#caruso dino squad
I forgor to post this 💔
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Secret Santa gift for @raaorqtpbpdy ! I saw Caruso pop up a lot in their prompts and decided to draw this big idiot for them. I was gonna draw a short comic for one of their prompts but ran outta time sadly. Maybe I’ll still make it anyways eventually!
Anyways. Caruso from dinosquad. I want to dissect him.
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beannary · 10 months
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hey uhhh yall remember dino squad???? anyways i did and um here are the Best Boys
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dinosquad-central · 8 months
Thanks to @quinnsteria we have some Dino Squad concepts! And the character notes are gold (transcriptions below)
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Max/T-Rex: good instincts, charm, class president, BMOC; risk-taker, hot-dogger, jock, easy smile and laid-back demeanor, serous de facto leader. Tom Cruise's "Maverick”, big ego, feels like he's leading the Marx Brothers onto the beaches of Normandy. He was winning in life and lost this so he's now a bit bitter
Fiona/Spinosaurus: Billy Murray + "Old" Rosie O'Donnell, speed freak. easy going, fast driving, tomboy-athlete, quick wit, need for speed. When not burning rubber she's “kicking it” with the guys.
Caruso/Stegosaurus: wants to be cool at any price, changes personality at will, bit funny, bit like Scooby, empty headed ego. Thinks he's better than others, ultimate wannabe, incredibly vain and self-centered, attention span of a gnat. Every new passion is his ticket to mega-stardom. A teen version of Ben Stiller's Zoolander, "I'm too sexy for my shirt”.
Buzz/Pteranodon: false hero, scared, bitchy funny, bit like Shaggy, tough-talking loudmouth, all show no guts. Wants to be a tough hero, but afraid of own shadow. The bigger they are, the harder they fear! Joe Pesci as the Cowardly Lion, turned Cowardly Dino.
Rodger/Styracosaurus: Chris Rock + MacGiver, under appreciated, gets no respect, makes cool multi-tools... “and it also makes great cappuccino!” Why? Because it can! wise-cracking, limitless technical skills, drives others crazy with an endless practical jokes.
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al-gay-tor · 2 months
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It’s the same photo
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fishout-of-water · 3 months
Back on my Dino Squad hyperfixation
It's great to see the fandom thriving on here. I was in the fandom on deviantart during my late teens, and had a mixed experience. There was a lot of fun making headcanons and roleplaying with people on there. Though, one person who wanted to reboot the show kinda ruined it for me. Then I recently rewatched the show with my boyfriend and he had a lot of fun with it. We spent hours making headcanons and even talking about the side characters.
Thanks to him, I'm back and quite excited. I really wanna do my re-imagining of the show fanfiction and I'm gonna just have fun with it since I'm a much better writer now. He's also gonna help me with it since we came up with some great ideas for the worldbuilding.
Now I'm excited to be a part of the fandom here especially as I see a lot of lgbt+ headcanons and pairings, something I was afraid to do because of backlash I had previously gotten on deviantart for wanting to make a transmasc oc. I can't wait to get to know you all. Here have some doodles I did of the squad and Veloci.
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dinosquad-enjoyer · 2 months
will someone who is more mentally ill about dinosquad for me confirm or deny caruso is wasian
i get the vibe be is but am unsure :(
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Episode 1:
I've always loved the intro song ngl. A good intro song makes me love a cartoon. That's how W.I.T.C.H and Huntik got me
Fiona gets to class. Ms Moynihan says she broke three rules. She says this before Fiona bites her apple. Fiona then says that's only two and then misses her shot, making three. This inplies that Fiona either does this regularly, or that Ms Moynihan has some form of clairvoyance.
(The clairvoyance thing could make some absolutely fantastic fanfiction ngl. *writes that down* oooh, I have IDEAS now) anyway, back to episode
The fact that Fiona only took one bite of that apple bothers me
Oh man, that bio class room looks almost exactly like the one I had in high school.
Oooooh yaayyyy! Mah Boi is here!!! Stripey gay boi
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Okay, first off:
This place looks like a giant OSHA violation.
Regardless of that (Peter, go fix this giant OSHA violation. Hey, maybe that's why we never see him again, he's too busy fixing the questionable workplace) those scientists look properly enriched.
On that note, why do we never see Veloci's creepy test tube creatures??? His scientists worked hard on The Horrors
The one on the pink test tube looks like the rose from beauty and the beast
Is that a fucking rail track. I think I remember that one featuring in an ep, but I could be wrong. If I'm right then why was the continuity placed here and not on anything else???
"I got into business to swim with the sharks, not be eaten by them"
Me: Oh, you're declining it? Unexpected.
Peter: I'm in!
Me: ???
That bit of dialogue has always thrown me off. Its the clunkiness.
Bye Peter. It was nice to meet you.
"Break into your usual groups". The dinosquad comes together but kinda acts like they've never interacted before.
Max and Roger seem like they've teamed up before tho.
Caruso at 4:21 is barefoot. He has shoes on at 4:26. We know he had no time to put shoes on and off and on because he's barefoot when he leans over and drops his jacket. When he picks it up he has shoes on again.
...why did they all (I understand Caruso getting his jacket and Buzz getting thrown in) go into the water????
Roger says "nah, I ain't getting in" and then not only gets in the water but throws buzz in.
(The fact that Roger throws Buzz in the water which later results in him becoming a Dino is a great angst fic waiting to happen. If Roger hadn't thrown him in, he would still have been living a normal life)
Ms Moynihan shows up and goes " I thought I made it clear no one was to go in the water"
First off, that was never shown on screen and I don't like that
With the context of dinosquad as a whole, this kind of implies she knows Veloci is dumping his nuclear jizz in the water
I guess it could also be because she didn't want wet students on the bus, but still.
Wait. If no one was suppose to go in the water, and there doesn't seem to be an area with tide pools, then Caruso's stupid sushi list is even more useless since fish don't count.
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Hnnngg sexy library I wants please I will crawl into my computer just let me at that library I can live with dinosaur shenanigans. (But can I live with redoing high school? No.)
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"Young man, if you don't remember, this is a library 😡 "
My brother in christ, what horrors have you been through that you hear a dinosaur roar and conclude that that is the sound a normal teenager makes naturally.
Caruso's jacket gets shredded. He immidiately blames the dry cleaners. Bro, it was whole when you put it in your locker. What
Fiona gets a tail and it sticks out her truck window. My good bitch, how did you not feel the cold air on your tail???
The fact that Buzz waves his arms while playing video games is kinda adorable
The fact that Ms Moynihan showed them what happened telepathically leaves a lot of possibility for her to leave certain things out and show them only what she wants them to see and think.
And besides that, its also kinda fucked up. There are implications here. My brain is a little fried to parse them all, but there are implications. I know it.
Ohhh!! The cave has a light source! That implies that there are two entrances, which solves my age old question of how tf did they get out of that cave.
Oh holy shit. Young Ms Moynihan is HOT
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...she looks a lot like Caruso. Hmmm. Formulating THOUGHTS tm
You think that (if the story she tells is actually true and not her lying to hide a bigger truth that she doesn't want them to know about) Ms Moynihan and Veloci gained the ability to transform because of. Idk. Space radiation or something?
Cuz your genes don't just. Mutate. For no reason. This backstory feels fake af. I think she just lied bc she knew her students knew fuck all about biology and would believe anything
Why did ms Moynihan change foreheads. Did she want to be inclusive and touch everyone's forehead or is she afraid their brains can only handle so much... or did they refuse to hold hands like she asked and now she has to switch foreheads?
"You're a vicious Carnivore!"
"I've moved past that but there is one who hasn't: Victor Veloci"
Might be because I'm getting back into twilight, but this gives off major Vegetarian Vampires vs Normal Vampires vibes.
In this case, Ms Moynihan is Dr Carlisle Cullen and Victor Veloci is Aro Volturi.
"What do you believe?"
Ms Moynihan: "Humans gained dominance because brute force lost out to reason...and love. That's why I parted ways with Veloci long ago."
I smell a Secret. I smell Tea. Spill. I can practically hear tragic dramatic backstory. Was this a "I fell in love story" or a "Veloci didn't care about me" story. Ms Moynihan sounds bitter.
Also, the sheer contempt in her voice when she talks about Victor Veloci. Say what you will about Dinosquad, but it has some pretty good voice acting sometimes.
Max: "I don't want to be a dinosaur"
Ms Moynihan: this is bigger than you, this is about saving the world.
"Can you cure us?"
Roger: "But I want to stop Victor Veloci :( "
Ms Moynihan mentally: *nevermind, ya'll are too stupid to help me save the world. What was I thinking*
(Genuinely a very confusing arguement. People changed opinions so quickly damn. Not even a line space in between)
"I can't afford all the fancy tech Veloci has" <takes them to her lighthouse filled with huge computers and monitoring equiptment> hmmm. Ms M, I'mma assume you banged some rich bitches in your time and inherited, because no way can you affort a lighthouse on a teacher's salary.
Conclusion: Ms M is loaded.
"The cold forces the Dino DNA to the skin as it seeks warmth" um. That's ominous. It makes the DNA sound like a living parasite. Ugh
Ms Moynihan definitely faked "curing them". She is way too calm about the situation. She was very insistent on them helping her fight Veloci before. And the fact that she could cure literally everything else except for them is sus.
That Megalodon shark was trolling ngl
Veloci sees Fiona as dino: this can only be bc of my experimental dna...or....
That 'or' implies things. Ms Moynihan things.
The fact that Veloci sees the Dinosaurs but not the squad turning into dinosaurs the dinosaurs. Like, by the time Ms Moynihan jammed the feed several transformations have already taken place
Veloci ending with his ominous ass "can't wait to find out more about my new dinosaur friends" is so fun. Love him. Dramatic ass fuck. Ominous. Very sexy.
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djblogs17 · 9 months
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Whose characterization is the most inconsistent?
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Roleswap AU where Moinaham is the "reject moderninity return to dino" and Veloci is the underpaid teacher
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kawaiiblue18 · 6 months
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Erm,,, who here remembers Dino Squad??
Anyways this show was my childhood and I’m very normal about Fiona what are you talking about-
So um I made the squad's dino forms scientifically accurate with some new lizard/bird inspired designs
Fiona's pattern is mostly inspired by a leopard gecko. Max's pattern is mostly inspired by a Australian Eastern water dragon. Rodger’s styracosaurus (apparently he’s not a triceratops) had large amounts of light grey on his body so I just made him piebald
Fiona my beloved <3
Also just gonna pop in some headcanons for the squad because I be like that:
Fiona - She/They (Demi-girl) Lesbian
Buzz - They/them (Non-binary) Pansexual
Rodger - He/Him (Cis) Aroace
Max - He/Him (Cis) Straight Ally
Caruso - He/Him (Transmasc) Gay
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wise-lizard-wizard · 2 months
thoughts on dino squad? (2007)
(btw it’s episodic. You can watch it in any order tbh (first episode is titled ‘the beginning’))
I absolutely adore it!
I run the account Victor-Veloci-Simp-69.
I've been thinking about linking it to my Main, purely bc when I reblog and reply on posts, it shows my main, so it seems like I don't interact with people as my DS account, which makes me sad because it feels like I might be interpreted as standoffish? But I never have time, and it feels insignificant to do so.
I watched the show when I was a kid, then rediscovered it a couple of years ago, and now every few years I rewatch it.
Its not Technically a "good" show but eh. I love it.
I think the reason why I'm so obsessed with the show is because (This going to get so long, I am so sorry, I have so many thoughts)
There are so much that is just never adressed. I have so many thoughts. There is so much to expand on, so many AUs that are there for the imagining.
I genuinely like the episodes. The plot is genuinely so much fun. The why's of these plots is...questionable. The how's is fun tho.
IT IS SO INCONSISTENT! Okay, not part of why I like it, but Ahhhhhhhhh. None of it makes sense. The characterization changes literally seconds apart!!!!! WHAT!!!!!
Why does Roger act indifferent about the assignment and then say "we should work together on this assignment" and Care about the assignment. SECONDS APART!!!!!
THEN THERE'S THE ANIMATION! OH MY GOD. At 4:21, Caruso is shown barefoot. At 4:25 HE HAS SHOES ON.
Ms Moynihan after they get mutated goes: "I told u not to go into the water" NO YOU DIDN'T. YOU NEVER SAID THAT. WHY R U LYING.
(Okay, so she could have said that off screen,I'll give it a pass, but also Literally No Where was that message implied to have been said before she stated that. Also, that implies that she knows Veloci is regularly dumping shit in the water.)
Also, Veloci injects Peter in episode 1 and this is just...never adressed again? What does that do to Peter, besides his eyes changing? THERE IS NO EFFECT WHAT DOES IT DO, I DON’T REMEMBER SEEING THE GUY EVER AGAIN WHAT!!! WHY DID VELOCI DO THAT.
Since Peter was injected with the Ooze, but Veloci is looking for his "perfect dinosaurs", then that inplies Peter is a failed dino. What happened to him? I am in hysterics. What. DOES VELOCI JUST HAVE LIKE A BUNCH OF STAFF THAT ARE FAILED DINOS!!!? I HAVE QUESTIONS!!!
I AM....AHHHHHHHHHHHH....I am so normal about this hahahaha.
Which is probably why it sticks in my head so much. Any media I get obsessed with usually has some aspect that makes me want to rip apart a chair with my teeth. Half the fun is telling my friend about the thing that makes me choke in frustration/rage. I like ranting. Its part of the fun to me.
4) I love the animation style.
How did they get to their current lives?
There is so much that remains a mystery. And with the large amounts of time Veloci and Ms M had, there is so much thats just. Not there. There are so many gaps to fill. There are so many AUs that can happen. And with the inconsistencies, there are so many places where I can't image the characters are anything but either unreliable or maybe even straight up lying...
Oh, and that's the other thing:
5) They are all, and I mean every single character, Major Assholes. The assholiest. Their only consistent character trait is being an asshole. I love it.
Anyway, I am sooooi normal about this show. So normal.
Also, very important! I love your dinosquad posts!!!! They're really cool, and I love seeing you in the fandom! Just. Feel really gushy about your posts. Also, I always feel really happy when I see you liked one of my Dinosquad posts. Its a small fandom, so I always feel like I'm talking into a void.
I have more thoughts, but this post has gotte really long as is lmao. I am so sorry.
This ask meant a lot to me, so thanks ♥.
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viralarcadian · 9 months
someone i subscribe to on yt put out a video on horseland, a DiC animated show that was airing at the same time as dino squad, and there's some crossover VAs. both rodger and caruso's VAs are in it
apparently according to the tv tropes page most of the cast are theater performers from fuckin. omaha nebraska bc DiC i guess no longer had the pull they once had to hire actual industry voice actors
i think one of those might be caruso's VA since he doesn't have any other credits in anything on IMDB aside from a movie called power slide from 1990 where he played an extra
which. if he's a theater kid that explains a lot about his performance lol
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dinosquad-central · 11 months
Okay, longer post about a headcanon that is completely integral to my enjoyment of Dino Squad. (Largely copy/pasted from my rant on the Discord server)
I think Caruso might actually be very smart. Genuinely, classically, academically smart.
I know that sounds like a crackpot theory, but hear me out!
He's in the same science class as Rodger (the guy who's explicitly stated to be the smartest kid in school), as well as Fiona (who's also clearly very intelligent), Buzz (maybe not top marks, but since it appears to be a biology class, and Buzz is especially interested in animals it makes sense he'd be in a more advanced bio-class). Max may not be a genius, but most schools require members of the school sports teams to maintain a certain GPA, and he’s on the football team, so he can't be a complete idiot either.
And Caruso is in the same class as them and therefore it's implied that he's at the same level as them in that subject! Because of this, and the fact that the classroom is a lecture hall and not a regular classroom, I also headcanon that it's an AP bio class, or at least honors.
Plus! When Caruso told his parents he was dinosaur, their one insistence was that he not neglect his studies meaning A) his family cares about his education and B) he probably gets at least relatively good grades already.
AND! It's shown in the show that Caruso regularly and *easily* manipulates his friends into doing his homework for him (episode: “who let the dog out”). He also manipulated others during the show, including a TV producer or show host, I can’t remember which (episode: “Zoom in on Zoom” I think). You can't be that deliberately manipulative and a complete idiot like Caruso appears to be.
ALSO Caruso has a line of beauty products which he both invented, and markets/sells himself (episode: “Scents and Scents Ability”), meaning he must also have a small company/business that he personally runs, and the quality of his products are good enough to have a whole spa treatment devoted exclusively to them, which is named after him/his product, meaning the products themselves must be well known and trusted enough to attract customers. This demonstrates that Caruso has some level of skill with chemistry and botany (iirc he made herbal moisturizers but it's been a while, so that detail may be wrong). In addition to that he must have a good sense for business, finance, and marketing.
But wait! There's more! When they were trapped in a cage with seemingly no way out, it was Caruso who came up with the plan to use misdirection and social engineering to trick Veloci into not only letting them go, but also donating a sizeable amount to a local charity as hush money (episode: who let the dog out”). It wasn’t genius Rodger, or leader Max, or competent female character Fiona, it was Caruso, “the dumb one”. This indicates that he can also think on his feet and come up with quick solutions to difficult problems.
Furthermore! A lot of highly intelligent people learn to act like they're stupid because when people know how smart you are, they have high expectations of you, and that's stressful to the point of traumatizing sometimes. There's also an interesting type of stigma around intelligence where people tend to think you're pompous or unapproachable when you're highly intelligent and become intimidated or resentful, which, since Caruso highly values his popularity, would be extremely distasteful to him. Given his fixation with fame and popularity, I don't think it's a stretch at all to think he'd dumb himself down, even around his friends, to avoid that stigma.
So yeah, there you have it. That’s all the reasons (that’s I can think of at the moment, anyway) why I believe Caruso is a big fat liar pretending to be an idiot so he doesn’t have to be responsible for anything. I hope I’ve managed to convince you all because I am 100% committed to this theory lol.
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al-gay-tor · 3 months
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Is it still a rare pair if the fandom itself is rare? Whatever, woe gay dinosaurs be upon you.
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rerarlo · 8 months
Is it only me or does it seem like the members of the dino squad admitting they were dinosaurs to their parents (the ones that did were Caruso and Fiona as far as i remember) really resemble kids coming out to their parents as LGBTQ+? Like Fiona got the "Girl we know, you didn't hide it well" from her parents. And Caruso got the shocked but ultimately supporting parents that want the best for their son still. Makes me wonder what other reactions we could've gotten from the others families.
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