#chima Eris
ghostenluvs · 4 months
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the-ninjago-historian · 6 months
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BROOOOOOOOO. What?!🤣 This sounds SO awkward for Jay though! Jay waking up asking for some random woman? Nya would be ticked off. I mean, we all saw how jealous she got with the Munce queen flirting with Jay. Lol!
Nya: Jay? Honey? You awake?
Jay: Mmmmph. Not now Eris.
Nya: ... WHAT.
Jay: AAH! NYA!!! I UH-
Cue everyone waking up at the sound of Jay being chased around the monastery by a very angry Nya.🤣
(I don't know. That's just my take on it. Haha!)
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rayeverydangday · 1 month
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It’s her turn to go into the trama pasta - Teeth and Tails - Chapter 3: It’s Prey
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dumbsterchild · 6 months
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Razar :)
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chimachapterbooks · 2 months
Worriz’s Challenge
Eris perched on a rock and gazed down at the ground far below, her brow knitted with concern.
Just as she had for the last six days, she could see Wolves prowling at the base of the cliffs that the Eagles called home. Now and then, one of the Wolves would look up at her, flash a savage grin, and give a short howl. She did her best to ignore the taunts. But this was becoming a concern.
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Ever since the battle for CHI had begun among the tribes, the Wolves had been encroaching on Eagle teritory.
Normally, the Wolf pack was constantly on the move. But this pack was acting like they were here to stay. They were noisy, messy, and threw loud parties late into the night so that none of the Eagles could sleep.
It might have just been a little inconvenience, except for two things: One, the Eagles needed to be able to fly down to the ground to find food, and the Wolves were making that dangerous to do. And two, it was almost time for the Eagles to get their monthly share of the powerful CHi from the Lions, and Eris was sure the Wolves were here to prevent that from happening.
if only we could find some way to make them go away, she thought. But how?
Just then, Eglor flew by. He was very excited, and kept shouting, "I've done it! 've done it!" All the Wolves looked up to see what the commotion was about.
"Shhhh!" warned Eris. "What have you done?"
But Eglor was too excited to speak quietly. "I've perfected a machine that can hurl an Eagle all the way from one end of the forest to the other, faster than any beast that runs or flies. From now on, instead of flap, flap, flap to get from one place to another, it will be zip, zip, zip!"
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"Zip, zip, zip?" said one of the Wolves, laughing.
"Sounds more like flop, flop, flop to me!"
Eglor wheeled in the air and looked down at the Wolf.
"Ha! With my machine, any Eagle could outrace a Wolf by twice the speed. That's just scientific fact. There's not even the teeniest, tiniest, most microscopic room for doubt."
"Want to bet?" growled Worriz. The pack leader had wandered over to see what the rest of the Wolves were so interested in. Now he eyed Eglor with a mocking smile.
"Eglor, don't." Eris tried to hold her friend back.
"No good can come from arguing with the Wolves."
But Eglor's pride as an inventor was at stake now.
"Yes, I do want to bet!" he announced loudly.
"All right, then," said Worriz. "I'll bet you I can make it to the far end of the woods faster than any Eagle launched from your machine. If I win, you Eagles give up your share of CHI to us this month."
"And if you lose," said
Eglor, "you go away and leave our nesting area alone!"
Eris slapped a wing against her forehead. What had Eglor just gotten them into?
"Deal," said Worriz. "We race tomorrow ... That is, if you can find someone foolish enough to challenge me."
"Tomorrow?" stammered Eglor. He suddenly sounded a bit nervous. "Now, see here, the machine works— know it does—but it hasn't been fully tested yet, and there are still a few things—"
The Wolves howled with laughter. One of them said,
"You know what they say about Eagles—all flash and feathers."
"If you want to back down, bird," Worriz sneered,
"then I guess-"
"'ll do it!" Eris interrupted him. "I'll race you!"
After she had said it, she could hardly believe the words had come out of her beak. But the Wolves were getting under her feathers with all their insults, and maybe this was the one way to get them to leave their nesting grounds for good. Besides, Eglor was a great inventor. If he said his machine could make her go zip, zip, zip, then it could.
"All right then," Worriz snarled. "Tomorrow. Dawn.
Be here."
The Wolves turned to talk amongst themselves.
Suddenly, Worriz looked sharply back up at Eris. "Oh, and one more rule," he snapped. "No help from the Lions, right, Eagle? For this challenge, you fly solo."
All the Wolves laughed.
"It doesn't work," said Eglor sadly. "I don't know what happened, but it's not working."
"What do you mean?" asked Eris, in shock. "You told the Wolves there wasn't the teeniest, tiniest room for doubt."
It was the middle of the night. Eglor had taken Eris to see his machine, which consisted of a catapult with a bowl at the end attached to a much bigger metal apparatus by tightly wound springs. When Eglor triggered the contraption, the bowl would be propelled forward and anything inside it would go flying... at least, in theory.
But now the inventor Eagle didn't look so sure.
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"When I tested it this afternoon, it worked fine," Eglor explained. "But then I started practicing tonight with things actually in the bowl, like bunches of apples, and . .. well, look for yourself."
Eris looked. There were smashed apples splattered all over the floor of Eglor's workshop. The machine just hurled them straight down at the ground.
"So if I get in this thing tomorrow morning. . . no zip?" she asked.
"More like splat," said Eglor. "We'll have to call off the bet."
"We can't," insisted Eris. "We'll lose our CHI to the Wolves, which will hurt the balance in Chima, and the Wolves will stay down there forever! I have to win the race... somehow. I just have to."
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"Did you do it?" whispered Worriz.
Wilhurt, another Wolf in the pack, nodded. "It was easy. I used a bellow plant to float up the mountain and then tied it down. I got to Eglor's workshop, and broke off part of his machine. Then let the air out of the bellow plant little by little so I could float back down. That Eagle won't be zipping anywhere, boss."
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"Good," Worriz said with a wicked grin. "All that Eagle CHI is practically ours. Hey, maybe we'll challenge the Bears and the Gorillas to races, too. Let the Crocs fight battles we'll get all the CHI we want the old-fashioned way: We'll cheat."
By dawn, Eris had a plan ... sort of. It started with not telling Worriz the machine didn't work. The second part involved getting some help from someone she would normally stay far away from.
Skinnit the Skunk was actually a very nice animal who didn't have an enemy in the world. But no one really wanted to spend any time around him because ... well, he smelled really bad. It wasn't his fault. But no one wanted to risk keeping him company and maybe winding up smelling terribly, too. Still, Eris had always made an effort to be polite to him.
"Skinnit, can you do me a favor?" she asked, talking to him from high up in a tree.
"Me? Really? You want me to do you a favor?" Skinnit replied eagerly. No one ever asked him to do anything other than go away.
"That's right," said Eris. "It's nothing hard. I just want you to do ... that thing you do at a certain place and a certain time."
Skinnit frowned. "You mean you want me to make a stink?" he asked. That was what he did best, but it always made other animals run away. Why would Eris want him to do that?
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"Just trust me," Eris reassured him. "You'll be doing something nice for all the Eagles."
"If you say so," Skinnit answered, smiling. "But you had better hold your beak—it's going to get smelly around here!"
Eris grinned. "Thanks, Skinnit," she said. "I knew I could count on you." With that, she flew off. She had a few more non-rule-breaking favors to ask of some old friends.
After making a few more stops, Eris was ready for the start of the race. She perched in Eglor's lab, waiting for the signal to start. Down below, Worriz was crouched down, ready to run.
"You might as well hand over that CHI now, bird,"
Worriz called up. "It's as good as ours!"
"We'll just see about that," Eris shouted back down.
She glanced over at Eglor, and gave him a wink. The inventor Eagle looked very nervous, but he nodded back.
One of the Wolves stood at the base of the rock spire, holding a palm leaf to start the race. A moment later, he waved the leaf high in the air, and the race was on!
Eris leaped out from Eglor's lab, flying as fast as she could, so anyone looking from below would think she had been rocketed out into the sky. Worriz was running at top speed, too, hoping to put some distance between himself and the Eagle.
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As she soared above the canopy of trees, Eris did her best to keep an eye on Worriz, even if she could only see him for a few seconds now and then. She knew the Wolf would would take the fastest path through the forest. In fact, she was counting on it.
In the woods, Worriz was feeling confident. The pack had blazed a new trail through the forest lately, one that made getting from one end to the other a snap. All he had to do was follow the scent the vehicles had left and he couldn't go wrong. He put his nose to the ground, took a big sniff...
... and he almost fell over! His nose was full of an incredibly horrible smell, so bad it made his eyes water.
He shook his head, trying to make the odor go away. But it didn't. It was so overpowering that now he couldn't smell anything else. Worriz knew there was only one animal in the forest who could make a smell that bad.
"Skinnit!" he howled.
Off to the side of the path, the little skunk ran away, disappearing into the trees.
"All right, I don't need my nose," Worriz
grumbled to himself. "I can remember the path .. sort of. I know there were trees ... and a big rock... and some dirt... hmm...
Worriz picked a direction that looked right and started to run again. At one point, he glanced up and spotted Eris through the trees. The Eagle was falling behind.
All he needed to do was put on an extra burst of speed and he was sure to win.
Just then, he heard an enormous rustling in the woods ahead. It sounded like a huge herd of creatures on the move. But there were no sounds of foliage tearing or ground being ripped up the way he would have expected. As he rounded a bend, he discovered why: It was a tribe of Gorillas in their massive Gorilla Machines. But instead of smashing through the jungle the way the Wolf Vehicles did, the Gorillas were being extra careful not to disturb anything as they passed.
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The Gorillas' respect for nature meant that they had to move very slowly in their huge machines so they didn't accidentally trample any flowers or even weeds.
"Come on!" Worriz growled. "Hurry it up!"
Three of the Gorillas stopped right in Worriz's path.
"Hey, Wolf, why are you in such a hurry?" said the first Gorilla, looking down from the cockpit of his huge vehicle.
"Yeah, you have to savor every minute of life, the way you do a really good banana," said the second.
"Maybe you just don't see it," said the third. "You Wolves always have your noses to the ground, and you don't look up to see the sky!"
Over Worriz's protests, the Gorillas proceeded to tell him all about how much better life was when you were in tune with all of nature. Even worse, all the other Gorillas stopped to listen, nodding their heads and smiling. It felt like forever before they finally finished and moved on, their machines going even slower than before.
When the Gorillas had finally passed, Worriz ran faster than he ever had in his life. He was heading for the quick-moving river that flowed through this part of the forest. If he dove in and let the waters carry him, he could still beat Eris. Sure, he wouldn't technically be racing. But so what? The only thing that mattered to him was winning!
He was just about to dive into the river when, from behind the trees, a bunch of small figures appeared in his path. Worriz nearly skidded to a halt. He couldn't believe his eyes. Nearly two dozen teenage foxes were blocking him, all smiling and yipping and jumping up and down. Because as everyone in Chima knew, teenage foxes thought that the Wolves were the coolest animals in the forest. Especially the Wolf Pack leader, Worriz.
"Look, it's Worriz!" cried one.
"I told you he was coming!" squealed another.
"Wow, look how cool he is!"
"I just have to get his autograph! I have to!" Before Worriz knew what was happening, he was being mobbed by the teenage foxes! They were tugging at his fur, running back and forth in front of him, and begging for his signature.
"We're your biggest fans," said one of the foxes breathlessly. "You're the coolest Wolf in Chima!"
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"I won," said the Eagle. "So pack up your pack and move on."
But Worriz sneered. "Ha!" he said. "That's what you think. Your Lion pals aren't here, so you can't prove you won the race. Looks like your CHI for this month is ours. Hand it over!"
Eris shook her head, a knowing grin crossing her face. She pointed up at the sky. A whole flock of sparrows was circling overhead, cheering wildly for Eris.
"I don't need the Lions to prove I beat you," she said.
"Those sparrows saw the entire race. It's over, Worriz."
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Worriz smacked his head and groaned. Even with cheating, he had still lost to the Eagles! "Fine," he grumbled. "You got lucky this time. But next time, mark my words, you won't be so lucky!"
Eris chuckled. "It wasn't luck," she said as a sparrow came and landed on her hand. "Don't you know by now? I have lots of friends."
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kydv404 · 1 year
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Eris! I knock on Chima a lot but I can't deny how much I love the designs and aesthetics. I had a lot of fun drawing her because halfway through I was like "wait, She-ra vibes."
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fernanda34 · 3 months
Las mejores amigas
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olivescales3 · 7 months
Oh, wow! It's the Chima gang! Try guessing who they are!
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Btw I know this sucks, it's still a work in progress. And the expressions are definitely going to be overwritten to fit the characters' heads...
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certifiedtoaster · 22 days
day 6, Eagle! eris has always been my favorite so I had to draw her :)
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jasper-the-menace · 4 months
Tales of Chima as Text Posts
Because what's a soulmate AU without some shitposts?
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Drew this ages ago but i was too busy being mentally ill about ninjago n i forgot to post it
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ghostenluvs · 7 months
there is no escape from these now, to my followers. i'm giving you chima posts with the lmk ones now. enjoy :).
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i intend to drag the chima tag out of it's 'last post was a year ago'-ish limbo state and back into relatively common use if it costs me my sanity.
lego monkie kid text post meme series
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meowrtian · 1 month
HALLO :3 🇳🇱
something cute and wholesome
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rayeverydangday · 2 months
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New fic out! It was gonna be a comic but writing is easier
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dumbsterchild · 7 months
watching lego: Legends of Chima :)
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Eris is always fun to draw! oh, also i gave her and her pals last names as well. 😀
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chimachapterbooks · 3 months
“Hold on!" yelled Laval.
"No kidding!" growled Cragger. "Go any more original ideas?"
Some fifty feet below, Eris gasped. Cragger was dangling by one hand from an icy ledge, his feet swinging wildly in the air. Up above, Laval was reaching down to grab the Crocodile, but couldn't quite make it. If Cragger lost his grip, it would be a long fall to the ground below.
"Laval, can you reach him?" Eris cried.
"I think so-just wait there, Cragger," Laval shouted. "I'll climb down to you."
"Where am I going to go?" Cragger answered, yelling to be heard over the howl of the wind.
"It's hang on here or be a Croc pancake!"
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Eris couldn't believe how quickly everything had gone wrong. Chima was facing a crisis: Icy creatures called Hunters had rampaged across the land, freezing everything in their path. Right around the time that the Hunters showed up, she had also begun having strange dreams. No, not dreams... they were more like visions.
In them, Eris kept seeing flashes of Mount Cavora on fire. And past the flames, burning bright in the center, was a shining temple on top of the mountain. Somehow, Eris just knew that if they could reach the top of the mystice mountain, hidden inside was an answer that would help them save all of Chima.
But Mount Cavora floated high in the air. In order to reach it, Eris had tricked one of the Hunter Tribes, the Vultures, into freezing the waterfalls. Now, she and her friends were trying to reach the top of the mountain by climbing the frozen waterfalls that stretched from the ground up to the face of the rock.
At first, Laval and Cragger hadn't believed her. But the battle against the Hunters was going poorly. Cragger's parents had been frozen solid, and more and more tribe members were falling victim to the ice daily. Laval and Cragger realized that Eris's dreams might actually be a vision of how to save Chima. So they had agreed to make the climb with her. Now they were halfway up to the top.
The question was, could they make it any farther?
"I’m on my way!" Eris shouted. "My wings are half-frozen. I can't fly! But I’m climbing as fast as I can."
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"I’ll wave to you on my way down," Cragger yelled back. "Can somebody help me out here? Crocs do mud and swamps and swimming and diving. But ice climbing? Not so much."
"Well, I do have one idea," Eris shouted up. "But it's really dangerous."
"Dangerous for who?" asked Cragger.
"Well... all of us."
"On a scale of one to ten, how dangerous are we talking about?" asked the Crocodile.
"Umm... fifteen," Eris answered.
"Thanks, but I think I'll pass," said Cragger. “I got myself into this, I'll get myself out... somehow."
Eris shook her head. "You've said that before, Cragger. Remember?"
Cragger did indeed remember. It was many years ago on a similar climb the three of them had made together, when they were much younger...
"I know this is important," said Cragger. "But remind me why I am doing it with you two?"
Laval glanced at the Croc. He had known Cragger since they were both little, but he had never really gotten to be too friendly with the Crocodile.
As for Eris, Laval barely knew her at all. Yet here they were, about to scale a peak together. They were each on the verge of becoming full-fledged warriors in their tribes. But first... the mountain.
It had no name. Somehow, the mountain seemed too powerful and too great a symbol to have a random title attached to it. For as long as anyone could remember, climbing it was a ritual every young member of every tribe carried out. Reaching the top meant you were ready for anything your tribe might ask of you in the future.
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The "rules" of the climb said that you should do it with members of other tribes, but preferably not ones you were already friends with. The point of the journey was to learn to work with others, even if they were strangers That's how a Lion, an Eagle, and a Crocodile came to be making their treks on the same day.
"Save your breath for climbing," Laval said to Cragger.
"We won't need the rope or the spikes on the lower part of the peak, but it gets a lot steeper as we get higher up.”
"And the last one up is a skunk's uncle," Cragger said, grinning.
Eris rolled her eyes. "Wow, you're so mature... not."
The Crocodile flashed his sharp teeth at her. "Thats what I don't like about Eagles. They always have their beaks in the air... along with everything else."
"Come on, you two," Laval said in as commanding a voice as he could. "Are we going or not?"
Like Laval had said, the early part of their climb was easy. The base of the mountain was a gentle slope that wound this way and that. Laval tried to make small talk with Eris, but she seemed to be a little shy. The one subject she did chatter away on was mountains and some of the dangers about them.
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"I've flown over lots and lots of peaks," she explained.
"So I've seen all kinds of mountain paths. Winding ones, rocky ones, steep ones, even one that was basically a flowing river—"
"Give me a swamp any day," Cragger intercted. "You always know where you stand in a swamp
"Yeah." Laval laughed. "In the mud."
A short while later, the climb began to get tougher.
Of the three, Laval was the best at scrambling up the slopes, but even he struggled at times. When they were about halfway up, they came to a part of the mountain that was so steep it seemed impossible to climb.
"There's a ledge way up there," Eris pointed out. "If we could reach that, we could keep going."
"Well, you can fly up to it, right?" asked Laval.
Eris shook her head. "No. The rules say you have to climb. No using wings."
"Al right," said Cragger. "You guys give me a boost, and I’ll pull you up. Im the strongest, after all.”
"Ha!" said Laval. "You're not stronger than me! Why don’t you give me a boost?”
"Oh I’ll you a boost, all right." growled Cragger.
"Um, are we going to stand here all day while you two argue?" asked Eris. "Tell you what, I’ll pick. Cragger, you go first."
The Crocodile smiled broadly as he stepped on the shoulders of the Eagle and Lion to get up to the ledge.
Laval glared at Eris. "What's the big idea?" he whispered.
"If you want him to be part of the team, you have to let him be a hero sometimes," whispered Eris. "Lions aren't the only ones with pride, you know."
Once atop the ledge, Cragger leaned over and grabbed Eris's hand. He pulled her up beside him. Then the two of them helped Laval up as well.
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"See? Nothing to it," Cragger said. "There's nothing a Croc can't do when he puts his mind to it."
Laval started to say something, then glanced at Eris and changed his mind. He wasn't happy with the decision she had made, but he thought he understood it, at least a little. He decided she was pretty smart, for someone who wasn't a Lion.
They kept climbing. Cragger seemed to be really enjoying himself now, telling tales of life in the swamp.
Beneath his rough manner, it seemed like Cragger real did want to be friends. Eris wondered if Crocodiles just assumed others didn't like them, so they acted unpleasant to keep everyone away. Once they felt accepted, they warmed up. Eris had to admit Cragger's stories were funny. Even Laval laughed a few times.
Now they were three-quarters of the way to the peak. They still had plenty of hours of daylight left. Eris figured they would be able to make it all the way up and back down and still be home for supper.
Then she heard the noise.
At first, she thought it was thunder. But there weren't any clouds in the sky. Then, as the rumbling grew louder and the ground started to shake, she realized with a sinking feeling exactly what it was.
"Rockslide!" she yelled.
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Laval and Cragger looked up and gasped. It seemed like half the mountain was sliding down toward them!
They were too high up to leap out of the way, and there was no place to take cover.
"Oh, no!" shouted Cragger.
Laval thought fast. "There's just one chance, but you’re going to have to trust me—both of you!"
Cragger hesitated. Crocodiles were raised to take care of themselves and not rely on help from outsiders. It was a hard habit to break.
"I'll get out of this on my own!" he said.
"No. You won't," Laval said firmly, grabbing the Croc with one hand and Eris with the other.
What followed was a display of skill, speed, and luck like neither Cragger nor Eris had ever seen before Laval leaped into the air, pulling them along with him. He landed on one of the rocks tumbling down the mountain.
Quickly, he jumped from rock to rock, not only surfing the rockslide-but surfing it up the mountain! At any moment, a misstep or a badly timed leap could have meant disaster. But Laval somehow managed to keep going, guiding his companions to safety.
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When the rockslide was finally over, the three found themselves almost at the peak. They had survived the climb and the incredible danger as well.
"Wow," said Cragger. "I have to admit, that was amazing."
"Told you," gasped Laval, out of breath. "You just had to trust me. I know what l'm doing... most of the time, he added, with a smile.
"Yeah, well ... okay," said Cragger.
"I sure will!" said Eris, grinning.
A lot has happened since then, Eris thought as she struggled to climb up to where Cragger was still dangling from the icy ledge. But one thing's the same-we have to trust one another if we're going to make it through this!
"I can't climb down to him," Laval yelled above the gusting wind. "The ice is too slippery. And I can't reach him from here!"
"Yes, you can," said Eris. "Loop the rope around your feet, Laval, and hang upside down."
"I knew it," said Cragger. "She's crazy."
Laval looked uncertain. "Are you sure about this, Eris?"
"Trust me!" Eris replied.
Laval did as Eris asked, first securing his feet with the rope to a thick, sturdy icicle, and then flipping over so that his back was against the ice wall. He reached down and grabbed Cragger's free hand. "I've got him, but I can't pull him up like this!"
"Now comes the hard part," said Eris. "Cragger, you have to let go of your handhold on the ice!"
"What?!" exclaimed Cragger. "I'm not letting go of anything!"
"Trust me!" yelled Eris. "It's the only way!"
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Reluctantly, Cragger let go of the icy ledge he had been clinging to. Laval grunted, struggling to hold onto his friend now that he was supporting the Crocodile's full weight.
"Now, Laval—" Eris began.
"I know what to dol" said the Lion. "You just be ready!"
Laval began to swing back and forth, relying on the rope to keep him secured to the ice. Like a pendulum, he swung Cragger to the right and left, building up momentum with each pass. He went higher and higher with each swing, until Cragger was actually above Laval.
"Now, Cragger!" yelled the Lion. "Let go and grab the rope!"
Cragger waited until he was as high as Laval could swing him. Then he let go of his friend and leaped for the rope. He managed to catch it with one hand. But below him, the rope had slipped from Laval's feet-the Lion was falling!
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"Hang on, Laval!" Eris cried. She sprang off the side of the ice and caught Lava in midair, her wings struggling to keep the two of them aloft. Just before they were going to tumble out of the sky, she banked back toward the ice. Laval was able to grab onto the rope and to her, but couldn't manage to get a foothold on the ice. He could feel his hand starting to slip.
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The next thing Laval knew, a strong grip had seized his wrist. He looked up to see Cragger smiling. "Come on," said the Crocodile. "We can't do this without you, fur-face."
With Cragger's help, Laval and Eris climbed back securely onto the ice. Laval clapped a hand on Cragger's shoulder. "Yeah, you're pretty good to have around, too, scale-head."
Eris sighed. "Some things never change," she said.
"And am I glad of that!"
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