With My Heart in My Mouth
(Original fiction by Mod Cuore of @the-heartbeat-carries-on)
Here it is! Decided to write a bit of original fiction with a cardiophile theme :D This was fun. A little rambling and very informal (and first person, present tense, what even), but still fun to do. I hope you all enjoy it! (Rated PG for mild language)
Right now, teleportation sounds like the best idea in the world.
Picture me, a young woman in love, having brought her boyfriend back from the airport after a nervous but still joyous car ride. I'm beyond excited and happy that he's finally in the same house as me instead of a few thousand miles away. Picture him flopped over on the couch. He's exhausted from all the travel, but still eager to spend time with me and is in cheery spirits (even if his eyelids are dipping every so often).
And then, picture me, wanting to dive into his arms and flee the country at the same time (the latter possibly including a new identity). We’d hugged for a long while at the airport; in fact, I’m pretty sure people stared as the minutes-long embrace went on… and on… and on… So why was I getting cold feet about… well, about this?? Isn’t it natural for a girl like me to want to cuddle with her boyfriend? And listen to his heartbeat? Even though it’s something he doesn’t like? His heartbeat, not the cuddling. Jury’s out on the cuddling. But I know for a fact that he’s said before he doesn’t like heartbeats. Which you’d think would be a dealbreaker for someone like me, a cardiophile who’s loved hearts for as long as she can remember.
But noooo, my heart didn’t think that was a problem. So here we are, in my house, me sweating like a fountain and him stretched out on my couch… looking so nice and relaxed… and looking like he has the perfect spot next to him where I could fit in nice and neat--THERE I GO AGAIN.
Unfortunately, for me, he seems to have picked up on the anxiety. “You all right, Jenny?” Dammit. Either I was too obvious or he's just that good at reading people. Probably both; he’s always seemed like a people-person.
“I…” Right now would be the perfect time to lie about it, right? No, no good… he hates liars. I suddenly found just about every piece of advice I’d ever heard about honesty starting to flood my head. “Communication is key,” it all says. “It’s important to talk things out,” comes another voice. Sage advice to be sure, but with my heart pounding as hard as it is right now, can I even get the words out?
My lips finally part. “...Are you tired?” DAMMIT, Jenny. Just… go bury yourself in the corner, why don’t you.
He nods. “Yeah, I mean… it was a really long flight. But you look tense.” He pauses a moment, an odd look of shame crossing his face. “Oh, no, sorry; you probably wanna sit. Hold on.” In a few swift moves, he’s sitting up on the couch, cheeks a little red. Nooo, Will; that’s the LEAST of my worries. You’re not taking up space.
Well... if he’s offering me the spot, it’d be rude to not sit there, right? It’s a few moments before I find myself creaking toward the couch, like I’d just hopped off of Frankenstein’s table. Will isn’t keeping it a secret from me that he’s confused by the way I’m acting, his bushy eyebrows doing all the talking. Honestly, he has every right to be; I feel like an idiot. And all because I want to cuddle up next to him and…
He reaches over and puts a hand on my shoulder. “You’re looking really pale; you sure you’re all right?”
I try to look over, but the gaze from his slate blue eyes is a little too much. My heart punches me in the back of my ribs and I cough a little. “I’m… just kind of…”
His expression melts into one of warmth and concern. “If you’re nervous, you really don’t have to be. I mean… wait, what am I saying…?” He takes his hand off my shoulder and buries his face in his hands. “I mean… okay, I’m a little nervous myself. But… I guess a bit of nerves in the beginning is healthy. Means you’re not taking this lightly or for granted.”
That’s true; after all the time I’ve spent, thinking about me and him together, I’m not going to let any of it seem as though it’s something I’m owed. Heck, the fact that I’m together with anyone seems like a miracle in of itself after all these years (crushing on people is hard… at least for me. I feel lucky this even happened). So, with that in mind… I guess I can relax a bit. I smile, trying to look at him but still avoiding his eyes. “Y-You’re right. I guess I’m just nervous. I just… I’ve been waiting for this for so long.”
He smiles, his slightly crooked teeth glistening in the remnants of daylight streaming through the window. “Me too,” he says.
A few moments of thick silence (save for the ticking of the living room clock and the ridiculously loud pounding my heart is doing, what the heeeelllll) pass before I decide to clear my throat. “Um… I h-hope this isn’t too forward of me, but…”
What am I doing?
“...I was wondering…”
Oh no.
“...if you wouldn’t mind…”
“...could we, you know… cuddle, maybe?”
...I blew it. That was WAY too forward, wasn’t it? I mean, this is only our second time of meeting in person, the first time we’ve met as a couple. Heck, maybe he’s not even into cuddling. He’s a hugger, sure, but… but maybe… ohhhh, I blew it.
There’s no way I can accurately describe the tone of his voice. A period doesn’t do it justice, and an exclamation point makes it sound way too enthusiastic. But there’s a definite tone of… happiness to it. It’s lighthearted, gentle… maybe not super eager, but it actually sounds like he’s… into it.
I can feel a stupid grin crawling onto my lips; good luck prying that off, I tell myself as he starts stretching back out, watching me, waiting for me to… oh, he’s patting the side next to him. I look at his face.
He’s smiling. Ohhh heavens, I can’t take this. Maybe it’s quicker than I should move, but I almost slam myself down by his side trying to fill in the space.
“Whoa! That was a rush and a half…”
I breathe in sharply. “Are you okay?? I didn’t hurt you, did I??”
Thankfully, he’s shaking his head. “No, I’m fine. That was just, I dunno, REALLY sudden.”
“Ah, sorry, sorry…” I mutter, resting my head on his chest. I try to make it as casual as I can, but, truth be told, this is what I’ve been waiting for. I’m just hoping HE’S okay with it.
I can feel him gently wrap his arm around me as I settle my head down, suddenly hearing the sound I’d longed to hear ever since my feelings for him developed.
B-thump b-thump b-thump b-thump b-thump…
I am both simultaneously mesmerized and flustered. On the one hand, I’m finally getting to hear his heartbeat. On the other hand… so much faster than I was expecting!
...And I suddenly realize that it’s probably beating that way because of me. My own heart skips a few beats, something I don’t realize he can feel.
“I think something happened…” he says. I look up into his face; his eyebrows are still reaching for his hairline.
“A-Ah, yeah…”
“It felt like your heart just kinda had a freakout.”
A wave of warmth rushes through me as he says that word, “heart.” Ordinarily, anyone saying that word would make me smile, but him? The way he curls the vowels and the “r” sound just… it’s too much. My face goes a little redder.
“I’m just… I’m sorry.”
His eyebrows crease even further. “Sorry? Sorry why? You literally haven’t done anything you need to apologise for.”
I sigh, more blush creeping up my neck. Might as well remind him, shall I? “Okay, I… you’re right,” I start. “I just… d-do you remember that first letter I gave you? Way back when we first met?”
He closes his eyes as he thinks back. “Man, that was so long ago. So much happened too; what was in it?”
No use turning back. “Well, I… I told you in it about my being a… a cardiophile.”
Yep, there’s a definite silence here. “A what?”
“I like hearts. A lot. It’s like…” The words just started pouring out. “It’s like a lifelong obsession for me. I’ve liked them ever since I was little.”
“Ohhhh…” he says, looking up as though he’s searching his brain for memory banks. “So that’s why you’ve got all that heart stuff on your blog.”
I nod slowly. “Y-Yeah…”
“So…” He looks down at me. Not two seconds go by before someone turns on the light behind his eyes (I could almost swear I can see it). “Ohhhh. You can hear my heartbeat right now, can’t you?”
All I can do is nod. “I just… I just remembered something, though.”
“What’s that?”
“You said on your blog, a while back, that you don’t like heartbeats.”
He thinks for a moment. “Yeah, I just, couldn’t really stand hearing my own so often. Like, lying in bed at night when I’m trying to sleep… Also kind of reminds me of all the horror games I’ve played. And that’s not something I want to have when I’m trying to sleep.”
He stops a moment, looking a little embarrassed. “Buuuuut I mean, if you like hearts, hey, who am I to judge?”
...Did he just say that? Really?
I can hardly believe it; it feels as though a weight has been lifted. “You’re… okay with that?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? If it makes you happy, then like away. Just because I don’t like my own heartbeat doesn’t mean you can’t. I mean... it’s not hurting me or anyone else if you do. At least, I’m assuming you’re not gonna plunge a dagger in and scream ‘Kali-ma!!’ or anything like that. If you do, I’m afraid we’re gonna have to rethink this relationship thing.”
I giggle. I have never felt so good or validated in my entire life. Smiling intensely, I let my head nestle into the gentle curvature of his chest, taking in every enthusiastic beat. A few seconds slip by before I say “In that case, let me love the parts of you that you don’t like. That way, all of you can be loved and appreciated.”
“Awww…” His expression lightly rumbles through his chest and his heartbeat picks up slightly. I catch a bit of blush on his cheeks before he closes his eyes, sighing deeply. It’s a few moments before I realize that he’s drifted off, finally robbed of consciousness at last by all the travel.
Welp. Looks like I’m stuck here beneath his arm, nestled between him and the back cushions of the couch. But with his stamp of approval and my new location next to his heart, you won’t hear me complaining. In fact, you won’t hear me at all. I can’t hear his heartbeat if I’m making any sounds of my own, after all.
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notimundo · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/guerrero/aide-ibarez-se-reunio-con-el-presidente-de-smme/
Aidé Ibarez se reunió con el presidente de SMME
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Se reúne Aidé Ibarez con el presidente de la Sociedad Mexicana de la Medicina de Emergencia. Acuerdan bases para un convenio de colaboración en Guerrero.
Guadalajara, Jalisco., 21 de marzo de 2022.- La secretaria de Salud, Aidé Ibarez Castro, se reunió con el presidente de la Sociedad Mexicana de la Medicina de Emergencia (SMME), Luis Daniel Sánchez Arreola, y el director general de Epidemiología de la Secretaría de Salud federal, Gabriel García Rodríguez, para compartir experiencias sobre la importancia de los especialistas y coordinar esfuerzos en beneficio de la población.
En el encuentro también estuvieron por parte del Centro Regulador de Urgencias Médicas (CRUM) de la Secretaría de Salud en Guerrero, Iván Santana, y el presidente entrante de la Sociedad Mexicana de la Medicina de Emergencia, capítulo Guerrero, Ricardo Hipólito.
Las dependencias y asociaciones establecieron en la reunión las bases para un convenio de colaboración en Guerrero, un programa de Espacios Cardioprotegidos, en las zonas turísticas para generar una mayor confianza, y que también se llevará a los guerrerenses más vulnerables en las zonas apartadas del estado, en colaboración con universidades interculturales para la traducción a lenguas maternas.
A este esfuerzo se sumó el apoyo de la asociación CARDIOFES, para la donación de equipos de desfibrilación automática externa que se ubiquen en sitios estratégicos y atender eficazmente a quien sufra una parada cardiaca súbita.
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sconticodiciofferte · 4 years
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