#category: teaching and curriculum development
By: Daniel Martin
Published: May 14, 2024
Teachers will have to make clear that gender ideology is a “contested belief” rather than fact if they bring it up in lessons, Gillian Keegan will say later this week.
The Education Secretary is set to issue guidance on Thursday following criticism that some pupils were being taught that there were 72 genders.
Schools will not be told to hold lessons on gender ideology, which states that people can be born the wrong sex and that they can change their identity to the opposite sex or other categories such as non-binary.
But if they do hold lessons on the issue, they must make it clear that it is a contested belief.
In other words, they must say that the “gender-critical” belief that there are just two biological sexes is also valid.
The guidance - which will be out for consultation - will also order schools to show parents all classroom material to ensure they are comfortable with what is being taught.
Rishi Sunak ordered the review into relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) lessons last year in response to claims that content was age-inappropriate, extreme and sexualising.
There were claims that children were being taught about oral sex and how to choke their partners safely.
Miriam Cates, a Tory MP, told the Sun: “For too long activist groups have been pushing a politically motivated agenda on children under the cover of RSHE.
“The Cass Review shows how dangerous it is to let ideology overtake facts. We need compulsory guidance to restore common sense and the rights of parents to know what their children are being taught.”
‘Only age-appropriate content must be provided’
Last year, on a trip to Hiroshima, Mr Sunak said that for the sake of his own children, he wanted to protect Britain’s “precious” pupils by ensuring they only received age-appropriate content in schools.
“First and foremost as a parent... it’s really important that what our kids are exposed to, not just at school but online, is sensitive and age-appropriate,” he said.
“There have been plenty of concerns raised with me. There are too many instances of that not happening. I don’t think that’s right.
“Families up and down the country are concerned about what their children are seeing online and they expect me and the government to put in place protections for that. That’s what we are going to do.”
He added:: “It’s something that really matters to me… What I want is a curriculum that is sensitive and age-appropriate. Our children are precious; they deserve to be protected, sensitively. That’s what I want as a parent first and foremost.”
The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “The PM ordered a review of the guidance on RSHE teaching in schools, following concerns that inappropriate content was being taught.
“We believe parents have a fundamental right to see materials being used in these lessons and the Education Secretary also made that clear when she wrote to parents in October last year.
“The review… will build on this, making sure that children are always taught sensitive content in an appropriate way.
“However, what I would say is we have been consistent that the idea that someone can have a gender identity different from their sex is a contested political belief that must not be taught as fact in our schools.”
Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at women’s rights charity Sex Matters, said: “Commentary suggests that this guidance will require schools to stop presenting gender ideology as fact and to stop hiding PSHE [personal, social, health and economic education] lessons from parents. If true, these are both excellent developments.
“What Sex Matters wants to see is that schools are told in no uncertain terms to stop giving any credence to evidence-free claims that everyone has a gender identity, or that sex is a spectrum or can be changed.
“These claims are not just nonsense, they are regressive and sexist. They mislead and endanger children, and are a big reason why gender distress has become much more common in recent years.”
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somberspectraltrees · 9 months
Scottish Friends (and Scottish Acquaintances)!
Some faculty from the Writing Department at the University I work at emailed me about an opportunity to work on a really cool Scotland-focused project, and I would love your input! Here's the email:
"During your visit, you mentioned that you loved all things Scotland. I’m wondering if your love of Scotland would be interested in creating a resource list related to the country and culture.
Specifically, I am leading a study abroad to Edinburgh in the Spring 2024 semester. Our program focuses on writing for the workplace and internships. However, outside of the program’s core content, we are hoping to develop a 1-2 page resource list of materials that the library has in its collection. We want to offer students a list of things that may be of cultural interest to them before traveling to the Scotland.  This list would be outside the materials from our curriculum—just something to point students toward if they want to delve deeper into the country and culture. We are thinking a list of 8-10 library resources under the categories of “major novelists”, “major poets”, “historical memoirs”, “essential films” (the Scots hate Braveheart!) , and/or “Scottish musicians”—though these categories are flexible."
So, some things I was going to highlight and find resources on were things like comics in Scotland (Grant Morrison, Frank Quietly, Mark Millar, Dave Gibbonsz I mean, come ON!), the out-of-the-box measures Glasgow is taking to end rough sleeping (now down to about 2%), Glasgow Women's Library, some resources on Old Town Edinburgh, and some general cultural things I have discovered. Things such as how many Scots (more Glaswegians in my experience) are really funny and sarcastic, all I have met are very friendly, nontipping, etc. I was also thinking about including some stuff about football and how serious it is over there (like teaching kids to not wear their team jerseys until they get inside the stadium), and maybe talking about NEDS, but I can't seem to do so in a way that isn't condescending.
What else should I include? I want this list to reflect parts of the culture that Scottish people love and celebrate - festivals, holidays, writers, tv shows, movies, music, ANYTHING. I also wanted to give then a list of common terms used such as:
Brekkie, belter, 'mon 'en, a dinnae kan, oan yer bike pal, teuchter (which I am still unsure who this addresses because some of my Glaswegian friends used when referring to people from Edinburgh, but I looked it up and it is basically the Scottish equivalent of "hillbilly" which doesn't seem to match since Edinburgh seems a bit more money-focused), but I'm also not sure it isn't a slur, so . . .
Anything you can think of, anything that many outsiders don't know about Scotland, even the bad stuff like how terribly England seems to treat Scottish people and give then zero representation), just whatever comes to mind and seems important to you. I'm going to make a LibGuide for the class and make the reference list downloadable from there, so I can categorize anything you give me!
10 random pictures from my last visit as tax!
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i am still not sure if i am going to go through with the interview this afternoon but i am having a good time preparing for it so that seems like maybe a yes. anyway because this is a teaching-related interview (and this is a teaching-focused blog at least some of the time), i thought it might be fun to break down my preparation process on tumblr in case anyone is curious about what that looks like. note that i would definitely prep more thoroughly & more than eight hours in advance if i didn’t already have that offer in hand!! but this will give you an idea of how i might approach it. i use a very similar system to help my students prepare for interviews.
so behold... my eight-step process for effective interview prep.
step 1: identify key responsibilities of the job (and skills required to fulfill each core responsibility).
i started by reading through the job posting again and distilling the longer descriptions into short, to-the-point bullet points. here are the core responsibilities of the job (followed by bolded keywords to help me identify what kind of skill each one requires).
design and deliver a yearlong institute from scratch to support incoming new faculty cohorts, with emphasis on training faculty in learning communities (program design, curriculum development, large group teaching, small group facilitation, fostering community) 
assist faculty in designing and successfully implementing equitable, multimodal courses (curriculum development, coaching, DEI work, assessment)
assess effectiveness of new faculty teaching (assessment, coaching)
collaborate with campus partners to develop and coordinate ongoing professional development opportunities for all faculty (researching or assessing staff development needs, workshop design, collaborating with subject matter experts, event planning)
step 2: identify key areas of knowledge or experience needed to do the job effectively.
then i revisited the required + preferred qualifications to create a list of content knowledge, skills, and experiences they seem to be looking for. since it’s a community college that includes a large population of adult learners, first-generation and first-gen low-income students, English Language Learners, and vocational students, i also added a few areas of knowledge that weren’t explicitly mentioned but will probably be relevant. i then sorted the list by what i think is most directly relevant for this position and ended up breaking it into two categories -- primary or crucial skills/areas of knowledge i should be prepared to discuss at length vs. secondary skills/areas of knowledge i should at least do a quick refresher on in case they come up in conversation.
primary areas of knowledge or experience
I should demonstrate deep knowledge of...
research on effective college-level teaching
best practices in teaching and coaching new faculty (ie how you develop the skills of adult professionals) 
culturally responsive, equity-focused teaching and curriculum design
program design, facilitation, and assessment
project management
secondary areas of knowledge or experience:
I should demonstrate familiarity with...
equitable assessment practices
learning community models & facilitation
factors influencing first-gen & FGLI persistence and success
factors influencing ELL student persistence and success
adult learning theory & strategies for working with adult learners 
effective design and teaching in online environments
step 3: review notes and distill into compact list.
I read through the above notes again & created a complete final list of what i need to show i can do.
program design
articulate program outcomes
assess faculty development needs
adopt equity-focused, evidence-based approach to developing training curriculum for adult professionals
design and implement faculty peer mentoring system
collaborate with SMEs to develop workshops
author internal protocols and procedures
assess program outcomes (and adjust if needed)
program facilitation & implementation
teach large groups
facilitate small groups
build community within cohorts & learning communities
coordinate logistics (event details, scheduling, etc.)
utilize general project management skills (scoping, planning, setting & meeting benchmarks, communicating with stakeholders, etc.)
coaching and training new faculty
build relationships of trust with professionals of diverse backgrounds, fields, and ages
assess effectiveness of faculty teaching with a specific focus on equity, accessibility, and cultural responsiveness
assess effectiveness of course design with a specific focus on equity, accessibility, and cultural responsiveness
collaborate with adult professionals to design or workshop syllabi, course materials, course policies, activities, assignments, exams, and systems of evaluation & assessment
general professional & interpersonal skills 
manage complex projects
communicate clearly with supervisors and stakeholders
impart enthusiasm to new faculty i’m training
pursue ongoing professional development (especially staying abreast of latest teaching & learning research)
step 4: step back & think about the values and mindsets I bring.
at this stage, i’m going to set aside the job description & the list above. i want to keep that context in the back of my mind, but i also want to spend some time thinking about what, generally, I am bringing to the table as a professional and a human being. stepping away from the bullet point list gives me some space to think more holistically about who i am and what i have to offer. when i’m working with students to prep for interviews, i encourage them to brainstorm a list of the core traits or values they’d want people who work with them to remark on or to use to describe them. whatever those things are, those are the core things i will want to convey to the committee.
so who am I? what do I bring? this is just a messy brainstorming list, so it’s okay to write down anything, and i don’t need to sort or prioritize it yet.
I’m a joyful professional. I get really excited about my work and I really, genuinely love doing good work that I care about.
I’m good at communicating that enthusiasm and excitement to others. to borrow things that my students have shared with me, i think i’m good at making other people feel smarter, more hopeful, better about themselves and their ideas, and more energized in their own work. i find it incredibly rewarding to figure out what people need from me & to design strategies for helping them grow and improve in their roles.
i’m a good listener, and i use those listening skills as a relationship-building tool. in coaching/mentoring relationships, i work hard to suspend a rapid leap to judgment or "how can we fix this” mode. i try to ask thoughtful, open-ended, empathetically curious questions and then really listen to the answers people give, so i can be sure i’m really understanding where people are coming from, where they want to be, and how they’re making sense of the problems they’re grappling with. i’ve done a lot of reading & research on the subjects of fostering self-sufficiency, confident agency, and a belief in one’s own ability to tackle hard problems, and i concretely apply what i’ve learned in almost every single mentoring session. i listen deeply, i work closely with the person to make sure that we both understand their priorities/goals, and i always treat coaching as a collaborative problem-solving relationship, not a situation where i (the “expert”) am dictating to people what to do. my goal is to work with people to provide the structure, guidance, and feedback they need to develop their own solutions (and then successfully implement those solutions).
I’m a joyfully & relentlessly growth-oriented person. I’m fascinated by the research on neuroplasticity & the way the human mind adapts, changes, and grows throughout our lifecycles. i love studying how people develop expertise in a complex subject or skill. i believe that with thoughtfully designed structure, consistent feedback, and deliberate, scaffolded practice, people can make dramatic improvements in almost any skill, far beyond what they might’ve thought was possible for them. i also really like sharing what i know about growth-oriented mindsets with other people. i like thinking about how to use that research to help people do hard things that they might otherwise find intimidating. i also try to work hard every day to get better at what i care about & love to do.
I’m passionate about research, but I love purpose-driven research that is driven by a desire to develop concrete solutions to the real-world challenges that arise in my teaching or in other people’s teaching. i like discovering or learning new things through research and then immediately asking, ‘how can i put this to work in my own life? in my own classrooms or teaching design? how can this new knowledge serve my needs or my students’ needs?’
i love design work. i’ve always loved thinking about the (often invisible or partially visible) systems, structures, and norms that shape our experience of institutional spaces and work environments, and i also really like thinking about how those structures/norms/whatever can facilitate or impede our ability to learn or do our work effectively. i really like thinking about how to create equitable, easy-to-navigate structures and processes that make it easier for people to focus on the parts of their jobs that are really important (and, ideally, make it easier for them to do those aspects of their jobs well).
okay. i’ll pause here to look over what i’ve written. i notice that i really focused on values here rather than on concrete experiences, which is okay! let’s do a quick distillation:
I am a joyful professional with a warmly affirming presence and a growth-oriented mindset. In working with others, I listen deeply, respect others’ ways of seeing the world, and strive to build collaborative relationships so we can solve complex problems together. In designing programs and learning experiences, I prioritize creating equitable systems that are easy to navigate, responsive to people’s actual needs, and make it possible for people to do their jobs well. 
step 5: now think about the concrete experiences & skills I bring to the table.
since I really focused on values in that first initial brainstorming session, I want to now focus in on some of the concrete skills I bring to the table. I already talked a little about my research background and my interest in design work, but let’s see if there’s anything else i can add.
I’m a trained researcher who has read deeply in the fields of collaborative learning, the neuroscience of learning, fostering intrinsic motivation & learner autonomy, equitable design, first-gen student success, social-emotional learning strategies, culturally responsive teaching, cultivating students’ skills in meta-reflection, and playful pedagogy.
I have ten years of experience in designing curricula for freshmen through seniors. i’m good at designing evidence-based curricula that hones students’ content knowledge & skills, but i also put a special emphasis on developing students’ interpersonal skills and the skills i think are required to really thrive well in college (emotional self-awareness and self-regulation strategies, communicating effectively with faculty, building relationships with & seeking support from faculty, building peer bonds, understanding and navigating unspoken institutional expectations or norms, project management skills, effective time management, etc etc).
i am an experienced teacher! i’m very comfortable teaching classes, facilitating small groups, leading workshops, and co-teaching with other professionals. i am completely comfortable in front of large or small groups, but i am also a “coach on the side” type of teacher rather than a “sage on the stage” type of teacher. my job is to design and facilitate active learning experiences where people are working together to grapple with complex new material or new skills. my job is not to stand at a podium and pontificate at length to a passive audience.
i also have three additional years of experience in building a research training & professional development program from scratch, which involved all the skills this job is looking for (assessing people’s needs, researching best practices in community-engaged teaching, designing a training curriculum, conducting ongoing multi-modal assessment of the curriculum’s effectiveness and then adjusting as necessary, developing  mentoring structures + protocols, etc etc).
i have four years of experience in advising/mentoring, with extensive experience in mentoring students from historically underserved groups (first-gen students, low-income students, BIPOC students, women, LGBTQ+ students, English Language Learners). to do my job well, i’ve extensively researched best practices in cross-cultural and cross-racial mentoring and have implemented those strategies in my work.
so okay -- let’s add that to the values brainstorming.
I am a joyful professional with a warmly affirming presence and a growth-oriented mindset. I have extensive experience in teaching, coaching, and mentoring, and am comfortable using culturally responsive methods to build relationships of trust with people from a wide range of cultural, linguistic, socioeconomic, and educational backgrounds. In working with other people, i listen deeply, respect others’ ways of seeing the world, and strive to build collaborative relationships so we can solve complex problems together. I’m also an instructional designer with ten years of experience in developing educational programming for diverse audiences, in formats ranging from workshops to semester-long courses to multi-year research training programs. Whether I’m designing programs or smaller-scale learning experiences, I prioritize creating equitable systems that are easy to navigate, responsive to people’s actual needs, and make it possible for people to learn effectively and/or do their jobs well. I’m also a trained researcher who loves approaching complex teaching or instructional design challenges as research projects. I’m passionate about understanding the science behind how people learn, and I love implementing research-based strategies that make learning more effective, engaging, and rewarding for all parties involved.
step 6: what kinds of questions do I think they might ask? what topics do I want to be prepared to discuss?
now that I have a clear sense of what I want to convey to the hiring committee, I want to spend some time thinking about the kinds of questions I think they might ask. this is based on past interview experience, conversations with friends who have interviewed for similar positions, and my reading of the job posting. instead of writing these as questions, though, i want to write them as topics I should be prepared to discuss. formulating them as topics means that when they ask the question, i can listen for the underlying topic they’re asking me to talk about, without getting through off by the specific wording of the question.
i made a big list first without organizing it at all (just getting as much stuff down as possible). since it got pretty long, i won’t include it here - i’ll just show you how i then organized the list by general thematic category (with a big controlling category and then smaller subcategories or subtopics underneath). 
what makes me want this job (or what appeals to me about this job)
what i understand the responsibilities of this job to be
what aspects of my background are most relevant to this job
my teaching & facilitation experience
my experience working with adult professionals
my coaching experience
my program design & program management experience
my experience with DEI work
my teaching & facilitation experience
how i teach
what i’ve taught
what kinds of student demographics i teach
specific examples of how i adapt my instructional approach or delivery to meet the needs of different demographics
schools of pedagogical thought or research that have been most influential on my teaching
specific authors or texts that have shaped my approach to teaching
a challenging experience with a student
a challenging experience with a co-teacher or another faculty member
my experience co-teaching or co-designing with SMEs
specific examples of positive teaching feedback i’ve received and how it influenced my work
specific examples of critical feedback i’ve received and how i adapted my teaching accordingly
my curriculum design experience
what i’ve designed
my general approach to developing a course
examples of assignments
examples of activities or learning exercises
specific methods i use to assess student learning/progress
my assessment and evaluation systems
specific examples of when an assignment or learning exercise didn’t work and i made changes to fix it
my coaching experience & working with adult professionals
my approach to coaching
my research on coaching best practices
how i build relationships with people who have different backgrounds than i do
my specific experiences working with/training adult professionals
common challenges that arise in working with adults or peers (as opposed to students)
specific challenges i’ve encountered in working with adults
how i’d coach a faculty peer who was struggling with a specific aspect of their teaching
how i’d coach a faculty peer who was resistant to feedback or otherwise difficult to work with/coach 
specific experiences helping a faculty peer improve
specific experiences with a difficult faculty member
maybe also be prepared to think on my feet about specific hypothetical situations (ie how would i help someone who was struggling to manage workload, or how would i address unclear grading criteria, or how would i address a faculty member having interpersonal conflicts or tension with students)
my program design & management experience
idk I just talked a ton about this in the other interview so I will not brainstorm more questions here!! i think i am ready to go on that front at least. but maybe like..
examples of how i manage conflicting priorities
examples of how i manage multiple simultaneous projects
examples of how i delegate work 
my approach to supervising/managing people
how i address performance concerns with direct reports  
my approach to giving feedback
my DEI work
how i define or understand DEI work
how i define or understand culturally responsive teaching
general explanation of what equitable design looks like in my teaching work and in my design work
specific examples of how i’ve used design to address an inequity
specific examples from cross-cultural and cross-racial mentoring or coaching experiences (challenges, successes)
if i felt a colleague’s course materials were creating equity issues or were not inclusive, how would i address that with them
what does DEI work look like in virtual learning environments
why a DEI focus is important to good/effective teaching
general questions
what professional accomplishment am I most proud of
what are my strengths or best qualities
what are my weaknesses or areas for growth
how my colleagues would describe me
how my students would describe me
how my supervisors would describe me
where i see myself in 3, 5, or 10 years
what’s something that my resume doesn’t convey but that would be important to this job or important for the committee to know
what questions do i have for the committee
step 7: brainstorm anecdotes and examples... then practice them multiple times until you can tell them quickly and concisely!
I’m not going to do this step now because the other interviews are still fresh in my mind and i have lots of examples to pull from! but here i would try to first generate a giant list of possible examples or ideas related to the topics above, and then i would distill that into 3-5 good, concrete stories.
the key to selecting your anecdotes is to choose examples that could be quickly adapted on the fly for multiple questions/topics. for instance, let’s say i think of a great story about a time when i had to work with a difficult colleague to finish a project. i could make small tweaks to that story to answer any number of questions! i could use it to answer questions like: how do you navigate conflict in the workplace? what’s a time when you had to work with someone to get something done? how do you handle stressful situations? how do you build relationships with other people who have different values or perspectives or work styles than you do? how would you coach a difficult or resistant faculty member? what’s a professional experience you are proud of? etc etc etc.
so, to recap: i want to pick 3-5 core stories that touch on multiple subjects and (ideally) convey some of the big-picture values i want to communicate. to use the ‘difficult colleague’ example, that story might convey my core commitment to listening deeply & finding ways to enlist others in developing collaborative solutions, or my commitment to growth-oriented thinking, or something like that. i try to use the STAR method of interview response to give clear structure my response & to ensure i don’t ramble on and on or give too much context.
step 8: distill aaaallll of this prep work into a mindmap.
when i finish drafting and practicing my anecdotes, i might go through the list of topics again and make a quick list of thoughts or ideas that don’t need full-fledged stories, but that i might want to have at the top of my mind (such as key authors or texts in pedagogical research that i want to reference). for virtual interviews, i usually have a piece of paper in front of me where i’ve made a mindmap that has my core values & skills keywords clustered near the center of the paper, then my specific anecdotes radiating off of those core values & skills. and then on the very outer ring i’ll jot down keywords or notes for those smaller questions that i think are likely to come up but don’t have a full story attached.
i usually don’t have to glance down at the notes at all while i’m talking, but creating it has three benefits... first, writing down the notes by hand helps me internalize & remember them better; second, creating the mindmap helps me visually see how all these values, skills, experiences, and stories are interconnected & form my identity as a candidate and a professional; and third, it’s just nice to have the map there as a confidence boost just in case!!
anyway!!! that’s how i am prepping for this interview. not sure if anyone will read this far but if you did i hope it is helpful :)
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jensbystrauss56 · 1 year
HR Departments Should Make use of Online Business Uk Courses for Business Training
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Why do My partner and i say that business Human Resource Divisions should use on-line Business English classes for corporate education? An Online Enterprise English teaching site using Skype or even a virtual classroom can be helpful for developing their own employees and growing their competitiveness. There are also many other very good causes. One reason is the fact there is a new trend towards applying more online mastering courses in the corporate world. There should be a few good reasons for corporations to be doing this. These types of online courses could be more flexible throughout timing, number regarding attendees, etc . They can be more effective because of getting one to one particular training or more compact groups (not because costly so do not need have large lessons to reduce the cost per person). Thus, a web based training course will take less money out of typically the HR training price range, or it will eventually permit more individuals to end up being trained with the same amount of money. Precisely why online courses? They can be economical. There will always be no needed flight costs for growing the trainer, or to send the students towards the location, and furthermore you will see no lodging and food charges. Spoken English course in PUNE A classroom might not be required for the students in order to access the net. Using a virtual class room it is just like a classroom: there is the whiteboard that can be used by both the college students and teacher, the particular teacher can show videos, the category can review term documents, excel data files, and PowerPoint sales pitches. Many of the particular virtual classrooms can certainly have students on the web at one moment from five diverse locations, so right now there may be do not need have a physical classroom for typically the students for taking the online course. As well, because of the lower cost, typically the course can become provided to fewer learners and still be price effective. The bucks stored by using online courses can end up being used to offer more courses for the employees. If typically the HR departments and corporations are carrying out online courses after that why not web business English courses? Since shown above, online courses can have got significant cost savings for companies. These types of can be employed to upgrade and even enhance the English regarding the non-native Uk speakers within your company that have in order to deal in British available world. The particular courses can become customized to match typically the needs of the particular company and typically the students. With fewer students needed to help to make the courses cost effective they can be even more customized for the learners. Why online Organization English courses? That they can improve essential communications for product sales and business people. Employees, especially revenue people, is going to be much better able to offer presentations. Employee will be more comfy in business situations. It will have fewer conversation problems with clients and suppliers. These courses could be targeted in order to an individual's problem areas. What courses could be taken? There usually are many business British courses that you can get. For example Enterprise English Courses: English language Job interviews, Enterprise Correspondence, Presentations in English, Writing, Curriculum vitae Writing, and Business English, Negotiation, Group meetings, Telephoning, Socializing, as well as other similar courses. There are many online English plus Business English classes, some which make use of Skype and others that use a new virtual classroom supplying lessons. A digital classroom will have an on display screen whiteboard on which in turn both the scholar and teacher can certainly write and draw, be able to be able to show Word, Exceed, and PowerPoint documents, and be in a position to show YouTube videos during the category. What are typically the benefits to the particular company? The rewards in order to the company are many. Foreign companies can improve the English language of local employees since most conversation will probably be in English language. Local companies can certainly improve communications together with foreign clients plus suppliers. Your personnel is going to be happier due to the fact they is often more comfy talking with customers or suppliers inside of English. The customers and suppliers will certainly be happier because there will be much less problems caused simply by miscommunication. Online programs can be work with fewer pupils, so there can be an expense savings because the neither trainer nor the students need to be brought together. With regard to headhunters and man resource recruiting firms their candidate is often more appealing to the client, increase in additional marketable. They must perform better in job interviews with typically the client and end up being more likely to be hired simply by a foreign or even international company searching for local employees.
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vidhyamacademy · 2 years
M.Ed. Admission Consultant in Delhi NCR
Vidhyam Academy Education Consultant offers professional services to help students take admission in their chosen courses in the best colleges and universities in India. Our B.Ed. M.Ed. An admission consultant in Delhi and BA, and LLB admission consultant in Delhi. We also give you admission in various other courses for M.Ed. BBA, MBA, Engineering, and Higher Education and Medical University throughout India.
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M.Ed. Or Master of Education is a 2 -year PG professional course that opens many opportunities for educators or existing people who have been involved in the field of education. Candidates who want to expand their understanding of education choose M.Ed. To develop teaching methods, leadership skills, and research abilities.
It consists of four semesters with options to choose from various special subjects; The course structure is based on norms given by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and controlled by the National Higher Higher Education Council (NCHE).
To be eligible for appearing in M.Ed. The candidates must pass a bachelor's degree (B.A, B.Ed. B. Com. BSC, etc.) or integrated course (B.A. B.Ed., B.Sc., etc.) with a minimum percentage of 50-60% (relaxation of 5% for the category ordered) and meet the entrance exam requirements.
Universities approved by UGC such as Delhi University, Hindu University Banaras, and Aligarh Muslim University offer M.Ed. with specialization. However, several universities such as Shivaji University in Kolhapur also offer M.Ed. As a one-year course that can be taken as a regular degree or correspondence.
After completing this course, the candidate is eligible for roles such as curriculum designers, special education teachers, education administrators, soft-internet trainers, principals, etc.
M.Ed. Course Highlights
Course Type - Post Graduate Degree Program Duration of the Course - 2 years Examination Type - Semester System of Examination Eligibility - Undergraduate Degree with a passing percentage of a minimum of 50-60% Admission Process - Merit-based and/or Entrance Exam (based upon the choice of College/University) Entrance Examinations - AMU Entrance Exam, BHU-PET, CUCET, DUET, IPU-CET, JMIEEE, JUET, M.Ed. Entrance Test, TISSNET Average Course Fees - INR 35000 per annum Average Salary - INR 20000- INR 40000 per month Top Recruiting Enterprises - Universities, Colleges, Publication Houses, Schools Top Job Positions - Counselors, Headmasters, Principals, Administrators, Senior Analysts, Corporate Trainer, Transition Specialist.
All About M.Ed. Course
M.Ed. is a PG degree program that is very useful for people who tend to be educated, and who have good communication skills and problem-solving skills.
This can be taken as a regular learning course, part-time, or long-distance and put its focus on various aspects of education, namely teaching, curriculum, leadership, counseling, and educational technology.
This course structure is dynamic by remembering the trend that continues to change in the Indian education system.
M.Ed. is a research-oriented course that helps in developing the psychological basis needed by educators to excel in their profession and lift their careers.
With an M.Ed. degree in their hands, the candidates have an option to go into fields other than education and teaching VIZ-A-Viz Counseling, Analysis, Transitional Management, and Administration, thus, providing a lot of flexibility and growth opportunities to them.
M.Ed. Admission Process
To get admission to M.Ed. Program candidates can undergo an online process, which depends on both, merit basis and entrance exam basis. While some institutions mandate merit in the qualification exam (such as B.A., B.Ed. BSC, MSc. Ed), others prefer written entrance tests. After the university/ university chosen releases the entrance test form and/ or a list of achievements, one can apply easily.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to get a position in the college/institute of their choice:
Complete a bachelor's degree program (B.A., BSC, B.Ed. B. com, etc.) from the university/university approved by UGC with a minimum qualification percentage of 50-60%.
For categories ordered (scheduled caste, scheduled tribes, other backward classes, different candidates) there is a 5% relaxation in the minimum percentage requirements.
Candidates have titles like BA Education and BSC. Education and MSc. Education can be eligible for a minimum mandate of 55% of government universities.
M.Ed. Entrance Exams
Exam Name:-  AMU- Entrance Test,  BHU-PET,  DUET,  IPU-CET,
M.Ed. Distance Education
Distance learning is beneficial for candidates who cannot leave their full-time work to take regular courses or people who live far from the places that offer the program. Distance education has been running far. M.Ed. is one of the post-graduate courses that can be done in correspondence mode. The minimum duration of time for far M.Ed. is 2 years but can be extended to an additional 2 years.
Admission to the distance education program M.Ed. is based on achievement; Signs are secured in qualifying exams such as B.Ed. It takes at least 55% with a relaxation of 5% to the category ordered from the university approved by UGC. Some universities prefer and require professional experience of two years in educational institutions recognized by the government.
M.Ed. Syllabus
Semester I:-  Educational Psychology,  Educational Studies,  Historical and Political Perspectives of Education,  Methodology of Educational Research & Educational Statistics,  Information and Communication Technology in Education,  Human Rights and Education
Semester II:-  Sociological Foundations of Education,  Philosophical Foundations of Education,  Teacher Education in Indian and Global Perspectives,  Curriculum Studies in Education,  Educational Technology, and ICT Semester III:-   Advanced Methods in Educational Research,  In-Service Teacher Education in India,  Guidance and Counselling,  Planning, Management, and Financing of Education,  Comparative Education
Semester IV:-  Teacher Education,  Elementary Education,  Distance Education, and Open Learning,  Peace Education,  Advanced Curriculum Theory  
For more information visit: www.vidhyamacademy.com
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ldrivingschoolnsw · 8 days
Unique Features of Driving Schools to Watch Out for
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All driving schools teach the essentials of driving safely and operating a car, but some stand out for having unique features that might improve your learning process.
Therefore, when you’re choosing your ultimate driving school in Chatswood, take into account the following features:
Specialised Courses
Seek out institutions that provide courses in specialised fields outside of the required curriculum for licencing. Programs on defensive driving strategies, managing performance cars, winter driving, or instruction for certain driver's licences (such as those for motorbikes or commercial vehicles) might fall under this category.
Innovative Teaching Strategies
Several schools use technology and provide interactive simulators or in-car video feedback systems to provide a more personalised and interesting learning environment. This can be very useful for people who learn best through visual aids or who gain from immediate feedback.
Flexible Learning Options
A busy schedule shouldn't hamper your driving education. Seek out educational institutions that provide customisable schedules, such as evening or weekend sessions, online theoretical courses, or one-on-one tutoring, to meet your specific demands.
Pay Attention to Particular Needs
Do you feel nervous when driving? Some schools provide carefully developed programmes with patient teachers who establish a peaceful and supportive learning atmosphere for students who fear driving. In a similar vein, some schools serve older adults or teens who might have special learning needs or need more assistance.
Options for Advanced Vehicles
Not every school provides a range of vehicles for practice. Think about attending schools that have a variety of automobiles (both manual and automatic), trucks, or even electric cars so you can practise driving the kind of car you want to drive most of the time.
Extra Benefits and Resources
Seek out a driving school in Wetherill Park that goes above and beyond by providing extra benefits like insurance savings, free pick-up and drop-off services, or access to online resources like study guides and mock exams to enhance your in-class instruction.
Consider these distinctive characteristics to choose a driving school that meets your individual needs and learning preferences. A good driving school may help you develop lasting confidence and a dedication to safe driving habits, in addition to providing you with the skills you need to pass your driving exam.
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Prepared by – Noor Ul Huda, Assistant Professor, Ghulam Ahmed College of Education
Lee S. Shulman, born on September 28, 1938, is an esteemed educational psychologist whose work has profoundly influenced education, particularly in teaching, teacher education, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. After earning his B.A. in Philosophy (1959) and Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (1963) from the University of Chicago, Shulman began his academic career at Michigan State University (MSU). There, he conducted influential research on medical education, informing his later ideas on teacher knowledge. In 1982, he joined Stanford University, where he further developed his groundbreaking theories on teacher education.
Shulman introduced the concept of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in the mid-1980s, highlighting the blend of content and pedagogy required for effective teaching. He also identified seven categories of teacher knowledge: content knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, curricular knowledge, PCK, knowledge of learners, knowledge of educational contexts, and knowledge of educational ends, purposes, and values. These frameworks have become foundational in teacher education.
From 1997 to 2008, Shulman served as President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, promoting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and advocating for teaching as a scholarly activity. His contributions have earned him numerous awards, including the E. L. Thorndike Award (1995) and the Grawemeyer Award in Education (2006). Shulman’s extensive publications and leadership have shaped curricula, professional development, and educational research worldwide, leaving a lasting legacy in the academic community.
1. CONTENT KNOWLEDGE: Understanding the subject matter thoroughly, including facts, concepts, theories, and principles. This knowledge allows teachers to present information accurately and answer students' questions confidently.
Knowing how to teach the specific subject matter. This involves understanding the most effective ways to present content, anticipating common misconceptions, and knowing strategies that can help students grasp difficult concepts.
Awareness of the curriculum and the materials available for teaching a particular subject. This includes knowledge of the programs, textbooks, and other resources that can be used, as well as understanding how the curriculum is organized and sequenced.
General principles and strategies of classroom management and organization that apply across subjects. This includes understanding how to create an effective learning environment, use various teaching methods, and engage students in learning.
Understanding the developmental stages of learners, their prior knowledge, interests, and the diversity in their learning styles. This knowledge helps teachers to tailor their instruction to meet the needs of all students.
Awareness of the larger context in which teaching and learning take place. This includes knowledge of the school community, district policies, state regulations, and the socio-cultural dynamics that influence education.
Understanding the broader goals of education, such as fostering critical thinking, promoting social justice, and preparing students for civic participation. This involves having a vision for what education should achieve and being committed to the moral and ethical responsibilities of teaching.
▪️PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Engage in continuous professional development to enhance your content knowledge and pedagogical skills.
▪️COLLABORATION: Work with colleagues to share resources, strategies, and insights about the curriculum and effective teaching practices.
▪️STUDENT-CENTERED APPROACH: Always consider the needs, interests, and backgrounds of your students when planning and delivering instruction.
▪️RESOURCE UTILIZATION: Make the most of available resources, including technology, to support and enrich your teaching.
▪️REFLECTIVE PRACTICE: Regularly reflect on your teaching practices and seek feedback from students and peers to improve your effectiveness.
▪️COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: Build strong connections with the school community, including parents, to create a supportive learning environment.
▪️ETHICAL TEACHING: Uphold the values and purposes of education by promoting equity, inclusion, and respect in your classroom.
Subject: MATHS
• Content Knowledge: Algebraic formulas, geometric theorems, statistical methods.
• Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Clarifying abstract concepts like variables with concrete examples.
• Curricular Knowledge: Sequence of courses, effective textbooks, and materials.
• Pedagogical Knowledge: Using manipulatives and visual aids for complex concepts.
• Knowledge of Learners: Differentiating instruction for numerical reasoning skills.
• Knowledge of Educational Contexts: Integrating cross-disciplinary STEM projects.
• Educational Ends, Purposes, Values: Promoting logical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Subject: HISTORY
• Content Knowledge: Significant events, dates, figures.
• Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Correcting misconceptions with timelines and primary sources.
• Curricular Knowledge: Historical periods, resources like documentaries and archives.
• Pedagogical Knowledge: Project-based learning and debates.
• Knowledge of Learners: Encouraging respectful discourse based on diverse perspectives.
• Knowledge of Educational Contexts: Understanding the community's historical background.
• Educational Ends, Purposes, Values: Fostering critical thinking about historical events.
Subject: SCIENCE
• Content Knowledge: Principles of biology, chemistry, physics.
• Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Making scientific methods tangible through experiments.
• Curricular Knowledge: Scope and sequence of topics, lab equipment, and simulations.
• Pedagogical Knowledge: Inquiry-based learning and hands-on experiments.
• Knowledge of Learners: Balancing theoretical and practical applications.
• Knowledge of Educational Contexts: Utilizing school resources for science fairs and clubs.
• Educational Ends, Purposes, Values: Encouraging inquiry and scientific literacy for informed decisions.
Subject: ENGLISH
• Content Knowledge: Literary devices, grammar, major works of literature.
• Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Deepening understanding of literary analysis through guided discussions.
• Curricular Knowledge: Prescribed literary works and multimedia resources.
• Pedagogical Knowledge: Group discussions and peer reviews for writing and comprehension.
• Knowledge of Learners: Catering to different reading levels and interests with varied texts.
• Knowledge of Educational Contexts: Leveraging school library resources and local literary events.
• Educational Ends, Purposes, Values: Cultivating empathy and communication skills through diverse literature.
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jayeshkhade10 · 15 days
Demystifying the Maze: Best CBSE Schools vs. Best Schools in India
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Choosing the right school for your child is a monumental decision in any parent's life. In India, the vast educational landscape can be particularly overwhelming. You've likely come across terms like "Best CBSE Schools" and "Best Schools in India," and perhaps you're wondering: are they the same thing? Well, buckle up, because we're about to untangle this educational mystery!
The CBSE Champion: A Standardized Powerhouse
Let's start by understanding the CBSE board. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national-level board of education for schools in India. It prescribes a standardized curriculum, followed by thousands of schools across the country. So, "Best CBSE Schools" refers to schools affiliated with the CBSE board and consistently delivering exceptional education within that framework.
These schools are known for their rigorous academics, focusing on subjects like Science, Mathematics, English, and Social Studies. They often boast impressive results in national exams like the JEE (engineering entrance) and NEET (medical entrance), making them a popular choice for students aiming for competitive fields.
The Broader Spectrum: Unveiling the Best Schools in India
Now, let's move on to "Best Schools in India." This term encompasses a wider net, including schools affiliated with various boards like CBSE, ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education), and state boards. These schools might offer a more diverse range of curriculums, potentially including international programs or a stronger emphasis on specific areas like arts, sports, or languages.
Here's what sets some Best Schools in India apart:
Unique Curriculums: Some schools might offer International Baccalaureate (IB) programs or focus on progressive pedagogies like the Montessori method.
Specialized Focus: Schools with a specific niche, like environmental education or performing arts, could fall under this category.
Holistic Development: These schools prioritize not just academics but also social, emotional, and physical well-being through dedicated programs.
Examples of Schools potentially considered amongst the Best in India (not limited to CBSE):
The Doon School, Dehradun: A historic boarding school known for its rigorous academics and emphasis on leadership.
Ecole Globale International School, Mumbai: Offers an international baccalaureate program alongside a strong focus on social responsibility.
Sri Aurobindo Ashram School, Pondicherry: Pioneering progressive education with a focus on holistic development and spiritual growth.
Synergy in Action: When CBSE and Best Schools Align
So, where does the synergy lie? The good news is that many Best CBSE Schools in India also manage to incorporate elements that make them contenders for the broader "Best Schools" title. They might offer innovative teaching methods alongside the standardized curriculum, or provide a strong focus on holistic development. It's all about finding the schools that excel within the CBSE framework while fostering a well-rounded educational experience.
Finding the Perfect Fit: Beyond Rankings
Remember, there's no single "best" school. The ideal choice depends on your child's individual needs, learning style, and future aspirations. Here are some factors to consider beyond rankings:
School Ethos and Values: Does the school environment align with your family's values?
Faculty and Infrastructure: Are there experienced teachers and adequate resources available?
Location and Accessibility: Consider the distance and transportation options.
Extracurricular Activities: Does the school offer programs that spark your child's interests?
Q: Are all Best CBSE Schools also considered Best Schools in India?
A: Not necessarily. While some Best CBSE schools excel in various aspects, the "Best Schools" category might include schools with different board affiliations that offer unique educational approaches.
Q: Should I prioritize a Best CBSE School or a Best School in India?
A: Focus on finding a school that aligns best with your child's individual needs and learning style. Both categories can offer excellent education; the key is to find the right fit.
The Final Takeaway
Choosing a school is a journey, not a destination. By understanding the distinctions between Best CBSE Schools and Best Schools in India, and by considering your child's unique needs, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the educational landscape and find the school that unlocks their true potential.
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intechcentreuk · 17 days
Ready to Crush Functional Skills Maths Level 2? Get Your Study Plan Here!
Hey there! Do you ever feel like everyday maths can be tricky? If you want to develop your Maths skills to achieve your dream of working abroad or pursuing higher studies. By joining our course you will Pass functional skills maths level 2 and achieve your dream.
This course is designed to give you the confidence you need to tackle everyday situations with maths. We'll cover things like shopping, budgeting, and even figuring out travel times. No fancy equations, just practical skills that will make your life easier.
So, are you ready to brush up on your maths and unlock new opportunities? Let's dive in!
Course Overview
This course is designed for students of working professionals to learn all the important concepts of mathematics. Functional skills Maths level 2 online course is a blend of modules that helps you to learn mathematics easily and most simply. The course comprises of:
Master Shapes and Space (2D and 3D): To clear the Functional Skills Maths level 2 exam having skills to understand shapes can be important for handling tasks, including organizing a new room layout or packing efficiently using available space. As part of the course, you will study symmetrical forms, nets, and other perspectives, such as a bird's eye view. You will also learn how to composite shapes.
Learn Fractions, decimals, and Percentages: To further develop your mathematical abilities, you will learn how to compute improper and mixed fractions. You will also discover how to change fractions into percentages and decimals which will help you to crack your Level 2 maths test. Your daily duties, like figuring out a 20% discount in sales, will be easier with these talents.
Whole Number: By teaching you how to operate with whole numbers, which is the foundation for numerical confidence, this section will take you back to the fundamentals. Calculating entire numbers, ratios, formulas, and proportions falls under this category and is crucial for your functional skills exam.
Common Measures: Everyday tasks like weighing ingredients for recipes need the application of measurement abilities, which are crucial. As a result, you will study how to measure area, volume, and perimeter in this phase of the curriculum, as well as how to apply measurements to diagrams and various forms and angles to solve the questions of your Functional Skills Maths level 2 online exam questions.
Learn Data handling: Data handling comprises statistical analysis a crucial part of the exam. It will include compiling information from various charts, graphs, and diagrams and helps to find the average calculation.
With this course, you can learn all the required concepts of Mathematics. Our expert teachers will help you to transform your knowledge from basic to advanced to clear your functional skills maths level 2 exam online.
This course is designed to incorporate maths into your daily life and win the battle with ease. Conquer your dream to work abroad or study with us and get the best results in your exams with our Math Level 2 course.
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landandbuildings · 17 days
Navigating the Landscape of Preschools in Delhi NCR: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents
The quest for the perfect preschool is a pivotal journey for parents in Delhi NCR, one of India’s most dynamic regions. The area is home to a plethora of preschool options, each promising to lay a strong foundation for your child’s future. This guide aims to navigate through the diverse landscape of preschools in Delhi NCR, helping parents make informed decisions.
Understanding the Importance of Preschool Education
Preschool is not just about learning numbers and alphabets; it’s about nurturing a child's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. In the formative years of 2 to 5, children acquire critical skills that set the stage for lifelong learning and well-being. The right preschool can instill curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning.
Types of Preschools in Delhi NCR
Montessori Schools: These schools follow the Montessori method developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, focusing on child-led activities and hands-on learning. Notable Montessori preschools in Delhi NCR include The Magic Years in Vasant Vihar and Mother’s Pride.
Playway Schools: Emphasizing learning through play, these schools create a fun and engaging environment for children. Preschools like Kidzee and Bachpan are prominent in this category.
Reggio Emilia Approach: This philosophy centers around self-directed, experiential learning in relationship-driven environments. Preschools such as The Ardee School in Gurgaon embody this approach.
Waldorf Schools: Based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, Waldorf schools integrate artistic, practical, and conceptual elements into the curriculum. The Sloka School in Gurgaon is a notable example.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Preschool
Curriculum and Teaching Methods: Determine whether the preschool’s educational philosophy aligns with your child’s learning style and your educational values.
Teacher Qualifications and Ratios: Qualified and caring teachers are essential. Look for school for sale in delhi with favorable teacher-to-student ratios to ensure personalized attention.
Safety and Hygiene: Ensuring a safe and clean environment is paramount. Check the preschool’s safety protocols and facilities.
Infrastructure and Facilities: A well-equipped preschool with ample space for outdoor and indoor activities is ideal for comprehensive development.
Proximity and Convenience: Consider the location for ease of commute and the school’s hours to fit your schedule.
Parent Involvement: Many preschools encourage parent participation. This can be a great way to stay engaged in your child’s early education.
Top Preschools in Delhi NCR
The Magic Years, Vasant Vihar: Known for its Montessori-based approach, this preschool offers a nurturing environment with a focus on individualized learning.
Mother’s Pride: With branches across Delhi NCR, Mother’s Pride is renowned for its playway method, ensuring a joyous learning experience.
Step by Step, Panchsheel Park: This preschool combines various educational philosophies, providing a balanced and comprehensive early education.
Shri Ram Early Years, Gurgaon: With an emphasis on experiential learning, this preschool fosters creativity and critical thinking.
The British School, Chanakyapuri: Offering a blend of the British curriculum and international best practices, this preschool is ideal for expatriates and Indian families seeking a global perspective.
Choosing the right preschool in Delhi NCR can be a daunting task, given the myriad options and factors to consider. However, by understanding your child’s needs and educational philosophies, you can make an informed choice. Remember, the best preschool is one that not only educates but also nurtures your child’s overall growth, setting a strong foundation for future success. As you embark on this journey, prioritize what feels right for your child and family, ensuring a happy and enriching preschool experience.
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What is the Difference between an International and a Private School?
When choosing a school for your child, there are many considerations. Two of the most sought after options are international schools and private schools. While both categories of schools provide quality education, they have certain differences.
This article will highlight the distinction between an international and a private school as well as help you understand which one is appropriate for your child. International Schools International schools aim to give students with diverse backgrounds a global education. Such schools follow internationally recognised curriculums like International Baccalaureate (IB) or Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). The aim of this curriculum is to be demanding and rigorous to prepare students for success in rapidly changing times.
One major difference between an international school and a private one lies in its curriculum. On the contrary, while private institutions may have less comprehensive programs that favour local cultures, international ones do not focus on any particular locale or nation’s background. International facilities usually have more varied populations made up of students from different countries and cultures. This provides learners with opportunities to appreciate alternative customs and points of view thus developing their thinking towards globalisation. The other key difference between international and private schools comes in language use during teaching processes. Most often than not, private institutions teach in one language such as indigenous languages while intercontinental schools tend to use several languages including English which serves as the language of instruction mainly.
Private Schools
On the other hand, Private Schools are designed to offer high-quality education to children from specific regions or communities only. These systems mostly follow curriculums tailored particularly for locals hence more emphasis on local culture and heritage may be witnessed among them.
Private institutions tend to admit youths from specific regions or communities thereby promoting communalism among them leading them to develop stronger social ties with their colleagues. One important difference among private and international schools is the level of competition present. Private schools are more competitive as students compete for grades and admission to top institutions. Conversely, International schools tend to stress on cooperation and working together.International Vs Private School: Which One To Choose?
So, which is better for your child? And the answer is both! or partly depends on the region you are living in. Let me explain. If your child has heavily tipped toward the chance to take part in a 'global' education, and/or is attracted to a diverse and challenging learning environment, then consider an international school. International schools are the best way to provide your child with a unique opportunity to develop a global mindset, and to prepare them for a dynamic and changing future. On the other hand, if your child wishes to take part in a more traditional education with emphasis on local culture and traditions, you might want to opt for a private school, which delivers students a philosophical sense of community, and also a sense of belonging to a community, which in turn can support them develop strong relationships with their friends and peers.
International or Private School: Which One?
To take into consideration the benefits of both of the above mentioned schools, international and private – there are important things to consider before making a final decision. Below are a few important points to keep in mind.
* Curriculum: What type of curriculum does the school follows? After all, a school's coursework may be international, local or national in scope and standard.
* Student body: What kind of student attends the school? A diverse student body, or a homogeneous one?
* Language of instruction: What language is used for describing a subjects matter? Is it English, or maybe another language.
* Level of competitiveness: Is the school considered competitive, or is it more into whole-heartedly collaboration and team work! Sancta Maria International School Faridabad is a private school with an international twist. Our school employs the CBSE syllabus which is globally accepted and offers students a tough and demanding education system. We have students from many different nations and cultures in our school. The medium of instruction in our school is English.
We believe that there should be more to education than just the academic phase, hence we offer other activities like sports for students’ talent development. Our instructors are knowledgeable and experienced leaders committed to student success.
If you want a school that offers excellent education, with an emphasis on internationalism and community development, Sancta Maria International School Faridabad may be the right choice for your child. Reach us now to know more about our school and plan for a trip around it.
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sattvay0gaacademy · 22 days
Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India: Unlocking the Path to Spiritual Enlightenment
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With Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) at Sattva Yoga Academy in Rishikesh, India, you can set out on a profound path of self-discovery and spiritual development. Situated in the tranquil Himalayan foothills, Rishikesh is widely recognized as the cradle of yoga, which makes it a perfect destination for those wishing to further their yoga practice or become teachers. Let's investigate the life-changing opportunity that Sattva Yoga Academy offers.
Define the Essence of Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Teacher Training at Sattva Yoga Academy is more than just a certification program; it's a holistic immersion into the ancient wisdom of yoga. Rooted in the traditional teachings of Hatha, Vinyasa, and Tantra yoga, our YTT curriculum encompasses asana practice, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, and teaching methodology. Our mission is to empower individuals to become skilled and compassionate yoga teachers who inspire and uplift others on their path to wellness and self-realization.
Relevance and Importance
In today's fast-paced world, the need for holistic wellness practices has never been greater. Yoga offers a profound pathway to physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance. By undergoing YTT in Rishikesh, students not only deepen their understanding of yoga but also cultivate the tools and techniques to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. Moreover, as the demand for yoga teachers continues to rise worldwide, YTT certification opens up opportunities for meaningful careers in the wellness industry.
Types and Categories
Traditional Hatha Yoga
At Sattva Yoga Academy, we honor the ancient tradition of Hatha Yoga as the foundation of our practice. Hatha Yoga emphasizes the balance of opposing forces – sun (ha) and moon (tha), strength and flexibility, effort and surrender. Through a comprehensive exploration of asanas, pranayama, and meditation, students develop a strong foundation for their personal practice and teaching journey.
Vinyasa Flow
Experience the fluidity and grace of Vinyasa Flow yoga at Sattva Yoga Academy. Vinyasa, meaning "to place in a special way," is characterized by synchronized breath and movement, creating a dynamic and meditative flow. Our YTT program integrates Vinyasa sequences that challenge and inspire students to explore the seamless union of body, breath, and consciousness.
Symptoms and Signs
Enhanced Physical Fitness
Through dedicated practice and guidance from experienced teachers, YTT students experience significant improvements in physical fitness. Increased strength, flexibility, and endurance not only enhance one's yoga practice but also contribute to overall health and vitality.
Mental Clarity and Emotional Well-being
Yoga is a powerful tool for cultivating mental clarity and emotional balance. As students delve deeper into their practice during YTT, they develop greater self-awareness, emotional resilience, and inner peace. Yoga becomes a sanctuary for self-reflection and healing, offering solace amidst life's challenges.
Causes and Risk Factors
Sedentary Lifestyle
The sedentary nature of modern lifestyles contributes to physical stiffness, muscular imbalances, and mental stress. YTT addresses these risk factors by encouraging students to move mindfully, stretch regularly, and cultivate a balanced approach to life both on and off the mat.
Chronic Stress
Chronic stress has become a pervasive issue in today's society, leading to a myriad of health problems. Yoga offers a holistic approach to stress management, providing students with practical tools such as breathwork, meditation, and relaxation techniques to alleviate stress and promote overall well-being.
Diagnosis and Tests
Self-Reflection and Introspection
YTT encourages students to use analysis through self-reflection to start a journey of self-discovery. Students can gain insight into their thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns by practicing mindfulness and inner awareness, which lays the groundwork for personal growth and transformation.
Feedback and Guidance
Expert guidance and feedback from experienced teachers are integral to the learning process at Sattva Yoga Academy. Our faculty provides individualized support, alignment adjustments, and constructive feedback to help students refine their practice and teaching skills.
Treatment Options
Holistic Approach to Wellness
Yoga is not merely a physical exercise; it is a holistic system for promoting health and well-being on all levels – body, mind, and spirit. YTT empowers students to embrace yoga as a way of life, incorporating practices such as mindful movement, conscious breathing, and self-care rituals into their daily routine.
Mind-Body Healing
The mind-body connection lies at the heart of yoga philosophy and healing modalities. Through YTT, students learn to harness the innate intelligence of the body to facilitate healing and restore balance. Yoga becomes a transformative tool for self-healing and self-empowerment.
Preventive Measures
Daily Practice (Sadhana)
Consistent practice is the cornerstone of yoga and key to maintaining health and vitality. YTT instills the importance of daily sadhana – a dedicated practice that nourishes the body, calms the mind, and uplifts the spirit. By establishing a regular practice routine, students cultivate discipline, resilience, and inner strength.
Mindful Living
Yoga is not confined to the mat; it is a way of life. YTT teaches students to embody the principles of yoga off the mat through mindful living practices. From conscious eating to compassionate communication, students learn to integrate yoga into every aspect of their lives, fostering greater harmony and balance.
Personal Stories or Case Studies
Transformative Journeys
Many people have experienced life-changing experiences at Sattva Yoga Academy thanks to YTT. Our students offer moving tales of personal development, empowerment, and self-discovery, from conquering physical obstacles to mending emotional scars.
Empowering Testimonials
YTT graduates often express gratitude for the profound impact of their training experience. Their testimonials attest to the transformative power of yoga and the supportive community at Sattva Yoga Academy. These testimonials serve as a testament to the life-changing potential of yoga teacher training.
Expert Insights
Wisdom from Master Teachers
At Sattva Yoga Academy, students have the privilege of learning from master teachers who embody the essence of yoga. Drawing from years of practice and study, our faculty shares profound insights into yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology, inspiring students to deepen their understanding and practice of yoga.
Guidance from Experienced Instructors
Our experienced instructors provide unwavering support and guidance to students throughout their YTT journey. Whether it's refining alignment in asanas or offering words of encouragement, our faculty is committed to nurturing each student's growth and development as a yoga practitioner and teacher.
In conclusion, Yoga Teacher Training at Sattva Yoga Academy in Rishikesh, India, offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Through the ancient teachings of yoga, students not only deepen their practice but also awaken to their true potential. Our comprehensive curriculum, expert guidance, and supportive community create an environment conducive to personal growth and transformation. By embracing yoga as a way of life, students cultivate physical vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening. The skills and wisdom gained during YTT empower individuals to share the gift of yoga with others, inspiring positive change in their communities and beyond. Come travel with us at Sattva Yoga Academy towards internal serenity, holistic wellness, and endless possibilities.
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spadesurvey · 25 days
Top Five Market Research Companies for Educational Institutions
Table of Contents:
Why need of Market Research Study for Education Sector?
Why Choose Spade Survey For Education Market Research?
Best Market Research Companies for Educational Institutions
How Spade Survey Works
The education sector is changing and growing every day. One can see technological advancements and curriculum changes all the time. Hence, it is the need of the hour for any educational institution to stay ahead of the curve. This is where there is a need for higher education market research services. It is important for every educational institution to understand the target audience, competitor landscape, and latest trends to make informed decisions for the benefit of faculty, students, and overall success.
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There are so many companies available for market research for educational institutions and choosing the right partner can be exhausting. Through this blog, you can get an idea of top market research companies for universities. You will learn about the unique strengths and expertise of these companies and how you can achieve your specific goals.
Why need of Market Research Study for Education Sector?
Market research in the education sector is essential to gain a deeper understanding of changing dynamics, student preferences, and emerging trends. It empowers educational institutions to make informed decisions, allocate resources efficiently, and adapt their offerings to meet evolving demands.
By analyzing data and trends, education providers can improve curriculum, teaching techniques, and support services, ultimately enhancing student performance and satisfaction in a rapidly changing educational landscape.
Best Market Research Companies for Educational Institutions
Wiserfeed Consulting:
Wiserfeed Consulting is well-known for providing strategic digital marketing services for educational institutions. They have a team of expert professionals who have expertise in consumer insights and consulting solutions. With the utilization of education market research services of this company, educational institutions can benefit in product development, strategic communication, and brand building.
Spade Survey:
Spade Survey is one of the best research companies for educational sector that focuses on primary and secondary research to provide valuable data collection and analysis services. Spade Survey is a renowned name for delivering in-depth research on specific topics related to the educational sector. Their focus on the education sector makes them a strong choice for understanding the unique needs of students, parents, and educators in India.
Since 2011, this company has been empowering educational institutions to make informed decisions while expanding their reach or launching new educational programs for students. They utilize qualitative and quantitative data collection methods to deliver primary and secondary market research in the US, Europe, Asia, and MENA markets.
Edelytics Digital Communications:
This company makes its place in the category of top market research companies of universities because of its unique market research solutions for universities. With a team of skilled experts, this company utilizes its knowledge of the education market to provide research on program development, student recruitment, and overall marketing strategy.
Nielsen India:
Nielsen is a known name in the category of best research companies for the educational sector. Using its amazing services, you can get comprehensive services of market research solutions including surveys, focus groups, and data analytics. This company has vast experience in providing research solutions for different industries including the educational sector. With the utilization of its services, educational institutions can get deep insights into brand awareness, student satisfaction, and competitor analysis within the Indian market.
Kantar IMRB:
Another company that comes in the category of top education market research companies is Kantar IMRB which has a strong track record in education market research. They have expertise in understanding student behavior, course preferences, and overall market trends in the education sector. Any educational institute looking to expand its reach or launch new programs can benefit from this incredible market research company in India.
Why Choose Spade Survey For Education Market Research?
Spade Survey’s team consists of experienced experts with an in-depth knowledge of the education market. Our expertise in Education Business Market Research and Education Industry Research allows us to deliver in-depth insights and analysis that are suited to the sector’s specific challenges and possibilities.
We understand that each client in the Education Market Research industry has specific goals and needs. That is why we take a tailored approach to each assignment. We personalize our research processes, data collection approaches, and analysis frameworks to meet our client’s individual goals and objectives, resulting in the most relevant insights.
Spade survey is well-known for its ability to provide findings on time while maintaining high quality. We recognize the value of cost-effectiveness in the competitive education industry. Our streamlined methods and cost-effective solutions ensure that our clients get the most out of their Education Market Research investments.
How Spade Survey Works:
Spade Survey is a known education market research company focused on providing practical insights to organizations and institutions in the education industry. We have years of expertise using strategic qualitative and quantitative market research approaches to meet the needs and challenges that educators face today.
Spade Survey partners with educational institutions to give the data needed to enhance enrollment, speed up admissions, improve the student experience, develop programs to meet the needs of the market, and better understand differentiators to use in marketing efforts.
Spade Survey’s market research provides educational institutions with significant insights on student preferences, behaviours, and requirements, helping them to better tailor their academic offers and support services.
Our goal is to deliver comprehensive and specialized education market research services to our clients, helping them to make informed decisions and stay ahead in this dynamic and ever-changing industry. With a thorough awareness of the education market, we strive to be your go-to partner for all education-related research needs.
Final Thoughts:
Education market research is an essential step for any organization seeking to succeed in the ever-changing world of educational technology. In this blog post, we discussed market research companies for educational institutions. Each technique provides distinct benefits and insights, ranging from surveying and interviewing users to observing user behaviors.
While looking for the right partner for your market research solutions, you must consider your specific needs and goals. It is essential to understand whether you need brand-building expertise, in-depth data analysis, or student recruitment insights before choosing the market research company for your educational institute.
Remember that market research is a continuous activity rather than a one-time event. As the education business evolves, it is critical to continuously evaluate the market, stay updated on developing trends, and maintain a connection to your target audience. You can keep a competitive advantage by adapting your offerings to your clients’ evolving demands and preferences.
You must know the expertise and experience of each market research company within the education sector and their approach to methodology. By carefully understanding their strengths in the education sector, you can decide which market research company can be your perfect partner to navigate the dynamic Indian education market.
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chennaitop10article · 1 month
Unlocking Excellence: Inside Chennai's International Schools
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Chennai, the vibrant capital city of Tamil Nadu, is not only renowned for its rich cultural heritage but also for its flourishing education sector. Amidst the plethora of educational institutions, Chennai boasts a notable presence of international schools that offer world-class education. These institutions not only emphasize academic excellence but also foster holistic development, preparing students to thrive in a globalized world. In this article, we delve into the essence of Chennai's international schools, exploring their unique features, educational philosophies, and the impact they have on shaping young minds. Chennaitop10 offered top-notch blogs for best international schools in chennai category.
Discover your academic potential at our renowned junior college in Chennai. With a focus on holistic development and personalized attention, we nurture young minds for a successful future. Explore our diverse curriculum, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities today!
Understanding the Landscape:
Chennai's international schools cater to a diverse demographic, comprising expatriates, NRIs, and cosmopolitan locals seeking an international-standard education for their children. From preschool to high school, these schools offer comprehensive curricula that blend international standards with local cultural nuances. 
Educational Philosophies:
Each international school in Chennai is guided by a distinct educational philosophy. Some follow the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, known for its inquiry-based learning and global perspective. Others adopt the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) curriculum, focusing on rigorous academics and critical thinking skills. Additionally, some schools integrate elements of Indian education systems to provide a well-rounded educational experience.
Facilities and Infrastructure:
State-of-the-art facilities are a hallmark of Chennai's international schools. From well-equipped classrooms to advanced laboratories, libraries, sports complexes, and performing arts centers, these institutions provide students with an environment conducive to learning and exploration. Moreover, many schools emphasize sustainability and eco-friendliness, incorporating green spaces and renewable energy solutions into their campuses.
Faculty and Staff:
The faculty members of Chennai's international schools are a diverse mix of educators from around the globe, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and teaching experience. They undergo rigorous training to adapt to the needs of a multicultural student body and employ innovative teaching methodologies to enhance learning outcomes. Additionally, counselors and support staff play a crucial role in nurturing students' emotional well-being and personal development.
Beyond Academics:
Chennai's international schools recognize the importance of extracurricular activities in fostering holistic development. They offer a wide range of clubs, societies, and sports teams, allowing students to explore their interests and talents outside the classroom. Cultural events, community service projects, and international exchange programs further broaden students' horizons and instill values of global citizenship and empathy.
Parental Involvement:
Parent-school collaboration is instrumental in ensuring the success of students in Chennai's international schools. Through regular communication channels, parent-teacher associations, and involvement in school events, parents actively participate in their child's educational journey. This partnership reinforces the school's mission of providing a nurturing and supportive learning environment.
Challenges and Opportunities:
Despite their many strengths, Chennai's international schools face challenges such as ensuring affordability and accessibility, maintaining cultural sensitivity, and keeping pace with rapid advancements in technology and pedagogy. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and collaboration within the education community, ultimately contributing to the continuous improvement of educational standards.
Top 10 International Schools in chennai
Anand Singapore International School (ASIS)
St. Francis International School
Lalaji Memorial Omega International School
Aachi Global International School
Gateway International School
Grace International School
American International School
M Ct M. Chidambaram Chettyar
The Lord's International School
Sri Sankara Global Academy
Chennai's international schools are not merely educational institutions; they are vibrant hubs of learning and cultural exchange that prepare students to excel in an increasingly interconnected world. With their commitment to excellence, diverse curricula, and emphasis on holistic development, these schools are shaping the next generation of global leaders, thinkers, and innovators right here in Chennai. As the city continues to evolve, its international schools remain beacons of educational excellence, unlocking the potential of every student who passes through their doors.
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reddbridgeblogs · 2 months
Exploring Modern Applications of Multiple Intelligence Theories
Intelligence, a dynamic blend of cognitive abilities, encompasses reasoning, information assimilation, social acuity, problem-solving, and knowledge application. Its study not only profoundly impacts educational development but also aids in identifying students' unique needs and potentials.
Leveraging Intelligence Assessments for Educational Enhancement
Educators employ intelligence assessments to monitor students' progress, understand their academic and social requirements, and tailor teaching strategies accordingly. Located in Bangalore, our institution boasts an esteemed International Baccalaureate program, complemented by diverse activities aimed at comprehensive cognitive evaluation. Through strategic deployment, intelligence tests empower educators to optimize teaching methodologies, thereby enriching students' learning experiences.
Empowering Self-Discovery for Students
Understanding the diverse facets of intelligence enables individuals to identify their strengths and areas for improvement. By discerning one's unique intelligence profile, individuals can align their career paths with their aptitudes and interests. Embracing the inherent diversity in intelligence types fosters exploration and the pursuit of endeavors aligned with individual inclinations.
Unveiling the Pillars of Intelligence
Scholarly discourse on intelligence ranges from a singular construct to multifaceted paradigms. Psychologists delineate four primary categories:
Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Social Quotient (SQ)
Adversity Quotient (AQ)
Nurturing Cognitive Capacities through Holistic Approaches
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Testing:
At our esteemed institution in Electronic City, we prioritize IQ assessments to gauge students' comprehension, problem-solving abilities, and memory retention. Standardized tests furnish IQ scores, aiding in identifying students in need of specialized educational interventions for optimal academic progression.
Cultivating Emotional Intelligence (EQ):
Adjacent to Bannerghatta Road, our institution emphasizes the cultivation of EQ, crucial for holistic student development. EQ encompasses traits like responsibility, authenticity, and empathy, serving as a compass for navigating emotional landscapes. Our commitment lies in enhancing students' communication skills and emotional resilience, fortifying their ability to confront life's challenges with grace.
Fostering Social Intelligence (SQ):
At our IB schools in Bangalore, we champion the development of SQ, pivotal for fostering meaningful interpersonal connections and effective communication. By honing social acumen, students become adept at deciphering social cues, resolving conflicts, and embracing diverse perspectives, invaluable skills in personal and professional realms.
Upholding Resilience through Adversity Quotient (AQ):
Recognizing the inevitability of life's trials, our institution in Electronic City prioritizes AQ, which encapsulates the fusion of cognitive and emotional faculties in confronting challenges. By nurturing resilience, students acquire the adeptness to navigate adversities with poise, transcending setbacks and forging ahead on their academic and personal trajectories.
Cultivating a Growth Mindset for Academic Excellence
Researchers affirm the correlation between a growth mindset and academic success, underscoring the importance of embracing challenges and perseverance. By adopting versatile teaching methodologies tailored to diverse intelligence types, our curriculum cultivates a growth-oriented ethos, empowering students to maximize their potential and thrive academically.
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