#carlos eire
apesoformythoughts · 1 year
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From Carlos Eire’s Waiting for Snow in Havana
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oca-rinn-a · 2 months
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about to revisit some thangs
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kammartinez · 4 months
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kamreadsandrecs · 4 months
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starfall-sea · 9 months
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a very belated artfight attack for @ghostingbrightly of eir wizards carlos, keller, and kestrel hanging out in the commons :]
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Levitation and Bilocation with Carlos Eire
Carlos Eire, PhD, is the T. Lawrason Riggs Professor of History and Religious Studies at Yale University. He is a historian of late medieval and early modern Europe. He is author of many books including War Against the Idols, From Madrid to Purgatory, A Very Brief History of Eternity, and Reformations: Early Modern Europe 1450-1650. His memoir of the Cuban Revolution, Waiting for Snow in Havana, won the U.S. National Book Award for Nonfiction. A second memoir, Learning to Die in Miami focuses on the early years of his exile in the United States. His most recent book is They Flew: A History of the Impossible.
Here he focuses on accounts from the 16th and 17th century of individuals who were reported to either fly (i.e., levitate) or bilocate.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:24 The transition to modernity
00:16:04 Levitation in Spiritualism
00:20:28 Was St. Theresa influenced by God or the devil?
00:24:52 Mystical ecstasy
00:30:21 Joseph of Copertino
00:34:39 Contemporary instances
00:40:23 Bilocation
00:47:16 Academic acceptance
00:57:58 The double-levitation in Italy
01:08:21 Conclusion
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vulnerasti-cor-meum · 8 months
In the first category, there were at least fifteen overtly physical phenomena commonly linked with holiness and mystical experiences. Visible ecstasies, raptures, and trances: when the body enters a cataleptic state and becomes rigid, insensible, and oblivious to its surroundings. Levitation: when the body rises up in the air, hovers, or flies. Weightlessness: when the body displays a total or nearly total absence of weight during trances and levitations or after death. Transvection: when the body is transported through the air from one location to another in some indeterminate measure of time. Mystical transport or teleportation: when the body transverses physical space instantaneously, moving from one place to another without any time having elapsed, sometimes over great distances. Bilocation: when the body is present in two places simultaneously. Stigmatization: when the body acquires the five wounds of the crucified Christ or other wounds inflicted during his passion. Luminous irradiance: when the body glows brightly. Supernatural hyperosmia: a heightened sense of smell that allows the mystic to detect the sins of others. Supernatural inedia: the ability to survive without any food or with very little food at all. Supernatural insomnia: the ability to survive without much, if any, sleep. Visible demonic molestations: physical attacks by demons that wound the body. Odor of sanctity: when the body emits a unique and immensely pleasant smell. Supernatural incorruption: when the corpse of a saint does not decompose but remains unnaturally intact for many years, decades, or centuries. Supernatural oozing, or myroblitism: when the corpse of a saint discharges a pleasant-smelling oily substance capable of performing healing miracles directly or through cloths dipped in it. And in the second category, holy mystics could have at least ten different kinds of otherworldly experiences not visible to others or supernatural powers with which they could be imbued. Some of these were physical gifts, some spiritual, and some mental. Visions, locutions, and apparitions: when the mystic has various sorts of encounters with the divine that are not visible to others, and the mystic receives communications from God that are visual, aural, or purely spiritual. Invisible demonic molestations: when the mystic is assailed by demons spiritually or mentally, sometimes with a visual component that is invisible to others. Telekinesis: the ability to move objects at a distance by nonphysical means, without touching them. Telepathy: the ability to read the minds and consciences of others or to communicate mentally. Prophecy: the ability to know and predict future events accurately, including one’s own death. Supernatural remote vision: the ability to see events that are occurring elsewhere. Supernatural dreams: the ability to receive divine communications while sleeping. Infused knowledge: learning directly from God, without formal education, through ecstasies, visions, locutions, and apparitions. Supernatural control over nature: the ability to command the behavior of weather, fauna, and flora and to communicate with animals. Discernment of spirits: the ability to distinguish whether any event is of divine or demonic origin [bolding mine]
Making Sense of Levitating Saints, Carlos Eire (2023) for Commonweal
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mariacallous · 1 year
The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila is among the most remarkable accounts ever written of the human encounter with the divine. The Life is not really an autobiography at all, but rather a confession written for inquisitors by a nun whose raptures and mystical claims had aroused suspicion. Despite its troubled origins, the book has had a profound impact on Christian spirituality for five centuries, attracting admiration from readers as diverse as mystics, philosophers, artists, psychoanalysts, and neurologists. How did a manuscript once kept under lock and key by the Spanish Inquisition become one of the most inspiring religious books of all time?
National Book Award winner Carlos Eire tells the story of this incomparable spiritual masterpiece, examining its composition and reception in the sixteenth century, the various ways its mystical teachings have been interpreted and reinterpreted across time, and its enduring influence in our own secular age. The Life became an iconic text of the Counter-Reformation, was revered in Franco’s Spain, and has gone on to be read as a feminist manifesto, a literary work, and even as a secular text. But as Eire demonstrates in this vibrant and evocative book, Teresa’s confession is a cry from the heart to God and an audacious portrayal of mystical theology as a search for love.
Here is the essential companion to the Life, one woman’s testimony to the reality of mystical experience and a timeless affirmation of the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
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anabelgomezs · 1 year
Corinna y el rey, ¿Un podcast romántico?
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El estreno del podcast “Corinna y el rey” ha causado un gran revuelo mediático, sobre todo en el país británico que es donde se encuentra la protagonista y ha sido uno de los productores del proyecto. Éste se encuentra co-producido por Project Brazen, PRX y La Coctelera Music.   
Sin embargo, aunque ella sea la protagonista del programa, al menos en los primeros tres episodios que son los que he podido escuchar, parece más una biografía de la casa real española que de la historia de amor entre el Rey Juan Carlos y su amante. Corinna Larsen comienza haciendo una introducción de cómo se conocieron ambos, tras esto, para situar al oyente en la historia del rey emérito (hay que tener en cuenta de que se trata de un podcast internacional), se hace mucho hincapié en la historia personal de él. De esta forma, cuenta cómo fue su infancia, cómo conoció a la Reina Sofía y su matrimonio.  
Por lo que, da la impresión de que se trata más de una producción hecha para hablar, en este caso mal, de la casa real española, que de la propia historia de amor de Corinna Larsen y el Rey Juan Carlos. Con este proyecto, la intención de la alemana es defender su verdad y callar las bocas de todos los que la tacharon de mentirosa. Pero, en realidad no da ninguna prueba de los hechos más que algunos discursos difíciles de contrastar.   
Se encuentra narrado por Mishel Prada, quien tiene una voz muy dulce y melodiosa que nos hace adentrarnos en la historia. Se intercala con las declaraciones de la protagonista, quien cuenta algunos de los hechos. Además, para situar mejor al oyente hay veces en las que se incluye un sonido ambiente (como por ejemplo cuando dicen que se encuentran en la Sabana africana o en Castilla La Mancha) y en otras ocasiones suenan campanas de boda. Cada episodio está marcando por un hecho destacable en la historia de amor y pone nombre a los episodios.   
Es cierto que se les da el testimonio a algunas de las personas más cercanas al entorno del rey y Corinna, como puede ser Pilar Eire, quien es experta en la monarquía española y escribió la biografía a la Reina Sofía. En estos casos suelen traducir al inglés estas declaraciones y curiosamente suenan con acento español. Otras veces, el propio periodista español habla inglés y se incluye directamente su voz.   
Como conclusión decir que es bastante poco periodístico, y aunque se encuentre todavía en algunos hechos difíciles de contrastar porque son bastante íntimos de la pareja, no incluye muchas más declaraciones que las de la protagonista. Quedo a la espera de escuchar el resto de episodios para ver si hay más expertos en el tema que puedan hablar de lo ocurrido.   
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christophe76460 · 3 days
Vous souffrez ? Trouvez du réconfort dans la vengeance de Dieu. - Evangile 21
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In the 16th and 17th centuries, thousands of Europeans testified that they had seen holy men and women fly, levitate, and appear in two places at the same time. In They Flew, Carlos Eire, a professor of history at Yale University and author, among other books, of A Very Brief History of Eternity, and Waiting for Snow in Havana, challenges assumptions by providing an informative, engaging, and extraordinarily provocative account of “impossible events” that, along with the evil deeds of witches and the devil, were considered real by very many Christians…
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apesoformythoughts · 1 year
“The world changed while I slept, and much to my surprise, no one had consulted me. That's how it would always be from that day forward. Of course, that's the way it had been all along. I just didn't know it until that morning. Surprise upon surprise: some good, some evil, most somewhere in between. And always without my consent.”
— Carlos Eire: Waiting for Snow in Havana
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jadacubalitblog · 7 months
10 Interesting Cuba Novels
Next Year in Havana
"A beautiful novel that's full of forbidden passions, family secrets, and a lot of courage and sacrifice."--Reese Witherspoon After the death of her ...' tbc
Our Man in Havana
Our Man in Havana is a novel set in Cuba by the British author Graham Greene. Greene uses the novel to mock intelligence services, especially the British MI6, and their willingness to believe reports from their local informants. 
Dreaming in Cuban
Dreaming in Cuban is the first novel written by author Cristina García, and was a finalist for the National Book Award. This novel moves between Cuba and the United States featuring three generations of a single family.
Before Night Falls
Before Night Falls is the 1992 autobiography of Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas, describing his early life in Cuba, his time in prison, and his escape to the United States in the Mariel Boatlift of 1980. It received a favorable review from The New York Times and was on the newspaper's list of the ten best books of 1993.
Telex from Cuba
Telex from Cuba is the 2008 debut novel by writer Rachel Kushner. The novel follows a group of Anglo-expatriates living in Cuba during the Cuban Revolution and is loosely based on Kushner's mother's experience growing up in Cuba on territory occupied by the United Fruit Company.
Three Trapped Tigers
Tres tristes tigres, abbreviated as TTT, is the debut novel by Cuban writer Guillermo Cabrera Infante. The novel was first published in Spain in 1967. It was later translated into English by Donald Gardner and Suzanne Jill Levine and published in 1971 as Three Trapped Tigers
When We Left Cuba
Instant New York Times bestseller!In 1960s Florida, a young Cuban exile will risk her life—and heart—to take back her country in this exhilarating historical novel from the author of The Last Train to Key West and Next Year in Havana, a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick. Beautiful.
Waiting for Snow in Havana
Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy is a 2003 book by Carlos Eire and winner of the National Book Award for Nonfiction.
Of Women and Salt
A sweeping, masterful debut about a daughter's fateful choice, a mother motivated by her own past, and a family legacy that begins in Cuba before either of them was born.1866, Cuba: María Isabel is..
Dirty Havana Trilogy
Testifying to the squalor and sensuality of contemporary Cuba with bold simplicity and sharp humor, Pedro Juan Gutierrez's semi-autobiographical fiction tells the story of Pedro Juan, an ex-radio journalist who wanders from one odd job to the next, half disgusted and half fascinated by the depths to which he has sunk. ... 
Havana Nocturne
In modern-day Havana, the remnants of the glamorous past are everywhere—the old hotel-casinos, vintage American cars, and flickering neon signs speak of a bygone era that is widely familiar and often romanticized, but little understood. 
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ccounisanta · 11 months
Estrutura Societária
A Estrutura Societária nada mais é como a forma em que uma empresa é organizada e como é a relação entre os sócios e acionistas. Após definir e estrutura que a empresa irá seguir, é possível determinar como serão distribuídos a propriedade, controle e responsabilidade dentro de uma empresa. A estrutura pode variar de acordo com o tamanho ou tipo da empresa, e também com a legislação do país onde ela será registrada.
A seguir, iremos conhecer um pouco mais sobre quatro delas, as Ltda, S.A, as EIRELI e SCS.
Sociedade Limitada (Ltda), é uma estrutura bastante comum e uma ótima escolha para as pequenas e médias empresas, nelas os sócios tem responsabilidade limitada ao valor das quotas. Sendo assim, caso a empresa enfrente dificuldades financeiras, os sócios serão apenas responsáveis pelo valor investido, nenhuma dívida além disso. A administração e divisão dos lucros e prejuízos são determinados de acordo com o contrato social que é estabelecido antes da abertura da empresa.
A Sociedade Anonima (S.A), é uma estrutura um pouco mais complexa pois geralmente é usadas por empresas de porte maior. Nas S.A, o capital social é dividido em ações, as quais podem ser negociadas livremente no mercado. A estrutura das S.A é de uma governança corporativa elaborada, com órgãos de administração, conselho de administração e diretoria executiva, os quais são responsáveis pelas tomadas de decisões estratégicas e por gerir a empresa.
A Empresa Individual de Responsabilidade Limitada, ou (EIRELI), é uma estrutura societária específica para empreendedores que desejam abrir uma empresa sozinhos, garante uma separação entre o patrimonio pessoal e o empresarial. Nessa empresa, o titular tem responsabilidade limitada ao seu capital social registrado na constituição. Sendo assim, em caso de dívidas ou obrigações da empresa, o patrimonio pessoal não é comprometido além do capital que foi investido na empresa.
A Sociedade em Comandita Simples (SCS), são empresas constituídas por dois tipos de sócios, os comanditados, que têm responsabilidade ilimitada pelas obrigações sociais, e os comanditários, que têm responsabilidade limitada ao valor de sua participação no capital social, é um tipo de sociedade comum em negócios que envolvem sócios investidores e sócios gestores.
Cada estrutura tem suas vantagens, particularidade e requisitos legais. A escolha depende das características do negócio, número de sócios, capital e objetivos. É importante buscar auxílio profissional, como advogados e contadores, para entender cada tipo e tomar a decisão certa.
Referências bibliográficas:
MARION, José Carlos. Contabilidade Empresarial. 16ª edição. São Paulo: Atlas, 2019.
IUDÍCIBUS, Sérgio de et al. Manual de Contabilidade Societária: Aplicável a Todas as Sociedades de Acordo com as Normas Internacionais e do CPC. 3ª edição. São Paulo: Atlas, 2010.
COELHO, Fábio Ulhoa. Manual de Direito Comercial: Direito de Empresa. 24ª edição. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2021.
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tocantinsurgente · 1 year
Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico do Estado do Tocantins aprova concessão de incentivos fiscais para empresas em sua 114ª reunião
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Na manhã da última quinta-feira, 17, foi realizada na sede da Secretaria de Indústria, Comércio e Serviços (Sics), a 114ª Reunião Ordinária do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico do Tocantins (CDE-TO). Na ocasião, foram discutidas as aprovações para concessão de incentivos fiscais para cinco empreendimentos, na modalidade implantação e expansão. As empresas que tiveram benefícios aprovados se classificam nos programas de incentivos fiscais, Proindústria (Lei 1.385/2003), e Internet (Lei 1.641/2005). Na capital, as empresas Goias Forte Perfis e Aço Ltda e Grandioso Gestão de Franquias e Indústrias de Alimentos Ltda, tiveram suas solicitações de benefícios aprovadas. Em Miranorte, o benefício foi concedido para a empresa Srj Frigorifico Ltda, em Araguaína, duas empresas receberam o benefício, Marizio Dos Reis Andrade Eireli e AgroMinas Produtos Agropecuários Ltda. Durante a reunião o conselheiro, Ezequiel de Sousa, representante da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Tocantins (Fieto), pontuou a importância dos investimentos, "a gente precisa industrializar o Tocantins, descentralizar essas empresas e implantar em outros pontos do Estado é muito importante para o desenvolvimento econômico." Para o conselheiro Jorge Couto, representante da Secretaria da Fazenda (SEFAZ), a aprovação de benefícios para expansão e implantação de novas indústrias é essencial para tornar o Estado mais atrativo aos investidores. " A reunião foi bastante proveitosa, na oportunidade o conselho aprovou diversos pedidos advindo das empresas de regimes especiais, tanto na modalidade implantação quanto na modalidade expansão. O Tocantins tem uma geração bastante atualizada e competitiva, tornando o Estado cada vez mais atrativo tanto para as empresas comerciais quanto para as empresas industriais”, finalizou. O secretário da Sics e presidente do CDE-TO, Carlos Humberto Lima, agradeceu a presença dos conselheiros e falou da importância e empenho do conselho, para aprovar as solicitações de benefícios que agregam no crescimento empresarial no Estado, além da manutenção e geração de novos postos de trabalho. “O Tocantins precisa de implantação de mais indústrias e é gratificante tudo que a gente está fazendo. Foram muitas entregas de projetos este ano, e se Deus permitir, ano que vem teremos muito mais. Os projetos apresentados aqui são interessantes e resultarão em fortalecimento do Estado, gerando oferta de trabalho e qualidade de vida para a população tocantinense, tenho certeza que nós estamos deixando um legado muito grande”, finalizou o gestor. Veja outras notícias no tocantinsurgente.com Read the full article
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evan84q · 2 years
Download PDF Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy BY Carlos Eire
Download Or Read PDF Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy - Carlos Eire Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy
[*] Read PDF Here => Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy
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