jonnyha · 1 year
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#叉燒 #チャシュー #ChaSiew #ChaSiu #CharSiu . #チャシュー丼 と #刺身サラダ。 #ChasyuDon & #SashimiSalad . #Singapore #シンガポール #シンガポールライフ #シンガポール在住 #シンガポール生活#ペン習字 #筆ペン #漢字 #書道 #書法 #書遊 #毛筆 #墨 #習字 #日本文化 #筆文字 #文字 #和文化 #創作書道 #インスタ書道部 #書道好きな人と繋がりたい (at Sushi Tei) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnohXRVLked/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miscellaneousmao · 1 year
And this little Swinub was a chasiu bao! 🐗🍞
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My husband suggested I try making BBQ pork buns as a bonus snack, and while things didn't go quite as planned, these were the most decent ones I got before I called it a day and we ate the rest of the evidence 😅
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bentosandbox · 2 years
Emperor’s Cypher Challenge TL (kinda)
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Browser minigame for CN server (requires login)
In this land where little words are exchanged, one may inadvertently reveal their secrets to the world. Of course, the great Emperor would not make such a simple mistake. CYPHER, a common form of freestyle relay rapping, will now evolve into one of the most popular conversational style that Penguin Logistics employees are forced to use!
Now, serving as a source of inspiration, the Rap God has personally made this game while drunk with infinite enthusiasm, an educational(kinda) game -- EMPEROR’S CYPHER CHALLENGE, now open for limited beta testing!
As a leader of Rhodes Island, Doctor, you know much of the various beings of this land, but will it be enough to cope with your growing business needs and contingencies? Why not try this test and accept the CYPHER Challenge from the emperor!
But please don’t take this too seriously, after all, it is just a game.
--Penguin Logistics is sincerely looking forward to your challenge.
It’s basically kind of like Charades where you guess a character with 1-5 hints After clearing it once, you get access to Hardcore which is extended to all operators but the funny hints are only in the normal mode so I translated some of them (hard mode basically gives you race, faction, place of birth, class, subclass for hints)
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The hints usually look like the left but if you get a certain bigshot the UI changes to the right
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LGD trio hints -- This is the first time I’ve seen FanCheung and ChaSiu in official media I thought they were just fan nicknames?????? (slang for stupid and useless respectively that they more or less exclusively use for each other I am not joking) I tried asking on Weibo but to no avail either lol)
Lin Yuxia Hints
-Dossoles Ultimate Warrior Champion -Manipulates sand -Member of LUNG wRATh -President of the Lungmen Young Entrepreneurs Association -Person who stepped on a Senior Superintendent of Lungmen -"I'll tell Mom."
I didn’t TL the others because they were mostly stuff you could find from their profiles but there’s also Amiya, Feater, Shaw, Emperor, Wei, Fumizuki, Lee, Waai Fu, Rat King, Sora, Croissant, Texas, Exusiai, Lappland, Bagpipe, Kalt’sit (one of her clues is "W: You old hag!! N-n-n-n-next time, I swear I'm giving you a slow and painful d——”)
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nek-ros · 2 years
comedy legal unless i say elon musk looks about as good as jamie oliver's ramen chasiu (i mean this in the meanest way possible)
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chasius · 7 months
well hello there, this is my first post on this side-blog. i decided to have one only related to my fanfics from now on.
i wanted to post my fics on my main blog...but it needs a much deserved cleaning and I'm too lazy for that.
and i know myself, i won't do that like ever ;)
so cheers to the birth of this blog. 🍻
main blog @eternaldarkess
ao3: chasius
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Rekomendasi Makanan yang Cocok Disantap saat Musim Hujan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Musim hujan dan berangin seperti saat ini memang paling pas untuk makan makanan yang hangat dan berkuah. Dilansir dari Health Guide dapat meningkatkan metabolisme dan lebih mudah dicerna sehingga tidak memberatkan kerja lambung Anda. Ini dia rekomendasi makanan berkuah dan hangat yang cocok untuk dikonsumsi saat musim hujan. 1. Mie Mie adalah salah satu menu andalan bagi banyak orang ketika musim hujan datang. Salah satu resto mie di Denpasar yang wajib Anda coba adalah Fundah. Restoran satu ini menyajikan berbagai varian mie mulai dari Hong Mie yaitu mie pedas asin dengan chili oil, Bai Mee mie asin gurih, dan Hei Mee atau mie pedas asin. Semua varian mie di sini ada versi kuahnya, lho! Jadi Anda bisa pilih mie tanpa atau dengan kuah. Di sini juga ada side dish yang enak seperti Ayam Cabe Garam, Cikaw, Chili Pangsit, hingga Bapao Chasiu Ayam yang bisa sharing. Cocok untuk makan bersama keluarga! Harga makanan dan minuman di sini cukup murah mulai dari 8ribuan untuk minuman dan 18ribuan untuk makanan. 2. Bakwan Banyak orang yang menyamakan bakwan satu ini sama dengan bakso, atau justru mengira bakwan adalah campuran sayuran dan tepung yang digoreng. Tapi bakwan yang dimaksud di sini adalah daging yang digiling, dibentuk bulat-bulat, dan disajikan bersama kuah dan condiment lainnya. Bedanya bakwan dengan bakso adalah dari segi komposisi daging yang lebih banyak, kuah yang lebih bening, dan condiment yang lebih sedikit yaitu hanya daun bawang dan bawang goreng. Salah satu resto yang menyediakan menu bakwan di Denpasar adalah Bakwan Surabaya. Untuk harganya pun cukup terjangkau. Dengan Rp 32.000 saja, Anda sudah bisa menikmati semangkuk bakwan dengan isian yang beragam seperti bakwan halus, bakwan kasar, bakwan goreng, bakso ikan, udang, dan lain-lainnya. Bakwan Surabaya juga menyediakan menu frozen, yang cocok untuk dijadikan stok makanan di rumah untuk keluarga. 3. Soto Satu lagi makanan yang tidak boleh dilewatkan dalam daftar ini yaitu soto. Perpaduan rempah-rempah yang kuat ditambah gurihnya koya membuat kelezatan makanan ini sulit dilewatkan. Salah satu resto di Denpasar yang menyediakan menu soto adalah Soto Ayam Surabaya (SAS). Keunikan soto di resto ini menggunakan ayam kampung sehingga kuahnya lebih segar dan tidak terlalu berminyak dibanding soto pada umumnya. Harga menu di tempat ini pun cukup terjangkau yaitu 20ribuan saja untuk satu porsi soto ayam sehingga bisa jadi pilihan resto untuk makan bersama keluaga. 4. Kimchi Jjigae Kalau bosan dengan Chinese Food atau masakan Nusantara, Anda bisa coba makanan khas Korea seperti Kimchi Jjigae. Kimchi jjigae merupakan sup kimchi yang disajikan dengan tofu dan berbagai macam sayuan. Menu satu ini memiliki cita rasa asam dan pedas sehingga cocok untuk dinikmati saat musim hujan. Salah satu resto yang menyediakan menu satu ini adalah Danbam Bali. Di sini juga ada berbagai makanan khas Korea lainnya seperti Kimbab, Korean Fried Chicken, Ssamgyeopsal, dan masih banyak menu lainnya. Harga makanannya pun cukup terjangkau yaitu mulai dari 20ribuan saja dengan porsi yang cukup besar sehingga cocok untuk sharing bersama teman-teman dan keluarga. Itulah rekomendasi makanan yang cocok disantap saat musim hujan. Apalagi pilihan menu ini cocok untuk makan-makan bersama keluarga dan teman-teman biar suasana makin hangat. Tetap hemat makan bersama keluarga dan teman-teman dengan  spesial promo dari BuCin (Bukti Cinta) LestariDiskon. Dapatkan potonghan harga hingga 30% dengan menunjukkan e-card LestariDiskon Anda. Mau dapat diskonnya? Klik link ini https://bprlestari.com/layanan-prioritas/apps-lestari-diskon atau tanya LestariDiskon di https://bit.ly/TanyaLestariDiskon.(adv/bpn) Read the full article
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kittycat31 · 2 years
9/8/2022 the Singapore national day.
Invited by Louis (Meiling friends) go for lunch at blk 58 market. We eat the yummy duck and shaola chasiu noodles and rice.
Have a nice talk with him to understand a new world and how people manage after work and experience.
Hope one day I can make it after work no more work at home. Believe this life will come through continue to walk together with Jesus.
He even hasn't spoken out about his need. But I believe if God allows that will run smoothly.
Gods put him in your hand. Please help and bring him. Believe you have prefect work or plan on him.
Thank you, Lord prepare these sheep for my holiday. Hope can through him walk around suffering around Singapore.
All the glory to the Lord. Amen
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ya-da · 3 years
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千歳船橋「けんちゃんラーメン」で、チャーシュー醤油つけ麺+半チャーハン+ライス1400円。 ここのつけ麺、好き。味濃いめのラードチャーハンも好き。チャーシューは、ダシ殻系(若い子たちは、「ほろほろチャーシュー」というらしいけど、僕には「ダシ殻」に近いものに思える)なんで、今ひとつ。 ライスは、気の迷い。ファーストステップで、つけ麺をやっつけて、濃いつけ汁に漬かったチャーシューと茹でもやしとメンマをお供に、半チャーハンを食おうと思ったら、チャーハンが美味いんだ。そして、味が濃い。「これは十分おかずになる」(©︎ニカタツ)と思って、ライスを追加。つけ汁にたっぷり漬かったチャーシューもやしメンマ と半チャーハンをおかずにして、ライスを食った。ライスが、今時流行りのグチャ飯系だったのが残念だったけど、美味かった。 腹パン。 満足。 + 仕事終わりに、「けんちゃんラーメン」で、つけ麺食える世の中って、もう戻ってこないのかなあ。 (´_`。)グスン Char siu Shoyu Tsukemen + half fried rice + rice for 1,400 yen at Kenchan Ramen in Chitose Funabashi. I like the tsukemen here. I also like the thickly flavored lard fried rice. The chashu (pork char siu) is a dashi-gara(the leavings from making soup stock) type (young people call it "horo-horo char siu (crumby pork char siu)," but I think it's more like "dashi-gara"), so it's not very good. I had a hard time deciding whether to order rice or not. The first step was to finish the tsukemen, and use the chashu pork, boiled bean sprouts, and bamboo shoots soaked in the thick tsuke-jiru as a side dish for the half fried rice. Then, I decided to try the half fried rice, and the fried rice was delicious. The fried rice was delicious, and the flavor was strong. I thought, "This is good enough to be a side dish," so I ordered some rice. I ate the rice with a side dish of char siu pork, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots soaked in the dipping soup , and half fried rice. It was a shame that the rice was the soggy rice type that is so popular nowadays, but it was delicious. I felt like my stomach was going to burst! Satisfied. + I thought that the world where I can eat tsukemen at "Kenchan Ramen" after work may never come back. (´_`。)snif #ラーメン #つけ麺 #チャーハン #半チャーハン #チャーハンライス #ニカタツblog #ニカタツさんリスペクト #千歳船橋 #けんちゃんラーメン #麺スタグラム #ramen #noodles #noodlesoup #dippingnoodles #chasiu #tokyo #japan #japanesecuisine ? #chinesefood ? #friedrice (けんちゃんラーメン) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRB7jV0ABEz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ramyeonupdates · 4 years
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{ #chasiubao } || source: purvieats
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angusnazca · 2 years
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終於征服埋個肥叉燒 😋 飲飽食醉又返工🥱 #beforework #上滿電 #返通宵 #厚切叉燒 #ChaSiu #MixedBerriesNegroni #alcahol #不得了 @ohm_industries (在 Ohm Cafe and Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdEJ_3xPSj8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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teadrunknyc · 6 years
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Trying some delicious Baos at @baoteahouse. The Classic Bao with #chasiu (roasted pork) is the probably the best I’ve had, highly recommend! What do you think about pairing with traditional Chinese tea? I’m thinking a sweet and full bodied #yancha, such as #shuijingui 😋 (at BÀO TEA HOUSE) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo2BBI0hPL1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nr0nosnfm6hf
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bebejacobs · 2 years
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Cha Siu Pork noodles, shrimp wontons and sauté pea shoots for our #LunarNewYearEve dinner #chasiu #noodlessoup (at Palo Alto, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZba2-gLp1u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bird2231 · 3 years
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#晚餐吃什麼 #whatsfordinner #叉鵝米 #chasiu #bbqpork #siual #roastedgoose #ricenoodles #港味道 #kongcuisine 唔使叫都有半肥瘦叉 #正 #20211105 (at Sha Tin, Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV5f2PuAVah/?utm_medium=tumblr
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antonio0101 · 6 years
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#Siupao isi #chasiu #ayam & #pia #linyung #abon ayam #foodporn #food #delicious
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schmanguss · 3 years
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#chasiubao #bao #chasiu #pork #bbq #redsauce #chinese #chinesebbqpork #baotse #eats #steamed #snacks #fooding #homecooking #frozenfood #nomnom #asian https://www.instagram.com/p/CNDnGS9Df3g/?igshid=iurrxztk7xtr
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erntam1990-blog · 6 years
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Had a nice meal with friends at Cha Cha Classic Japanese Cafe, we had tonkotsu ramen, takoyaki, and Japanese Cha Siu appetizer. . . . . #ramen #tonkotsu #takoyaki #chasiu #japanese #egg #spicy #garlic #food #blogger #tuesday #hangoutwithfriends (at Cha Cha Classic Japanese Cafe)
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