sweet-chimera · 2 years
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// FIRST THREE FOR THE DASH WIDE ART DECO/MAFIA AU! Quick descriptions below the cut but ft. @chainxdancer @viviskull and @clownstolemyjokes​
 We have Nisha ( @chainxdancer) Whos more of a non-affiliated goon for hire. SHe’ll whack someone or find you things like alcohol or boot legging for money.
We have one of opos muses i was gonna draw and add at @clownstolemyjokes. Mammons a robber baron baron who gets discriminated against and it annoys him that if less people cared he was a demon he’d make more money/have more power. So his reasons for trying to help some of the underworld inhuman mafia peeps are purely for his own gain.
and @viviskull Is one of the many humans in the world. She has plenty of experience with the paranormal because of her past with arthur and lewis and such so when demons and creatures started trying to live amongst everyone and make a name for themself she and her friends were perfect for the job!
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gravityvampire · 2 years
@chainxdancer​ from here
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ W-Well... I would like a look, please~ ❞
She giggles, trying so very hard to remain confident in front of her girlfriend-  God, she had a girlfriend now, holy shit--
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ealinia · 2 years
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Halloween Gal Pals! - Commission for @chainxdancer
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oflostinfound · 2 years
@chainxdancer​ liked for a starter
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ Hold still, you’ll only make it worse. ❞
The small girl commands, hands fishing through the small pouch on her side,
|| 🔷 ||: ❝ I can help-- are you allergic to any plants? ❞
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astrumborn · 2 years
@chainxdancer liked for a starter
Alright that could have gone better, being in this tavern was not bad but the kind of company they were having was rather sleazy. They were too kind to refuse and simply kept on nodding.
However, the satyr’s expression just showed up uncomfortable they really felt. Unable to actually move away as the stranger pressed his hand to the wall, blocking any means of escape with his arm alone. Yes this was...pretty gross actually.
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Send me a ✬…and I’ll randomly generate a spell for my muse to react to! 1. Best a’ both: Muse now has both sexual organs! @chainxdancer
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Arone jumps as she feels a wave of sensation run through her, all coalescing down between her legs into a rampant heat that passes as quickly as it hits, leaving basically no time for any reaction. The feeling fades, leaving only an odd sensation she can't place, at least not until she inspects the area and feels an entirely new addition.
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"...What the fuck?!"
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monmuses · 1 year
((I know I've said this already but I'm glad I got the chance to meet you and write with all yours fantastic muses, and I hope you go into the new year feeling amazing!))
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2022 is coming to an end!
Is there anything you want to tell the mun before the year ends?
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// *im glad i got to meet you too!! you’ve been such a joy to talk to as well, and i love our two ships. even if they’re a few, i find them super meaningful! i hope to keep writing with you too, because you’re just awesome.
// *i hope we can keep writing in the next year, too!
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vixlenxe · 1 year
@chainxdancer​ Wanted a Wyvern Buddy
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“Mm... mm... I’m sorry! I swear I didn’t mean to bump into you!” Gore made the horrible mistake of choosing to pick this person off the ground with their caped arms rather then their normal ones however. A bad habit since their extra forearms are strong then the normal ones. “Uh... uh... you didn’t see that-!”
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starsmusedeposit · 1 year
[[ 'Tis the season with @chainxdancer !]]
She had spotted her before. The... well, to be honest, Lightning wasn't sure what she was - certainly not completely human, perhaps something else entirely - but the being. Red skin, horns, and was that a tail? Lightning had been curious before, but never really saw a need to stop and chat. She had hero duty to do, and connecting to people wasn't really her thing anyway.
Now, though? She was making plans for something, and for that she needed to know at least one thing. Stopping right a little in front of her, Lightning lifted her goggles off and smiled. "Hi! I'm sure this is a weird thing to ask out of nowhere. But... how old are you? I mean, like, you aren't still a child, right? Sorry, you're the first, you, I've seen." The only one so far, actually, but same thing. "I'm kinda trying to take mental notes of where kids live, so it would help to know if you're as grownup as you look or if age works different for... uh." She only realized now that this might not only be a weird thing, but also perhaps rather rudeor offensive, to ask, so Lightning decided to end her sentence there without continuing it further. "I don't mean this in any bad way, I promise. Just curious."
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cflight · 2 years
"Aw man, now I wish I had hooves! I just have these dumb claws that don't stay short no matter how many times I clip them! It's so inconvenient..."
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“Y’ever tried nail filin’? Works wonders with that, actually! I do th’ same t’ my horns t’ keep ‘em smooth.” They tilt their head, showing off their horns rounded at the tip. “It might help!”
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sweet-chimera · 2 years
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// well, heres all my doodles isolated from my drawpile.aggie-- thanks y’all
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gravityvampire · 2 years
@chainxdancer​ liked for a Mermaid Starter
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The siren was struggling, dragging herself up out of the water onto the safety of the sandy beach- And how ironic was that? A siren finding a beach safe instead of her underwater home. 
She didn’t really have a choice in the matter, the deep cuts along her back and large bite mark on her tail spoke true of that. Something had been hunting her, and her blood spilling into the ocean would only make it easier for her hunter to pursue her.  
Vision hazy, she spots a figure in the distance, a landwalker of some kind, and in her desperation she reaches out towards them, singing a few soft notes before her consciousness would finally leave her. 
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It was a bargain, certainly, hopefully they were a kind soul. 
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impossible-possible · 2 years
“Hey Shego, your glowing hands are really cool! Can I hold them?” Nisha no—
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“If you are not afraid of holding something potentially harmful and radioactive, you can. And thank you for the compliment.” That’s one courageous woman. Shego holds out her hands, smirking.
She has been requested to do far crazier things to people – what’s holding a hand going to do to her? Save for how fast it makes her heart beat, that is. Shego doesn’t often get this close to others, unless there’s violence involved. But the lack of it feels... strangely satisfying.
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oflostinfound · 1 year
'Dibs' from both here and Nisha's blog ofc
send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner
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{ thank you!! and same honestly, nisha is so cool and church and hax are goofballs and i can't wait to explore more of that dynamic
i also need to get back over to Naomi's blog b/c gays fghkjdfgd }
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fantasycorrupted-a · 2 years
Smash or Pass: Meeeee! ((For Fiadh ofc))
Send me “Smash or Pass” + a name and my muse will answer with 100% honesty.
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“Take a wild guess!” Fiadh giggles and swings her shoulders to and fro in a silly little giddy dance. “Of course it’s a smash. You’re my cute girlfriend. I love you. And I can’t say anything else, and you know it.”
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@chainxdancer​ replied here:
"Hell yeah, unusual is the new hot, trust me!"
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“That right? Must be why you’re so hot then, huh~?”
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