#castrella fanfiction
jedijenkins · 7 years
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“Her eyes fluttered open, and the world came into focus. Above her hovered the form of what must have been Lady Estrella, for she was a vision that was almost worth eternal death to glimpse. Cassandra was struck by how she seemed to glow, despite being...what she was. It was not a cold glow, it was warmth, sunlight pouring out of every pore.”
- love and light (read here on ao3)
castrella || evlynn || jazekiel + jamie
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hamelott · 7 years
Title: “A Moment of Forever”
Fandom: The Librarians (TNT Series)
Description: Happy Cassandra Is Super Gay Week!!! Take this short and stupid fic for all your fluffy castrella needs.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Cassandra asked nervously. She glanced over to find Estrella smiling sweetly at her. “I mean, animals and I haven’t really gotten along before.”
“Just read his mind,” Estrella said teasingly.
Cassandra scrunched her nose at that, shaking her head. “I’m not sure it works like that.”
Estrella laughed, but her hand reached down to curl around Cassandra’s and suddenly Cassandra felt like the bravest person on the planet. Estrella leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against her cheek. “Come on, I’ll keep you safe.”
She tugged Cassandra to the fence and helped her climb over it. They walked up slowly to the large, brown horse. He had white markings on his face, and when he noticed Cassandra and Estrella, he didn’t move, completely uninterested.
“Cassandra, this is Baxter,” Estrella said. She lifted Cassandra’s hand and rested it against Baxter’s flank, urging her to pet him slowly.
“Isn’t that a dog’s name?” Cassandra asked, and if her voice was slightly quivering, Estrella didn’t mention it.
Instead she snorted and said, “Magic is real, you read people’s minds, I’m your vampire girlfriend, and you’re worried about a horse with a dog’s name?”
Cassandra shrugged. “I very strongly believe in correct names for the right species of animals. Like, for instance, you can’t name a dog Whiskers or a cat…Spots, I guess. It’s just weird.”
Estrella only grinned and shook her head. She leaned in close and rested her chin against Cassandra’s shoulder, reaching out to pet the horse too. She sighed. “Isn’t he remarkable?”
“He’s very calm,” Cassandra admitted. “I thought horses were more…kicky.”
Estrella shook her head, chin digging into Cassandra’s shoulder. “Not Baxter. He’s a good horse.” She grinned again and wrapped her arms around Cassandra’s waist. “Do you want to ride him?”
She felt Cassandra stiffen in her arms. “Uh, one thing at a time, okay?” She stepped away, forcing Estrella to stumble backwards with her, and wiped her hands on her pants. She glanced at Estrella. “Can we go see the gardens now? I’ve been meaning to check on your Round-leaved Sundew.”
“He is your favorite plant,” Estrella said. Cassandra nodded at her, a large smile blooming across her face. How could Estrella resist? “Alright, alright, we’ll go see him. What was his name again?”
Cassandra reached down and linked pinkies with Estrella, leading her away from the horse. “Hank.”
Estrella snorted softly. “And you say Baxter is a silly name.”
Cassandra just rolled her eyes, so Estrella bumped shoulders with her. It got a smile out of Cassandra, so she counted it as a win. She leaned in and pressed a kiss against Cassandra’s cheek, letting the sun warm her skin and Cassandra warm her heart.
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imagination-parade · 7 years
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The Librarians Shipathon 2017 - Week 2: Cassandra & Estrella
Fairytale Bliss by imagination-parade Cassandra returns to the compound in Charleston for a morning of luxurious relaxation and a little bit of love from her favorite vampire.
Ao3 // FFN
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sleepyandbi · 7 years
What do you ship in the Librarians? What's your favorite episode? Do you write fanfiction?
1) I have multiple ships in the Librarians, because I can never seem to decide on one. I have a post somewhere about my confusion in shipping too many things, but I’ve come to terms with it. So I ship Jazekiel (probably my OTP, tbh), Jassandra, Castrella, Evelynn, Casekiel, and sometimes Eviarty. 
2) Favorite episode’s a hard one. I love And the Point of Salvation, for obvious reasons. Also And the Heart of Darkness. There’s something about that episode that’s really memorable for me.
3) Okay... the thing about fanfiction is I did write some, but I get kind of nervous to post them, so I’ve been working up the courage to do that but hopefully there will be something soon.
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jedijenkins · 7 years
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: The Librarians (TV 2014)
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Cassandra Cillian/Estrella, Ezekiel Jones/Jacob "Jake" Stone, Eve Baird/Flynn Carsen
Series: Part 1 of The Librarians Shipathon 2017 Summary:
When the High Sorceress Cassandra is kidnapped by the vampiric legions, a chain of events unfolds that will change the course of all three races: human, vampire, and lycan alike.
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hamelott · 7 years
Could you write something where Estrella gives Cassandra a hickie and the others tease her about it?
Honestly, this is what I imagine a regular day in life at the Library would consist of. Except, of course, when Cassandra is spending nearly all her time with Estrella ;) Thanks so much for this excuse to write some good, ol’ fashioned silliness!
When Cassandra walked through the Backdoorinto the Annex, she had not been expecting to see the others milling about andhovering around the Clippings Book. Jacob was the closest to her, phone pressedagainst his ear, and when he looked up and saw her, Cassandra squeaked and herhand flew to her neck to cover it up.
So much for covertly sneaking home to graba scarf.
Jacob grinned at her, returning his phoneto his pocket. “Where were you? I was just about to call; we got a new mission.”
“Oh, really?” Cassandra said, and if hervoice was a few octaves too high…well, maybe they’d just think she got ahold ofcaffeine again.
“Uh, yeah,” Jacob said, frowning at her.He reached out, grabbed her arm, and tugged her along, dislodging her hand fromher neck. Cassandra yelped, but it was already too late. Jacob’s eyes hadzeroed in on the hickey on her neck like lasers. It only took him a second to realizewhat it was, and he snorted loudly, drawing the others’ attention.
“Knock it off,” Cassandra hissed, slappinghim on his crossed arms. He only laughed some more, ducking away from her.
Ezekiel came up next, confused frown onhis face. “Hey, don’t leave a guy out of a joke, mate. What’re we-?”
His eyes landed on Cassandra’s neck, andhe barked out a laugh. Cassandra slapped at him too, snapping, “Knock it off!You’re acting like children!”
“So…” Jacob said. He had put the tablebetween himself and Cassandra. Flynn and Eve were still standing by theClippings Book looking equally intrigued and bemused. Jenkins stood at his desklooking annoyed. Jacob winked at her. “How’s Estrella doing?”
Cassandra felt her face burn up, but shegrabbed a nearby book and tossed it at him. “Stop!”
Jacob, nearly needing to jump to catch thebook, just continued on laughing, shit-eating grin on his face. Ezekiel, whohad joined Jacob on the other side of the table, asked, “Does Estrella have oneto match?”
“Guys,” Flynn said but even he had alittle grin on his face, “knock it off.”
“Yeah,” Eve added, nodding. “WhatCassandra and her girlfriend do in their free time is none of your business.”
“Thank you, Eve, Flynn,” Cassandra said,nodding curtly. She smoothed out her skirt and walked over to them, standing onher tiptoes to glance at what they were up against.
“I dunno what she’s so embarrassed about,”she heard Jacob murmur. “I mean, she’s got more game than either of uscombined, man. That’s something to celebrate.”
“Uh, excuse you,” Ezekiel squawked.
Eve sighed and rolled her eyes, muttering,“Here we go.”
“I have the best game!” Ezekiel shouted.Jacob snorted, and Ezekiel looked more affronted. “Just ‘cause Cassie can gether mack-on with some chick doesn’t mean I don’t have game.”
“Excuse you?” Cassandra said. Ezekiellooked at her, eyes going wide. She pointed a threatening finger at him. “You’regonna regret that you ever called Estrella ‘some chick.’”
“So much for the mission,” Flynn said,closing the Clippings Book.
Cassandra suddenly darted at Ezekiel whoscreeched and ran away, out of the Annex. Jacob, grinning, chased after them,shouting, “I’ve got money on Cass!”
“What do you say we go out for a picnic,”Eve said, dragging Flynn towards the Backdoor. She glanced at Jenkins, who hadstill not moved from behind his desk. “You’ll watch the kids, right?”
Jenkins scowled at her, but Eve ignoredhim, picked a random location, and yanked Flynn into wherever fate had decidedthey would go.
Jenkins groaned when he heard Ezekielscreaming, something breaking, and Jacob cackling. Maybe next time Cassandrawould let him tag along to the resort and he could finally retire.
He grabbed a sword from the wall and setout to put the three Librarians in order.
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