archer3-13 · 10 months
Given that the desert in plegia has to be artificial in nature for their to be any cohesive connectivity between the archanea setting and the ylisse setting, and given such environmental changes in fe [most notably with duma swampifying large portions of valentia] are typically attributable to the influence of a dragons power it raises the question of what happens to plegias environment following a timeline where grima is forever perma killed as opposed to just being sealed.
given the environment of valm as we see it, the implication is no plegia will eventually turn into no longer being a desert region given time, as the former swamp areas of valentia and the desertfied portions of zofia [which were due to milas own powers going haywire] both are presented as no longer being desertified in the valm period day [as far as we see anyways].
of course given that as far as I can tell chon'sin takes up the area where ram village used to be [their ancestral burial ground is the thieves shrine which is a hop skip away from ram village]... im almost tempted to say i want an awakening prequel set between grimas first and second awakenings just to get a better grasp on what the fuck happened.
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dvrtrblhr · 8 months
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(12) chon'sin siblings
say'ri and yen'fay were requested on instagram, but honestly... it's like i came up with the request myself. i like them a lot. they were both robin's partners at one save or another.
i'm not receiving new requests! i mean, you can try, but you'll probably be ignored by this point (not to be mean, but i already received A LOT of suggestions! thanks for your support! it means the world to me!)
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 months
Writing Game 1.6: Gift
Prompt: Gift Pairing: Chrom/Robin
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Chrom has to admit, he is rather taken with Robin.
Whenever he actually says this out loud, however, it generally earns him a slap upside the head from Lissa - "Of course you are! He's your husband!"
Chrom will laugh, and it is as if the situation strikes him anew; that he not only loves Robin with all of his heart, but that he is lucky enough to be wed to him!
It's not only a wonderful outcome for the fact of their love, either - Robin is exceptionally good at filling in all the gaps in Chrom's capabilities, off of the battlefield as well as on it. Robin brings not only knowledge and capability in magic to the table, but a proficiency for paperwork that Frederick could only dream of Chrom attaining, and an ability to reason out solutions to problems that make Chrom's head spin - and Chrom's natural tenacity and compassion often help him get to the heart of matters that would otherwise take an age to reach.
But of all things, Chrom is most happy that he excels at one thing that Robin does not. Well, two if you count physical endurance, although Robin does like it when Chrom offers to carry him.
Robin is terrible at giving gifts.
This strange deficiency only occurs when it comes to traditional gift giving times, such as a birthday or the harvest festival - at any other time, Robin is thoughtful and kind. He'll have Chrom's weapons polished and sharpened, or write him a love note, or perform a spell to help him relax - one time Robin went all the way up to Valm just to procure him some of those sticks of incense from Chon'sin just because he wanted to spoil him.
But bring it down to the harvest festival, and Chrom found himself with a crate of oranges, and Lissa baffled by a collection of buttons - Robin floundered with explanations for those.
Robin's unofficial gifts only grew more thoughtful - and his official ones more confusing.
"You know I love you, right?" Chrom chuckled when they finally reached their bed that evening - Robin's gift had consisted of asking Vaike to give a performance for the royal household of a comedy routine he had been devising. Which the Vaike seemed to revel at - for two minutes, before he developed stage fright and began flexing and telling embarrassing stories about Chrom. Lissa had snorted so hard she fell from her chair, but all in all... not a great gift.
"Ominous start." Robin smirked, nestling against his husband's chest.
"Well... can you tell me what you were thinking that made you think this was a good idea? Or, rather, what you were drinking at the time?"
Robin's smirk died, and he narrowed his eyes at Chrom. "I happened to have been perfectly sober." He blushed. "It's just that I have no idea how I thought - I swear, it seemed like a fantastic idea at the time!"
"I mean... any other time of the year, I love your gifts - you always seem to be thinking of me, and I admire that so about you. So... what is it about the harvest? And birthdays?"
Robin groaned. "I'm not sure. Something about the... the requirement of it. I do love you. And doing things for you. But... I don't know, there's some kind of terrible pressure about being expected to. When I give you a gift, it's easy to please you because you never expect it. But then when I know you'll be wanting something good, I can never muster it up."
Chrom kissed him. "You know, for the best tactician in the world, you really are quite a silly man."
"I don't enjoy your gifts because they're unexpected - I enjoy them because they're thoughtful and wonderful, and oh, that's right, they're from my favorite person in the world."
"Oh." Robin blushed.
"All this time, you thought I was just an easily-pleased buffoon?" Chrom teased, giving Robin a mock-offended pout.
"No, never!" Robin began to protest, before Chrom kissed him again.
"How about we just... keep our gift giving spontaneous?" Chrom suggested.
"You mean... no birthday gifts or harvest presents?"
"Well... I can pick our gift for others out. And we can still give gifts, just... without pressure."
Robin frowned. "That seems a little drastic."
Chrom smirked. "I can think of a substitute for birthday gifts, at least."
Robin tilted his head, before understanding dawned with Chrom's wandering hands.
"That... sounds like a fine idea."
"I knew you'd see reason." Chrom chuckled against his husband's lips. "You know I love you. And your gifts. Even the oranges."
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feh-alt-battle · 1 month
Poll 163 - Say'ri
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: Yura, Homaza
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argetcross · 1 month
I got reverse uno tagged by @corviiids! <3
self-rec rules: when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five some other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💞
"wasting beats of this heart of mine" [hades game, gen/thanzag, M] - Pretty easy first place. Zagreus becomes mortal in exchange for his memories and grows up raised by a mortal son of Demeter with no idea who his parents are. Come for the thanzag, stay for mythical and Bronze Age-flavored ancient Greece, mortal and god relationships, questions about death and duty and love, and Callisto (🐻). Not sure who's let me get away with writing this for so long, but for some reason, people are willing to get on my wild ride.
"Two Hour Vacation" [my hero academia, tododeku, E] - Todoroki seeks Midoriya out on the evening of his abusive father's funeral and loses his virginity. I don't write a lot of smut, but I'm very proud of the flavors in this one.
"Stray Italian Greyhound" [my hero academia, momojiro, bg tododeku, M] - The best and only sex comedy I've ever written. Someone called it wlw/mlm solidarity. Nostalgic for that time in college when everyone's discovering what sex is? This is the fic for you.
"The Wyrmtongue Heist" [baldur's gate 3, tavstarion/gen, T] - Keres, my Tav, has a really shitty family of elves that belongs to the Cult of the Dragon. Unfortunately, they also have the key to returning to Avernus and reuniting with Karlach. It's self-indulgent, full of banter, and I'm really happy with it. This is like my version of playing DND with myself.
"The Art of Suicide" [fe13, say'ri and morgan, T] - Morgan asks about death in Chon'sin and Say'ri remembers her brother who sold their kingdom for her. A heavier fic written a long time ago, but I think it stands well.
tagging: anyone who wants to do this!!! my brain is soup right now, but if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged.
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synergysilhouette · 2 months
Remaking Fire Emblem: Awakening
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I kinda did a remake with "Fates," so I thought I'd make one with Awakening. To be fair: this is all subjective. I'm not saying my choices would make the game more enjoyable for everyone or that it'd be objectively superior. And most of this is plot-related, based on my understanding (or lack thereof) of the game after playing it. I changed a lot, and I've experienced gatekeeping within the community before back in my Reddit days, so be nice with your feedback!
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Fell Dragon relevancy and the reduction of villains--It's revealed in retrospect towards the end of the game that certain villains aren't what they seem. Aversa was brainwashed by Validar as a child, Walhart was actually trying to prevent Grima's revival (albeit earning everyone's ire in the process) and was being manipulated by Excellus. Along with this, Grima and Walhart aren't really villains who affect the overall story, moreso placeholders for the main event. Because of this, I'd prefer to keep the focus on Validar and the Fell Dragon Grima, without there having to be those "well, in actuality" moments (as a Kingdom Hearts fan, I'm tired of those)--though we could keep the Aversa being brainwashed subplot; in fact, I'd re-work it so after Validar kidnaps her, she's raised by him to become a friend/servant to Robin (more on that in a sec), so they're the only one who can truly break through to her. Walhart is less aggressive with his approach to destroying the Grimleal, asking for cooperation rather than trying to take over the whole continent and forcing everyone to help him (he'd be allies with Chon'sin and actually have Say'ri and Yen'fay join before later joining our ranks himself), and Gangrel is a begrudging ally to the team because it inconveniences him greatly if the world is destroyed, as it would anyone--plus he realizes his troops are planning to revolt against him and wants to make nice with the people of Ylisse in case he ever needs to abscond.
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Robin's background--First off, keep in mind that "Fates" was my first game, and while it copied a lot of "Awakening" (and "Engage" would do the same), the latter will always be my second FE game, and thus I wanted to avoid some tropes. Robin being the child of Validar is kinda burying the lead, and their mother is an unseen NPC, which is a big pet peeve to me with customizable characters; I adore a backstory. Seeing how Corrin, Byleth, and Alear's backstories follow similar beats to Robin's, I'd prefer if we switched it up. I'd enjoy if, rather than going the "nice, mostly absent mom and evil dad" route the succeeding games would go, we instead make Validar a bit more grey. He is still a devout follower of Grima, but not by choice. Coming from a family of worshippers, he plans to defect with his wife and child, but when they are captured and threatened with death, Validar agrees to become a vessel to Grima. This fails and corrupts him, and he raises Robin as the next vessel, his love being twisted with a fixation and obsession with them. His wife helps Robin escape shortly before the events of the game, but she disappears shortly thereafter and is presumed dead. Robin no longer has amnesia here, but has been kept a secret from the outside world, and thus Frederick is correct in being hesitant to trust them, and Robin understands, slowly revealing their origins to Chrom and co. (the full of which is done before the end of Act I).
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The confusing paradox/Lucina's Mission--If you weren't mad before, you probably will be now. I kinda found the explanation of "Grima from an alternate future came to the present, gave Robin amnesia and went back to square 1" explanation kinda confusing and convoluted. Given the fact that the future children don't return to their time period anyway, I'd rework the story so that the alternate future that they came from is destroyed, and the children are the last remnants of it. No Grima going back in time with them; he was a being of destruction that brought about his own demise, eventually. The children were simply given a new lease on life, as well as wanting to spare their past parents the heartache of it all.
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Making the children from the same timeline--This would mean a lot of extra work, but I'd enjoy it if the story and support convos reflected each character's unique heritage depending on who their dominant parent married. This INCLUDES CHROM ACKNOWLEDGING HIS KIDS HAVING BRANDS. If you recall, that's a family trait, and Lucina (the daughter he has regardless of your choices) has it, and Inigo (a son he could potentially have with Olivia) also shows that he has it. Any other possible kids Chrom can have should also mention having or not having a brand, imo. Morgan's backstory also changes. Here, Morgan comes from the same timeline as the other children (which can potentially happen in the OG game, but mainly if they have a sibling to confirm this), and they maintain a bubbly attitude, albeit not as moronic/silly as in the OG game.
(Art found on Etsy)
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Emmeryn and Philia survive--Since I've already reversed the (seemingly) deaths of Walhart, Aversa, and Gangrel, I wanted to focus on Emmeryn. In the game, Philia is killed while trying to save her, and she commits suicide to prevent Chrom from giving up the Fire Emblem. Emmeryn can survive in one of the paralogues, though how this is possible isn't stated, and she has amnesia that makes her somewhat child-like. In my rewrite, Philia and her knights--or at the very least, Philia--doesn't die, and manages to rescue Emmeryn, though she has been roughed up in the process (IDK if I'd still make it because of Gangrel or if it'd be from Validar; probably the latter), forcing Chrom to take the role as king.
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Romance options are more flexible--This includes same-sex options for Robin. Obviously this is more of a bonus aspect rather than something that largely affects the story/gameplay, but as a gaymer, this is something I'd enjoy, as well as STILL having kids in this (Fates mentioned same-sex couples adopted, but they don't get xenologues or get to be part of the story at all). Of course, this doesn't mean we can have Robin/Chrom since there's emphasis on heirs and Chrom has a big wedding with a bridge (unless you wanna have them get married and have an offscreen surrogate, which would be neat). Concerning Chrom, I'd enjoy Miriel, Anna, Panne, Tharja, Phila, Say'ri, and Flavia being additional romance options for him (which could come with interesting consequences).
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Olivia joins earlier--This is a nit-pick as a Olivia/Chrom fan (mainly because of him acknowledging Inigo more than his other extras kids), but I also enjoy having a dancer on the team earlier.
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Perhaps a bit more background/attention for some characters--In games like "Fire Emblem," most of the characters' personality and background is shown in the form of their supports with other characters. This might be unachievable in the game, but I would like more inclusion of the characters who join; the ones who join earlier definitely feel like they fade to the background as the story goes on, and things like Ricken's admiration for Chrom, Tharja's obsession with Robin (cue "obsessive dad" flashbacks), and Stahl's training under Frederick are some of the things I wish the mains story would bring up here and there rather than confining it to convos.
It'd also be nice to have an open-world, exploration-style story like 3H and "Engage," but it's not a necessity; it's just a fun thing I'd enjoy. Plus actually letting us replay our convos like we're able to do in later games would be awesome.
And that's my take! I'm almost certain that I'm forgetting something, but I can always edit this later. Lemme know what you think!
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pangtasias-atelier · 10 months
Hi there, it’s me @Fattyemblem !!! My previous account is unable to send direct asks into the ask box. (Just a little bug with my tumblr that I had recently) So I’ll be using an alternative account to ask for a little…silly request. (More of a multi-kink one if you’re comfortable with doing)
What about an AU where Owain goes on an exploration in a strange cave, only to end up crossing paths with a manakete (Technically Dragonfied) Navarre. One who’s already 15ft at stance, and also very alerted of the unexpected trespasser. Feeling surprisingly anxious, Owain frightfully offers a single piece of meat to the much taller male dragon. (In a way to spare him for a little longer lol) With the offering out of the way, Navarre is left intrigued. In a way, he demands of the human, Owain, to offer him more. ((Which ultimately ends up with the Dragonfied Navarre ending up in the 250 pound range from the spoils of food Owain has been giving him. XD))
(sorry if this was long for the description!!!)
I actually enjoyed this request a lot and like I said in my original requests post, "Specificity is sexy" ajansbjns. Cause this gave me a good base to work with and enjoyed.
There's a bit less kink in this but hopefully you still enjoy it!
Warning: This is a fetish story!
The Feroxi mountains a rather uninhabited area of the country, a lone swordsman travels through the perilous area. The nearest village is at least a day’s worth of travel. Owain walks in the opposite direction from having just visited what should have been a quaint town.
“Oh, I just know that such a beast will stand no chance against my sword hand,” Owain swings his blade. He manages to perfectly keep his balance despite being encumbered by all his belongings. His many, many belongings that he insisted on taking with him upon deciding to travel the continent of Ylisse. His yellow attire inspired by Chon'sin’s proficient swordmasters, his usual garbs are overladen by the addition of straps and satchels to hold all his provisions alongside a multitude of baubles and trinkets in remembrance of each and every stop he takes. The added weight only pushes Owain to hurry towards his destination, ready to add another memory and piece to his collection of treasure to him, junk to anyone else.
The mountains no longer having a name, the location all but forgotten long ago during Ylisse’s great geopolitical shakeup with the changing of borders and countries. Despite being in Ferox territory, Owain’s destination is closer to the bottom center of the enormous country, close enough to where Ylisse is closer than Plegia as he walks deeper into the country of warriors. He had even first heard the rumors of a ferocious beast on the Ylissean border. Rumors that immediately enraptured the svelte swordsman to change his route directly to the Feroxi mountains. And while the rumors of a ferocious beast changed into one of benevolence and mercy as he drew closer and closer to his destination, the common issue of a story twisting further and further from its source, Owain is always at the ready for a challenge.
Which he is as he grips his sword even tighter upon approaching the first cave he finds. “Beasts love caves, I’m sure of it. What other sort of monstrosity could reside in such an enormous cave?” The spacious entrance dwarfs Owain’s average sized frame. He basks in the deep, murky shadows that seem to refuse any light from entering. “I need to bask in this moment! To really take in everything before my victory,” Owain puffs his chest, the thin yet built pecs jutting outwards as he stands as tall as he can. His trembling legs tell a different story, both knees ready to buckle.
The very air itself feels different, the usually chilling Ferox’s fall much warmer near the cave. His skin twitches from the hot air that nips at his skin. The animals seem to heed nature’s warning. The area is clear of any wild animals or insects, the usual ambient sounds filled with dreadful silence. 
Owain takes a deep breath. And another. And then several more while he waits for a beast who’d be so foolish as to challenge him. The tales of a merciful beast help ease Owain’s mind but they still don’t negate all the other stories of the death and destruction caused by a dangerous beast. “I know a beast is here! Come out and face your challenger,” Owain holds his trembling sword hand out for a challenge. “Only if you want to, that is,” He promptly adds.
Unfortunately for Owian, his opponent hears his challenge. And they respond by trembling the very ground. Rocks scatter and shift, the cluttered debris shaking from the periodic tremors. 
“Wh- hey! I wasn’t serious about it! I only-” And then Owain sees the beast, his eyes catching the scarlet lava red scales of not a beast, but a dragon that dwarfs Owain. The dragon is nothing like the brilliant, vibrant majestic forms that he knows. Granted, the power that exudes from this dragon could never hope to live up to a divine dragon’s form, much less the very Divine Dragon King’s daughter. And yet, Owain knows he stands little chance on his own.
He finds himself unable to move, his legs stuck to the very spot. So he speaks, his words hopefully able to get him out of his mess much like how they always get him into them. “I-I’ve heard many regails of your merciful actions, dragon! The people praise you an-”
“Enough,” The dragon speaks. He stares at the human that he is now in front of. The pathetic human poses him no threat; but still, the irritating creature irks him. “Why are you here?” 
“Ummm, to give an offering! As thanks for your actions of safeguarding this area,” Praying to Naga that the dragon doesn’t think he’s trying to reach for another weapon, Owain reaches and pulls out wrapped, cured meat from his pack. Holding it in his hands, he steadies his breathing as he slowly—slower than even his training sessions to practice thieves silent steps—walks towards the dragon and places the meat in front of him before backing up. 
“And what have you heard of me?”
Owain’s eyes widen. He blankly stares at anything but the dragon, unable to even come up with even a lie. His gaze does shift towards the dragon—no, manakete—as the light nearly blinds him as they transform.
The manakete back in his human form, the slender frame the man possesses seems nothing like the powerful, bulky form filled with so much sheer power. His sleek black hair travels past his shoulder blades, some bits of the soft looking strands draping over his shoulders. Most importantly, the man still absolutely dwarfs Owain. He stands more than twice Owain’s stature, the average height man completely eclipsed by the titan who’s knees stand at his chest’s height. 
“I will allow it,” The astonishingly tall man says as he sits down on the ground and digs into the meat given to him. His scarlet red clothes manage to somehow cover his expansive body. The strange attire resembles Owain’s own but aren’t quite close enough. “I only kill bandits, anyways,”
Owain, who is still struggling to come to terms with the man’s height, even Tiki’s statuesque figure that stands taller than every man he knows seems small in comparison. So, it takes him a few moments to comprehend the manakete’s words. But he lets out a sigh of relief when he does. “Oh thank, Naga,” His idiocy returns to him and he gets closer to take a seat on a rock a few feet away from the so-called beast. “So, what’s your name?” Owain asks without hesitation, leaning closer to the strange man.
“Navarre,” He plainly mutters after finishing the rest of the meat. “You have any more meat?” He asks afterwards. 
Which Owain gladly shares with the surprisingly hungry manakete. He asks several questions of the giant for a man. He asks an absurd amount of questions, both pertaining about the very world, of which Navarre has few answers for from his hermit nature, and about himself, Navarre also having few answers from being unwilling to share. But, Owain persists with his pestering.
His pestering continues on for days, the swordsman unsurprisingly demanding when it comes to satisfying his curiosity. And even when Owain eventually has to leave, sure that everyone will presume him dead if he stays much longer, he promises to come back to visit his new friend despite the giant manakete’s objections to such a thing.
And Owain comes back to the Samsooth Mountains —the name of the area told to him by Navarre—only two weeks later. Just like last time, his figure is encumbered from all the bags and satchels he carries. But, each pack is nearly filled to the brim with food unlike last time.
“I’m back! I’m sure you're so excited to see the great Owain that you’ll tell me all about you,” Owain waves towards his friend who still lurks in the shadows. “I even brought you more food,”
“Enough,” Navarre glares at the wall upon the arrival of his pestering visitor.
Navarre’s head does slightly turn upon the mention of food. The food Owain left him clearly has done a slight number on his figure. Where a thin, svelte frame once was, a small layer of pudge occupies his figure. Navarre has a small belly now. His outline of his flabby stomach is now visible against his tight clothes. The belts around his waist aren’t as tight as they used to be, the straps of leather adjusted to only a couple notches away from the widest size where he needed them as small as possible around his formerly narrow waist. Navarre’s lithe arms now have a small bit of flab on them. The strength behind his arms are still visible, the small biceps instead covered by a small amount of adipose that have no issue with the loose short sleeves of his clothes. The shirt underneath does feel tight against his extra pudge; the fabric is even more wrinkled than usual with extra volume to cover. His pants that only have one side covered by his long robe face zero issue with the extra bit of flab on him from all his indulgent extra snacks. Especially when paired with Navarre’s regular hunts for food, the extra caloric intake nice despite the extra girth on his frame. He thankfully has nothing to worry about it with his shifted form unchanged. Even with the extra bit of pudge on his thighs, the two limbs getting close to the point of chafing his pants. His ass has also received a bit of pudge from his weight gain, the rear a bit heftier and thicker to the point where his robe shows the curvy, defined outline of it even when standing.
“I really don’t need the company,” And yet, Navarre stands up from the rock where he broods.He cranes his neck to look at his friendly pest. Careful to not send him flying by accidentally kicking him, he makes his way over closer to the entrance. He ignores the way the earth now begins to shake from his weight. The amount of pudge only a small amount of his body, the amount of weight needed to cover his fifteen feet tall body leaves him weighing far more than it seems. He also ignores the way Owain stares at him, the much shorter man coming close to having to lay down just to properly get a full look at the manakete. “And no, I won’t tell you how I became like this,” Navarre says as he slowly takes a seat and reaches for the offerings of food.
Owain pauses his eating, only finishing the food currently in his mouth before speaking. “Became? Aren’t all manaketes supposed to be like you know! Manaketes,”
“Don’t play stupid. Even you can tell something isn’t quite right. You know others, normal ones. I can smell the little girl’s scent on you,”
Owain’s eyes light up. “You mean Nah? Or maybe Nowi, she is older but she still-”
“Tiki,” Navarre clarifies to silence him. He finishes his bit of meat, plopping it down his hungry maw before reaching another one and continuing. “She must be much older now,”
“Sooo, you’ve been alive for thousands of years then. Did you know Marth then? Oh I’m sure Lucina would love to hear about him,”
“I fought him,” Navarre lets the words hang in the air. He reaches for another piece of meat.
Navarre scoffs, the swordsmen far too simple minded at times. “I joined his cause, however. Not because of him, but because of Caeda,”
Owain wracks his brain for the information to place something to the name. “Caeda? Wasn’t it Shiida?” Nothing comes to Owain who only shrugs in apology.
“Oh how quickly you people forget. She convinced me to lend my sword to her cause, risking h-”
“You wield a sword!” Owain jumps up from his spot. His eyes sparkle amazement at the manakete in front of him. He closes them quickly afterwards as he holds the pack of his cramping neck. “Ow ow ow,”
“This was before this happened,” Navarre gestures at himself. Afterwards, he lets out a sigh as he leans back slightly, half from fullness and half from the memories. Despite his earlier annoyance from the insistent guest, he can’t help but let out a smile. “As long as you keep quiet, I’ll tell you all I know about Caeda and Marth from the two wars to defeat Medeus,”
Owain holds back his question upon the mention of a third person, instead nodding. 
And so, Navarre recounts the events that are 2,000 years old. So much knowledge unable to be kept perfectly, a truth of life that Navarre knows well with his lifespan he never expected, the complete lack of knowledge of anyone still comes as a shock to him; but with the two of them having plenty of time, Navarre spares no expense regaling the tale of countless comrades and battles with finally having company after so much time alone.
And he does so with plenty of food, unable to help himself.
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psychcdelica · 20 days
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@convxction asked: "Sister ..." It was nice he can hold her hand now. "Would you like to, uh ... How to say this ... Would you like to stay in Ferox? Perhaps Chon'sin? I ... I can't send you back to Ylisse."
With her returned memory, and acknowledgment of what had happened in between her supposed death, memory loss, and eventual regaining of her memories - a question of where Emmeryn belongs now sits heavy on the shoulders of the new Exalt. Is it selfishness that wants her to stay with her family, and all she's known? However, her job loss might make her presence harder to deal with for her little brother.
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"I suppose wanting to be with you and Lissa is inappropriate, our people must remain ignorant to the fact that I have survived..." With a gentle touch, she holds onto her brother's shoulder - how broader and heavier it became with time and responsibility. There's guilt in Emmeryn's eyes at the fact that she had to lay that burden upon him, upon her baby brother.
"I trust your decision, Chrom. Whatever you have decided, I am willing and happy to follow."
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convxction · 1 month
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ooc. do you ever look at the logo and think what if awakening was supposed to have naga vs grima fight like milla x duma thing but they changed it and scarped the idea for valentia? if grima can manifest and be big warm, can't naga be big too? because im reading n.atsume yuujinchou perhaps because ylisseans simply ...pray??? but like ...we pray when we want something or just like it became superficial praying not like if you want to contrast it with plegia--grimleals who are willing not to pray but offer offerings and gather enough energy/magic to be summoned. but think about chon'sins who revere the divine dragon. still, i think they are a small nation to make a difference ...hm. anyway. dont mind my wish to have an epic dragons battle ;u;
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tazmilyxfamily · 8 months
@pyrophilexd inquired:
where did you come from
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"Chon'sin. I'm a Myrmidon." The Manakete replied immediately, lest she think about it for a moment too long and make it obvious that she was lying.
Or worse— make a mistake.
She turned on her stool to face the stranger. Her movements were careful and precise, as if she were trying extremely hard to avoid bumping into or touching anyone else in the tavern, and her hands kept the red cloak over her shoulders pulled close.
"Why?" Hol'li fixed the stranger with a dubious look. "Do you recognize me...?"
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iturbide · 2 years
thinking about the multi-lingual headcanon’s so fun because it doesn’t need to apply to just Robin
Tharja gets so done with Frederick’s bullshitTM that she starts speaking only Plegian whenever he’s around just to mess with him.
Henry almost immediately joins in because he’s also done. Robin takes a bit more time, but eventually reaches the end of their rope and starts doing it too.
Frederick walks into the barracks? Tharja looks him directly in the eye and says something shitpost-worthy in Plegian that makes Robin and Henry do spittakes.
this spreads to the other Shepherds. Gaius knows some Plegian (enough to comfortably hold a conversation anyway) and joins the “passive-aggressively call Frederick out on his shit” club. the club ain’t Plegian-exclusive either. you speak Chonsinese, Valmese, ancient Archanean? sure, why not, you’re invited. can’t speak anything other than modern Ylissean? that’s cool, as long as you don’t condone/promote what Frederick does, you’re invited. and hey, free linguistic lessons!
Chrom and Lissa decide to dust off their old foreign language textbooks just so they can join in on the fun.
the Shepherds start to feel more comfortable speaking languages other than Ylissean around each other; people start learning other languages, and as they do so, about other cultures. eventually everyone celebrates the cultures they represent with everyone else.
tl;dr Tharja accidentally started a “fuck you, Frederick, we’re multilingual/multicultural now” club and everyone else is invited
(btw i don’t totally hate Freddy, but i also don’t feel bad about bullying him lol.)
the idea of Tharja spiting Fred by openly speaking Plegian in front of him. kinda spiraled woops
I do love the multi-lingual promise of the Shepherds, it's so under-utilized. We've got people from Plegia, Ferox, Valm, Chon'sin, Roseanne...being able to celebrate one anothers' cultures and languages really isn't explored enough. Picking up at least a few different words, like greetings or cheers and curses, let's be real, everybody's gotta be able to swear in as many languages as possible is something that should happen, without question, and I always want to see it.
I definitely see Tharja as the kind of person who would express her dislike of someone by shifting over to a language they don't understand, and Frederick is definitely someone who warrants that treatment in her book.
Henry, though...I can't see Henry expressing his dislike of people in sidelong ways. He's very direct: if he doesn't like you, he will make sure you know it, probably by hexing you. (He joins Tharja in the Plegian only because it's his native tongue and he'll answer in it when addressed on instinct -- and probably ask later why they switched over, not realizing it was a dig at Frederick).
Robin, while certainly vindictive, I can't see being that petty. As much as they dislike Frederick, they would insist on keeping the conversation in a language Frederick can understand for the sake of politeness. (As soon as Frederick's gone though they would absolutely trash talk the man in Plegian to blow off steam though because good gods Frederick drives them up the wall). When they're fully done with Frederick, they will tell him to his face, likely publicly, in a language Frederick knows so that he understand just how fed up Robin is and how unacceptable they find the great knight's behavior.
It's worth mentioning that Frederick does hold a position of power in the Shepherds -- he's not the Captain, but he generally seems to take charge of day-to-day affairs. Tharja couldn't care less if she pisses him off and gets scolded for it -- but other people, who do care about their position in the Shepherds and can't risk potential dismissal, might not be comfortable sticking it to him so brazenly. Sharing languages is one thing -- using them to spite someone in a position of power is another entirely, and could even be dangerous: Gaius, who has already been to prison and left branded as a thief, probably wouldn't want to take the risk despite his discomfort with Frederick's behavior.
Which is kind of a long way to say that I'm always a fan of the Shepherds embracing their multiculturalism, but I'm not really a fan of them using it in such a petty, spiteful campaign against someone, no matter how much he tends to deserve it for how prejudiced he is. It should instead be called out directly and dealt with.
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emblemxeno · 2 years
Regarding the “Awakening's a toxic male fantasy” anon, more specifically their “no good people die as a result of Chrom's war, only bad and/or ugly ones” point; did they forget about Mustafa and Yen'fay?
Mustafa only fought Chrom because he knew Gangrel would kill his family if he didn't, tried to convince him and his army to surrender, promising to do as much as he could to ensure that they'd be treated well while in captivity, gave his own soldiers the chance to leave if they didn't have the heart to fight anymore after Emmeryn's sacrifice, promising to take the blame for himself if they did, and his last words are him begging Chrom to spare his soldiers, a request Chrom very likely ignores due to how angry he is at that point in the story; how is that not the game showing that good people are dying as a direct result of Chrom going on the offense against Gangrel and Plegia?
Ditto for Yen'fay; the guy was forced to watch as his country and parents were butchered in front of him, had to throw away his honor and pride in order to obey Walhart due to Excellus using Say'ri as a hostage to keep him in check, spending years working for someone he hated and doing things that went completely against his moral code, all in the hopes that Say'ri might one day grow strong enough to take down Walhart, hopefully killing him in the process and causing her to spend the rest of her life thinking of Yen'fay as nothing more than a coward who bent the knee to Walhart immediately just to save his own skin, instead of a leader who knew he was outmatched against an overwhelming force and did what he had to do to ensure that Chon'sin still had some chance of recovering and beating back Valm, which would have broken her spirit had she found out after killing him, which is what exactly what happens when Excellus snitches on him to Say'ri after she's already killed him. If Chrom hadn't chosen to aid Chon'sin and go to war against Valm, Yen'fay, a good and honorable person, might not have had to die, so that's yet another hole in that argument.
As for their “you only kill men from the enemy side and only recruit women from the enemy side, with the reason for said women's recruitment being that they hadn't found the right man yet” point; while it's true that every boss in the main chapters (aside from Aversa IIRC) that you fight and kill is a man, that's more to do with the fact that men, for admittedly stupid reasons, are seen as the expendable gender in a lot of fiction, especially video games, and are first on the chopping block whenever IS needs a throwaway boss with little to no characterization that only differs from actual faceless mooks due to having a unique portrait and name, and that only exist due to franchise tradition requiring that most chapters in FE have a souped-up enemy stronger than the rest of the army that you can kill, optionally or not; at best, i can see said tradition being misandric, but not misogynistic.
The recruitment point is objectively wrong tho. The only enemy defectors in base Awakening are Henry and Tharja, and Tharja only joins because she doesn't think Plegia's going to win the war and doesn't want to die fighting for a cause she doesn't believe in nor thinks she can accomplish, not because of anything to do with Chrom or Robin; at worst, her obsession with Robin comes out of nowhere and is never explained despite said obsession becoming one of her defining gimmicks after she joins the party, but that's an issue with bad character-writing, not anything to do with gender, especially when she's just as much of an obssessive stalker towards a female Robin as she is towards a male one.
If we bring Spotpass into this discussion, things get even worse; the male-to-female ratio in terms of enemy recruits skyrockets from 1-to-1 (Henry and Tharja) into 4-to-2 (Henry, Walhart, Gangrel and Yen'fay vs Tharja and Aversa, the latter of which also doesn't join because of a man). I'll be good faith here and assume that they're ignoring DLC, but it's still funny that the argument is wrong on such a foundational level if you take Spotpass into account.
For the one good point made by anon, i do agree that it's fucked up that Awakening doesn't acknowledge the fact that Chrom just leaving Plegia to fend for itself after invading it and killing it's king is a pretty dickish thing to do, especially when he could have just annexed the country at that point and at least tried to stop it from falling into chaos until Validar took over, but then people would have just criticized Awakening as promoting imperialism for daring to suggest that an impoverished, war-torn country ruled over by corrupt politicians only interested in their own self-benefit might need a lot of outside help to recover from it's horrific conditions and can't solve every internal issue alone, so it was damned if they did and damned if they didn't for IS.
Nothing to add, I haven't played FE13 in a bit, so I can't really say much. Interesting points!
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
@convxction asked:
"Owain, a moment of your time. Since we are in Chon'sin, i heard of a great blacksmith around these corners. I thought you might like to go check his work. I think I heard from Lissa that you like that sort of thing, or I heard wrong?"
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Cobalt eyes shone with bright anticipation. The second he was picked out by Chrom, he felt it! It was as if his heart had ceased function for a moment. And then, the question that brought vibrance to his whole day.
"You take mother's truth and, like embroidery, carve it within your mind's palace only to convey it to me! Yes, you're absolutely correct."
A sudden clench of his shaking fist, holding it up to about chest height. He was so excited!
"While this slumbering curse may enrich my battle prowess, it also enlists within me a hunger! A hunger that can crack even the sky below which we slumber. I simply must see this legendary metalworker's gifts to all the world! However! Would it be possible for you to accompany me? Whomever could know when my sword hand lunges like a blood-seeking beast?!"
Fancy wording aside, Owain saw this as a sort of opportunity. To do what he'd never gotten to do before - ! Spend some time with his dear Uncle Chrom. He's only heard the legends. Maybe finally, he'll get to know the man. He even pressed his hands together in plea.
"Please?" He knew Chrom was a busy man, but he just couldn't resist at least asking.
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sayritikiapples · 1 year
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chon'sin winter
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
3H is very heavy handed most of the time when it comes to portraying prejudice and discrimination. 3 Hopes improved re: Ingrid and Dedue and I adored their support, especially combined with her Dimitri support and the Dedue/Felix/Ingrid paralogue. But with Claude, the whole prejudice comes across like an informed trait that we never see on screen. He never suffers from prejudice in Fodlan despite claiming he does. Unlike what Dedue, Petra, Cyril and Shamir deal with as known foreigners.
No one even picks up on Claude being half-Almyran on their own except for Balthus (who kept tabs on Claude's mother and who comes from a similarly mixed background) and Shez (who witnesses both of Claude's one-on-one interactions with Shahid). You could say that Claude hiding his biracial heritage is itself a result of prejudice - but then no one says anything about Cyril living and working at Garreg Mach. Three Hopes all but dropping Cyril as anything but a minor NPC is a big sign that the writers didn't care about Almyra except as an occasional plot point in a single route, which really isn't so different from how the game handles Sreng despite the presence of multiple named Almyrans.
That doesn't surprise me though, because that's how FE has handled nations periphery to its stories since the Kaga era. This series has had multiple exoticized Othered countries over the years - Isaach, Sacae, pretty much all the laguz nations, Chon'sin - and Almyra, Brigid, Duscur, and Sreng all get handled similarly. It stands out the most with Claude though because he's a main character, and because so much of his background is kept a mystery even as it's apparently informing the actions he takes in the stories. Players are stuck connecting the dots to make sense of him...and sometimes they just don't connect. The population of Garreg Mach is suspiciously multicultural and religiously pluralistic for the supposed source of all bigotry in Fódlan.
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desudog · 16 days
i havent really cared about worldbuilding and rewriting plegia sense i was in high school but ill explain this
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when plegia was settled there was like 20 people who actually settled there and while every once and a while a few people would wander through and in, the gene pool is fucked up leading most plegians with roots back to the original group to be very similar looking. light hair, usually more along the line of silvers, off white or pure white but can get as dark as a sandy blonde, skin mostly between pale and light tan, eyes mostly brown or black but also often red or purple but can be really anything due to magical influence. mixture of horrible genetics and tendency to overexpose to magical forces is worsened by the fact that plegians are already so extremely magically attuned that they can hear the world more than they can see it and usually dont die of age in the same way everyone else does their soul-brain just rapidly decays their whole life until they go comatose at like age 50. actually having children is made a trial not just by bad fertilization rates but also babies just dying at any stage of the pregnancy or right after birth because of said magical pressure. (rest in peace your res stat was not high enough) but plegians get freaky enough that is does not matter that much. plegians suffer from a mixture of mental illness and mental disability that is both very regular and also mental disability and illness which is just the result of being too powerful. maybe its autism, maybe its "too loud" because he can hear everything's heartbeat within the 2 mile radius right now and its freaking him out. maybe its psychosis or maybe he's hearing all the souls of the people who died here for real. theyre also carriers of a lot of genetic physical disabilities as well as are very vulnerable to sickness. but can tank basically any magic-based illnesses with not much trouble or effect, like curses.
the grimleal takeover did a lot of harm. thats an understatement, but it did one good thing. while many plegians suddenly got removed from any kind of schooling, killed, and culturally erased, the genetic diversity was good. it introduced and can be identified by the black and brown hair tones, and the more frequent trade with ferox brought over lighter brown hair as well, and both introduced more skin tone variation. of course, whats more important was the fact that plegians were not keeling over and dying from a sneeze as much anymore. well, they were being killed by other humans now, but you cant win them all. however, one attack didnt go as plan. plegians were suddenly lacking education, it was illegal to teach or write in plegian at all, and entire libraries were burned to the ground. instead of learning grimleal they just didnt learn, and didnt write anymore, and then, starting at the coast and working its say inland, plegians who traded with chon'sin just started picking up THEIR language, and plegians who needed to write simply ended up using and learning characters from chon'sin, mostly related to goods. (numbers for import catalogues for example.)
if we back it up and go back in time a little, a lot of plegian culture is based on the idea of just doing fuckin anything. as fragile as glass and magically attuned strong enough to kill small animals with their minds, as well as totally crazy with no fear of god by adulthood, a lot of plegians were inventors, or at least liked to be seen as such. plegians were constantly competing for breakthroughs in magic and dark sciences, just making up rituals and recipes and procedures as they went and hoping something would happen. a really large wealth of science was lost to the grimleal invasion but a lot of that stuff is probably best left forgotten and unpracticed anyways. but it does mean that theres a lot of creative and strange things, sometimes horrifying that has come from plegia's culture of "creation by any means". while a lot was just plain inhumane and pointless, some of it was groundbreaking. a lot of that was preserved either when it aligned with grimleal needs, or in people's personal collections or passed down as oral knowledge. (for example, Robin is a vessel for grima. no, not a human who carries grima in him, robin's species is vessel. he is a manmade and shapeless creature who's purpose is to keep a soul caged inside him. the original creation of the creatures was considered a failure, as they were too alive and nearly impossible to contain, and plegians didnt really have any souls they wanted to put into a maneating slab of pitch black goo comprised entirely of nearly liquid muscle that is a brain. the grimleal famously did have a soul they wanted to put in a container, and after lots of trial and error, robin was eventually.... "born". he does still have a father in a sense, as semen was necessary to the recipe to make him, but he's entirely infertile by nature and doesnt carry any genetics, and as a shapeshifter can look however he'd like so long as he has enough mass, which is why he resembles the average plegian instead of validar.)
in the end, what survives of plegian culture is mostly kindness and a thirst for learning. they tend to be curious and caring, often hyperempathetic due to magically feeling other people against their will. but, not just that, because of the way magic damages them until their deaths, plegians spend their whole lives caring for their friends and relatives, and tend to be very patient and understanding where others are not. they arent put off by "bizarre" behavior or speech or dreams, and are often sympathetic of such. having lost most of their religion and connection to said religion, as well as distaste for religion formed by grimleal control, most plegians are atheists, who dont deny the existence of any particular god but believe them to just be very powerful mortal creatures or simply concepts that need no worship.
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