#case solution help
0rchidm4ntis · 2 months
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hey lol *pmmms your 2wink*
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it's just that i reeeally don't think it would have been that hard to find a solution to the timeline problem that didn't involve condemning the main character to an eternity trapped in his own solitary personal hell
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princesspeach5 · 21 days
hey what's up. if you're on desktop and you don't want the majority of youtube's features (description/comments/playlists/chat) allocated to a tiny sidebar with only one viewable at a time to make room for the majority of the screen to be filled with giant thumbnails
install the browser extensions "tampermonkey" and "stylus"
go here and scroll down to where it says "Install revert-ui-changes.user.js and revert-video-list.user.css." click both links and click the install button on both pages.
youtube will go back to normal. it's super easy and only takes a few minutes. shoutout to this reddit post that had the solution.
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brittlebutch · 7 months
it's actually so fascinating to me that Brennan has created a character that maintains a pretty relaxed and mild-mannered demeanor and has said multiple times that the absolute Core of her is "FEAR" and how often we see this Fear manifest specifically in Avoidance; it really nails a relationship to that mentality where your brain fully Stops recognizing the emotion properly out of like, sheer self-defense from the stress of having to carry it all the time
I think this is also perfectly showcased in the way we tend to see Tula swing so suddenly from 'level and steady' to 'snarling Panic' and then back again - Just because your brain has detached itself from the Conscious Recognition of the emotion doesn't mean it can Actually stop itself from experiencing it. So the Fear is always there and always acting as a stressor, but because of that inability to Identify it there's no way to recognize or address it before that final straw hits and your bodymind jumps Straight into Full Meltdown Mode; but then once again, once you drop even a Little bit below that Peak Terror your brain ceases to process the emotion; it's like the most exhausting form of Poor Object Permanence in the world
And even if Tula is aware of this happening to her, that doesn't really make it any easier to deal with / address. Even if you're able to spot the symptoms Around the emotion -- chest pain, irritation, nausea, whatever -- because the Emotion Itself is basically impossible to find, you can't really Successfully Pin Down what the problem is OR a way to cope with it. If you can't figure out That You Are Anxious, then figuring out What Is Making You Anxious is impossible, which makes Find A Way To Make Peace With That incomprehensible. That's where the Avoidance comes in: you can no longer identify what might be a Dangerous Situation, which means that Anything New has a big potential to be Really Bad in a variety of ways (ranging "I don't Feel Good" to "Fully Lashing Out bc you've entered Fight/Flight and can't get out of it" to "Actual Outside Danger This Time") and that means the Only Way you know how to be Safe is to just Avoid Doing Anything New and Only stick to Familiar Situations, because anything unfamiliar is a monster of a gamble you don't know how to prepare for or cope with
#N posts stuff#one could argue ‘we see tula worry a lot tho’ but that’s bc Worry is an Action that can occur Separately from Recognizing Anxiety#now that I know tumblr will put a hard cap on your tags w/o telling you i'm resigning myself to posting rambling meta in post body#but i'm not happy about it; anyway i love how often life is full of Coincidences bc this is something I've Finally identified in myself#like. This Month. like this is brand new articulation for some of the problems i have in life; again knowing this doesn't help lmao#bc even when you know to look Around the shape of the emotion - like 'oh my face is Snarling rn. i'm probably experiencing Something'#like i said bc you don't know What that something is OR What might have caused it then the only solution you Ever get to come up with#is just 'fully retreat and go calm down somewhere else' which INVARIABLY means that you will wind up in that same situation again#and Still have no idea how to handle it bc you never could figure out what caused it so you don't know how to handle it any better than#'fully retreat and go calm down somewhere else'; so 'be somewhere else' is the ONLY way you can ever think to Help it#which usually invariably turns into 'Just Avoid Fucking Everything just in case'; which doesn't work! bc life doesn't let you do that#so then it's just a cycle of falling into the same pitfalls and feeling miserable all the time; gotta love it :)#if you're like me this also gives you Bad Bad Bad Memory bc your brain will Promptly hide evidence of Scary Situation instinctively#like 3 weeks ago this dude ran a red light and almost t-boned me Full Speed & managed to stop like. maybe 3 feet away.#and i like. Startled Laughed and said 'that was scary' and then within 30 seconds i had Fully Forgotten it happened & only remembered#like 2 days ago. Ha! believe it or not this Does Not Help with 'How can I Address the Problem instead of Avoiding It Entirely?'#dimension 20#d20: stupendous stoats#tula#d20lb
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bitcoinrecoveryexpert · 7 months
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kaias-things · 3 months
genuinely someone please help me.
I've been to a doctor about this but he said I was wrong.
I'm pretty sure I have tonsil stones, but my tonsils are not inflamed. for that reason he said I was incorrect about my conclusion.
tonsil stones are the white debris that form in your tonsils and may even result in holes which increases the chances of getting stones in the tonsils.
what can I do?
(it hurts when I cough. I've tried gurgling with apple cider vinegar and water as well as salt water)
it's still in there. I try to brush my teeth and gurgle after eating, but there was a water shortage for a few days so I couldn't do it all. that might be the reason it's back again.
I've had it for a while and it usually falls out or I take them out by coughing and gurgling etc. this time it feels more annoying.
(also, what can I do for my sore throat now?)
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astranauticus · 5 months
my friend, about liu xiao: i mean you have a type! and i can tell!!
me, reeling: i- ?????
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aurosoulart · 1 year
my company is competing in an environmentalist XR challenge for AWE (Augmented World Expo), and we got through to the next round of judging!!!!!!!!!!!!
our focus is on showing how to reduce waste using spatial computing - like reducing landfill waste via replacing one-use items (like balloons, confetti, fireworks, etc) with virtual versions.
I’m also coming up with ideas for multiplayer physics games (like Jenga, air hockey, cornhole, etc etc) to show off as well...... generally anything that is often made of plastic, requires packaging & shipping, and is based around physical interactions between two people
ANYWAYS I’m making this post because I am excited!!!!! but ALSO I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of things they’d like to see me try to recreate?
don’t be afraid to suggest things that aren’t possible yet (like things that involve a sense of real touch), because the presentation is also about designing around reducing waste using future technologies - like haptic suits and gloves! :)
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pumpking64 · 10 months
#Jesus fucking Christ#why do some people just. not see the mess they’re making and acknowledge that it’s their responsibility to clean up after themselves??#like. you throw your shoes in the entrance exactly where people walk. you let shared loafers stand outside for several hours#you cook the most simple dinner that one time you cook (mind you the other people have equal shares of making food)#and yet you don’t even manage to clean up after neither the cooking NOR taking the food off the table into the fridge so it doesn’t turn bad#you keep on taking the most easy solution that fits you the best without thinking about others. in a space where we all are exhausted#and I’m so done with it for now tbh. how lazy to not care about the bare necessities for others. how rude to admit to it#AND on top of this. you’ll tell stuff about your country that’s *objectively horrifying* and then add on to that that you love your country#it’s just. so many things. are so so so much of what I’d avoid in a person. a few things is fine. no one’s perfect. but damn there’s a limit#SORRY to anyone who’s read this far but I just. had to get it out#this guy is the one I’m working the closest with these two and a half weeks. hes still a kid kind of. I’m not gonna be mean to him#but damn. my patience. is being tested#AHHH I might delete this tbh. I don’t like showing this side of myself. I don’t want to spread this kind of negativity#I’m just so very frustrated. how a human person can come to this place and be here for SO LONG already#and still not have learnt the basics of living and working together#own post#oh. and all the triggering of intrusive thoughts is not helping your case buddy#(which you can’t really know about so it’s kinda fair but also it’s for bad hygiene stuff mostly and that’s. I mean…..)
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termagax · 3 months
like i think to fish theyre just both people who shouldve died a long time ago and now they arent allowed to. because they need each other. and they both crave that and resent it.
#they WANT to be so important to him that he would fall apart without then AND they resent that they cant fall apart without hurting him#they were having a perfectly decent apathetic slide into eternal misery and then he had to go and ruin it with love. whatever.#like they want to be this essential part of his life because they loooove having that power over him they really really do#and theyre mean about it too. but like. they dont like that it goes both ways#they dont like being looked after or cared about because they get too used to it and they feel themselves falling in love w him again and#they run away. and eventually they come back or he comes back to them. and they tell themselves its just transactional like#they have something he needs and he has something they want#animal sir chloe style#but just like that its like. its NOT that. they need him so fucking bad and they feel better when hes around even when they hate his ass#and espeically after they start 'working' for jr with him its like. they really really love him so bad and they hate it.#these stupid assholes making them feel alive again. making them feel FEEELINGS. liek a PERSON. eugh#and i think they hate how scared they get when something happens to roadhog. theyre supposed to know better than that basically#they feel like needing him is vulnerable because it opens the door for him to hurt them again which is why they so enjoy being the one in#control + being the one who leaves#and the one who lashes out and ect ect. but they cant help themself and they hate hirself for it. so like. well the only solution is that#you shouldve killed yourself two decades ago so i couldve wasted away mad at you like i was supposed to and wed be done with it.#fishs got a case of wanting to die in such a way where they wont take any active steps to get there#but they resent being alive and they resent every minute of pain they endure by being alive. hence the very sex booze violence lifestyle#but the frustrating thing about him is that they. most of the time. like being alive with him. so they have to endure more#more pain and heartache and frustration. and they dont want to but they cant do anything else. they cant even leave again at this point#anyways. my fishy#🐟#they have every disease
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rattusn0rvegicus · 6 months
Bro they really be trying to put four year olds on antipsychotics... crazy shit
#Look I have very mixed and confusing feelings about the fact that I didn't receive any psychiatric treatment at all until I was 19-20 and#didn't get antipsychotics until I was 22-23. But like...#The pendulum can swing way too far in the other direction too#I'm reading Anatomy of an Epidemic and oh I'd love to have a conversation with Robert Whitaker about my case#<- grew up fundie Christian and very extremely anxious and then obsessive compulsive and then psychotic and depressed#(but did not receive any medical care for it whatsoever)#While I think meds would have helped me I also think that the average modern American psychiatrist solution of like#'throw more and more drugs at the problem until they go away and throw drugs at the side effects of those drugs' is. Bad#Idk what I'm saying tbh#I know for a fact my issues (aside from at least part of my emotional numbness) aren't iatrogenic. I was Very Mentally Ill from the start#And while I do consider my utter lack of care as a kid/teen/young adult to be some form of neglect it's like#The alternative (the modern American psychiatric system) was NAWT good either#I don't know a single person who's on meds who doesn't have some sort of complicated relationship with them and all I'm saying#is they shouldn't be treated as a magic bullet#Hell *I* have very complicated feelings about my meds and I haven't really been *harmed* by them just... Chilled Out Too Much#ANYWAYS#This book is kind of shitty towards ppl on SSDI (kind of implying that they're a Burden To The Country) which is gross#but otherwise I'm enjoying it
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snapbackslide · 6 months
sorry for coming into your mailbox for this, but i don’t understand the sabres - like tyson barely gets 10 minutes of game play a game, like no wonder he doesn’t improve or score or help the team.. he doesn’t get to do much!!
the sabres are clinging onto players that really aren’t doing a good job at the moment and it really really shows. i’m hoping that tyson gets some good ice time at rochester to up his game and show the sabres what he can do 😞
omg don’t apologize ever, this is what i’m here for 😭
i don't get it either, and this has been an issue with the avs & wild as well. bottom six, pk role, no ice time, low-producing linemates, no consistency. what did they think would happen?
let's take a look back, actually. what happened when mackinnon got injured and he took his place between landeskog & rantanen? 7 points in 13 games. what happened when they put him on kaprizov's line? yeah, point production.
i haven't watched the sabres this year, so i'll take your word for it. my question is this: what was the point of not qualifying him, just to sign him for $0.5M less, if cap space was going to be an issue? why not let him go if he isn't a part of the long-term plan?
if rochester is where he needs to be right now, then fine, i'm sure he'll show up with his trademark positive attitude and work ethic. but this is getting worrying. it didn't work with a top-of-the-league team. didn't work with a stanley cup contender. it's not working with a rebuilding team. so where – and when – is it supposed to work, exactly?
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vorakh · 1 year
collapsing tenement case is so important to me. i can see why it was left out, but part of me wishes it wasn't.
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aceofstars16 · 7 months
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oldmanyaoi-jpeg · 1 year
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forcing the animal to eat slop off the dishwasher
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electricxmayhem · 2 years
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