looking at Sam, you knew he used to take Freshman Spanish, so he was the only one who could talk to her right now since you and Dean didn’t know a lick of English. Getting up, you let Sam take your spot so he could talk to her.
“Uh, Señora Alvarez. Cálmese, por favor. Uh—Uh, díganos lo que vio?” Sam asked as he tried to remember what he learned. 
He asked her to tell him what she saw and to calm down since she was a fucking mess.
“Era alto. Muy alto. Y llevaba el abrigo negro largo y tenía bigotes,” she sighed.
“Okay, uh, a tall man, very tall. With a long black coat and a beard,” Sam translated.
“Y un sombrero,” Consuela added.
“Dude was wearing a sombrero?” Dean asked.
“Uh, a hat, not a—a—”
“No, no, no, un sombrero alto,” the woman corrected.
“A tall hat?”
“Oh, like a top hat!”
“Un sombrero alto. Muy alto!” she gasped as she demonstrated just how tall this hat was.
“What, you mean like a stovepipe hat?” you asked. “Like Abraham Lincoln.”
“Sí,” the woman sobbed. “El Presidente Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln kill Mister Hill!”
“Excuse me?” you asked, not believing your ears.
“S-so I go home now?” she asked.
“Uh, sí. Gracias,” Sam smiled as the woman left.
“Abraham Lincoln? The 16th president? The dead president?” you gawked.
“Looks like it,” Sam sighed.
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Back at the motel room, research needed to be done because clearly, something was going on here that was worse than you originally thought. Sam did some research on the newest victim, William, while you and Dean went over the video that Jim recorded of Cal’s death to see if there was something that happened to be missed. Dean played the video frame by frame until you spotted something red in the reflection of the car.
“Wait, go back,” you instructed.
“You find something?” Sam asked. 
Dean went back a few frames until the figure in red was locked onto the screen. Dean picked up the laptop before turning it around and showing his brother what was discovered.
“It's a freeze-frame from Jim Grossman's video. Are we crazy, or does that look like James Dean?”
“That looks like James Dean,” Sam confirmed. 
Dean placed the laptop back in front of him with a sigh.
“So, we got Abraham Lincoln, and James Dean?” you asked. “Famous ghosts?”
“Well that's just silly.”
“No, actually, there is a ton of lore on famous ghosts. More than the, you know, not-famous kinds. I'm actually surprised we haven't run into one before.”
“Yeah, but now we got two of 'em? Two extremely pissed-off ghosts?”
“Who are apparently ganking their fans,” Sam said as he looked at his laptop screen.
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“Professor Hill was a Civil War nut. He dug Lincoln.”
“And Cal must've been a James Dean freak. He spent seventeen years of his life tracking down the guy's car,” Dean added.
“So, you're saying we've got two super-famous, super-pissed-off ghosts killing their... super-fans?” you asked in disbelief.
“That's what it looks like.”
“Okay, but what the hell are they doing here?” you wondered. “Ghosts usually haunt the places they live. I mean, I get Abraham Lincoln at the White House and James Dean at a race track, but... what the hell are they doing in Canton?”
“That’s what we need to find out.”
“You. That’s what you need to find out,” Dean said as he got up. 
Closing the laptop, you got up before heading to the bathroom. Sam just rolled his eyes before getting to work. He worked hard to try and find the right kind of information while you went to the bathroom and Dean watched from the sink with a soda in hand.
“You gotta be kidding me,” Sam groaned.
“What?” Dean asked as he walked over to Sam to see what was going on. “You gotta be kidding me.”
“What is it?” you asked as you exited the bathroom. Walking over to the brothers, you saw a website for a wax museum not that far from here. “You got to kidding me.”
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Walking into the wax museum, you looked at the very many and very life-like figures which were everywhere. Abraham Lincoln was staring at you as you passed him which gave you a chilly shudder of uncertainty. John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon were also on display as well as some other famous individuals.
“Dude, he's short,” Dean commented. Looking over to where he was, you just chuckled at his comment made towards Gandhi.
“Hey. Gandhi was a great man,” Sam defended him.
“Yeah, for a Smurf,” Dean scoffed just as the director of the museum came rushing down the stairs.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, this is our busiest time of the year,” he chuckled. Looking around the place, there wasn’t a soul left in sight.
“This is busy?” you asked.
“Well, not right now, but it's early.”
“It's four-thirty,” you coughed.
“So, what can I do for you?”
“Uh, well, we are writing a piece for Travel Magazine,” Sam took over.
“Yeah, on how, uh, totally non-sucky wax museums are.”
“That's fantastic. A little press, just what we need.”
“Great. Well we're interested in a few of your exhibits, specifically Abraham Lincoln and, uh, James Dean.”
“Two of our most popular displays.”
“They bring in a lot of visitors?” you wondered.
“Yeah, we have our regulars.”
“I don't suppose that, uh, William Hill and Cal Hawkins were regulars, were they?” Dean asked.
“As a matter of fact, they were. Yeah, I heard what happened to them. It's tragic, just tragic. Oh—you—that's not gonna be in the article, is it?” the owner panicked a little inside.
“No, of course not. You know, I gotta tell you, that Lincoln is so lifelike, I mean, you can just imagine him moving around. You ever see anything like that?” Dean chuckled.
“Uh, no,” the owner frowned.
“Well, um, is there anything you could think of that would make your museum... unusual? You know, for the article?” you inquired.
“Well, I'll say. There isn't another place like us, not anywhere. For one, that's Honest Abe's real hat,” he said as he pointed to the wax figure.
“Almost like his remains,” Dean said to his brother which the owner caught.
“Uh, I guess.”
“You wouldn't happen to have any of James Dean's personal effects, would you?” you asked.
“Ooh, yeah. Got his keychain. We got a bunch of stuff, uh, Gandhi's bifocals, FDR's iron lung. This,” he indicated to his leather jacket with a huge smile.
“Who did that belong to?”
“The Fonz. Seasons two through four!” the owner grinned with a double thumbs-up. “But this is nothing. I've been working on a new collection of figures. Stuff that'll really wow the kids. Computer games, cell phones, sexting; They're just fads. I'm gonna make wax museums hip again.”
“Well, thank you for your time,” you said politely before leaving the awkward man and the creepy-as-hell museum. You’d come back tonight when the coast was clear to get rid of the keychain and the hat.
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“Yeah, Abraham Lincoln and James Dean, can you believe that?... Why so kill-crazy? Ah, maybe the apocalypse has got 'em all hot and bothered. Yeah, well, we all know whose fault that is… Well I'm sorry, but it's true,” Dean spoke to your dad over the phone. Looking up from your phone, you saw Sam by the door, and you cleared your throat loudly which caused Dean to spin around quickly. “I'll call you later. Bye.”
“What's going on?” Sam asked.
“Did you get the trunk packed up?”
“Yeah, trunk's packed. Who was on the phone?”
“My dad.”
“Nothing,” Dean shook his head.
“So, we're just gonna pretend I didn't hear what I just heard?”
“Pretend or don't pretend. Whatever floats your boat.”
“This was supposed to be a fresh start, Dean,” Sam sighed.
“Well, this is about as fresh as it gets,” Dean said as he picked up his jacket. “Now are we going or not?”
“Sorry, Sam,” you whispered before following Dean out the door. Sam watched with a frown, sighed, but then followed nonetheless.
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 047 [Teamwork]
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Word Count: 3,352
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“Don’t be scared to say what’s on your mind. Show them all your colors, show your pride. And no matter what they say, know you’re a star.” Mackenzie Ziegler, “Teamwork”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
I stepped inside the classroom, eyes locking with heterochromatic ones. I suppressed a shiver as I approached my desk. To think that I could have been flame fuck’s kid… I could have been Shouto’s sister. Now I feel bad about all those dirty thoughts I had when I first met him. Ugh, what was that dipshit mom of mine thinking? Was he married to Shouto’s mom back then? He had to be… right? That means he cheated on his wife – that doesn’t really surprise me, he seems the type. Did mom know he was married? Did he pay her like he paid off his wife’s family? I groaned, letting my forehead hit my desk.
A hand rested on my shoulder followed by a soft, familiar voice. “How are your injuries?”
“Todoro -” My eye twitched as flame fuck popped into my head. “I’m fine, Shouto. How are you doing?”
His eyes widened a bit at the use of his first name, cheeks dusting a light pink. “I wasn’t injured that badly.”
Shit, it feels awkward as fuck now. Silence settled over us and I briefly wondered if he’s feeling as awkward as I am. Students started to file into the room, swapping stories of their adventures during their internship.
Obnoxious laughter filled the room as Kirishima and Sero loudly chorused, “Holy crap! What the heck, Bakugo?!”
Huh? Katsuki? I can’t see anything but those two idiot’s backs. I stood up, slowly approaching the three boys.
“Stop laughing…” Kat’s voice was strained. “My hair’s gotten used to this and I can’t get it back the right way…”
“Woah,” My eyes widened as I stepped up beside Kiri. Katsuki’s body was shaking and his hair… it’s flatter than Kyouka’s tits! “Uh… new fashion choice, Kat? Actually, it don’t look that bad. You look like… a prep.”
“Did you not hear me?! I’ll kill all of you!”
“I’d like to see you try, pretty boy!” Sero laughed loudly.
“What did you call me?!” With an explosive pop, his flat blonde hair expanded outward, returning to its natural spiky state.
“There it goes!!” The two chorused, clutching their stomachs.
Before he could actually kill them, I threw my arm around his neck and dragged him over to his desk. He elbowed me hard in the gut, which was still fucking sore, before falling onto his chair. I wheezed in pain, “The fuck was that for?”
His vermillion eyes narrowed as they met mine. “You ignored all my damn messages! And then fucking Iida called me telling me you’re alive! What the fuck, tiger?!”
“My phone kinda… broke,” I deadpanned, sitting backward at the desk in front of him. “Well, as it turns out, our bad feelings were right. I put our instincts to the test, you’re welcome.”
He scowled, leaning forward on his desk. “What the fuck happened?”
I rested my arms on the top of the chair and sighed. “The hero and all of her sidekicks were all dead when I arrived at the agency.”
He sucked in a breath, his eyes widening.
“It was the League of Villains. I was actually about to call you and tell you what I found when they appeared. Tried to get away, but that damn warp gate is a pain in my fucking ass.”
“Wait…” Katsuki.exe is processing this information. “The league had you all fucking week?!”
Ojirou, currently the closest person to us, glanced over at us at the sudden exclamation and I sent him a sheepish smile before scowling at Kat. “No one fucking knows, so shut your fatass mouth!”
“You’re a fucking dumbass, you know that?” He growled, smacking his hand on the desk. “I told you not to go!”
I hummed. “I also met my dad.”
“You what?”
“Apparently, he’s a top hero over in Ireland.” I held up a finger and grinned. “But wait, there’s more! I learned some juicy shit about my mom. You won’t fucking believe -” My words paused in my throat when I felt an aura spike across the room. Holy cow, Ochaco’s aura is hella stronger than it was before!
“I’d say that it was very enlightening,” she punched the air a few times. To be honest, I feel relieved that her spirit has changed, gotten stronger. That means she’ll be safer.
“I think she found her fighting spirit,” Tsu commented.
“Yeah, that battle hero must’ve been something else,” Kyouka agreed.
“After one week, she’s like a totally different person.” Kaminari mused.
“‘Different’? Don’t be fooled, Kaminari.” Mineta got a terrified look on his face, his skin pale and eyes wide. “All women are demons at heart. They just hide their true personalities behind pretty faces…” His voice shook and I smirked. Good, that bitch put him in his place. Now let’s hope he fucking stays there.
“What the heck did Mt. Lady do to you? Everyone at my internship loved me, it was actually kinda great! Now, if you wanna talk about the ones who really changed, it was those three,” Kaminari nodded toward Shouto’s desk where he, Zuku, and Iida were gathered.
“Oh yeah! The hero killer!” Sero exclaimed.
“Glad you guys made it back alive,” Kirishima gave them a soft smile. “Seriously!”
Momo nodded. “I worried about you, too.”
“You’re lucky Endeavor showed up and saved you guys,” Sumo’s voice sounds so goddamn condescending, the little fuck.
“So cool~” Toru swooned. “Just what I’d expect from the number two hero!”
I scoffed, narrowing my eyes at the desk beside me. “Bastard didn’t do shit.”
Katsuki’s eye twitched in annoyance. “Don’t fucking tell me… you were there, too?!”
“Huh?” Kaminari’s golden eyes met mine. “You were there, too, Winchester?”
“What?” Sero added. “No way!”
Shouto spoke up, his voice and face blank. “Yeah, that’s right. He saved us.”
“Did you guys hear the news about the hero killer?” Ojirou questioned. “Everyone’s been saying that he’s somehow connected to the League of Villains. Can you imagine how frightening it would’ve been if that creep had been there when they attacked the USJ?”
“They’re not connected,” I responded blankly. “Don’t believe everything you hear.”
Kirishima tilted his head. “How do you know?”
“Uhh… woman’s intuition?”
Katsuki rolled his eyes, “What a dumbass excuse.”
“He’s scary, yeah, but did you see ’em in that weird video?” Kaminari asked. “It’s all over the internet.”
“I didn’t even know there was a video of him,” Ojirou responded in surprise.
“Yeah,” he continued. “Stain’s a pretty evil villain, but like, super tenacious! He’s almost kinda cool, don’t you guys think?”
“Kaminari!” Zuku cried out in disbelief.
“Huh?” the blonde’s gaze slipped to Iida and his expression turned guilty, his hand shooting up to cover his mouth. “Oh, uh… dude…!”
“No, it’s okay. You’re fine.” Iida replied calmly, holding his hand up. I can see the bandages peeking out from the sleeves of his jacket. “It is true that he’s quite a tenacious villain. I understand why people might think he was cool, but instead of helping the world, his beliefs led him to cold-blooded murder. No matter his motives, killing cannot be condoned.”
Kaminari lowered his head, shoulders slumping. I stood up and rested my hand on his head, ruffling his blonde hair.
Iida continued, “To keep anyone else from suffering like me… well,” he held his arm out straight, glasses glinting under the bright lights. “I promise… I will strive to be the perfect hero!”
“Yeah, let’s do it!” Zuku cheered.
I clicked my tongue, moving my arm to rest on Kaminari’s shoulder. “I hate to be that bitch -” Which is a total lie. “I get what you’re tryin’ to say, right, but~ to quote a very creepy but quite brilliant mad scientist: ‘There is no such thing as perfect in this world. That may sound cliche, but it’s the truth. The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it, but what’s the point of achieving perfection? There is none. Nothing. Not a single thing. I spit on perfection! If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for that person to gain additional knowledge or abilities.’”
Sero whistled. “That’s pretty deep.”
Katsuki scoffed. “You can remember that long ass fucking quote you can’t even remember simple math equations. Dumbass.”
“In conclusion!” I met Iida’s eyes and offered him a grin. “Don’t strive to be perfect, strive to be the best hero you can be, Mr. Class Rep~”
He returned the smile, nodding his head. “You’re right. I never thought of it that way.”
Zuku looked between us with worry before sighing in relief when he realized we weren’t gonna butt heads again.
“It’s time for class to begin! Everyone, please take your seats!” Iida ordered loudly.
“He’s back…” Fumi sighed.
“This is your fault for talking about weird stuff,” Kyouka sweatdropped, glaring at Kaminari whose face fell in response.
“Sorry… I’ll keep my mouth shut…”
“Class 1-A will ensure there is peace!”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
Class 1-A was led to a secluded area away from the school building. It was basically a mini-city, but instead of buildings, there were a bunch of warehouses and a shit-ton of pipes and empty tanks.
“I am here!” Toshi fell from the sky, as he usually does, landing in front of the class. “Hope you’re ready to return to our lessons! Today, it’s hero basic training! Feels like I haven’t seen you in a while. Welcome back! Now then, listen carefully for what’s in store. We’re going to be conducting a little race. Take everything you’ve learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue training.”
“If it’s rescue training,” Iida’s bandaged arm shot up into the air. “Then shouldn’t we be at the USJ instead?”
“Ah! That facility specializes in disasters. As I said earlier, this is a race. So prepare!” Toshi grinned. “You’re about to step into field Gamma! Inside is an area full of factories that form an intricate labyrinth, so good luck finding your way around. You’ll be competing in groups of five. Each person starts from a different location on the outskirts of the model city. I’ll send a distress signal and you do what you must to rescue me! Whoever finds me first, wins! But try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum, please.” He sent a sharp look at Bakugo while pointing his finger directly at him.
Chief didn’t even try to be discreet with that shade.
Katsuki growled, glancing away. “Why are you pointing at me?”
“Alright! First group, to your places!”
Group one consisted of Zuku, Ojirou, Iida, Sero, and Ashido. The rest of us gathered around the large screen to watch the race. Kaminari frowned at the screen, his voice filled with worry. “Iida hasn’t completely recovered yet, right? He should sit this out!”
“Yeah,” Kirishima nodded. “And everyone in this group has really good mobility.”
“I’d say Midoriya’s at a heavy disadvantage against those four,” Momo commented.
“That’s what I think,” Kyouka agreed. “Moving around quickly isn’t exactly one of his strong suits, that’s for sure.”
Momo added, “And whenever he uses his powers, he always gets badly injured.”
I held back my smirk as my eyes met Shouto’s. That’s right, no one knows about how much my lil cinnabon has improved or how he can now use One for All with less drawbacks aside from Iida and Shouto. Man, their surprised faces are gonna be fucking priceless! I glanced at Katsuki’s back. I bet he’s not gonna be too happy, though.
“Who’s your pick?” Kirishima asked, glancing at Kaminari. “I’m betting on Sero!”
“Oh yeah~? Hmm, I’ve got odds on Ojirou.”
“I choose Ashido!” Mineta interjected. “‘Cause she’s got a super athletic body!”
Kat humphed. “I know Deku will be last.”
“Even if he’s still recovering, I think Iida’s got this one,” Ochaco commented, to which Tsu nodded in agreement.
Fumi glanced at me over his shoulder when I moved to stand behind him. “Who do you believe will win, Jen-san?”
“Zuku,” I responded without much thought, only to immediately regret it when Katsuki glared at me.
“Is everyone ready?” Toshi raised his hand, pressing the trigger button. “Begin!”
The five of them took off, using their quirks to propel themselves over obstacles and across pipes. Currently, Sero is in the lead.
“Look at him go!” Kirishima cheered. “In a maze like this, it makes sense to be above everything else!”
“So that means Sero’s at an advantage because he can take to the sky,” Shouji mused, using one of his fake mouths to talk. I wonder if he has a real mouth. That might explain why he always wears that face mask. Hmm~
A flash of green flashed across the screen, instantly grabbing my attention. I grinned proudly, throwing my arms around Fumi’s neck. With him standing at only five-foot-two, I was able to easily rest my chin against the top of his soft, feathery head. Come on, Zuku, show everyone how much you’ve grown!
“Woah! Midoriya?!” Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mineta chorused in disbelief.
“When could he do that?!” Kaminari exclaimed.
“Crazy… those jumps… he looks just like…”
A strong, angry aura rose around Katsuki as he stared at the screen, his hands shaking. I knew he wasn’t gonna take this well… I sighed deeply, turning my gaze back to the screen. Why’s he always gotta get all pissy every time Zuku makes the smallest bit of improvement? Zuku was jumping from pipe to pipe with ease, a strong green aura around his body. He’s doing so… well…
I sweatdropped when his foot slipped off the pipe, sending him flying to the ground. “Zuku, you fucking idiot…”
Fumi chuckled, patting my arm. “He almost took first place. His improvement is impressive.”
“And~ it’s over!” Toshi grinned as the group made it to him one after another. He handed over a sash to the winner, Sero, that said ‘Thanks for saving me’. Is this the fucking Miss USA pageant? “Thanks, hero, and congratulations!”
“Alright!” Sero put the sash on, a proud grin on his face while Ashido stomped her feet in annoyance.
Zuku was lying flat on his face, clearly distraught by his mistake while Iida kneeled beside him, “Uh, Midoriya, you’re okay, right?”
“Young Sero may have come in first, but compared to the start of the year, you all showed me some incredible improvements! Keep working and preparing for your upcoming final exams!”
My body stiffened. F-Final exams?! What? When the fuck are those? What’s on them? Is it a written exam? A fight? Oh Satan, I’m totally gonna fucking fail if it’s a written exam. I mean, I did pretty well on the entrance exam written test, but that’s only because Toshi gave me a crash course before the test! Now that I’ve been here for a while and been in class, there’s no way in hell he’ll help me again.
“Are you nervous?” Fumi questioned.
“What makes you think I’m nervous?” I muttered.
“You’re shaking me like a leaf in an Autumn breeze, Jen-san.”
“Oh, shit. Sorry, Fumi.” I released my grip, sending him a sheepish smile, which he returned with a warm one.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do well. Even if you don’t win the race, there’s no need to fret.”
“The race… right…” Fuck the race, I’m worried about the mother fucking exams!
“Group one, leave the field. You’re up, group two!” Toshi ordered.
Group two consisted of Kaminari, Fumi, Aoyama, Kyouka, and Shouto. Though it was a close one between Shouto and Fumi, Dark Shadow is just too damn powerful and adorable and Fumi ended up winning by half a second.
Group three consisted of Mineta, Katsuki, Sumo, Ochaco, and Shouji. It should be pretty fucking obvious that Kat won. He’s also still pissed off at me, if that glare is anything to go on.
Group four consisted of Kirishima, Toru, Mountain, Momo, and Tsu. Toshi decided to assign me to this group.
As we headed into the city, I threw my arm around Kirishima’s shoulder, earning a curious look. “You wanna try somethin’ with me, Kiri?”
He tilted his head. “What is it?”
“Let’s tie!” I grinned, holding up a finger. “I’ll carry you on my back while I race. Not only will we both win, but it’ll help me work on my strength.”
“I don’t know, Winchester.” He frowned, rubbing his arm. “There’s no way All Might would allow that.”
I clicked my tongue. “He never said it wasn’t allowed, did he? Besides, heroes are meant to work together to save people, right?”
He hummed, cupping his chin. “Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, let’s do it!”
“Cool. Go to your spot. As soon as the race begins, I’ll come nab ya, so be ready.”
“Got it!”
Kiri was sent to the top of an empty, circular tank while I started off on the ground. We ended up being on opposite ends with the rest of our group between us. Damn, I was hoping we’d be closer to each other. I’m gonna have to channel my inner Sanic for this one! I breathed out, squatting down as my blood began to boil within me.
“Are you ready~?” Toshi called. “Begin!”
I quickly turned my body to the left, launching myself into the air and propelling forward with flames beneath my boots. I could just faintly hear the murmurs of surprise from the class, but their words were just an illegible jumble from here. “Kiri!” I landed in front of him and he wasted no time jumping on my back. I pushed off the ground, running along the thick pipe connected to the tank.
“Yaoyorozu is in first place with Tsu close behind,” Kiri informed me, allowing me to focus on my footing.
I grinned, pushing my legs harder. “Not for long!” I jumped from the roof, using fire to propel my body forward. Come on, move faster! Kiri deserves to win! “Hey, Momo!” I yelled when I got close, startling her.
She was using a colorful parasail to fly through the air easily. Her head whipped around in surprise, eyes wide. “Jen, what -”
“Sorry!” My grin widened as I turned my body in mid-air so that my feet were slightly higher than my head. “Kiri, use harden!” I felt his weight increase on my back and I focused my power on my feet, large flames shooting from the bottom of my boots and propelling us forward like a mother fucking rocket. We shot past Momo, barreling straight toward a surprised Toshi.
Oh, wait… how the fuck do I land? My flames died and I reached out for the metal railing surrounding the roof, just barely managing to curl my fingers around it. Kiri lost his grip on me, shooting off my body and rolling across the rooftop. My body jerked backward as I flipped over the railing, my body hitting the roof and my fingers twisting painfully around the metal.
Okay… that could have gone a bit smoother…
Toshi was staring down at me in shock. No no, that’s fine. Don’t check on your students or anything to make sure they ain’t internally bleeding. I know I’m cool, Toshi, but get yo shit together, fam.
Momo landed between us, quickly unstrapping the parasail from her body, face covered with worry. “Are you two okay?”
Kirishima was on the other end of the roof on his stomach. He lifted his head with a grin, “That was… awesome!”
I was on my back, staring up at the azure sky as I lifted my hand to give her a thumbs up. “Totally tubular, yo.”
Momo smiled softly, shaking her head. “I can’t believe the two of you worked together like that.”
I forced myself into a sitting position, uncurling my fingers from the metal. They were throbbing but I don’t think they’re broken. I sent Toshi a grin, “Teamwork makes the dream work.”
Toshi finally snapped out of his shock, clearing his throat. “Congratulations young Jen, young Kirishima!”
Kirishima laughed happily, launching himself at me and wrapping his arms around my neck. I smiled warmly, ruffling his hair.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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How to be a Gentleman
            It was a bright and sunny day in Australia when George texted me inviting me to go to his friend max’s house while we visited to go film a video for his channel FilthyFrank. I asked him about what time he would be coming to pick me up from my hotel, due to the fact that I was just visiting. I was just about to get up, out of my cozy bed, to get ready I hear a knock on my hotel room door. 
“Joji why do you always have to come exactly when I start to do things?” I ask myself, going to answer the door. 
“ Mrs.Caravello tis I your handsome guide to the wild Australian continent.” George said while bowing.” Why aren’t you dressed yet, hoe?” 
“I’m not dressed yet because you texted me 8 minutes ago and I was just getting out of bed. Now cunt, go watch tv or whatever the fuck you do and i’ll be out in 15 minutes.” ( http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=223235410 ) (just a small visual for you guys) Walking out I was greeted by a bored looking Joji laying in my unmade bed, as always, being extra. 
As we got into his car I saw three different clothing bags shoved into the back seat quite messily. 
“Joj what is this?” I asked 
“Oh thats the reason we’re going over to Max’s, those are the suits that were going to be using to film with.”
“Okay but that still doesn’t explain why you needed suits, whats the video about that you need suits for?” 
“ Get this, it’s going to be ‘A Gentleman’s Guide”. Basically instructing the youth on how to be gentlemen. There’s going to be like, tasks that we have to do to prove our level of gentlemanliness. I guess it’ll become more obvious when we get to Max’s” 
“Well I guess this aught to be interesting then.” The rest of the journey was spent singing along to whatever was on the radio at the moment and trying to explain to George that in America they drive on the complete other side of both the car and the road. 
Finally arriving at the house George lugs the three suits into the main room and I’m immediately greeted by the sight of a lot of very tall males. You see as a short 5′0 girl this was just a smidge alarming. Even wearing heels these guys were easily a head taller than me. Joj brought me over to the whole group of guys, and began introducing me. 
“Hey guys, this is Rosie. Hope you guys don’t mind that I brought her I just figured we could use the extra help.” George introduced me, max spoke first.
“ Nice to meet you Rosie, i’ve watched your channel before, you’re hilarious. Didn’t expect you to be this short in real life though.” he laughs, shaking my hand.
“Oh don’t worry I wasn’t expecting you to be this tall, I really wasn’t expecting any of you to be this tall. I guess we’re all learning today.” I laugh along with him. A slightly larger, more round man then makes his way through the fray 
“I’m Chad, the man of your dreams.” He boasts 
“Oh, well I’m ‘Maybe not, but better luck next time’“ This makes the mans face go red and the rest of the boys all freak out. 
“DUDE SHE RUINED YOU, OH THAT WAS AMAZING, THIS GIRL IS WELCOME IN MY HOME ANY TIME SHE WANTS” Max yells. The door opens and yet another tall man walks in. His dirty blonde hair contrasting to the slight tan on his skin. 
“What’s all the commotion in here about?” he says in an American accent, immediately drawing the rooms attention 
“ Rosie just murdered Chad in cold blood right in front of us.” George responds
“Is this the Rosie that everyone was freaking out about? I can see why now.” he fully enters the room and makes eye contact with me “ Hi, I’m Ian, and I assume you’re Rosie?” he stepped a little closer making me peer up towards him as I shook his hand
“I do happen to be her.” 
“It’s very nice to meet you then.” By then Ian and I had been shaking hands for a little over the time where it was socially acceptable. George cleared his throat
“So do we want to get on with the filming of the video?” he asked everyone
“ Oh yeah yeah right, for sure.” Ian stuttered quickly stepping away. 
“ So to start off with I want us three to be sitting at a table having like a fuckin’ tea party type thing. Have wine glasses and such with foods and everything” George began, making the scene within his head and trying to put it on the table in front of him. I slowly started to slightly see what he was talking about and grabbed the wine glasses and plates that were sitting on the island in the kitchen. Walking over to Joji I hand him the plates to hold while I get to work on the positioning of everything on the table. Setting plates in front of the three chairs that were positioned behind the table. and putting random glasses of wine around, along with plates of cookies, a Swedish roll, some lady fingers lastly a small cake. Quickly grabbing the wine bottles and setting them around the table. Leaving it to the boys to pour it themselves when they were ready. Finishing up my work I looked back at the boys for approval.
“Well, you took my thoughts and set it on the table. Though I still feel like its missing something, nothing big just something small to really set the gentleman atmosphere.” George said smiling at the table. Candles, the table needed candles. 
“Max, would you happen to have like, tea lights? You know like tiny candles?” I asked 
“I think i do still have some from when we did the twister video. Just hold one one second.” Max left to go grab the candles, and Joji handed Ian his suit to go and put on. Both of them going to change and Max coming back and giving me the small candles. 
“Here you go, just make sure not to burn my house down.” He said walking towards where the other boys went to go put on his suit as well. 
Once everyone was all set and ready to start filming the boys began to set up the scene properly as I lit the candles. Throwing J back his lighter when I was done I made sure I was properly behind the camera along with How To Basic. Once given the go he starts recording. 
“ Theres nothing like a good wine, some merlot” Joj starts in the frank voice
“ Ah nothing like it” Ian replies smiling a little, all this goes on whilst Max sits to the side and eats the cookies with just a blank stare. 
“Nothing like it. And when Donald Trump, bless his heart, said, build the wall. Build. The. Wall. Three words that changed my entire life. If you don’t like them, keep them out. When mosquito’s come into your house, what do you do? You either kill them or put up nets.” Frank says 
“Kill em’ I say” exclaims Ian. Making me giggle into my arm, I really hope that none of them caught that, but the little sideways glance that I got from the lanky man said otherwise. I smiled down at my shoes as the boys took a short break from filming to talk about the next bit that they were going to make. I was messing with one of the cords for the lights next to the table. Standing back up I realized once again just how small I was. I was only slightly taller than all the boys sitting down. 
“Hey there short stack, got everything sorted out down there?” Ian commented
“Listen here jolly green just because we all aren’t 7 feet tall doesn’t mean that I’m short” 
“Hey 6′2 is not 7 feet, and just because im 7 feet doesn’t make being 4 feet tall short.” 
“Okay a whole foot off doesn’t make it any better. I’m a proud 5 feet tall. Just tall enough to still be able to reach some shelves and never the glassware. Ever.” 
“Hey I mean, I guess that’s what I’m here for. Reaching the glassware on the top shelf.” 
“Then I might just have to keep you around for a while.” I slyly winked at him. Getting up and walking back to my original spot to watch the filming commence. 
Through the day the boys had a ton of good shots and finally finished the part of the video where they needed the suits to be clean and such. Finally finishing off filming for the day with the shock collar. Which being really honest was a bit brutal. Once it was confirmed that we would all be back at Max’s house at about 9:30 the next morning to finish filming everyone went their own respective ways. 
Laying in bed that night I couldn’t get a certain boy off my mind. 
Hi everyone, so sorry that this is so long. I really hope that you guys are liking it so far please tell me if you want a continuing series off of this or if its absolute shit. This took forever to write and the amount of watching and rewatching the same video clips and researching the boys this took, I really hope that it turned out well and that you guys like it. Thanks again.
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tvwriter7777-blog · 7 years
The Ultimate PLL Uber A Theory
Lucas is A.D. Bethany Young is helping him. She reported on her own death in 5x05 and works at the bank. Her helper is Sydney and that is how Sydney scored that job and that loft--because Bethany hired her. 
Katherine Daly was in Radley. Bethany and Katherine Daly are connected somehow.
There is a team working behind him known as Advocatus Diaboli (A.D). This team is responsible for A-moji texts.
    -Advocatus Diaboli is a component of an old tradition in the CATHOLIC Church. It is a position that debated the SAINTHOOD of a person--that is, if a person was being appointed as a saint, this position would find reasons to argue AGAINST it by uncovering any character flaws. [Sound like A- or A.D. behaviour much?]. Devil’s Advocate takes the idea that is not usually the accepted norm and examines the idea further. This is bang on A/A,D./A Team behaviour. The people working for this team have an opinion of the PLLs that is opposite to the norm of “pretty, popular, and lucky”. They want to continually prove and believe that the PLLs are evil.
This leads us to..
Ezra, Wren, Spencer’s twin, Paige, Jenna, Melissa, Sarah Harvey, Mary Drake and Bethany Young are part of this A-Team-->as signified in 7x15 with the “9B” clue at the airport. This clue, which was on a wall, signifies that there are 9 people working on a secondary team. While I highly doubt that they are trying to save the liars, we do see a number of black hoodie & black glove scenes which symbolize the A-Team behind A.D. Marlene has confirmed that A.D. is a person in uniform and it was shown in a scene before that A.D. had decided to throw away the black hoodie & black gloves in favor of uniforms. There is also an implication behind the numbers on the board:
1) The Flight #s that are “delayed” and in “red” draw out multiple combinations of “AD” on a phone screen. The unhighlighted Flight # does not follow this pattern.
2) The unhighlighted Flight is Phoeniz, AZ; 1:35A; Gate 8; Flight #1311. The “1:35″ could denote the 35 episode of PLL starting from the beginning of 1st season. This would be episode 2x13. In 2x13 at 13:11 we see: a flashback of Mona & Lucas being called losers and Mona being ignored by the PLLs again.
     -This signals that since Mona already got her chance as A-, it is now Lucas’ turn. Marlene did say that S07 goes “full circle”. THE FLIGHT BOARD WAS A CLUE TO WHO A.D. WAS AND THEIR MOTIVE. THE 9B SIGN WAS A CLUE TO WHO WAS WORKING FOR A.D.
In 6x11 and 6x13 we see Mona approaching Spencer and Lucas approaching Hanna, respectively, and there is a parallel in their interactions: we see that Mona & Lucas both wave to their PLL counterparts without a return or acknowledgement. Furthermore, we see that Lucas is wearing sunglasses and it is made obvious with the way he interacts with them (director’s choice). This correlates to the way A.D. likes to incorporate glasses into their uniforms. If you analyze Lucas’ reactions to Hanna’s comments, you can tell he thinks he views it as the miserable norm that Hanna is keeping Caleb as a friend. The way Hanna left Lucas was rude as Lucas was going to say something to Hanna before she runs off.
Lucas also drives a silver Jaguar car, and Jaguar is a BRITISH multinational car brand. The car we see in 6x11 at Charlotte’s funeral from which someone was spying on the PLLs. This car is a SIGNATURE badged Lincoln townscar with a DA6.6410 license plate and Patsy Cline’s “Crazy” playing in the show’s soundtrack: *the Lincoln emblem is the UK version and NOT the US version*, the Signature badge showcases that the owner of this chaffeured car has tons of money,  and the 4x10 episode of PLL at timemark 6:06 is where Mona and Wren have a conversation about where his loyalties lie and Wren antagonizing Mona after introducing a picture of a happy family on a barn with a horse.We also know that Lucas was visiting someone in Radley in S03, and perhaps suggesting that he knew Wren. Lucas is the one from highschool that has not taken revenge on the PLLs which could explain the Crazy soundtrack. In addition, the church’s reflection is seen on the car window as it closes which correlates with Gottesman name meaning “man of God”. Since the car is British we can assume that Lucas and Wren are working together, similar to the way we know that Charlotte played with stocks to afford her A- lifestyle. 
Furthermore 4x10 is also the episode where Wren frames Spencer’s mom and is colouring in a red coat of the brunette in the picture. The horse in this picture resembles Bethany’s horse drawing. This insinuates that Bethany and Wren may have been related or are close friends. 
In Ezra’s lair, we see that he had a picture of Wren but it was mislabelled as “Wren at Radley” when it was actually him & Spencer beside an Art Gallery. Why was Ezra being re-introduced to Wren by Spencer’s twin--->Spencer’s twin does not know of Wren & Ezra knowing each other. There have been theories relating Ezra & Wren as brothers or relatives of the same family (with many clues rooting from the dollhouse). I will get into that later.
Going back to “That Night Alison Disappeared” we see that the flashback Spencer has of her chasing a blonde and calling out Alison is not as accurate as it claims to be. The necklace “Spencer” wears and her hairstyle (when holding the shovel) is different from when she returns back to the barn (not holding the shovel) as seen in the below pictures.
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If you look closely at the scene where “Spencer” chases the blonde, the blonde turns her head and we see that her face isn’t Alison’s---it is someone that looks like Alison and is wearing her clothes. “Spencer” is also seen to have a high dose of meds as discovered by Alison while Spencer was for sure not napping throughout the entire time Alison left the barn. Spencer saw her twin chase Bethany Young (wearing Ali’s clothes) but could not react plausibly because she was high on her meds. The show also shows two separate scenes of hands being pulled out, which could be Ali and Bethany. Ali’s scene resembled that of Mrs. Grunwald’s account whereas the second scene showed a hand with a red tinted light shining on it pulling out the hand (that was moving differently than Ali’s). Since Spencer’s twin seemed to want to attack Bethany that night, it could have been Spencer’s twin that buried Bethany or Spencer’s twin & Melissa planning Bethany’s attack. In Melissa’s “explanation”, Bethany had a “A-shaped” mark on her head and she had blonde hair but we didn’t see her face.
Bethany Young was a Radley patient, and in a letter she wrote Alison it was stated that yellow is her favourite colour. In a dollhouse video, the baby girl Jessica DiLaurentis was holding is wrapped in a yellow blanket while Jessica refers to one of the boys as the girl’s brother and the other boy pats the baby on the head. The boys look very similar, blonde hair and similar height. This insinuates that they are cousins. The only other blonde boy in question is Jason. The boys are too little for the baby to be Ali, so it is presumably Bethany Young who is a couple of years older than Ali. The person that was a blonde boy at this stage and could be considered Bethany’s brother is Charlotte as Charles.
It is presumed that Ali does not actually know Bethany and that these letters were planted for the PLLs to find in Ali’s house so that Mona’s murder frame (set up by Charlotte) could be believed by the PLLs [”Alison lured Bethany to Rosewood”]. That means that Bethany’s letters weren’t mailed or fake replies from Alison were sent to her. Bethany knew of Alison. Charlotte is Bethany’s older sister (5 year age difference).
In the dollhouse scene, we see that the time “Charles” enters is during the time Ezra leaves Toby and Caleb. Furthermore, even though PLL does have a very high suspension of belief Ezra’s SEVERE stalking habit is not something that can just be snapped out of him. AND in 7x19 we see that Ezra is right beside the fireplace before Ali and Em are put ot sleep by the gas. Ezra also knows of Aria’s complaint and could have supplied this to the A-team to compel Aria to go against her friends. Ezra also seems to have a great alibi to leave Aria and answer various phone calls claiming that his brother “Wes” is “stalking” him---foreshadow much of Ezra’s past tendencies? He even tells Aria to call him every 20 mins to assure that he has an excuse and a perfect alibi for Aria not to suspect him or overhear on one of his phone calls. Ezra also seems to enter exactly when the police finish taking Aria’s things and “leaves towns” during very convenient times for A.D.’s tactics. There is also no flight to Maine in the 7x15 flight board, so not only did he convincingly lie to Aria that he lied about a lie, he wasn’t planning on heading to Maine in the first place. If Spencer’s twin and Wren were seated near that gate, it is safe to assume that Ezra was about to partake in a trip funded by A.D. Also, Ezra did not have a convincing excuse as to why he had to leave town--to talk to Nicole doctor in person, really?
The name Lucas Gottesman is of Hebrew origin. The name Bethany is of Hebrew origin. In 7x16, the A-scene at the end had someone in black gloves and a black hoodie selecting a marker from a collection and drawing a page to the Endgame Arcturus comic book. The grave had “Here Lies” written on it, instead of the usual “R.I.P” we see as a pop culture norm. “Here Lies” is written on Jewish graves. Bethany Young was shown to be a great drawer/artist. This ending was showcasing Bethany Young adding a page to the comic which we now know rendered the last puzzle piece to the Game.
In the episode Ali finds out she is carring Emily’s baby, she said A.D. started “playing God” and Hanna earlier said Lucas’ full name (”Lucas Gottesman”) in her conversation with Pastor Ted, perhaps we were supposed to be reminded of this connection and clue into the fact that Lucas is A.D.
In 7x11′s ending, we see that Jenna is being delivered tea by someone in a nurse’s uniform (similar to one that Sara Harvey wore when injecting Emily, the gloves were the exact same as the one used to clean the area behind Sara Harvey’s Radley hotel room secret closetway, and the exact same as the ones Wren used to clean Hanna’s wound in S03). There is a shadow reflection of the nurse uniform wearer’s hair and it resembles Paige’s. Now people assume the person wearing the nurse’s uniform is A.D. however even though Jenna is blind, the position in which her chair was placed entails that there was someone sitting in front of her that used the nurse uniform wearer as their assistant. Furthermore, in 7x15 ending, we see Aria’s Facetime caller editing their video, and in this edit we see that a similar shadow reflection of hair is present on the edited Aria’s face--it seems like an amateur unintentional mistake. .In 7x15 we see, in multiple instances, that the Facetime caller scenes always precede Paige’s scenes to presumably give the audience a hint at when Paige is free to do this. The Facetime caller in the beginning of 7x15 also has their collarbone shown (not the same as Aria’s_ and is wearing long earrings (trying to mimic Aria). We know Paige has an affinity for/a collection of long dangly earrings and Paige’s collarbone resembles the collarbone of this Facetime caller. In addition, throughout the entirety of 7x15, we see Paige playing with Emily’s emotions. Paige constantly has the upper-hand in their interactions: Emily tells Paige about Ali��s baby and Paige “feels for Ali” & suddenly “feels sorry for her” and Paige empathizes with Em when she states that Ali is playing the victim-Paige fakes understanding and she grabs and holds onto Emily’s hand. In this scene, we see that Paige’s laptop has a blue cover and a silver interior. In 7x15 ending we see that the laptop has a silver interior and the black hoodie/glove wearer are working in the lair with a silver lamp and cardboard boxes..We also see that at the Radley, Emily and Paige have a tender convo about Ali’s baby and the very moment Emily says Ali is having a baby, Paige goes to buy 2 rounds. This shows Paige’s distress and disappointment. Paige tells Em she may leave and asks her “Who am I” if she were to stay and insinuates that Paily would be complicated if Ali carries the baby. Their breakup is made official and when Paige walks away she has a determined look on her face and doesn’t look sad nor happy. This is very uncharacteristic of Paige so it demonstrates that has a new role in S07. Paige then confronts Ali and gets on her good side--also something that is uncharacteristic of Paige.  Paige is the Facetime caller. 
Ezra turned the gas on in 7x19 as A.D. instructed him to. He was standing in the correct position. It is hard to believe that Ezra didn’t know about Charlotte/CeCe Drake being A. Ezra has an incentive (besides helping Aria) to work for A.D. Remember he likes to solve mysteries via writing?
When Mary Drake showcased her C-section scar to Ali (from Charlotte’s delivery), the scar is VERTICAL. Vertical incisions are done when the woman is carrying more than one baby. At this time, we understand that Mary Drake was playing Ali to get information, and then we see her true sincerity for Spencer and Ali in 7x19 when she takes care of their future. This hints to the fact that there are twins that Mary Drake has delivered. Since Spencer’s delivery was after Charlotte’s we can easily conclude that there might be complications giving natural birth with a C-section scar (after all, the baby was delivered in a Sanitarium and not a top hospital), so either another C-section had to be made OR the C-section was from her LAST surgery--Spencer’s birth. This confirms the plausibility of Spencer having a twin.
The infamous 7x11 scene where Hanna “dreams” of “Spencer” telling Hanna about A.D. when Hanna never received direct communication telling her about A.D. is proof enough for Spencer having a twin. However the night Spencer meets Detective Furey, she goes to Emily’s house....I believe this is her twin that took her place when going to Emily’s house. THIS EXPLAINS WHY A.D. hacked into Emily’s school results. Emily showed such affection to Spencer’s twin and during this scene there was a “dolly” shot (clue of the dollhouse) and Spencer’s birthmark was missing. The motive for Spencer’s twin to torture her could be that she never got the chance at life that Spencer did, so Emily giving her that chance could be the exact reason why Emily got a break on her test scores.
“Spencer” at the airport is Spencer’s twin. Her and Wren were talking about Melissa, and along with the 9B sign and the 2 clues listed earlier above from that scene, it is safe to say that this confirms that her twin, Wren, Melissa and Ezra are helping A.D.
There have been multiple references to the episode 3x03. One is Mona’s apartment door looks like it has the numbers 2 and 28 on it. The 28th episode from the start of season 2 is 3x03. Furthermore, Sara Harvey’s hotel room is 303.
In 7x07, the storm cellar explodes, someone writes “I see you” on the back of the car and A.D. sends a text saying “If you find out who I am before I find out who killed Charlotte, YOU DIE.” Who could know about Noel Kahn’s message from Season 1 &2? MONA. Who is Mona connected to that could have also known about this. Mona said she was drowsy on drugs and Charlotte may have known about this--as well as Lucas during his visits .Charlotte is dead, so this leaves Lucas trying to mislead the girls into thinking that A.D. is Noel Kahn--after all his message literally pointed out that he is not keen on the PLLs finding out who he is until he figures out Charlotte’s killer. In 3x03, Lucas burns something in a trash can, so this could reference his affinity for being a pyro and cluing us into him being A.D.
In 7x08 Ms. Grunwald tells Hanna that the person she should be afraid is close. Mrs. Grunwald literally sensed Hanna to LUCAS’ LOFT to tell her about danger. The truth is, Noel Kahn isn’t the person that she should be afraid of, it is Lucas. Lucas’ loft is obviously bugged, we could see this from the episode where Hanna comes in to ask him to be her alibi when Lucas looks behind him before opening the door (maybe checking the locations of his bugs). A.D./their helpers always seem to know the best times to stop knocking/delivering “mail”/sending texts that pertain to the PLLs conversations in the loft.
We all know Lucas is not keen on Hanna being with anyone except for him. The despise that Ali gave him probably drove his craziness to the point where he feels an unhealthy obsession toward Hanna. Hanna’s bridal shower to JORDAN is where the “accidental fire” occurs and when Haleb enter his loft that is where Lucas “testing” his remote shows up. This represents his affinity to not approving of Hanna’s relationship through symbolism (as seen in the first coffee shop convo between Lucas and Hanna where his reactions evidently demonstrate his tiredness of Hanna’s indecisive actions).
Lucas’ reactions to his conversations with Hanna also showcase clues that he is A.D. When he overhears Hanna’s phone call and he hears that she has to stay in Rosewood longer he smiles. He also ends up “making a non-smart investing move” which we know is highly uncharacteristic of Lucas--even though anything can happen in Rosewood. Hanna is also a highly gullible character so Lucas knows he can trick her into believing almost anything.
Lucas bought a factory next to the lake, and that is where Hanna’s “I killed Charlotte” is seen to be sent. Yes there was a screensaver of a church bell (pointing toward the bell tower) and there was Veronica Hastings’ election ad, however, we also see that the phone that this text is sent to has NO TIME on it, and A.D.’s deadline was by “the end of election night” which is 12AM. The bell represents the death site of Lucas’ close friend Charlotte and the Veronica Hastings’ election ad could be timed to stop appearing on his laptop after 12am of that day. Why would Melissa still care about Ian if she has moved on this far with other boys and bothered to fake her pregnancy? Why would Melissa want to commemorate being a widow via a screensaver? Lucas has the motive, as he wants to be repeatedly reminded of his reason for wanting to avenge Charlotte’s death.
In the episode where the PLLs sneak into Sara Harvey’s room to look for the secret closet that is then not existent, the A.D. maid costume is shown to have makeup drawn on the face mask. If you measure the maid’s height to the PLLs using the dart board picture at the back (factoring in the fact that objects farther are smaller than they actually are), it makes sense that the maid-costume wearer is someone of Lucas’ height.
Furthermore, the police cars in Rosewood have Jaguar car brand-like mirrors attached to their sides, so the policeman costume wearer that attacked Ali is Lucas because of his financial ability to retrieve a Jaguar car and have someone paint a fake POLICE sign on it. Lucas’ hacking skills also allow him to tap into the police’s conversations signals. Earlier that day, this policeman costume wearer was also staring at Hanna and Aria from far away while they were in front of Rosewood Police Station. This could signal how A.D. wants to spy on the girls, but Lucas has an even higher affinity for Hanna so it explains why he chose to spy on him. After all, he couldn’t have trailed Aria’s car from that far away, only Hanna.
A.D. in the mailman costume watching Emily signals that the PLLs are working on the information provided to them (pointing to Aria’s dad being the killer). It also confuses the viewer to think that A.D. could be Paige just to make the clue ambiguous. 
The bellhop A.D. costume wearer’s height and Aria’s height (being the shortest of all the PLLs obviously and in the police height pictures--5′2), also show that A.D. cannot be someone like Paige, more like someone of Lucas’ stature.
In 6x20, who else would be so familiar with the Lost Woods Resort than someone that Mona would have told everything to--Charlotte and Lucas.
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