#co2 levels at anime expo
sealpup9 · 2 years
Hey! I saw your tags on that Yu-Gi-Oh drag queen video and I'm curious to know what else irl equals CO2 levels of 4000(also weight)? I heard that if you're in an area with more than 2500 you are prone to headaches, but is it any different from let's say an indoor concert? This tidbit really interested me because of how massive that event is (I've only been twice and the last time was 7 years ago so I can't even imagine how it is now ..)
I can answer this question best I'm able with sources, but I'm no scientist! Sources will be listed at the bottom of this post!
Air quality is measured in parts per million, or ppm. Common pollutants in air quality (as noted by OSHA) include things like Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Pesticides, Radon, Damp Environments, etc. (Source 2)
The levels specifically for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) were the main concern in at Anime Expo this part weekend.
CO2 is produced when we exhale, as our bodies remove it with our lungs. As such, when a large group of people come together in an enclosed space, and the air filtration or ventilation is poor, the percent of CO2 in the air will rise.
I'm sure you've heard talk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning, as I believe most US laws require CO detectors in homes and workplaces. The reason I bring up CO is that both CO2 and CO can cause poisoning and death, but the PPM (or % in the air) is drastically different for each air contaminant.
You hear more about Carbon Monoxide poisoning (CO) because the ppm that causes complications is much lower than the ppm of Carbon Dioxide poisoning (CO2). (CO limits by OSHA are much lower than those for CO2, more on this later)
CO2 Levels (measured in ppm) and how they affect the human body: (Source 1)
Above 500ppm: Higher heart rates, Changes in heart rate, Increased blood pressure, Increased amount of CO2 in the bloodstream.
Above 1,000ppm: Cognitive issues (ability to solve problems, making decisions, ability to do math) and Respiratory symptoms in children.
Above 10,000ppm: Higher Respiratory rate (number of breaths taken per minute), CO2 in bloodstream changes the pH levels of your blood, metabolic stress, higher brain blood flow, increased minute ventilation (the volume of gas inhaled or exhaled per minute).
Above 30,000ppm: "Decreased exercise tolerance in workers when breathing against inspiratory and expiratory resistance"
Above 50,000ppm: Shortness of breath, Dizziness, Headaches.
80,000ppm to 100,000ppm: Confusion, dizziness, severe headache, shortness of breath, sweating, dim vision
Above 100,000ppm: Unbearable shortness of breath, vomiting, disorientation, hypertension, and loss of consciousness
There have also been studies done that show poor air quality (2,000ppm – 2,500ppm) decreases concentration, increases drowsiness, irritation, headache, respiratory illness, and diminished cognitive abilities in students, and has even been a source of concern in the workplace, as there is a direct correlation with CO2 levels and lower productivity. (Source 4)
OSHA itself has regulations for Indoor Air Quality in Commercial and Institutional Buildings! CO2 levels outdoors typically register at 300ppm-500ppm. Since studies have proven that CO2 levels can cause poisoning and even death, they have come up with a scale to determine safe levels for workers.  
The most important level of exposure in terms of the Anime Expo situation is the OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) and ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for 8-hour exposure, which is 5,000ppm of CO2.
OSHA also has determined that 30,000ppm is the limit for ACGIH TLV Short-term exposure.
40,000ppm is Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health. (Source 3)
Something MAJOR about these studies is that these rates are made based on “studies on physically fit males in confined spaces”
The OSHA Guidelines for Exposure to CO2 levels are based on physically fit male bodies.
Why is this an issue? It’s pretty obvious, honestly. The number of people who attended this past weekend hasn’t been determined as of this moment, but LA Times stated that the con drew in tens of thousands of attendees (as of the 4th of July, 2022.) In the past, there have been more than 350,000 people coming and going at these cons (Source 6). Not every person there was physically fit and male.
And the CO2 rates in Artist’s Alley alone were recorded to be between 4202ppm – 4740ppm.
So, not only does this pose an issue due to CO2 poisoning, but concerns have been raised due to COVID-19. Studies have shown that when the CO2 levels in a confined space are higher, the risk of transmission of COVID-19 increases.
This is especially true when no masks are worn, and people are actively breathing heavily (Example being a gym). An example given was the risk of COVID-19 in a gym from from 2,800 to 1,000ppm, the rate of COVID-19 transmission drops to ¼ the original risk. But! In a setting like a library, if the CO2 levels jump from 800-1,600ppm, the COVID-19 transmission risk TRIPLES. As I stated before, the rate is heavily dependent on things like masks and obviously, how close you are to other people (hence the 6ft distance we have put between us and others in public), and how well ventilated the area is (CO2 levels). (Source 5)
So, you might be thinking, well, if people were wearing masks, they knew the risk, and they knew that COVID-19 was going to be a risk just by going.
Well, Anime Expo actually had come under fire a few weeks prior to the event for taking away their mask policy, and their policy to check for vaccination status.
This gave vendors no chance to back out (many of which expressed concerns in regards to their health, whether they were immunocompromised, and how they had paid money to participate in Artist’s Alley and would have to pack out with no refund) and caused a major enough backlash that Anime Expo re-instated their mask and vaccination policy.
There were many cases of people online sharing stories of guests taking their masks off (especially in Artist’s Alley) and other places where masks were required. With an event this large (see figures above, likely over 100,000 people) There is just no way to enforce a mask policy with this many attendees. Images of Artist’s Alley alone showed that people were packed in like sardines, and that the air quality was very, very low.
Twitter user nickelpin posted some images of their CO2 readings at the con:
The tweet reads: “4202ppm inside Artist Alley Kentia Hall #covidsafetyAnimeExpo”
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[Image Transcription: An image of an air quality device held in hand in front of a large group of people. The device reads "78.4°F 50 Humidity 4202 CO2ppm aranet4". There is a sign on the ceiling that reads "Artist's Alley" as well as many vendors and booths lining each side of the large room. Some people in the image are wearing masks, but many are not.]
Another Image was posted by the same user (nickelpin)
the tweet reads: “4740ppm CO2 at the second to last row of the Artist Alley. I've been wearing an elastomeric N95 this whole time, but I'm going to quar from my friends and family when I go home, just in case. #covidsafetyAnimeExpo #AnimeExpo”
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[Image Transcription: An image of an air quality device held in hand in front of a large group of people. The device reads "82.0°F 50 Humidity 4740 CO2ppm aranet4". There are vendors and booths lining each side of the large room. Some people in the image are wearing masks, but many are not.]
Another tweet by the same user: “The hallway between the doors of Kentia Hall is at 4171ppm at 5:15pm #covidsafetyAnimeExpo #AnimeExpo”
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[Image Transcription: An image of an air quality device held in hand, in front of a long hallway. The device reads "82.4°F 56 Humidity 4171 CO2ppm aranet4." There are some people sitting against the walls on each side of the hall. Some people are wearing masks, most are not. The hallway is relatively empty aside from some groups of 2-5 people, and some people walking.]
I also want to point out that the OSHA 8-hour exposure limits are 5,000ppm. Artist’s Alley was open from 10:00am – 6:00pm for three out of the four days the con was open, and then from 10:00am – 3:00pm on the fourth.
This left vendors sitting in the crowded, poorly-ventilated airspace for 8 hours, three days in a row.
And remember, those OSHA limitations are based on able-bodied, physically fit males.
So, all in all, Anime Expo was a disaster in terms of COVID-19 precautions and regulations.
Guests and Vendors were assured that every precaution would be taken, but 6ft social distancing was not possible in most places, and vendors who had already signed up would risk losing a lot of money if they didn’t stay and sell what they could.
I also want to remind people that the COVID-19 pandemic is still on-going. COVID-19 continues to kill people, including able-bodied people, and especially those who are immunocompromised. Talks of ‘well it only kills people with pre-existing conditions’ are blatant eugenics, and the statement isn’t even true.
Users on twitter are calling on anyone who went to the con to quarantine, because there is a chance that every single person who stepped into Artist’s Alley was exposed to COVID-19.
I hope that this explained the situation a bit better, anon! I’d love to hear some information about how mask policy and vax policy was handled by anyone who was attending the event.
Please do not blame the guests and vendors for going to the convention. They were told that precautions would be taken, and that things would be relatively safe. It had only come out during and after the convention that there was a severe lack of enforcement of the policies, and the lack of ventilation in Artist’s Alley alone was enough to get people realizing just how unsafe these conventions are, even if they’re promised safety.
"Effects of low-level inhalation exposure to carbon dioxide in indoor environments: A short review on human health and psychomotor performance"
OSHA manual: Indoor Air Quality in Commercial and Institutional Buildings:
Food Safety and Inspection Service Carbon Dioxide Health Hazard Information Sheet
CO2 Meter "Dangers of CO2: What You Need to Know"
Carbon Dioxide Levels Reflect COVID Risk
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grandmasickomode · 11 months
hello everyone, and welcome to the countdown to "How Fucked Is Anime Expo This Year"
This year, I shall be getting photos of the illustrious Linecon in action! You couldn't pay me to step inside that fucking deathtrap!
let's recap: last year was the year weebs came out in full force after 2 years of COVID bullshit. And AX was not prepared! Not only were the lines hours long in the blazing LA sun with no shade or water, the ventilation system was FUCKED in artist's Alley and beyond!
The CO2 levels in the area were at least 3x the amount needed to cause actual brain damage!
Of course anyone who has been to an AX in the past decade knows this is nothing new. But will the organizers remember how to organize a quick and safe way to get people in and out of the LA Convention Center? MOur experts say: Probably not until the last 2 days. As per usual.
And this year's special lil event to spice up the Con: THE HOTEL STAFF IN SO CAL ARE GOING ON FUCKING STRIKE!
SO expect some coverage on the festivities in the coming days. Buckle up this is gonna be a mess.
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filtration-products · 5 years
– Filtration + Separation
The BioUrban unit soaks up pollution at a road intersection in Puebla City, Mexico.The BioUrban unit being used in an indoor setting.The BioUrban unit can be used in workshops and factories.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 7 million people die every year from exposure to fine particles in polluted air. A Mexican company specialising in microalgae air filtration systems has come up with an unusual solution to fight urban pollution.
The WHO’s latest Global Ambient Air Quality Database, which was updated in 2018, shows that 80% of people living in urban areas are exposed to air quality levels that exceed the WHO’s limits. While all regions of the world are affected, populations in low-income cities are impacted the most, with 97% of cities in low and middle-income countries not meeting air quality guidelines.
Mexico has some of the world’s highest levels of air pollution, so one its home-grown companies, Biomitech, which specialises in the development of environmentally-friendly technologies, decided to do something about it. The company has created an air purification system called BioUrban, using the power of microalgae, micro-organisms which naturally feed on pollution.
Pollution positive
The BiomiTech air purification technology uses biomimicry, harnessing the natural capacity of algae micro-organisms to thrive in polluted environments. The BioUrban units capture pollutant gases and particles (CO2, CO, NO2, VOC`s, PM 10 and 2.5) and transform these emissions into oxygen, turning a problem into a solution. The more pollution there is, the more the algae grow and photosynthesise carbon dioxide into oxygen. As a by-product, the waste microalgae can be used as raw material to produce products such as biogas and biofuels, thus creating a circular bio-economy.
Carlos Monroy, CEO of Biomitech, studied microalgae cultivation at university and began to think about applied technologies that could take advantage of the micro-organisms’ enormous potential. After graduation he started an incubation project which brought him into contact with engineers and people from several subject fields who gave him positive feedback about developing the idea. The challenge was to design a technology which could ensure the microalgae would be in contact with polluted gases from the environment.
With the BioUrban system the pollution feeds microalgal growth. The system is programmed with a Logic Controller Board which is activated at specific times depending on the air quality, which is measured by a sensor. If the air quality is bad, the system can automatically increase its performance. It takes from four to six months for the microalgae cultivation to be saturated depending on the environmental conditions.
Microalgae trees
Some of the air purification units are designed in the shape of a tree and just one BioUrban 2.0 outdoor microalgae ‘tree’ has the same the air purification capacity as 368 eucalyptus trees, yet it takes up far less space, something which is at a premium in urban areas. One BioUrban 2.0 algae tree has a footprint of just 1.8m2.
BiomiTech 2.0 urban microalgae ‘trees’ are also fitted with air quality sensors and their performance is monitored via a web platform, so that company can collect information to show how much pollution the BiomiTech Urban Forest is capturing and turning into oxygen.
Circular economy
When the microalgae have run out of physical room to multiply and grow, the microalgal liquid medium is considered saturated and needs refreshing with water so that the cycle can begin again. When saturated, the microalgae become a viable biomass. This biomass can then become the raw material for energy generation, either by means of biogas production or for the production of third generation biofuels.
The BioUrban range can be used in outdoor and indoor situations, such as at underground stations, airports, shopping centres, in school playgrounds, lecture halls, ventilation and air conditioning systems, parks, road junctions, service stations, bus stops and hospitals. Anywhere there are high levels of carbon dioxide and air pollutants.
UK launch The Biomitech team won the Latam Edge Award 2018 and it launched its award-winning BioUrban range for the first time in the UK at the 2018 Clean Air Technology Expo in Birmingham, complete with a BioUrban microalgae ‘tree’ at its stand.
Orlando Monroy and Emma Greenwood, spokespeople for the Global Biomitech Project, were at the Expo to discuss the problem of urban air pollution and showed visitors how BiomiTech has applied its knowledge to create the BioUrban range. They also discussed microalgal feeding and growth cycles, why microalgae feed on the pollution, the outputs, for example, oxygenated air, and how to creatively use and add value to the waste microalgae, as well as how to create a circular bio-economy by creating biofuels from the algae biomass that feed on the pollution created by our modern urban activities.
UK Urban Forest
The company brought its technology to London and offered companies and organisations the possibility of owning, renting or sponsoring one of its microalgae ‘trees’ in any high pollution hot spot. London’s air pollution levels exceed the WHO’s recommended limits, so Biomitech believes that its BioUrban range could make a big difference. London has a small physical footprint, so it is a good place to start applying volumes of units. Biomitech says it can create local clean air spots and also affect the atmosphere by getting rid of substantial amounts of air pollution. It does this by calculating how much ambient air pollution is present and how many trees it would need to make a positive impact and bring air pollution emissions down to meet current legislation within five years.
In addition, the company then look at the amount of air that has been filtered and present the data on a web platform, making it easy see how much clean air is being created and how many more algae trees are needed to complete the project for that city. This concept is known as the BiomiTech Urban Forest.
The company’s vision is to plant an Urban Forest of BioUrban 2.0 ‘algae trees’ in the UK, beginning in London. The trees will be linked and will stream statistics to a master data management platform to generate insights and measure the success of the trees. This will enable intelligence-led decisions to be made so that the units can be placed where they will generate the biggest impact. The company’s insights can be collated, aggregated and business intelligence supplied to clients so that they can measure their organisation’s carbon reductions.
The BiomiTech project aims to plug the gap in current transport and urban living infrastructure air emissions, by providing clean air right now. It is clear that legislation is beginning to address pollution issues, but the company is more interested in making an immediate difference, as pollution levels are rapidly worsening.
New horizons
There are a variety of fields in which this technology could be applied in the future. Biomitech is currently doing tests to see if a BioUrban unit could absorb the ammoniac generated by chickens and pork in farms. The latter gas causes animal diseases, so removing them would be a direct benefit for the sector. The mining sector is also an opportunity to provide workers with a better air quality.
Carlos Monroy, CEO of BiomiTech, sums up the potential of microalgae air filtration. “If we can convince civic leaders to share our vision, with the power of microalgae we can solve one of the biggest issues we currently face as a species and have had no answers for until now. Our intelligence as a species has meant our mass adoption of technology, transport and energy consumption, which is causing the problem of pollution. I hope we can use the same intelligence and tenacity of spirit to solve the problem that we have inadvertently created.”
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rabbitcruiser · 6 years
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World Environment Day
World Environment Day comes on every 5th June of the year. World Environment Day is a day to raise awareness of the importance of respecting and doing your bit for the environment. World environment day will be celebrated by the people all across the world on 5th of June, on Monday. The Special on World Environment Day celebrated by focusing on the most important of an environmental issue. The theme of world environment day was fighting against the illegal trade in wildlife for life, and zero tolerance for the illicit trade in wildlife focusing on saving the lives of Wild Animals like rhinos, gorillas, whales, sea turtles, rosewoods, helmeted hornbills, tigers including other species. This year slogan was “Go Wild for Life” to increase the voice against wildlife crime caused by it and take actions to protect it. The primary purpose of this year celebration was to take active steps to restrict illegal trade of wildlife which the biodiversity of this planet into danger. The host country of this event in Angola which has organized regarding safeguard. The theme is the message aimed to eradicate all the bad practices of illegal trade in wildlife.
History of World Environment Day
World Environment Day celebrations have been held annually since 1974 and in 1987 the idea for rotating the center activities through selecting different host countries. It has started celebrating as an annual event on every 5th of June since 1973 to raise the global awareness of the green environment in the human lives and also to solve the environmental issues by implementing environmental actions positively and also to make aware public worldwide that everyone is responsible for saving his environment. The celebration of the environment day in different cities of the world and the big annual festival started by the United Nations General Assembly to engage millions of people from several countries like draw attention of political and health organizations to do some practical actions. World Environment day was first established to celebrate every year by effective campaigns by the United Nations General Assembly, and Environment began from 5th of June at United Nations in 1972.
Themes of World Environment Day
The past themes of World Environment Day and World Environment Day 2018 theme are listed below
2018 – “Beat Plastic Pollution.”
2017 – “Connecting People to Nature in the city and on the land, from the poles to the equator.”
2016 – “Zero tolerance for the illegal trade in wildlife” (highlights the fight against illicit trade in wildlife).
2015 – “One World and One Environment.”
2014 – “The small island developing states” or “SIDS” and “Raise your voice, not the sea level.”
2013 – “Think. Eat. Save.” And slogan was “Reduce Your Foodprint.”
2012 – “Green Economy is included.”
2011 – “In Forests, Nature at your Service.”
2010 – “Many Species. One Planet including One Future”.
2009 – “Your Planet Wants You – Unite to Climate Change.”
2008 – “CO2 as Kick the Habit – Towards a Low Carbon Economy”.
2007 – “Melting Ice – It is a Hot Topic.”
2006 – “Deserts and Desertification, slogan” and the slogan was, s “Don’t Desert Drylands!.”
2005 – “Green Cities, ” and slogan, n was “Plan for the Planet!”.
2004 – “Wanted the Sea and Oceans” and slogan was “Dead or Alive?”.
2003 – “Water, ” and the slogan, n was “2 Billion People are Dying!”.
2002 – “Give Earth the Chance.”
2001 – “Connect with World Wide Web of Life.”
2000 – “The Environment Millennium” and the slogan, “Time to Act.”
1999 – “Our Earth and Our Future” and slogan was “Just Save It!”.
1998 – “For Life on Earth and slogan was “Save Our Sea.”
1997 – “For Life Earth.”
1996 – “Our Habitat, Our Earth, Our Home.”
1995 – “We the Peoples who United for the Global Environment.”
1994 – “One Earth with One Family.”
1993 – “Poverty and Environment’s slogan was “Break a Vicious Circle.”
1992 – “Only One Earth, only Care, and only Share.”
1991 – “Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership”.
1990 – “Children and the Environment.”
1989 – “Global Warming; Global Warning.”
1988 – “When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last.”
1987 – “Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof.”
1986 – “A Tree for Peace.”
1985 – “Youth: Population and the Environment.”
1984 – “Desertification.”
1983 – “Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy.”
1982 – “Ten Years after Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns).”
1981 – “Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains.”
1980 – “A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development without Destruction.”
1979 – “Only One Future for Our Children and slogan was “Development without Destruction.”
1978 – “Development without Destruction.”
1977 – “Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil Degradation.”
1976 – “Water: Vital Resource for Life.”
1975 – “Human Settlements Environment.”
1974 – “One Earth during Expo ’74”.
1973 – “Only one Earth.”
Quotes of World Environment Day
“The environment is everything that isn’t me.” – Albert Einstein
“God cared for trees, saved them from drought, avalanches, and a thousand tempests, disease, and floods.     But he cannot save them from fools”. – John Muir
“I think the environment put in the category of our national security. Defense of our resources is just as important as defense abroad. Otherwise what is there to defend”? – Robert Redford
“Thank God men cannot fly, to lay waste the sky as the earth.” – Henry David Thoreau
“Never doubt that a group which is small of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
“We won’t have a society while destroying the environment.” – Margaret Mead
“It is horrifying that we have to fight our government to save the environment.” – Ansel Adams
How to Celebrate the World Environment Day
Celebrating the World Environment Day by Registering an activity in your school, business, or workplace, or your community group are doing for WED. The great thing about recording your event is that you can inspire others who learn about what you’re doing. Also, checking out which country is the host country for WED for the year. Set yourself a timeline to meet, with harder changes coming at the end of the schedule. For example, India is the host country for WED. If you live in the host country and expect extra exciting activities to plan.
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