#chatting with kenopsia!
triforce-of-mischief · 8 months
You were so slay with that reposting thing, I commend you for that 👏
thank you, i am so tired. talking with a friend and realized that it (and people interacting with it) is the same principle as readers who comment on fanart but not fics (which i have another post about and i swear i always word it horribly). anyway. i'm tired, both from this and physically/mentally so i'll stop there.
tell your fandom creators directly how much you appreciate their work, and don't steal crap for goddesses' sake.
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hypnofantasma · 10 months
HI!! So, to celebrate my community and all of its fan creations and designs, i have created an ever-growing public gallery of sorts, called The Valziva (a Kraizenian central art gallery, at the center of every city)! I first shared it yesterday in my Discord server (linked below), but I'd figured I'd also share it for those off-server folk who are apart of the community!
Every artist/owner has their own folder, with each character having their own folder with art and refs and stuff! And in the owner's folder, you can also have an explanation doc, talking about and brainrotting about your characters, etc.
I have a method in the server for collecting submissions, but on here, it'll be a bit different.
If you'd like a character gallery in the folder (a Google drive, which is this: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14bC8hBcqbD_7_bC5tnqCYsCpadkSlL-3 ), please do the following steps:
- 1) Go to @kenopsia-asks , and send an ask.
- 2) In the ask, tell me what you want your Owner Folder to be named.
- 3) In the ask me your fan Kenopsia characters, with their full names and images associated with them. Can be Kraizen, Omni, Were, Tether, anything! You can send them as raw images over Tumblr, or, you can send me a drive link with everything!
- 4) Optional but appreciated would be a Doc with information about the characters and their stories, as well as Toyhouse links and stuff.
If you have nameless characters, just lemme know and I'll toss em in anyway. I probably won't reply to the asks, but I'm PRETTY quick to get stuff added to the folders so just look within the hour and they'll likely be there! If they aren't, I likely got pulled away irl.
ANYWAY- I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS IDEA OF MINE!! This community has done so much for me, so I thought a showcase of everyone's wonderful art and designs and tales!! 💚💙💜❤️💚💙💜❤️
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Let's say I want to introduce a friend to Kenopsia. What should I tell them , what resources should I lead them to, and what would be the most relevant heads up to give before going deeper?
Basic gist; a (CURRENTLY HEAVILY WIP) story that spans the entire lifespan of the universe, about a race of morphologically unique creatures called Kraizen who were corrupted by a universe-wide event called the Brandshock that turned them into the genocidal Vani, who only want to kill because they think living is suffering and they're doing everyone else a favor by prematurely ending their lives.
A very morally colorful story, neither black nor white nor even gray. if you like unique aliens with defined personalities, psionic abilities, and stuff that'll make you think, this is the series for you!
other stuff includes MORE aliens, werewolves, multiple story parts that are everything from planned games to songs to books (i'm writing the first one!), tons of main LGBTQ+ characters and kickass disabled characters, some lite but still wholeheartedly written speculative xenobiology, and tons of resources for fan content!
Will these Vani win, or will they be broken from their deadly trance...?
Heads up and warnings; the obvious big one, genocide. it's not based upon prejudice and discrimination at all, though it DOES step into the horrors of war and mass death. other big ones are gore/death, existentialism, the fact that the Vani are still varied sapient life forms (and treating them like animals or viewing them purely through black and white lenses does not fly with me), and whatever else is on the front page of the Toyhouse (linked below).
(ALSO, some heads up about ME, as a person- this series is still just my OC story and universe. I am not a corporation, and I still have boundaries. all i ask is that the boundaries i establish are respected and that i am not treated like a corporate machine)
Resources; you have the Toyhouse for the characters, the channel for the videos, and my Discord server(s) for better interaction and miscellaneous/universal resources (until i start making a certain video series)
Channel - https://youtube.com/@monstrosity5772
Main Discord Server - https://discord.gg/2JYqEvAYNB
Kraizen Species Toyhouse profile (and my whole profile as well) (Linked below)
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gmod · 3 years
honks my clown nose sadly as i add yet another name to my interests list.
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softhourswithseb · 5 years
Roses and Daggers
Mobster!Chris Evans X Reader
Chris Evans AU!
Summary: you are forced to attend your half brothers party as his mob gang and another bigger mob join forces. However the Mob boss has his eyes on you, and will only join forces if you accept his proposal.
Warnings?: this is Dark Chris Evans so :p enjoy
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(Big thanks to @nobernieyouareunderreacting this moodboard is absolutely amazing thank you💕)
The cold air hitting you was simply entertainment, you didnt want to put a fake face on and entertain others in the party. You loved your half brother very much, but you didn’t love what he did for a living. Ever since your mother made you move in with your step dad you dreaded it, the mob was a dark and scary place.The only light was your half brother. You put up with this until you were able to leave and distance yourself from this mob.
That was until today. After 4 years of being free and in peace, here you were in some random mansion outside on balcony wearing a beautiful red dress. The balcony view felt like an illusion, melting you in the scene until you heard someone clear their throat. You turned around to be met by a handsome man with blonde hair and blue electric eyes. His suit sat tight by him showing his figure well.
His chuckled broke your trance “Are you done checking me out sweetheart?” You felt yourself turn red.
“No-i mean yes- I mean I wasn’t checking you out...” you looked away, making sure not to embarrass yourself even more.
“I’m sure you were sweetheart, your not bad yourself. What are you doing here alone?” He began walking closer to you, which made your heart beat faster.
“I’m here for my brother, he’s joining some other mob.” You spoke softly.
“Then why aren’t you with him?” You looked up to the man. “I don’t like big crowds I guess” you didn’t want to say the truth because you just met this man and god knows what he does.
He smiled in return “well I don’t want a pretty damsel to be alone tonight, so why don’t me and you go back inside and enjoy a little dance and maybe grab a drink or two.” You let him grab your hand and bring you back inside. You wanted to pull away and go back outside in your little comfort zone, but your body didn’t listen. You look towards your hand which is intertwined with his and saw a tattoo on his wrist.
The tattoo was his initials and a symbol- a rose with a dagger through it. At that moment it hit you, you knew that symbol, everyone knew that symbol. This man belonged to one of the biggest and strongest mob. You didn’t want to be involved with this man anymore that just set it off. Who know what he would’ve done to you. You pulled your hand away from his and made a quick decision to run away the opposite direction. All you could hear was him shouting after you, you looked behind you and saw him running. You made a quick turn and hid yourself from him in one of the closets.
You saw him approach the area, and look around frantically and when you saw he couldn’t find you it made him cursed loudly, which made you shiver in fear. Why the fuck did I even talk to him. You saw him take his phone and call someone and walk off. You decided to stay in your hiding place for a few minutes before going back. You just wanted to go home and be in bed.
While making your way back to the balcony, you saw your brother coming towards you from the other direction. He smiled when he say you. “Y/n! Oh my god I’m so glad that I found you.”
You jogged to him, making the sound of your heels echo through, and hugged him. “What’s the matter y/b/n?” You looked up at him.
“I want you to meet someone really important.” You looked at him a bit confused. “Y/b/n look I really want to go home, plus there is not point of this person to see me if I’m not in the mob anymore.” Y/b/n sighed.
“Please y/n, just this once.” You hesitated, one appearance wouldn’t hurt, you’ve been through worse. “Okay y/b/n lead the way”. You both made your way to center of the mansion where the party was held.
When y/b/n came in view, all eyes were on you and him. You kept your head down until your faced to the person y/b/n wanted you to meet. It was him, why does y/b/n want me to meet him?! You saw the mob boss smirk at you and raise his eyebrow. You felt uncomfortable in his stare.
“Chris, this is y/n and y/n this is Chris. I’ll be joining my mob with his. For that I will be working aside with him.” His voice was full of pride.
“That’s good y/b/n I hope you do well with Chris, but-“ “but...there is another thing.” You mentally groaned you just want to go home.
“I will only let y/b/n join if you be my gal sweetheart.” What?! You looked at Chris in shock. Y/b/n took your hand and chuckled.
“Sis please accept this, do it for the both of us. You can live an amazing life with Chris he can provide you with anything you need and our mob can be stronger than ever.” His eyes held hope and eagerness, but you held discomfort how could your own step brother let you off for this man. He knew you never like the mob life.
“Y/b/n... heck I don’t know, Chris doesn’t even know me and I don’t know him. How can I go for man I don’t even know. Plus you know I never liked the mob life. I didn’t come here to get dragged into this mess again I came here to see my big brother...I’m sorry but no.” Your voice became soft, and you began to slip your hands out his but he gripped them tighter.
“You will y/n, I can’t take a no. After all you never left this mess you just went deeper. You will become Chris’s gal and you will let me grow my mob.” Your brothers voice hardened and he pushed you to Chris, chris quickly wrapped his arms around you and kept you there.
“Nice doing business with you Chris.” Tears began to form on your face as you pushed against Chris’s chest. Until he got his gun out and pointed it upwards and shot 3 times.
Everyone’s eyes were on you and Chris. “Everyone today is the day, where y/s/n mob and mine conjoin so congratulations to that. This is also the day where I finally have my gal y/n and please if you even lay your eyes on my gal consider yourself dead.” Everyone started chatting loudly and avoiding eye contact.
Chris took you over to a quite place and position his gun to you.
“You know I love my fair share of women, but I haven’t came across a pretty Rose like you. Your now mine sweetheart, we can go two ways either you listen to me and I give you the life you want or I put a bullet in you.” Tears were now dropping down your face, which made Chris frown and lower his gun.
“Oh come one sweetheart don’t cry I was only joking, a pretty rose like you shouldn’t cry...but seriously I won’t hesitate to punish you if you don’t listen.” He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you, you put your hands on his chest to push him away yet he held his stance. Without a choice you let him kiss you.
You were his pretty Rose and he was your dagger.
- Hey lovelies this is my first ever Chris au and I hope you liked it. My inspiration came from a song called “Ya Ali” from a movie called gangsta. The movie is pretty dramatic but the song is *chefs kiss*
-if you liked this Chris au please do like and comment. If you want more Chris au do say I will hopefully writing more. 💕
-Kenopsia pt2 will be out soon
-Love Zu 💕
@sebs-daybreak @sinner-as-saint
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gigglyirwin · 5 years
Like A Giraffe On Ice
Pairing: None
Word Count: ~800
Warnings: swearing, fluff
Prompt: Ice Skating
Summary: The reader takes all of 5sos ice skating
This is day 11 of 25 Days of Christmas. Check out the masterlist HERE!
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Luke pouted as he kicked his legs out in front of him, the strings of the skates flopping in all different directions “Help,” he whined and you rolled your eyes.
“You’re an actual toddler,” you retorted, kneeling down on the floor at his feet and fixing the skates.
“And you’re the best babysitter I’ve ever had,” Luke teased.
“I think I got the hots for your babysitter, Luke,” Calum laughed as he tied a double knot into his skates. You almost kicked at his leg before realizing you too were in skates and that could end badly. So instead you punched his thigh, listening to him cry out in faux pain.
Once you had finished tying Luke’s skates you made sure the other three boys had theirs tightly done up before, one by one, helping each of them to stand. “Walking is the hardest part,” you said. “It’s just awkward on your feet. Once you get to the ice it’s so much easier.”
“Are you sure?” Ashton asked, gripping the handrail on his way to the rink.
“Yes. Trust me.”
Luke fell the second he got on the ice, looking up at you like you had betrayed him by saying the ice was the easy part. You couldn’t help but laugh at him, reaching your hand down to help him back up.
“Okay, you have to help me get you up, you’re a fucking giant Luke I can’t pull you up by myself.”
“You shouldn’t have laughed at me then,” he argued, practically going deadweight in your grip.
“Fine,” you countered and let go of his hand, letting him fall back onto the ice. “You do it then.”
Luke huffed and crawled over to the wall, pulling himself up on it as he glared at you. You kissed his cheek as you stepped onto the ice beside him. You held your hand out to help Michael into the rink, followed by Ashton and then Calum.
“It’s really not that hard,” you reiterated, and pushed yourself off the wall, skating backward. “It’s like a two-step slide sort of thing,” you said and showed them the best way you could explain it. “And then from there, it’s just keeping your momentum going and staying balanced.” You skated down quite a bit in front of them. “Now you try!” you called.
You hadn’t expected all four boys to push themselves off the wall at the same time and skate down to you. Michael and Ashton actually weren’t too bad, but Calum hadn’t veered far from the wall and Luke… Luke was a bit of a nightmare. He didn’t crash though, making it down to you and gripping the foam barrier to stop himself. “Good,” you complimented. “Just go a little slower next time.”
You continued the routine of pushing yourself further in front of them and waiting until they caught up to you, but it wasn’t long before Michael had ventured off on his own, skating laps around you. Ashton joined him and the two were practically going head to head in a race. You could tell Calum was still nervous on the skates, so you took his hand in yours and helped him warm up. Luke was still wobbly but insisted he could do it himself, only falling thrice more before he admitted he needed some help. You held his hand too, skating along at a slow pace with both of them.
You didn’t miss when Michael crashed on his skates though, tumbling to the ground and sliding a good few feet along the ice. You cringed as you let go of Luke and Calum’s hands, quickly skating over to Michael to help him up. “You alright?” You asked, double checking his head to make sure he hadn’t hit it.
“He was trying to impress a girl,” Ashton laughed as he stopped beside you. “How’d that work out for you buddy?”
“Fuck you,” Michael fought, brushing the ice shavings from his shoulders and legs.
You laughed, fixing the beanie on Michael’s head. “Maybe it worked,” you shrugged. “Never know.”
Calum and Luke had managed to make their way over to you three, asking if Michael was okay and then teasing him when Ashton mentioned he was trying to show off. Michael, mostly to get away from the torture, skated off again. You were beginning to think they weren’t going to get tired until Ashton came up to you complaining about his fingers being cold. And when Michael started saying his knee hurt from his fall, you knew it was time to head out, but not before grabbing a cup of hot coffee and having a nice, comfortable chat with your four best friends.
Tags: @irwinkitten @buckinghamshire-girl @calumspeachy @you-of-ghost  @tommyswolves @softboycal @sincerelycalum @cal-pal-cuddles @naivelystan @elliejdavis @zuni181336 @rachaeljayne15 @satan-i-guess @jane-ofalltrades @prwciousporter @melliandme @moonlightxdancing @bigdirtycliffo @lonelyclownclub @cashton-queen @whydoistilllovethisband @itjustkindahappenedreally @canterburyfiction @abitloudforanaccousticset @drummerboy794 @geek-gurl24 @chubawupwub @asht0ns-world @hugs2forever @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @blue-skies-are-alright @saintcalums @disasterhood @calumsgirlcrush @smrttrtl @lashtonchesthair @cocktail-calum@sgfgclifford @britnicole11 @cuddlycutecalum @zuzuismyname @cal-puddies @fallin-all-in-mendes @nothingliketheraintimestwo @crownedbycalum @abitmorepersonall @stone-cold-nerd97 @5saucewho @kaxseychill @kend-of-a-big-deal @katiaw2  @loserlowlife @kieranotkira @empty--wallets @lilacsos @5-sos-babe @jpgluke @yngbldss @cambvd @lovely-melissaaa @littlebear1353 @squidney-c @mysticalhood @nostalgia-luke @calumamongmen  @tequila-clifford @cashtonsicetea @Ngl_stfu @ohhmuke @calistheloml @lukesbellas @hoe4hemmo @therainydays4 @rosaliechen @gloss-glass-ash @calumvertigo @kenopsia-falcon @dancingonanemptywallet @lukescherrypie @rosesfromcth @balsamichood @rosesforash @hemmomfg @outerspacecth @tothemoonmikey @kendalleliz @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you @vipclifford @calumismyprince @5sosreject @dukesnumber1 @dannisos @mycollectionofnuts @calthesensation @mysteriouslycali @softcxlum @dogsrgreatt @5sosobsessedgryffindor @hopelessxcynic @darthrogers @skinnyanxxiety @norawashere @astrosashton @violentvents @elle-28 @ashxirwinn @sillyoldbear29 @amxngmen @antiguini5sos @nine-butterflies @mymanz @Vimme11 @mulberybabe @soniasalvatore1 @agusdoti @calumpshile @lazyranchheroflower @afirwin-94 @4evrfandom @moonlightgodcalum @sassy-asht0n
Want to be tagged when I post a fic? CLICK HERE!
If there’s a strikethrough on your name, it means I can’t tag you! Go here to fix it!
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wrath-of-dawn · 6 years
Tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know
Technically got tagged twice by the lovely @bambiistuff but i figured i’d play along with this account because I met them through this one 😄
- Ash
- Raven Tiddy (if you wanna know why i can explain in another post but its a bit of a rant lol)
- My lady (only from @llamascanbepurple tho - ps love you Reggie Ol’boy)
- We’re not even gonna include some of the names by brother calls me because that list is long and nonsensical 
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Cancer 
Height: 5″ 6
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw (gotta love me some more ravens they’re such wonderful birds)
Favourite Animal: THIS IS THE HARDEST QUESTION but i’d have to go with maybe fox or raven maybe? or should I go with guinea pig seeing as I have two?
Average hrs. spent sleeping: on a weekday - about 7 (thank god for first period spare it used to be like 3 hrs). On a weekend - about 11 (I can sleep all day my record is 16 hrs straight)
Dogs or Cats: Both for different reasons. They are very different animals and have their own special reasons to love them both in their own ways.
Dream Job: zoologist/ anything to do with studying/working with wild animals
When i made this account: oh shit ummmm. . . . imma just take a gander and say november 2017? I have no clue. It was sometime in early to mid semester 1 I feel.
Why I made this account: So I would stop spamming my irl friend’s accounts with akayona stuff and so I could post stuff about it without them going: ???? therefore my main account is full of memes, other anime, etc 
(She says fully intending to tag them in this)
Followers: On this account  - 482 and I love each and everyone of you guys whether I've been lucky enough to chat with you or not, you guys make my day so much better!
thanks again @bambiistuff! This was fun :)
Tagging: @star-dancer-13 @llamascanbepurple @thatembergirl @thatnerdgirl454 @aligrump @rollzerox @zenoobsessed @ne-onblue @umu1234 @party-with-books @iluvluvnutella @spoilliest @dillislazii @lovelyhearth-3129 @punchagoddamnnazi @http-kenopsia @mbrhodes
And anyone else who wants to have with this. Don’t feel any obligation though if you’re not interested. 
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musicprincess655 · 7 years
Thank you so much dear! I’m glad to hear someone liked Kenopsia so much (my group chat yelled at me a lot for that one and tbh I deserved it)
Tell me what your favorite story of mine is!
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fidelysiana · 7 years
The Death of The Loved One
This is not a hate letter. This is not even a ‘I-blame-him-for-being-the-only-one-escaping-unscathed’ poem. This is just me pouring the blood-red tears out of my soul. This is just me trying to make amends of every foolish deed I have ever done, for stooping so low it made you it made you feel worthy enough to spit on my existence. How I did not believe it when you said you just wanted to let things flow, did not really seem to think anything serious more than cliché online chats, pointless midnight phone calls, or empty flattery slurs. How I was in love with you (read: infatuated with the idea of you), how I was so blinded by the illusion that my feeling toward you was reciprocal, how I thought I was the one who did the reciprocity. Until you destroyed my delusion by saying (and I quote) that you have ‘started to be able to requite (my) feeling bit my bit’. While you were the first one who made contact with me, the one who said ‘I am fond of you’ and called me ‘(your) dearest’; how you thoughtlessly uncalculatingly inconsiderately filled the void in my heart wtih alluring grail of dreams, decorating the air I breathe with a palpable pure joy, like a pacemaker to a dying heart; how it resonated with my core.
You; the modest yet vivid flame; the man whose ignorance and conscience were ambiguously out of place; whose atmosphere was in motley of frequency, improbable to be deciphered as superficial as a youth infatuation, though all the evidence was crystal clear, scattered around every conversation we poured out to each other.
You; the constellation filled with stars whose charm was so dazzling I could not fathom it into sanity, whose eyes were so suffused with inconceivable, inexplicable and altogether bewildering expectations I was too undeserving to come nearby; whose voice was beyond seductively holy and simultaneously venomous I was too unworthy to gulp down a single stillicide of an explanation.
The idea that one can be so evil, the cruelty emerges with every atom of his being, and still not be considered as as in.
But who am I judge?
I am just a woman who does not know how to not wear her heart on her sleeve.
I am just a woman who only knows how to love beyond her risks, to push past boundaries; who only knows that the only way to stop being empty is to fill another void no matter how a menacing effort it is to her very existence; how she always choose to give and give and give and does not know when to stop; not until what was left of her was only the menagerie of betrayal and regret.
But I’m not here to talk about myself. It’s you I want to tell the world about.
How you made it so perfectly real; the idea of you and me; the idea of you wanting me in your life; the idea of you wanting me to want you in my life, which is only based on the understanding that you were the first one who meant to want something longterm-ish with me; while in reality never meant anything toward me at all. Because frankly, I was just solely a kenopsia of my own shell of conscience. And the recession of my perspicacity lately was merely the repercussion of my own idiocy; thinking that the desolation of my quiddity could be instantly obliterated simply by the touch of another soul.
I don’t really want to hold a grudge against you, myself, or even the situation in which I was trapped in. I don’t even want to condemn you for the cowardice you possessed by which you were averted to even utter a troupe syllable of goodbye; no matter how loathsome a screech that particular word ring to my ear. But I’d rather be shoved in the face by a handful of farewell than not at all. Because, God, the silence never sounded so loud and painful.
Then suddenly, the air felt heavy, filled with disgust of a man I thought I was falling tumbling writhing in love with. And suddenly, the electricity impulse that man had been supplying  me just stopped being there. Suddenly, the pacemaker of my very beating heart just died.
You died.
Who killed you? Or rather I rephrase; what murdered you? Was it your principle? The one you stated that you just wanted to take things lightly, not wanting anything serious, because you still want to have fun and be free with your friends, your own life?
Or was it fear? Fear that I couldn’t meet your expectations; that I was too much of a hurricane for you to handle; that when we finally met face to face you got the epiphany of how real this would be? Was that when the cowardice set in? Was that when you decided to just walk away without having the audacity to even close the door? Or has the valediction been already reflected all along in the last syllables you sent me that night; but it was only I who failed to grasp it with my fumbling hands?
I am done wrestling with hypocrisy while my soul is screeching in agony for this occurrence in front of my very own eyes. Experiencing you metamorphed from just ‘another silly boy’ to an ‘almost significant one’ debilitated me into mourning; not for the self I thought you were, but rather for the self I was before meeting you; how I was pathetically and hopelessly in the state of believing that I was too unworthy to be deserving a love that’s not a deceit.
I am hurting. And I’m admitting it galantly. I’m not gonna deny any of the fact that you have wrecked my dignity; taking away every last molecule of oxygen within my brain I could have used to at least try to make sense of any of this. You left me wondering why, forever. You could have just murdered me instantly, but you chose to make me feel unworthy, all my life. And God, I would condemn you to the deepest layer of inferno for the sin you have done. I would never forgive you for that. You don’t deserve my mercy. You don’t deserve any of it.
And I am thanking no one for the self I am right now; for being awaken by the realization that sometimes (or many times), it’s not me; it’s them. That the idea that things just aren’t meant to be is not inflicted by my slightest action, but rather the other’s. That the best thing I can do is to just accept it and walk away; but still without denying the fact that I am still violently aching but thankfully healing. And despite the countless 3 a.m. of poetry-coughing nights and those skips of heartbeat whenever seeing your smile in the face of a stranger; the person I am going to become once the bleeding stops, will be the only person I am going to thank and love eternally.
So, loved one.
I dedicate this poetry for you; the glamorous yet destructive man.
But no worries, this will be the one and only poem I write about and to you. Because honestly, I don’t think I could stand you a second time, do I? So consider this as a gift of farewell; a plea to stay gone; and entreaty to stay dead.
But what’s a gift without regards? So, I think I’m going to thank you for one thing.
Despite the odds that we could’ve been so much more if you could’ve just let me love you beyond my storm. Oh, honey, I would’ve loved you so hard to addiction.
Despite the fact that you chose the easy path and just walked away with your malicious egocentric so-called heart.
I am going to thank you for this particular thing.
Thank you for your death.
Thank you for being done pulsating my arteries.
Thank you for being here once and being gone now.
For the death of you has brought the rebirth of me.
For the death of you has insisted me to be my own source of heartbeat.
For the death of you, my loved one, has made me find me.
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triforce-of-mischief · 8 months
It's time for me to go boogie woogie woogie into your ask box
Hi hello the toast has arrived
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hullo toast 👋 hope you enjoy ur stay
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Have I ever told you that you’re AWESOME and I really appreciate you? You’re almost always one of the first people to reblog my posts and that makes me so happy?? So yeah you’re great <33 (I also enjoy seeing the things you rb on my dashboard too!)
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Gosh, I love you so much
You’re awesome my guy 💖
no u 💜💜💜
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Don’t worry about it
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chinken numegts
when will they return from the war
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Gonna put a big long comment of love on Just Across the Chasm of Time to encourage the author <3
Sometimes that’s all I need to keep working on something, plus I absolutely love the fic so YES
Great idea! I'm going to go do that too soon now that my interaction energy's finally coming back. I actually commented on the first chapter saying I was going to comment on every chapter (which I will) but my anxiety brain said "WHY DID YOU DO THAT" and turned on Avoidance Mode and I haven't been able to reread it in a few months. 😒 Chapter 2 gives me Mushy Feels every time anyway so it's also hard just to articulate actual words saying how much I love it. 😅
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