#coaching inns
stonelord1 · 2 years
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scotianostra · 1 year
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The Hawes Inn South Queensferry.
Dating back to 1683, most famously, the Inn here gave inspiration to the Edinburgh author Robert Louis Stevenson., who, while staying in Room 13 in  1886, master minded the idea for ‘Kidnapped’.  The hero of the book actually stayed here too! It is where poor David Balfour was kidnapped on the orders of his wicked uncle to do him out of his inheritance!
A passage from the books reads.....
"Right in the midst of the narrows lies an islet with some ruins; on the south shore they have built a pier for the service of the Ferry; and at the end of the pier, on the other side of the road, and backed against a pretty garden of holly-trees and hawthorns, I could see the building which they called the Hawes Inn" Each bedroom within the Inn is named after an aspect of the novel and guests are treated to a copy of the book in each of the guest bedrooms. Sir Walter Scott also describes the Hawes Inn in his novel Antiquary.
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andromeda4004 · 1 year
Historical AU writers will know this moment well, when you think “well, I could just make that fact up, no one would know or care, but maybe I’ll just google it quickly” and find that the real answer is more perfect than you would ever have come up with.
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dndsettingsinfo · 1 year
Bars, Inns, & Taverns by Goblin Coach
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bycie-narcyzem-to · 1 year
Z okazji miesiąca świadomości npd pozwolę sobie zaadresować wypowiedź pewnego pseudo-profesjonalisty z tiktoka
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Dr-Soul-Life-Coach w swoim filmie tłumaczy, że narcyzi nie są ludźmi, ponieważ:
wydają się cudowni, ale w rzeczywistości są "potworami bez serca"
mają iluzję o swojej wielkości i odczuwają zazdrość/zawiść/pustkę/brak przyjemności
uważają, że świat jest wrogi wobec nich, bo w innych widzi siebie (czyli potwora)
chcą wypadać jak najlepiej we wszystkim, by czuć się stabilnie i przeżyć
lubią mieć wielu partnerów romantycznych / stali partnerzy zapełniają ich pustkę
Jako, że aktualne opinie wielu pseudoprofesjonalistów pochodzą z osobistych przekonań i z przestarzałych informacji, postaram się sprostować te kwestie.
Pytania są następujące:
powinniśmy sugerować się faktami, czy nacechowanymi emocjonalnie wywodami?
czy samo posiadanie zaburzenia to wystarczający powód by nazywać kogoś "potworem"?
--Jakie są fakty?---------
Zacznijmy od samego źródła narcyzmu i jak oraz dlaczego istnieje.
Narcyzm nie jest 'wyborem'; pojawia się w wyniku doświadczonej w dzieciństwie traumy, czyli najczęściej zaniedbania opiekunów. Nasze umysły wtedy wykształcają mechanizm obronny, by móc przetrwać ten okres - skoro czują się porzucone, a przez to smutne/przerażone, to tworzą iluzję, że tak naprawdę mamy wysokie znaczenie i jesteśmy wyjątkowi. Do momentu przepracowania traumy ta iluzja jest potrzebna, bo gdy tylko 'prawda' o tym, że się nienawidzimy wyjdzie na jaw, popadamy w lęk i myśli depresyjne, a nawet samobójcze. Nie jesteśmy w stanie sami się podbudować, potrzebujemy wsparcia bliskich oraz terapii. Dodatkowo czujemy się też przez to zagubieni i mamy problemy z rozumieniem siebie/swojej tożsamości.
Warto wspomnieć
1. Najlepszą pomocą dla narcyza jest terapia. Choć wielu narcyzów chciałoby na nią pójść, trudno jest ją otrzymać, gdyż wielu psychologów ma nieaktualne podejście do npd, a pisane przez nich artykuły również opierają się na stereotypach i poszerzają stygmę.
2. Trudno jest zdiagnozować npd. (Przez to nie zaleca się amatorskich diagnoz, nie będąc czyimś psychologiem)
3. Narcyzm nie jest wyborem - to mechanizm obronny powstały w wyniku traumy.
4. Nie mamy się za lepszych, w rzeczywistości czujemy się najgorsi.
5. Narcyzm jest trudny i dla narcyzów i dla ich bliskich. Razem można żyć dobrze, choć nikt poza terapeutą nie musi odgrywać roli psychologa narcyza.
6. Narcyzm siedzi w myślach o uczuciach. O dobroci/zepsuciu człowieka świadczy jego zachowanie, czyny, wybory i to, jaki chce być.***
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"wydają się cudowni, ale w rzeczywistości są "potworami bez serca"
Nie jesteśmy potworami, czy jak ujęła to Dr, "sadystami" - nie chcemy by nasi bliscy (i nie tylko) cierpieli. Jak wspomniałam, z reguły liczymy na pozytywną uwagę od innych (wsparcie, podziw, bycie lubianym) czyli najzwyczajniej w świecie, akceptację, bo tak naprawdę, w głębi ducha, mamy bardzo niską samoocenę i czujemy się zagubieni w świecie. (gdy zranię czyjeś uczucia, czuję, że jestem najgorszym gównem, przegrałam wszystko. staram się coś z tym szybko zrobić)
Skoro nie potrafimy się szczerze podbudować sami, staramy się sprawiać dobre wrażenie, by otrzymać pozytywne reakcje, akceptację i wsparcie. Dlaczego? Narcyzi nie potrafią sami rozwiązać swojego problemu niskiej samooceny oraz niepewnej osobowości. Dlatego to, jak siebie postrzegamy, jest zależne od tego, jak postrzegają nas inni. (Jeśli mnie pochwalisz, ucieszę się, jeśli nazwiesz mnie potworem - zacznę się sobą brzydzić)
"chcą wypadać jak najlepiej we wszystkim, by czuć się stabilnie i przeżyć"
To prawda - skoro nie możemy myśleć o sobie pozytywnie, to staramy się nie okazywać naszych wad + robimy to, co pomaga nam poczuć, że jednak jesteśmy w czymś dobrzy (co i tak niestety nie działa). Stąd też niechęć do okazywania słabości - sprowadza nas ona do rzeczywistości i powoduje załamanie; depresję, lęk, nawet myśli samobójcze; daje nam poczucie, że mamy wady. (jestem perfeckjonistą i lubię gdy ludzie zwracają się do mnie o pomoc, wiedzą, że można na mnie polegać /// gdy nie udaje mi się dostać pracy po pierwszej rozmowie, czuję, że jestem beznadziejnym przypadkiem i mam ochotę się odizolować i upić)
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"lubią mieć wielu partnerów romantycznych / stali partnerzy to zapasy energii"
Kwestia związków jest kwestią osobistą. To, czy ktoś lubi związki wieloosobowe/angażować się w luźne relacje/zdradzać nie musi mieć nic wspólnego z narcyzmem. Są tylko wybory, dobre lub złe. (mnie osobiście interesuje zdrowy, kochający, monogamiczny związek)
Jeżeli na kimś nam zależy, to nie jesteśmy w pełni obojętni. Narcyz potrafi mieć bliskie osoby i dba o nie na swój własny sposób. Czy bywa trudno? Tak, dlatego dobrze pamiętać, że nie trzeba odgrywać roli terapeuty dla narcyza. Wspólnie da się znaleźć sposób na to, by każdemu funkcjonowało się dobrze i wielu narcyzów jest w udanych związkach :) . (nie czuję empatii. zależy mi na moich bliskich. gdy moim bliskim jest ciężko to pomagam im, udzielam rad, przytulam. gdy mi jest ciężko, rozmawiam z nimi otwarcie, byśmy się zrozumieli, a bym ja mogła otrzymać wsparcie bez ranienia kogokolwiek)
Ciekawostka- Narcyzi mają nawet swoich 'ulubionych ludzi'!
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"uważają, że świat jest wrogi wobec nich, bo w innych widzi siebie (czyli potwora)"
Pamiętajmy, że narcyzi to osoby z traumą, która pozostawiła po sobie ślad i wpłynęła na ich osobowość. Trauma niestety często wiąże się z lękiem.
Ludzie uważają nas za bezduszne potwory, życzą śmierci i sterylizacji - mimo, że nie mamy wpływu na to, kim jesteśmy - zatem boimy się.
To prawda, że możemy nie radzić sobie przy kimś z podobnymi wadami do naszych - wszystko co przypomina nam o naszych niedociągnięciach prowadzi do załamania, które jest trudnym przeżyciem dla nas i bliskich. (w większości daję radę, ale gdy dobija mnie czyjaś i moja wada, ukrywam to lub zachowuję dystans)
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"iluzja o swojej wielkości i odczuwana zazdrość/zawiść/brak przyjemności"
Złudzenie o naszej wyjątkowości ma za zadanie chronić nas przed prawdą, a tym samym - załamaniem. Czujemy się nic nie warci przez traumę, więc nasz organizm stara się nas bronić przed tym uczuciem. (Dzięki niemu postarałam się i dostałam na wymarzoną uczelnię i kierunek. Przerósł mnie on i zmusił do rezygnacji - popadłam w ciężką depresję.)
To prawda, że często odczuwamy zazdrość i nie jesteśmy w stanie się w pełni cieszyć z czyichś osiągnięć, gdy cierpimy. Jednak same uczucia nie są powodem do skreślania kogoś - narcyzom również zależy na swoich bliskich i dlatego starają się okazywać pozytywne reakcje. (Od dawna borykam się z zazdrością, ale wiem, że jest niezdrowa i nieuzasadniona, a że komuś się dobrze wiedzie. Po prostu nie okazuję jej i staram się okazać choć trochę entuzjazmu)
"Kompletna wewnętrzna pustka"
Uczucie pustki jest wynikiem naszych problemów z tożsamością i uczucia, że nic nie znaczymy. Nie musi być stała, można sobie z nią radzić z pomocą terapii. Ale do czasu uzyskania profesjonalnej pomocy, jest nam potrzebne wsparcie i bezpieczeństwo, byśmy nie załamywali się i mogli funkcjonować. (Robię co mogę by i mi i bliskim żyło się dobrze. Pustkę zapełniam w nieszkodliwy sposób - np. robiąc dobre uczynki, a jeżeli ktoś czuje się na siłach, to sam próbuje mnie dowartościować)
Empatia umożliwia odczuwanie i głębsze rozumienie czyiś uczuć. Nie wszyscy mają empatię - w tym narcyzi. Empatia jest zdolnością psychiczno-emocjonalną.
Dobry człowiek czyni świat lepszym miejscem. Może np. udzielić rad, wsparcia, być wolontariuszem, dzielić się jedzeniem, powstrzymywać przemoc, wysłuchać, zwrócić ci twój portfel, itd. Dobrego człowieka ceni podejmowanie dobrych decyzji i robienie dobrych rzeczy.
Empaci mogą głębiej zrozumieć czyjeś potrzeby i odpowiednio pomóc. Empaci mogą zignorować czyjeś złe samopoczucie, lub samemu zacząć reagować negatywnie.
Zły człowiek świadomie dokonuje złych rzeczy. Wykorzystuje naiwność, planuje kradzież, podnosi rękę. Nie chce się poprawić i nie czuje poczucia winy.
Można mieć empatię i nie starać się komuś pomóc, a nawet wręcz przeciwnie. Stąd mamy rzeczy takie jak fochy, kłótnie, najzwyczajniejsze potknięcia w relacjach.
Można nie rozumieć czyiś uczuć, ale wiedzieć, że smutnym ludziom się pomaga, bo im ciężko - wysłuchać ich i pomóc.
Koniec końców wszystko sprowadza się do tego, co robimy, nie co myślimy/czujemy.
Fakt: narcyzm to zaburzenie, nie wybór i kształtuje go trauma
Subiektywizm: narcyzm świadczy o niskim poziomie człowieczeństwa, narcyzi są potworami bez serca
Fakt: narcyzm wpływa na uczucia, nastrój i samoocenę narcyzów. narcyzm nie wpływa na decyzje, słowa i czyny narcyzów.
Subiektywizm: narcyzi zawsze czują, że [x], przez co zachowują się jak [x]
Fakt: narcyzm objawia się na różne sposoby i u każdego może wyglądać inaczej
Subiektywizm: wszyscy narcyzi-
Fakt: o dobroci świadczy czyjaś moralność i co wnosi do świata poprzez swoje decyzje i czyny - jakie konsekwencje dają jej działania
Subiektywizm: o źle człowieka świadczą jego uczucia, emocje i predyspozycje
Fakt: narcyzi nie mają empatii. emocje narcyzów się wahają. terapia pomaga narcyzom, wielu się jej podejmuje
Subiektywizm: brak empatii robi z narcyza złą osobę
Fakt: narcyzm to zaburzenie i wpływa na emocje, uczucia i tożsamość. nie mamy go z wyboru. narcyzm nie zniewala naszych ciał i logicznego myślenia - wiemy, co dobre, a co nie jest dobre. dobrzy ludzie będą robić co dobre, bez względu na osobiste uczucia. złych ludzi nie obchodzą konsekwencje ich świadomie podjętych decyzji.
Na koniec dodam jeszcze
Każdy jest zdolny do bycia złym lub dobrym mniej więcej na tym samym poziomie. Brak/obecność jakiegoś uczucia wcale nie musi wpływać na czyjąś inteligencję lub zachowanie. Dobra osoba wie, jak się zachować i co robić, żeby było dobrze, gdy popełni błąd - naprawia go. Zaburzenie to nie "predyspozycja" tylko wynik doświadczonej traumy, który "zaburza" codzienność chorego.
Nie liczą się myśli i uczucia, lecz postawa, zachowanie i dokonane wybory.
Dlatego też:
-osoby chore, nie mają prawa usprawiedliwiać toksycznego zachowania swoją chorobą, tylko starać się o pomoc
-osoby zdrowe nie powinny wrzucać wszystkich z daną chorobą do jednego worka, szerzyć stygmy i niedoinformowania.
-warto przemyśleć: kto czyni więcej zła- narcyzi, którzy mają npd, czy też profesjonaliści, którzy dehumanizują chorych ludzi?
Niezależnie od własnych uczuć na temat narcyzów, proszę o jedno: pamiętajcie, że gdy wypowiadacie się o narcyzach, mówicie o ludziach, którzy również żyją, czują i myślą. Wasze słowa i działania nie są bezkonsekwentne.
Najważniejsza jest moralność i prawda. Nie dajcie się ponieść emocjom i zachowajcie otwarte umysły
Źródła: narcyzm /// relacje
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marryat92 · 1 year
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The coffee-room was full of midshipmen, and, as I was anxious about my chest, I enquired of one of them if he knew when the waggon would come in.
“Do you expect your mother by it?” replied he.
“O no! but I expect my uniforms — I only wear these bottle-greens until they come.”
“And pray what ship are you going to join?”
“The Die-a-maid — Captain Thomas Kirkwall Savage.”
“The Diomede — I say, Robinson, a’n’t that the frigate in which the midshipmen had four dozen apiece for not having pipe-clayed their weekly accounts on the Saturday?”
“To be sure it is,” replied the other; “why the captain gave a youngster five dozen the other day for wearing a scarlet watch-riband.”
— Frederick Marryat, Peter Simple
The 'King's Arms' coaching inn by Richard Stirzaker, 1823.
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thegeorgehathersage · 10 months
Rest your head – Be our guest | The George at Hathersage
Ready to book your stay in Peak District paradise? With 24 rooms of all different shapes, sizes and standards, we have something to suit every guest. Our guest rooms offer all the comforts of contemporary living, whilst retaining the charm and character of a rustic retreat — an idyllic home away from home in the heart of the country.
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drakeanddice · 2 months
Haunted by a fantasy world where "adventurer" is handled in the same way as "assassin" in John Wick. An ifykyk secondary economy running on gold coins where everyone knows each other but no one acknowledges the elephant in the room because we have manners about our weird-ass line of deadly desperate dangerous work.
Rolling into town, looking immaculate. Checking into the Inn. Not an inn, or the coaching house, or the traveler's hostel. The Inn. The one that takes my ridiculous oversized coin and says that my room is ready, and will I need to visit the Smith today? Perhaps a meeting with the Vintner? Shall I send up the Gourmand?
"Good afternoon, Master Whicke," the Smith says, putting aside the barrel scraper he's been working on to flip a switch beside the forge. Racks of tenpenny nails and trowels and hammers fold back to reveal the glittering points and edges of a score of swords and axes and spearpoints lit with the flicker of finely-tuned enchantments. "Shall we tour what's new?"
"What sort of occasion are we hosting, Master Whicke?" The Vintner asks, pocketing the coin with a sigh. "A funeral," you say.
"Ah, well perhaps something light to start, then," she says selecting a straight-walled flask that glitters with contained starlight, proof against the touch of the undead. " And something for remembrance," she plucks a small crock of something evil-smelling and phosphorescent. "And then something to really bring down the house." She gingerly selects a double ampoule of energetic looking jellies.
The Gourmand carefully runs his knife through the salted flank of a cockatrice with a pursing of the lips. "So many neglect trail rations, Master Whicke, and it is their shame. Paired with goldenwheat pancakes and carrion honey, a mouthful of cockatrice--properly seasoned of course--will keep the mummy rot at bay, even post-exposure. I have been given to indicate by the Management that your current escapade may make such information useful to you. I will of course wrap your purchases exceedingly carefully. Rot will be your constant companion in the Black Pyramid."
There's something here.
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viv-milano · 1 year
Credit Suisse, corner, calcio d'angolo
Credit Suisse, corner, calcio d’angolo
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opayl · 2 years
IELTS Online Training | Opayl
Opayl is an English language test for study, migration or work. IELTS is designed to test the language ability of people who want to study or work where English is used as the language of communication.
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bubvy · 4 days
Y’all are gettin fed this week
Introducing my QSMP Ice skating AU!!!
(Let me know who else you’d like to see in this AU!)
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Philza has spent his life as a solo ice skater (only ever being in a duo once before)
He’s won awards, competitions, and thrived by himself
But suddenly his coach is putting him in a duo??
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When Missa was told he was going to be in a duo, he never expected to be paired with *PHILZA*
Will these two get their sh- I mean get it together and just trust themselves and each other in order to skate well??
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Introducing our Chaotic duo, the snowboarders!!
Techno (Aka: The Blade) (a former ice skater switched career path) and Tommy Innes are one heck of a powerhouse duo!
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The Blade, who never shows his face, is always the top of his division. With 2 gold metals at the Olympics, he’s definitely the fan favorite to win again!
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Tommy Innes, the little brother who manages to worm his way into everyone’s hearts!
He’s won the Junior Olympics every time he’s attended! How will he hold up in the Adults division?
Surely everything will be fine as long as he’s got his mentor with him!
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immediatebreakfast · 3 days
I found that my landlord had got a letter from the Count, directing him to secure the best place on the coach for me; but on making inquiries as to details he seemed somewhat reticent, and pretended that he could not understand my German.
The reaction, and following actions of the old romanian couple after learning that the Count placed the responsability of securing Jonathan's travel to the castle on them is a true testament on the horror limbo that these people have been living for god knows how long.
An inmortal, and monstruos man lives inside the countryside in luxury untouched by time itself orders you to secure transportation for this young man, barely an adult in what matters who has traveled so far, to meet what you know will be his death. A being that should be a myth is forcing your hand to guide the son of another mother to an early grave, an end that is waiting for him outside of the walls of your inn.
He and his wife, the old lady who had received me, looked at each other in a frightened sort of way... When I asked him if he knew Count Dracula, and could tell me anything of his castle, both he and his wife crossed themselves, and, saying that they knew nothing at all, simply refused to speak further. 
How many times has this happened? How many young people have dissapeared one day without leaving a single trace while everyone has to force ignorance within their brains less the terror makes them unable to keep going. Worse, even if the young english man, all bright eyed and full of life, says That Name out loud you can't chastice him for such mistake because he simply doesn't know what he is calling, and the only thing that you can do is close your eyes to pray for his soul.
However, sometimes the horror is so overwhelming that another answer comes out, a last ray of hope that could change the course of what seems to be written in stone. A simple hand extending in frightened kindness for a fellow human being.
"Must you go? Oh! young Herr, must you go?"
This old woman, this old lady who has and still lives under the terror of the Count decides to try. She tries, and tries to convince Jonathan to not go, to not leave to walk to the jaws of the beast, or to at least wait for a day or two because everything is pointing to what seems to be the inevitable. Moreover, when her pleads are futile at the end, she still dares to gift Jonathan a rosary, a small protection against that cursed being who laughs at the face of everything that makes her human.
She saw, I suppose, the doubt in my face, for she put the rosary round my neck, and said, "For your mother's sake," and went out of the room.
This old lady not only sees Jonathan the young man who is just starting his life, she sees a mother waiting for any news of her son coming home. She sees a poor woman trying to find anything that could tell her an answer of whenever her son is alive or dead, while being unable to both live and grieve.
The old lady doesn't know if Jonathan will survive his duty. In fact I could pressume how her guilt of knowing that the rosary on itself is still not enough to ward off the Count made her leave the room, but she still tried to hold on the hope that this time, maybe this time, there won't be another young soul buried in the soil.
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tamurakafkaposts · 2 months
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“I see life as a roadside inn where I have to stay until the coach from the abyss pulls up. I don't know where it will take me, because I don't know anything. I could see this inn as a prison, for I'm compelled to wait in it; I could see it as a social center, for it's here that I meet others.” ― Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Saw this prompt https://www.tumblr.com/writing-prompt-s/712978629923143680/a-mark-on-your-forehead-identifies-the-god-you?source=share, someone had turned it into a God of Arepo ficlet which is lovely, but all I could think was Dreamling
Here's the clickable link!!! It is so fuckin dreamling coded!!!
Just imagine... Hob decides that he's going to build this new temple for his god, but he's going to do it HIS way. Which means... he's going to build a pub. (This is entirely because Hob likes pubs and wants to own one, but he figures that if HE likes it then his god will too? Right?)
He doesn't actually build it. But he buys a 17th century coaching in and does it up from near ruins, and he calls it The New Inn (stupid name, but it stuck). He thinks about his mysterious god as he papers the walls and upcycles the furniture and sands down the bar, and he quietly dreams of what his god might be like.
The new inn/temple seems to pay off, because Hob’s god doesn't end his life or strike him down. Hob serves patrons each day: hot food at lunch time, pizza in the evenings, and the drinks flow all day long. Students come in to study and take advantage of the discounts, and new mums come in with their tiny babies just to get out in the world. There's karaoke and live bands. People dream, sometimes intoxicated and out loud, sometimes in the corners and quiet. Hob dreams about his god.
And one day his god shows up, just in time for last orders.
"At first I thought you had mistaken me for the god of wine." He says, leaning against Hob’s bar. "But this is a temple to dreams, as it should be."
"If you think this is a temple to dreams." Hob grins, leaning close. His god has deep black eyes, and hair like black smoke. "Then you should see my bedroom."
And the god of dreams follows him upstairs.
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dndsettingsinfo · 2 years
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 1 month
Never Say Never
Chapter 15
Pairing: SingleDad!StevexReader
Summary: You are a 32 year old single mother, raising your seven year old son on your own. After being widowed at 30 and going out on awful dates with disgusting men for the past month, you have decided that you're giving up. You already had your great love. One person can't possibly get lucky enough to have two in their lifetime. But then your son starts playing baseball and the coach might just change your mind about that.
No posting schedule.
18+ only for eventual smut
Word Count: 8.5K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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Far later than she’d expected, you pulled into the driveway of your home. Dinner and coffee had turned into a stroll down the street to the local bar, The Stumble Inn, where the owner, Dan, loved a good play on words. A couple drinks, a lot of conversation, and quite a bit of laughter later, you'd all finally said your good nights, all of you heading off to your own vehicles for home. 
The boys were probably already asleep considering it was pushing eleven. That was alright. The four of you were planning on a bike ride tomorrow afternoon so if Steve wanted, he could always just leave Jeremiah there. No point in waking the kid to drag him home simply to bring him back again. 
Opening the front door, you stepped inside to find Steve on the couch, a rerun of Who’s the Boss playing on the tv. He turned to look over at you, his arms propped behind his head, giving you one of those glaringly bright smiles that made you feel like you needed to shield yourself, to bring a hand to your eyes to protect them. 
Dropping your purse on the table by the door, you made your way into the living room, smiling down at him. “Hey. Sorry I’m so late. We completely lost track of time.”
“That’s alright. I was expecting it. I told you that you were going to be later than you thought. Robin and Nancy love to talk. And with you being all shiny and new, they had endless things to ask you, I’m sure.”
Steve pushed himself up to sitting with his legs still out in front of him, opening his arms to you. You happily accepted his invite, your body liquefying into him when his arms came around you, pulling you into the warmth of his chest. Sighing contentedly, you wound your arms around his waist curling your legs underneath you, relieved that the awkwardness of earlier appeared to be forgotten.
“They should get jobs as interrogators. They definitely threw the book at me. I don’t know if there’s anything they don’t know about me at this point,” you joked, “including the unfortunately mortifying third grade talent show story.”
“Ohh, do tell. I’m intrigued now.”
“No. That one is better left unshared. Trust me. I don’t know why I even told them. I think your friends have some kind of superpower. I was running off at the mouth, story after story. I couldn’t seem to make myself stop. To be fair, they were shooting questions at me so fast I barely had time to stop and think. I’m stuck being friends with them forever now, you know. They have far too much dirt on me. Way too much they could blackmail me for. I fear I’ve made a grave mistake.”
Steve’s laugh rumbled beneath you, his fingers slipping into your hair, thumb pressing into your skin as it slid over the back of your neck. Your eyes slipped closed, your body practically humming under his touch. His other hand moved under your chin, lifting your face to his and a soft moan escaped you when his lips found yours, gently, tenderly. 
You would never tire of his mouth, his touch, the way it set you aflame every single time. You wanted him in a way that was borderline dangerous. The way you wanted him was all consuming, like a fire raging through a forest, turning everything to ash in its wake. If it weren’t for the boys, you were certain you would lose your job because you would do nothing but spend hours in bed with this man. 
But there were the boys to consider. It was hard to concentrate on that fact when Steve’s tongue was exploring your throat, his hand slipping under your shirt. Fingertips made rough from working with his hands teased your skin, his palms covering your breasts completely, kneading and squeezing until you were grinding helplessly against his thigh, gasping. But that little voice in the back of your head reminded you, brought you back to reality, the reality where you did not want either of your sons to walk in on this very blatant display in the middle of the living room. 
“Steve…” you rasped, struggling through the haze of desire when his lips latched onto your throat, open mouthed kisses creating a path of destruction, obliterating everything that wasn’t him. 
“Hmm?” he mumbled against your skin, rolling your nipples with his thumb and forefinger, the jolt of pleasure shooting straight to your core. 
“We can’t.” It was a whimper, a whine because you didn’t want this to stop. You didn’t want to be the responsible mom right now. You wanted to take this man straight up to your bed, caution be damned. But you couldn’t. You knew you couldn’t. You couldn’t have him staying over, couldn’t have Eli knowing the two of you had shared a bed, not until you were certain this was something that was going to last. You couldn’t put your son through that kind of heartbreak, not after everything he’d already lost.
“Why not?” Now his hands were creeping up your skirt, each one gripping an ample amount of your ass, pressing your center right against the delicious friction of his firm thigh. 
“The boys…we can’t…the boys…”
Fuck. It was so hard to form a thought, to fight through the pleasure coursing through your very veins. His mouth teasing your earlobe, the delicious pulsing in your pussy with every press of his leg against you. You felt like a teenager. What the hell was happening to you? Were you seriously about to come just from dry humping a guy’s leg?
“But we can,” he growled, hands gripping your hips, flipping you over so your back was pressed against his chest. “Did I forget to mention they’re not here?”
“Wha…huh?” His hands slid along the insides of your thighs, pressing them open as they went. “Where are they?”
“Well, Jonathan showed up a few hours ago,” he explained, fingers slipping along the edge of your panties. “He said that Nancy had instructed him to come and get them. Repayment for me being so kind to watch them so you could go out with the girls.” One finger slid under the material, slipping through your already damp folds to toy with your clit. “They’re keeping them for the whole night so we can have some time alone. Isn’t that nice?”
Your head rolled back against his shoulder, that rubber band that was already stretched so thin within you stretching even more, threatening to snap at any moment as he circled, pinched, and slid over the very center of your pleasure. A rumble fell from Steve’s lips, his nose slipping over your jaw and down your neck. You were not going to last long. Not like this, not when you were already on the brink of destruction. 
“Come on beautiful,” he urged, his thumb taking over the work on your clit as he slipped one large finger inside of you. “Say my name for me. You know how much I love it when you say my name for me.”
“Steve…” The word came out choked, one simple syllable that threatened to strangle you as your muscles tensed under his touch, your body ready to shatter completely. 
“That’s my girl…wanna hear you screaming it, baby. No need to be quiet tonight.”
Oh shit. Those words…his girl, words you didn’t even know you wanted but you did. You wanted to make him say it again. You wanted to be his girl more than you'd ever wanted anything else at this moment. Everything in your world completely disappeared, shadowed by this man and the way he made you feel. 
He got what he wanted. Because as he slid a second finger inside of you, his thumb playing you like the most beautiful song ever written, his name fell from your lips over and over. A crescendo of sound that began as a gasp and rose to a scream when that band finally snapped, your body taut, shaking, before collapsing back into him in a puddle of satisfaction. 
“Jesus Christ, Steve…” you mumbled. “How are you so goddamn good…no, scratch that. I don’t want to know.”
He chuckled, arms wrapping around you, face nuzzling your hair, “Don’t worry, gorgeous, because nobody that came before you matters. They were all just practice leading up to the main attraction.” He nipped at your earlobe. “I’ve never wanted to make a girl come over and over again like I do you. The sounds you make, how beautiful you look, the way you say my name, it’s like a goddamn drug, honey. I’m completely hooked on you.”
Turning your body, you straddled him, feeling just how much he was hooked on you pressing into you. The thin fabric of his sweats and the lace of your panties was not creating much of a barrier and you fought back the urge to yank them off him and ride him right here on the couch. But not yet. There was something else you'd been wanting to do first, something that had been on your mind ever since your first encounter in her kitchen. 
“Well, if I’m a drug then so are you, Steve Harrington, because I am completely addicted to you.”
“Oh yeah?” His hands settled on your hips, a smirk on his lips. “Is this the part where you fulfill my fantasy? You’re already in the perfect position.” He bucked his hips up and you gasped, hands dropping to his chest. 
“Oh, I have every intention of fulfilling that fantasy but not just yet." Leaning forward, you caught his mouth with your own, your tongue gliding over his bottom lip teasingly. Your hands slid under the cotton fabric of his shirt, nails scratching gently down his chest, over his stomach. That little knot wound up within you again at the feel of that coarse hair against your fingers, tapering to a line leading you right where she wanted. Gripping the hem of his shirt, you tugged it over his head, tossing it across the room where it landed on a chair. 
Steve’s lower lip jutted out playfully, “This doesn’t seem fair. You still have a top on.” Acquiescing to his request, you pulled your top off, sending it the same way as his. His hands slid up your back, fingers popping open your bra expertly, slingshotting it. “Much better.” One hand gripping you between the shoulder blades, he sat up, his mouth descending on your breasts. 
“Yes…” you sighed, cradling his head against you, your hips rocking against his length once again. 
“You’re so damn beautiful…”
You smiled, pushing him back down on the couch, wiggling your body down. It was your turn to drive him crazy. Your lips moved over his jaw, down his neck, your tongue tracing a trail over the artery there before your teeth nipped at his shoulder. He grunted, hips bucking when you kept going on your journey south, mouth exploring his chest, teeth raking over his nipples. Hot, wet kisses over his stomach while your hands gathered the material of his sweats and boxers, dragging them over his thighs until his cock was free, bouncing back against his stomach. 
Your tongue ran over your lips as you settled onto your stomach between his legs. Steve’s eyes went wide, watching when you took his cock in your hand, dragging the tip of it across your lips. As your tongue darted across the already weeping slit, he hissed, head dropping back to the arm of the sofa. 
“Jesus Christ, honey.”
Bolstered by his reaction, you used your hand to raise him up, your tongue running along the vein underneath, from the base to the tip before taking him into your mouth, swirling your tongue teasingly. With a heavy grunt, his hips rose from the couch in an attempt to get more of himself in your mouth. 
Grinning around him, you continued your slow torture, only keeping the tip of him in the warmth of your mouth as one hand moved down to cradle his heavy sack, rolling his balls in your palm. 
“Fuck…oh my god…honey, please…need more…” 
His hands fisted at his sides and deciding you'd tormented him enough, you took the rest of him, as much as you could, working the base of him with your hand as you slowly worked the rest of him with your mouth. The sounds he was making, the animalist grunts and groans, the curses falling from his lips, were goddamn intoxicating. You'd never felt so powerful in your life as you did knowing you could reduce this beautiful man to a mewling mess with just your mouth and hands. 
Steve’s fingers slid in your hair, his palms cupping the back of your head as he lifted his hips to match the rhythm of your mouth. You relaxed your throat, gagging slightly as he thrust even further into your throat. He paused, as if uncertain if what he’d done was okay, but when you dug your nails into the flesh of his thigh, lowering your mouth over him again, he took the hint, thrusting once again until your nose was nuzzling the coarse hair at the base of him. 
“Shit…honey, I’m…fuck, I’m so close…fuck, stop…I…don’t wanna…not in your mouth…”
Releasing him with an audible pop, you rose to your feet, offering him your hand. He tilted his head in confusion, the look so adorable your heart tugged. How could one man be both the sexiest thing you'd ever seen and the most adorable thing you'd ever laid eyes on at the same time?
“If I’m going to ride you, let’s do it properly…in my bed.”
“Oh…yeah, okay…”
He scrambled, pulling his pants back up as he took your hand, following your lead up the stairs. You'd barely made it into the room when you slammed your hands into his chest firmly, sending him onto his back on the bed. Wasting no time, you slipped your underwear and skirt off before dragging his sweats and boxers down off his legs and onto your floor. 
The smile he gave you was so soft, so heart melting, his hands gently cupping your face when you crawled up his body, straddling his hips. He opened his mouth and your heart stuttered in your chest, terrified but also thrilled at what might come out. But just that fast he closed it again, pressing his eyes shut tight. 
Brushing away that hope that had flared and dwindled so quickly, you gripped him in your hand, slowly lowering herself down over him. Your warmth wrapped around him like a glove, welcoming him as if he belonged there. You sucked in air, your fingers slipping through the hair on his chest, your teeth biting down on your lower lip. 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Steve growled as you rocked against him, his fingertips digging into the flesh of your hips as he met each movement. 
“Steve…Steve…Jesus Christ, Steve…” 
“You look just as beautiful as I knew you would. Come on, honey. Take what you need. You can have whatever you want. Give you whatever you want, honey.”
“Touch me,” you gasped, whimpering when his thumb found your clit, teasing as you pressed your hands into the mattress, arching your back, your muscles clenching as you came down on his cock again and again. “Yes. Right there. Oh god…so good…”
Your hips rolled into a circle and he grunted, “Yes, baby. Keep doing that. Shit.” His other hand came to your breast, squeezing, pinching, teasing, touching you just like you wanted and you moaned his name again. “Gonna come for me, beautiful?”
“Yes…so close…don’t stop…”
“Oh, I won’t, honey. Don’t worry. Look at me, beautiful. Wanna see you.” 
You struggled, working to keep pace as you pulled yourself straight, your hands gripping his shoulders for purchase. Opening your eyes, you looked down, that band in you stretching farther than should be possible as the heat in his gaze consumed you. His name ripped from your throat, so loudly you were sure the people in the next town could hear. 
Your body turned to goo, wax from a hot candle sliding down the edges of you to pool on the mattress around you. You had nothing left, your legs shaking and Steve knew, taking over for you. His hands grabbed onto your hips as he plunged himself up and into you before holding her down against him, a roar emitted through gritted teeth, painting your insides with his own release before bringing you with him as you both collapsed. 
Your cheek pressed against his sweat-slicked chest, the hair there tickling your skin softly. His fingers trailed over your back, your bodies heaving as you both struggled to catch your breath. 
“Holy shit…” he muttered. “So much better than I imagined.”
“I don’t think I can walk.”
His rumbling laugh shook your bodies as his arms held you, rolling you so you were side by side, your body still cradled against his. His lips pressed against your forehead. 
“Good thing you don’t have to. Honey, you’re so damn amazing. I…this…” He paused, his throat moving with a hard swallow, as if he were forcing down words he didn’t want to say to leave his mouth, banishing them to the darkness where they couldn’t see the light of day. 
“Yeah?” you pressed hopefully, tilting your head back to look at him, wishing for him to say it. To say the words that had been torturing you for the last few hours, the words you were terrified to say until he did. 
“I’m just so damn happy. I have never been this happy with anyone. I…” He stopped, eyes squeezing shut. “I like you a lot.”
Your heart squeezed tightly. No, of course he wasn’t going to say those words. Hadn’t you just thought how crazy it would be to say them so soon? Of course he wasn’t feeling any of that already. 
“I like you a lot too.” You forced a smile, not wanting him to see the disappointment on your face as you nuzzled down into him, the top of your head tucked under his chin. 
Steve blinked against the harsh sunlight coming in through the window, one hand covering his eyes to ward off the glare. Last night came back to him in a burst of images that raced over the backs of his eyelids. The warmth of your mouth, the sight of you above him, your hair falling down your back, the gentle smile that curved your lips up on each side as you fell asleep nestled against his chest, your fingers toying with the coarse hair there as you hummed contentedly. 
Rolling his head, he looked down to find you still there but at some point in the night you'd both moved. Now your back was nestled against him, your ass pressed deliciously against him, explaining why he’d woken up with an erection. Winding his arms around you tightly, his lips explored the curve of your shoulder, the hollow of your throat, delighted when you moaned softly, wiggling in his grasp. 
“Good morning.” Your voice was husky, deep and raspy, choked with sleep first thing in the morning, just one more thing that Steve couldn’t help but enjoy about you. He would never tire of discovering new things about you. Each new thing only made him…
Love…that word was beginning to be a thorn in his side. The amount of times he’d had to bite his lip last night to keep from saying it was going to leave a bruise. The more time he spent with you, the more time he spent inside you, was making it harder and harder not to scream it out, consequences be damned. 
“Good morning.” His nose nuzzled into your neck, lips tracing a line, following it over your shoulder. “I swear, this is the best damn thing to wake up to. You are the best damn thing to wake up to. So much better than a slobbery dog demanding breakfast.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” His fingers skimmed over your soft belly to the curve of your hip, squeezing the ample flesh there. “I could really get used to this, honey. You in my bed…”
“Well, technically this is my bed,” you teased, sighing when his hand dipped into the apex between your thighs. 
“My bed, your bed…I really don’t care as long as I get to have you in a bed,” he growled, his lips wrapping around the skin at the hollow of your throat, sucking hard until you moaned deeply. “Jesus, I love the sounds you make. Wanna make you make them all the time.”
“Steve,” you protested, no real challenge in your voice. “Don’t we have to go get the boys?”
“We could push it just a bit.” Using his arm to push himself up, he pressed you onto your back into the mattress. Wiggling his eyebrows, he grinned. “I think Nance and Jonathan would understand if we waited just a couple more hours.”
“A couple hours, huh? You have big plans?”
“Oh honey, a couple hours is not nearly enough time for the plans I have for you.”
How about forever? It was on the tip of his tongue but he just couldn’t say it. He couldn’t risk it, not now, not when he was in so deep that he was drowning in you. 
An hour later, clad in only his boxer shorts, Steve was in the kitchen cooking eggs and toast while you took a shower. Unfortunately, human weakness reared its head and other biological needs needed to be met. They had made it known when your stomach had started loudly rumbling while he was buried deep inside you while he pinned your wrists down with his hands. 
As much as he hadn’t wanted to pull himself away, he’d begrudgingly done so. The girl needed to eat. While he wanted nothing more than to lock the two of you in that room for the rest of the day, you were going to need your energy for the bike ride he had planned for everybody this afternoon. He couldn’t have you passing out on your bike from low blood sugar.
He slid the spatula under the perfectly cooked over-easy eggs, sliding them onto a plate. Grabbing the two pieces of toast that had just popped up, he added them and set the plate on the table. He added the butter, salt, and pepper and was just going to pour your coffee when there was a knock at the front door. 
“Well shit,” muttered Steve, glancing down at his very bare chest. Grabbing his shirt from the chair in the living room where it had been tossed last night, he hastily pulled it over his head, figuring it would have to do if he wasn’t going to leave whoever was on the other side wondering if anyone was home. 
Opening the door, he found a woman on the other side. Her blue eyes went wide as she took in the sight of him in the doorway, her hand running over her sleek gray bob. The flowy black pants and floral buttoned top she was wearing seemed like a strange choice for a Saturday, leaving him with the impression that she was a professional of some kind. But you hadn’t mentioned anyone dropping by. 
“Hello,” he smiled pleasantly. “Can I help you?”
“I highly doubt it.” Her words were sharper than seemed necessary considering Steve had never seen this woman before in his life. “Is my daughter-in-law around?”
Shit. So that’s who this was. Justin’s mom and Steve had just answered the door wearing nothing but boxers and a t-shirt on a Saturday morning. That didn’t leave much doubt to what kind of situation this was and he wasn’t sure if this woman even knew about him. Had you told her about him? Or was she being blindsided, having the new guy that had replaced her dead son shoved in her face? 
“You must be Mrs. Randall. I…uh…I’m Steve Harrington. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He stammered the words. He would have offered her his hand but his palms were suddenly very sweaty. How did one handle a situation like this? 
“Oh, I know exactly who you are. Although why you’re standing in my son’s house in your underwear is quite a mystery to me.”
A nervous laugh rose up in him at her words, her eyes narrowing, head tilted as she studied him. He felt like a specimen under a microscope and judging from the way she was looking at him, he was not measuring up. 
“Well, you see…I…well, Y/N and I…I’m guessing she hasn’t told you about me.”
“No. She didn’t but my grandson did. Imagine my surprise when I had to hear from a child that his mother has a new boyfriend.” She gave him a tight smile, the kind people usually displayed when they were trying to hide how they really felt, but this woman did not seem to be trying to hide anything. Disdain was rolling off her in waves so strongly it threatened to knock him off his feet. “You really think it’s appropriate for you to be spending the night this soon? Have you even bothered to consider Eli’s feelings in the matter? How it might make him feel that some man is sleeping in the bed that his mother and father used to share? That doesn’t seem a bit tacky to you?”
Steve opened his mouth, having no idea how he was going to respond but feeling like he needed to. The pressure of a thousand stares, like being on stage waiting to see if you’d nail it or fall flat on your face, was heavy on his chest. But he was saved when you came bouncing down the stairs. 
“Something smells good. Did you cook break…” You came to an abrupt stop, hands gripping the towel you'd been drying your hair with when you saw the scene in front of you. Steve in his boxers, looking like a mouse staring down a cat. Judith, the cat, glaring at you both, with her hands on her hips, claws and teeth ready to slash and shred. “Judith…what are you doing here?”
“Well, after Eli dropped that particular very unpleasant and shocking bomb on me yesterday and you refused to talk to me, I decided we needed to have a conversation about this current situation.”
“You could have just called…” you began but Judith quickly cut you off.
“And what? Have you ignore my calls like you so often do? I don’t think so.” Judith stepped around Steve with a wave as if he were nothing but an annoying gnat she was wishing to swat. “No. I think not. I demand an explanation. I believe I am owed that. Precisely why did my grandson tell me that this man, who I don’t even know, who he barely even knows, is going to be his father soon?”
“Shit…” muttered Steve, earning a harsh glare from the woman that reminded him way too much of Mrs. Click from high school. He melted back against the wall, trying to make himself small and invisible to her unapproving gaze.
So this was why she came. She felt her son’s very memory was threatened by the presence of Steve. She thought that you and him were moving too fast. Of course she did if Eli was already talking about Steve being his dad. But it was just that, talk. The kid had been hoping for it before they’d even started dating. 
“Mrs. Randall, I think this has just been a really big misunderstanding.”
“Well, I was rather hoping so until I showed up to find you here in your underwear, clearly having spent the night. I mean, really.” She sighed, tossing her arms in the air. “You find this kind of behavior appropriate with a child in the house?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, Eli isn’t in the house,” you snapped. 
“And where exactly is he?”
“He’s with my ex-wife and her husband,” Steve answered, folding his arms, his confidence returning now that he saw you weren't going to quaver under the glare of this lady. 
“Strangers!” shrieked Judith. “You left my grandson with complete strangers?”
“They’re not strangers. I told you, Eli is best friends with Steve’s son, Jeremiah. I know Jeremiah’s mom and her husband. In fact, I was just out with her and some other women last night.”
“Oh! And where was my grandson while you were out living it up and having fun like some teenager with no responsibilities?”
“He was with me. I took care of the boys so she could actually enjoy a night off.” Steve’s sympathy for this woman was quickly waning each time she opened her mouth. “I made them dinner and we played some games and watched a movie. Then Jonathan showed up and offered to take the boys overnight so she and I could have some time alone. I have never slept over when he’s been here.”
“Really? Because according to Eli, you and his mother had a sleepover just last week.”
Your teeth clenched together. “The boys were having a sleepover. We were watching a movie and fell asleep on the couch. Nothing happened.” Your eyes caught Steve’s, the two of you clearly remembering what did happen, what almost happened before you were interrupted, but it was none of this woman’s business. “And whatever happened or didn’t happen isn’t really any of your concern. Eli is my son.”
“He’s my grandson! None of my concern? It’s none of my concern that you’re acting like some rampant whore around him? That you’re just choosing to leave him with strange people so you can run around with your friends and have a good time like you don’t even have a child?”
“Whoa! Hey!” Steve stepped into her, finger pointing at her face. “You have no right to come in here calling her names like that. She is a damn good mom. She’s done all of this herself for a long time and if occasionally she needs a night to herself, she’s more than earned it.”
If someone could actually explode, he was pretty certain this woman would be doing just that right now. Her nostrils flared, eyes blazing, mouth contorted into an ugly sneer as she stared him down. 
“Just who in the hell do you think you are?”
“I think I’m her boyfriend. I think I’m her person. The person she’s chosen to have in her life right now. And I think I’m the person who’s not going to stand here and let you talk to her like this. I understand that it has to be hard for you to see her with someone else, to think about another guy being in your grandson’s life. But that’s not a choice you get to make. It’s hers. So unless you’re willing to have a civil conversation and listen then there’s the goddamn door.”
“I tried to help you. I offered to let you and Eli move in with me and you refused and now look at this mess you’ve created.”
“This isn’t a mess. This is my life.”
“And some life it is. I knew when Justin brought you home that he was making a mistake. You whispered all those lies about how much you loved him. I knew you never did.”
Your mouth dropped, a small gasp of pain escaping your lips, making Steve want to smack a woman for the first time in his life. Tears filled your eyes but you straightened your spine, refusing to allow Judith to make you fall apart.
“That was never a lie, Judith. I did love Justin. I still do.” 
“You loved him so much that you’re so ready to just replace him and move on. To allow some other man in his house, in his bed, in his role as Eli’s father.”
“There has not been any talk of Steve being Eli’s father,” you argued. “We are dating. There’s not even been talk of moving in together. All of that is coming from Eli. He adores Steve and he’s a kid and he just wants what other kids have. Can’t you see that?”
“He already has a father,” Judith whimpered, quickly losing steam as her grief began to take the wheel from her anger. 
“He does and I will never let him forget Justin. We talk about him every night before he goes to bed. I show him pictures and videos. I tell him stories. We order pizza every Friday because it’s what we used to do when Justin was home.” Those tears that had been lingering on your lash line now broke free, spilling down your cheeks as you held your hands out in front of you, begging Judith to understand. “We go to the apple orchard and the pumpkin farm every fall because it was a tradition we started with him. I show him his favorite movies and we listen to his favorite music. Eli knows all the words to The Most Beautiful Girl in the World by Prince and he knows how Justin used to sing it to me every time he’d return from deployment and we’d dance around the living room. Judith, Eli will never forget Justin because I can’t ever forget Justin. You think I don’t grieve for him still? Sometimes it hits me and the pain is so bad that I double over with it. But am I really sentenced to spend the rest of my life alone at thirty-two because the universe was cruel enough to take my happy ending away from me?”
Judith actually looked stunned. In the ten minutes Steve had known her, even he was shocked to find her speechless. This did not seem like a woman who ran out of words. 
Then the two women were hugging and crying. He stood to the side, unsure of what to do. He had the equivalent of emotional whiplash. He’d been so angry, ready to storm the castle and defend you to the death if need be, and now it didn’t seem necessary. You clung to each other, sobs shaking your bodies. 
“I’m sorry,” Judith sniffed, shaking her head, hands wrapped around your shoulders. “I’m sorry. I just…it’s so unfair that he got taken from us and then to know you’re with…” She jerked her head toward Steve. Well, alright. She might be apologizing but apparently she still wasn’t fond of him. “To know Eli may see someone else as his…I just couldn’t bear it. I fear I will be the only one to remember my son.”
“You won’t.” Your hands found Judith’s forearms, hanging on. “I could never forget him and I will never let Eli forget him. I promise you that. We…we don’t even know what this is yet.” Steve would be lying if he said that didn’t sting just a bit. “It’s so new. Who knows where it’s going but if it moves in that direction, Eli will still know who his dad is. And no matter what happens, you will always be his grandmother and you will always have a place in his life.”
Judith nodded slowly, her fist coming to her mouth. The woman appeared to at least be trying to accept it. Steve wasn’t sure what the history was here. He didn’t know what kind of relationship she and you had in the past but he hoped, if for nothing else than the sake of Eli, that she could. 
“Can I…would it be okay if I came into town for his first game?”
“Of course. Eli would love it if you were there.”
Steve wasn’t sure he would. He wasn’t sure he wanted to spend any more time with this woman ever. But this wasn’t his decision. He knew when he started this thing that you came with some baggage. And if the heaviest load was some uptight ex mother-in-law, well, he’d just have to learn to heft it if he planned on sticking around. 
“Okay. Well, then…I guess I’ll just go. It’s a long drive back. But maybe I could go pick him up and…”
You cut her off, “Steve and I are picking up the boys and taking them on a bike ride. They’ve been looking forward to it all week. So today isn’t a good day. If you would have called first I could have told you that. I could have told you all of this and saved you the drive.”
“Right. Next time I’ll call as long as you plan on answering.”
“I will answer as long as I’m not busy.”
Judith’s mouth pinched up again, the crying camaraderie apparently forgotten now. Wiping away any sign of weakness or vulnerability with her fingers under her eyes, she straightened her spine and turned for the door. It was disorienting how quickly she looked like she hadn’t just been falling apart, completely reserved once again.
“I will see you in a couple weeks then.”
“See you in a couple weeks.”
And then she was gone. You exhaled, your shoulders and head dropping forward, as if all the strength you'd held in to handle Judith had rushed from you in one breath. Your arms wrapped around your middle, reminding him of Eli after school just yesterday. 
Steve stood still, unsure of what to do. Did you want him to comfort you? Did you want him to leave you alone? Should he offer to just head and get the boys and come back for you later so you could have some time to process everything that had just happened? 
“I’m sorry.” The words were spoken so softly he almost didn’t catch them. “She loves to sneak up on me at the worst times. I should have seen this coming. She’s been itching to have it out with me ever since Eli told her you were my boyfriend.”
“It’s okay,” he mumbled, shrugging. It wasn’t, not really. He wasn’t sure how he felt after that whole exchange. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” you stated firmly. “I really don’t. Not right now anyway. Can we just eat?” Lifting your head, you pasted on a smile. “That coffee smells amazing and I could really use some right now.”
You breezed past him into the kitchen, leaving him standing there wondering what in the hell had just happened and what it meant that you didn’t know what this was between you.
The boys were down on the sand, building a fortress from rocks and driftwood that they collected for their superheroes. It was still far too cold to even consider stepping foot in the water. The day was warm, the sun beating pleasantly down on their skin, but it would take months for the lake to absorb that heat, usually not pleasant enough for a swim until late June or even early July. 
You sat on the blanket you'd brought with you to sit on while you enjoyed the picnic lunch that Steve had packed. Sandwich crusts, chip crumbs, and stray blueberries laid forgotten on plates as the boys declared themselves full in favor of running off to play. You took a sip of her iced tea, glancing over at Steve. 
After Judith’s impromptu interruption, ruining what otherwise had been an absolutely perfect night and morning, he’d been rather quiet and awkward. He didn’t appear mad but disoriented, like a child who’d fallen off their bike after removing the training wheels and feared getting back on because they didn’t trust themselves. It was like he’d lost his footing and couldn’t find it again. And you knew it was your fault. 
Judith just had such a negative impact on you and you were so exhausted from constantly trying to convince the woman that you w were doing a good job of raising Eli. Was it easy? No. Did you screw up a lot? Yes. But at the end of the day your son was happy, healthy, and loved. Wasn’t that what mattered? Why could that never be enough? Why did every decision you ever made have to come into question by a woman whose son joined the military just to get away from her?
“Hmm?” His head turned toward you and you could see how hard he was working to keep an impassive look on his face, to not show how he was truly feeling. What was he feeling? Was he angry? He had every right to be after the way Judith had treated him, after you yourself had dismissed him, telling him you didn’t want to talk. 
“About earlier…”
He cut you off, lifting his hand in front of him, “It’s fine. Really. You said you didn’t want to talk about it so you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s not fine.”
“It is. It’s obviously a tough situation for you that I don’t know anything about so…”
“But you should,” you stated firmly. Rising to your knees, you shifted until you were in front of him, taking both of his hands in your own. “You should. If we’re doing this…being an us, then you should know. Judith is difficult but she is a part of my life and she isn’t going anywhere. She’s Eli’s grandmother and that means that you’re going to have to deal with her sometimes so you should know our history. You should know exactly what you’re walking into.”
“But we don’t even know what this is, right? Isn’t that what you said? We’re not that serious so why do I need to know anything important about you?”
Ouch. His words hit their mark, exactly as he’d meant them to based on the tone he’d used. A missile he’d launched, his own hurt weaponized and aimed directly for you, successfully obliterating its target. You dropped down onto your heels as he pulled his hands back from you. His hand came to the back of his neck, rubbing, as if he could wipe away the tension that had appeared between them. 
“Shit. Honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”
“Yes you did.”
“No. I didn’t.” His cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk with a frustrated exhale. “I want to know everything about you. I do. I want to know it all, the good, the bad, and everything in between. I just…when you said that…”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Is that how you feel? That you don’t know what we are? I mean, I guess I just need to know what this is. I thought we were on the same page but maybe we’re not. What do you want here, honey? Is this all just fun for you? Is this a casual thing? Are you serious about us or should I be preparing to have my heart stomped all over?”
Those beautiful eyes were begging you for an answer, for the answer he wanted. And he had it. He had all of you. He had every piece of you that you had to offer. But you didn’t know how much to say. He had no idea how completely gone for him you already were, how you dreamed of the future with him, what it would look like, the four of you together. 
Your eyes drifted over to the boys, yelling and giggling as Lex Luthor and his henchmen tried to attack the Fortress of Solitude they’d built from whatever they could find on the beach. You could picture this, days, months, years of this…the two of you sitting back and enjoying your boys together. Watching them grow up, birthday parties and Christmases, Steve helping them with their ties for school dances, teaching them how to drive. Nights together watching movies and playing games. You could see it so clearly in your mind but you were terrified that if you shared all that with him he would leave a blazing path through this forest as he ran as far and as fast as he could. 
“Honey?” he prompted when you'd been silent for so long. 
“What do you want?” you asked, turning the tables on him, placing the ball in his court. 
“What do you want from this? Do you see this as something that has a future? Do you see us together six months from now? A year from now? Ten years from now? Or in three months will I be just another in a long line of heartbroken exes?”
Steve reared back as if you'd just slapped him across the face. And maybe it had been an insensitive question but you felt it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. Steve had been in numerous relationships throughout his life. Robin had shared that he latched on and fell fast because he was so desperate to be loved. Was that what this was? 
You felt like he really liked you, like he truly cared about you. But was it just his past traumas causing him to act like that? Causing him to feel things that weren’t really there yet?
“Do you seriously not know?” he demanded. When you just looked at him, he groaned. “How do you not know how I feel about you? This isn’t even in the ballpark of casual for me. I told you I’ve never felt for anyone the way I feel for you.”
“But how can you be sure? Robin said…”
“Robin said what? That I love too quickly because of my messed up childhood bullshit? Because my parents didn’t love me enough, I’m always looking for it elsewhere?”
“I mean, she may have said something like that.”
“And she’s not wrong. I have in the past. I stayed with Nancy because I was desperate for a family, a real family. I was desperate to make it work, to be successful where my parents weren’t. But I’m not twenty anymore. I’m thirty-two and I am well aware of my faults. I didn’t even see what I was doing then but I do now. I know every relationship I’ve ever had wasn’t really love. It was…I don’t know. Me just settling, searching for something, anything that would make me feel whole. But I’ve never found it. I’ve never felt it until you. I think you’re what I’ve been searching for. I’ve spent my whole life waiting for someone like you.”
This was the second time he’d said that to you and it didn’t fail to rock you to your very core once again. It shook your very foundation to know that this beautiful, perfect man seemed to think that you were the thing he’d been missing in his life, that you were the missing piece to the puzzle that he’d been hopelessly searching for. 
Your eyes roamed over his face, the flecks of gold in his eyes brought out by the sun, the freckles like angel kisses lovingly placed on his skin, those plump lips that girls would pay thousands of dollars to have. That word, that damn word, so simple, four letters, one syllable, was driving its way up your throat, desperate to be spoken. 
Your hands slid over his jaw, softly, gently, as if you were holding delicate treasure that must be protected, because you were. His Adam’s apple bobbed, the muscles in his neck tensing, as he waited for you to reply to the truths he’d just laid before you. 
“This isn’t casual for me either. I…I know my situation is different. I wasn’t searching all my life. I found…but he’s gone and when I lost Justin, I resigned myself to the fact that he was it. He had been my one shot at happiness and love and all that comes with it. But then here you came and you barreled through all of that doubt like a wrecking ball.” Your eyes slipped closed as you willed yourself to have the courage to jump off the edge, to soar through the air with nothing but hope that he would catch you instead of leaving you to hit the ground. “You snuck up on me and there is nothing just fun or casual about this because I…I love you.”
His eyebrows crept toward his forehead, every color in the spectrum dancing through his eyes that were now as wide as the moon and just as spectacular. You held your breath, your teeth worrying over your bottom lip. But then, as if in slow motion, his lips parted, curving into a slow smile that consumed his entire face, those little crinkles appearing at the corners of his eyes. His fingers slid into your hair, pulling you to him, his forehead pressing against yours as he whispered, “You do?”
“I do. I know it’s really soon. I wasn’t even sure I should say it. I realized it yesterday and it terrified me but it also…I don’t know. It just felt right, like something just shifting into the place it belonged all along. I told myself I wasn’t going to say it, that I was going to wait.” Your eyes squeezed shut nervously. “I was going to wait until you said it and I hope it doesn’t scare you. You don’t have to say it back. I don’t want you to say it because you think you have to. I just…I need you to know that I am all in. I am not going anywhere. I have already dove in way too deep. There’s no going back now.”
“I love you, too.”
“Don’t…please don’t say it just because I…”
“I’m not.” His fingers trailed down over your arms, linking his fingers with yours and bringing your interlocked hands to his chest. “I’m not. I’ve been trying not to say it too. I didn’t want to push you. I know this is hard for you. I know this is the first time you’ve been with anybody since your husband passed. I wanted to take things at your pace, follow your lead. I was waiting for you to say it first. But I do. I love you. I think I’ve loved you ever since that night I brought pizza over. And yeah, that’s crazy and it makes no sense because we barely knew each other but it’s true. I love everything I already know about you and I want to spend my life getting to know everything I don’t.”
“You…your life…?”
“Shit. Was that too much? I’m not about to pull out a ring or anything. I’m not asking you to promise the rest of your life to me. I just…I just meant…”
“Steve,” you laughed, pressing your lips against his to silence him. “No. It wasn’t too much. I know what you meant. I mean, we can’t really say we’re all in if we’re not expecting this to last forever, right?”
“Right.” He grinned, releasing your hands to wrap his arms around you and pull you in close. You sat between his legs, your back nestled into his chest, settling into place right where you belonged as the two of you watched your boys run down the sand.
Chapter 16
Taglist: @katethetank@roxiehorrorshow@sapphire4082@bakugouswh0r3@frostandflamesfanfic @mix-matchsocks @mushy-mushroom04 @palmtreesx3 @littlebookworm86 @eddies-trailer-babe @cheesewritings @emilyj444 @daisyhollyxox @angelbabyivy @the-fairy-anon @loritate7311 @k-k0129
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