#christian braswell
blackmensuited · 9 months
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the-forest-library · 11 months
June 2023 Reads
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Return of the Thief - Megan Whalen Turner
Moira’s Pen - Megan Whalen Turner
Once More With Feeling - Elissa Susan
Cassandra in Reverse - Holly Smale
Ciao for Now - Kate Bromley
The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley - Courtney Walsh
Same Time Next Summer - Annabel Monaghan
Meet You in the Middle - Devon Daniels
Not Here to Stay Friends - Kaitlyn Hill
What Happens After Midnight - K.L. Walther
The Wishing Game - Meg Shaffer
Some Shall Break - Ellie Marney
Bryony and Roses - T. Kingfisher
As Old As Time - Liz Braswell
Such Sharp Teeth - Rachel Harrison
Jasmine Zumideh Needs a Win - Susan Azim Boyer
Yellowface - R.F. Kuang
Charlotte Illes is Not a Detective - Katie Siegel
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret - Judy Blume
The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Deya Muniz
She-Hulk, Vol 2: Jen of Hearts - Rainbow Rowell
Happily Ever After - Debbie Tung
Book Love - Debbie Tung
The Worrier’s Guide to Life - Gemma Correll
Cryptid Club - Sarah Andersen
Escargot - Dashiki Slater
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs - Judi Barrett & Ron Barrett
Hooked - Sutton Foster
Better Living Through Birding - Christian Cooper
Have More Fun - Mandy Arioto
Notes from a Public Typewriter - Michael Gustafson
These Precious Days - Ann Patchett
It Was An Ugly Couch Anyway - Elizabeth Passarella
Dear Girls - Ali Wong 
Where to Start - Mental Health America
The Vegan Week - Gena Hamshaw
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It Crossed out = Nope
I am now in a world with no more Queen’s Thief books to look forward to, but what a marvelous ride it was. This is now one of my favorite series, and I eagerly look forward to whatever Megan Whalen Turner does next. 
Also, I didn’t mean to read two beauty and the beast retellings back-to-back, but it was fun to compare them. The highlight was T. Kingfisher’s Bryony and Roses, which was absolutely lovely. 
Goodreads Goal: 210/400
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What Once Was Mine by Liz Braswell Review
《 ☆☆☆ 》
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tl;dr: it was fun to read, but almost none of the characters felt like the same characters as the ones in the movie. i honestly think this book could've been better if they removed any connections to tangled the movie. it would've been a great standalone!
spoilers below!!
i will say, as a huge fan of tangled, and because of my love for the movie and the characters, i really didn't enjoy this book as an extension of the movie. that being said, this review is admittedly very biased.
it was well written, but it felt very out of character for most of the characters and read almost like fanfiction. to be fair, i haven't read any of the other twisted tales, so i don't it quite know how these stories are generally set up. it was fun to read, given an air of suspension knowing that liz braswell was not in the writer's room for the movie. it also felt very unnecessary that the book was a story told by a boy to his sister going through chemo in a hospital. i'm still not quite sure why that had to be in the book without it just being a story about rapunzel with the powers of a different flower.
my biggest issue with this book is that the sense of time was not there. the first part of the book was nearly identical to the movie, and rapunzel had sent mother gothel on the two day journey to get her the white seashell paint to be able to escape the tower to see the laterns. in the next couple of pages, it was revealed that she had taken a shortcut so it wasn't as long of a trip, but in rapunzel's pov it felt like she was only gone for a couple hours. there are several examples of this time shift where it felt like some parts of the story (rapunzel spending time at the witch cottage to learn her powers) that felt like it was over weeks of time but the whole point of her leaving the tower was to see the lanterns which, at this point of the book, i was unsure if she missed them due to being chased or if everything had just been taking place over several hours and everything movee very quickly, which doesn't make sense since her powers involve moon phases. it is later revealed that it had been 9 days since she had left the tower, which, if i am recalling correctly (i will have to go double check), earlier in the book it was said that the lanterns would be in 3 days.
flynn never climbed rapunzel's tower. rapunzel simply saw him drop off a bag in a cove, and she decided then that he'd be the one to take her to the lanterns. it seemed like a very implusive decision from someone who is not impulsive. rapunzel also very much seems like a damsel in distress when she very much doesn't want to come across as one. because flynn didn't climb her tower, she didn't use the frying pan as a weapon, and so the entire book she has no weapon and has to watch her friends fight for her.
another couple minor issues that i had were:
- rapunzel being told that she is the lost princess instead of being able to have the realization herself
- flynn is simply written horribly
- arianna and frederic decided to tell the kingdom that rapunzel had died as an infant. how can she then come back as the princess if the princess is dead? it feels like it opens plot holes like the people losing trust in the crown for lying to them for 19 years about the fate of the princess
overall, even with all of my criticisms, i read the entire thing and had a great time doing it. it was a fun story and an intriguing ride, and i honestly couldn't put it down even with my thoughts.
○ i very much enjoy gina! she was a fun character
○ the premise is very neat! i definitely feel like it could've been fleshed out more!
○ i loved the ending. it felt like it had enough connections to the movie and the characters to give me good vibes
○ real world mentions of europe and christianity/christian god
○ multiple different powers
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orlissa · 1 year
February reading summary
Another month has passed, so it’s time for another book round up :)
In February I managed to read 8 books (and had one DNF). Altogether, altogether, I’m at 16 individual books read this year, which is pretty good considering that my goal is 50 books by the end of December.
But now let’s see what was on the menu for this month:
Rob Sears: The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump -- Just to make it clear, this is not a poetry collection written by Trump XD No, it’s a poetry collection edited together from stuff he has said, which is nothing short of brilliant. Like, the author(s) when through everything he has said, and rearranged them in a way that they mean something (every line is annotated, bwt). It’s just simply funny and even poignant at some places -- a “poem” especially stayed with me, where what he said in the Access Hollywood Tape (”grab them by the pussy”) was juxtaposed with a pre-prepared speech about the horrors of domestic abuse and rape.
Jenna Evans Welch: Love & Gelato -- Overall a nice coming of age story about a girl, who, after the death of her mother, moves to Italy to live with her father she’d never even met before, and then discovers Florence through her mother’s diary written the year before she was born. I love Florence, so it was a treat to me in that aspect, but I did feel like that author didn’t really know the place (the characters were complaining about the lack of AC, lack of American fast food, bad internet...), and I think the present-day romance was a bit stupid (the author clearly wanted to parellel the past/the mother’s romance with the present/daughter’s romance, to make the point that the daughter is not making the same mistake, but that wasn’t exactly what she ended up doing). Plus I read the Hungarian edition, and there were some seriously issues with the translation.
Mary McMyne: The Book of Gothel -- Easily my favorite book this month. I went in expecting a Rapunzel-retelling from the witch’s POV, and I got so much more, a lamentation on wise women’s situation, on magic, the occult, Christianity, and Christian mysticism in the 12th century Germany. Wow. Absolutely recommend.
Liz Braswell: What Once Was Mine -- DNF. Sigh. So after The Book of Gothel, I decided to go with the other Rapunzel story on my list. This book belongs to the Twisted Tale series, which is basically standalone novel of Disney What ifs with a dark twist. I read the Mulan one some time ago, and that was absolutely phenomenal (in that one Shang gets injured in the mountains instead of Mulan, and as he is dying, she goes down to the underworld to bring his soul back), so I had high hopes for this one. Yeah... it didn’t work out. The whole book is framed as a 16 years old guy telling the story to his twin sister while she is getting chemo, the language/narrative stlye is all over the place (sometimes it’s all jokey, sometimes it very serious and old timey, but nothing like how a 16-y-o kid would speak), we keep switching back to the hospital room which breaks the rhythm, and for some reason it takes place in the real world, and apparently Elizabeth Báthory is the bad guy? Yeah, I gave up after about 10%
Cory O’Brian: Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes -- There were only two reasons why I finished this book: 1, I didn’t want to have two DFN’s right after each other, and 2, it was a quick read. It is supposed to be a funny, modern retelling of myths (not just Greek, but from all around the world), making them widely accessible and weeding out the classism aspect surronding them, and it even started out promisingly when the author talked about Joseph Campbell’s work in the preface. But then... Sigh. It’s endless dick jokes, misogyny, and low-key racism (e.g. the African section has three myths, and in the section preface the author talks about how hard it was to choose these three, because there are just so many different myth. Yeah, dumbass, because Africa is a whole continent with a bunch of cultures. He could have just chosen to focus on, let’s say, Yoruba myths, he could have avoided this).
Katharine & Elizabeth Corr: Daughter of Darkness -- Solid YA fantasy based on Greek myths (but not a retelling of them). In a world where the tyrant Orpheus reigns over most of what we know as Greece today, some people are being marked by the gods--they get a fraction of the power of the god who marks them, which mark appears in early childhood, after which they are brought to and raised in Houses; after their training is complete, they are to work there for forty years as indentured servants. Deina, our protagonist is marked by Hades, and there is nothing she wants more than freedom--which seems to be within reach when Orpheus is looking for volunteers for a quest, which turns out to be going down to the underworld to retrieve his queen’s soul. I really enjoyed the early/worldbuilding parts, and the last couple of chapters after the twist(s), but the middle part--where the characters were traipsing through the underworld--did drag a little. The characters were generally very interesting, and although the authors built a bit too much on secrets and the twists coming from these secrets being revealed, and the romance aspect felt a little weak, and it went really dark, and I mean really dark by the end, I actually enjoyed it a great deal. It was the first part of a duology, with the second one coming out in July I think, and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna read it.
Karen Cushman: Katherine, Called Birdy -- I downloaded this book when I saw the trailer for the movie back in like September, then promptly forgot about it. Anyway, so it’s the fictional diary of the daughter of a 13th century English knight, on the cusp of adulthood, chronicling her daily life for a about the span of a year. It’s delightfully medieval and modern at the same time, in a sense that the narrative focuses on the realities of everday medieval life, while Birdy... well, Birdy is being a teenager with an attitude that that reflects the attitudes of modern teenaged girls. Really funny and thought-provoking, an absolute delight.
Natasha Bowen: Sould of the Deep -- Sigh. Nope. No comment on this one. 
Sasha Peyton Smith: The Witch Haven -- YA fantasy set in New York, 1911, with the driving force behind the narrative being the murder of the protagonist’s brother. It started out really strong (like, it’s almost as if the first two-three chapters were written by a different author), but the rest is a little (a lot) all over the place. The book is somehow about too much and too little at the same time, trying to virtue signal and address everything, but in the process making most of the characters unlikable and just underdeveloped, swmming in a mess of a plot. But I did like Oliver, the protagonist/her brother’s childhood friend, who depicted as a model of gentle masculinity. Also a duology, but I don’t think I’ll read the second book.
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baptiststandard · 2 months
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ambriel-angstwitch · 9 months
What Once Was Mine by Liz Braswell is a phenomenal read and I would highly suggest it.
I was really hesitant about Gina when I read the description of the book. I was extremely worried they were going to introduce a love triangle and mess up the whole dynamic. Instead Gina and Flynn had a sort of sibling like dynamic since they’re both outlaws and realized they were from the same orphanage. Honestly they had some of the best dialogue in the book.
I loved the fact that it had some real history in there though I will admit I was not expecting any Christianity in the novel so to just suddenly be hit by Catholicism was strange.
I loved the take it had on the moonstones powers. I won’t talk too much about it so you can see in the book but it is different than what it’s like in the show. And honestly it made more sense in a lot of ways, it was just far more nuanced.
I loved how it paralleled but was different then the source material. It felt like a very logical and interesting butterfly effect. The characters felt very authentic. It had the same humor and vibe as Tangled but with a little more darkness and angst thrown in there. All in all I loved it.
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tittasale · 2 years
The little mermaid a twisted tale vareet
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The little mermaid a twisted tale vareet series#
The little mermaid a twisted tale vareet free#
Full of grief and sadness over her dead lover, she loses her mind. The little mermaid, afraid of losing her soul and both her love, plunged the knife into her prince and cut out his heart. So anyways, I based myself of when she is about to kill the prince and did a "what if". After his sixteenth birthday, he decided to go to the surface for the face time and see how it is and then rescues a human who is close to drowning. His courageous, adventurous, stubborn and the only merman to be born with red hair. But instead of descending upon his sleeping body with a knife, she instead chooses to believe in the power of love and didn't kill him and threw herself into the sea and turned into sea foam.Īnd since mermaids don't have souls (at least according to Hans Christian Andersen), she has to do 300 years of good deeds in order to earn one, only every time a child cries, she has to do an extra day for each teardrop. Aric is king's Triton youngest and only son.
The little mermaid a twisted tale vareet free#
The sea witch tells the mermaid that in order for her to survive, she must kill him. Part of Your World, CD/Spoken Word by Braswell, Liz Maarleveld, Saskia (NRT), ISBN 1982519266, ISBN-13 9781982519261, Brand New, Free shipping in the US In an alternate take on the classic fairy tale, Ariel, the voiceless queen of Atlantica, must return to the human world and face Ursula, who runs Erics kingdom on land and is plotting to obliterate both land and sea. But she doesn't, and he gets married anyway. She finds out that the prince is getting married to another woman, and that if he does she will dissolve into sea foam, but all can be saved if she can somehow persuade the Prince that she was the one who saved him from drowning. Read chapters: 6 The Little House, 7 The Home Under The Ground, 8 The Mermaids Lagoon and 9 The Never. She drinks it and does all of that, and you would expect her selfless act to end with the two of them getting married. May 2021 book: So This Is Love: A Twisted Tale. In Hans Christian Andersen’s original tale, the little mermaid saved the prince from drowing but could only come on land to be with the handsome prince if she drinks a potion that makes it feel like she is walking on knives at all times, and proceeds to bleed absolutely everywhere too. Great deals on one book or all books in the series.
The little mermaid a twisted tale vareet series#
Anyways, I based myself of the original little mermaid story. Find the complete Twisted Tales Mermaid book series by Danielle Viverito. A Whole New World: When Jafar steals the Genie's lamp, he uses his first two wishes to become sultan. It is based on A Twisted Tale, a book series based around alternate 'what-If' spins on familiar Disney films. Hehehe dunno if I should make more twisted versions. Disney's Twisted Tales is an upcoming American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation and it will premiere on Disney Channel, Disney XD and Disney+ in TBA.
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darkcrowprincess · 3 years
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Oooooh Eric is pissed off. 😤 I love it! You tell her Eric!
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I love when villians get too over confident and forget minor details like this. It must piss Ursula off. Sweet, sweet revenge for Eric and Ariel.
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My reaction to Eric:
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Eric is soooo badass 😎👏 and hot (adorable) right now!
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My reaction to Eric:
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Part of Your World Review
Book: Part of Your World
Author: Liz Braswell
About Ariel going back to the human world because she finds out news about her father and Ursula ruling Eric's kingdom.
This twisted tale isn't like the other books in the series. It started off after Eric married Vanessa, Ursula's human self. Ariel couldn't defeat her. She became a mermaid again and went back to Atlantica; without her voice.
She hears some news and with the help of some old and new friends, Ariel goes back to save the ones she loves.
I honestly like how the book ended. Kept me on my toes until I finished the book.
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horsedancer98 · 3 years
Books I’ve read in 2020:
• The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
• Don’t Tell Paul by Paul J. Teague
• Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman
• The Blue Bistro by Elin Hilderbrand
• Dial L for Loser by Lisi Harrison
• Calm by Micheal Acton Smith
• Welcome to Adulting: Navigating Faith, Friendship, Finances, and the Future by Jonathan Pokluda
• Why Become A Christian? by Garry Poole
• Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
• The Odd Sisters by Serena Valentino
• A Whole New World by Liz Braswell
• What Now? by Yale Shy
• Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
• Straight on Till Morning by Liz Braswell
• Holly’s Inbox by Holly Denham
• Mary Poppins by PL Travers
• Radical by David Platt
• City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
• Paper Towns by John Green
• The Shadowhunter’s Codex by Cassandra Clare
• Good Enough: A Shay James Mystery by Brenda McCreight
• The Case of the Animals Versus Man Before the King of the Jinn by Lenn E. Goodman
• Reflection by Elizabeth Lim
• God’s Promises to a Woman by Jane L. Fryar
• Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
• The Faraway Horses: The Adventures and Wisdom of One of America’s Most Renowned Horsemen by Buck Brannaman
• Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks
• Secrets of My Hollywood Life by Jen Calonita
• Tales of Beedle the Bard by JK Calonita
• A Very Merry Dunder Mifflin Christmas by Christine Kopaczewski
• Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scammander
• The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck
• Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer
• Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp
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simmingkatie · 4 years
Quarantine Q & A
I wasn’t tagged, but I saw @simocchi do it and I thought why not?
Are you staying home from work?
I work from home on a normal day, but I can’t say I’m still working. There’s not really any work to be had, since I freelance. My husband has been home for the last 4 weeks, though.
If you’re staying home, who’s with you?
My husband, our 2 sons, 2 dogs, and cat lol. It’s a full house.
Are you a homebody?
Very much so, but this is getting to even me.
What movies have you watched recently? What shows?
I have recently watched Frozen 2 and Onward. Also Jumanji. We also have been watching For Life on ABC and that’s really good! Oh, and The Good Doctor Season 2 really got to me.
An event you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
My son’s 2nd birthday party :(
What music are you listening to?
Mostly I’ve been listening to podcasts, but otherwise it’s my “God music” aka Christian Rock lol. I’m basic. 
What are you reading?
oooo, I just caught up to @cyberth0t‘s Inheritance and it is amazing!! Also @kalissimsblog‘s From the Ashes and @alittledaylight‘s At First Light.
Oh, you meant outside of sims stories? lol, oh. Well, I’m attempting to read Straight on Till Morning by Liz Braswell, which is really good! But I’m a little preoccupied with those listed above lol.
What are you doing for self-care?
I walk my dogs, take long, hot soaks in the tub as often as I can, and lose myself in podcats. Of course I’m also washing my hands and face like crazy, and maintaining distance from everyone.
If you see this and want to do it, say I tagged you! ♥
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simdoughnut · 7 years
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50 Shades of Black: The Simelp Review
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hello-biblioflower · 5 years
OWLs Readathon 2019
Hello beautiful people!
My name is Amanda and I am just becoming active in the online book community. I have been watching booktube for around five years, which is actually before I really got into reading and pretty much what made me get into reading. For a long time, I have wanted to be a part of the community, but I have been searching for the right platform to be a part of. I finally decided that a blog is the best choice for me and I am super excited to join this community of amazing people! 
I’ll be posting more about me and my reading interests soon, but for now, I want to talk about the OWLs Readathon (created by the lovely BookRoast on Youtube) which just started today and is the first readathon that I will be participating in. So I wanted to share my TBR here! I shared it on Twitter this morning (@biblioflower), but I wanted to add a little more depth to it. So here we go!
So this year the creator decided to add careers to the readathon (I’m not going to go into detail, but if you want more information head over to her channel, she has a whole video about it!), and I decided to pursue the career of a Hogwarts professor. So for that, I need OWLs in: a subject I would like to teach, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and 5 additional subjects. So here are the books I chose!
1. Charms: An adult book
This is the subject that I chose that I would like to teach. I think Charms is super cool and as much as we all love Professor Flitwick, eventually he’ll need a replacement and I’ll be right there prepared. So for this, I chose The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I don’t know if this is ~technically~ an adult book, but I have never read it and it’s been on my TBR for quite some time, so I decided to give it a go for this readathon. It also helps that it is quite short and will most likely be a quick read for me.
2. Defense Against the Dark Arts: A book that starts with the letter ‘R’
For this, I chose Rebel Springs by Morgan Rhodes. This is the second book in the Falling Kingdoms series. I read the first one last year and I was not crazy about it but I can definitely see the potential of this series and hope that it lives up to it.
3. Ancient Runes: A retelling
Okay, so something that you should know about me is that I am absolutely OBSESSED with The Little Mermaid. Like it’s my absolute all-time favorite movie. I picked up a copy of Part of Your World by Liz Braswell a couple months ago solely because it is a Little Mermaid retelling and have been dying to read it ever since, but things keep getting in the way (@life, mental health, school, y’all suck). When I saw this prompt I knew that I had to choose this one. This book is obviously a retelling of The Little Mermaid, but with a twist--Ariel never defeated Ursula. That’s pretty much all I know about it and I am super stoked to dive into this story.
4. Arithmancy: A book with 2+ authors
For this, I chose My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows. This book has been on my TBR for a hot minute and I’m excited to finally get around to it. I honestly don’t remember what exactly it is about, but I do know that it’s supposed to be a really fun/funny read.
5. Astronomy: A book with the word ‘star’ in the title
This is the book I chose to start with and let me tell you I am LOVING it. The book is The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi. This book is about a girl whose horoscope when she was born foretold a marriage of death and destruction, and because of this she was hated and feared by most everyone in her father, the Raja’s, kingdom. Until she marries a mysterious king from a land she’s never heard of. I am about 50% through this one already (it’s still April 1 and the readathon just started) and it is so amazing.
 6. History of Magic: A book published at least 10 years ago
So I’ve been rereading Harry Potter for the past couple months and I thought that it was only fitting to add a Harry Potter book into a Harry Potter inspired readathon. So, for this, I am reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I’m so not ready to relive some moments in here, but I guess I’ll live...
7. Muggle Studies: A contemporary
I chose In 27 Days by Alison Gervais for this one. Okay, so I don’t think a lot of people have heard of this one which is an absolute tragedy, because it’s amazing. It was originally written on Wattpad, but it was eventually published in a physical book. I read it like three times on Wattpad and I’ve read it once in a physical book, and every time it was amazing. This story follows Hadley, a high school student in New York, who goes to school one day to find out a classmate of hers, Archer, has committed suicide. Hadley was not close with him, but she felt off after it. She is then approached by Death who gives her the chance to go back in time 27 days to save Archer’s life. This story is so good and I’m excited to reread it.
Those are all the OWLs that I need to complete and that I am prioritizing. However, there is one more that I would love to get to this month if I have the time.
8. Transfiguration: A book with a red cover
For this I have Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This is a book I read back in the summer before my junior year of high school, and that I’ve really been wanting to reread for a couple months. This book is a Christian non-fiction book about the sacrificial, unconditional, reckless, crazy love of God for His people. This book hit me hard when I read it the first time and I really want to read it again as a more mature Believer to see the impact again.
I am so excited to be a part of this readathon. I think it is such a cool and unique concept. I’ve been super immersed in the Harry Potter world now that I’m rereading the books so this just fits my mood really well right now. I’m thinking that I will post reviews for at least some of the books, but probably not all. I will be posting updates on my Twitter if anyone wants to follow along with that! Anyway, that’s all for now! 
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dfwnews · 2 years
Young scores 15, Charlotte topples UTSA 62-53
Young scores 15, Charlotte topples UTSA 62-53
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Jahmir Young scored 15 points and Charlotte defeated UTSA 62-53. Robert Braswell added 14 points and Jackson Threadgill scored 11 for the 49ers. Christian Tucker led the Roadrunners with 10 points. The post Young scores 15, Charlotte topples UTSA 62-53 appeared first on KVIA.
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gospelmetrics · 3 years
Katie Braswell - You Are Here
Katie Braswell – You Are Here
Free Download “You Are Here” SONG By Katie Braswell American Christian/Gospel Artiste Katie Braswell Ft. Joe L Barnes Released a New Single Titled “You Are Here”, Which is a Powerful Song That Will Uplift Your Spirit. Available Now at all Major Digital Music Streaming providers & Gospelmetrics. Kindly Share & Stay being blessed Stream and Download Mp3/Music Below: DOWNLOAD HERE What do you…
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xo-alie-xo · 3 years
1) Alice in Wonderland- Lewis Carroll
2) Peter Pan- J.M Barrie
3) Hansel and Gretel- Brothers Grimm
4) Little Red Riding Hood- Charles Perrault
5) The Little Match Girl- Hans Christian Andersen
6) The Steadfast Tin Soldier- Hans Christian Andersen
7) A Christmas Carol- Charles Dickens
8) Thumbelina- Hans Christian Andersen
9) As Old As Time- A Twisted Tale- Liz Braswell (Reimagination of the classic Beauty and the Beast)
10) The Secret Garden- Frances Hodgson Burnett
11) Swan Lake- Ballet by Giscard Rasquin and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
12) Letters from Father Christmas- J.R.R. Tolkien
13) The Snow Queen- Hans Christian Andersen
14) Peter Pan- Fairy Tales by J.M. Barrie (Neverland)
15) The Nutcracker and the Four Realms- 2018 Movie
16) Little Women- Louisa May Alcott
17) If I Had a Little Dream by Nina Laden and Melissa Castrillon
18) Cinderella- Walt Disney Movie
19) Gifts of the Magi- O. Henry
20) The Snowman- Raymond Briggs/1982 film
21) The Box of Delights- John Masefield
22) The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (The Chronicles of Narnia)- C. S. Lewis
23) Sleeping Beauty
24) Starry Night- Vincent van Gogh
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